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conversation 分类情景与词汇学生VS. 教授l●论文 paper &作业 assignmentdeadline['dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止时间Ex: T here's n o w ay I c an m eet t hat d eadline.presentation[.prezen'teiʃən] n. (国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲Ex: T he s peaker g ave a n i nteresting p resentation o n u rban transport.extension[iks'tenʃən] n. 延期Ex: D onald's b een g iven a n e xtension t o f inish h is t hesis plagiarism['pleidʒiəәrizəәm] n. 剽窃Ex: T he j ournal a ccused t he p rofessor o f p lagiarism.thesis['θi:sis] n. 毕业论文Ex: a m aster's/doctoral t hesis o n t he e ffects o f g lobal w arming abstract['æbstrækt] n. 摘要Ex: T here i s a s ection a t t he e nd o f t he m agazine w hich i ncludes abstracts o f r ecent a rticles/books.summary['sʌməәri] n. 摘要Ex: A t t he e nd o f t he n ews, t hey o ften g ive y ou a s ummary o f t he main n ews s tories.Literature R eview ['litəәrəәtʃə] 文献综述Ex: The ultimate goal of literature review is to bring the reader up t o d ate w ith c urrent l iterature o n a t opicreferences/bibliography[.bibli'ɔgrəәfi] n. 参考书目Ex: B ibliography u sually a ppears a t t he e nd o f t he t hesis. term p aper n. 学期论文Ex: Bill has written only one-‐third of his term paper that is due tomorrowgraph[grɑ:f] n. 图表,示意图Ex: T his g raph s hows h ow c rime h as v aried i n r elationship t o unemployment o ver t he l ast 20 y ears.chart[tʃɑ:t] n. 图表Ex: H e i llustrated h is t heory b y u sing c harts a nd g raphs.l●实习或暑期工作 internship& s ummer w orksemester=term [si'mestəә] n. 学期Ex: H ow m any s ubjects a re y ou s tudying t his s emesterplacement s ervice 就业办公室Ex: Placement service is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employees and assists students in finding f ull-‐time j obs a fter g raduation i s a/antake o n a p art-‐time j ob 找兼职工作Ex: H e h ad t aken a p art-‐time j ob s elling a ll-‐natural p roducts. spring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archl 课程或专业术语 course & a cademic t ermcourse[kɔ:s] n. 课程Ex: c ompulsory/required/mandatory c ourse; elective c ourse, optional c ourse;foundation c ourse, introductory c ourse, intermediate l evel course, advanced c ourseelective[i'lektiv] n. 选修科目Ex: S he t ook t hree e lectives l ast t erm.handout ['hændaut] n. 讲义Ex: I e-‐mailed y ou a bout g etting t he h andouts f rom t he c lass I missed t he o ther d ay.course s yllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲Ex: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such a s a ttendanceoption ['ɔpʃən] n. 选修科目Ex: S he i s t aking F rench a s a n o ption n ext y earfield w ork 野外考察实地考察Ex:Offered b y m ost d epartments f or a cademic c redit, f ield w ork enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical e xperiences o f a p articular d iscipline i nteract.pop q uiz 突击考试Ex: W e h ave a h istory q uiz e very M onday.mid-‐term e xam 期中考试Ex: A lison h as a h istory m idterm n ext w e xam 期末考试Ex: T he f inal e xam f or t his c lass w ill b e o n M ay 21st.When i s y our c hemistry/French/algebra f inal?online c ourse 网络课程Ex: Online courses enable us to extend the opportunity of studying with the University of Oxford to students anywhere in the w orld, i n a w ay t hat f its w ith t he b usiest o f l ives.curriculum [kəә'rikjuləәm] n. 课程,全部课程Ex: L anguages a re a n e ssential p art o f t he s chool c urriculum.l 图书管理员 librarianoverdue['əәuvəә'dju:] adj. 过期的Ex: I m ust t ake t hese b ooks b ack t o t he l ibrary -‐ t hey're o verdue. There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.the s tacks [plural] 书架Ex: I c ouldn't f ind t he b ook i n t he s tacks.recall [ri'kɔ:l] v. 召回Ex: If the book is recalled by other students then you have to return it within 7 working days.library c ard 借书证Ex: I’ve l ost m y l ibrary c ard a nd I c an’t b orrow a ny b ooks u ntil I get a n ew o ne.fiction['fikʃən] n. 小说Ex: T he b ook i s a w ork o f f iction a nd n ot i ntended a s a h istorical account.non-‐fiction 非小说Ex: N on-‐fictions i nclude d ictionaries a nd r eference b ooks. reference b ook(=reference) 参考书Ex: T he r eference b ook I w ant t o b orrow h as b een p ut o n r eserve by t he p rofessor.encyclopedia[en.saikləәu'pi:diəә] n. 百科全书Ex: Does anyone know when Mozart was born?" "Look it up in the e ncyclopedia."periodical[.piəәri'ɔdikəәl] n. 期刊Ex: S he h as w ritten f or s everal l egal p eriodicals.magazine [.mægə'zi:n] n. 杂志Ex: S he's t he e ditor o f a p opular w omen's m agazine.current i ssue 现刊Ex: Current issues are put on the shelves in the periodical section.back i ssue 过刊Ex: Back issues of newspapers are put in the basement of the library.journal ['dʒə:nl] n. 学术杂志Ex: T he l ibrary s ubscribes t o a ll t he m ajor s cience j ournals. atlas ['ætləәs] n. 地图册Ex: a n a tlas o f t he w orldalmanac['ɔ:lməәnæk] n. 年鉴Ex: a b ook p ublished e very y ear t hat c ontains f acts a nd information s uch a s i mportant d ays, t imes o f t he s un r ising a nd going d own o r c hanges i n t he m oonvideo 录像带Ex: W e're g oing t o r ent a c ouple o f v ideos t o w atch t his w eekend VCR 录像机 = V ideo C assette R ecorderEx: a machine you use to record television programmes or play videotapesonline d atabase 在线数据库Ex: W e're l inked t o t he o n-‐line d atabase a t o ur h ead o ffice. photocopy 复印Ex: I'll j ust m ake a p hotocopy o f t he a greement.Could y ou p hotocopy t hose t hree p ages f or m e, p lease? printer 打印机Ex :The future of high-‐quality printing in businesses belongs to laser p rinters.interlibrary s ervice 图书馆馆际互借服务Ex: Interlibrary services are services provided mutually by libraries w ith t he a im o f m aking l ibrary d ocuments, i rrespective of the place where they are deposited, available to all their users.closed r eserve 非外借书库Ex: If a print resource will be in high demand they can request that i tem p laced i n t he C losed R eserve.put …on r eserve 把资料放在非外借书库Ex: T he l ibrarian h as p ut t he b ook o n r eserve f or m eonline catalogue ['kætəәlɔ:g] n. 在线书目Ex: T here i s a n ew c atalogue o f a ll t he b ooks i n t he l ibrary. keyword 关键字Ex: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking f n umber 索书号Ex: A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together t o t ell y ou w here i n t he l ibrary t o f ind y our b ook. check o ut 办理外借手续Ex: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from t he s tate u niversity l ibrarycirculation desk [.səә:kju'leiʃən] 借书台Ex: When visiting the library in person, you can bring the material you want to check out to one of two circulation desks on the mainlevel of the p eriod/borrowing p eriod [ləәun] 借书期限Ex: T he l oan p eriod f or c irculating m aterials v aries a ccording t o the s tatus o f t he b orrower.renew[ri'nju:] v. 续借Ex: H e r enewed t he b ook f or a nother t wo m onthsfine[fain] n. 