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1. 型号和尺寸:指明伺服电机的型号和尺寸,以便选购和安装。
2. 功率和电压:指明伺服电机的额定功率和额定电压,以保证电机能够正常工作。
3. 转速和扭矩曲线:提供伺服电机在不同负载下的转速-扭矩
4. 控制系统:说明伺服电机所配套的控制系统,包括控制器、编码器等,并提供相应的接口和连接方式。
5. 精度和可靠性:指明伺服电机的位置精度、速度精度和重复定位精度,以及电机的可靠性和寿命。
6. 防护等级和环境要求:说明伺服电机的防护等级和适用的环境要求,包括温度、湿度、震动等。
7. 安装和维护:提供伺服电机的安装和维护指南,包括安装尺寸、安装方式、电气连接等。
8. 附件和选件:列出伺服电机的附件和选件,如电缆、接头、安装支架等。
9. 安全和认证:说明伺服电机的安全性能和认证情况,如CE
10. 其他特殊要求:在需要的情况下,规格书还可能包含一些特殊要求,如定制制造、特殊环境适应性等。
电机电联接器转矩转速曲线示意图LB 、HB系列 LBB 、HBB 系列LB、LBB 、HB 、HBB 系列伺服电机的Mmax=3Mn ;Mmax 输出状态为短时工作。
以下是一个示例的伺服电机规格书的详细内容:1. 电机型号:指明电机的型号和编号,以便于唯一标识和识别。
2. 额定功率:指明电机的额定功率,单位为千瓦(kW)或马力(HP)。
3. 额定电压:指明电机的额定电压,单位为伏特(V)。
4. 额定电流:指明电机的额定电流,单位为安培(A)。
5. 额定转速:指明电机的额定转速,单位为转/分钟(RPM)。
6. 额定扭矩:指明电机的额定扭矩,单位为牛顿米(Nm)。
7. 极数:指明电机的极数,用于计算电机的转速和转矩。
8. 控制方式:指明电机的控制方式,例如位置控制、速度控制或扭矩控制。
9. 反馈装置:指明电机的反馈装置,例如编码器或霍尔传感器,用于实时监测电机的位置、速度和扭矩。
10. 动态响应:指明电机的动态响应性能,包括加速度、减速度和响应时间。
11. 防护等级:指明电机的防护等级,用于描述电机的防尘、防水和防腐蚀性能。
12. 冷却方式:指明电机的冷却方式,例如自然冷却、风冷或水冷。
13. 外形尺寸:指明电机的外形尺寸,包括长度、宽度和高度,以便于安装和布置。
14. 重量:指明电机的重量,单位为千克(kg),用于计算电机的负载能力和安装要求。
15. 驱动器:指明电机所配套的驱动器型号和参数,以便于实现电机的控制和调节。
16. 其他特性:可以根据实际需求,添加其他特性和参数,例如噪音水平、温升、绝缘等级等。
FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR #*s series FANUC AC SPINDLE MOTOR #* series FANUC SERVO AMPLIF IER #* series维修说明书B-65325CM/01·本说明书的任何内容不得以任何方式复制。
B-65325CM/01为了安全使用为了安全使用为了使您更安全的使用本公司的伺服电机、主轴电机以及伺服放大器(βi SVM βiSVPM,本公司已将相应的注意事项写入“为了安全使用”中。
目录1.1 警告、注意、注释............................................................................................s-21.2 FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR βi s series,FANUC AC SPINDLE MOTOR βi series.........................................................s-3 1.2.1 警告..................................................................................................s-31.2.2 注意..................................................................................................s-51.2.3 注释..................................................................................................s-61.3 FANUC SERVO AMPLIFIER βi series............................................................s-8 1.3.1 安装时的警告及注意.......................................................................s- 警告............................................................................................s- 注意............................................................................................s- 注释..........................................................................................s-101.3.2 试运行时的警告及注意.................................................................s- 警告..........................................................................................s- 注意..........................................................................................s-121.3.3 维护时的警告及注意.....................................................................s- 警告..........................................................................................s- 注意..........................................................................................s- 注释..........................................................................................s-14为了安全使用B-65325CM/01 1.1 警告、注意、注释“为了安全使用”中为了保证操作人员人身安全以及防止机床损坏的有关安全的注意事项,并根据它们在安全方面的重要程度,在正文中以“警告”和“注意”来描述。
深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司Shenzhen ONKE Technology Co., Ltd.座机:*************27381841电话:邓先生135****7106陈先生139****0920邮箱:***************网 址 : 地址:广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道怀德翠湖工业园13栋稳定的质量是我们赖以生存的根本优质的服务是我们继续发展的前提客户的满意是我们唯一追求的目标产品画册Product gallery专业生产伺服驱动器、伺服电机及自动化控制系统深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司直流伺服电机目录匠心制造精益求精“一、公司介绍01二、直流伺服电机021.电机介绍与型号说明032.电机应用领域043.电机规格参数表054.电机规格尺寸图06C O M P A N Y PROFILE以精密制造引领未来Leading the future with precision manufacturing公司简介Company Profile深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司成立于2010年,是一家专业研发生产伺服电机和驱动器的高新技术企业,公司技术力量雄厚,检测手段先进,欧诺克人本着不求最全,只求最精的信念,为生产出各类伺服电机、各类驱动器而不懈奋斗。
