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20XX年复习资料大学复习资料专业:班级:科目老师:日期:中央广播电视大学20XXXX一20XXXX学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试英语I(2) 试题第一部分交际用语(共计20XXXX分,每小题2分)1—5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Ri9ht),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。
1. -- Do you like your job?-- I'm a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong2.- Have you been to America?-- I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. RightB. Wrong3.- Where did you go for your holiday?-- Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong4. -- Hello. Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?-- Yes, it is. Can I help you?A. RightB. Wrong5. -- Have you had a good day?-- Yes, but I'm very tired.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)6—25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
6. I'm not helping you. You must wash your socksA. youB. yourselfC. itself7. A: is at the door?B: It must be our new neighbor, Mrs Jones.A. WhatB. WhoC. Which8. We used to bicycles to go to work.A. rideB. ridingC. to ride9. Her homework is in her class.A. the bestB. goodC. better20XXXX. It's to learn how to play tennis.A. easilyB. easyC. lazy20XXXX. My parents have been to the Great Wall.A. sometimeB. neverC. yet20XXXX. A: What does she ?B: Oh, she's very beautiful with long dark hair.A. look likeB. take afterC. like20XXXX. The baby was named his grandfather.A. afterB. inC. to20XXXX. If I you, I would buy a house at the seaside.A. wasB. wereC. am20XXXX. I her my computer last weekend.A. lentB. hiredC. returned20XXXX. If I Peter, I him about the meeting.A. see, will tellB. see, tellC. will see, tell20XXXX. With his help, you will have to worry about.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing20XXXX. China and Canada are the same size.A. aboutB. underC. over20XXXX. He bought two books, she.A. So didB. So wasC. So does20XX. The man is . He is rude to others.A. politeB. impossibleC. impolite21. Tianjin is a two-hour journey Beijing.A. acrossB. inC. from22. they landed, they went to the conference.A. UntilB. AfterC. When23. -- Would you like to go to the cinema?-- I'd to go to the museum.A. ratherB. preferC. have24. This sweater is not for me. I need a bigger size.A. enough bigB. smallerC. big enough25. the rain and the wind, he came on time.A. Apart fromB. In spite ofC. Although第三部分句型转换(20XXXX分,每小题3分)26—30小题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语2》2023期末考试及答案(试卷号:2205)第一部分交际用18 (共计10分.<5小182分)1-5 fl: MX下面的小村话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的携A I Right).不恰当的逸B (Wro邱).并将答察耳在答题蛾上•L —When did hr go to America?Two yearsA RiRht B. Wrong2. - Flow old are you?—Y E I am.A. RightB. Wrong■3. — Do you like coffee?1 prefer to hove MsA. Right A WrongL H E Prtcr finiKhrd his work?— Ye&He finished it • long lime Mgo-A. Right Wrong5. Would you be hnppy if you fiot thr job?—Yes. I would be vt^ry hnppy.A. Right & Wrong卵二部分iflft与tS构(共计30分.15小18 2分)6—20 a : nUK下面的句于,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的11佳选项.并在答艇纸上写出所谐的字母符号.6. 1 went to hi. houne I M H couldn't K E m・ Fhfrr was ___________ lh<?re.A no one B. nothingC> someone7. Pm not helping you. You must waah your MM?虹____________ ■A・ you B. yourselfC. itaelf8. 1 enn f t sit hem thisi chnir tn very ____ ____ ・A. uncomfonable R diiicamfortHhlrC. noncomfonableIf | you. rd »e|l rhxit enr g quickly ” powible.A. wereB. nm「・WASID, A> What doc* ?Bi ()h« »he*9 very bcnutifttl with long dark h»inA. look like B- mke MterC likeI L _______ in wrong with the cur. It won f t Mtnrt.A. Nothing R SomrfhingC< EverythingI2> If I _ Peter• 1 _________ h im about ihr rnecting tA.・《 . will tell He tellC. will 5rc. tr||13> 1( you ___ lhr licketBt I will do thr packing.A. will hook B, bookC, hookedM. He ________ mr hr wg K<)ing to Jnpuri nrxt Wrdnrhdny.A. midB. t<?ilC. told15t You _______ wenr A uniform ut tichuol. You enn went nnythifig you like.A. have to H. don f t have toC. hnvr18. The man _ . _ me i( I knew the way to guhwuy nintiuiuA. told B> nukedC. mid17. The pmntmKe ________ o n the wrtll over lhrrr t wan A pritr in ■ cornpetitimvA. whomB. who《:. whtrh18. A car hn her when »he WA* walking the road.N arrow R throughC. At19. hl _________ to learn how to piny tennisA. eMskly B・ coyC. taiy20e(ict up! Marya Tom Ims _________ cjtllcd you three ttmen thin morning,A ft yet Ik alreadyC\ never娘三BB分句lS»t«小113分)的胃季改写句于.并村菩事将在菩■峨上.2L They •mashed the window.(改为KG诵节)22. -Where h tny tug?- the asked.《将可于改成间援引谄)23. h was A phee. Ur wanted to go there.(用where 将第二切改为定诵从可)24. I*m I M I! and thin. My aimer i* too.(用so 改写旬于)25. Ahhaugh it rained* »he liked the trip. (Ml in Apitc of 将牌句逢成一句)第四册分侧诚HIM(共计20分,佃小H (分)26 3oa:««T列MI文,从A,B、C三个逸项中逃出一个正■答害.井在答nm±w出所逸的字缶将号. Polly t Ernncot who <lo you tnke alter in yaur fnmily?Fwi Dclinitely my mother. Wr*rc both quite moody nnd impHtivnt. We IKCC! to IHRUC U kn when 1 wnn growing up> hecauwe whr 1 % quick trmpd. AI M O I wc^re both (A II and fhm.Polly i Do you look like her ■■ well?Franco, No> 1 Inak like my dad • but heS very nihn< I nrn more romn!)iic> WtiHt about you?PS i Heoplr my I look like my niurn. Wc f vr got ihr Minnrunfortunntrly t Ihn 14 rn nut like her in other wnyn. She's ihy wherrn% 11ni much ninrr yocttthle I lovr being w”h my friends and meetingnvw people« but nhe hato ih Pm more like rny iUd« I think. Whoi «buu< you< Mury?Mary i Pnt a rintiira) optirrHUi* jum like my dnd. He iet never peM5imistic< I nlvvAyn think lh«t everything will work out wrl) in thr end nnd «iO iior« hr. 11 vc «ot the *ninc Mtnur of humour tny mum. We both laugh at •tupul thin「si・ 1 auppOM^ I look H hit hkr my grAndmothrr. We^vcR<H thr mmc xrnilr• and we both have very dnrk huir.26. Frnnco f M _______ k tall and thin.A. mumB. dudC. dnufi[htcr27. Franco,n dnd in _ _____ •A・ quick-tempered B> romanticC. calm .28. Polly、muni IN__ _____ and ____ _ nirHing new people.A. MociAbki loves KhmesC< Mhyi lovrw29. Mary iv «(n> ________ . |ust like brr dud.A> opiitniwi pmumiNtC・ urtSt30. Mnry h” rhr ______________ like her grnndmorhrr.A. eye* tk^nosc(L 5mtlc第五部分BIHH共计25分,fl!小Bl 5分)31-3Sflh英好仪.将下列英文句孑翩律成中文,并将答案岛在答・维上・31. They walked slowly A I OBH the rood.32. Pm in a meeting until LOO.33. Tht! nrcuuni^i which arc in n bit of have la be rrmly for next month.34. We hftvc enough money to impruvr lhe wrl>M!r.35. They enjoyed thcmrlvm al the pEy.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)The window wan amn^hed by them. She MRkrd where her bng wn* h w^s o place where he wanted to RO .rm tnll nnd thm und »o i» tny MNfrr. She liked fhc trip in npnc of the rain. 第四IM 分阅It 理耕(Ml+20分.每小BM 分)26. A 第五部分■谭(共针25分.侮小|» 5分)他们沿目那条所慢慢地走朴・我歼会开到一点钟.34. 我们《1足郸的快改近网站・35. 他TIG 晚会上玩物很开心・ 第一部分 交际用(Mi+ IQ 分.每小IB 2分) 】• A 4. A 5. A 第二部分 国汇与携构快计30分.何小JB 2分) 8. A 9. A 10. A 15a B 氤三部分 句型变换(共计16分.部小JB3分)19. B 28. H 33. 现在讨点乱.必痢耍在下卜JI 整理野.。
国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937)目录国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》 2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937) (1)国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》 2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937) (2)一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) (2)二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小題2分) (3)三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题4分) (5)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案 (5)26-30題:阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F” (6)四、翻译(共计20分,每小题4分) (7)【附录】试题答案及评分标准 (供参考) (8)一、交际用语(共计10分,毎小题 2分) (8)二、词汇与语法(共计30分,每小题2分) (8)三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题4分) (8)四、翻译(共计20分,每小题4分) (8)国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937) 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5題:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。
1.The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?—_____________________________________________A.Yes, you are absolutely right.B.Yest, I totally agree with you.C.Well, it is impossible.2.There are so many strange phone calls nowadays. I’m fed up with those calls. Speaking of strange phone calls,_________________________________,A.who are these nasty people?B.You’d better be careful of the telecommunication frauds.C.there may be some information you can get from them.3. Why do you want to leave your previous job?—_____________________________________________A.I’m hoping to have a better position.B.I don’t want to work at all.C.You won’t understand it.4.You seem a little blue today. What’s the matter?—_____________________________________________A.I am a little sad.B.It doesn’t matter.C.It’s been a difficult day.5.Hey, what are you doing in that room?—_____________________________________________A.Nothing in particular.B.Fine. Thank you.C.I am preparing for the test next week.二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小題2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
