当前位置:文档之家› 新视野大学英语3读写教程(第二版)单词表



第三册A unit01

·<1>delivery |n. |1.分娩|2. |递交;送货

·<2>saint |n. |1. [C] |极为慈爱的人;道德高尚的人|2.圣徒,圣人

·<3>justice |n. |[U] the quality of being just; fairness |正义;合理

·<4>inseparable |a. |unable to be separated |不可分离的

·<5>unload |v t. |take goods off a vehicle, ship, etc. |卸下(货物)

·<6>code |vt.把...编码|n. |1代码;代号|2. can be kept secret |密码

·<7>color-coded |a. |maked with different colors |带色标的;带色码的

·<8>whistle |v. |make a musical sound by blowing air out through your lips |吹口哨·<9>wreck |n. |1.疲惫的人;健康状况差的人·2. [C] |残骸

·<10>beneath |prep. 在低于...的位置;在...之下

·<11>disguise |n. |伪装物;伪装;假扮 |vt. |伪装;假扮

·<12>disbelief |n. |[U] the feeling of not believing sb. or sth. |不相信,怀疑

·<13>agreeable |a. |1. |令人愉快的;令人满意的·2. |可接受的

·<14>penetrate |v. |穿透;渗入|vt. |see into or through sth. |看穿

·<15>vacant |a. |1. |茫然的;失神的·2.空的;未被占用的

·<16>grasp |vt. |1. understand |明白·2. take hold of sb. or sth. |抓住;抓紧

·<17>quiver |vi. |tremble or shake |颤抖

·<18>long |vi. |want sth. very much |渴望

·<19>pledge |vt. |promise to do sth. |保证,承诺|n. | |承诺;协定

|▲|<20>caretaker |n. 照看人,保护人

·<21>blossom |vi. |1.发展;成长;繁盛|2. produce flowers |开花

·<22>reckon |vt. |think that sth. is true or have an opinion about sth. |想,认为

·<23>sheer |a. |used for emphasizing the amount or degree of sth. |完全的;十足的·<24>terror |n. |[U] intense fear |恐惧,恐怖

·<25>faithful |a. |loyal |忠诚的;忠实的

·<26>merry |a. |happy and cheerful |愉快的,高兴的

·<27>festival |n. |[C] a day or time when people celebrate sth. |节日

·<28>festive |a. |merry; joyous |喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的

·<29>drain |vt. |1.使筋疲力尽;使疲劳·2. h. |使排走;使流出

·<30>exhaust |vt. |make sb. extremely tired |使精疲力竭

·<31>exhausted |a. |extremely tired |疲惫不堪的

|★|<32>customary |a. 惯常的;习惯的

·<33>sweatshirt |n. |[C] |长袖运动衫

·<34>leather |n. |[U] animal skin which has been specially treated |皮;皮革

·<35>knit |vt. |make sth. with wool using long needles or a special machine |编织

·<36>cowboy |n. |[C] |牛仔

·<37>costume |n. |服装;戏装

·<38>ceremony |n. |[C] a formal public or religious event |仪式;典礼

·<39>restrain |vt. |prevent sb. or oneself from doing sth. |克制;抑制

·<40>erect |a. t |直立的,竖直的| |vt. |建造;架设

·<41>index |n. |索引

·<42>index finger ·[C] |食指

·<43>thumb |n. |[C] |大拇指

·<44>super |a. |very good; wonderful |极好的,绝妙的

·<45>bonus |n. |1. |额外得到的东西;意外的好处·2. |奖金;红利

·<46>pray |v. |speak to God in order to give thanks or ask for help |祈祷

·<47>simplicity |n. |[U] the quality of being simple |简洁;朴素;单纯Phrases and Expressions

·<48>track down |find sb. or sth. after a long search |追踪到,追查到

·<49>pick on |treat sb. badly or unfairly |找茬;欺负

·<50>tell on |inform against sb. |告发

·<51>work out |find the answer to sth. or solve sth. |找出答案;解决

·<52>on one's own |alone; without help |独自地;独立地

·<53>hit/strike home |be understood and accepted |被领会

·<54>reckon with |consider sth. when making plans |考虑;面对;对付

·<55>call on/upon |ask sb. to do sth. |要求(某人做某事)

·<56>lead up to |come before sth. important, and often cause it |作为...的先导,引起·<57>end up doing sth. 以...结束

·<58>get (sb.) through 帮某度难关


·<1>endurance |n. |忍耐;忍耐力

·<2>moderate |a. |1.中等的,适度的·2. |温和的;不极端的

·<3>evidence |n. |[U] facts or physical signs that help prove sth. |迹象;证据·<4>formerly |ad. |in earlier times |以前,从前

·<5>journal |n. |[C] a magazine which is published regularly |杂志,期刊

·<6>consume |vt. |1. eat or drink |吃;喝·2.消耗;花费

·<7>supplement |n. 增补物,补充物|vt. 增补,补充

·<8>bounce |v. | |(使)弹回;(使)反弹

·<9>respectively|ad. |separately in the order mentioned |分别地;各自地

@ |<10>ratio |n. |比率;比例

·<11>childbearing|n. 生孩子;生育

·<12>plus |conj. 并且,而且|prep. |加

·<13>absorb |vt. |1.. |吸收·2.吸引...的注意力;使...感兴趣

·<14>restrict |vt. |limit the size or amount of sth. |限制;控制

·<15>liable |a. |1 |易出问题的;易做坏事的|2. |易遭受...的

·<16>allowance |n. | |限额,定量

·<17>digest |vt. |1. |消化|2. |领会;理解

|★|<18>digestive |a. |relating to digestion |消化的

·<19>impact |n. |[C] an effect or influence |影响;作用

·<20>vessel |n. |1. |血管;脉管·2. |船;舰

·<21>leak |v. (使)漏;(使)渗|n. |漏洞;裂缝

·<22>typical |a. |like most things of the same type |典型的;有代表性的

·<23>typically |ad. |1. usually |通常;一般|2. |典型地;有代表性地

·<24>molecule |n. |[C] |分子

·<25>protein |n. |[C, U] |蛋白质

·<26>calculate |vt. 计算|2.估计;推测

·<27>sufficient |a. |enough |足够的,充分的

·<28>compound |n. |[C] sth. consisting of two or more different parts |复合物;化合物·<29>storage |n. |[U] the act of storing sth. |储存,储藏

