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US clears China of currency manipulation Veronica Smith


The US Treasury cleared China of official accusations of currency manipulation on Friday, but said progress toward allowing the yuan to appreciate was "insufficient".

In a report to Congress, the Treasury said that China, eight other countries and the eurozone were all innocent of charges that they manipulated exchange rates "for purposes of ... gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade".

"Based on the resumption of exchange rate flexibility last June and the acceleration of the pace of real bilateral appreciation over the past few months," China's behaviour did not qualify under the official definition of manipulation, it said in the long-delayed report.

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"Treasury's view, however, is that progress thus far is insufficient and that more rapid progress is needed."

It pledged to "continue to closely monitor the pace of appreciation" of the yuan.

In addition to China, the Treasury looked at the policies of the eurozone and eight other economies: Brazil, Britain, Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Switzerland and Taiwan. The 10 together account for about 75 per cent of US trade.

"Treasury has concluded that no major trading partner of the United States met the standards" of manipulation as identified by the law "during the period covered in this report".

The Chinese currency policy has been a major irritant in bilateral relations with the world's second-largest economy, and was a key topic of discussion when President Barack Obama hosted Chinese President Hu Jintao on a state visit last month.

The United States accuses Beijing of keeping its currency undervalued, flooding the country with cheap exports and costing US jobs.

US legislators have pushed the Obama administration to get tough with China over the yuan.A bill threatening sanctions to punish Beijing's currency policy is lurking in Congress, which has awaited the Treasury report since it was first supposed to appear on October 15.

Chinahas pledged to allow the yuan to gain value, but at a measured pace so as not to destabilise its rapidly expanding economy.

The Treasury said the yuan, also called the renminbi (RMB), had appreciated 3.7 per cent against the dollar between mid-June and January 27.

In fact, it added, weighing the higher rate of inflation in China, "the RMB has been appreciating more rapidly against the dollar on a real, inflation-adjusted basis, at a rate which if sustained would amount to more than 10 per cent per year".

A top politician in congress, Max Baucus, head of the Senate Finance Committee, slammed the Treasury's findings.

"China's currency practices harm ranchers, farmers, and exporters across America and around the world," the senator, a Democrat representing the western state of Montana, said in a statement.

"China has been given a free pass on its currency practices for far too long. We need to

hold China and our other trading partners accountable for their actions, and we must acknowledge - and take steps to remedy - those actions that harm the competitiveness of American businesses and workers."

The report came a week ahead of the government's December trade balance numbers. The Commerce Department is expected to report next Friday that the US trade deficit widened to $US50.0 billion ($A49.3 billion) from $US42.6 billion ($A42.01 billion) in November.

China has appeared on track to beat its 2008 record trade surplus with the US. Over the first 11 months of 2010, the China trade gap was $US252.4 billion ($A248.88 billion), compared with $US268.0 billion ($A264.26 billion) for all of 2008.

资料来源:Veronica Smith,AFP,February 5, 20

(https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,.au/breaking-news-business/us-clears-china-of-currency-mani pulation-20110205-1ah94.html)














“中国一直给予其货币实行自由传递的时间太长了,我们需要保持对自己的行动和我们的其他中国贸易伙伴的责任,我们必须承认- 。,并采取措施纠正- 这些行为损害的竞争力美国企业和工人。“

该报告是提前一个星期,政府的12月贸易平衡数字。美国商务部报告预计下周五,美国贸易赤字扩大至亿美元US42.6($ A42.01亿美元)十一月US50.0亿美元(A49.3亿美元)。

中国曾出现在赛道击败了2008年创纪录的美国贸易盈余。在2010年首11个月,中国的贸易逆差为US252.4亿美元(A248.88亿美元),去年同期为US268.0亿元,2008年全年($ A264.26亿美元)。


