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高考英语读后续写金句一、情绪描写1.So embarrassed was I that I wanted the floor to open up and consume me.我尴尬万分,真想找个地缝钻进去。
2.I struggled to fight back tears, which, however, turned out to be in vain. 我试图强忍住泪水,然而并没什么用。
3.She sobbed , hiding her face in her hands 她啜泣着,双手捂着脸4.He returned to his room , tears rolling down beyond control .他回到房间,眼泪不由自主地流了下来。
5.On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he froze with his mouth wide open.当他听到这个意外的消息,他张大了嘴巴,惊呆了。
6.Seeing the ending of the letter, she could no longer contain her sorrow, and tears streamed down her cheeks. 看到信的结尾,她再也忍不住心中的悲伤,泪如泉涌。
7.Her previous calm gave way to/was swept away by terror.她先前的泰然自若已变为惊恐。
8.A wave of warmth rushed over him as he realized how much love his father had given him. 当他意识到父亲给予了他多少爱时,一股温暖涌上了心头。
9.Having paced up and down restlessly in front of the teacher's office, I finally gathered courage and plodded in. 我在老师办公室前不安地踱来踱去,终于鼓起勇气,迈着沉重的脚步走了进去。
高中^语读后续写89条好句积累1.Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.露丝犹豫了,她不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。
(be uncertain of ...不确定;不知道;combine…and/with… 把…与…结合起来;既…又…;diplomacy外交手腕di' plo m si)2.a dazzling array of flowers一大片绚丽多彩的鲜花(dazzling光彩夺目的;灿烂的‘d田zliQ He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.他冲着阿尔伯格粲然一笑)3.There was a vast array of colours to choose from.有各种各样的颜色可供选择。
(a vast array of...大量的‘re i)4.Susan flushed deeply and looked away.苏珊脸涨得通红,目光转向别处。
(sb flush deeply脸涨得通红fl4r; look away 看别处)5.He flushed angrily.他气得满脸通红(flush angrily气得满脸通红)6.She felt a sudden flush of anger.她突然感到一阵愤怒。
(a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement 相当于a sudden feeling of ... 一阵愤怒、尴尬、兴奋等)7.I was overcome by an urge to cry.我控制不住想大哭一场。
(if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 感情上使人感到不能自持,使不知所措)8.Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness.哈丽雅特心中充满思乡之情,不能自已。
高考英语读后续写素材一、场景描写(一)自然场景A1.夜幕降临darkness fell2.天气寒冷The day was bitterly cold3.天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚The sky was blue and the sun was shining4.大雨倾盆而下It was pouring really hard5.皓月当空The moon was shining brightly in the sky6.天空繁星密布The sky was dotted with stars7.云散开了,太阳出来了The clouds parted and the sun shone山丘沐浴在阳光下The hills were bathed in the sunshine风越来越大,天空开始乌云密布The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地The thick fog blanketed the field12.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一幅画.There's not a single sound at night.Only the glowworms were still awake,carefully weaving a picture in the night sky.13.不远处有一条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。
14.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫Blue sky stood tall and far,and the sun was searing my back.15.阳光下河面波光粼粼.The river glitters in the sunshine.16.月亮在天空中好像一盏夜灯,闪烁的星好奇地眨着眼睛Like a lamp,the moon shone from above.The stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity.Bthe blue sky 蓝天the songs of birds 鸟鸣the thundering clouds 雷霆万钧的云the fragile flowers 娇嫩的花the green grass 青草the fragrant roses 芬芳的玫瑰the setting / rising sun 落日 / 冉冉升起的太阳Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.乌云密布。
01情绪描写1)描写“无聊”的情绪• I wandered aimlessly, feeling as if time was dragging on forever. 我漫无目的地徘徊,仿佛时间在无尽地拖延。
• He sat there, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the table, lost in boredom.他坐在那里,心不在焉地用手指敲着桌子,陷入无聊中。
2)描写“震惊”的情绪• She stood frozen, her jaw dropping as she struggled to comprehend what she had just heard.她呆站在原地,下巴掉了下来,难以理解刚刚听到的话。
• A look of disbelief spread across his face, his mouth slightly agape. 一脸难以置信的表情蔓延在他的脸上,嘴微微张开。
3)描写“疑惑、迷茫”的情绪• He scratched his head, staring blankly at the puzzle in front of him. 他挠了挠头,茫然地盯着眼前的难题。
• She glanced around, her eyes filled with confusion and uncertainty. 她环顾四周,眼中充满了困惑和不确定。
4)描写“感谢”的情绪• Tears of gratitude filled her eyes as she tightly grasped his hand, saying, “I don’t know how to thank you enough.”感激的泪水盈满了她的眼眶,她紧紧握住他的手,说:“我真的不知道该如何感谢你。
”• Overwhelmed with thankfulness, he could hardly speak, his voice choked with emotion.被感激之情淹没,他几乎说不出话来,声音哽咽。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版高考英语读后续写升华类素材一、主题升华(一)助人为乐1.Roses given, fragrance in hand.(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。