·<30>advisable |a. |that should be done in order to avoid problems |明智的;可取的

·<31>yearly |a. |once a year |每年的;一年一度的

·<32>physician |n. |[C] (AmE) a doctor |(内科)医生

·<33>modify |vt. |make small changes to sth. in order to improve it |修改;改进

·<34>undo |vt. |1. |取消;消除|2. |解开;松开

·<35>shortcoming|n. |[C] a fault that makes sb. or sth. less effective |缺点;缺陷

·<36>leafy |a. |having many leaves 多叶的,叶茂的

·<37>select |vt. |choose sb. or sth., esp. from a group 选择;挑选

·<38>cereal |n. |[C, U] |谷类作物;谷类食物

·<39>plentiful |a. |present or available in large quantities |大量的;丰富的

·<40>derive |vt. |取得,得到|vi. | |源自

·<41>striking |a. 显著的;引人注目的

·<42>substance |n. |[C] solid or liquid materials |物质

·<43>interfere |vi. | |介入;干涉;干扰

·<44>remedy |vt. |补救;纠正|n. |1. |补救措施;补救方法|2 |治疗法Phrases and Expressions

·<45>bounce back|恢复健康;振作起来

·<46>in general |in most situations or for most people |大体上;通常

·<47>up to |used for saying the most an amount can be |多达;高达

·<48>tip sb. over the edge |使某人受不了;使某人难过得不得了

·<49>out of breath |breathing fast and with difficulty |上气不接下气

·<50>throw up |bring food or drink up from stomach out through the mouth |呕吐

·<51>go up |become higher in price, level, etc.; rise |上升;上涨

·<52>interfere with |妨碍;干扰

·<53>sum up |make a summary of sth. |总结,归纳;概括


·<1>leadership |n. |1 |领导才能·2. [U] the position of being a leader |领导地位;领导权·<2>publicity |n. |1. c. |关注·2. |宣传;推广

·<3>cultivate |vt. |1.培养|2. |耕种,耕作

·<4>comprehensive|a. |including many details or aspects of sth. |综合的;全面的

·<5>controversial|a. |causing disagreement |有争议的;引起争论的

·<6>suspend |vt. |1. |暂停,中止·2. hang sth. up |悬;挂

·<7>strain |n. |负担;压力|vt. |1.扭伤,拉伤|2. |使关系紧张

·<8>preliminary |a. |预备的;初步的

·<9>magnet |n. |1. |有吸引力的人或物|2. |磁铁

·<10>minority |n. |1.少数民族|2. |少数;少数派

·<11>quest |n. |[C] a long difficult search |探寻,寻求

·<12>energetic |a. |full of energy; very active |精力充沛的;充满活力的

·<13>conventional|a. |of the traditional or accepted type |传统的;常规的

·<14>reform |vt. 改革;改进|n. | |改革;改进

·<15>intelligence|n. |[U] the ability to learn, understand, and think about things |智力;理解力·<16>controversy|n. |[C, U] a serious disagreement |争议,争论

·<17>curriculum |n. |课程

·<18>preparation|n. |1. |准备,预备|2.准备工作;筹备工作

·<19>mixture |n. |[C] a combination of two or more people or things |混合;混合体·<20>admission |n. |1. . |进入权;准许加入·2.承认;供认

·<21>outlook |n. |1. |看法,观点,态度|2. |前景,远景

·<22>workshop |n. |1. |研讨会;研习班|2.车间;作坊

·<23>seminar |n. |[C] a meeting at which a group of people discuss a subject |研讨会·<24>attendance |n. |1.出席人数|2. |出席;参加

·<25>utmost |n. 极限;最大限度|a. 最大的,极度的

·<26>worthwhile |a. |值得(做)的

·<27>enroll |v. |(使)登记入学;注册

·<28>outset |n. |[U] the beginning |开端,开始

·<29>optimistic |a. |believing that good things will happen in the future |乐观的

·<30>fruitful |a. |having good results |富有成效的

·<31>faculty |n. |1. |全体教员·2. |能力;天赋

·<32>campus |n. |[C, U] the land and buildings of a college or university |(大学)校园·<33>jail |n. |[C, U] the place where criminals are kept |监狱

·<34>insult |vt. |侮辱;辱骂|n. 侮辱;辱骂

·<35>curse |vt. |诅咒;咒骂|n. 诅咒;咒骂

Phrases and Expressions

·<36>see... as |consider sb. or sth. to be |认为...是

·<37>be scheduled to do |be arranged to do |被安排,定于

·<38>over one's protest |in spite of one's protest |不顾某人的抗议

·<39>put forth |show; bring sth. such as strength into action |使出;发挥

·<40>complete with |including; supplied with |包括;具有

·<41>do one's utmost |try as hard as one can |竭尽全力

·<42>work out | find a way of doing sth. |制订;找到

·<43>at the outset |at the beginning |开始

·<44>kind of |slightly; to some extent |有点儿;有几分


·<1>statue |n. |雕像,塑像

·<2>liberty |n. |自由(权)

