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对外经济贸易大学 2006 年硕士学位研究生入学考试初试试题 考试科目:815 经济学综合
一、名词解释(每小题 4 分,共 16 分) 1.价格歧视 2.平衡预算乘数 3.技术性贸易壁垒 4.利率平价理论 二、判断题( 只判断正误,无需改正,每小题 1 分,共 8 分) 1.能够自由取用的商品是机会成本为零的商品。 2.经济租是指为生产要素所支付的金额与为得到使用该生产要素所必须支付的最小金额之间的差额。 3.国民生产总值和国内生产总值在数值上一定不相等。 4.在索洛的经济增长模型中储蓄率是外生的,但在新经济增长模型中储蓄率是内生的。 5.不存在要素密集度逆转是要素禀赋理论成立的一个条件。 6.对中间投入品征收的进口关税越高意味着最终产品关税的有效保护率越高。 7.国际收支顺差是一国增大其外汇储备最稳定、最可靠的来源。 8.远期汇差实质是以远期汇率为本金,以两种货币利差为利率,从即期至远期交割日这段时间内所产生的
官方网址 www.yumingedu.com 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军
as the individual does not value saving is driven by preferences between present and future consumption and information about future consumption prospects. This observation suggests that many common statements about saving may be incorrect. For example, if is often asserted that poor individuals save a smaller fraction of their incomes than the wealthy do because their incomes are litter above the level needed to provide a minimal standard of living. But this claim overlooks the fact that individuals who have trouble obtaining even a low standard of living today may also have trouble obtaining that standard in the future. Thus their saving is likely to be determined by the time pattern of their income, just as it is for the wealthy. To take another example, consider the common assertion that individuals’ concern about their consumption relative to other’s tends to raise their consumption as they try to “keep up with the joneses.” Again, this claim fails to recognize what saving is: since saving represents future consumption, saving less implies consuming less in the future, and thus falling further behind the Joneses. Thus one can just as well argue that concern about relative consumption causes individuals to try to catch up with the Joneses in the future, and thus lowers rather than raises current consumption. 2. Inflation targeting is one of the operational frameworks for monetary policy aimed at attaining price stability. In contrast to alternative strategies, notably money or exchange rate targeting, which seek to achieve low and stable inflation through targeting intermediate variables-for example, the growth rate of money aggregates or the level of the exchange rate of an “anchor” currency-inflation targeting involves targeting inflation directly. The literature offers several different definitions of inflation targeting. In practice, however, inflation targeting has two main characteristics that distinguish it from other monetary policy strategies. The central bank is mandated, and commits to, a unique numerical target in the form of a level or a range for annual inflation. A single target for inflation emphasizes the fact that price stabilization is the primary focus of the strategy and the numeric specification provides a guide to what the authorities intend as price stability. The inflation forecast over some horizon is the de facto intermediate target of policy. For this reason inflation targeting is sometimes referred to as “inflation forecast targeting” (Svensson, 1998). Since inflation is partially predetermined in the short term because of existing price
在整个世界市场中,该国这种商品的市场份额很小,因此该国无力影响世界市场的现行价格。已知该商品 的现行世界市场价格为 60 美元,该国政府决定对每进口一单位的该商品征收关税 40 美元。问: (1)征收关税后,该商品的本国国内容价格是多少? (2)征收关税给本国国内消费者、国内生产者和政府带来的收益和损失是多少 ? (3)如果对每进口一单位的该商品征收关税 20 美元,结果如何?
官方网址 www.yumingedu.cwk.baidu.comm 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军
利息。 三、简答题( 每题 8 分,共 32 分) 1.比较说明两个实力相当的寡头厂商在实现产量决策中的古诺均衡解、串通的均衡解和竞争性均衡解和先 行者利益均衡解的不同。 2.根据总需求-总供给模型,分析近两年来国际石油价格上涨对一国经济短期和长期的影响。 3.简述对外贸易乘数原理。 4.评析弹性分析理论的主要贡献和局限性。 四、论述题( 每题 11 分,共 33 分) 1.当前中国政府不希望改变总需求水平,即维持一个基本不变的实际收入水平,但希望通过降低投资、增 加消费来改变总需求的构成,你认为这需要什么样的宏观政策组合?请用 IS-LM 模型表示你的政策主张及其 对投资、消费、收入和利率的影响。 2.试述由 Peter.J.Buckley 等人建立和发展的内部化论点是如何进行企业跨国经营动机解释的 ? 3.在中国建设银行香港路演前,业内很对人士对此次上市的前景不太乐观,但是在 2005 年 10 月 5 日,建 行开始全球路演后,其股票收到广大投资者的极大青睐,取得“超过 5000 亿港元市值 ,622 亿港元筹资额, 近 10 倍国际超额认购”的业绩,完全出乎此前的预期,请你分析其中原因。 五、计算与分析题(11 分) 假设某国一种商品的国内供给和需求函数为:Qs=P-50 Qd=100-0.5P
六、翻译 1. At a more general level, the basic idea of the life-cycle/permanent-income hypothesis is a simple insight about saving: saving is future consumption. As long as an individual does not save just for the sake of saving, he or she saves to consume in the future. The saving may be used for conventional their consumption, or bequeathed to the individual’s children for their consumption, or even used to erect monuments to the individual upon his or her death. But as long
【温馨提示】 现在很多小机构虚假宣传,育明教育咨询部建议考生一定要实地考察,并一定要查看其营 业执照,或者登录工商局网站查看企业信息。 目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大 考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师! 2006 年对外经贸大学 815 经济学综合考研真题及答案解析