)2.You reap what you sow.(种瓜得瓜;善有善报。
)3.Small kindness can bring/contribute to/give rise to a big difference.(小小的善意可以产生大的影响。
)(二)积极向上,坚持不懈1.Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成。
)2.Actually, each individual possesses talent.Be brave, rise to setbacks/obstacles, and make efforts.You will end up creating miracles.(实际上,个人都有天赋。
)3.Life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing.(没有梦想的人生就像折翼的小鸟。
)4.Even you are suffering from the darkest moment, you should focus to seek the light.(当你遭遇最艰难的时刻也应该去寻找光明。
)(三)亲情主题1.Family and friends are hidden treasures.(家庭和朋友是隐藏的财富。
)2.Family love is the greatest gift in life.(家人的爱是生命中最大的礼物。
)3.Family is to us what harbor is to ships.(家庭之于我们就像港口之于船只。
)二、句式升华(一)非谓语(ing\ed作状语)1.Breathing fire and fury, he gave me a look of burning anger.他充满着怒火,用灼热的目光怒视着我。
在续写过程中常见的情绪有:生气,害怕,悲伤、羞愧,后悔,开心,感动,好奇,希望等(一)感到悲伤【好词好句积累】[好词]a strong sense of loss 强烈的失落感fall into despair 陷入绝望be down in spirits 情绪低落[好句]1.Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣)2.A ripple of sadness welled up inside him 涌起阵阵悲伤3.I sobbed bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.我痛苦地抽泣着,品尝着从我脸上流下的咸咸的泪水。
4.I felt so sad that I found myself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back my tears.我感到很伤心,我发现自己不知不觉地哭了,无法抑制我的眼泪。
(二)感到害怕【好词好句积累】[好词]with a pounding heart and cold 心砰砰直跳,浑身冰凉chew one’s lip 咬嘴唇toss and turn all night. 彻夜难眠[好句]1.At the sight of …, I was sei zed by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.(被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)2.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)(三)感到生气【好词好句积累】[好词]stamp one’s foot in anger 气得直跺脚run out of the room in a burst of anger怒气冲冲be red with rage 面红耳赤boil with rage 怒火中烧be filled with fury(愤怒)怒气冲冲[好句]The reply of the man again fueled the foolish officer’s anger(火上浇油、更加愤怒).She threw the invitation on the table with annoyance, murmuring...My teacher’s eyes were shining with anger.His friend, whose patience had worn thin(耐心被消磨光了), phoned to complain.(四)感到羞愧【好词好句积累】[好词]feel the blood rush to her face 满脸涨红drop one’s eyes 垂下眼[好句]My throat was dry and my face was burning up.My face flushed radish red and I stared at my feet, hoping no one would notice how embarrassed I was.我的脸涨得像萝卜一样红,盯着脚,希望没有人会注意到我有多尴尬。
五份高考英语读后续写满分素材满分素材积累1--情绪篇--喜悦快乐兴奋激动必背好词:joy,delight,pleasure,amusement,happiness,overjoyed(狂喜),joyfully , merry兴奋:excitement满分短语:dance/jump with joy高兴地跳起来,in high/cheerful spirits 兴高采烈,a mixture of excitement and happiness既兴奋又开心1.Delighted and thrilled,I gave a jump in the air and then skipped into the supermarket.我高兴而兴奋地蹦跶了一下,然后蹦蹦跳跳地进了超市。
2.Her hands were trembling with excitement as she opened the box.当她打开盒子时,她的手激动得发抖。
3.A smile lit up his face and his eyes were shining/twinkling/sparkling with great/excitement.他脸上露出笑容,双眸闪烁着喜悦/激动的光芒。
4.Tears of joy/happiness welled up in their eyes as they hugged tightly together.他们喜极而泣,紧紧相拥在一起。
5.She came up to him, with a smile shining like a diamond. In no time his eyes were filled with warm and excited tears.她挂着灿烂的笑容走到他面前。
6.A sense of joy and happiness swept over/flooded him.一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上他心头。
高考英语读后续写素材一、手上动作1、The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second began walking towards him trembling with cold.第一位演员在雪地里拖着脚步艰难移动,这时候第二位演员朝他走去,身子在寒气中不仅颤抖。
2、I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall.我仍然记得当时惊呆了,靠在墙上,一动不动。
3、The pounding in my ears drowned out the rest of the words, only a word here and there filtered through.我的耳朵里嗡嗡作响,听不见他们后来讲的话,只是东一点西一点渗入的只言片语。
4、I stared at him in shock and a small sound of dismay escaped my throat.我惊愕地盯着他,不禁发出轻轻的沮丧声。