(B)1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(B)2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends.A. RightB. Wrong(A)3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time.A. RightB. Wrong(B)4. -Is there a bank near here?-Yes. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong(A)5. -How do you like the film?-Jt's very good. I like it.A. RightB. Wrong(B) 6.-Do you like your job?-I'm a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong(A) 7.-Have you been to America?-I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. RightB. Wrong(B) 8.-Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(A) 9.-Hello.Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?-Yes,it is. Can I help you?A. RightB. Wrong(A)10.-Have you had a good day?-Yes,but I'm very tired.A. RightB. Wrong(B)11. --Is there a bank near here?--Yes. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong(A)12.--What does he look like?--He is tall and thin.A. RightB. Wrong(B)13.--Where did you go for your holiday?--Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(B)14. --What are you going to do this evening?--I went there with some friends.A. RightB. Wrong(A)15.--How can I book a cheap hotel?--If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent.A. RightB. Wrong(B )16. –Shall we go to a restaurant?--See you later.A. RightB. Wrong(A )17. -What would you like to have?-An orange juice, please.A. RightB. Wrong(B )18. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong(A )19. -What time will the next train leave?-At 8.19.A. RightB. Wrong(B )20. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning?-I saw a film with my son.A. RightB. Wrong(B)21. –How is the weather today?--I’m fine, thank you.A. RightB. Wrong(A)22. -what does he look like?-He is tall and thin.A. RightB. Wrong(B)23. -Can I help you?-Nice to see you.A. RightB. Wrong(A)24. -What’s your job?-I’m a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong(B)25. -Shall we have something to eat before we go?-Nice to meet you.A. RightB. Wrong以下100题请仔细阅读答案,参照上述类型题,然后对照选项,给出Right or Wrong 的选择。
一、选择对错1.Shall we see a movie tonight?See your later.A. Right B wrong2. what would you like to drink, madam?Can I have a glass of white wine?A. Right B wrong3.When did you first come to China?10 years ago.A rightB wrong4.Do you like your job?I’m a nurseA rightB wrong5. What are you going to do this evening?I went there with some friendsA. right B wrong1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?--- Hi, Jack. We had a great timeA.right B wrong2. How are you feeling today?---I’d rather stay at home.A.right B wrong3. How old are you---Yes, I am.A. rightB. wrong4. Can I get you something to drink?---Yes, please. A coca-cola for meA. right B wrong5. How can I book a cheap hotel?---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent A right B wrong1. --- Are you ready to order?Yes. I’ll have a steak, pleaseA. right B wrong2.--- Is there a bank near here?Yes. There is one just down the roadA. right B wrong3. When did he go to America---Two years ago.A. right B wrong4.--- I went to a fashion show last night.Who took away my book?A. right B wrong5.Have you been to America、------ I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A.Right B wrong1.--- Have you ever tried windsurfing?It very kind of youA. right B wrong2.--- Where did you go in China?I went there by trainA. right B wrong3. ------Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?Yes. It’s 6825612A. right B wrong4. Can I help you?-------- Yes,please. I’d like to reserve a room.A. right B wrong5.--- How do you like the film?It’s very good. I like it.A.Right B wrong二、填空6.Today is busy. Let’s discuss it ____C___ next week.A. sometimesB. some timesC. some time7.A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.B: Oh, not at all, I ____A____ here only a few minutes.A. have beenB. wasC. will be8.His grandfather is very healthy. He ___B __ drinks ______smokes.A. both,andB. neither, norC. neither, or9.As she ____B____ the newspaper, Granny ______asleep.A. read… was fallingB. was reading … fellC. read… fell10.The book was rather expensive, but I bought it ___B___.A. any wayB. anywayC.even though11.The buses, ____B___ were full of people, couldn’t go very fast.A.thatB. whichC. there12. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ___A___ anyone.A. could have beenB. should have beenC.must have been13. Mary said she __ _A __ all over the world.A.had been toB. has gone toC. went to14.Mary’s father is very pleased ___A____ her.A. withB. atC. for15. You’d better have your hair ___B___ before going to your friend’s wedding.A. cuttingB. cutC. to cut16. He stopped ____A___TV when the dinner was ready.A. watchingB. to watchC. watch17. Nice weather,_____C_____?A. doesn’t itB. hasn’t itC. isn’t it18. Mike offered to help and so ____C____John.A. doesB.isC.did19. Mary told Little Tom not____C____ all the money.A. spendB.spentC. to spent20. A: Have you finished your homework?B: _____________C_____________.A. No, I didn’t.B. No, I haven’t finished.C. No, I haven’t.21.He used to ___B___ very hard when he was young.A. workingB. workC. to work22.He has ____A___ gone out.A. justB. nowC. soon23.We enjoy ___C___ very much, because it is good to our health.A. swimB. to swimC. swimming24.March the 8th is ____B___ Day.A. Woman’sB. Women’sC. Womens’25.A concert will be held in the school hall ___C___ 4 pm ______ Tuesday.A. on… atB. in…inC. at…on6.Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored ___C___ her job asa secretary.A. byB. fromC. with7. A: ___C___ my glasses?B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you seeB. Would you seeC. Have you seen8.An application form will be sent to you __ A___.A. on requestB. on a requestC. in request9.I was watching TV ___B___ the telephone rang.A. whileB. whenC. since10.They named the island ____A___ its discoverer.A. afterB. inC. to11.Could you please tell us what kind of work ____b___ you have got experience?A. at thatB. in whichC. which12.You can remember what you do if you ___B __.A. take a diaryB. keep a diaryC. make a diary13.This morning I had my finger ___C___ when I was preparing breakfast.A. cuttingB. to cutC. cut14.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: You’re welcome. But could you ____A___ to me tomorrow?A. give it backB. give back itC. get back15.He is really good man, ___B___?A. doesn’t heB. isn’t heC. won’t he16.I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have ____C____ in mind?A. special somethingB. special anythingC. anything special17.My father told me ___B___ his trip to Xin Jiang.A. ofB. aboutC. with18.I’ve always enjoyed ____A____.A. swimmingB. to swimC. swim19.We used to ___A___ bicycles to go to work.A. rideB. ridingC. to ride20.Don’t ___B __ him. He is writing a letter now.A. disturb toB. disturbC. disturbing21.A car hit her when she was walking ___B___ the road.A. throughB. acrossC. on22.A: Have you typed the letter for me?B: _____________A_____________.A. Yes, I have.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I’ve done.23.We haven’t seen such a beautiful film ___B___.A. since four yearsB. for the past four yearsC. four years ago24.My parents have ____C____ been to the Great Wall.A. as yetB. sometimeC. never25. Shirley ___C___ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. writeC. was writing8.A: C is at the door?B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.A. WhatB. WhichC. Who9.It' s a long way to get there. This is A we started so early.A. whyB. whatC. how10.A:I haven’t eaten all day.B: You ___A___be very hungry.A. mustB. shouldC. have to11.I don't want to watch____A___.A. anything sadB. something sadC. sad anything12. I am going to ___C __ a flat near the company I’m working at.A. hireB. borrowC. rent13.Football is so popular that it is played B more than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.A.withB. byC. for14.The boy is wearing a ___B___ T- shirt.A. baggy longB. long baggyC. baggy black15. They are friends of ____b___. Please be nice to them.A. myB. mineC. I16.Guilin is C the west of China.A. toB. atC. in17. Mr smith has ___A___ gone out to meet an old friend.A. justB. onceC. yet18. He loved ____B___ basketball when he was young.A.doingB.playingC. going19.A: ___C___ one is yours, Julie?B: The blue one with flowers on it.A. WhoB. WhatC. Which20. She ___B___ to town last week.A. goesB. wentC. has gone21.Get up! Mary. Tom has B called you three times this morning.A. yetB. alreadyC. never22. ___B___ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.A Anyone B. Someone C. Everyone23.I don’t know ____C___ to explain it to her.A. whatB. whyC.how24. I ____A___ him my bike last weekend.A lent B. hire C. returned25. ____B___ of her brothers came to the wedding. They don’t like her new hunsband.A. EitherB. NeitherC. All6.Is the supermarket ___A___ the right or left?A. onB. inC. at7. My brother told me ___C___ his trip to Scotland.A. onB.inC.about8.He is a good friend of ___C___.A. ourB.our’sC.ours9.A: Have you hadyour breakfast?B: No, I haven’t had it ___B___.A. everB. yetC.just10. I’m really looking forward to ___B___ from you.A. hearB. hearingC. being heard11. Is it difficult to learn to ___C___ TaiChi?A. playB. goC.do12. I have to go now. I have to pick ___C___ my son from school.A. inB.withC. up13. I am having the TV ___A___ tomorrow.A. repairedB. repairC. to repair14. I had a sandwich before I played basketball,___A___ I’m very hungry now.A. butB.andC. so15. The hotel is famous ___C___ its delicious food.A. withB. inC. for16. The doctor told Mr.Smith that he wouldn’t get better if he didn’t ___A___ smoking.A. give upB. give awayC. give out17. She ordered the fish,___B___?A. doesn’t sheB. didn’t sheC. hasn’t she18. A: Which jacket do you like?B: The blue ___A___ over there.A. oneB. itC. that19. This idea hit me when I ___C___ this morning.A. awoke upB. wokeC. woke up20. There wasn’t ___C___ in the house when she got home.A. anyB. somebodyC. anybody21.Mr. Hilton is not good at music. Neither ___A __ his children.A. areB. isC. be22. I love travelling. I ___A___ most places in the world.A. have been toB. have gone to C went to23. The manager told all the empoyees ___C___ late for meetings.A. not beB. be notC. not to be24. We built the house ___A___. Nobody helped us.A. ourselvesB. oursC. myself25. Sorry, I’m not free this evening. ___b___ dinner with Mike.A. I will haveB. I’m havingC. I have第三部分句型转换(15分)26-3026. Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office. ( 用instead of 将两句练成一句)He left the office instead of staying in the meeting.27. Where is the restaurant? (用asked改写成间接疑问句)He asked where the restaurant was.28. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive.(用but 连成一句)That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.29. He’s gone to Shanghai. He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式连成一句)He’s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.30. He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. (用enough…to 连成一句)He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.26. I went shopping. I needed a new pair of shoes. (用because将两句连成一句)I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.27. “Can you phone me later, Susan?”said David.David asked Susan to phone him later.28. I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher.I’m a teacher and so is she.29.she forgot about the meeting yesterday (用what 针对the meeting改写句子)What did she forget about yesterday?30. His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.His neighbor heard them making a noise.26.He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态)The laptop was stolen by him.27.Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat.(用instead of将两句合成一句)Tim cleared up the flat the next day instead of going to work.28. “ I can’t find my notebook”,she said.(改为间接引语)She said she couldn’t find her notebook.29.It was a place. He wanted to go.(用where将两句合成一句)It was a place his where he wanted to go.30. Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera.(用so将两句合成一句)Tim has lost his camera and so have I.26. I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window.I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.27. Although it rained, the visit was a success.In spite of rain, the visit was success.28. I’ tall and thin. My mother is too.I’m tall and thin and so is my mother.29. They are going to look after the cat.What are they going to look after.30. He disturbed the burglars.The burglars were disturbed by him.1.they smashed the windows(改成被动语太)The windows was smashed2.mary did not stay at home she went round to see tim (用instead of 将两个句子合成一句) Instead of staying at home ,mary went round to see tim3.I can not keep accounts ,she can not keep accountsI can not keep accounts and neither can she4.his neighbour listened to them they damaged the flatHis neighbor listened to them damaging the flat5.jack is responsible for all the training(用WHAT针对ALL THE TRAINING 提问)What is jack responsible for ?四、阅读Mary began playing the violin when she was only six.Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she began to have lessons. She really needed a better violin. One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gave her the violin--- she called it Eric Sound.31. Mary’s father ___C __.C. got the violin from his aunt32. mary began to need a better violin when she was about (11)33.the man at the concert told mary is parents that (she had real talent)34.mary (set up her own group ) shen she was 1635.Eric sound was the name of (mary is music group)36-40 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断句子是否正确。
2020年国家开放大学电大《英语II》考试整理题库及答案第一部分交际用语1.–I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.(B)A. Either have IB. Neither have IC. Haven't ID. So have I2.–What subjects are you studying?(C )A. Yes, I'm studying historyB. I'm studying nowC. I'm studying philosophyD. I'm doing my homework3.–I wonder if you could help me.( D)A. I couldB. Yes, I doC. No, not at allD. Of course4.–Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A )A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutesB. Thank you. No hurryC. Never mind. You go if you likeD. The lecture is useful5.- David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C)A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard,or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises r egularly6.–Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.(C)A. There's no problemB. It's a pleasureC. That's quite all rightD. I didn't realize that7.– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.(A)A. It's no trouble at allB. That's all right. I like itC. I don't think it's a troubleD. That's very kind of you8.–I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?(C)A. You are kind to invite meB. Yes, pleaseC. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yetD. I find pizza is tasty9.– What would you like, tea or coffee?(B)A. Yes, I wouldB. Coffee, pleaseC. Yes, pleaseD. It's very nice10.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)A. Who are youB. What's the problemC. Are you JaneD. Who's speaking11.– May I help you, madam?(D)A. Sorry, I have no ideaB. Yes, I know what to buyC. You'd better give me a handD. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges12.– Nice weather, isn't it?(C)A. I'm not sureB. You know it wellC. Yes, it isD. Yes, it isn't 13.– Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B)A. No, you mustn't if you don't wantB. Leave it if you're exhaustedC. Washing-up is really exhaustingD. Washing-up really takes up time14.– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B)A. From EnglandB. At the officeC. He's workingD. He's very busy15.– Do you like watching football matches?(D)A. Thank you for inviting meB. I don't like watching it on TV, eitherC. I hear the football match will be put offD. Football? No. It's a waste of time16. —Hello, Sally. How’s everything?(D)A. Good for youB. Oh, I agreeC. Th at’s rightD. Just so-so17 — Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)A. Certainly. Here you areB. Please don’t mention itC. It’s nothingD. Yes, I have a hand18. —I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.(B)A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So am ID. Neither am I19. —What’s the problem, Harry? (D)A. No problemB. No trouble at allC. Thank you for asking me about itD. I can’t remember where I l eft my glasses20 — What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)A. I like them very muchB. I only watch them at weekendC. It’s hard to say, actuallyD. I’m too busy to say21. --What about going for a walk?(A)A. Why not? A good ideaB. That’s all rightC. So, do ID. Walking is good to you22. — I think the Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do IB. That’s a very good ideaC. Neither do ID. I’d rather go surfing on it23. — Which language do you speak at home?(D)A. I speak English very wellB. I can speak English and FrenchC. English is my mother tongueD. English, most of the time24. — Must we hand in our homework now? (C)A. Yes, you willB. Yes, you mustn’tC. No, you needn’tD. No, you mustn’t25. —Let’s take a walk. (A)A. Yes, let’sB. Oh, thanksC. Yes, pleaseD. No, thank you26. — Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)A. Who are youB. What’s the problemC. Are you JaneD. Who’s speaking27. — Do you think the exam will be put off?(C)A. Not good newsB. The exam is difficultC. Not likelyD. It was put off yesterday28. —In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.(A)A. I’ll take your adviceB. Let me seeC. Never mindD. I’m afraid so29. —Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?(D)A. That’s fine, thank yo uB. Yes, pleaseC. Take a seatD. Of course not30.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.(C)A. The appointment is put offB. You look sick and weakC. Please wait for minute. He is busy nowD. Tell me your ID number31.Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A)A. Please get me to the airportB. please pick me up next timeC. I’ve been to the airportD. The plane will take off in an hour32.Can I help you to get it down? (C)A.No problemB. Yes. Let’s get itC. Thanks. It’s so nice of youD. It’s no trouble at all33.—I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.(D).A. I didn’t realize thatB. Here is a message for herC. I’m really sorry about itD. Really? Maybe she’s out34.—Are you sure about that? (D) .A. You n eedn’t worry about thatB. I like the idea.C. O h, no. I’m afraid of thatD. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive35.—Would you like to see the menu?(A) .A. No, thanks. I already know what to orderB. Your menu is very clearC. I hear the food here is tastyD. The setting is very comfortable36.—What if my computer doesn’t work?(B)A. I’m not good at computerB. Ask Anne for helpC. I’ve called the repair shopD. There must be something wrong37.—How’s the movie? Interesting?(C) .A. It was shown late until midnightB. It was starred by a few famous peopleC. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVD. I was seated far away in the corner38.—Is this the motel you mentioned?(B) . A. It looks comfortableB. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expectedC. You’re so considerateD. No, the price’s reasonable第二部分词汇与结构1.After(C)the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt.A. examiningB. testingC. checkingD. seeing2.Ann is studying (B)at university.A. politicB. politicsB. C. politician D. political3.After(C )the bid, major construction began in Beijing.A. winB. winingC. winningD. won4.Be sure to(A )your wife when you come here this evening.A. bringB. takeC. getD. carry5.