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Language Awareness 3,Culture Corner and BulletinBoardEHOU GONGGU Y ANU AN一、用适当的介词或副词填空l._________________________________________ The young man is trying to solve the problem a new way.答案:in2.1opened the window and saw a man _______ uniform・答案:in3.She really didn't know what to do ________ the necklace.答案:with4.The woman next _______ m e is a famous pianist.答案:to5.1will call _____ my classmates to save water.答案:on二、完成句子1.看到妈妈,这个婴儿笑了。
________________ ,the baby smiled.答案:Seeing its mother2.他还没到场,一定是遇到堵车了。
He hasn't turned up.He ____________________________ in the traffic jam.答案:must have been caught3.他太粗心,以至于花瓶从他手中掉了下来。
He was so careless that the vase _______________ his hand.答案:dropped from4.她决定号召同事们为这个男孩捐款。
She has decided to _______________ her colleagues to raise money for the boy.答案:call on5.我们应该充分利用每一分钟。
Lesson2 What’sYourFavouriteMusic?即时检测一、单词拼写1Her songs used to d polished feelings to the youth.2My mother was t at the news of my sister having been admitted to the key university.3I looked at the map to r my memory of the road.4Pupils like learning to sing the a pop songs on TV.5I hate (disturb) people while they are lost in telling their experiences.二、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1Our friendship came to a(n) end,which made me surprised.2The city is easily by road,rail or air.3Would you like to have the package to your door?4I found the book deeply ,so I threw it away.5You have to collect your tickets .6We all should learn to live with nature.7We were to be invited.8 ,I don’t like the design at all.9Keep the camera when you take a photo.三、阅读理解(导学号53070035)People come from all shapes and sizes,colours and races.Some speak differently while others act differently.My mother is in a wheelchair.I would like to say something about this special woman I call “Mommy”.My mom does what a mom needs to do every day.She picks me up from school,drives me to meetings,cooks dinner and helps me with my homework.This is just part of what makes her great.She is my best friend and can immediately notice when I am unhappy.She helps me solve problems that my friends do not understand.Mommy makes me laugh when times are tough.I look forward to coming home because I know there is someone there who cares about what I have done.Mommy has always tried to be like a “normal” mom.But I think my mother is a wonderful woman and she doesn’t need to change.She teaches me life lessons that no teachers or friends can do.She shows me how to accept everyone for what is inside,rather than for what is outside.You may have realised that all the qualities I admire have nothing to do with what she looks like.Everyone could be the way she is,but most are not.I want everyone to look beyond the surface and see what are inside features.You may fail to notice someone who is very special like my mom because you cannot accept their outside features.1What’s the function of Paragraph 1?A.To tell us that people are born to be different.B.To show the main idea of the passage.C.To suggest we enjoy what we have.D.To lead to the topic of the passage.,可知作者主要是讲他身有残疾的母亲,第一段只是为了引出下文,故选D项。
Unit 18BeautySectionⅠWarm-up&Lesson1 What Is Beauty?课时训练Ⅰ基础夯实Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,填写单词.He smiled a s smile as he drove past in his expensive new car.’re saying now is not c with what you said last week..Lightning usually a thunder..Several cars are available within this price r ..Did she really see a ghost or was it only a s impression?(非常喜欢)chocolate.(承诺).(苗条)as you.(良心).(超重).Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空(subject)and one-sided when considering problems.(slim)food but in fact she needn’t lose weight.(accompany)with gestures.Ⅲ.改错1.—What is the cost of your shirt here,sir?—It depends on which kind you want to buy,and the price ranges from 100 dollars till 500 dollars.→to2.Nowadays we can’t see dinosaurs because they were died out long long ago.were3.The captain commanded that the work could be started at once.→should或去掉could4.Beethoven is my favourite musician.I regard him more superior to other musicians.more5.That I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.→What水平提升Ⅳ.