5.Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.6.He parked down the street from Bobby's house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement.7.The man gently wrapped the gift in brown paperand placed the parcel in Reuben's hands.8.Dora lifted the lid, tears beginning to blur her vision.9.Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded his doorbell.10.She didn't say a word, but smiled a watery smile and held my hand tightly.11.As we shook hands with the new owners, I told them how fortunate they were.12.He patted my head, and inquired:“Is there anything particular you want?”13.He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached.14.She stroked her fingers through my hair, and said:“Of course there is a Santa Clause.”15.She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it.16.Stevie looked at me, and then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins.17.The class clapped warmly as Mr.Lee presented me with the reward.18.He reached into his pocket and withdrew a note.19.Mrs.Damon pointed to the quotation from Albert Einstein hanging on the wall.二、脚上动作1.Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd toward me.2.Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.3.She managed to climb onto it and waited patiently.4.Reuben ran/rushed down Water Street, trembling with great panic.5.The shadows were lengthening when Reuben arrived at(动作)the factory.6.Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.7.Racing home, Reuben burst through the front door.8.Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family.9.Suddenly, the woman stood up and entered the house in tears.10.And yet, they all just stood there staring at me, motionless.11.Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully, and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables.12.I led them toward a large corner booth.I could feel the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room.13.I dragged myself through daily chores, feeling exhausted.14.The elderly man fled away with great panic.15.The man stepped back/stepped onto the platform to take a good look at the paintings.16.He leapt to his feet and rushed out of the living room.17.He sprung from his chair and rushed to pick up the telephone.18.He jumped up and rushed out of the living room.19.She just sat there staring into space20.The kids sat around a campfire21.Please remain seated until your name is called.22.He seated himself comfortably at the foot of the bed.23.He took his usual seat at the front of the classroom.24.That man is hurt, he's limping.25.He was so drunk that he staggered all the way home.26.She stumbled upstairs and into bed.27.She tiptoed to the bed so as not to wake the baby.28.They strolled around the park.29.They enjoy wandering through the countryside.30.He paced up and down the platform, waiting for the train.31.Demonstrators marched through the streets of the city.32.A baby crawls before he can walk.33.Paul decided to edge away from the crowd.34.The cat crept silently towards the bird.35.The boy sneaked in without paying.36.I must dash or I'll miss the train.37.She goes jogging every day.38.He tripped over the step and fell.39.The group hiked up to the top of the hill.40.As I was sitting in the park, I watched as couples seemed to meander around happily.三、看的动作(一)1.We all gather in front of the television, praying to catch a glance/glimpse of his face.2.Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded his doorbell.3.Her eyes fell on the photos of her and me at my fourth birthday party.4.Singing happily, she gazed at her surroundings with large, innocent eyes.5.The woman was staring eagerly at the girl, trying to make a conversation.6.I watched helplessly, as the woman felt more and more frustrated and hopeless.7.Then I crept downstairs and examined the tags attached to each of the packages.8.When he finished he raised/lifted his eyes and looked out the window.9.She had spotted a man pacing down the hall.10.When the students stepped off the bus, James’s eyes widened in surprise.11.We recognized the famous comedian on his arrival.12.Meghan nodded seriously, eyes glistening with held-back tears.13.Swallowing hard, I stared into Meghan’s eyes for a long moment, wondering howI could cope with it.(二)1.lookLook是一个基础的常用词,可以表示专注地看,强调动作,常与介词at搭配,表示“看(加宾语)”。
高考英语读后续写经典素材01.As I waited, my heart pounded.当我等待的时候,我的心怦怦直跳。
02.We don't know what life holds in store for us.我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。
in store (for sb),即将发生(在某人身上); 等待着(某人)03.It wasn't at all what I was expecting.My heart plunged[plʌndʒ] down to my boots.这完全不是我所期待的。
04.I perked[pɜːk] up again immediately.He soon perked up when his friends arrived.朋友一来他就精神起来了。
perk up振奋,活跃05.His eyes blazed into the crowd."Who said that?" he roared, clenching his fists as if ready to fight all the students at once.他的眼睛直视着人群。
