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1. n.
1. 耳,耳朵(人耳的组成):
1. the external ear 外耳
2. the middle ear 中耳
3. the inner ear 内耳)
2. 耳部,(可见的)耳朵外部,外耳
3. [亦作复数]听觉
4. 听能,听力;灵敏的听力;辨音力
5. 耳状物
1. (如大水壶、杯子等器物两旁的)耳子,捏把,把儿,耳状突
2. 报头(左或右)角小栏(刊登简短广告或天气预报等),报眼(报纸头版上报
3. (鸟的)耳羽
6. 倾听;注意
7. 【建筑业】门耳,窗耳
8. [复数] [美国俚语]
1. 民用频带(或波段)无线电台(或收音机)
2. (用于近距离联络的)无线电收发两用机的天线
2. v i.,vt.
1. [美国俚语]听;听见
3. 短语:
1. about one's (或someone's) ears
1. 身旁,近旁
2. [与bring,have,collapse,
3. 猛烈地,彻底地
4. 崩溃;(计划、希望等)破产,落空[亦
作around one's ears]
2. a drumming in the ears耳鸣
3. a flea in one's ear见flea
4. an ear for对…的欣赏力
5. a thick ear[口语]耳朵被打肿,(被打得)青肿的耳朵
6. a musical ear对音乐有鉴赏力(的耳朵)
7. a word in someone's ear见word
8. be all ears[口语]专心倾听,全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听
9. (be) deaf of (或in) an (或one) ear聋了一只耳朵
10. believe one's ears
1. 相信自己的耳朵,相信听到的话
2. 以所闻为实(或真);确信[此短语常
11. bend an ear注意地听,聚精会神地听,倾听,洗耳恭听
12. bend someone's ear
1. [俚语]
2. 与某人喋喋不休地说,与某人絮絮
3. 和某人谈重要(或有趣、秘密)的事;
13. be on one's ear
1. [美国俚语]
2. 在生气,发脾气,发怒
3. 醉
14. be primed to the ear[美国俚语](因酗酒或吸毒而)醉的
15. Blow it out your ear![美国口语]“去你的!”,“瞎扯淡!”,“我才不信呢!”
16. bore someone's ears[废语]使某人成为终身奴隶
17. bow down one's ear to someone垂听某人的话,降格倾听某人的话,屈尊倾听某人的意见
18. box someone's ears打某人耳光
19. bring something down around one's ears使自己干的某事失败(或破产)
20. burn someone's ears[俚语]狠狠责骂某人,痛斥某人,呵斥某人
21. by ear
1. (不看乐谱)凭听觉,凭听觉记忆(演
2. 凭直觉,跟着感觉(走)
22. by the ears
1. (动物)相斗,相咬
2. 不和;在争吵(或争斗,打架,扭斗)
23. chew someone's ears off
1. [美国俚语]
2. 训斥某人,教训某人;责骂
3. 长篇独白;唠叨不已;沉闷地与某
24. clean one's ears[口语]洗耳恭听;更仔细(或更用心)地听
25. close one's ears to对…捂住耳朵,对…充耳不闻,对…拒绝听取;对…置之不理,对…置若罔闻
26. cock the ears侧(或竖)耳谛听
27. come together by the ear= fall together by the ear
28. come to someone's ears传到某人耳里,被某人听到(或注意到)
29. coming out of one's ears[美国口语]
30. crash about one's ears彻底崩溃,完全垮台
31. dead above the ears[口语]愚蠢的,痴呆的,没有头脑的[亦作dead from the neck up]
32. din in someone's ears(嗓音)在耳际震响,聒耳
33. din into someone's ears唠唠叨叨说给某人听,三番五次地告诫
34. do something by ear无准备地行事(就像不看乐谱凭听觉记忆演奏或演唱一样) 35. dry behind the ears成年的,成熟的,老于世故的,有经验的[一般用于否定式]
36. ears burn羞得面红耳赤
37. ears burning耳朵发烧(意指有人背后议论) [戏谑语]
38. easy on the ear悦耳动听
39. fall about one's ears彻底崩溃,完全垮台
40. fall on deaf ears根本不被听取,未被理睬;未受到重视,不受注意
41. fall on…ears得到(某种态度的)听取
42. fall on (或upon) someone's (或the) ears被某人听见,传到某人耳朵里
43. fall together by the ears扭打起来;争吵起来,吵成一团
44. feel one's ears burning[口语](因遭人非议而)感到耳朵发热,感到羞愧;发窘
45. for someone's private ear对某人私下讲的