当前位置:文档之家› 2019-2020年高三一轮复习英语练习卷(适用于浙江地区)



A. Buy some paper.

B. Check her work.

C. Start a bus in ess.

5. What is Jennifer going to do?

绝密★启用前 2019-2020学年高三一轮复习英语练习卷


注意事项: 1 ?答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2?回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。 3 ?考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1 ? 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. 答案是C 。 B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15.

1. What does Mrs Lamb want William to do? A. Pai nt the wall. B. Pay for the glass.

2. How much will the man pay? A. $5. B. $10. C. Help cut the grass.

C. $20.

3. What does the woma n want to do with the wash ing machi ne?

A. Throw it away.

B. Have it repaired.

4. Which flight will the man take? C. Sell it to Nels


A. 10:20.

B. 11:00.

C. 11:45.

A. Book the hotel.

B. Look after Ala n. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。

11. What is the woma n doi ng?

A. Ask ing for advice.

B. Chairi ng a meeti


12. When was Bergen fou nded?

A. In 1070.

B. In the 1200s.

C. Play in the concert.

C. Host ing a program.

C. In the 1830s.

13. What does Mr Wils on suggest people do in Berge n?

A. Read a fairy tale.

B. Walk around the city.


C. Buy a woode n house.

14. What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the speakers?

A. Stran gers.

B. Roommates.

15. Where did Paul get the in formation about the flat?

A. From a good frie nd.

B. From Mrs Hamilt on. 16. How many bedrooms are there in the flat?

C. Neighbors.

C. From the n ewspaper.

A. Three.

B. Two.

C. One.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22 . 5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个


你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听

完后,各小题给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Where does the con versati on probably take place?

A. At a bus stop.

B. At an activity centre

7. What will the man probably do?

A. Buy a book.

B. Go to a festival.

10. What did the man do to help the woma n?

C. At an in formati on desk.

C. Visit the woma n.


8. Where are the speakers?

A. At the theater. 9. What does the woma n do?

A. She ' s a driver.


B. At the hospital.

C. At the railway stati on.

B. She ' s a sin ger.

C. She ' s a doctor.

17. What does the woman ask Paul to do?

A. Pay the rent first.

B. Come to see the flat.

C. Call her this after noon.


18. Who has become the Union Party leader?

A. Robert Tennen.

B. Harry Joh nson.

C. Jim Hardy.

19. What will happen to 10th Street tomorrow?

A. It will be closed.

B. It will be clea ned.

C. It will be rebuilt.

20. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Sunny.

B. Snowy.

C. Rainy.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35 分)

Amsterdam's Best Flea Markets

Ijhallen Flea Market

First or sec ond weeke nd of every month

Perhaps the most impressive of them all is Ijhalle n, I ocated in the n orth of

Amsterdam.With more tha n 1,500 sta nds and 3, 000 free. park ing spaces, the mon thly market attracts visitors from not only the Netherla nds, but Europe wide,

There is a five euro admission fee, but you can be pretty sure that you can browse

sec on d-ha nd treasures for most of the day. Anything and everyth ing can be found here: old guitars and antique chairs, art prints and military gear.

Noordermarkt Flea Market

Saturday, 9 am -4 pm ?

Mon day, 9 am-2 pm F? e i?,

In the cen ter of the Jordaa n, the Noordermarkt Flea Market on Saturdays in cludes vin tage (老式的)goods and organic food produce from local farmers.

On Mon days, the market tran sforms into an an tique-h un ter's goldm ine. There are piles of vin tage clothes, an tique books, coins and furn iture.

Waterloplei n Market

Mon day-Saturday, 9 am6 pm

The most cen trally located of all flea markets in Amsterdam, Waterloplein Market offers visitors a range of sn acks, sec on d-ha nd clothes and vin tage treasures.

There's a maze of sec ond- hand goods, from old globes and hanging lamps, to Africa n drums, an tique rugs and used bikes.

Spui Book Market

Friday, 10 am -6 pm

Ideally situated among bookstores, you'll find a collect ion of tents shelteri ng sec on d-ha nd and an tique books at the book market on Spui.

You can find a variety of literature from b Ographies and poetry to fantasy fiction, history, psychology and geography. While most books ate from' the. Netherla nds, some En glish and international titles are for sale, -As welt as antique maps, prints and record.

21. Which flies market do you n eed to pay some extra mon ey?

A. Ijhallen FleaMarket.

B. Noordermarkt Flca Market.

C. Waterloplei n Marketc

D.Spui Book Market.

