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ability [ə'biliti] n. 能力才能

e.g He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages. (ability to do sth.)


I try to do my job to the best of my ability. (=as well as I can) 我尽全力做好我的工作。above [ə'bʌv] prep. 在…上面、超过

e.g. Good health is above wealth 健康胜过财富。

We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上飞行。

Children above the age of 10 will not be accepted. 不接收十岁以上的小孩

above all 最重要的是 Above all, make sure you keep in touch.

abroad [ə'brɔ:d] adv. 在(到)国外

e.g. They are looking forward to going abroad to study. 他们渴望出国学习。

absent ['æbsənt] adj. 缺席的不在的(+from)

e.g. It (so) happened that I was absent from school that day . 那天我正好没上学。

absent-minded 心不在焉的The absent-minded boy is always losing his books. 这个心不在焉的男孩老是丢书。

accent ['æksənt] n. 口音

e.g. He speaks with a Hunan accent. 他说话带湖南口音。

accept [ək'sept] vt. 接受(receive 指“收到”)

e.g. Please accept this gift which stands for our friendship. 请接受这份象征我们友谊的礼物。

accident['æksidənt] 事故;意外的事(by accident 意外地)

e.g. You're sure to have an accident if you drive so fast down the road. 你要是在路上开得这样快,准会出事。

advise [əd'vaiz] .[I,T] 劝告,忠告,建议 [~ (sb) doing sth; ~ sb (on sth);~ sb to do sth] e.g. I would advise you to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii. 我劝您到夏威夷去住两星期。

Will you advise on these points? 关于这几点你提些意见,好吗?

I advise you to go slow in what you are doing. 我劝你要谨慎行事。

agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n. 同意一致(+with)协定

e.g. They finally came into agreement with each other. 他们彼此最终达成一致。

Are we in agreement about the price?对于这个价格我们是否意见一致呢?

The two sides failed to reach an agreement. 双方未能达成一致.

Atlantic [ət'læntik] n. 大西洋 adj. 大西洋的

e.g. Columbus went across the Atlantic /the Atlantic Ocean in a ship in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年乘船横渡大西洋。

available [ə'veləbl] adj. 可用的有效的有空的

e.g. I'm sorry no part-time jobs are available at the moment. 对不起,目前没有兼职的工作。

Will she be available this weekend?她这个周末有空吗?

avoid [ə'vɔid] vt. 躲开避免(+ n./+v-ing) 逃避

e.g. The doctor says he must avoid foods with too much fat. 医生说他要避免吃高脂肪食品。

We must try to avoid repeating these mistakes. 我们要避免重犯这些错误。


background ['bækgraund] n. 背景[C]

e.g. He came to know all of John's background. 他逐渐了解了所有有关约翰的背景情况。

bamboo [bæm'bu]竹 [C,U]

basic ['beisik] adj. 基本的

e.g. They mastered the basic skills only after eight weeks of training. 八周的训练之后,他们才掌握了基本技能。

bear (小学已学)

bee [bi:] n. 蜜蜂

beyond [bi'jɔnd] prep. (表示位置)在...的那一边

e.g. The gang live abroad, beyond reach of the British police. 这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及.

breath [breθ] n.呼吸,气息 [U]

e.g. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. 她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续追赶。

breathe [bri:ð] v. 呼吸

e.g. I loved climbing mountains, to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air.



cancel ['kænsl] v. 取消

e.g. A storm is coming. We'd better cancel the picnic tomorrow. 暴风雨要来了,我们最好取消明天的野餐。

candle ['kændl] n. 蜡烛

cap [kæp] n.(有帽舌的)软帽,便帽瓶盖笔套

careless ['keəlis] adj. 粗心的漫不经心的

e.g. Careless driving often causes accidents. 开车粗心往往酿成事故。

Jack was so careless that he forgot to head up the composition before it was handed in.


ceiling ['si:liŋ] n. 天花板顶棚

celebrate ['selibreit] vt. 庆祝