罚款,罚金Ex: I g ot a f ine f or n ot r eturning l ibrary b ooks o n t ime.学生 VS. 职员l 注册员 registrartuition f ees 学费Ex: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial s ituation i s b elow a c ertain l evel.semester=term [si'mestəә] n. 学期Ex: H ow m any s ubjects a re y ou s tudying t his s emesterspring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archstudent I.D. n umber 学号Ex: S tudents h ave a n I.D n umber, w ith w hich t hey l ogin o nto t he school's w ebsite a nd a ccess a ssignments.audit['ɔ:dit] 旁听Ex: A s a s enior c itizen, h e i s a llowed t o a udit u niversity c lasses. registration[.redʒi'streiʃən] n. 注册Ex: R egistration f or t he c ourse w ill t ake p lace a w eek b efore t he start o f t erm.sign u p f or 选课Ex: S he's s igned u p f or e vening c lasses a t t he c ommunity c ollege. major['meidʒə] n. 主修专业Ex: H e c hose h istory a s h is m ajor a nd F rench a s h is m inor minor ['mainəә] n. 副修专业Ex: S he m ajored i n c hemistry w ith a m inor i n b iologyapproval [əә'pru:vəәl] n. 允许许可Ex: I need to get the professor’s signature on my schedule card here, o n t he l ine a bove a dvisor’s a pproval.quit/drop 放弃退课Ex: I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when Iwent i nto t he h ospital, s o I n eed t o t ake i t a gain,credit['kredit] n. 学分Ex: H e's a lready g ot a c redit/three c redits i n e arth s cience enroll [in'rəәul] v. 登记Ex: I e nrolled f or/in/on t he m odern a rt c ourse.quarter['kwɔ:təә] 四分之一学年Ex: A quarter is one of four periods into which the school year is dividedl 学习顾问 advisorattendance [əә'tendəәns] n. 出勤,上课Ex: A ttendance a t l ectures i s c ompulsory.skip/miss c lasses 缺课,旷课Ex: H e s kipped c hemistry c lass t hree t imes l ast m onthtransfer[træns'fəә:] v 转班,转学Ex: I w as a ble t o t ransfer m y c redits f rom s ummer s chool teaching a ssistant 助教Ex: A t eaching a ssistant (TA) i s a n i ndividual w ho a ssists a professor o r t eacher w ith i nstructional r esponsibilities. instructor=lecturer[in'strʌktəә] n. 教师,讲师Ex: H e's a p oetry i nstructor a t a l ocal c ommunity c ollege. spring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archassistantship[əә'sistəәnt.ʃip] n. 研究生助教奖学金Ex: G raduate s tudents h ave s everal s ources o f f unding, b ut perhaps t he m ost c ommon i s t he a ssistantshipGPA 平均成绩点数(=grade point average)Ex: A cumulative grade point average is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance in a program and is used a s a c riterion f or g raduation r equirements commencement n. [kəә'mensməәnt] 毕业典礼(=graduation ceremony)Ex: During commencement degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school or collegereport c ard/grade r eportEx: In most places, the report card is issued by the school to the student o r t he s tudent's p arents t wice o r f our t imes y early. scholarship['skɔləәʃip] n. 奖学金Ex: S he g ot/received/won a s cholarship t o Y ale U niversity fellowship['feləәuʃip] n. 研究生奖学金Ex: S he's a pplied f or a r esearch f ellowship.grant [grɑ:nt] n. 资助declare a m ajor 选专业You m ust d eclare a m ajor b y t he e nd o f y our s ophomore y eardean [di:n] n. 系主任,学院院长Ex: S he i s t he n ew d ean o f t he F aculty o f S ocial S ciences.the D ean o f M edicinefaculty ['fækəәlti] n.全体教员;(大学的)系,科,院Ex:the A rts/Law F acultythe F aculty o f S ciencemake-‐up t est补考Ex: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test daystudent u nion学生会Ex: In colleges and universities, the student union is often accorded its ownbuilding on the campus, dedicated to social and organizational activities ofthe student body.freshman['freʃməәn] n. 大学一年级学生Ex: H e's a f reshman a t H arvard.sophomore['sɔfəәmɔ:] n. 大学二年级学生Ex: A s ophomore i s a s tudent s tudying i n t he s econd y ear o f acourse a t a U S c ollegejunior ['dʒu:njəә] n. 大学三年级学生Ex: a junior at NYUsenior ['si:njəә] n. 大学四年级学生Ex: J en w ill b e a s enior t his y ear.。
托福听力场景汇总之conversation 篇1.求职/申请场景场景特点:一类是招工场景;一类是学生之间、学生和老师之间谈论工作的场景。
场景词汇:●Dining hall ;generalist 多面手;ebb and flow (兴衰起伏);questionnaire ;●Career fair ;senior (大四学生);degree ;flyer ;poster ;familiarize sb withsth ;recruit ;soon-to-be ;resume ;wear a suit ;a given (n )假设事实;representative ;major ;declare (宣布,申报);accounting ;salary ;a zillion(超多,极多);advancement ;tailor (定做);workshop ;waive=forgo(放弃);specify ;●Committee ;hire ;qualified ;applicant ;make sense ;student representative ;schedule ;snack ;job candidate ;perspective ;paycheck=paycheque (工资支票);deposit ;payroll (单位的工资列表明细);paper work ;figure out ;fill in=fill out ;tuition ;automatic ;faculty advisor (give advice to student 指导教师);prospective ;turn in ;come up with ;enrollment ;●it is up to you ;sacrifice ;emerge-emergence-emergency ;discipline ;episode ;sell sth/sb short (低估);commemorate ;anniversary ;archive ;portrait studio(肖像画工作室);professional reference (找工作时的专业推荐);recommendation ;grant ;supervisor ;janitor (清洁工,看门人);janitorialstaff (清洁人员);asterisk 星号;make up a test ;●Summer break,dilemma,volunteer,NGO,interview,application ;stress,cram the night for sth (熬夜学习),hit the book,consolation—console (安慰),get through ;Announcement,Laboratory assistant,fit into myschedule●Variety of job opportunities,positions are open,career training,demandphysical endurance,allowance ;career advisory service,场景例题:(6-1;11-2;12-2;14-2;15-1;17-2;35-1;39-2;36-2;52-2;40-2;41-2;48-1;Extra3-2;Extra4-2;)2.校园生活服务场景场景特点:关于学生租房子或者宿舍相关的话题场景。
一、变形及分析1. 动词形式:converse- 英语解释:“converse”作为动词,意思是“交谈;谈话”,例如:They like to converse about books.(他们喜欢谈论书籍。
)- 一般使用情况:当表示进行交谈这个动作时使用。
2. 形容词形式:conversational- 英语解释:“conversational”的意思是“对话的;健谈的;口语的”,例如:His conversational skills are excellent.(他的会话技巧很棒。
)- 一般使用情况:用于形容人善于交谈的能力,或者形容某事物具有对话的性质、口语化的特点等。
3. 副词形式:conversationally- 英语解释:“conversationally”表示“会话地;健谈地”,例如:He speaks conversationally.(他说话很健谈。
)- 一般使用情况:用来描述动作进行的方式,强调是以一种如同在对话中的方式进行。
二、例句1. converse(动词)- We often converse with our neighbors.(我们经常和邻居交谈。
)- She loves to converse about her travels.(她喜欢谈论她的旅行。
)- They can converse in French.(他们能够用法语交谈。
)- The old friends conversed for hours.(老朋友们交谈了几个小时。
)- I don't like to converse with strangers on the bus.(我不喜欢在公共汽车上和陌生人交谈。
场景词汇:Due day(到期日), renew(续借), overdue(过期的), process(过程), suspend(延缓,推迟), privilege(特权,基本权利)Librarian(图书管理员), facilities(设施), reference room(资料室),literature(文献), periodical(期刊), academic journal(学报,学术期刊), current issue(现刊), card catalog(卡片目录),reserve book(库存书不能外借), index(索引)对应TPO:TPO1 C1, TPO4 C1, TPO7 C2, TPO9 C2, TPO14 C1, TPO20 C1, TPO10 C2, TPO24 C1经典场景二:论文科研场景场景特点:论文和写实验报告有关研究的内容,包括论文的主题的讨论,如何查文献,获取数据,分工合作。
场景词汇:Term paper(学期论文),first draft(初稿),scope(范围),rewrite (重写),revise(校正),reference section(参考部分),due(截止),deadline(截止日期),extension(延期),submit(提交),consult(请教,查阅),process(过程,方法,步骤),draw up(起草), manually(手动的),revision(修正,复习,修订本),thesis statement(论文观点)对应TPO:TPO2 C1, TPO4 C2, TPO6 C2, TPO9 C1, TPO12 C1, TPO13 C1, TPO17 C1, TPO22 C2经典场景三:注册咨询场景场景特点:课程,专业的选择问题,毕业的相关问题询问等场景词汇:Sign up(注册,选课,报名),permission(许可),diploma(毕业证书),credit(学分),basic course(基础课程),certify(证明),prerequisite(先决条件,预备知识),graduation form(毕业表格),dean(院长,系主任),field work(实地研究),counselor(咨询员)。