22. What ca n you pick up at Noordermarkt Flea Market?

A. You can get eno ugh park ing space.

B. You can choose a range of sn acks.

C. You can buy some fresh vegetables.

D. You can dig some goldm ines here.

23. When is a good time to visit a favorite market for a crazy book fan?

A. First weeke nd of every mon th.

B. Friday, 10 am- -6 pm.

C. Mo nday, 9 am--6 pm.

D. Saturday, 9 am- -4 pm.


In the 1760s, Mathurin Roze opened a series of shops that boasted(享有)a special meat soup called con somme. Although the main attract ion was the soup, Roze's cha in shops also set a new sta ndard for dining out, which helped to establish Roze as the inven tor of the moder n restaura nt.

Today, scholars have gen erated large amounts of in structive research about restaura nts. Take visual hints that in flue nee what we eat: diners served themselves about 20 perce nt more pasta(意大禾U面食)whe n their plates matched their food. When a dark-colored cake was served on a black plate rather tha n a white one, customers recog ni zed it as sweeter and more tasty.

Lighti ng matters, too. When Berl in restaura nt customers ate in dark ness, they could n't tell how much they'd had: those give n extra-large shares ate more tha n every one else, but were none

the wiser —they did n ' f etel fuller, and they were just as ready for dessert.

Time is mon ey, but that prin ciple means differe nt things for differe nt types of restaura nts.

Un like fast-food places, fine dining shops prefer customers to stay Ion ger and spe nd. One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart(莫扌L特).When classical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more. Fast music hurried diners out. Particular scents also have an effect: diners who got the scent of lave nder(薰衣草)stayed Ion ger and spe nt more tha n those who smelled lem on, or no scent.

Mean while, things that you might expect to discourage spe nding —"bad" tables, crowd ing , high prices —don't necessarily. Diners at bad tables — next to the kitchen door, say — spent n early as much as others but soon fled. It can be con cluded that restaura nt keepers n eed no t "be overly concerned about ‘ bad' tables," given that they're profitable. As for crowds, a Hong Kong

study found that they in creased a restaura nt's reputati on, suggest ing great food at fair prices. And doubling a buffet's price led customers to say that its pizza was 11 percent tastier.

24. The un derl ined phrase "none the wiser" in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the

customers were _______ .

A. not aware of eat ing more tha n usual

B. not willing to share food with others

C. not con scious of the food quality

D. not fond of the food provided

25. How could a fine dining shop make more profit?

A. play ing classical music.

B. In troduci ng lem on sce nt.

C. Maki ng the light brighter,

D. Using plates of larger size.

26. What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. Tips to attract more customers.

B. Problems restaura nts are faced with.

C. Ways to improve restaura nts' reputatio n.

D. Common misun dersta ndings about restaura nts


Face-book chief operati ng officer Sheryl San dberg and Anna Maria Chavez, chief of

American Girl Scouts, are leading a campaign to discourage the use of the word

“ bossy ” . D

term destroy the con fide nee of young girls?

The campaign claims that terms like “ bossy ” are improperly appJiedpiEfcsntMes

schoolgirls from seei ng themselves as future a leaders ” . From its first application, the word has

been definitely connected more with women than with men. It first appeared in 1882 , according to

the Oxford English Dictionary , mentioning “ a lady manager who was extremely bosAylate as ” .

2008, the word appeared in reference to females four times more ofte n tha n males, claim the Ban

Bossy campaig ners. “ To me, the refere nee is always in associati on with wome n, ” says Hele n ' director of Fresh Min ds. "I have three brothers and my family still call me ‘ bossy ' toda

father is the only other family member who could be considered in that way, says Trim , but no body would ever call him so.

Some educators recommend that the word should be reclaimed, rather than banned. “ But t

thing with ‘ bossy ' is that there '幼稚啲nfulnttent to it, ” says Sara Mills, professor at

Sheffield Un iversity. “ You thi nk of 'bossy' as being like a little kid who's claimi ng more tha n he

has the right to claim. ”

It's not just tibdesyire. “ Pushy ” is another target. The implication is that women

should n ' t prese nt themselves as powerful and con fide nt, Mills suggests, which some wome n are

willi ng to liste n to and accept. Trim poi nts out that many modern female bus in ess role models are

able to be bosses without being labeled ‘ bossy ' . And she heiaelythfeewoi r d used with in

her company. But she says that the damage may be done much earlier in a woman ' s life. “ I come about from those early tee nage years. ” she saysp ossibie ItthbOnib word;bs1i

if people are replaci ng it with words like 'con fide nee' or , we would a ssst i nenesuch '

better place. ”