网络营销参与与消费者行为外文翻译 本科毕业论文设计外文翻译原文 Internet Marketing Involvement and Consumer Behavior Introduction One of the most stunning aspects of the past few years has been the speed at which the Internet market has expanded and matured This rapid rate of Internet adoption has resulted in an extraordinary pace of change in the marketing landscape- and opened up a variety of opportunities for marketers All across Taiwan and around the world shopping centers are closing their doors as consumers turn to the Internet for all of their shopping needs The Internet as the primary on-line marketing channel is now overtaking the commercial on-line servicesIn fact all of the on-line service firms now offer Internet access as a primary service Users can send e-mails exchange views shop for products and access newsfood recipes art and business information As the Internet establishes its position as a mainstream marketing channel consumer criticism regarding Internet marketing strategies have increased as well Critics worry about information privacy including issues related to the acquisition and dissemination

《化学工程与工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版

Unit 1 Chemical Industry 化学工业 1.Origins of the Chemical Industry Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin‘s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939). 1.化学工业的起源 尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。可以认为它起源于工业革命其间,大约在1800年,并发展成为为其它工业部门提供化学原料的产业。比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。20世纪初,德国花费大量资金用于实用化学方面的重点研究,到1914年,德国的化学工业在世界化学产品市场上占有75%的份额。这要归因于新染料的发现以及硫酸的接触法生产和氨的哈伯生产工艺的发展。而后者需要较大的技术突破使得化学反应第一次可以在非常高的压力条件下进行。这方面所取得的成绩对德国很有帮助。特别是由于1914年第一次世界大仗的爆发,对以氮为基础的化合物的需求飞速增长。这种深刻的改变一直持续到战后(1918-1939)。 date bake to/from: 回溯到 dated: 过时的,陈旧的 stand sb. in good stead: 对。。。很有帮助


AAT(Average access time,平均存取时间) ABS(Auto Balance System,自动平衡系统) AM(Acoustic Management,声音管理) ASC(Advanced Size Check,高级尺寸检查) ASMO(Advanced Storage Magneto-Optical,增强形光学存储器) AST(Average Seek time,平均寻道时间) ATA(Advanced Technology Attachment,高级技术附加装置)ATOMM(Advanced super Thin-layer and high-Output Metal Media,增强形超薄高速金属媒体) BBS(BIOS Boot Specification,基本输入/输出系统启动规范) BPI(Bit Per Inch,位/英寸) bps(bit per second,位/秒) bps(byte per second,字节/秒) CAM(Common Access Model,公共存取模型) CF(CompactFlash Card,紧凑型闪存卡) CHS(Cylinders、Heads、Sectors,柱面、磁头、扇区) CSS(Common Command Set,通用指令集) DBI(dynamic bus inversion,动态总线倒置) DIT(Disk Inspection Test,磁盘检查测试) DMA(Direct Memory Access,直接内存存取) DTR(Disk Transfer Rate,磁盘传输率) EIDE(enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics,增强形电子集成驱动器)eSATA(External Serial ATA,扩展型串行ATA) FDB(fluid-dynamic bearings,动态轴承) FAT(File Allocation T ables,文件分配表) FC(Fibre Channel,光纤通道) FDBM(Fluid dynamic bearing motors,液态轴承马达) FDB(Fluid Dynamic Bearing,非固定动态轴承) FDC(Floppy Disk Controller,软盘驱动器控制装置) FDD(Floppy Disk Driver,软盘驱动器) GMR(giant magnetoresistive,巨型磁阻) HDA(Head Disk Assembly,头盘组件) HiFD(high-capacity floppy disk,高容量软盘) IDE(Integrated Drive Electronics,电子集成驱动器) IPEAK SPT(Intel Performance Evaluation and Analysis Kit - Storage Performance Toolkit,英特尔性能评估和分析套件- 存储性能工具包)JBOD(Just a Bunch Of Disks,磁盘连续捆束阵列) LBA(Logical Block Addressing,逻辑块寻址) MR(Magneto-resistive Heads,磁阻磁头) MBR(Master Boot Record,主引导记录) ms(Millisecond,毫秒) MSR(Magnetically induced Super Resolution,磁感应超分辨率)MTBF(Mean Time Before Failure,平均无故障时间) NQC(Native Queuing Command,内部序列命令)