Conversation用法总结1. 概述Conversation是一种人与机器之间进行对话的方式,它允许用户提出问题或发表陈述,并从机器中获取有关特定主题的信息。
2. Conversation的重要观点2.1 自然语言理解(Natural Language Understanding, NLU)自然语言理解是Conversation中的重要环节,它涉及将用户输入的自然语言文本转换为可理解和处理的形式。
2.2 对话管理(Dialog Management)对话管理是Conversation中的关键组成部分,它负责根据用户输入和系统状态来决定如何生成回复。
2.3 自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation, NLG)自然语言生成是Conversation中的另一个重要环节,它负责将机器生成的信息转换为自然语言文本,以便向用户传达回复。
2.4 多轮对话(Multi-turn Conversation)多轮对话是Conversation中常见的场景之一,它涉及到用户和机器之间进行多次交互来完成一个任务。
2.5 评估与优化(Evaluation and Optimization)评估与优化是Conversation系统开发过程中必不可少的一环。
主要涉及到的场景有:1. 作业场景托福听力里面常见的作业形式是论文或者report。
2. 选课场景常见的场景有学生不知道如何选课,选哪些课,两门类似课程之间的区别,学生想选某一门课程选不上,或者学生选完课后想退课。
3. 考试常见的场景有学生找教授分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法;咨询考试范围,考试复习,讲解某个知识点;也会遇到学生因个人原因错过考试而补考或写论文弥补。
4. 知识点确认场景的场景有学生在课堂上听到一个专有名词或者知识点不明白,课后去询问教授。
5. 图书馆常见的场景有学生找不到资料,通常管理员会询问该资料的作者,书名或者话题;关于借书还书时遇到的问题;介绍图书馆的相关规定制度和基本部门设置及常见设施。
6. 工作学生为了赚取生活费用或者学费或积累工作经验从事兼职工作,常见的场景有工作面试中谈论工作要求,待遇和内容;学生和教授结合本专业和兴趣,谈论工作意向。
7. 其他包括食堂场景:饭菜好不好吃,饭卡套餐之类的宿舍场景:宿舍的安排,校外租房,房间的问题(设施设备坏了),室友的问题(有矛盾)其中场景1、2、5场景在托福听力里面属于高频场景,大家要花时间把相关场景词汇记住哦。
"Conversation" 是英语中的一个词,意为“对话”或“交谈”,它可以用作名词或动词。
下面是该词的一些用法和例句:作为名词:1.对话/交谈:–We had a long conversation about the future of the company.(我们就公司的未来进行了一场长时间的对话。
)2.会话(特指在线对话或电子对话):–I saved the conversation for future reference.(我保存了这次对话以备将来参考。
)3.社交互动:–She's great at starting conversations at parties.(她非常擅长在聚会上开始社交互动。
)作为动词:1.交谈/对话:–They conversed for hours on a variety of topics.(他们就各种话题进行了几个小时的交谈。
)2.谈论/讨论:–Let's sit down and converse about the issues at hand.(让我们坐下来谈一谈手头的问题。
)3.通过交流来了解:–He prefers to converse with people face to face.(他更喜欢面对面地与人交流。
)4.进行对话记录:–The detective conversed with the witness to gather more information.(侦探与目击者进行了对话以收集更多信息。
)例句:1.During the business conference, there were many conversations among theparticipants about market trends.(在商务会议期间,与会者之间就市场趋势进行了许多交流。
)2.I overheard an interesting conversation on the bus about a new movie that justcame out.(我在公交车上偶然听到了一段关于一部新上映电影的有趣对话。
Conversation 听力场景及专业词汇一、图书馆场景1.场景介绍: 学生和图书馆相关的场景,包括借书还书,图书馆设施,图书馆内遇到的问题麻烦等。
2.场景词汇:3.场景例题: TPO 1-C1; TPO4-C1; TPO 7-C2; TPO 9-C2; TPO 14-C1; TPO20-C1; TPO27-C1二、注册或毕业类场景3. 场景例题: TPO3-C1;TPO8-C1; TPO29-C1三、转学类场景3. 场景例题: TPO18-C1; TPO21-C1四、组织活动预定教室场景3. 场景例题: TPO16-C1; TPO22-C1; TPO23-C1; TPO30-C1五、讨论工作场景1.场景介绍: 一类是招工场景;一类是学生之间、学生和老师之间谈论工作的场景。
2.场景词汇:3.场景例题: TPO6-C1; TPO12-C2; TPO15-C1; TPO17-C2办公室场景一、复习考试类:1.场景例题: TPO8-C2; TPO15-C2; TPO16-C2; TPO24-C2二、课程研究类:2.场景例题: TPO 1-C2; TPO 3-C2; TPO 4-C2; TPO 5-C2; TPO 13-C1; TPO19-C1; TPO20-C2;TPO21-C2; TPO25-C1; TPO26-C2三、作业类:3.场景例题: OG Practice Test 2-1; TPO 3-C2; TPO10-C1; TPO22-C2; TPO28-C1; TPO29-C2四、论文类:4.场景例题: TPO 2-C1; TPO 6-C2; TPO7-C1; TPO 9-C1; TPO 12-C1; TPO17-C1; TPO18-C2;TPO25-C2; TPO27-C2; TPO28-C2; TPO30-C2五、退选课类:5.场景例题: TPO2-C2; TPO14-C2; TPO23-C2。
CONVERSATION1. 课程相关事务场景♦D iscussion讨论, presentation 发言topic题目, lecture演讲slide滑过,幻灯片library图书馆, collection聚集,收藏品,check in 报到,记录check out借,结账离开librarian图书管理员♦R eport报道, office hour办公时间,师生互动时间, submit上交on disk在磁盘上hard copy纸质版, soft copy电子文件, print打印, computer lab电脑室♦P roject课题,理科生作业tons of大量, cover 包括,写过,报导re-write 重写, research data研究数据database数据库, input输入output输出, , complete完成♦T erm paper,期末论文grade成绩, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, edited version编辑过的版本, overtired过于劳累的, rushing against the clock争分夺秒, mark标记,成绩, draft草稿, print打印, final paper,期末论文maintaining average维持平均, application申请, drop放弃re-take再上一遍, extension延期, discuss讨论, check back查阅记录, re-reading重读, submission服从,提交(物),投降♦e xam schedule考试日程表, term术语,学期(mid-term期中考试), date日期, book,预定department部门,系, invigilator监考人, sign up注册, sheet纸张,单bulletin board公告栏faculty lounge老师休息室, square广场, draft,草稿dean院系主任, review复习,评论, draw up起草, manually用手,手动的, consult商量,请教, register登记♦P hysiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, junior student大三学生,senior student 大四学生,second year course大二课程, first year student一年级学生, transfer转学, begin my first lecture开始我的第一堂讲课, introduce介绍, approach接近,方法, laws of physics and chemistry物理和化学定理, process of life生命的过程, vital force生命力, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验♦F inal exam期末考试, midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题,论述题comprehensive exam综合题, subject科目, textbook教科书, class note课堂笔记the final will count for 50% of your grade期末成绩将占你总成绩的50%,research project研究科目, run into problems遭遇问题♦S chool bulletin board学校公告栏, required course 必修课,first year student一年级学生, third year student3年级学生, research paper研究论文, final format最终格式, hand in上交, assignment作业, final grade期末成绩♦different concept不同的观念, hand in上交, issue发出,发行,问题revision 修正,复习, proposed topics所推荐的题目make comment作出评论the most frequent problem很多频繁的问题, broad宽的, preliminary outline最初的纲要, schedule时间表, available可利用的, appointment约定, final outline 最终的大纲, no more than two pages long不超过2个页长,thesis statement 论文观点, precise statement明确的观点, conclusion结论♦W orkshop研讨会, intensive加强的, techniques and skills技术和技能, personal attention 个人的注意力, advantage优势♦C onsecutive summer接下来的夏季, community center社区中心, workshop 研讨会, beginning students初学生, advanced students高学生, last four weeks前四个星期, credit(学分,积分)is awarded给予学分, spring break 美国各大学的春季休息,春假♦D iscuss讨论, administer管理, attendance出席, optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景♦C ourse课程, summer session暑假课程, elective n.选修课程, bird course容易的课程, splendor光彩,显赫, lecture hall,演讲厅lab实验室, tough decision艰难的问题, pick选择,挖, choose选择, relaxed放松, advice劝告♦E nquiry询问, credit course学分课程, off-campus在校外, program课程, remote远程, access使用,进入, internet因特网, degree学位distance education远程教育, diploma毕业证书, requirement要求, format格式, printed materials打印材料, audio-tapes磁带, video视频, teleconferencing 电话对话的, deliver投递, cost花费, fixed date固定日期, history历史,历史学♦D rop降低,退(课)fail,不及格flunk不及格math 数学, rough粗糙的, test,试验med school医学院♦U se your advice使用你的建议, premed医学预科生, introductory course介绍课程, non-science major主修科学, be weak in在某一方面是弱项, do poorly in在某些方面较弱, meet at the same time遇见在同一时间, modern drama course现代戏剧课程♦S emester学期, enroll in登记, 注册graduate course研究生课程, qualified 有资格的, hard time keeping up有困难跟上, favorite interest喜欢的兴趣, challenging反对,挑战的,要求, easy grade 容易混学分的课程♦P ermission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite先决条件, the beginning course课程开始, catalog目录, instructor教员,指导书, previous experience以前的经验, formal training正式的培训, decision决定♦S ignature信号,签名, schedule card选课卡, advisor’s approval导师赞同, quite a heavy load相当沉重的负担, drop the course放弃课程, seminar讨论会♦S ign up for a noncredit course报名没有学分的课程, intermediate level中级的水平, regular meeting定期的会议♦T ransfer转学, bachelor’s degree学士学位, associate degree, selectives选择性的, letters of recommendation推荐信♦H ard course艰难的进程rehearsal练习,训练, extra time额外的时间, once a week一星期一次♦F light program飞行计划,license执照, excellent reputation极好的声望3. 