27. More evide nee is provided to show "bossy" is more applied to females by _ .

A. the Oxford En glish Dictio nary

B. the Ban Bossy campaig ners

C. Helen Trim at Fresh Minds

D. some experts in educati on

28. Trim's family still con sider her bossy because .

A. she is expected to lead in her family

B. she is the boss of her compa ny

C. she is a powerful and con fide nt female

D. her father con siders her that way

29. The un derl ined part fifeun d”rst probably means .

A. defi nitely replaced

B. stron gly criticized

C. improperly applied

D. eagerly expected

30. How does the author sound whe n referri ng to the campaig n aga in st "bossy"?

A. Objective.

B. Angry.

C. Doubtful

D. Optimistic.


Lead has proved to be a useful metal. 31_ It goes into car batteries and also helps make bright pigme nts, used to paint walls, metal work and toys.

32 In the worst cases it causes comas(昏迷)and death. More often its effects are slow but harmful. Research shows that lead is a threat to little babies, who are most likely to take in dust and paint chips that contain lead. Their brains can be easily harmed. 33

The dan gers of lead have long bee n known. America n banned it from paint 40 years ago, and by the late 1990s leaded petrol had been stopped gradually in almost all rich countries. But the effects continue to exist. 34 The situation is more alarming in the poor world, where the use of lead-based paints is spreading. As people in Asia and Africa become richer, they start to decorate their homes, but the paint they use, even from pots labeled "lead-free ,M, often contains it.

It is n either difficult nor expe nsive to stop using lead. _35 _ And in dustrial use is no

excepti on, because the con tam in atio n(污染物)spreads and in dustrial paint in evitably finds its way into the con

sumer market. Yet only four sub-Sahara n Africa n coun tries have formally placed bans and local factories are often un aware of the harm that lead causes.

A. Yet lead is also a pois on.

B. It tur ns up everywhere.

C. All coun tries should ban lead in paint.

D. Half a million American children are diagnosed with lead poisoning.

E. There is no excuse for poor coun tries to repeat the mistake of rich on es.

F. Tak ing some simple precauti ons can help protect you and your family from lead exposure.

G. But only years after exposurre are the results apparent in lower IQ and learning disabilities.





It ' s about 250 miles from the hills of wescentral Iowa to Ehlers ' home in Minnesota. During

the long trip home, follow ing a weeke nd of hun ti ng. Ehlers 36 about the small dog he had seen 37 alongside the road. He had 38 to coax (哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had 39 .

Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that 40 dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove 41 . After a long and careful 42 . Greg saw, across a field, the

dog mov ing 43 away. Ehlers even tually succeeded in coax ing the an imal to him.

Nervousness and fear were replaced with 44 . It just started licking (舔)Ehlers ' face.

A local farmer told them the dog soun ded like one 45 as lost in the local paper. The ad had a 46 nu mber for a tow n in souther n Michiga n. Ehlers 47 the nu mber of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had 48 their dog.

Jeff had 49 in Iowa before Than ksgiv ing with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched 50 for Rosie in the next four days.

Ehlers returned to Minnesotan, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan. "It ' s good to know there ' s still someone51ut th en ougioto go

to that kind of —, ” says Lisa of Ehlers ' 53scue

I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as 54 to it as I am to my dogs, ” says

Ehlers. " If it had been my dog, I ' d hope that somebod&Swould) Igo that extra mile. ”