---Can I get you a couple of tea? (A)A. That’s very nice of youB. With pleasureC. You can, pleaseD. Thank you for the tea6.Don’t worry. There is (C)room for all your books here.A. moreB. muchC. enoughD. some7.(A )fine weather it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a8.(C )for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance.A. BidB. To bidC. BiddingD. To be bidden9.Everything(D )if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyedB. will have been destroyedC. would be destroyedD. would have been destroyed10.Her parents died when she was very young, so she was (A )by her aunt.A. brought upB. brought outC. grown upD. grown11.(B)he said is quite right.A. ThatB. WhatC. HowD. Why12.He kept the light in his room (B )the whole night.A. burntB. burningC. burnD. to burn13.He was (A )about his new job.A. over the moonB. on the moonC. off the moonD. above the moon14.He has been (B)in hospital for a month.A. dangerB. in dangerC. dangerousD. a danger15.He spends a quarter of the day (B )A. to sleepB. sleepingC. sleepsD. to sleeping16.It happened (D )a winter night.A. atB. inC. byD. on17.If you (A )stop smoking, you can only expect to havea bad cough.A. won’tB. wouldn’tC. don’tD. can’t18.It’s not safe (C )in the street.A. to playB. playC, playing D. plays19.(D )it with me and I’ll see what I can do.A. When leftB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave20.I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, (B )?A. won’t heB. will heC. do ID. don’t I21.I think all these are main points ( B )much attention.A. being worthy ofB. worthy ofC. which worthD. which worthy of22.I have given(C )eating meat.A. overB. downC. upD. down23.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help (B )about it.A. but to thinkB. thinkingC. toD. think24.Linda offered him her congratulations (D)his passing the college entrance exams.A. atB. forC. ofD. on25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to (A )A. raiseB. keepC. growD. take26.Mary forgot(B )a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A. writingB. to writeC. having wroteD. to have written27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary (B)tired of having one examination after another.A. isB. areC. amD. be28.Our plane (A)from London at 7:00 yesterday evening.A. took offB. put offC. flew offD. left off29.On his first sea(D), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.A. tripB. travelC. tourD. voyage30.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering (D )luck one after another.A. a sickB. an illC. sickD. ill31.She has lived here (B)three years.A. sinceB. forC. duringD. in32.Time is money! We should (B )our time.A. be fit forB. make good use ofC. play a part ofD. take the place of33.They (B)the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. sawB. watchedC. noticedD. observed34.That’s all settled. It (D)talked about.A. shouldn’tB. mustn’t beC. can’tD. needn’t be35.The bedroom needs (A )A. decoratingB. to decorateC. decorateD. decorated36.--- What’s happened to T om? ---(D )to hospital. A. He’s taken B. He’ll be taken C. He’ll take D. He’s been t aken37.---Which do you like better, real movies (D)cartoons?---- I prefer cartoons ____ real movies.A. and , thanB. or, thanC. and, andD. or, to38.What a fool I have been! Why (B )I think of that before?A. don’tB. didn’tC. notD. do39.We must make a difference between (A )language and _____language.A. spoken, writtenB. speaking, writtenC. speaking, writingD. speak, write40.We (A )every day when we were children.A. used to swimB. used to swimmingC. use to swimD. use to swimming41.You must explain (C)how they succeeded ________ the experiment.A. of us, forB. at us, atC. to us, inD. for us, to42.You look (D ). What ______ you ________?A. tire, did…doB. tiring, have…doneC. tired, do…doD. tired, have…been doing43.Not until most of the people had left the airport (C )his sister was there.A. that he sawB. had he seenC. did he seeD. that he had seen44.They are (B )students that they all performed well in thenationwide examinations.A. so diligentB. such diligentC. so much diligentD. such very diligent45.She paid the builder (A )the gate.A. to repairB. repairC. repairingD. repaired46.We(A )every day when we were children.A. used to swimB. used to swimmingC. use to swimD. use to swimming47.The work(A )by the time you get there.A. will have been doneB. was doneC. had been doneD. has done48.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good (A )of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.A. commandB. commandingC. to commandD. commanded。
国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》2020期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. What is the best title for the following passage?A. The Importance of EducationB. The Challenges of Modern LifeC. The Role of Technology in EducationD. The Benefits of Online Learning答案:C2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. The rapid development of technology.B. The increasing importance of online education.C. The traditional teaching methods.D. The difficulties faced by students.答案:B3. What does the word "access" in the second paragraph mean?A. ApproachB. EntryC. MethodD. Right答案:B(以下题目略)二、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Passage 1Online learning has become an increasingly popular option for students around the world. With the advancement of technology, more and more educational institutions are offering online courses, allowing students to study from the comfort of their own homes. However, like any other form of education, online learning has its advantages and disadvantages.One of the main advantages of online learning is flexibility. Students can study at their own pace and at a time that suits them. This is particularly beneficial for those who have other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities. Additionally, online learning eliminates the need for commuting, saving students time and money.On the other hand, online learning can also have its drawbacks. One of the main challenges is the lackof face-to-face interaction. This can make itdifficult for students to build relationships with their peers and instructors, which can be an important part of the learning process. Furthermore, online learning requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation, which some students may find challenging.Questions:4. What is the main topic of this passage?A. The pros and cons of online learning.B. The importance of technology in education.C. The role of online learning in modern education.D. The challenges faced by online learners.答案:A5. According to the passage, what is one of the main advantages of online learning?A. The opportunity to interact with peers.B. The flexibility of studying at one's own pace.C. The high level of self-discipline required.D. The elimination of the need for commuting.答案:BPassage 2Education is a vital aspect of human development, and it plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' futures and contributing to the progress of society. However, the traditional education system has been criticized for its limitations in meeting the needs of modern learners. One of the main criticisms is that it does not adequately prepare students for thechallenges of the real world.To address this issue, educational institutions have started to incorporate more practical and hands-on learning experiences into their curricula. This includes project-based learning, internships, and community service programs. These approaches aim to provide students with real-world experiences and develop skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.In addition, technology has played a significant role in transforming education. Online learning platforms, educational apps, and virtual reality have made it possible for students to access a wealth of information and resources. This has opened up new opportunities for personalized and self-paced learning, allowing students to tailor their education to their individual needs and interests.Questions:6. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The limitations of the traditional education system.B. The importance of practical learning experiences.C. The impact of technology on education.D. The role of education in society.答案:D7. According to the passage, what is one of the main advantages of practical learning experiences?A. They provide a wealth of information and resources.B. They allow students to access online learning platforms.C. They help students develop real-world skills.D. They eliminate the need for face-to-face interaction.答案:C(以下题目略)三、翻译题(每题10分,共30分)8. 请将以下中文翻译成英文:“随着科技的快速发展,远程教育成为了越来越多人追求的一种学习方式。
二, 仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。
1 .一What is your major?A. Li Mei.cationC.A freshman.2 .-1 can show you around, if you like.A.I can' t agreeB. Sure.Thank you.C.Hurry up I.—Hi, Tom. how' s everything with you?一, and how are you?A. Hm, not too badB.Don, t mention itC. Thanks.—Hello. I , m Susan. Nice to meet you.A. Thank you.C.Much better.二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每题2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A.B_C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将 答案序号写在答题纸上。