·<3>enlighten |vt. |启发;指导

·<4>monument |n. |纪念碑

·<5>independence|n. |独立;自主

·<6>alliance |n. |同盟,联盟

·<7>approve |vi. |赞成,赞许|vt. . |批准;同意

·<8>affection |n. |[sing., U] a feeling of liking or love |喜爱;爱慕

·<9>assemble |vt. |组装,装配|v. | |(使)集合;(使)聚集

·<10>torch |n. |1.火炬|2手电筒

|@★|<11>dedicate |vt. |1. |为(建筑物等)举行落成仪式·2. |奉献

·<12>bay |n. 湾;海湾;港湾

·<13>co-founder |n. |联合创始人

·<14>three-dimensional |a. |三维的

·<15>refashion |vt. |shape or make again |重新制作;重新塑造

·<16>exaggerate |v. |夸张;夸大

·<17>breast |n. |[C] |乳房;胸部

·<18>version |n. |1. l |版本|2. |叙述;说法

·<19>universal |a. |1. |全体的;普遍的|2. |通用的;万能的

·<20>universally |ad. |worldwide or in all situations |普遍地;无一例外地

·<21>planet |n. |1. (the ~) the Earth |地球|2.行星

·<22>fame |n. |[U] the state of being famous |名声;名望

·<23>interpretation |n. |[C, U] an explanation or understanding of sth. |阐释;说明·<24>solemn |a. |serious in behavior or style |庄严的;肃穆的;严肃的

|★|<25>medieval |a. |of the Middle Ages (about AD 1100-1500) |中世纪的

·<26>grave |a. |1. |严肃的|2.严重的;担忧的

·<27>dentist |n. |[C] a person whose job is to look after people's teeth |牙科医生

·<28>alongside |prep. |beside; together with |在...旁边;和...一起

·<29>portrait |n. |[C] a picture or painting of a person |肖像;画像

|▲|<30>buffalo |n. |[C] |野牛

·<31>nickel |n. (美国或加拿大的)五分镍币

·<32>tragedy |n. |1 |悲剧;不幸|2 |悲剧作品

·<33>settlement |n. |1移民;拓居|2. |决定;协议

·<34>frontier |n. |1.边远地区|2. (~s) the limit of what is known about sth. |前沿;尖端·<35>destruction|n. |破坏;毁坏

·<36>herd |n. |牧群

·<37>decoration |n. |1. |装饰品|2.装饰;装饰艺术

·<38>horn |n. |1.(牛、羊等的)角|2. |喇叭;号角

·<39>liberate |vt. |set sb. or sth. free |解放;释放

·<40>colony |n. |殖民地

·<41>meat-packing |n. 肉类加工

·<42>reputation |n. . |名声;名望

·<43>inspect |vt. |1. |检查·2. |视察

·<44>contract |n. |[C] a legal written agreement |合同,契约

·<45>origin |n. |1. |起源;开端·2. |出身;血统

·<46>evolve |vi. |develop gradually |演变;发展

·<47>recruit |v. |1. |招募(新兵)|2.. |招聘;吸收(新成员)

·<48>poster |n. |招贴(画);海报

·<49>chin |n. 下巴

Phrases and Expressions

·<50>work on |spend time doing sth. |从事;致力于

·<51>go ahead |start or continue to do sth. |开始;继续

·<52>for sale |intended to be sold |出售,待售

·<53>name after|give sb. or sth. the name of sb. or sth. else |以...命名

·<54>rise to fame |become famous |成名

·<55>capture one's attention|draw one's attention |吸引某人的注意力

·<56>pose for|(为拍照或画像)摆姿势

·<57>go against |be opposed to sth. |违背


·<1>graceful |a. |attractive; full of grace |优雅的;得体的

·<2>chart |n. |[C] information given in the form of a picture, graph, etc. |图;图表·<3>preceding |a. |coming or going earlier in time, order, etc. |在先的;前面的

·<4>decay |n. |变坏;腐烂|v. | |(使)腐烂;(使)变坏

·<5>vinegar |n. |[U] |醋

·<6>pit |n. |[C] a hole in the ground |坑

·<7>switch |n. |1. |开关;电闸|2. |改变;转换|v. |(使)改变;(使)转换·<8>skeleton |n. |1. |骨骼;骨架|2. |梗概,提要

·<9>loose |a. |not firmly or tightly fixed |松动的

·<10> loosely |ad. |in a loose manner |松弛地;松动地

·<11>secure |vt. |1. |固定;绑紧·2. |使安全;保卫|a. |safe |安全的

·<12>fluid |n. |[C, U] a liquid |液体

·<13>drip |v. |(cause to) fall in drops |(使)滴下

·<14>pulse |n. |[C] |脉搏

·<15>straw |n. |1.吸管·2.稻草;秸秆

·<16>moisture |n. |[U] tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc. |潮湿

·<17>slide |vi. |(slid, slid)·1. |滑动;滑行|2. y |悄悄移动;潜行

·<18>thirst |n. |[sing.] the feeling of wanting to drink |渴,口渴

·<19>procedure |n. |程序;步骤;手续

·<20>liquid |n. |[C, U] a substance that is not a gas nor a solid |液体

·<21>naked |a. |not wearing any clothes |赤身的;裸露的

·<22>gown |n. |1. |罩衣;手术服|2. 女裙服;女礼服

·<23>famine |n. |[C, U] a serious lack of food, causing illness and death |饥荒

·<24>lid |n. |[C] a cover of a container |盖,盖子

·<25>jar |n. |[C] a glass or clay container used for storing things |罐子;坛子

·<26>palm |n. |1. |手掌|2. [C] |棕榈树

·<27>outline |n. |1. |轮廓;外形·2. |要点;大纲

·<28>pillow |n. |枕头

·<29>rainbow |n. 虹,彩虹

·<30>butterfly |n. |[C] |蝴蝶

·<31>hint |n. |1. |迹象·2. |暗示;示意

·<32>ounce |n. |1. [C] a small amount of sth. |少量;少许|2. |盎司

·<33> quicken |v. |(cause to) become quicker |(使)变快;(使)加速

·<34>interval |n. |[C] a period of time between two events |间隔

·<35>shallow |a. |1.(呼吸)微弱的·2. |浅的·3. |肤浅的,浅薄的

·<36>emotion |n. |[C] a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger |情感;情绪·<37>privilege |n. 特权;优惠

·<38>episode |n. |1. |一个事件;片段·2. |集;一集

·<39>association|n. |1. |协会;社团|2.. |联系;关联

·<40>the pit of one's stomach |胸口;心窝

·<41>feel for |search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc. |摸索;寻找

·<42>go about |start to work at sth. |着手做;开始做

·<43>put up a chair| |把椅子拉近坐下

·<44>except for |apart from |除...以外

·<45>read about | |读到


·<1>earthquake |n. |[C] (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earth's surface |地震