互联网与电子商务翻译 可打成一 版

Chapter 1 1.计算机专家用三个尺度来判断因特网的性能—— 延迟(latency)、包损失(packet loss)和可达性(reachability)。 2.(简答)电子商务管理依靠三个支柱:因特网及其 技术,商业模式和营销。因特网及其技术是电子商务存在的基础;一个商业模式有商业目标、价值传递系统和收益模式三部分组成;为顾客传递最大的价值是十分重要的一个方面,因此营销活动在电子商务中扮演着关键角色。 3.新概念模式基于六个要素:效率、价值、可测性、 密集网络、交互性和全球化市场。 Chapter 2 1.由于因特网使用包交换(packet switching)技术, 因此它有别于其他一些通信网络。 2.因特网最重要的发展是万维网的应用。 3.(名词解释)Metcalfe’s law:网络价值的增长与网 络用户数量的平方成正比。 Chapter 3 1. (论述)创建在线企业的四个步骤: 一开始必须对企业希望通过实施这些技术而达到什么样的目标做出评估。第一,企业应该了解对多少比例的业务实施在线运行,以及这个比例是否会产生改变。第二,企业应该清楚了解在线业务的目标——是赢利中心还是亏损中心。第三,根据人口学、行为学或心理学来确定目标消费者。 在对在线业务所占比例、目标和目标顾客有了明确了解后,企业必须设法阐明通过什么途径传递最大化的顾客价值。第一步是鉴别顾客对于价值的不同认识;第二步是选择将什么价值元素传递给顾客;第三步是提供价值;第四步是开发一个综合通讯工具包来帮助顾客理解价值的本质;最后一步,公司必须持续不断地评估顾客如何感知正在被传递的价值。 企业要获得成功,仅靠为顾客传递价值是远远不够的,必须将最大化顾客价值转变为最大化企业收入和利润。因而,下一步就是收入模式的设计。最后,商业模式应用与商业模式设计是两个完全分离的步 骤,一个设计完美的模式不能弥补错误应用造成的损失。 2. (名词解释)价值更一般定义为,在对净收益和获得 这些收益的代价的理解的基础上,对产品和服务的总体评 估。 3.企业可以通过五种途径在网上赚钱:商务,广告,费用, 出售用户信息和信用。 Chapter 4 1.可以用两种方法对网络商业模式进行分类:仅仅只在 网上经营业务的商业模式叫单一模式;既在网上又在 物理空间理经营业务的模式叫鼠标加水泥模式。业内 分析家认为鼠标加水泥的模式比较有优势,因为这种 商业模式综合了传统和虚拟两种空间的特性。 2.(简答)一个公司如何成为B2C领域的领头羊?答案 就是有效沟通并把价值传递给顾客。 3.网络市场有三种类型:以买方为中心的市场,以卖方 为中心的市场,中立交易市场。 Chapter 5 1.卖方何时采用拍卖:首先,拍卖适合具有特殊价值的 商品;其次,当拍卖会有很多投标者参与时能发挥出 最大作用。 2.B2B拍卖会通常是清除库存的有效途径。 3.第二价格拍卖深受经济学家们的青睐,投标者可以自 由表示自己愿意出的价钱。逆向拍卖一开始,由买方 出价,卖方相互竞价以达到买方的要求。这种拍卖方 式与其他方式的主要区别是受信用卡支持 4.拍卖组织的拍卖活动一般采取两种形式——列表式 和商品式。在因特网上,绝大多数的拍卖地址都采用 列表式。 5.拍卖网站采用限制投标者行为的两种方法:自动延时 技术和代理投标。 Chapter 6 1.AIDA模式包含劝导客户产生购买行为的四个步骤, 即引起注意、产生兴趣、激发愿望和构成行为。 2.为何要进行病毒蔓延式营销?首先,众多的社会关系 网络都有了“在线版本”;其次,利用网络联络其他 人要比传统的邮寄信件或电话迅速的多;最后,临 界群体效应起了重要作用。 3.最适宜采用病毒式营销的产品具有以下特点:独特 性,扣人心弦的产品概念,简单的产品概念,低廉 的试用成本。 4.所谓SEO,就是合理组织网站的形式和内容,以提 升网站在主要的搜索引擎网站中的排名。公司提升 自己网站排名的首选策略是改变网页上的标记。 5.旗帜广告有三种主要的类型:插播式广告、弹出式 广告和下拉式广告。 6.(论述)对点击进入的理解:点击进入率已经成为 衡量旗帜广告绩效的常用指标。事实广告客户和广 告代理商都应该认真考虑点击进入究竟意味着什 么。正如AIDA模式所表明的,更重要的是在获得 客户注意力之后能引发他们的购买行为。从两个角 度考虑这个问题:如果客户没有点击广告,并不能 判断该广告一定没有产生作用;而如果客户点击了 广告,也不能证明广告就一定有效。点击进入不无 意义,但是不要仅仅因为点击进入率低就完全否定 了你的旗帜广告。应当关注整体的情况,考察一下 广告对于品牌知名度和影响力是否产生了影响。如 果广告的点击进入率很高,也要考虑它是否代表了 客户的真实反映,还是仅仅是由于广告设计而产生 的结果。从长远看来,具有前瞻性的广告客户和广 告代理商不会局限于点击进入率。其他媒体的广告 客户会做的一切,也正是因特网广告客户努力的方 向——进行市场调查追踪广告绩效。客户对广告和 品牌的态度,以及客户的品牌认知度是追踪的主要 内容。 7.公司的网站是实施营销策略的中心。 Chapter 7 1.从制造商到顾客这一段供应链称为配送渠道。 2.顾客需求是供应链的驱动力。 3.供应链中最有价值的就是与市场相关的信息。 4.通过改善供应链中的信息流,网络技术从三个重要 方面帮助供应链管理:共享知识,加快反应速度,


