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She lost her youth. 她青春不再
She kept her youth. 她青春依旧
• 3. hostel =resthouse • hotel • student hostel 学生宿舍 • He says he’s staying at a Youth Hostel .
Lesson 101
If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs .
• 单词学习 • 直接引语和间接引语 • 课文讲解 • 翻译句子 • 作业
• Scotland
n. 苏格兰(英国)
• card
n. 明信片
• youth
n. 青年
• hostel
n. 招待所,旅馆
• association
n. 协会
• soon
adv. 不久
• write(wrote, written) v. 写
• 1、 card ① n. 明信片,卡片, ②纸牌 游戏③名片
• post card 明信片
credit card 信用卡
5. soon adv. • 1)不久 • 他不久就会回来。
• He will be back soon. • soon after 很快 • 表演在晚餐之后很快就开始了。
• The show began soon after dinner. • 2)快,早 • Winter has come too soon. • 冬天来得太早了
• 直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的 话,放在引号里。
• Vicky said "I have arrived in xi'an ." • 间接引语就是原话的转述,间接引语是把说
话人的原话变成宾语从句。 • Vicky said that she had arrived in xi'an .
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
变化练习: He said to me," I have left my bag in your room. ” He told me that he had left his bag in my room.
• read sth to sb
• read sb sth
• 读这份报纸给我听。
• Read the newspaper to me.
一般现在时 过去时 现在完成时
一般过去时 过去完成时 过去完成时
若引述的内容是客观事实,科学真理,格言,现在 习惯性动作,间接引语中动词时态不变。 My uncle said that the Yangtze river is the first largest river in china.
直接引语为特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,其关联 词应用疑问代词或疑问副词,语序是陈述句语序。 Mr. Huck asked," what is your name?” Mr. Huck asked what my name was?
Pictures talk
• Read Jimmy’s card to me please, Penny.
4. association n. /ə, səusi’ eiʃən/协会 • 我父亲是牙医协会的会长。 • My father was the president of the dental
association. • 在组织或者机构前要加定冠词the • the United Nations • the Y.H.A.=the Youth Hostels Association
• The sooner, the better. • 越快越好 • as soon as 一…就… • 你一完成就告诉我 • Tell me as soon as you ha.ve finished.
6. write v. 写 • 请你把姓名,地址写在这里。 • Write your name and address here, please. • 你报告写好了没有? • Have you written the report yet? • 我用铅笔还是用钢笔写? • Shall I write in pencil or in ink? • 用英文写 • write in English • Write to sb. 给某人写信 • 我一个月给我家人写两封信。 • I write to my family tw. ice a month.
an ID card 身份证
a birthday card
a new year card 新年贺卡
• Play cards • 打扑克
2、 youth /ju:θ/ • 1)n. 青年人,年轻人(单复数同形) • 该国的青年人 一 般都有礼貌 • The youth of the nation is polite in general. • 2)青年(少年)时期,青春时期 • 他少年时代在美国度过 • He spent his youth in the U.S.A • 他年轻时学过意大利语。 • He studied Italian in his youth. • 3)青春
• write down 写下 • Please write down your name and address
. • write back 回信 • hear from sb • I'm looking forward to hearing from you
soon. 望早日回信。
She said," I will do it here.” She said that she would do it here. Mr. Black said:" I am sorry.” Mr., Black said that he was sorry. 总结: 1. 人称发生变化 2. 时态发生变化