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正如我们很多人在学于校里所学的那样,科学方法是一个渐进的过程,这个过程始 某个目的或某个有待解决或回答的问题。这包括一组材料,一套必须遵循的操作步 骤,一系列有待进行的观察,最后是有待得出的结论。医学上,有人提出—种新药 可能医治或控制某种疾病时,先是在随意挑选的大量人群中进行试验,然后将这部 人群的用药反应与另一组随意挑选的未用此药的人群的情况进行比较。两组人群的 种种反应被一一记录,仔细比较,从而对新药的疗效作出鉴定。所有这些过程需要 时间——以及耐心。
不幸的是,科学并非这般运作。科学极少提供最终的答案。 与癌症搏斗的人们或厄尔.尼诺现象的受害者也许会觉得这 太令人沮丧,但事实是,大自然并不轻易袒露其奥秘。科学 研究是一步一步进行的,首先要有一个构想,然后用实验检 验这个构想,人们希望其结果能成为知识的一种积累。
Science is not a set of unquestionable res ults but a way of under standing the worl d around us. Its real work is slow.
It's the result of course, that makes the best n ews ─not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry.
成为新闻热点的当然是结果,而非长年默默无闻的 努力,而长年默默无闻的努力正是绝大多数科学探 索的特点。
这些标题于今年见诸报端时,这新闻便成为全世界的话题—— 既掺有乐观又带来混乱的话题。 想象—下这些新闻为成千上万与癌症抗争的人们所带来的希望。 这些新闻是否意味着这些人再也不用为癌症担忧呢 ? 还是说我 们所有的人都得为来自外层空间的大祸,或者更近一点,为厄 尔·尼诺现象造成的灾难而忧心忡忡呢 ?
the truth is
Unfortunately, science doesn't work that way. It rarely arrives at final answers. People battling cancer or victims of El Nino may find this frustrating, but the tr uth is that Nature does not yield her secrets easily. Science is do ne step by step. First an idea is formed. Then this is tested by an experiment. The outcome, one hopes, results in an increase In knowledge.
2028 年10 月26 日下午6 : 30 世界末日的最后期限 ?
New Drugs Kill Cancer
When these headlines appeared this year, their sto ries became the subjects of conversations around t he world talks spiced with optimism and confusion . Imagine the hopes raised in the millions battling cancer. Did the news mean these people never had to worry about cancer again? Or that we all had to worry about a catastrophe from outer space or, more immediately, from El Nino?
How to Make Sense out of Science
-David H. Levy
Devastation by El Nino— a Warning
厄尔·尼诺现象将带来毁灭 一则警告
6: 30 p.m. October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse?
After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist 's colleagues, who review the work. If the work is important enough, just before the report is published in a professional j ournal or read at a conference, a press release is issued and a n announcement is made to the world.
科学并非一组无可置疑的结果,而是认识我们周围世 界的一种方法。其实际进程是缓慢的。
.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The scientific method, as many of us learned in school, is a gra dual process that begins with a purpose or a problem or questi on to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusion s to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that mig ht cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with t hose of another random group not given the drug. All reaction s in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time—and patience.