·<2>detect |vt. |notice or discover sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. |发现;查出·<3>experimental|a. | |实验的;根据实验的

|@|<4>data |n. |[U] facts; information |资料;信息

|■|<5>radon |n. |[U] (Rn) |氡(一种由镭的衰变而产生的放射性气态元素)·<6>wax |vi. |变大;增强|n. |蜡

·<7>withstand |vt. |(withstood, withstood). |承受;顶住

·<8>weld |vt. |join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together |焊接

·<9>joint |n. |1. |接头;接缝;接合处·2. |关节|a. |共有的;联合的·<10>architect |n. |建筑师;设计师

·<11>column |n. |1.柱;支柱·2.列;栏

·<12>horizontal |a. |flat and level |水平的

·<13>beam |n. |1. |梁;横梁|2. [C] a line of light |光线;光束

·<14>vertical |a. |垂直的;竖的

·<15>pillar |n. |1. |柱子;柱状物|2. |顶梁柱;骨干

·<16>rod |n. |[C] a long thin pole made of wood or metal |杆;竿;棒

|@ |<17>enclose |vt. |1. (usu. passive) |围住;包住|2.把...装入信封;附寄

·<18>cupboard |n. | |橱柜;壁橱

·<19>cabinet |n. |1.储藏柜;陈列柜|2. |内阁

·<20>fasten |vt. |firmly close a window, gate, etc. so that it will not open |锁好;闩好·<21>accidental |a. |happening by chance |偶然的;意外的

·<22>accidentally |ad. |by chance |偶然地;意外地

·<23>region |n. |[C] an area of a country or the world |地区;区域

·<24>gallon |n. |[C] |(容量单位)加仑

·<25>bacteria |n. |(pl.) very small living things that may cause diseases |细菌

·<26>receiver |n. |1. |接收机;接收器|2. |电话听筒

·<27>battery |n. |[C] a device that provides power for radios, cars, etc. |电池

·<28>first aid急救

·<29>spade |n. |[C] a tool used for digging |锹

·<30>extinguish |vt. |1.使熄灭;扑灭·2. |使破灭

·<31>extinguisher|n. 灭火器

·<32>handy |a. |near and easy to reach |手边的

·<33>portable |a. |able to be carried or moved easily |轻便的;手提式的

·<34>boot |n. |[C] a type of shoes that covers the foot and part of the leg |靴子

·<35>fragment |n. |[C] a small piece of sth. that has broken |碎片;断片

·<36>chaos |n. |[U] a state of confusion and disorder |混乱;无秩序

·<37>arrangement|n. |[C] an agreement or plan made in preparation for sth. |安排;筹备|@ |<38>sensible |a. |reasonable and practical |明智的;合理的

·<39>crust |n. |1.外壳;地壳|2. |面包皮

|★|<40>probability|n. |[C, U] how likely sth. is to happen |可能性

·<41>accuracy |n. |[U] the quality of being accurate |精确性,准确性

|★|<42>prediction |n. |预测;预言

·<43>occurrence |n. |事情;事件

·<44>resistant |a. |1.. |对...有抵抗力的|2. opposed to sth. |抵制的;对抗的

·<45>precaution |n. 预防;预防措施

·<46>related |a. |connected in some way |有关系的

·<47>in addition to |as an extra person, thing or situation to sth. |除...之外还

·<48>if/when/where necessary |when it is necessary |如有必要的话

·<49>agree on/upon |have the same opinion about |就...达成一致意见

·<50>make a difference |have an effect on sb. or sth. |(对某人或物)有影响/起作用unit07

·<1>hacker |n. |黑客

|@ |<2>modernize |v. |(使)现代化

·<3>classification|n. 分类,归类

·<4>voltage |n. |[C, U] |电压

·<5>high-voltage|a. |marked by great energy |能量大的

·<6>brilliance |n. |1. |才华;才智|2. |光亮;光辉

·<7>corridor |n. |走廊;通道

·<8>volt |n. |[C] |伏(特)(电压单位)

·<9>dean |n. |(大学)学院院长;系主任

·<10>conservation|n. |1节约|2. [U] the protection of sth. |保护

·<11>spokesman |n. 发言人

·<12>headquarters|n. |总部

·<13>maximum |a. |最大的;最多的|n. 最大量;最大值

|@ |<14>punctual |a. |准时的

·<15>gear |n. 排挡

·<16>recreation |n. |娱乐;消遣

·<17>receptionist|n. 接待员

·<18>visa |n. |签证

·<19>commercial |a. |relating to business |商用的;商业的

·<20>baggage |n. |[U] cases, bags, etc. that one carries when traveling |行李

·<21>tourism |n. |[U] the business of providing service for people who travel |旅游业·<22>excursion |n. |[C] a short journey or trip |短途旅行

·<23>sightseeing|n. 观光,游览

·<24>multitasking |n. |多项任务处理能力

·<25>multiple |a. |involving many people, things or events |多样的;多重的

·<26>frame |n. |(网络)页面|2. |框架;边框

·<27>videophone |n. |可视电话

·<28>bat |vt. |hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball |击(球)

·<29>panel |n. |专门小组

·<30>procession |n. |1.一连串的人或物|2. [C] |行列;队伍

·<31>clockwise |ad.&a. | |顺时针的(地)

·<32>quiz |vt.查问;盘问|n. |问答比赛;问答游戏

·<33>vague |a. |not clear or definite |模糊的;不明确的

·<34>politics |n. |1. |手腕;权术|2. |政治

·<35>conquer |vt. |gain control over sb. or sth. |征服;攻克

·<36>deadly |a. |1. |致命的|2. complete |彻底的;十足的

·<37>competitor |n. |[C] sb. that is competing with another |竞争者

·<38>claw |vt. |pull or take hold of sth., using claws or fingers |拉;抓

·<39>interpret |vt. . |解释|v. |口译

·<40>interpreter |n. |1.解释程序|2.口译员

|★|<41>visionary |v. 有预见的人;有远见的人|a. 有预见性的;有远见的

·<42>brick |n. |[C] a hard block of baked clay that is used for building houses |砖