"谁说的?" 他吼了一声,握紧拳头,好像准备马上和所有的学生搏斗似的。
06.His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.他热情四射,眼里闪烁着光芒。
07.The weeks of getting ready of our adventure made me mad with impatience.为我们的冒险作准备的几个星期使我急不可耐。
08.The audience fell silent again, waiting to hear his answer.听众又沉默了下来,等着听他回答。
09.He looked ready to explore with rage.他看上去怒不可遏。
高考英语!读后续写素材整理!共22类一、技术和科学1. 人工智能对人类社会的影响2. 环境保护和可持续发展3. 医学科研与健康生活方式4. 太空探索和未来的科技发展二、社会现象和问题5. 青少年沉迷网络的原因及解决方法6. 教育公平和教育改革7. 人口老龄化对社会的影响8. 社会公平和贫富差距三、文化和传统9. 传统文化的传承和保护10. 文化交流和多元文化共存11. 青年人对传统文化的认知和态度12. 全球化对文化传统的影响四、历史和传记13. 历史事件的启示与反思14. 著名人物的传记与故事15. 历史文化遗产的保护与利用16. 小人物的感人故事与励志传奇五、自然与生活17. 生活方式与健康习惯18. 美食与饮食文化19. 旅游与自然风光20. 动植物保护与自然生态六、文学与艺术21.文学作品的赏析与创作22. 艺术作品的解读与审美教育以上是我对高考英语读后续写素材的整理,希望对备战高考的同学有所帮助。
高考英语读后续写素材一、羞愧(一)好句子1.He lowered his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头2.His face was flushed with shame.他的脸羞得通红。
3.She was flooded with unspeakable shame.她心中充满了难以形容的羞愧。
4.A sense of shame ran through me.我感到羞愧。
5.He was suddenly thrown into a world of shame.他感到极度羞愧6.We were overwhelmed with shame.我们感到非常羞愧7.A deep sense of shame came to me.我感到深深的羞愧。
8.We are filled with shame for what we had done.我们为所作所为感到羞愧9.So ashamed was I that I felt my face burning.我非常羞愧以至于感到我的脸很烫。
10.They could not live with the shame of knowing the truth.知道了事情的真相,他们羞得无地自容。
their heads .After a dead silence, tears of guilt welled up in their eyes.Tom murmured that he would never make fun of Mr Hope .在知道了Hope先生的故事之后,这两个男孩子感到十分羞愧。
The joy of their reunion made tears well up in their eyes.Day2.他们留下了喜悦的泪水。
高考英语读后续写素材一、情感描写1.喜悦1).He is very happy and sweet.他又高兴又甜蜜。
2).They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy.他们高兴得不知道怎么办好。
3).He jumped for fun.他高兴得跳了起来。
4).Her face brightened up.她喜形于色。
More examples:1.The smile on her face shone like a diamond.2.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.3.I was wild with joy.4.I was pleased beyond description.5.She wore a shining smile on her face.6.Her smile lit up the whole room.7.She shed tears of joy.8.She was overflowing with happiness.9.Her flushed face was shining with excitement.10.I was floating on air.2.满意1).The result is satisfactory.结果令人满意。
2).It is difficult to please everybody.众口难调。
3).There is always a smile of contentment on her face.她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。
4).She belongs to those who are very difficult to satisfy.她属于那种极难讨好的人。
5).Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction.看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。
高考英语读后续写素材一、升华句式(一)助人救人类01 From then on, I would make every effort to help people in need.Only in this way could more and more people help each other in the future.自那时起,我会尽我最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人,只有这样,将来才有越来越多的人互相帮助。
02 From that day on, whenever I meet someone needing help, I always reach out to them, hoping to pass on the kindness the stranger offered me.从那天起,每每遇见需要帮助的人,我总会伸出援手,希望将这份陌生人提供我的善意传递下去。
03 A minor act of kindness is powerful enough to make a world of difference.小小的善行会让世界变得不一样。
04 Never underestimate the power of your action.With one small act, you can not only extend love, but also positively influenced others' lives.决不要低估行动的力量。
(二)亲情类01 It was at that moment that I had a thorough understanding of the significance of family.直到那时,我在彻底明白家的意义。
02 Family is a warm life jacket in the stormy sea of life.在充满暴风雨的人生海洋中,家是温暖的救生衣。
高中英语作文积累-读后续写好词好句读后续写好句积累(1)1. She tried to hide her anger.她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。
(hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...)2. She laughed to hide her nervousness.她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。
3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。
(a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明)4. Rays of light filtered through the trees.一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。
(透过?f?lt?)5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger.他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。
(be greeted with /by sth被报以...)6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room.走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。