阅读理解Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) are not just beautiful to look at,but also very useful.They shelter nearly 25% of ocean life and provide food for billions of people.However,like many other species,this amazing ecosystem(生态系统) is in danger of dying out!There are two main reasons for the destruction—the rising carbon dioxide level caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation.While not much can be done about the former,the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish.This action damages the ocean floor,causing the coral branches to separate from the reefs.While that is very discouraging,the good news is that if these branches are found quickly,they can be saved.At present,that work is being performed by volunteer divers.But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater,nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.However,this is not the case for Coralbots—the robots that can constantly seek out broken branches.A team of “coralbots”,each individually working to simple rules will piece together damaged bits of coral,allowing them to regrow.They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral.The robots work together in groups,similar to bees.If one coralbot is damaged then the others will still be able to complete the task.Dr.Lea-Anne Henry said:“The project of using coralbots offers us the possibility to restore(修复) the function of reefs.It is in the final stage of testing.Once ready,the researchers hope to build hundreds of them and use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world.”1.Which of the following is a cause of the danger that coral reefs are facing?A.The appearance of new creatures.B.The seriously polluted sea water.C.The activities of volunteer divers.“There are two main reasons for the destruction—the rising carbon dioxide level caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation.”可得出答案:为D项。
Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin BoardⅠ.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填写单词1.The doctor strongly r that he take a holiday.答案:recommended2.It was e that the plan is a failure.Even a child could see it.答案:evident3.Can you r a good dictionary to me?答案:recommend4.I don’t like to talk with him;he has a very rude m .答案:manner5.My mother always t us like children.答案:treats6.He is one of the dishonest (商人)in that city.答案:merchants7.What is the main (主题)of the play?答案:theme8.The film has a rather thrilling (情节).答案:plot9.It is (幼稚的)to run into danger for nothing.答案:childish10.The great (缺点)of living near a main road is the noise.答案:drawbackⅡ.用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.The birds got (trap)when eating corn.答案:trapped2.I bought this book on the (recommend)of a friend.答案:recommendation3.Black and white show a (strike)contrast.答案:striking4.There wasn’t enough (evident)to prove he was guilty.答案:evidence5.It is bad (manner)to interrupt.答案:mannersⅢ.完形填空During my second year of college I was looking around for a place to live.One Sunday after church the pastor(牧师) told me to stay in his daughter’s room because his daughter was studying abroad for one year.To be 1 ,I really didn’t want to stay with “the pastor’s family”.He told me how much the 2 would be—a very low figure that 3 one home-cooked meal a day.I thought about the 4 and decided to move in.At the end of the term I had planned to find 5 living place,since thepa stor’s daughter would 6 .To my delight,they 7 that I share a room with their son.I seemed to have been adopted into their 8—her people.I 9 accepted the offer.As I emptied the daughter’s bedroom,I thought it might be 10 to have a little sister to look after.But when I later met my new sister,I 11 that she was more independent than I first 12 .We finally fell in love,13 ,and have looked after each other for many years.There have been times that life turned out more 14 than either of us could have known.But we have always been able to go 15 largely because we know that we are deeply 16 .It isn’t about marriage;it’s about 17.It’s about mothers and fathers,sisters and brothers and special friends who are as 18 as family.It’s about anyb ody who can say,“I’ll be 19 —you can count on me.I’ll try to look after you and sometimes I will need you to look after me.”Is there somebody you can depend on?And are others counting on you?We travel the path of life best when there is 20 to look after,and when someone is looking after us.1.A.honest B.surprisedC.friendlyD.please提示:句意:坦诚的说,我真的不想与牧师一家人住在一起。