迟到旷课场景♦f eel good感觉好, point out指出, chapter章,回textbook课本, divide分开, project课题, focus重点, due到期的show up显示出, transcribe抄写,email电子信函♦o versleep睡过头, talk about谈论关于♦l ecture series讲座系列, attend出席,照顾,致力于, admission允许,录取♦f ill me in something: to tell sb about recent events,esp because they havebeen away from a place♦e g. You’d better fill me in on what’s been happening.dentist牙科医生, emergency紧急情况,非常时刻, missed somebody’s lecture错过某人的演讲, note笔记,记录,注意, make sense能说的通sense of humor/achievement/responsibility幽默感/成就感/责任感4. 转学场景♦g rad school 研究生院,public university公立的大学, private university私人的大学, community college社区学院, reputation名声class size班级大小, personal attention个人注意力, individual attention特别, interact互相影响, group discussion讨论团体, tuition学费,讲授, expense消费,开支, cost 花费, afford提供, affordable负担的起, location位置, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town学院城镇, top student顶尖学生, application申请,应用, experience经历,经验, special特别的,专车,特刊5. 实验室场景♦L aboratory实验室, research procedure研究程序, lab assistant实验室助手, retrieve information恢复信息, track the course追踪进程, monitor班长,监控,监视器, track the progress跟踪进度♦L ab instructor实验室教员, lab experience实验室经验, setup计划,设置,机构, equipment设备, result结果,产生, grade成绩, lab notebook实验室手册, proper precautions预先措施, protective goggles护目镜, toxic effect of chemicals化学品有毒的影响, lab procedure实验室程序, heavy metal重金属♦W orkbook工作手册,练习本, material重要的,材料, experiment尝试, available可利用的,有效的6. 图书馆场景♦L ibrary图书馆, spread out伸展出去, focus焦点, jam拥挤,果酱, spot地点,认出,恰巧, crowd人群,拥挤, comfy舒服的,轻松的,comfirm证实,far away 遥远的♦f inish完成,结束, renew更新,重申,renew a book续借, library card图书馆卡, late最近的,晚的;晚, mixed up使混合, request请求, fine罚款, overdue 过期的, pay工资,付, process处理,过程, sign符号,签名, suspend推迟,使暂停, privilege优待borrowing privilege借书特权(延长借书的时间)♦L ibrarian图书管理员, facilities设备, reference room资料室, reference material参考资料, dictionary字典, bibliography参考书目, literature guide文学指南, telephone book电话本, periodical room期刊室, newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, academic journal学术期刊, current issue现期刊物, back issue过期发行物, card catalog卡片目录, listed by title通过标题列出, by author and by topic依据作家和题目, call number电话号码♦R eturn返回,报答, shelves架子,check out借, reserve book预定书籍, overnight use 只出借一夜(的书)♦s econdhand bookstore二手书的书店, inscription题词,刻印, front cover封面,机壳前盖, signature签名,信号, poetry book诗卷♦p aperback section平装部分, index索引搜索♦e xit gate大门出口reserve预订,储备, additional copy额外的副本, article 物品,文章7. 课堂内容讨论场景♦b ursary大学奖学金,财务办公室, department部门,系, financial aid财政的援助, monetary财政的, grant授予,同意, determine决定, committee委员会, donor捐赠者, apply for申请,请求, financially金融上, in need在需要, consider认为, out-of-town城外的, requirement要求, website网站, on-line 上线, official官方的,官员, document文件, in person亲自,外貌上♦S cholarship学问,奖学金, available可利用的,有效的, maintain维持, average平均的, mark标记, apply for申请,请求, applicant申请人, committee委员会, honor信用,荣誉, award奖品, candidate候选人, weight 重量, guarantee担保, grade point average (GPA)平均分数, percent百分比, website网站, address地址, rigorous严格的, extra-curricular课外, hardship 困苦, achievement成就,完成, letter of recommendation推荐信, fill满足,被充满, time consuming job耗时的工作, recommend推荐, eligibility合格,适任, enrollment入学,注册8. 论文场景♦O rganize组织, essay小论文topic题目, chosen选择,精选的, broad宽的, narrow it down沿着狭窄的, compare比较, focused专心的,聚焦, interested 感兴趣的, begin开始,首先, discussion讨论, opinion意见,主张, fact实际, support支持, check检查, statistics统计学, percentage百分率, include包括, words语言,字, rough draft草稿, break down打断, subtopic小标题, reference 引用,参考,证明, material题目,主题,一般规则♦R esearch paper研究论文, discuss讨论, theory理论,推测, work progress工作进度♦R eport报告, subject科目, catalog目录, published source已发布的资料, gather material收集材料♦I nformation信息, plagiarize抄袭, failing grade失败的成绩, gather收集, assimilate the information thoroughly彻底地吸收信息, paraphrase释义, capture the mian idea获得主意, quote directly直接地应用, finalize the research paper完成研究论文♦D raft草稿, clear up the problem澄清这一问题9. 实地考查场景♦L ist列表, supply供给, on site, kit装备,工具箱, notebook笔记本, axe斧, glove 手套, instrument工具, measure测量,程度,尺寸, clean使干净,打扫, cancel 取消, weather天气,露天的, clothes衣服, outside外部的,在…范围之外, food 食物, snack小吃, transportation运输, transport运输, dig挖♦T rip leader旅行领袖, participate参与,分享,分担, report报告, field trip野外旅行10. 体育运动场景♦S pring cycling season春天骑自行车的时节, regular hobby一般嗜好, physical fitness routine日常健身例行要做的事, bicyclist骑脚踏车的人, expert riders熟练的骑手♦E ndurance test忍耐力测验, recreational cyclists娱乐骑自行车的人, racers比赛者♦S ki patrol滑雪巡逻队, ski patroller滑雪巡逻员, safety安全♦P hysical education class 体育课, rock climbing攀登岩石, rope绳, belt地带, buckle扣住, safety equipment安全设备,游玩场景♦B reak休息,打破,突变, racket球拍, reserve a court预定一个球场♦R ock concert摇滚音乐会, vacation假期,搬出, weather天气,露天的,风化11. 打工场景♦S ummer break暑假, excellent opportunity极好的机会, practice练习, dilemma 困境, difficult decision困难的决定, plan计划, volunteer志愿者, NGO (nongovernmenal organization)民间组织, chance可能性,机会, share分享, interesting有趣的, spend花费, accept同意, program程序, interview面试, company公司, application申请, apply for申请, money钱, advice建议♦T ough艰苦的, stressed有压力的,紧张的, dread可怕的, cram for the exam 临时抱佛脚(为准备考试)part-time兼职, balance平衡, hit the book k书, energy活力, tired疲倦的, sconsolation安慰, get through到达,做完, fondness爱好♦A nnouncement通告, hire租金,工钱,出租, part-time assistant兼职助理, experience经历, daily每日的♦L aboratory assistant研究室助手, fill out an application填一张申请表, fit into my schedule(将某事)安排进我的时间表♦V ariety of job opportunities多样的工作机会, responsible for有责任的, volunteer志愿者, service服务,维修, postions are open空缺的职位, link of service维修环节, career training职业培训, demand physical endurance需要身体的忍耐力, receive no salary没有薪水收到, pay for living expense支付生活开销, housing and food allowance住房和伙食补助, additional information 额外的信息♦I nternship实习, career opportunities事业机会, working experience工作经历, short term experience简短的学期经验, permanent employment永久就业full-time专职的,全日制的, academic credit学分, supervise管理,指导,监督, hand out分发, career advisory service职业咨询服务, living expense生活开销♦R un奔跑,管理,经营, marathon马拉松赛跑, motivator动力, inspire鼓舞, positive积极的, sponsor保证人,赞助, tons of money许多钱,♦I ntroduce介绍, volunteer志愿者, salary薪水, ceremony典礼, alumni男校友12. 报到注册场景♦R egistration注册,登记,挂号, time时间, determine决定, first year student 一年级学生, mail邮件, designated date指定的日期, specific time特定的时间, admission letter 录取信(通知), average平均, previous以前的, session会议,学期,开会, pay支付, credit card信用卡, bank银行,岸, teller讲述者,计票员, confirmation slip确认错误, in person亲自♦R egistration注册, date日期,约会, newly admitted student最近承认的学生, undergraduate大学生, junior晚辈,大三学生, sophomore大二年级生, returning student回归生, senior高级的,年长的, check检查, pay attention专心, time时间,定期的, register注册,记录,登记, designated time指定的时间, pay支付, fee小费, financial aid财政的援助, financial officer财政的公务员, sponsor保证人,赞助, authorization letter认可信, on-line上线13. 