7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived.她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。
(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...)8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her.她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。
(妒忌?d?el?si)9. The smoke hung in the air.烟在空中缭绕。
(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town.小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。
新高考英语读后续写高分素材(一)1.Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.(稳稳地站着)2.Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.(拥抱)3.He parked down the street from Bobby's house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement.4.A wild gaiety took hold of her.5.I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.6.They sat there with glum looks on their faces.他们坐在那里,带着一脸忧郁。
7.The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。
8.A flood of fear welled up in him. / Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。
/ 恐惧淹没了他。
9.Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated(窒息).她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。
10.She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。
11.As I was sitting in the park, I watched as couples seemed to meander around happily.12.The captain spun around and all the color drained from his face. He looked as if he was staring at a ghost.13.He suddenly let go of me and darted out of the door with surprising speed.14.He clutched at his throat and stood swaying for a moment. Then with a peculiar sound he fell face down on the floor.他抓着他的咽喉,摇摇晃晃地站了一会儿。
高考英语读后续写素材和练习(成长篇)(一)【精彩句子】1.As years went by, I became stronger and stronger.随着岁月的流逝,我变得越来越强大。
2.She couldn’t help sobbing, tears rolling down like a broken string of beads.她情不自禁地抽泣起来,眼泪像断了的珠子一样滚落下来。
3.After saying that her face flushed, she handed the paper and the prize to the teacher.说完她的脸涨得通红,她把试卷和奖品递给了老师。
4.Swaying between honor and conscience, she had a restless night, tossing and turning on bed.在荣誉和良心之间摇摆不定,她一夜未眠,在床上辗转反侧。
5.The missing arm is like a wing folded by an angel.You can see the wings only if you are strong enough.失去的手臂就像天使收起的翅膀。
【精美语段】("勇敢地承认错误"续写首段范文)Later Dad came in with excitement." Where's your spelling test, Karie? " Dad asked eagerly.Karie looked away from her father.Anyhow, she reluctantly went to her room and pulled out the test paper.Dad fixed his eyes on the paper, a pleasant smile lifting the corner of his mouth.“I'm proud of you, sweetie.We need to celebrate it tonight.” Karie pretended to be smiling all the time.Meanwhile a sense of guilt rose inside her.Feeling she didn't deserve the prize, she had a sleepless night for the first time in her life.后来,爸爸兴奋地走了进来。
高考英语读后续写素材第一部分人物描写一、外貌1.His friend Johnson soon drew the attention of the room by his fine tall person, handsome features and noble manner.2.He was a youth 18 or 19 years of age, small in stature with irregular but delicate features.3.He had a dark face with serious features and narrow eyes.His youth was passed but didn't reach middle age.4.Don't judge a person by his appearance.5.He wears small, round glasses with his short hair, which makes him look smart.二、笑1.All at once, Mike's serious expression softened into a grin (咧嘴笑).2.He was grinning from ear to ear.(他笑得合不拢嘴)3.The boy grinned, and a little flush of pleasure deepened the red of his cheeks.4.A dozen of classmates were watching her, smirking(幸灾乐祸地笑)at her discomfort.5.He had a big smirk(得意洋洋的笑容)on his face when he told me the news.6.The children smirked when the teacher dropped over the books on the floor.7.Her laughter lingered around the room.8.There was a burst of laughter when he appeared.9.She wore a shining smile on her face.10.Her face brightened up at the thought that she was going to visit her grandparents.三、说1.They swapped stories and jokes, and the time passed quickly.2."Quick," he shouted, "he's over there by the river."3."It's probably for the best," he sighed.4."Close the door on your way out," she said, feeling bossy(专横的).四、眼睛1.His eyes sparkled with excitement.2.He glared at me with burning eyes.3.His eyes were wide with astonishment.4.His eyes popped out at the sight of ...5.