6. My brother got his first job at age of 20.A. anB.theC. /The incident took place Monday evening.A. inB.onC. atThe train is running fifty miles.A. an hourB.the hourC. a hourThey some social work at the weekends.A. doB.doesC.didThedriver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident.A. 40-years-oldB.40 year oldC. 40-year-oldJohnthree bottles of beer just now, so he can, t drive himself home now.A. does drinkB.did drinkC.do drinkenjoy books in the library.A. readB.readingC. to readThe street is for five cars to go side by sideA. wide enoughB.wideC.enough wideThe higher the temperature is, the liquid evaporates.A. fasterB.the slowerC.the fasterwould like to do the job you don' t force me to study.A. in caseB. althoughC.as long asthink we are friends colleagues.A. as well asB.as far as A. Are you?C.Very nice.5.一How are you feeling now?B.Nice to meet yout too.B.lt-sOK.C.as good asThey work in the same company and they are with each other.A. familiarB.goodC.interestedHeher a beautiful hat on her next birthday.A. givesB.gaveC.is going to giveA student will probably attend four or five courses during each.A. seminarB.semesterC.seasonHe did not—on my proposal about the new projectA. recommendB mentC mand三、阅读理解(共40分,每题4分)21-25题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(2)》2020 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2159)9. Churches are commonly used weddings.A. to holding C. holdingB. to hold D. hold10. I think you will this problem if you have another try.A. work off C, work upB. work into D. work outII . Directions iChoose A, B or C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Example. —Oh , look. Joni Mitchell is in town.—What ? She’s one of the greatest folk singers in the world !A. Who’s that? I’ ve never heard of her.B. Sure, I’ m in town.C. Yes , I’ m glad she’s coming.Answer A is correct because the conversation should read ,“—Oh , look. Joni Mitchell is in town.—W ho ’ s that ? I ’ we never heard o f her.—What’s that? She’s one of the greatest folk singers in the world! ”11. —What’s new with you?—Well, I’ m not working at the bank any more.A. Aren’ t you?C. You aren’ t?B. Are you?12. —Have you read Clancy’s latest book, the one that just came out as a movie? It’sexciting , isn’ t it?A. I didn’ t think it was that exciting.B. I thought it was OK› but to tell you the truth, I didn t think it was thatexciting.C. Yes, I have.13. —Did you have any trouble getting used to the way of life here?A. Don’ t worry. You’11 get used to it later.B. Oh , sure, a little at first. But I’ m pretty used to it by now.C. I hope so. I’ m looking forward to seeing Beijing.14. ——Don’ t worry about that. It’s OK. We are still waiting for Sally and Linda.A. I m sorry for being late. The traffic is so heavy.B. Come on. Wouldn’ t you like to go somewhere and do something?C. I’ ve been waiting since one hour ago!15. —You know , I’ m planning to take a vacation.A. Really? That’ s great ! Where are you going?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? That’s terrible.16. —What are you reading?A. It’s written by Amy Tan.C. It’s published in 1989.17. —What’s the weather like today?—Shall we go swimming?A. It’ s windy,C. It’s quite cold.18. —How was your vacation *B. The Joy Luck Club. B. It ’ s a sunny summer day.A. Oh, I really enjoyed it, but during the trip , I had a flat tire.B. I went to visit my family.C. You really had some bad luck.19. ——No , we’ve already been living here for four years.A. Did you just move to the Bay area?B. How long have you been living here*C. Have you been here for a long time?20. —Eric , tell me about your trip. How was its—Well. .. it wasn’ t the best vacation I ’ ve ever taken.—Really ? How come?A. Actually, the food was pretty good. I found a wonderful restaurant. Some oftheir seafood dishes were the best I’ ve ever tasted.B. At the hotel I booked they said they had lost my reservation and had no roomsleft. Sooo. . . I had to stay in another hotel • a rev I I v rl isfrri sfi n cr ri1n enC. The scenery was fabulous. . . beautiful clean waters with blue skies. And thetropical rain forest. . . that part was fantastic.]]} . Directions.For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Miss Ebert kept the little bakery on the corner. Two or three times a week , she had a customer in 21 she began to take an interest. He was a middle-aged man 22 spectacles and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and wrinkled , but he looked neat and 23 very good manners. He always bought two loaves of stale bread. He never asked for anything 24 stale bread ; it cost a lot less than fresh bread.Once Miss Ebert 25 a red and brown stain on his finger. She was sure that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in an attic , where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things 26 eat in the bakery.Often when Miss Ebert sat down to her evening meal, she would sigh and wish the artist might share her food 27 of eating his dry bread. One day the customer came in28 usual and asked for his stale bread. As the sudden noise of the fire engine made him hurry to the door , Miss Ebert 29 the opportunity. She cut each of the loaves with a knife , inserted some butter and , when the customer 30 , she was putting them into a paper bag.21. A.who B.what C.whom D. that22. A.in B.with C.of D.for23. A.been B. was C.seemed D. had24. A.but B.while C.else D.from25. A.notified B.noted C.noticed D.knew26. A.and B.to C.for D. off27. A.enough B.instead C.in spite ck28. A.as B.at C.such D.by29. A.saved B.borrowed C.seized D.planned30. A.ran away B.stood up C.jumped up D.turned round N. Directions:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to eachof the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Questions 31 35 are hosed on the following R acsa ge.Research on friendship has established a number of facts , some interesting , some even useful. Did you know that the average student has 5-6 friends , or that a friend who was previously an enemy is like more than one who has always been on the right side? Would you believe that physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely , and is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court * Unfortunately , such titbits (z] JJ Q › R ) don’ t tell us much more about the nature or the purpose of friendship. In fact , studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors.For example , one function friendship seems to f ulfil is that it supports the image we have of ourselves , and confirms the val ue of the attitudes we hold. Certainly we appear to project( §j) ourselves onto our friends ; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they ( objectively) are. This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us rather than those who would be complementary. In our experiment , some developing friendships were monitored amongst first-year students living in the same hostel. It was found that similarity of attitudes ( towards politics , religion and ethics , pastimes and aesthetics) was a good predictor of what friendships would be established by the end of four months , though it has less to do with initial alliances —not surprisingly › since attitudes may not be obvious on first inspection.There have also been studies of pairings, both voluntary (married couples) and forced (student roommates) , to see which remained together and which split up. Again, the evidence seems to favor similarity rather than complementarity as an omen(QJ8)of a successful relationship, though there is a complication : where marriage is concerned, once the field has been narrowed down to potential mates who come from similar backgrounds and share a broad range of attitudes and values , a degree of complementarity seems to become desirable. When a couple are not just similar but almost identical, something else seems to be needed. Similarity can breed contempt(J@ J) , it has also been found that when we find others obnoxious(E{‘JQ) › we dislike them more if they are like us than when they are dissimilar !The difficulty of linking friendship with similarity of personality probably reflects the complexity of our personality: we have many facets and therefore require a disparate(JRJ{a} Q) group of friends to support us. This of course can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in common, and indeed dislike each other. By and large, though , it looks as though we would do well to choose friends (and spouses) who resemble(Q(J) us. If this were not so, computer dating agencies would have gone out of business years ago.31. Research on friendship has demonstrated that .A. every student has five or six friendsB. judges are always influenced by a pretty faceC. ugly people find it harder to make friends than beautiful peopleD. we tend to grow fond of people if we dislike them at first sight32. Studies of friendship have indicated that in seeking friends we .A. are looking for sympathyB. insist on them having similar attitudes to ourselvesC. think they resemble us more than they really doD, want to be f lattered33. The experiment conducted on students living in a hostel suggested that .A. in the long run, people get on better with those who are like themB, it was impossible to predict which friendships would developC. students immediately recognized others with similar attitudes and interestsD. students split up as soon as they discovered differences in attitudes34. Studies of marriage relationships indicate that .A. exactly the same bases for success apply as for ordinary friendshipsB. it is first of all necessary to limit prospective partners to people from similarbackgroundsC. opposites get on better than similar personalitiesD. the most successful are those between people who are alike but not exactly thesame35. Which of the following best illustrates the major view of the passage?A. Birds of a feather flock together.B. Opposites attract each other.C. Great minds think alike.D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.Questions 36 40 are bosed on the following passa ge.Looking back on my childhood , I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way , my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them , I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic(J J) .Before World War I › we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dimtQ ) memory of the house we lived in , of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents , aunts , uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs , the farm animals , the local birds , and above all, the insects.I am a naturalist , not a scientist. 