36. A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard

37. A. read B. trembli ng C. eat ing

D. sleep ing

38. A. tried B. agreed C. promised

D. regretted

39. A. calmed dow n B. stood up C. rolled over D. run off

40. A. injured B. stole n C. lost D. r escued

41. A. home B. past C. back D. o n

42. A. preparati on B. expla nati on C. test D. s earch

43. A. cautiously B. casually C. skillfully D. an grily

44. A. surprise B. joy C. hesitati on D. an xiety

45. A. predicted B. advertised C. believed D. r ecorded

46. A. house B. phone C. street D. c ar

47. A. called B. copied C. coun ted D. r emembered

48. A. fed B. adopted C. fou nd D. c ured

49. A. hu nted B. skied C. lived D. w orked

50. A. on purpose B. on time C. i n turn D. i n vain

51. A. cares B.sees C. suffers D. l ear ns

52. A. place B. trouble C. waste D. e xtreme

53. A. service B. pla n C. effort D. t eam

54. A. equal B. allergic C. grateful D. c lose

55. A. suitable B. proud C. wise D. wili ng




Li Qiang couldn ' t believe that he had travelled to the year AD 300856 a time capsule. Tran sported by Wang Ping' s pare nts ' comp5ny (call) “ Future Tours ” , he started his first time trip. On his 58 (arrive), the totally new surro undings were difficult for him _ _ (tolerate). His head ached for lack of fresh air 60 he also suffered from “ time 6ag ” . (Lucky), his guide, Wang Ping, who was very un dersta nding, gave him much help in time. He gave Li Qiang some green tablets and a mask, _62_ helped Li overcome the problems.

After a short time of feeli ng un settled and n ervous, Li Qiang was back on 63 (he) feet aga in. The n he followed Wang Ping to collect a hoveri ng carriage that 64 (drive) by

computer. Soon he could fly as swiftly as Wang Ping. How amazing it was to fly above the ground! Then they arrived at a strange-looking house belonging to Wang Ping ' s parents. Li Qiang was treated to a delicious dinner and had a won derful bath there. 65 (exhaust), Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep.



假定你是高三(3)班学生李华,就学校食堂的卫生情况想给校长Mr. Smith写一封信,反



1. 食物不加盖;

2. 品种单一;

3. 服务态度差。

注意:1 .词数80左右;

2 ?可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;



Dear Mr. Smith ,

I?m Li Hua, a stude nt from Class 3 Grade 12.

..... Thank you for taking the time to consider my requests.

Yours, Li Hua 第二节:概要写作(满分25分)


“ Stop the world, I want to get off! ” This popular expressi on refers to a feeli ng of panic, or stress, that makes people want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and become calm aga in. Stress is one of the most com mon causes of health problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical, emoti on al,a nd men tal health problems.

There are nu merous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can in crease the pulse rate,make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the respiratory (呼吸的)system. It can lead to asthma and cause a person to breathe too fast, result ing in a loss of importa nt carb on dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomachaches and problems of digesting food. These are only a few examples of the wide range of ill nesses and symptoms result ing from stress.

Emoti ons are also easily affected by stress. People sufferi ng from stress ofte n feel an xious. They may have panic attacks and feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they often overreact to little problems. For example, a no rmally gen tle pare nt un der a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for dropp ing a glass of juice. Stress can make

people an gry, moody, or n ervous. Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of sad ness and hopeless ness, can be the result of continued and in creas ing stress. Alcoholism and other addict ions ofte n develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emoti ons.

Un treated, it may even tually result in men tal ill ness. Stress has a great in flue nee on the health, our feeli ngs, and our min ds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.

英语练习卷答案2 (2019.09)


1-5 CABDC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BADAC 16-20 BACCD



21-23 ACB 24-26 AAD 27-30 BCBA


31-35 BAGDC



36—40 CBADC 41 —45 CDABB 46—50 BACAD 51 —55 ABCDD


59 to tolerate

56 in 57 called 58 arrival 60 and

61 Luckily 62 which 63 his 64 was drive n 65 Exhausted



One possible version:

Dear Mary,

1 ' m Li Hua, a student from Class 3 Grade 12. I ' m writing to complain about thitypoor food qual


the service in the cafeteria.

The food is not covered with flies hovering over it, which can lead to diseases. My friends who ate

in the

cafeteria had diarrhea yesterday. Besides, we would appreciate a litter more variety in the menu


We understand it ' s hard but it ' s not very appetizing to have hotdogs three days in a row. What worse, the cafeteria staff are rude to us whe n we make selecti ons.

We believe these complaints can be fixed if you will take action. Thank you for taking the time to

con sider my requests. (94 words)


Li Hua











(2) 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性;


(4 )对各要点表达的独立性情况;























One possible version:

Nowadays, the stress people suffer con tributes to many health problems. (要点1)Primarily, too much stress destroys the well-be ing of our bodies, caus ing problems of our heart, respiratory system and

stomach.(要点2)Emotionally, with stress people may feel anxious and can

t con trol their temper.(要

点3)What' s worse, mental diseases like depression owe to untreated stress.(要点4)Therefore, only by

reduci ng stress can we keep ourselves physically, emoti on ally and men tally healthy. (要点5)(65


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