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.6.She laughed, her eyes shining with excitement.7.She raised her eyebrows in surprise.8.She said with watery eyes, ""you are an angel!"9.Linda didn't even blink when I told her that the car was gone.10.Fed up with waiting a second longer, Jack glared angrily at his sister through the window of the Ford.11.And yet, they all just stood there staring at me, motionless.第二部分动作描写一、头部动作1.She declined with a shake of the head.2.He raised his head and stared at the ceiling.3.He buried his head in his hands.4.He dropped his head in shame.5.He shook his head in disbelief.6.I laughed my head off when I heard...7.They nodded their head in agreement.8.He scratched his head, not understanding a word.二、手部动作1.His hands were shaking / trembling and he was on the verge of tears.2.He sat with his arms folded and lost in thought.3.He snapped his fingers and said, "I've got a good idea."4.After their quarrel, they shook hands and made it up.5.A strong hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.三、腿脚动作1.He stamped his foot in anger.2.She jumped to her feet when she heard the news.3.She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.4.Tom rushed down the street, trembling with great panic.5.Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.四、脸部动作1.Jane flushed nervously when her name was announced over the loudspeaker.2.Hearing these words, he frowned with sudden concern.3.He yawned in a bored sort of way, then took his leave.4.A bright smile crossed his face.5.A smile brightened his face.6.His face clouded with anger.7.She had a determined look on her face.8.A ripple of excitement flashed through his face.9.Her frowning face slowly broke into a smile.10.He was unhappy, wearing a long face.11.When she heard the news, tears of excitement rolled down her cheeks.五、其他动作1.Hardly had Mac stood up when the wolf arrived and was about to launch another attack.2.He held up his bicycle and threw it at the wolf in the hope that the wolf would be frightened away.3.Before it could realize what had happened, Paul had already opened the front door and instantly pulled Mac into the car.4.She fought him desperately, kicking and biting.5.He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.6.He stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind him.7.Standing there, his lips moved and his eyes were filled with tears with his hands trembling.8.We fell hard to the ground and next my gift box flew from my hands and landed on the street with a crash.9.Henry walked along the street aimlessly, hungry and tired.10.Michael could do nothing but closed his eyes, panic-stricken.11.I rushed to the railway station only to be told that they had already left.12.He was just about to open the door when suddenly someone patted his shoulder from behind.。
高考英语读后续写素材一、词汇1.情绪描写哭:howling(嚎哭), sob, weep, burst into tears, burst out crying.(one's eyes) brim with/be filled with tears怕:horror, frightened, scared, speechless, in(a)panic, in a cold sweat, be filled with terror, rooted to the spot, freeze, one's knees feel weak, (hands)sweat 高兴、激动:(动词)dance, jump/leap with joy, feel a surge of joy/ excitement, whistle, overcome with happiness/ delight /joy / excitement, (one's eyes) twinkle,(one's heart) beat/ pound wildly;(形容词)delighted, overjoyed, excited, thrilled, wild with joy伤心、痛苦:feel a surge of sadness, (sadness) surge within sb., one's heart ache, overcome with sadness生气、愤怒:felt/ get angry/furious, feel a surge of anger/rage/fury, eyes blaze, storm out of/into/off, storm/say angrily, sth.makes sb.'s blood boil, sth.makessb.extremely angry, clasp one's fists/teeth, sb.'s blood is up2.转折:个人努力或借助外界鼓起勇气:pluck up/take/gather/summon up one's courage毫不犹豫:without even thinking, without delay, without hesitation, without a second thought3.转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰似乎:as if, seemingly, appear, seem欣慰:breath a sigh of relief, sigh with relief, to one's relief4.失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题:徒劳: in vain, no use, without success茫然: at a loss, at sea, blankly, be lost in a fog5.想法:突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法)occur to, hit, strike, flash into one's mind, crowd in one's mind, dawn on6.