·<43>hardware |n. |1 |(计算机的)硬件·2.金属器具

·<44>series |n. |[C] a number of similar things that come one after another |系列

·<45>bundle |vt. |捆扎,捆绑|n. 捆;束

·<46>export |vt. |出口|n. | |出口;输出

|★|<47>roughly |ad. |not exactly; about |大致上;大约

·<48>mushroom |vi. |grow and develop fast |迅速发展|n. |[C] |蘑菇

·<49>surf |v. (网上)冲浪|vi. d |冲浪

·<50>distribute |vt. |1. |提供;配送·2.分发;分配

·<51>distributor |n. |销售者;分销商

·<52>without (a) doubt |(used to emphasize an opinion) definitely |无疑地

·<53>stem from |be caused by sth. or develop as a result of sth. |源于;来自

·<54>put in |spend time or energy doing sth. |投入(时间或精力)做某事

·<55>in high gear|doing sth. with great effort or energy |全力以赴

·<56>on the subject of |in talking about; about |谈到;关于...

·<57>in the interest(s) of|in order to achieve or protect sth. |为了...起见

·<58>bat out|do sth. quickly, esp. in a rushed manner |匆匆作出;草草做完

·<59>work on|spend time producing or improving sth. |从事;致力于

·<60>by name|using the name of sb. or sth. |以名字;指名道姓地

·<61>claw one's way| |艰难地走到某处


·<1>implication |n. |1.可能的影响(或后果)·2. d |含义;暗示

·<2>clone |vt. |使无性繁殖;克隆|n. 无性繁殖的个体;克隆

·<3>fiction |n. |[U] stories about imaginary people and events |小说

·<4>draft |vt. 起草;草拟|n. |草稿;草案

|@ |<5>guideline |n. |. |指导方针;行动纲领

·<6>commission |n. |委员会

·<7>prohibit |vt. |forbid, esp. by law |禁止;使不可能

·<8>relativity |n. |[U] the state of being relative |相对性

·<9>split |v. |(split, split) |(使)裂开;(使)破裂

·<10>generate |vt. |cause sth. to exist; produce |使存在;产生

|@ |<11>mount |vi. |增加;上升|vt. |登,爬

|@ |<12>category |n. |[C] a type, or a group of things having the same features |种类;范畴·<13>transplant |n. |1. |移植的器官或植物|2. |(组织或器官的)移植|vt.

·<14>nucleus |n. |[C] (pl. nuclei) the central part of a living cell |细胞核

·<15>DNA |n. |[U] |脱氧核糖核酸

·<16>ribbon |n. |缎带;丝带

·<17>genetic |a. |of genes |遗传的;遗传学的

·<18>intact |a. |complete and not damaged |完整无缺的,完好的

·<19>gene |n. |[C] |基因

·<20>twin |n. 孪生儿,双胞胎

·<21>resemble |vt. |be similar to sb. or sth., esp. in appearance |像;类似

·<22>biology |n. |[U] the scientific study of living things |生物学

·<23>minor |a. |较小的;低级的;次要的

·<24>detection |n. |[U] the process of detecting sb. or sth. |发现;探测

·<25>breed ·(bred, bred)||vi. |produce babies |繁殖;产仔 |vt. 饲养

·<26>organ |n. |器官

·<27>donor |n. |[C] a person who gives money, blood, etc. to help others |捐赠者·<28>fatal |a. |1. causing death |致命的|2. |毁灭性的

·<29>nonfatal |a. |not fatal |非致命的

·<30>tissue |n. |1. [U] |(动植物细胞)组织|2. [C] |纸巾

·<31>technician |n. |技术人员;技师

·<32>infant |n. |[C] a very small child |婴儿

·<33>confusion |n. |1.困惑;迷惑|2. [U] a state of disorder |混乱状态

·<34>editorial |a. |编辑|n. |社论

·<35>clonee |n. |[C] sth. that is cloned |被克隆的东西

@ |<36>deliberate |a. |故意的;蓄意的|v. 认真考虑;仔细讨论

·<37>specifically|ad. |1. |明确地;具体地;确切地|2. particularly |特别地;特定地

·<38>classify |vt. |divide things into groups according to type |分类;归类

·<39>inhabitant |n. |[C] a person or an animal that lives in a place |栖居者;居民

|@ |<40>debate |v. |讨论;辩论|n. |讨论;辩论

·<41>within reach|1. achievable, attainable |可获得的|2. close enough to reach |够得着的·<42>come to life |be alive or vivid |活跃起来;栩栩如生

·<43>in the wake of |happening after an event or as a result of it |随着...而来;作为...的结果·<44>in the first place |1. |一开始;起初|2. firstly |首先,第一

·<45>fall into |be divided into; belong to |可分成;属于

·<46>break apart |break into pieces; come apart |裂开;破裂

·<47>in theory |as a general idea which may not be true in reality |从理论上讲

·<48>identical to/with |exactly the same as |与...一模一样

·<49>and so forth/on |等等

·<50>What if... |What would happen if... |要是...怎么办

·<51>with... in mind |考虑到某人(事)

·<52>get around | |成功地解决;克服

·<53>refer to |1.. |称呼,叫 |2.提及,谈到

·<54>under the name of |using a name different from one's own |用别名

·<55>puzzle over |think hard about; find the answer by thinking hard |绞尽脑汁;冥思苦想·<56>wonder about | |对...好奇;想知道;对...疑惑


·<1>premarital |a. |happening before marriage |婚前的

·<2>collection |n. |1.收藏品|2. [U] the act of collecting |收集

·<3>verify |vt. |make certain of or prove the truth of sth. |证实;核实

·<4>bride |n. |[C] a woman who is getting married, or who is just married |新娘·<5>bride-to-be |n. |准新娘

·<6>clause |n. |[C] a particular part of a written legal document |条款,款项

|■|<7>prenuptial |a. |before getting married |结婚前的

|■|<8>prenup |n. |[C] a prenuptial agreement |婚前协约

·<9>negotiate |v. |discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement |谈判;协商

|★|<10>prospective|a. |likely to be or become a particular thing |预期的;可能的

·<11>bind |vt. |(bound, bound)|||1. |连结;结合|2. tie sth. tightly |捆绑,捆扎

·<12>division |n. |1. |分开;分配|2. |分歧|3. |部门

|★|<13>evenly |ad. |divided in an equal way |平均地

·<14>headline |n. |[C] the title of a newspaper story printed in large letters |标题