1 have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people s observations and discoveries. Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle , because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books , which some might honor with the title of scientific research.But curiosity › a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a sci,entist one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline , a quality I lack. A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training , determination and a goal. A scientist , up to a point , can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can combine the two , you get the best of both worlds.36. The first paragraph tells us the author .A. was interested in flowers and insects in his childhoodB. lost his hearing when he was a childC. didn’ t like his brothers and sistersD. was born to a naturalist’s family试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I. (20%)1. A6. B 8• (20%1i1. c16. B . (20%)21. C26. B2. C7. B3. C 8. A4. B 9. B5. C10. D/. (20%)31. A 36. C Y . (20% )(«xPw —RX«-stñ «Rna —P. e «s, x%ee .:4 3 r:x&e e1.xaA%RNa,@ 26:TA@4@1,6*I %Et a,@ 1 u .Ve@@1,@TXE41. Don’ t bite off more than you can chew.42. You can still see things as strange as Columbus ever saw.43. There are also those who are so easily distracted that they simply “ lose track” oftime.44. eeg,>zaas9s‹aeiaxs,az°ss*°°*' **-4s. »a«£h@aJ .&JO¡}j@JQJyit-9? (keep up withlii s:za*zivass.as:aa'nwc-42. s»'‹oaa»ux>‹›ova•za,ae*^ x‹s'-43. @& —N&J J&• RT- Lai f°2 H “T ”.44. On went her old brown jacket. On went her old brown hat.45. Do you keep up with new vocabulary in the fields of science , technology , andmedicine?12. B 13. B 14. A15. A 17. B18. A19. A20. B22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C27. B28. A29. C30. D32.D33.C34.B35.C37. C 38. A 39. D40. A。
1. ―You blame me for that, don't you?―No,___________________A. of course not.B. I don't want to.C. I do think you are to blame.[答案]A2. ―I'd like to invite you to my birthday party an Saturday evening.―___________________A. Thank you for your invitation.B. I don't want to join your party.C. I did not go to the party that night.[答案]A3. ―You seem a little blue today. What's the matter?―___________________A. I am a little sad.B. It doesn't matter.C. It's been a difficult day.[答案]C4. ―Can I take your order, madam?―___________________A. Yes. I'd like an Italian soup to start with.B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected.C. No, the price's reasonable.[答案]A5. ―Hey, what are you doing in that room?―___________________A. Nothing else.B. Fine. Thank you.C. I am preparing for the test next week.[答案]C二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.—Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?— BA.No, I already have plans.B・ I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.C. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.答案"解析:本题考査“表示洵问”的交际用语。
2.—Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?— CA.No, I have other plans.B.No, I don't like being with you.C.That's very kind of you, thanks.答案:c解析:本題考查“接受邀请”的交际用语。
当第一说话人发出邀请时,如果听者表示同意,答语常用-I'd love to" “that、very kind of you”等句型表示同意.如果因故无法接受邀请,一般要先说rt l'm sorry".再婉转说明情况,以示礼貌,所以答案是C。
3.—The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?— CA.Yes, you are absolutely right.B.Yes, I totally agree you.C.Well, it is impossible.答案?C解析:本題考査“解祥”的交际用语。
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语2》2020期末考试及答案(试卷号:2205)第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小J® 2分)1-5 « :阅读下面的小对话,判断答塔是否恰当.恰当的选A ( Right) .不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答案号在答18纸上.L — Hclloe Xiaoyan< How was the parly?— Hu Jack. 1 met him yesterday.A. Right 池Wrong2. —Are you ready to order?—Yes. I'll have A chicken sabd plensr.A. Right iB. jWrong3. — Mow can I book 8 cheap hotel?—If I were you. I'd phone a travel agentsA. Right ;B・ Wrong—1 went to a fashion show las! niRht t—Who took away rny book?A. RightB. Wrong5. —Have you been to America?—rve never been thcre> but I hope to go there in the future.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6—20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选顼中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,井在答J8纸上写出所选的字毋符号a6. It f 5 ________ to karn how to play tennis^A. easilyB. easyC. lazy7. _______ I missed the train> I arrived at work on timc tA. Because AlthoughC. If8. I'm nor helping you. You must wash your socks ____________ •A. youB. younteHC. itself9. Ai What does she _________ ?B t ()h, sheS very beautiful with long dark h:nr<A. look like B, take afterC. like10. _______ is wrong with the car. It won't 5tart eB. Something1 L 1i you the tickclMe I will do I he parkingeA. will bookB. bookC. bookedI2> Hr ______ mr he wn» Kning lu jApnn next W^dnZny.A. »aidB. fellC. told 13. Youwear A uniform nt 5chiH )L You c/m wear anything you likeA. h«vc to H don e t have to C. hoveI L ChmA And ( Anndn nrc一 the sntnr *ixc tA< nbout B. underC. over15. She f s thr periion ___ _ nwirn the rmtnurnnl.A. who Be whichC. whnt16. Mikr of for rd to help and wJnhn. A> datM B. i ・ C. didI7e Mnry told Liltlr Potn nut _ nil the rnoneyaA. upendB. MpentC. tn »pcndl& Ai Have you finished yaur homework?Bi ________ . A. No« t didn r t B. No. I have. (\ No> I hnven *1, 19. I le u>ed ti )very hnrd when he wast young.A> working H. workC< <o work20. Hr hns ________ gone out>Ae just B. now (\ n<x>n第三部分 旬型变涣(共计1》分.耳小赃3分)21 — 2眼根据括号里的奖求改与句干.并将答*写在答城上.2L H C you phone me biter* Suwn?"“id David.(用心k. . . lo 改句 f )22. Hr didn*T run fw. 11( didn't cntch the bm (月I tmeuRh. . . 2 将两句连成一句) 23« Ik disturbed lha burglars.(将句 f 改为被功倡态〉24. Su^in collected the iickct» th[» nwrning.(用 When 什对划翊部分提问) 25. I went chopping I needed a pntr ol shw.(用 bceai^r 将四句也成一句)A. Nothing C. Everything第四部分阅读理解(共计20分.每小蹭4分)26-30 H:阅读下列短文,从A.H.C三个逃项中选出一个正龄答案.并在答题纸上葛出所选的字毋符号。
一、选择对错1.Shall we see a movie tonight?See your later.A. Right B wrong2. what would you like to drink, madam?Can I have a glass of white wine?A. Right B wrong3.When did you first come to China?10 years ago.A rightB wrong4.Do you like your job?I’m a nurseA rightB wrong5. What are you going to do this evening?I went there with some friendsA. right B wrong1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?--- Hi, Jack. We had a great timeA.right B wrong2. How are you feeling today?---I’d rather stay at home.A.right B wrong3. How old are you---Yes, I am.A. rightB. wrong4. Can I get you something to drink?---Yes, please. A coca-cola for meA. right B wrong5. How can I book a cheap hotel?---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent A right B wrong1. --- Are you ready to order?Yes. I’ll have a steak, pleaseA. right B wrong2.--- Is there a bank near here?Yes. There is one just down the roadA. right B wrong3. When did he go to America---Two years ago.A. right B wrong4.--- I went to a fashion show last night.Who took away my book?A. right B wrong5.Have you been to America、------ I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A.Right B wrong1.--- Have you ever tried windsurfing?It very kind of youA. right B wrong2.--- Where did you go in China?I went there by trainA. right B wrong3. ------Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?Yes. It’s 6825612A. right B wrong4. Can I help you?-------- Yes,please. I’d like to reserve a room.A. right B wrong5.--- How do you like the film?It’s very good. I like it.A.Right B wrong二、填空6.Today is busy. Let’s discuss it ____C___ next week.A. sometimesB. some timesC. some time7.A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.B: Oh, not at all, I ____A____ here only a few minutes.A. have beenB. wasC. will be8.His grandfather is very healthy. He ___B __ drinks ______smokes.A. both,andB. neither, norC. neither, or9.As she ____B____ the newspaper, Granny ______asleep.A. read… was fallingB. was reading … fellC. read… fell10.The book was rather expensive, but I bought it ___B___.A. any wayB. anywayC.even though11.The buses, ____B___ were full of people, couldn’t go very fast.A.thatB. whichC. there12. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ___A___ anyone.A. could have beenB. should have beenC.must have been13. Mary said she __ _A __ all over the world.A.had been toB. has gone toC. went to14.Mary’s father is very pleased ___A____ her.A. withB. atC. for15. You’d better have your hair ___B___ before going to your friend’s wedding.A. cuttingB. cutC. to cut16. He stopped ____A___TV when the dinner was ready.A. watchingB. to watchC. watch17. Nice weather,_____C_____?A. doesn’t itB. hasn’t itC. isn’t it18. Mike offered to help and so ____C____John.A. doesB.isC.did19. Mary told Little Tom not____C____ all the money.A. spendB.spentC. to spent20. A: Have you finished your homework?B: _____________C_____________.A. No, I didn’t.B. No, I haven’t finished.C. No, I haven’t.21.He used to ___B___ very hard when he was young.A. workingB. workC. to work22.He has ____A___ gone out.A. justB. nowC. soon23.We enjoy ___C___ very much, because it is good to our health.A. swimB. to swimC. swimming24.March the 8th is ____B___ Day.A. Woman’sB. Women’sC. Womens’25.A concert will be held in the school hall ___C___ 4 pm ______ Tuesday.A. on… atB. in…inC. at…on6.Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored ___C___ her job asa secretary.A. byB. fromC. with7. A: ___C___ my glasses?B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you seeB. Would you seeC. Have you seen8.An application form will be sent to you __ A___.A. on requestB. on a requestC. in request9.I was watching TV ___B___ the telephone rang.A. whileB. whenC. since10.They named the island ____A___ its discoverer.A. afterB. inC. to。