结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折:过了一段时间not long, shortly afterwards, before long, for an instant/moment令人惊讶的是to one's surprise, strangely enough7.总结:点题,呼应前文realize, echo, linger, whisper in one's mind, down deep in one's heart二、句子哭:1.A lump came to his throat.2.Her eyes were red from crying.3.Her eyes brimmed with tears.4.Tears coursed/trickled/streamed/ran down her cheeks.害怕:1.She was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.2.His heart was pounding, as if he were frightened.3.Liza was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound.4.I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my father's cloudy face.5.My brain is blank.I just want to leave this horrible place.高兴、激动:1.When she knew...she felt excited/thrilled.2.When she knew...her eyes twinkled with excitement.3.When she knew...her heart was pounding with wild joy.4.When she knew...a wild excitement took hold of her.5.Knowing...she felt a surge of excitement.伤心、痛苦:1.A sadness came over her.2.Her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.3.Numb with grief, she became speechless.4.Feeling a surge of sadness, she couldn't help crying bitterly.5.Sadness surging within her, she burst into tears.生气、愤怒:1.Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger.2.He felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.3.Boiling with rage, he shook his fist at me.4.Filled with fury, she was unable to utter a single word.鼓起勇气:1.He summoned up his courage and lodged a protest with his father.2.I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for..毫不犹豫:1.She could hardly wait to...2.Hardly thinking/Without even thinking, he ran to...转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰1.It seemed as if/that someone was coming to save us.2.Oftentimes our tears of remorse reveal a glimmer of hope.3.A wave of relief flooded through me...4.A wave of relief washed over him...1.ltsuddlyoccur1失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题1.But bad luck for me, I failed in my attempt to persuade her.2.She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.3.All our efforts were in vain.4.She kept pacing, wondering what to do next.5.With tears streaming down her face, she didn't know what to do next.6.With tears streaming down her face, she was unsure of what to do next.7.She was at a loss what to do.8.He was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.想法:突然有了一个想法1.It suddenly occurred to him that...2.It hit me that I had a choice.3.A thought struck her that...4.It dawned that...5.An idea occurred/came to me that6.A ludicrous thought/idea flashed/came through Harry's mind.结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折1.It didn't take long before...2.It took some time before...3.To my surprise enough, it turned out that...总结:点题,呼应前文直到·······意识到倒装句:Not until+时间状语+did sb.realize/notice that+从句强调句:It was only+时间状语+that sb.realized that+从句还记得某人的话:1.One's words echoed/rang out in one's ears.2.One's words/voice/lingered/whispered in one's mind/head3.One's head was still full of...经历与教训1.What a/an valuable/useful/great/painful lesson she taught me/I learned from her!2.What a/an enjoyable/pleasant/wonderful/unforgettable/memorable/valuable experience I had!3.Down deep in my heart, it was an interesting experience I had ever had.。
读后续写精彩描写句子积累1. 他觉得他的心像是被一把钝了的锉刀残忍地割开,悲痛从伤口流出,撒落一地忧伤。
He felt his heart file like a blunt the cruel cut, grief from a wound, a Sala sad.2、平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。
The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.3、英语测验得了100分,小明抑制不住内心的喜悦,像小鸟一样飞进了家门。
The English test got 100 points, Xiao Ming can not restrain the joy of heart, like a bird flying into the family.4、大家心说不出有多高兴,脚下好像生了风,走得又快又有劲。
We can not say how happy feet like the wind, walk faster and stronger.5、晶莹的泪珠,像断了线的珍珠,滚下面颊。
Crystal tears, like broken pearls, roll down your cheeks.6、我的心绷得紧紧的。
My heart is tight.7、我真是抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。
I could’t restrain my joy and jumped into the house.8、嫉妒的产生,是由于把自己的所得与他人所得进行不合理的比较。
Jealousy arises from unreasonable comparisons between one's own gains and those of others.8、我觉得脸上热辣辣的,手心里透出一片冷汗,心头像有千百个蚂蚁爬过。
续写积累姓名:______________ 班级:_______________一、环境描写得素材环境描写分为客观与主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。
