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A.type B.fight C.thing D.magnetic ()2.现今,当今

A.strength B.source C.nowadays D.career ()3.调整,使适应(环境)

A.attract B.adjust

C.deal D.attack


A.handbag B.pocket

C. clean D.deal


A.compare B.factory

C.company D.illogocal


A.expand B.guest C.guess D.gather


A.radio B.vacant C.telegraph D.telephone


A.tomato B.stimulate C.flood D.burn ()9.精确的;精细的

A.prefer B.present C.precise



A.flu B.headache C.fever D.warn




()11.Nobody but Jim and his uncle _______.

A. know who is he

B. knows who he is

C. knows who is he

D. know who he is

()12.We found it difficult the problem in one hour.

A.solve B.solving

C.to solve D.in solving

()13.You will miss the first bus you start earlier

A.if B.or C.unless D.until

()14.Mother as well as children to the countryside..

A .have gone B. has gone

C. have went

D. go

()15.In winter, temperatures here often fall ______ zero.

A. after

B. below

C. before

D. under


()16 ______ many times .but he still could not understand it

A. Having been told

B. Though he had told

C Though he had been told D. Having told him

()17.The boy promised his father not ______ any more

A. speak lies

B. talk a lie

C. to tell a lie

D.A or B or C

()18.You _______get down the bus until the bus has stopped

A. mustn’t

B. can’t C do n’t D. need n’t

()19 My shirt costs ___________yours .

A. twice as much as

B. as twice much as

C. two times as more as

D. as much as twice

()20 My teacher speaks loudly everyone can hear clearly.

A. so that

B. to

C. so as to

D. in order to


()21.—Here is my ticket.

A. Go out, please.

B. Come in please

C. Go back, please.

D. Come on.

()22.—Hello, John. Fancy meeting you here.

A. How do you do?

B. Hi, Jane. Where are you going?

C. Hello, Jane. Have not seen you since Christmas?

D. How are you? Have you had your meal? ()23.—That’s ¥50

A. Yes, please

B. Not today, thanks

C. Here you are

D. What do you like?

()24.—Nancy is not coming tonight.

— But she !

A. promises

B. promised

C. will promise

D. had promised

()25.—Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes?

A. What is on?

B. What is up?

C. What is it?

D. What is more?

()26.—Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?.

A. It is your opinion

B.I do not mind

C. It is all up to you

D. That is your decision ()27.—Please do not make any noise in the reading room.

A. Sorry, I wo n’t

B. Sorry, I can’t

C. Yes, I wo n’t

D. Yes, I can’t

()28.—Could you sell it for less?

A. I am afraid not

B. Please fill in this form

C. Sorry, I do not know

D. You are welcome ()29.—What do you do?.

A. I am doing my homework

B. I am here


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