第一部分交际用语1.–I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.(B)A. Either have IB. Neither have IC. Haven't ID. So have I2.–What subjects are you studying?(C )A. Yes, I'm studying historyB. I'm studying nowC. I'm studying philosophyD. I'm doing my homework3.–I wonder if you could help me.( D)A. I couldB. Yes, I doC. No, not at allD. Of course4.–Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A )A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutesB. Thank you. No hurryC. Never mind. You go if you likeD. The lecture is useful5.- David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C)A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises r egularly6.–Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.(C)A. There's no problemB. It's a pleasureC. That's quite all rightD. I didn't realize that7.– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.(A)A. It's no trouble at allB. That's all right. I like itC. I don't think it's a troubleD. That's very kind of you8.–I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?(C)A. You are kind to invite meB. Yes, pleaseC. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yetD. I find pizza is tasty9.– What would you like, tea or coffee?(B)A. Yes, I wouldB. Coffee, pleaseC. Yes, pleaseD. It's very nice10.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)A. Who are youB. What's the problemC. Are you JaneD. Who's speaking11.– May I help you, madam?(D)A. Sorry, I have no ideaB. Yes, I know what to buyC. You'd better give me a handD. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges12.– Nice weather, isn't it?(C)A. I'm not sureB. You know it wellC. Yes, it isD. Yes, it isn't 13.– Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B)A. No, you mustn't if you don't wantB. Leave it if you're exhaustedC. Washing-up is really exhaustingD. Washing-up really takes up time14.– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B)A. From EnglandB. At the officeC. He's workingD. He's very busy15.– Do you like watching football matches?(D)A. Thank you for inviting meB. I don't like watching it on TV, eitherC. I hear the football match will be put offD. Football? No. It's a waste of time16. —Hello, Sally. How’s everything?(D)A. Good for youB. Oh, I agreeC. Th at’s rightD. Just so-so17 — Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)A. Certainly. Here you areB. Please don’t mention itC. It’s nothingD. Yes, I have a hand18. —I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.(B)A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So am ID. Neither am I19. —What’s the problem, Harry? (D)A. No problemB. No trouble at allC. Thank you for asking me about itD. I can’t remember where I left my glasses20 — What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)A. I like them very muchB. I only watch them at weekendC. It’s hard to say, actuallyD. I’m too busy to say21. --What about going for a walk?(A)A. Why not? A good ideaB. That’s all rightC. So, do ID. Walking is good to you22. — I think the Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do IB. That’s a very good ideaC. Neither do ID. I’d rather go surfing on it23. — Which language do you speak at home?(D)A. I speak English very wellB. I can speak English and FrenchC. English is my mother tongueD. English, most of the time24. — Must we hand in our homework now? (C)A. Yes, you willB. Yes, you mustn’tC. No, you needn’tD. No, you mustn’t25. —Let’s take a walk. (A)A. Yes, let’sB. Oh, thanksC. Yes, pleaseD. No, thank you26. — Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)A. Who are youB. What’s the problemC. Are you JaneD. Who’s speaking27. — Do you think the exam will be put off?(C)A. Not good newsB. The exam is difficultC. Not likelyD. It was put off yesterday28. —In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.(A)A. I’ll take your adviceB. Let me seeC. Never mindD. I’m afraid so29. — Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?(D)A. That’s fine, thank youB. Yes, pleaseC. Take a seatD. Of course not30.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.(C)A. The appointment is put offB. You look sick and weakC. Please wait for minute. He is busy nowD. Tell me your ID number31.Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A)A. Please get me to the airportB. please pick me up next timeC. I’ve been to the airportD. The plane will take off in an hour32.Can I help you to get it down? (C)A.No problemB. Yes. Let’s get itC. Thanks. It’s so nice of youD. It’s no trouble at all33.—I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.(D).A. I didn’t realize thatB. Here is a message for herC. I’m really sorry about itD. Really? Maybe she’s out34.—Are you sure about that? (D) .A. You n eedn’t worry about thatB. I like the idea.C. Oh, no. I’m afraid of thatD. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive35.—Would you like to see the menu?(A) .A. No, thanks. I already know what to orderB. Your menu is very clearC. I hear the food here is tastyD. The setting is very comfortable36.—What if my computer doesn’t work?(B)A. I’m not good at computerB. Ask Anne for helpC. I’ve called the repair shopD. There must be something wrong37.—How’s the movie? Interesting?(C) .A. It was shown late until midnightB. It was starred by a few famous peopleC. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVD. I was seated far away in the corner38.—Is this the motel you mentioned?(B) . A. It looks comfortableB. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expectedC. You’re so considerateD. No, the price’s reasonable第二部分词汇与结构1.After(C)the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt.A. examiningB. testingC. checkingD. seeing2.Ann is studying (B)at university.A. politicB. politicsB. C. politician D. political3.After(C )the bid, major construction began in Beijing.A. winB. winingC. winningD. won4.Be sure to(A )your wife when you come here this evening.A. bringB. takeC. getD. carry5.---Can I get you a couple of tea? (A)A. That’s very nice of youB. With pleasureC. You can, pleaseD. Thank you for the tea6.Don’t worry. There is (C)room for all your books here.A. moreB. muchC. enoughD. some7.(A )fine weather it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a8.(C )for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance.A. BidB. To bidC. BiddingD. To be bidden9.Everything(D )if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyedB. will have been destroyedC. would be destroyedD. would have been destroyed10.Her parents died when she was very young, so she was (A )by her aunt.A. brought upB. brought outC. grown upD. grown11.(B)he said is quite right.A. ThatB. WhatC. HowD. Why12.He kept the light in his room (B )the whole night.A. burntB. burningC. burnD. to burn13.He was (A )about his new job.A. over the moonB. on the moonC. off the moonD. above the moon14.He has been (B)in hospital for a month.A. dangerB. in dangerC. dangerousD. a danger15.He spends a quarter of the day (B )A. to sleepB. sleepingC. sleepsD. to sleeping16.It happened (D )a winter night.A. atB. inC. byD. on17.If you (A )stop smoking, you can only expect to havea bad cough.A. won’tB. wouldn’tC. don’tD. can’t18.It’s not safe (C )in the street.A. to playB. playC, playing D. plays19.(D )it with me and I’ll see what I can do.A. When leftB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave20.I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, (B )?A. won’t heB. will heC. do ID. don’t I21.I think all these are main points ( B )much attention.A. being worthy ofB. worthy ofC. which worthD. which worthy of22.I have given(C )eating meat.A. overB. downC. upD. down23.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help (B )about it.A. but to thinkB. thinkingC. toD. think24.Linda offered him her congratulations (D)his passing the college entrance exams.A. atB. forC. ofD. on25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to (A )A. raiseB. keepC. growD. take26.Mary forgot(B )a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A. writingB. to writeC. having wroteD. to have written27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary (B)tired of having one examination after another.A. isB. areC. amD. be28.Our plane (A)from London at 7:00 yesterday evening.A. took offB. put offC. flew offD. left off29.On his first sea(D), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.A. tripB. travelC. tourD. voyage30.