E---MARKETING (From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.) As the growth of Googel. shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customer value.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot- bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light of proven traditional marketing practices. (Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning ) 1.What is E--Marketing E--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives. This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.

污水处理 英文文献3 翻译

丹宁改性絮凝剂处理城市污水 J.Beltrán-heredia,J.ánche z-Martin 埃斯特雷马杜拉大学化学工程系和物理化学系,德埃娃儿,S / N 06071,巴达霍斯,西班牙 摘要 一种新的以丹宁为主要成分的混凝剂和絮凝剂已经过测试用以处理城市污水。TANFLOC 证实了其在浊度的去除上的高效性(接近100%,取决于剂量),并且近50%的BOD5和COD 被去除,表明TANFLOC是合适的凝集剂,效力可与明矾相媲美。混凝絮凝剂过程不依赖于温度,发现最佳搅拌速度和时间为40转/每分钟和30分钟。多酚含量不显著增加,30%的阴离子表面活性剂被去除。沉淀过程似乎是一种絮凝分离,所以污泥体积指数和它随絮凝剂剂量的改变可以确定。证明TANFLOC是相当有效的可用于污水处理的混凝絮凝剂。 关键词: 基于丹宁的絮凝剂城市污水絮凝天然混凝剂 1.简介 人类活动是废物的来源。特别是在城市定居点,来自家庭和工业的废水可能是危险有害的产品[ 1 ],需要适当的处理,以避免对环境[ 2 ]和健康的影响[ 3,4 ]。2006年12月4日联合国大会通过决议宣布2008为国际卫生年。无效的卫生基础设施促使每年220万人死于腹泻,主要在3岁以下儿童,600万人因沙眼失明,两亿人感染血吸虫病,只是为了给出一些数据[ 5 ]。显然,他们中的大多数都是在发展中国家,所以谈及城市污水,必须研究适当的技术来拓宽可能的处理技术种类。 在这个意义上,许多类型的水处理被使用。他们之间的分歧在于经济和技术特点上。了摆脱危险的污染[ 6 ],一些令人关注的论文已经发表的关于城市污水处理的几种天然的替代方法,包括绿色过滤器、化学初步分离、紫外消毒[ 7 ]和多级程序[ 8 ]。 几个以前的文件指出了城市污水管理[9,10]的重要性。这种类型的废物已成为社会研究的目标,因为它涉及到几个方面,都与社会结构和社会组织[11 ]相关。根据这一维度,必须认识到废水管理作为发展中国家的一种社会变化的因素,事关污水处理和生产之间的平衡,是非常重要的,一方面,人类要发展,另一方面,显而易见。 对水处理其它程序的研究一直是这和其他文件的范围。几年来,研究者关注的是发展中国家间的合作,他们正在致力于水处理的替代过程,主要考虑可持续发展,社会承受能力和可行性等理念。在这个意义上,自然混凝絮凝剂这一广为传播,易于操作的资源即使是非专业人员也不难操作。有一些例子,如辣木[ 14 ]和仙人掌榕[ 15 ]。丹宁可能是一个新的混凝剂和絮凝剂。 一些开拓者已经研究了丹宁水处理能力。 ?zacar和sengil [ 16 ]:从瓦罗NIA获得的丹宁,从土耳其的autoctonous树的果壳中获得丹宁,并用于他们的–污水混凝絮凝过程。他们表明,丹宁有很好的效果,结合Al2(SO4)3可进一步提高污泥去除率。 詹和赵[ 17 ]试着用丹宁为主要成分的凝胶作为吸收剂除去水中的铝,丹宁凝胶改进了金属去除过程,一定意义上也可参照Nakano等人的[ 18 ],Kim 和Nakano[ 19 ]。 ?zacar和sengil [ 20 ]加强以前的文章给出了关于三卤甲烷的形成和其他不良化合物特殊的数据,以及处理后的水质安全。他们始终使用丹宁与Al2(SO4)3的组合。 帕尔马等人将丹宁从辐射松的树皮为原位提取,用于重金属去除中聚合固体。树皮本