单元知识滚动练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Whilehewasatcollege,hetookpartinacampaign(运动) togetridofpollution.2.Theactressdecidedtoholdameetinginresponse(回应) tothebadnews.3.Whenhesawus,hecouldn’t resist(抗拒) showingoffhisnewcar.4.Wewerewalkingwhenapolicecarpulledupalongside(在……旁边) us.5.I’llwriteandapologize.I’vehaditonmy conscience(良心) forweeks.6.MrSmithusedtowatchtasteless(没有味道的) TVtalkshowsalldaybeforehelosthissight.7.Thegifthegavemeonmybirthdayisdelicate(精美的) andIlikeitverymuch.8.Ourteacherrecommended(推荐) ustoseethatfilmduringthesummerholiday.9.Oneofthethemes(主题) ofthebookistherelationshipbetweenpeopleandnature.10.It’sagood-lookingcar—theonlydrawback(缺点) isthatthepriceistoohigh.Ⅱ.选词填空11.Whensheheardthatsomeonewascomingin,sheputonasmile.12.Thewomanislookingforawaytogetridofthefliesinthisroom.13.DowntheeastcoastoftheUSisarangeofmountains,theAppalachains.14.Theboyispackinghisbagsinpreparationforthecomingjourney.paredwithordinarystars,likethesun,theearthissmallindeed.16.Ifyoucanhangonasecond,I’lllookforBobandtellhimyouareonthephoneforhim.17.Shehaseatensomanyeggssinceherchildhoodthatsheisfedupwiththemnow.18.Whowillbeinchargeofthecompanywhentheleaderretires?19.It’sreportedthatthiskindofanimalsisindangerof dyingout.20.Ialwayshavealotofbitsandpiecesinmycoatpockets.Ⅲ.单句语法填空21.Theyoungmantriedtomakeusconvinced(convince) thathewashonest.tertheyfoundoutthatthetravelersinthedesertdiedofstarvation(starve).23.Mymotheralwaystellsmetobemorecautious(caution) whilesurfingtheInternet.24.Sheisoversixty,butsheadoresplaying(play) withlittlechildren.25.Afterwork,heoftendrinksabottleofjuicetogetrefreshed(refresh).26.Thencamethedisturbing(disturb) newsthatourteamhadlostthegame. 27.Itisrecommendedthatstudents(should)take(take) partinsocialactivities. 28.Thesedayswerelyheavilyon/uponcomputerstoorganizeourwork. 29.Accompanied(accompany) byhisdog ,theoldmanwalkedtothepark.30.Tomysurprise ,thegirliskeenonplaying(play) footballverymuch. 31.Itwaswhathedidratherthanwhathesaidthatannoyedme. 32.Therewasatimewhenmanyboysdreamedofbecoming(become) pilots. 33.ShegotascholarshiptoCambridgebutdroppedoutayearlater. 34.Theheadmasteristryingtofindawaytomaketherulesaccessible(access).35.Tomyexcitement ,myson’soralEnglishhasbeenimproving steadily(steady). Ⅳ.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误) 36.Ourtrainedleaderswillaccompanywithyouandtellyoueverythingyouneedtoknow. 37.Theyhopeforthebest ,butmake preparation preparationsfortheworst. 38.Manyoldtraditionalcustomshavebeendiedoutalready.39.WhenSharonsawherfavouritesingerinperson ,itgaveher ∧a bigthrill.40.Thereisnodoubtthatthisisalsoachallengetous ,isn’t isthere? 41.Ifyourbrothercandoit ,neither so canI. 42.Honest Honestlyspeaking ,Ididn’tlikethefilmatall. 43.Icouldhavelenthermyhand ,butI am wastoobusy. 44.Themanarrestedbythepolicewascharged of withstealing. 45.This Itstruckherthatshecouldbuyhimanewsweater. Ⅴ.单元语法——完成句子46.Themanhadbeenleadingasimplelifebeforethetrafficaccidenthappened. 这个人在遭遇车祸之前一直过着简单的生活。
模拟高考强化练练模拟Ⅰ.七选五(2018·江西省新余市第一中学高三二模)Snowblind—it’s a frightening word.Thankfully,it’s a condition that is totally preventable.Snow blindness is a painful,temporary loss of vision due to overexposure to the sun’s UV rays.Essentially,snow blindness is caused by a sunburned eye.1 Though it is commonly called snow blindness,the condition can (and often does) occur in the absence of snow.The terms “snowblind” and “snow blindness” have become popular because snow is highly reflective of ultraviolet radiation.2 Also,skiing,mountain climbing and snowboarding usually take place at relatively high altitudes,where the sun’s UV rays are bined,these factors can double your risk of getting sunburned eyes,compared with being outdoors at lower altitudes in the summertime.3 Television journalist Anderson Cooper experienced snow-free snow blindness first-hand a few years ago when he spent a couple hours on a boat in Portugal without sunglasses and ended up “blind for 36 hours”, according to his report of the incident.Not only can you become snowblind without snow—it can happen without sunlight,too!4 For example,sun lamps can cause temporary “snow” blindness if proper eye protection is not used.5 To relieve pain or discomfort from snow blindness,stay indoors and wear sunglasses.Keep your eyes well-moistened with artificial tears.For additional relief,use over-the-counter pain relievers.Be sure to use only pain relievers you know you can take without worry of an allergic reaction.You also may find that placing a cool,dampened washcloth over your closed eyelids is comforting.A.You don’t need snow to become snowblind.B.It will likely affect those traveling in snowy conditions.C.To prevent snow blindness on the slopes,wear sunglasses.D.Sometimes it occurs from man-made sources of ultraviolet radiation.E.In fact,snow can reflect over 80 percent of the UV rays that fall upon it.F.Snow blindness is scary,but usually it’s temporary,and there are ways to relieve the discomfort.G.But water and white sand also are highly reflective of the sun’s UV rays,thus increasing the risk.语篇解读文章介绍了“雪盲”发生的条件及如何缓解“雪盲”带来的不适。