客观环境描写:Part 1 环境描写得adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道the blue sky(蓝天) the songs of birds(鸟鸣) the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣)the fragile flowers (娇嫩得花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加得夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽得玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起得太阳)…Part 2 环境描写得verb (vi&vt)要求一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar)1、A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳得低垂枝条,就像卷起得窗帘。
2、The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope、风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下得灌木丛。
3、A cool breeze blew through the quiet park、凉爽得微风吹拂着寂静得公园。
4、A cold breeze wafted through my hair、(冷风吹拂过我得头发)The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift、(今日正就是放风筝得好天气,强劲得风力带动了风筝得上升。
)二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter)声音:1、At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley、在某处,潺潺得得水声在山谷中奏响。
颜色2、The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface、水就是深蓝色得,阳光在透明得玻璃表面闪闪发光。
3、A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank、离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色得河岸间奔腾闪耀。
4、It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother、似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱得母亲细细私语。
(action, sound, colour)三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn)1、The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds、天空就是浓浓得灰色,伴着拥挤得朵朵云2、Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝得天空高高耸立主观环境描写:1、Sb found sth adj/doing/done某人发现某物(状态/动作/被)、、、2、Sb saw/heard/felt/smelt sth doing/done 某人瞧到/听到/感到/闻到某物(状态/动作/被)3、It was so adj that we find/feel 它就是如此、、、、以至于4、Sth kept sb spellbound/amazed/景物使我如此陶醉/惊讶/sth held sb entirely in their power景物让我完全惊呆了5、It looked/seemed/appeared/felt like …景物瞧起来像…二、场景描写得素材(来自原著:追风筝得人)spun in the sky、A cold breeze wafted through my hair、The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift, make the sweeps easier、(放风筝得场景描写,从各个角度,立体描述)空中已经挂着至少二十来只风筝,如同纸制得鲨鱼,巡游搜猎食物。
2、The water was a deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface、湖水澄蓝,波平如镜,阳光照在湖上熠熠生辉。
3、Then I glanced up and saw a pair of kites, red with long blue tails, soaring in the sky、They danced high above the trees on the west end of the park, over the windmills, floating side by side like a pair of eyes looking down on San Francisco, the city I now call home、(场景、比喻)我抬起头,望见两只红色得风筝,带着长长得蓝色尾巴,在天空中冉冉升起。
neck、Creeks where Hassan and I skipped stones all spring turned dry, and rickshaws stirred dust when they sputtered by、(场景、比喻)天空一碧如洗,阳光像烙铁般灼痛后颈。
5、Somewhere, a branch snapped, an owl hooted、The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope、And from below, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley、在某个地方传来树枝劈啪作响得声音,还有猫头鹰得叫声。
6、By three o'clock, the rain had stopped and the sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds、A cool breeze blew through the park、(天气)到三点时,雨停了,铅灰色得天空阴云密布,一阵寒风吹过公园。
7、The sun was beginning to set, glittering red through the cracks between the ramshackle buildings、(景象)太阳开始下山,那些摇摇欲坠得房子得裂缝中,渗出闪闪得红色斜晖。
三、描写时间,动作,心理与情感一)、情感好词:1、喜乐① The smile on her face shone like a diamond、她脸上得笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。
② A smile of understanding flashed across his face、她脸上露出了一种理解得微笑。
③ A ripple of excitement ran through them、一阵激动声穿过她们。
④ Laughter lingered around the room、笑声在房间里萦绕。
⑤ His eyes twinkled with pleasure、她得眼睛闪烁着快乐。
⑥ A wild gaiety(快乐) took hold of her、一种疯狂得快乐控制了她。
⑦ Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steadysmile、令人难忘得就是她得眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光,嘴角保持着稳定得微笑。
⑧ I was wild with joy、我欣喜若狂。
⑨ I was pleased beyond description、我高兴得难以形容。
⑩ She wore a shining smile on her face、她脸上带着灿烂得笑容。
⑪ Her smile lit up the whole room、她得笑容照亮了整个房间。
⑫ She shed tears of joy、她高兴得流下了眼泪。
⑬ Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds、她得眼睛闪着钻石般得光芒。
⑭ She was overflowing with happiness、她洋溢着幸福。
⑮ Her flushed face was shining with excitement、她激动得满脸通红。
⑯ Joy welled up inside her、她心中涌起喜悦。
⑰ I was floating on air、我漂浮在空中。
⑱ Amusement gleamed in his eyes、她眼睛流露出愉快得神情。
2、愤怒:① I was seized by anger、我充满了愤怒。
② He was fuming with rage、她气得大发雷霆。
③ His anger boiled over、她得愤怒爆发了。