·<15>contest |vt. |1.辩驳;质疑·2. |争夺;竞争|n. |[C] a competition |竞赛,比赛·<16>wealthy |a. |rich |富有的,富裕的

·<17>candidate |n. |1. h. |有可能做...的人;有望成为...的事||2. [C] |候选人

·<18>sting |vt. |(stung, stung)||1. |激怒;刺激|2. |刺,蛰

·<19>exposure |n. |1. |暴露|2. |揭发;揭露

·<20>academy |n. | |研究院;学会|2. [C] t |专科学校

·<21>estate |n. |[C, U] all the property and money that belongs to sb. |财产

·<22>payment |n. |[C, U] an amount of money that is paid |付款

·<23>shield |vt. |保护|n. |防护物;盾(状物)

·<24>inherit |v. |receive property, a title, etc. from sb. who has died |继承

·<25>enforce |vt. |make people obey a rule or law |执行;实施

·<26>document |n. | |文件;公文|vt. (以书面或胶片方式)纪录

·<27>misplace |vt. |put sth. in a wrong place |放错

·<28>disastrous |a. |very bad; causing a disaster |极糟糕的;灾难性的

·<29>consultant |n. |[C] sb. who gives advice on a particular subject |顾问

·<30>invitation |n. |[C] a request to sb., inviting them to go somewhere or do sth. |邀请·<31>signature |n. |[C] a person's name written by that person |签名;签字

·<32>cite |vt. |mention sth., esp. as an example |引用

·<33>awkward |a. |1 |尴尬的;为难的|2. |笨拙的;不灵活的

|@|<34>edit |vt. |编辑;剪辑

·<35>delete |vt. |remove a word, letter, etc. from a piece of writing |删除;删掉·<36>forge |vt. |1. |缔结;发展 |2. |锻造|3. |伪造,假冒

|@ |<37>dispute |n. 争端;分歧|v. |争辩;辩驳

·<38>passport |n. 护照

·<39>circumstance|n. |情形;状况

·<40>static |a. |not moving, changing or developing |静止的,不变的

·<41>valid |a. |legally acceptable and effective |有效的

·<42>bearing |n. |[U] relation or influence |关系;影响

·<43>justification |n. |[C, U] a good and acceptable reason for doing sth. |正当理由

·<44>heap |n. |[C] a large untidy pile of sth. |(凌乱的)一堆

·<45>shed |vt. |(shed, shed) |1. |发出;流;洒|2. |去掉;摆脱

·<46>widen |v. |make or become wider |(使)变宽

·<47>drawer |n. |[C] |抽屉

·<48>store away |keep sth. for future use |储藏;储存

·<49>insist on |1. |坚决要求|2. |坚持认为

·<50>make no mistake (about it) |完全可以肯定

·<51>gain in |get more of sth. |得到更多

·<52>make/hit the headlines | |成为头条新闻

·<53>be in line for sth. |be likely to get sth. |有可能得到

·<54>under pressure |influenced by urgency or other form of pressure |在压力下,在强力下·<55>draw up |prepare a written documents, such as a list or contract |写出;起草

·<56>send out |send sth. to a number of people |发出;寄出

·<57>under one's nose |just in front of sb. |就在...面前

·<58>just about |almost; very nearly |几乎;差不多

·<59>enter into |1. |达成(协议);订立(合同)|2. begin to do sth. |开始做某事

·<60>have no bearing on sth. . |对...无影响;与...无关

·<61>lay sth. bare |make sth. known |揭露;暴露

·<62>shed light on |make sth. easier to understand |使...易于理解


|★|<1>handicap |n. |1. |障碍;不利条件·2. |残疾;缺陷

·<2>authority |n. |1.权力;权威;威信|2. (the ~ties) |当局;官方

·<3>misdoing |n. |[C] a wrong act; a mistake |错事;失误

|@★|<4>drawback |n. |[C] a disadvantage |缺点;不足

|★|<5>invariably |ad. |always |总是;始终

|★|<6>clarity |n. | |清晰;清楚;易懂

·<7>expertly |ad. |very skillfully |熟练地

·<8>cruise |vi. |1.轻松做到|2. |乘船巡游

·<9>practically |ad. |almost |几乎,差不多

·<10>slam |v. |1. |使劲打;猛击·2 |把...砰地关上

·<11>percentage |n. | |百分比,百分率

|★|<12>dread |vt. |害怕;担心|n. |害怕;畏惧

·<13>intensity |n. |[U] a very strong level of thought or attention |强烈;强度

·<14>craft |n. |1. |技巧·2. |手工艺

·<15>rocket |n. |[C] |火箭

·<16>spacecraft |n. |[C](pl. spacecraft)太空船;宇宙飞船

·<17>extension |n. |扩展;发展

·<18>altitude |n. |[C] the height above sea level |海拔高度

·<19>harness |vt. . |治理;利用

·<20>solar |a. |using the power of the sun's heat and light |太阳的

·<21>orbit |n. | |轨道

·<22>bureau |n. |[C] a government department or a part of it |局;司;署

·<23>gulf |n. |[C] a large area of sea partly enclosed by land |海湾

·<24>streak |n. |1. [C] (a ~ of) a series of |一系列2. |个性;特征

|▲|<25>stammer |v. |口吃;结结巴巴地说

·<26>dynamic |a. |充满活力的;精力充沛的

·<27>universe |n. |[sing.] space and everything that exists in it |宇宙;世界

·<28>broaden |v. |make or become broader |(使)变宽;(使)扩大

·<29>suicide |n. |[C, U] the act of killing oneself |自杀

·<30>impose |vt. |强加于

·<31>imposing |a. |large and impressive |给人印象深刻的;壮观的·<32>specimen |n. |1. n |某一类人|2. |