校园生活场景♦m eal ticket 饭票,student card 学生卡,cafeteria 自助餐厅,move迁居,移动, accent口音,pod豆荚, international group国际团体, major主要的,成年人,主修, lucky幸运的, excellent极好的, booklet小册子, regulation规则,管理, rule规则,统治, conductive传导的, self-policed自身的治安, problem难题, allow允许, smoke烟, cook煮, plug插头, dryer烘干机, voltage电压, alarm警报, kitchen厨房, leftover残余物, clean-up day打扫日, hot water热水, meter 公尺, washroom洗手间, laundry facility洗熨设备, basement地下室, conserving energy保存能力, lounge area休息室, heat高温,压力, air-conditioning空气调节, storage area仓库, permit允许, hallway门厅, community space社区空间, prior notification优先的告示, safe安全的,保险箱, valuable有价值的, housekeeper管家, vacuum cleaner吸尘器, lock锁, key 钥匙, fire prevention equipment炉火预防设备, arrange安排, in advance预先,提前, religious propaganda宗教的宣传, dorm宿舍, furnishing:an article of furniture for the interior of a building, park公园,停放♦R oommate室友, dormitory宿舍,住宅的, unpacking our things取出用品, neat 优雅的,平滑的,齐整的♦H ousing office住宿办公室, living off campus在校外住宿, cost花费, rent租金,出租,租借, utilities实用工具, need a car to commute用一辆车的交换, noisy 响声,嘈杂的, peace and quiet安静♦W inter break寒假, dean院长,系主任, vacation arrangement假期准备, fill up the forms填满表格, heating cost暖气费,temporary accommodation暂时的住处♦H ousing director住宿主管, checkout procedure借出手续, leave for vacation 动身去度假, return your key归还你的钥匙, maintenance crew 物业, residence advisor宿舍舍监, pass around大约经过♦A partment公寓, dump倾倒,倒垃圾, functional功能的, noisy响声,嘈杂的14. 医院场景♦D iagnose诊断, patient’s illness患者的疾病, painful痛苦的, technological advance先行的技术, blood and tissue sample血液和组织样本, diagnostic techniques诊断的技术, detect diseases发现疾病, X rays X射线, side effect 副作用, uncomfortable不安的, endure pain忍耐疼痛♦M edical clinic and infirmary医院, nursing staff护理人员, get sick生病, a really bad cold重感冒, develop terrible coughs发生很糟糕的咳嗽, pneumonia肺炎, stay in the infirmary呆在医院, don’t feel well身体不好, rest more and skip a few classes休息和翘一些课, have medical excuse 请病假, emergency number紧急号码♦M odern medical facility近代的医学设施, health needs健康需要, dental clinic 牙医诊所, maternity ward产科病房, operating room(外科)手术室, special sugery特殊手术, surgeons外科医生♦S tudent Health Services学生健康检查部门, blood pressure(生理)血压, university nutritionists大学营养学家, processed foods加工食品, universityhospital大学医院♦P ain疼痛, discharge排放, slight earache轻微的耳痛, take it easy放轻松♦P revention阻止, symptoms症状, cough咳嗽, fever发热, chill寒心, flu流感, influenza流行性感冒, overtired累过头的, stressed out压得,累得喘不过气, virus病毒, sneeze打喷嚏,喷嚏, airborne virus靠空气传播的病毒, body’s resistance 身体抵抗力, ward off the flu避开流感, immune system免疫系统, fight off illness击退疾病, immunized免疫的,使免疫, vaccine疫苗,疫苗的, university health center大学健康中心。
新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景场景特点:主要涉及到一些和课程相关事项的解决方法。
常见套路:(1)和考试相关:考试分数;考试复习;安排考试;考试分数(2)和课程相关:课程目的;课程类型;课程形式,课程作业(3)和作业相关:作业类型;作业方法;交作业相关(4)和论文相关:论文的分数场景词汇:Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, goodchoice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版,soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据,information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误,edited version修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft 草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定,department院系, invigilator 监考人员, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square方格, draft,草稿 dean系主任, review复习, draw up 结论, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册 Physiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍 complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course 必修写作课程, first year student 大一新生, third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业 final grade最终分数 Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行, revision复习, grade分数Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage 优点Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景场景特点:场景性开场白+中间专业内容+场景性结尾。
新托福iBT听力场景入学:accept,admit [əd'mit] v. 录取E*: Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there too.letter of admission 录取通知书 admissions office 招生办公室registrar['redʒi.strɑ:]n. 〔学校〕注册主任 --registerE*: At some colleges, an official in charge of e*aminations, keeping records and admitting new students. enroll[in'rəul]v. 登记 enrollment注册人数,入学人数E*: I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course.drop out 退学E*: He dropped out of college/school when he was 20.transfer[træns'fə:] v 转移,转学,转班E*: I was able to transfer my credits from summer school.I need to transfer to another school because they have the program that I’m really interested in. semester=term [si'mestə]n. 学期E*: How many subjects are you studying this semester.ceremony ['serəməni] n. 典礼E*: an opening ceremony 开幕式,开学典礼 an award ceremony 颁奖典礼 closing ceremonymencement (开场) [kə'mensmənt] n. 毕业典礼 (=graduation ceremony)E*: During mencement, degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school. orientation meeting/session [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən] n. 新生情况介绍会E*:TheUniversityhas arranged an orientation session.student ID card n. 学生证E*: You have to show your student ID card in order to be allowed entrance into the university gym. student I.D. number **E*: Students have an I.D number, with which they login onto the school's website.lecture halln. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅 =auditorium [ˌɔ:dɪˈtɔ:riəm] 听众席,礼堂E*:The lecture hall was jammed with students who are supposed/e*pected to attend the lecture. dormitory ['dɔ:mitri] n. 集体宿舍e*tracurricular Activities课外活动$相关:tuition fees 学费E*: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial situation is below a certain ['laibrəri]n. 贷款,借贷 financial aid 经济援助E*: The library loans books, CDs and videotapes. Student loangrant [grɑ:nt] n. 资助,助学金,拨款;准许E*: They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year. Research grant 研究经费scholarship ['skɔləʃip] n. 奖学金E*: She got/received/won a scholarship to Yale University.need-based ~ (基于需求)助学金,merit-based ~ (基于优秀优秀) 学业奖学金人员称谓:freshman ['freʃmən]大一学生;sophomore ['sɔfəmɔ:]大二学生junior ['dʒu:njə]大三学生;senior ['si:njə]大四学生undergraduate 本科生;graduate 研究生staff members n. 全体职员E*: The library is understaffed(=short of hands). 人手缺乏 (stuff)faculty ['fækəlti]n.全体教职员工E*: How can the faculty improve teaching so as to encourage creativity"university大学--president大学,校长;principal中学校长;college 学院dean [di:n] 系主任,院长 =department chair 系主任E*: He was elected dean/department chair of the physics department.instructor=lecturer [in'strʌktə]n. 教师,讲师instruction" Follow the ~!E*: He's a poetry instructor at a local munity college.teaching assistant =TA 助教;research assistant = RA 助研academic advisor/counselor ['kaunsələ] 学习参谋,辅导员E*: Academic advisors/counselor provide students with accurate information about academic progression and degree requirements.tutor ['tju:tə] n. 家庭教师,个人辅导〔教师〕E*: His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.I have to do some tutoring to pay/cover my tuition fees.librarian 图书管理员; facilities manager 设施管理员; editor of school paper 校报编辑图书馆:librarian图书管理员;library card 借书证;publication (publish) 出版物periodical reading room 期刊阅览室;reference section 文献区,参考书区;video tape 录像带non-fiction 非小说类文学作品;science-fiction 科幻小说circulation desk借还书台;return area 还书处;students locker 学生存储间journal['dʒə:nl] n. 