Lesson3 Poetry即时检测一、单词拼写1Can we turn the central heating on?I’m f .2Our plane was delayed for hours and the wait seemed e .3Through the mist I could just make out a v figure.4Make sure you b your knees and keep back straight when you’re picking up heavy objects.5Christmas is a C holy day usually celebrated on December 25th in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.6With one (跳跃) the dog was over the fence.二、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1I have a great for poems.2Please my best wishes to your parents.3We were cold in the tent last night.4I hear the price of cigarettes is again.5People came out of their houses and .6Don’t leave any valuables in your car .7 and let me look at your back.8We arranged to meet at 7:00,but she never .9They are both teachers.Otherwise they are quite .10In the darkness they could see the outline of a church.三、阅读理解A(导学号53070037)Beauty has always been regarded as something admirable.Almosteveryone thinks that attractive people are happier and healthier;they have better marriages and have more respectable jobs.Personal consultants(顾问) give them better advice for finding jobs.Even judges are softer on attractive persons.But in the executive circle,beauty can become a liability.While attractiveness is a positive thing for a man’s rise,it is harmful to a woman’s.Handsome male executives were considered having more honesty than plain men;effort and ability were thought to be the reasons for their success.Attractive female executives were considered to have less honesty than unattractive ones;their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck.All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives.Why are attractive women not thought to be able?An attractive woman is thought to be more feminine(女性的) and an attractive man more masculine(男性的) than the less attractive ones.Thus,an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs,but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appears to lack the “masculine” qualities required.This is true even in politics.Anne Bowman recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates(候选人).She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs,one is man group and the other is woman group,in order of attractiveness.The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices.They were asked to rank them again,in the order they would vote for them.。
SectionⅡLesson2What’s YourFavourite Music?一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The musicians gave a very (polish) performance.答案:polished2.Please excuse my (disturb) you at the dinner time.答案:disturbing3.We were (thrill) to learn about our success in the game.答案:thrilled4.After a long sleep he awoke (refresh).答案:refreshed5.The rain was still falling (steady) after three days in a row.答案:steadily6.Thank you for your immediate (deliver) of my mail to my house.答案:delivery7.(person),I am keen on pop music.答案:Personally二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.我喜欢民间音乐。
I like folk music.It’s and lively.答案:accessible2.我喜欢它因为它富有激情。
I like it because it with such energy.3.一场精彩的摇滚音乐会通常让我兴奋万分。
A good rock concert always .4.它(摇滚音乐)并不总是很优雅,这个事实使得我父母认为它有点寒酸,而在我看来那只是增加了它的吸引力。
The fact that it’s not always makes my parents think it’sbut that just adds to its for me.5.他也唤起了我的记忆,让我想起了我看过的那些精彩的演出。