·<33>undersized |a. |小于一般尺寸的;偏小的

·<34>tension |n. |1. |紧张关系;紧张局势|2. |紧张;焦虑·<35>be free with |be generous with sth. |慷慨使用

·<36>take to |begin to like sb. or sth. |喜欢上

·<37>cruise through |(比赛中)轻松取胜

·<38>by word of mouth |by speaking and not by writing |口头地·<39>keep sb. up to date with sth. |使某人知道有关某事的最新消息·<40>dawn on/upon |realize sth. for the first time |开始明白;醒悟·<41>to the memory of |in honor of sb. who has died |纪念(某人)


Unit 1 TEXT A Language focus Word in use [3] 1.whereby 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate Word building [4] [5] 1.resultant 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inhabited 5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful 9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12. boastful Banked cloze [6] 1.eventually 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps 6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use [7] 1. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from 5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into 8. written off

TEXT B Understanding the text [2] CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use [4] 1.indulge 2. propelled 3.aggravated 4.dazzled 5. alleviated 6.renowned 7.eloquent 8. destined 9.scorns 10. Applause Expression in use [5] 1.up 2.in 3.on 4.up 5.to 6.on 7.as 8.out sentence structure [6] 1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute 2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by some whom she may not even rate very highly. 3.My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent. [7] 1. Try as he would 2. Search as they would 3. Hard as we work Try as we might Collocation Warm-up 1. repeated 2.overwhelming 3.immense 1.heroic 2.sound 3.substantial 1.attained 2.fueled 3.achieved [8] 1. sudden opportunities 2. immense obstacles 3. amazing determination 4. profound difficulties 5. overwhelming failures 6. poverty-stricken 7. substantial hardship 8. repeated misfortunes 9. sheer persistence 10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame 12. strong will


新视野大学英语1读写教程 Unite 1 一、Words in use 选词填空 Explore(v. 勘探,探测)transmit(v. 传送,传递,传播)resource(n. 资源)emerge(v. 岀现,为? ??所公认)yield(v. 产生,岀产,屈从,让步)pose(v. 摆姿势,导致)assume(v. 认为,假定,假设)confiden ce( n. 信任信赖,自信心)in herit(v. 沿袭,秉承,继承)c omprehe nsive(a. 综合的,多方面的) 1. Give n the cha nee to show his ability, he rega ined con fide nee and bega n to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocea n because some part s are very deep. 3. It was about 30 sec onds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We ofte n assume that whe n other people do the same thi ngs as we do, the y do them for the same reas ons; but this assumpti on is not always

reas on able. 5. There is widespread concern that the risi ng un employme nt may pose a ______ threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich n atural resources an _____________ d a very big populati on. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enou gh food to support at least twice its present population.


Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the


UNIT1 reward vt. 报答,酬谢,奖励 n. 1.报答,奖赏2.报酬,酬金 rewarding a.值得做的,有益的 frustrate vt. 1.使沮丧,使灰心2.使挫败,使受挫折 junior n. 1.年少者2.地位较低者,晚辈positive a. 1.积极的,肯定的 2.确实的,明确的 senior n. 较年长者 former a. 在前的,以前的,旧时的 n. 前者 unlike prep. 不像;和... ...不同 ▲intimidate vt. 恐吓,威胁 opportunity n. 机会,时机 online a. & ad. 连线的, 联网的; 连线地, 联网地 communication n. 交流,交际;通信medium n. 媒质,媒介物,传导体 a. 中等的,适中的 modem n. 调制解调器 access n. 1.享用权2.通道,入口participate vi. 参与,参加 virtual a. 1.虚构的,虚拟的 2.实质上的,事实上的,实际上的 commitment n. 1.投入,致力,献身2.承诺,许诺,保证 discipline n. 1.纪律; 自制能力2.惩罚,处分3.学科 minimum a. 最低的,最小的 n. 最低限度,最少量 assignment n. 1.(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业2.分配,指派 embarrass vt. 使窘迫,使尴尬,使不好意思 post vt. 发帖子,张贴 embarrassing a.使人尴尬的,令人难堪的frustration n.沮丧,不安,灰心 continual a. 1.不间断的,不停的2.多次重复的,频频的 continually ad. 1. 不间断地,不停地2. 多次重复地,频频地 finally ad. 最后,终于 reap vt. 1.获得,得到2.收割,收获 benefit n. 益处,好处 vt. 有益于 insight n. 洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解 communicate vi. 交流,交际 vt. 传达,传播 favorite (英favourite) a. 特别受宠的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物) gap n. 差距,分歧 Phrases and Expressions at times 有时,偶尔 be well worth + sth./ doing sth. 值得... ...的not only ...but also ... 不仅... ...而且... ... far from 一点都不 a couple of 两个,一些,几个 get/have/obtain access to 可以使用;有权享用 keep up with 跟上,不落后 feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要 give up 停止,放弃 reap the benefit(s) 获得益处,得到好处 come across 偶然遇上 give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解 trade for 用... ... 换 participate in 参加 now that 既然, 由于 instead of 而不是,代替 reach out to 接触, 联系 UNIT2 concern n..1.担心,忧虑 2.关心的事,担心的事 Vt. 1.使担心,使忧虑2.涉及,与…有关click vi. 发出"嘟"、"咔嗒"等轻微响声n. 咔嗒声 blast v. 1.发出猛烈响声2.爆破 n.爆炸 forth ad. 出来; 向前 burst vi.冲,闯 horrible a. 1.可怕的,令人恐惧的;2.糟糕的,令人不悦的 stuff n. 东西;材料 rhythm n. 节奏; 韵律 grab vt.抓住,夺得


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案 新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!” without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, tho ugh in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.doczj.com/doc/448739874.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building 1.editorial 2.recovery 3.accuracy 4.substance 5.managerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.Ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient Ex.6 Banked cloze 1-5: L C J A I 6-10: O N E H F Ex.7 Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as Ex.8 Structured writing Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their “Bible”, Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book , but I don’t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what’s the sense of l earning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