学术杂志E*: The library subscribes to all the major science journals. online journal 在线期刊photocopy 复印 photocopier['fəutə.kɔpiə] 复印机E*: Could you photocopy those three pages for me, please"printer 打印机E* :The future of high-quality printing in businesses belongs to laser printers.interlibrary service 图书馆馆际互借效劳E*: Interlibrary services are services provided with the aim of making library documents available to all their users.title ['taitl]n. 标题,头衔,称号E*: I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.check out 办理外借手续E*: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from the state university library. loan period/borrowing period[ləun]借书期限E*: The loan period for circulating materials varies according to the status of the borrower. renew[ri'nju:]v.续借E*: He renewed the book for another two months.overdue['əuvə'dju:]adj. 过期的E*: an overdue notice 催还书通知 overdue fine 过期罚金 =late feefine [fain]n. 罚款,罚金E*: I got a fine for not returning library books on time.put …on reserve 把资料放在非外借书库 reserved books 馆藏书〔只能在图书馆借阅〕E*: The professor has put the book on reserve for students taking his course. Make a reservation" recall [ri'kɔ:l]n. 召回E*: Undergraduates may recall a book from both postgraduates and staff if needed for course reading.If the book/item is recalled by other students or a professor, its loan period will be shortened and you have to return it within 7 working days/weekdays.out of print(书等)已绝版的 out of stock=sold out已售完的E*:Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.internet connection/access 网络连接or a connection for internet 接口E*: Internet connection/access is provided in all the sections of the database 在线数据库E*: We're linked to the on-line database at our head office.keyword 关键字E*: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking for.Plug the laptop in to charge the battery/for power. 把笔记本电脑插到插座上给电池充电hook it up 连接上(插座),钩上 [hook up with sb, hook up the back of my dress, unhook a bra]选课(academic)credit['kredit] n. 学分E*: He's already got a credit/three credits in earth science.registration[.redʒi'streiʃən] n. 注册E*: Registration for the courses will take place a week before the start of term.sign up for 选课,报名参加E*: She's signed up for evening classes at the munity college. Sign up for a tennis club.schedule['skedʒul]n. 时间表,方案v. 安排,方案E*:The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.minor['mainə] n. 辅修专业 (minority)E*: She majored in chemistry with a minor in biology.major['meidʒə] n. 主修专业 (majority)E*: He chose history as his major and French as his minor.declare a major 选专业You must declare a major by the end of your sophomore year.course[kɔ:s]n. 课程introductorycourse,intermediate level course,advanced courseseminar 研讨会;workshop 专题课程pulsory/required/mandatory course必修课elective[i'lektiv]n. 选修科目 =optional courseE*:She took three electives last semester.She is taking French as an optional ne*t year.prerequisite['pri:'rekwizit]n. 先决条件,先修课程E*: Passing a written e*am is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.cancel ['kænsəl]v. 取消E*: The class has been cancelled because not enough students signed up for it.quit/drop 放弃退课E*: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital, so I need to take it majors理科专业, art majors文科专业, engineering majors工科专业medical science 医学,earth science 地球科学,environmental science 环境科学,Electronic merce 电子商务〔ICBC〕,economics 经济学,business商学,astronomy 天文学,botany 植物学,psychology 心理学,physiology生理学,zoology 动物学,geology地质学,architecture 建筑学,oceanography 海洋学,ecology 生态学,archaeology 考古学,linguistics 语言学,anthropology 人类学,statistics 统计学(数据),accounting 会计学,philosophy 哲学上课:bulletin board ['bulitən]告示牌E*: The classroom assignment sheet is posted on the bulletin board.required te*tbook['tekstbuk]n. 要求的课本,教科书,教材E*: I can't get hold of any of the college te*tbooks he remended. Give away old te*tbooks. Flea market course syllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲E*: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, e*amination dates, and other course requirements such as attendance.skip/miss classes 缺课,旷课 attend class 上课E*:He skipped chemistry class three times last month.attendance[ə'tendəns] n. 出勤,上课 class participation 课堂参与E*:Attendance at lectures is pulsory.approval[ə'pru:vəl] n. 允许,许可E*: I need to get the professor's signature on my note for sick leave, on the line above advisor's approval.handout ['hændaut]n. 讲义 submit=hand inE*: I ed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day.note [nəut]n. 笔记 take notes, jot down a few notesE*: Mind if I borrow your economics notes for a while"cover v. 覆盖,涉及,包含E*.We have covered several centuries of music history in a very short time.audit['ɔ:dit] 旁听 audition 试镜,试唱,试音E*: As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes.break 短暂的休息时间,课间休息E*. Would you like to take a break and get a soda"Professor’s signature 教授签字〔用于注册课程〕openings可供注册、空缺的名额,空缺的职位 openings in a bookstore作业:assignment[ə'sainmənt]作业,project 工程,任务;speech 演讲lab report 实验报告,book report 读书报告presentation[.prezen'teiʃən]n. (国外学生在课堂上所做的)PPT演讲E*:In my third year at college, I gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.synthesis['sinθisis] n. 综合〔photosynthesis〕E*: The teacher asked me to write a synthesis of what I had observed and read.term paper 学期论文(research paper)E*: Bill has written only one-third of his term paper that is due tomorrow.senior thesis['θi:sis] 论文;essay 作文e*tension/delay [iks'tenʃən]n. 延期E*: Donald's been given an e*tension to finish his thesis. Ask for an e*tensionoutline n.大纲, 提纲 (roadmap)hypothesis假说,假设 = assumption(assume);analysis,analytical 分析,分析性的critical thinking 批判性思维survey 调查;questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷;observation 观察,interview vt.n.采访,面试,carry out/devise an e*periment做实验collect/analyze/interpret data收集/分析/解析数据journal 学术期刊,periodical期刊;source〔写论文的〕参考资料broad (论文等)容广泛〔scope围〕;narrow down (论文等)缩小围submit [səb'mit] v. 呈送,递交 (=hand in/turn in)E*: Please su bmit your application form before the deadline.chart [tʃɑ:t]n. 图表E*: He illustrated his theory by using chart s and graph s.draft 草稿 --final draft 终稿revise [ri'vaiz]v. 校订,修正,校正rewrite 重写E*: My professor asked to revise the first draft of the thesis.literature review['litərətʃə] 文献综述E*: The ultimate goal of literature review is to bring the reader up to date with current literature on a topic.references/bibliography[.bibli'ɔgrəfi]n.参考书目E*: Bibliography usually appears at the end of the thesis.abstract['æbstrækt]n. 摘要〔抽象的〕 =summaryE*: There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles/books. reference book(=references) 参考书E*: The reference book I want to borrow has been put on reserve by the professor.deadline['dedlain]n. 最后期限,截止时间due date/timeE*:There's no way I can meet that deadline.swamped[swɔmp]v. 由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来 = overwhelmed [.