Unit18 BeautyWarm-up&Lesson1 WhatIsBeauty?即时检测一、单词拼写1The long climb left Jane b .2We all a our maths teacher for his humour.3This hotel is (高级) to the one we stayed in last week.4Look!The cliff is almost v .5The old woman sat (向一侧) in the chair.6Her job added a new (方面) to her life.7Everyone’s opinion is bound to be a little (主观).8Emily is the voice of (良心) in the play.9The hotel offers a wide r of services.10The girl has an excellent c of French.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Even at a young age he had a good (tasteless) for books.2The assessment of a student’s work is often (subject).3Children under 12 must be (accompany) by an adult.4I can’t do this job right now because of other (commit).5I have been (consist) in my approach over the years.6Beth used to (like) rock music when she was young.7I’m surprised to see you smoke.You didn’t (use) to.8She used her position (get) jobs for her friends.9Some innocent people were used (carry) drugs through the Customs.三、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1To our disappointment,the tribe’s traditional way of lifeis .2There was no note or letter.3Janet took of the situation and got everyone out of the building.4I have a lot of work to do; ,it’s too late.5My father drink a lot,but now he has given it up.6The teacher all the students to enter the classroom.7My luggage was by five kilos.8He had opened several bottles of wine the party.。
Unit18 BeautySectionⅠWarm-up&Lesson1WhatIsBeauty?一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1.The long jump left Jane feeling b.2.What you say now is not c with what you said last week.3.My daughter a my wife to the airport to see her off.4.Do you think her job is really s to mine?5.I would expect a salary in the r of $25,000 to $30,000 a year.6.If anything happens to her,I’ll always have it on my (良知).7.Many housewives spend time in watching (无味的) TV programmes.8.Only five office workers are now at his (指挥).二、用所给短语的适当形式填空1.With the forest being cut off,more and more rare animals and plants are .2.Is mental work physical work?3.They have sold their house and car leaving the country.4.The development the company’s aims of reducing its costs.5.The singer the piano by his pupil.6.The population of these cities 3 5 million.7.I swim in the river but now I don’t because it smells terrible.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.There are 55 students in my class,(range) from 18 to 21 years old.2.To my great joy,my daughter has been doing (consistent) well in her job.3.We greatly appreciate the (commit) to equal pay and equal opportunities in your company.4.I enjoy all the (taste) dishes my mother cooks.5.She gave up (slim) after going on a terrible diet for two weeks.6.(accompany) by my parents,my grandmother went to see a movie for the first time yesterday.7.We are all sorry to see many rare animals are gradually (die) out.8.It is commanded by the King that the new rules (carry) out at once.9.It (report) that the way people spend their holidays has changed a lot in the past ten years.10.John did quite well in his exams,(consider) how little he studied.四、单句语法填空1.Standards of beauty change time and (culture) groups.2.The price of the house is quite (reason).3.It is hard (imagine) that they would be seen as (attract) in the 21st century.4.In other cultures,(look) thin for a husband-to-be is not a woman desires at all.5.(judge) the appeal of a person’s inner beauty is much more subjective.6.It is inner beauty requires us to truly see.五、根据汉语提示完成句子1.正如社会本身,传统和时尚在变化,是与时代同步的。
Period Two Warm-up & Lesson 1 What Is Beauty?—LanguagePointsⅠ.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1.superior adj.高级的,上等的2.sideways adv.向一边,向一侧3.vertical adj.垂直的,竖的4.rainbow n.彩虹5.consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的6.slim vi.&adj.(通过节食、加强运动等)减肥;苗条的7.conscience n.良心8.dimension n.方面;度量9.botany n.植物学10.skateboard vi.用滑板滑行Ⅱ.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1.令人屏息的adj.breathless→呼吸n.breath→呼吸vi.breathe2.敬爱,非常喜欢vt.adore→可爱的adj.adorable3.羊毛制的adj.woollen→羊毛n.wool4.超重的,过重的adj.overweight→重量n.weight5.责任,义务;承诺mitment→承诺mit6.伴随,陪同vt.accompany7.(数、量、年龄等的)变化范围n.range8.主观的adj.subjective9.命令,指挥mand10.没有味道的adj.tasteless→味道n.tasteⅢ.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1.用同样的方式inthesameway2.不仅仅是morethan3.为……做准备inpreparationfor4.relyon依靠5.完全消失,灭绝dieout6.由……陪伴beaccompaniedby7.一系列arangeof8.beinfluencedby受……影响9.incommandof指挥10.爱上;与……坠入爱河fallinlovewithⅣ.完成句子(共5小题;每小题8分,满分40分)1.Itishardtoimaginethattheywouldbeseenasattractiveinthe21stcentury.在21世纪,很难想象他们会被认为是迷人的。
Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ[语法·预备役]用used to或would填空1. I don't smoke these days, but I ________.答案:used to2. There ________ be a building at the street corner, but it has been pulled down.答案:used to3. We ________ live in a crowded flat in New York.答案:used to4. I ________ buy sweets the size of golf balls.答案:used to/would5. Did you ________ play chess a lot when you were a child?答案:use to[语法·讲座]used to与wouldwould与used to 一般不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或具体的一段时间。