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering (D )luck one after another.A. a sickB. an illC. sickD. ill31.She has lived here (B)three years.A. sinceB. forC. duringD. in32.Time is money! We should (B )our time.A. be fit forB. make good use ofC. play a part ofD. take the place of33.They (B)the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. sawB. watchedC. noticedD. observed34.That’s all settled. It (D)talked about.A. shouldn’tB. mustn’t beC. can’tD. needn’t be35.The bedroom needs (A )A. decoratingB. to decorateC. decorateD. decorated36.--- What’s happened to Tom? ---(D )to hospital. A. He’s taken B. He’ll be taken C. He’ll take D. He’s been taken37.---Which do you like better, real movies (D)cartoons?---- I prefer cartoons ____ real movies.A. and , thanB. or, thanC. and, andD. or, to38.What a fool I have been! Why (B )I think of that before?A. don’tB. didn’tC. notD. do39.We must make a difference between (A )language and _____language.A. spoken, writtenB. speaking, writtenC. speaking, writingD. speak, write40.We (A )every day when we were children.A. used to swimB. used to swimmingC. use to swimD. use to swimming41.You must explain (C)how they succeeded ________ the experiment.A. of us, forB. at us, atC. to us, inD. for us, to42.You look (D ). What ______ you ________?A. tire, did…doB. tiring, have…doneC. tired, do…doD. tired, have…been doing43.Not until most of the people had left the airport (C )his sister was there.A. that he sawB. had he seenC. did he seeD. that he had seen44.They are (B )students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.A. so diligentB. such diligentC. so much diligentD. such very diligent45.She paid the builder (A )the gate.A. to repairB. repairC. repairingD. repaired46.We(A )every day when we were children.A. used to swimB. used to swimmingC. use to swimD. use to swimming47.The work(A )by the time you get there.A. will have been doneB. was doneC. had been doneD. has done48.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good (A )of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.A. commandB. commandingC. to commandD. commanded。
国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937)一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentencesin this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.( ) 1. The Internet has greatly influenced the way we __________ information.A. receiveB. acceptC. obtainD. achieve( ) 2. ___________ he comes, he will bring us the good news.A. HoweverB. WheneverC. WhereverD. Whoever( ) 3. It is reported that the famous writer is planning to ___________ a new book.A. publishB. writeC. produceD. print( ) 4. The manager asked his assistant to___________ the report to him.A. sendB. bringC. fetchD. deliver( ) 5. ___________ he failed in the exam, hedidn't lose heart.A. AlthoughB. Even ifC. DespiteD. Even though( ) 6. If I had enough money, I would ___________ a trip around the world.A. takeB. makeC. goD. travel( ) 7. The teacher's lecture was so ___________ that all the students were attracted.A. instructiveB. interestingC. absorbingD. fascinating( ) 8. It's important for us to ___________ the differences between American and British English.A. recognizeB. distinguishC. identifyD. understand( ) 9. The old man ___________ his glasses on the table and then began to read the newspaper.A. put onB. took offC. laid downD. picked up( ) 10. The manager decided to ___________ the project until further notice.A. delayB. postponeC. suspendD. cancel答案:1-10 ACBDB DBDCC二、完形填空(每题2分,共20分)Directions: There is a passage with 10 blanks. Fill in each blank with the correct choice from the four options given below.In recent years, the concept of low-carbon living has gained increasing attention. People are becoming more aware of the importance of reducing carbon emissions to protect our environment. There are several ways to achieve a low-carbon lifestyle.Firstly, we can use public transportation instead of driving private cars. This can help reduce air pollution and traffic congestion. Secondly, we should save energy by turning off electrical appliances when they are not in use. Thirdly, we can adopt a vegetarian diet, as meat production generates a significant amount of carbon emissions.( ) 1. A. concept B. idea C. thought D. notion( ) 2. A. aware B. conscious C. mindful D. sensible( ) 3. A. reducing B. decreasing C. cutting D. lowering( ) 4. A. protect B. preserve C. defend D. safeguard( ) 5. A. achieve B. attain C. reach D. arrive( ) 6. A. transportation B. transfer C. transmit D. transport( ) 7. A. help B. assist C. aid D. support( ) 8. A. pollution B. dirt C. filth D. rubbish( ) 9. A. save B. preserve C. conserve D. maintain( ) 10. A. adopt B. adapt C. adept D. accept答案:1-10 ABBDC AABCC三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Directions: There is a passage in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer.Passage:The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life. It has brought numerous benefits to us, such as easy access to information, communication with people from all over the world, and online shopping. However, it also has some negative effects.One of the main advantages of the Internet is that it provides us with a vast amount of information. We can find almost anything we need by searching online.Additionally, the Internet allows us to communicate with friends and family who live far away through email, social media, and instant messaging.On the other hand, the Internet can also be a distraction. Many people spend too much time online, which can lead to a lack of productivity and even addiction. Moreover, the Internet is not always reliable. There is a lot of false information and scams out there.( ) 11. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The benefits of the InternetB. The negative effects of the InternetC. The role of the Internet in our daily lifeD. The reliability of the Internet( ) 12. According to the passage, what is one of the main advantages of the Internet?A. It allows us to communicate with people from all over the world.B. It provides us with a vast amount of information.C. It helps us to be more productive.D. It is always reliable.( ) 13. What is one of the negative effects of the Internet mentioned in the passage?A. It is a distraction.B. It is expensive.C. It is difficult to use.D. It is not secure.( ) 14. What is the author's attitude towards the Internet?A. PositiveB. NegativeC. NeutralD. Critical( ) 15. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To informB. To persuadeC. To entertainD. To argue答案:11-15 CBBAC四、段落匹配(每题2分,共20分)Directions: There are 5 paragraphs followed by a list of headings. Match each paragraph with thecorrect heading.Para. 1: In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a common problem for many people. It can negatively affect both our mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important to find ways to manage stress effectively.Para. 2: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Physical activity helps to relax muscles and relieve tension in the body. Additionally, exercise promotes the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.Para. 3: Another effective method to manage stress is through mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. They encourage us to focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the future.Para. 4: It is also beneficial to establish healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. These habits can contribute to overall well-being and reduce stress levels.Para. 5: Lastly, seeking support from friends, family, or a professional can be helpful in managing stress. Talking about your problems and finding someone to listen can provide comfort and guidance.List of headings:A. The importance of exerciseB. The role of mindfulness and meditationC. The impact of stress on healthD. The benefits of seeking supportE. Establishing healthy habits答案:Para. 1-C, Para. 2-A, Para. 3-B, Para. 4-E, Para. 5-D五、写作(20分)Directions: Write an essay of about 150-200 words on the topic "The Importance of Environmental Protection". In your essay, you should:1. State your opinion on the importance of environmental protection.2. Give reasons to support your opinion.3. Provide a conclusion for your essay.答案:The Importance of Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental protection has become a pressing issue in today's world. In my opinion, it is of utmost importance to protect our environment for several reasons.Firstly, environmental protection is essential for the survival of our planet. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat all come from the environment. If we do not take care of our environment, we will face severe consequences, such as air andwater pollution, climate change, and loss of biodiversity.Secondly, environmental protection is crucial for the well-being of future generations. We have a responsibility to leave a healthy and sustainable planet for our children and grandchildren. If we continue to exploit natural resources and damage the environment, future generations will suffer the consequences.Lastly, environmental protection can bring about economic benefits. By adopting sustainable practices, we can promote economic growth and create job opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy and green technology.In conclusion, environmental protection is of vital importance. We must take collective action to preserve our environment for the sake of our planet, future generations, and economic prosperity.。