əuvə'welm]E*: I'm swamped with work at the ['fi:dbæk]n. 反应,成果E*: Every Friday, Mr. James would hand out the students' essays and give them some feedback. professor's office hour 教授答疑时间E*:Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professor's office hours.stop by 偶然过访,靠近 (=e by)E*: Can you stop by my place on your way home from school"appointment[ə'pɔintmənt] n. 预约E*: I made an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical e*amination/body check.clarify ['klærifai]vt. 澄清,说明,使 ... 明晰〔declare〕E*: The teacher's e*planation clarifies the puzzling problem.考试:pop quiz突击考试E*: We had a history pop quiz this Monday.mid-term e*am期中考E*: The final e*am for this class will be on May 21st. When is your chemistry/French final"review [ri'vju:]vt. 温习,复习(go over)E* :We'll spend this week reviewing/studying/preparing for the final.cram [kræm]v.仓促备考,塞满,临时抱佛脚E*: She's cramming for her history e*am.assessment估价,评价take a make up test补考 = resit, retake an e*am重考E*: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test day.blank out 脑子突然一片空白E*: I blanked out during the e*am.e up 出现,发生E*: Should he be watching TV now with the e*ams ing up ne*t week. ing up soon!成绩&学习成果:transcript['trænskript]n. 成绩单 GPA 平均成绩点数(=grade point average)E*: I want to continue my studies. I would appreciate it if you could send me a card/grade report 成绩单E*: The report card is issued by the school to the student or the student's parents twice or four times yearly.e*cellent 出色的,average 平均的,一般的,below average 低于平均水平的,差的grade〔mark 、score〕分数perfect grade 优异成绩,full marks 总分值,failing grade 不及格分,passing grade 及格分pass the e*am with flying colors以优异成绩通过考试straight A's 全A,B plus B+,A minus A-diploma[di'pləumə]n. 文凭 diplomaticE*: Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course.I'd like to drop off my graduation form. I understand you need this in order to process my diploma. certificate[sə'tifikit]n. 证书E*: a birth certificate出生证 a marriage certificate结婚证 advanced interpretation certificate 高级口译证书physicist 物理学家,mathematician 数学家,chemist 化学家,historian 历史学家bachelor's degree学士学位 degree学位,度,程度E*: He graduated in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.master's degree n.硕士学位B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)文学学士BS (Bachelor of Science) 工学学士M.A(Master of Arts)文学硕士M.S.(Master of Science)理学硕士Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)〔哲学〕博士graduate school application 研究生申请 apply for graduate schoolE*: My professor offered me some advice concerning the wording of my graduate school application校工作,课外活动:spring break 春季学期间的短假期letter of reference/remendation 推荐信petitive 有竞争力的benefit future career 有利于将来的职业field work/trip 野外考察,实地考察E*:Offered by most departments for academic credit, field work/trip enables students to e*amine the way the theories and the practical e*periences of a particular discipline interact.waiter, waitress, babysitter 效劳员,保姆qualification资格, qualified 合格的student union=council = government = association 学生会orchestra [ˈɔ:kestrə] 管弦乐队; choir [ˈkwaɪə(r) ] 合唱团;rehearsal,rehearse 排练;play 话剧clubs 俱乐部,membership 会员资格audition [ɔ:'diʃən]n. 试听;试演E*: His audition went well and he's fairly hopeful about getting the services office 就业办公室E*: Career services office is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employers and assists students in finding full-time jobs after fair 招聘会E*: He went to the career services office to confirm the date and location of the career fair. resumé [ˈrɛzəˌmeɪ] n. 简历,履历E*: She sent her résumé to fifty panies, but didn't even get an interview.take a part-time job 找兼职工作E*: He had taken a part-time job selling all-natural products.internship ['intə:nʃip] n. 实习E*: Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.flyer['flaiə]n.传单E*: Flyers are ine*pensive to produce and are regarded as a very effective form of direct marketing. poster ['pəustə]n. 海报E*: He put up a poster advertising the career fair.建筑物buildings:cafeteria自助餐厅,dining hall食堂,lawn草坪administration office/building 行政办公室/楼E*: He was looking for the administration building to drop off his graduation form.renovate翻新 e*pand扩建main building主楼,wing 配楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hallgym/sports center 健身中心 health center校医院E*: I try and work out at the local gym once a week.。
托福听力话题词汇之CONVERSATION篇场景词汇l Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice, slide, library, collection, check, librarianl Report, office hour, submit, on disk, hard copy, soft copy, computer, print, computer labl Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data, information, input, presentation, completel Term paper, grade, complicated, terrible mistake, edited version, submit, overtired, stressed, rushing against the clock, mark, draft, print, final paper, maintaining average, application, drop, re-take, due, extention, discuss, check back, re-reading, submissionl Information, exam schedule, term, date, book, department, invigilator, sign up, sheet, bulletin board, faculty lounge, square, draft, dean, review, draw up, manually, consult, registerl Physiology 100, sophomore, second year course, first year student, transfer, begin my first lecture, introduce, complete, approach, laws of physics and chemistry, process of life, vital force, philosophical approach, scientific experimentationl Final exam, midterm, multiple choice question, essay question, comprehensive exam, the subject, review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run into problemsl School bulletin, required writing course, first year student, third year stuent, research paper, sign up, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic, final format, presentation, hand in, assignment, final grade l Class meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue, revision, gradel Research paper, due, proposed topics, make comment, the most frequent problem, broad, preliminary outline, schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long, thesis statement, precise statement, conclusionl Workshop, intensive, techniques and skills, personal attention, register, advantagel Consecutive summer, community center, seminar, workshop, beginning students, advanced students, last four weeks, credit is awarded, information l Discuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance, optional class场景例题:场景特点:场景性开场白+中间专业内容+场景性结尾。