例如:I would/used to go to France six times.(×)He used to live in Africa for twenty years.(×)两句应改成:I went to France six times.我去过法国6次。
He lived in Africa for twenty years.他在非洲住过20年。
1. would与used to都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作,常常可以换用。
When we were boys,we used to/would go swimming every summer.小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。
He used to/would spend every penny he earned on books.过去,他通常把挣来的钱全花在买书上。
Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ[夯实·基础知识]Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. The captain was relieved from his ________(指挥权).答案:command2. She ________(敬重) her parents and would do anything to please them.答案:adored3. Life is ________(没有滋味的),but it turns to be so wonderful.答案:tasteless4. ________(始终如一的) effort almost always leads to a positive result.答案:Consistent5. If your luggage is ________(超重), you'll have to pay extra.答案:overweight6. Bob was b________ with excitement.答案:breathless7. We should treat our parents according to our c________.答案:conscience8. Every girl wants to get a lovely s________ figure.答案:slim9. Some young boys like going s________ to school.答案:skateboarding10. Peter danced and Jone a________ him on the violin.答案:accompaniedⅡ. 选词填空答案:lost her sight2. It________________________be believed that sugar could decay the teeth.答案:used to3. Fire________________________ heat.答案:is accompanied by4. The child has quite________________________storybooks.答案:a variety of5. When we were boys we ________________________go swimming every summer.答案:used to/would6. Jessica ________________________Brett the first time she met him.答案:fell in love with7. His parents________________________have any real influence over him.答案:no longer8. The book touched on______________________problems.答案:a wide range of/a variety of9. Beauty is ________________________________ the beholder.答案:in the eye of10. I have known David for ________________________ 20 years.答案:more thanⅢ. 完成句子1. There is______________________________________________________(关于美观点不一致).答案:no consistent view on beauty2. ____________________________ (是合情理的)that our ideas of beauty changewith time.答案:It is reasonable3. ____________________________________(很难想像)that they are still attractivetoday.答案:It is hard to imagine4. __________________________________ (十分之一) people has a tattoo or a formof body art.答案:One in every ten5. ________________________________ (看起来稍胖些)is considered attractive insome cultures.答案:Looking a little overweightⅣ. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what wedo________benefits our work most.答案:that 考查强调句型。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.W:Linda is very quiet,but her husband talks too much。
M:Yes,you are right and he isn’t friendly either.1。
What does the man think of Linda’s husband?A.Clever.B.Unfriendly. C。
Quiet.答案:BM:I'm really tired of this weather.Rain,rain,rain。
W:Don’t worry。
The weather report says it will be sunny on Friday。
Don’t forget to bring your umbrella today.2.What will the weather be like on Friday?A。
Rainy. B.Windy。
答案:CM:They may be proud of their new equipment,but I’m disappointed。
Their nurses are not friendly and everything seems to be running behind schedule.W:Not to mention the fact that it's noisy because no one observes visiting hours。
3.What are the speakers talking about?A。
Unit 18 Beauty Section[语法•预备役]用used to 或would 填空1. I don't smoke these days, but I ______ .答案:used to2. There ________ be a building at the street corner, but it has been pulled down.答案:used to3. We ______ live in a crowded flat in New York.答案:used to4. I ______ buy sweets the size of golf balls.答案:used to/would5. Did you ______ play chess a lot when you were a child?答案:use to[语法•讲座] used to 与would would 与used to 一般不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或具体的一段时间。
例如:I would/used to go to France six times.( x )He used to live in Africa for twenty years.( x )两句应改成:I went to France six times. 我去过法国6 次。
He lived in Africa for twenty years.他在非洲住过20 年。
1. would 与used to 都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作,常常可以换用。
When we were boys ,we used to/would go swimming every summer. 小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。
He used to/would spend every penny he earned on books. 过去,他通常把挣来的钱全花在买书上。