微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE,它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。 Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。集成的调试工作既作为一个源代码级调试器又可以作为一台机器级调试器。其他内置工具包括一个窗体设计的GUI应用程序,网页设计师,类设计师,数据库架构设计师。它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。 Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,(通过Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。它也支持的 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScript和CSS.为特定用户提供服务的Visual Studio也是存在的:微软Visual Basic,Visual J#、Visual C#和Visual C++。 微软提供了“直通车”的Visual Studio 2010组件的Visual Basic和Visual C#和Visual C + +,和Visual Web Developer版本,不需任何费用。Visual Studio 2010、2008年和2005专业版,以及Visual Studio 2005的特定语言版本(Visual Basic、C++、C#、J#),通过微软的下载DreamSpark计划,对学生免费。 2架构 Visual Studio不支持任何编程语言,解决方案或工具本质。相反,它允许插入各种功能。特定的功能是作为一个VS压缩包的代码。安装时,这个功能可以从服务器得到。IDE提供三项服务:SVsSolution,它提供了能够列举的项目和解决方案; SVsUIShell,它提供了窗口和用户界面功能(包括标签,工具栏和工具窗口)和SVsShell,它处理VS压缩包的注册。此外,IDE还可以负责协调和服务之间实现通信。所有的编辑器,设计器,项目类型和其他工具都是VS压缩包存在。Visual Studio 使用COM访问VSPackage。在Visual Studio SDK中还包括了管理软件包框架(MPF),这是一套管理的允许在写的CLI兼容的语言的任何围绕COM的接口。然而,MPF并不提供所有的Visual Studio COM 功能。


电子商务 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)是在Internet开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型的商业运营模式 Internet上的电子商务可以分为三个方面:信息服务、交易和支付。主要内容包括:电子商情广告;电子选购和交易、电子交易凭证的交换;电子支付与结算以及售后的网上服务等。主要交易类型有企业与个人的交易(BtoC方式)和企业之间的交易(BtoB方式)两种。参与电子商务的实体有四类:顾客(个人消费者或企业集团)、商户(包括销售商、制造商、储运商)、银行(包括发卡行、收单行)及认证中心。 电子商务是Internet爆炸式发展的直接产物,是网络技术应用的全新发展方向。Internet本身所具有的开放性、全球性、低成本、高效率的特点,也成为电子商务的内在特征,并使得电子商务大大超越了作为一种新的贸易形式所具有的价值,它不仅会改变企业本身的生产、经营、管理活动,而且将影响到整个社会的经济运行与结构。 1.电子商务将传统的商务流程电子化、数字化,一方面以电子流代替了实物流,可以大量减少人力、物力,降低了成本;另一方面突破了时间和空间的限制,使得交易活动可以在任何时间、任何地点进行,从而大大提高了效率。 2.电子商务所具有的开放性和全球性的特点,为企业创造了更多的贸易机会。 3.电子商务使企业可以以相近的成本进入全球电子化市场,使得中小企业有可能拥有和大企业一样的信息资源,提高了中小企业的竞争能力。 4.电子商务重新定义了传统的流通模式,减少了中间环节,使得生产者和消费者的直接交易成为可能,从而在一定程度上改变了整个社会经济运行的方式。 5.电子商务一方面破除了时空的壁垒,另一方面又提供了丰富的信息资源,