Conversation部分场景词补充集锦---Wendy出品assignment 留的作业或者分配的任务attendance 出勤exemption 免休re-sit 重考补考report 报告set exercise 固定的练习reference 参考书目bibliography 参考书目plagiarism 剽窃抄袭cheat 作弊high distinction 优异distinction 良好credit 合格pass 及格fail 不及格arts 文科science 理科core books 核心书目freshman 大学一年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生junior 大学三年级学生senior 大学四年级学生auditorium 大礼堂curriculum vitae 履历tertiary education 高等教育preparatory year 预科drop out 辍学curriculum 课程draft 草稿enrollment 注册register/enroll 登记,报到student union office 学生会办公室opening ceremony开学典礼orientation meeting新生学校综合情况介绍会application form 申请表letter of recommendation 推荐信credit/point/credit point 学分credit system学分制mark/ score/ grade分数,成绩assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估handout 分发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation专题发言project课外课题paper/ thesis/ dissertation 毕业论文essay 短论文deadline 截止时期extension 延期participation 课堂参与情况tutorial 个别辅导讨论课office hour (教授与学生)面谈的时间secondary education中等教育higher education高等教育adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制kindergarten/ day-care center幼儿园nursery school托儿所primary/elementary school小学secondary school中学junior high school初中senior high school高中technical school技校academic advisor导师、学术顾问ace 得到A等成绩admission office招生办公室associate professor副教授audit 、sit on旁听bear n.难以对付的课程Example: That computer science course was a behind迟到;课业负担重thesis/essay/paper/dissertation 论文;presentation 口头发言;lab report 实验报告;book report读书报告;term paper 学期论文;deadline/ due date 交作业的日子;extension/extra time 延期;book list 书单;incomplete 缓考;requirement 必修课;waive the course 免修;waive不坚持,放弃meal plan 套餐;refund 退款;overcharge, make-up test 补考;a term paper 学期论文;seminar/study session 讨论课;librarian 图书馆管理员Discussion 讨论topic话题主题lecture 演讲good choice 很好的选择slide 滑动滑行,下滑submit递交computer, printProject 课题ton of 很多cover 覆盖re-writeresearch data 研究数据informationinput 输入Term paper 学期论文grade年级complicated 复杂的terrible mistake 可怕的错误edited version 编辑版本printed version 打印版submit 递交overtired过度疲劳的stress 强调rushing against the clock 争分夺秒mark 点评draft 草稿final paper application 申请,应用drop 放弃,下降submission 递交Information 信息exam schedule 考试计划term 学期department 系invigilator监考者sign up 注册sheetbulletin boardfaculty lounge系休息室dean 系主任review 评论draw upconsult 请教,参考register 注册Physiology [ˌfizi'ɔlədʒi] 生理学second year course 第二年课程first year student 大一新生transfer 转学approach 方式、方法laws of physics and chemistry 物理化学的理论philosophical approach 哲学方法scientific experimentationFinal exam期终考试midterm adj. 期中的n. 期中考试multiple choice question 单选问题class note 课堂笔记School bulletin 学校公布栏selecting topic 选题final format 最终版本presentation 阐述hand in 上交assignment 作业final grade 总分Required Course Final Grade必修课总分revision / rɪ`vɪʒn / revise 注意重音Research paper 研究报告make comment 作点评preliminary 初级的outline 计划schedule 计划available 可行的appointment 预约no more than two pages long不多于两页thesis statement 论文陈述precise statement 准确的陈述GPA 平均分make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理Public university 公立大学private university 私立大学community college 社区大学reputation 名声名誉class size 课堂规模tuition 学费expense、cost 话费afford、affordable 可以承担的location 地点environment 环境large city大城small town小城镇college town大学城check out借出suspend 暂停终止privilege特权newspaper 报纸magazine 杂志academic journal学术杂志current issue实事bibliography 参考书目Scholarship 奖学金。
三、Conversation的常见用途1. 社交场合:Conversation在社交场合中经常被使用,如朋友之间的聚会、婚礼、生日派对等。
2. 商务会议:Conversation在商务会议中是必不可少的。
3. 教育培训:Conversation在教育培训领域也有广泛的应用。
4. 客户服务:Conversation在客户服务中起到了重要的作用。
四、Conversation常见考点1. 礼貌用语:在Conversation中,适当使用礼貌用语可以表达尊重和友好。
2. 提问技巧:Conversation中,提问是获取信息和引导对话的重要手段。
3. 回答技巧:Conversation中,回答问题是表达自己观点和意见的重要方式。
场景常用词汇及表达:A.校园与专业:major in专业(动), major主修, minor辅修, courses课程, courses taken所学课程, recreational activities娱乐活动, interest兴趣, academic activities学术活动, president校长, dean院长, professor教授, degree学位, post doctorate博士后, doctor博士, master硕士, bachelor学士, university大学, educational background教育背景, curriculum课程, scholarship奖学金, subject科目, specialization专业, specialized专业的, specialize in专业(动), social practice社会实践B.工作与经历:objective目标, career objective职业目标, position wanted希望的职位, due to (close-down of company, expiry of employment…)由于(公司倒闭,雇佣期满…), work experience工作经历, occupational history工作经历, link with与...有关, employment雇佣, achievements成就, accomplish完成, appointed被任命, adept in善于, assistant助理, break the record打破纪录, be promoted to被提升为, be proposed as被提名为C.个人品质:adaptable适应性强的, ambitious雄心壮志的, amiable和蔼的, analytical善于分析的, apprehensive有理解力的, capable有能力的, careful小心谨慎的, competent有能力的, constructive建设性的, cooperative合作的, creative创造性的, dedicated奉献的, disciplined守纪律的, well-educated受过良好教育的, efficient有效率的, energetic精力充沛的, enthusiastic充满热情的, expressive善于表达的, generous 慷慨大方的, genteel有教养的, independent独立的, intelligent聪明的, modest谦虚的, precise精确的, responsible负责的, strict严格的, temperate温和的试题演练:Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM4-2007) Now, listen to the conversation.1. At the university Mr. Robinson specialized inA. maths.B. physics.C. water management.D. geography.2. Mr. Robinson worked for the Indian Government because ofA. university links.B. government agreements.C. company projects.D. degree requirements.3. After Mr. Robinson returned from India, heA. changed jobs several times.B. went to live in Manchester.C. did similar work as in India.D. became head of a research team.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (TEM-2011) Now, listen to the conversation.4. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPTA. a book shop.B. a paper factory.C. a school.D. a fastfood restaurant.5. From the conversation, we learn that JohnA. has no interest.B. has only one interest.C. has two interests.D. has quite a few interests.6. Sue Green seems to be more interested in John's experience ofA. working in a paper factoryB. working in a youth club.C. looking after his brother and sisterD. looking after his young friends.解析:1.M: I went to the Manchester University and got an engineering degree, with water management as myspecialization. 由划线部分可知Mr. Robinson的专业是water management,因此第一题选择C.2.M: No, no. My university had links with an Indian Engineering University. So it was organized at thatlevel. Mr. Robinson为印度政府工作是因为他的大学和印度的一所工程大学有联系,固第二题选择A.3.M: No. It was a three-year water irrigation project.……M: Ah, I’ m working in water irrigation again, this time as a project researcher assistant. 听到again和this time, 可推断出第三题选C.4.M: Yes, I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in the summerholidays in the university, first in a fastfood restaurant, then in a book shop. 只有学校没有被提到,因此第四题选择C.5.M: Interests? Well, I like traveling. I play a lot of sports and I play the piano. 由划线部分可知他的兴趣爱好不少,第五题选择D.6.W: A youth club? 此处疑问语气,表示感兴趣,好奇。
在听一篇conversation时,对于不同的部分,我们需要注意听不同的重点内容:文章开头:听问题托福听力非专业段落,第一题多问目的,问法如:Why does the student go to see XXX?较简单的conversation会在对话开头以很明显的方式给出,如:Hi,professor,I want to ask you something about…或者老师直接问what can I do for you?对于这些句子后面的话,同学们就要注意听了。
例句:Hes a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him
His gentle courtesy and quaint conversation won my heart.
conversation, dialogue, talk, chat 这些名词均含"交谈"之意。
1、dialogue : 指"对话"。
例句:The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.
2、talk : 普通用词,可与conversation换用,指正式交谈。
例句:Maria was talking baby talk to the little one.
3、chat : 指熟人之间非常随便的'交谈,强调谈话的亲密和非正式性。
You can chat to other people who are online.