新视野大学英语1单词表 Unit1 Section A 1、reward vt.奖赏,回报n.奖赏,回报 2、rewarding a.值得做的,有益的,有意义的 3、frustrate vt.使沮丧,使灰心 4、junior a.初级的,较低的n.较低者,晚辈 5、positive a.积极的,明确的 6、senior a.较高的n.年长者,较高者,长辈 7、former a.在前的,以前的,旧时的n.前者 8、unlike prep.不像,和······不同 9、intimidate vt.威胁,恐吓 10、opportunity n.机会 11、online a.联网的,在线的ad.联网地,在线地 12、communication n.交流,交际,通讯 13、medium n.媒体,媒介 a.中等的 14、modem n.调制调解器 15、access n.享用权,通道,入口 16、participate vi.参加,参与 17、virtual a.虚拟的,实质上的 18、commitment n.献身,投入,致力,承诺,保证 19、disipline n.纪律,学科 20、minimum a.最低的,最小的n.最少量,最低限度 21、assignment n.任务,作业 22、embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪 23、embarrassing a.令人尴尬的,令人难堪的 24、frustration n.沮丧,不安,灰心 25、post vt.张贴,发帖子 26、continual a.不间断的,不停的,重复的,频繁的 27、continually ad.不间断地,不停地,重复地,频繁地 28、reap vt.收获,收割,获得,得到 29、benefit n.利益v.有利于 30、insight n.深刻的见解 31、communicate vt.传达,传播vi.交流,交际 32、favorite a.最喜欢的n.最喜欢的人或物 33、gap n.差距,分歧 Section B 34、community n.团体,社区


第一单元:永不言弃! 1 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 2 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5英尺5英寸高,体重却有107公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!” 3 个人经历、教育机会、个人困境,这些都不能阻挡一个全力以赴追求成功的、有着坚强意志的人。任务再苦,准备再长,难度再大,都不能让他放弃自己的追求。就以本时代最有学问的两位科学家——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和托马斯·爱迪生为例,他们都曾面临巨大的障碍和极端的批评,都曾被说成“不开窍”,被老师当成笨蛋而放弃。托马斯·爱迪生还曾逃学,因为老师嫌他问的问题太多而经常鞭打他。爱因斯坦一直到将近9岁才能流利地说话,学习成绩太差,有些人认为他都已经学不好了。然而,这两个男孩的父母都相信他们。他们坚持不懈地每天和儿子一起努力,孩子们也了解到,要想成功,就绝不要怕付出长期而艰辛的努力。最终,爱因斯坦和爱迪生都摆脱了童年的困扰,进而作出了造福当今全世界的伟大发现。 4 再如亚伯拉罕·林肯这个英雄的典范,他一生面临了无数艰辛、失败和接二连三的不幸。他的出身和经历真是一点也算不上光鲜。他在一个非常贫困的家庭长大,只受过一年正规教育。经商两度失败,初恋爱人的突然离世也使他精神崩溃,还在八次政治选举中落马。此后,他的四个孩子有三个不幸去世,令他悲痛欲绝。然而,坚强的意志鞭策着他,推动他前进,使他更加乐观、投入、坚毅。这让他得以全力以赴,一次次战胜生命中的巨大困难和挫折。一百年之后,世界各地的人们都赞颂亚伯拉罕·林肯,认为他是有史以来最伟大的美国总统。 5 与丘吉尔和林肯一样,只有那些“执著地追求成功”的人,那些保持始终如一的精神意志的人,才会通过自身的努力,获得成功。许多艺术家、政治家、作家和发明家都有同样的经历。他们之所以能取得这样的成就,是因为他们拥有强烈的意愿,不懈地准备、奋斗,并保持对成功的激情。他们取得了成功,并不是因为成功很容易,而是因为他们拥有克服重重障碍的意志,为了追求目标而勤奋努力。 6 桑德拉·戴·奥康纳成长于既没自来水也没电的养牛场,她努力学习以使自己接受到最好的教育。她的学习成绩在班上始终名列前茅,一路奋斗终于进入了斯坦福大学法学院,并以优异的成绩从法学院毕业。尽管奥康纳勤奋刻苦,但在20世纪50年代,她仍然受到女人身份的制约。即使斯坦福大学的学位有良好的声誉,她仍被整个法律界拒之门外,因为事务所宁愿聘请才干稍逊的男性,也不愿冒险破例雇佣一位女律师。然而,桑德拉·戴·奥康纳并未放弃梦想。她执著地坚持下去,终于得到提名并被任命为美国第一位女性最高法院大法官。她任职


新视野大学英语读写教 程第三版课后答案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

Unit 1 TEXT A Language focus Word in use [3] 1.whereby 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate Word building [4]


1.resultant 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inhabited 5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful 9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12. boastful Banked cloze [6] 1.eventually 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps 6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use [7] 1. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from 5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into 8. written off TEXT B Understanding the text [2]


最全的新视野大学英语第二版读写教程新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版全部答案)第一册 新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 (xx-12-15 13:20:54)标签:新视野大学英语校园 III. 1. rewarding 2. municate 3. aess 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. mitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.

2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to municate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.

新视野大学英语 第三版 读写教程

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程1 十五选十 University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2) for learning, those who wish to 3) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, 5) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6) . and they dream of becoming a “Bill Gates” one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7) future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don’t want to 10) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives. Parents and teenagers have different or even opposite things to worry about. For example, while a mother might have a hard time understanding why her teenagers' room is always a(n) 1) of dirty stuff, the teenagers are more worried about their next exams and may think it is 2) for their mother to insist on keeping a clean room. It is therefore important for you to 3) the differences and learn to communicate with your teenagers properly. 4) , your teenagers may say nothing and shut you out of their personal lives. Their refusal to talk with you may even create 5) stress in your life. Learning effective ways to communicate can 6) the situation of a difficult relationship, 7) the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers. First, you should learn to discuss serious problems in daily conversations. So, important topics, such as driving a vehicle and building a(n) 8) relationship, could be dealt with through daily conversations. Second, learn to be an active listener. Many parents are so 9) with their work that they could hardly take some time for their 10) children. Spend your time listening carefully to what your children like to talk about, and make sure your children feel they are being taken seriously. This will increase the chances of good communication.

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