互联网网络营销外文文献翻译 (含:英文原文及中文译文) 文献出处:Peter Kenzelmann. Technical Consultancy in Internationalization[J]. International Marketing Review, 2006, 4(3):20-29. 英文原文 The technical basis of network marketing Peter Kenzelmann Network marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can easily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet. The theoretical basis for the network marketing Theoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory. (A) Direct Response Network Marketing Theory


哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws


1. Introduction America is one of the countries that speak English. Because of the special North American culture, developing history and the social environment, American English has formed its certain unique forms and the meaning. Then it turned into American English that has the special features of the United States. American English which sometimes also called United English or U.S English is the form of the English language that used widely in the United States .As the rapid development of American economy, and its steady position and strong power in the world, American English has become more and more widely used. As in 2005, more than two-thirds of English native speakers use various forms of American English. The philologists of the United States had divided the English of the United States into four major types: “America n creating”; “Old words given the new meaning”; “Words that eliminated by English”;“The phonetic foreign phrases and the languages that are not from the English immigrates”[1]. Compared to the other languages, American English is much simple on word spelling, usage and grammar, and it is one of the reasons that American English is so popular in the world. The thesis analyzes the differences between American English and British English. With the main part, it deals with the development of American English, its peculiarities compared to that of British English, its causes and tendency. 2. Analyses the Differences As we English learners, when we learning English in our junior or senior school, we already came across some words that have different spellings, different pronunciations or different expressions, which can be represented by following contrasted words: spellings in "color" vs. "colour"; pronunciations in "sec-re-ta-ry" vs. "sec-re-try";


E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term and a newer term, e-business, are often used interchangably. For online retail selling, the term e-tailing is sometimes used. 电子商务(电子商务或电子商务)是购买和出售的商品和服务在互联网,特别是万维网上的。在实践中,这项和一个新的术语,电子商务,往往交替使用。网上零售,电子零售的术语有时用。 E-tailing or The Virtual Storefront and the Virtual Mall 网上或虚拟商店和虚拟商店 As a place for direct retail shopping, with its 24-hour availability, a global reach, the ability to interact and provide custom information and ordering, and multimedia prospects, the Web is rapidly becoming a multibillion dollar source of revenue for the world's businesses. A number of businesses already report considerable success. As early as the middle of 1997, Dell Computers reported orders of a million dollars a day. By early 1999, projected e-commerce revenues for business were in the billions of dollars and the stocks of companies deemed most adept at e-commerce were skyrocketing. Although many so-called dotcom retailers disappeared in the economic shakeout of 2000, Web retailing at sites such as https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,, https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,, and https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html, continues to grow. 作为一个直接的零售购物,其24小时供应,全球性的,互动的能力,并提供自定义信息和订购,和多媒体,网络正在迅速成为一个数十亿美元的收入来源,为全球的企业。一些企业已报告了相当大的成功。早在1997年年中,戴尔电脑报告的订单一百万美元一天。1999年初,预计的电子商务业务收入都在数十亿美元的股票和公司认为最善于电子商务暴涨。虽然许多所谓的互联网零售商消失在经济衰退2000,网上零售网站如https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,,https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,,和https://www.doczj.com/doc/396388857.html,继续增长 Market Research 市场研究 In early 1999, it was widely recognized that because of the interactive nature of the Internet, companies could gather data about prospects and customers in unprecedented amounts -through site registration, questionnaires, and as part of taking orders. The issue of whether data was being collected with the knowledge and permission of market subjects had been raised. (Microsoft referred to its policy of data collection as "profiling" and a proposed standard has been developed that allows Internet users to decide who can have what personal information.) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

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