SectionⅣCommunication Workshop,Language Awareness3,CultureCorner&Bulletin Board一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,填写单词1.It was e that the plan is a failure.Even a child could see it.答案:evident2.Can you r a good dictionary to me?答案:recommend3.My mother always t us like children.答案:treats4.He is one of the dishonest (商人)in that city.答案:merchants5.What is the main (主题)of the play?答案:theme6.The film has a rather thrilling (情节).答案:plot7.It is (幼稚的)to run into danger for nothing.答案:childish8.The great (缺点)of living near a main road is the noise.答案:drawback二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The birds got (trap) when eating corn.2.I bought this book on the (recommend) of a friend.3.Black and white show a (strike) contrast.4.There wasn’t enough (evident)to prove he was guilty.5.It is bad (manner) to interrupt.三、根据汉语提示完成句子1.它是以布芒夫人的童话故事版本为基础改编的。
It the version of the fairy tale by Madame Le Prince de Beaumont.2.她的姐妹们,费利西娅和阿德莱德,行为不佳,把美丽当作仆人。
Her sisters,Felicie and Adelaide,are nasty and Beauty a servant.3.要么他的一个女儿替他囚禁在城堡中,要么他就得死。
one of his daughters him a prisoner in the castle, he will die.4.Beauty主动提出代替她的父亲被囚禁在城堡里。
Beauty offers to replace her father and the castle.5.尽管这部电影是黑白影片,但灯光的突出运用使影片看起来有时像一幅移动的绘画。
Although it is in black and white,of light makes it seem at times like a moving painting.6.《美女和野兽》传达了一个对我们大家都很明显的信息:不应该根据书的封面来判断书(不能以貌取人)。
“Beauty and the Beast”that shouldall of us — you shouldn’t its cover.7.可是,这部电影确实也有缺陷。
The film ,however,.8.我把它推荐给全家人看。
I for the whole family.9.谁负责电影的目录表?Who is getting a catalogue of films?10.他曾经很富有,但是他肯定发生了一些事情,很可能是与酒有关的问题。
He used to be quite rich but something to him,probably problems with drink.11.李白的诗歌描写的是美丽的自然景色和感动他心灵的人物。
Li Bai’s poems are about beautiful natural scenes and the peoplewho .12.他的游历是他毕生的作品——2,000多首诗歌的基础,其中大约有1,800首流传至今供人阅读。
His travels were the for his life’s works of more than 2,000 poems, approximately 1,800 have survived to be read today.四、用a/an/the/不填完成下列句子1.As mayor of this city,it is my duty to welcome you.2.Who first invented compass in China?3.Let’s go to hospital to see Li Ping who’s been in hospital for a week.不填4.Many people are still in habit of writing silly things inpublic places.不填5.I didn’t tell him news at once because I wanted to give him surprise.6.You can have second try if you fail first time.7.My grandfather likes music of these old films.8.Before liberation my father was sent to prison without any reason.9.The speaker came from university of European country.10.I love history because it gives us knowledge of past events.;a五、阅读理解AI was just in France to visit my grandmother who is very dear to me.I don’t get to cross the Atlantic very often,and she’s now 96 years old,so every time I visit her,the two of us are very aware that it might be the last time we see each other.Last year,I did a series of short video interviews about her life.I asked her what it was like growing up with her father in the 1910s,and living alone with two young children.I asked her about her greatest memories,and her favorite books,foods,etc.Ilearned a lot of amazing new things about her I had never known before.These were very intimate conversations,which made me better know her.This year,I did not really have questions and I only had a great desire to make her know how much I loved her.I cooked for her and read her stories.I gave her a foot massage (按摩),which was her first ever!Before leaving,I was looking for a way to leave something meaningful behind besides the memory of our time together.Therefore,I wrote her five different love notes,and hid them in different places where I knew she would eventually find them.I left really joyously knowing that these cards would surely cheer her up after I left.She called me as I was traveling back to Paris to catch my plane back to the US and said,“I found your cards!By the time I discovered the last one,I was laughing outloud!Thank you so much,my sweetheart!” I smiled to myself,knowing she still had two more to go!It was Sunday,so my guess was that she had not checked her mailbox and had not yet driven her car!1.The underlined word “intimate” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”.A.closeB.inspiringC.impressiveual“which made me better know her”可知,这些对话让作者更加了解祖母,因此推断这样的对话应该是“亲密的”。
2.What can be inferred from the passage?A.The author went to France to visit her grandmother very frequently.B.The author didn’t expect her grandmother to find all the five cards.C.The author and her grandmother enjoyed the time they stayed together.D.The author’s home is not far from her grandmother’s.“joyously”可知选C项。