三、伺服电机规格书的主要内容伺服电机规格书的主要内容包括以下几个方面:1. 技术参数技术参数是伺服电机规格书的核心内容,它包括了伺服电机的额定功率、额定电压、额定转速、额定转矩等重要参数。
2. 性能指标性能指标是伺服电机规格书中的另一个重要内容,它包括了伺服电机的速度响应、静态误差、动态误差、抗扰性能等指标。
3. 外观尺寸外观尺寸是伺服电机规格书中的一项重要信息,它包括了伺服电机的安装尺寸、外形尺寸、重量等信息。
4. 安装方式安装方式是伺服电机规格书中的一项重要内容,它包括了伺服电机的安装方式、安装位置、安装要求等信息。
5. 接线方式接线方式是伺服电机规格书中的一项重要信息,它包括了伺服电机的电源接线、信号接线等信息。
四、伺服电机规格书的编写要求伺服电机规格书的编写应符合以下要求:1. 准确性伺服电机规格书的编写应准确无误地描述伺服电机的技术参数、性能指标、外观尺寸等信息,避免出现错误和模糊不清的表述。
Technical DataLZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor SpecificationsCatalog Numbers LZV-N030xxx , LZV-N050xxx , LZV-N075xxx , LZV-N100xxx , LZV-T030xxx , LZV-T50xxx , LZV-T075xxx ,LZV-T100xxx , LZV-TN030xxx , LZV-TN050xxx , LZV-TN075xxx , LZV-TN100xxx , LZV-TH030xxx , LZV-TH50xxx , LZV-TH075xxx , LZV-TH100xxxThis document provides catalog numbers and product specifications, including performance, environmental, certifications, and dimension drawings for Anorad® vacuum linear servo motors.The LZV-Series ironless linear motors address a growing interest in linear motor technology in vacuum applications. With the LZV-Series ironless linear motors, you now have a broad range of force options that satisfy vacuum applications to 10-7torr.The LZV-Series linear motors are compatible with the Kinetix® 6000, Kinetix 2000, Ultra™3000, Kinetix 300, and Kinetix 3 servo drives.Use this publication in conjunction with the Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide, publication GMC-SG001, to help make decisions on the motion control products best suited for your system requirements.TopicPage LZV-Series Ironless Linear Servo Motors 2Common Linear Motor Specifications 38Additional Resources39LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor SpecificationsLZV-Series Ironless Linear Servo MotorsThe LZV-Series ironless linear motors address a growing interest in linear motor technology as it becomes more affordable and is increasingly recognized as a practical means of improving machine performance. With the ironless product design, you now have cost-effective options to help you improve machine throughput while reducing maintenance and downtime. LZV-Series Ironless Linear Motor Features•No magnetic attraction between the coil and magnet channel allows for the use of smaller, less expensive linear bearings.•No external magnetic field to shield in magnetic sensitive applications.•Non-cogging technology for smooth motion.•Very high acceleration and speeds up to 10 m/s (32.8 ft/s) greatly increase the throughput of your machine.•No limits to travel distance. Ability to achieve high speeds over short and long travels.•Direct drive technology for extreme servo responsiveness.•No-wear, high reliability parts increase productivity.•Peak forces to 1168 N (263 lb).•The ability to size and optimize LZV-Series linear motors and corresponding servo drives by using Motion Analyzer software reduce product selection time and minimize cost.•Full set-up and programming support through RSLogix™ 5000 software reduces set-up time.2Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 2012Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 20123LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor SpecificationsCatalog Numbers - LZV-Series Ironless Linear MotorsCatalog numbers consist of various characters, each of which identifies a specific option for that component. Use the catalog numbering chart below to understand the configuration of your motor coil and magnet channel. For questions regarding product availability, contact your Allen-Bradley distributor.LZV-Series Ironless Linear Motors Coils(1)Not all combinations are available. Only the configurations as listed in Technical Specifications - LZV-Series Ironless Linear Motors on page 4 are available.LZV-Series Ironless Linear Motor Magnet ChannelsCable Termination 0 = Flying leads1 = Circular DIN connector Cable Length0 = 300 mm (11.81 in.)1 = 600 mm (23.62in.)2 = 1000 mm (39.37 in.)Thermal ProtectionT = PTC Thermal sensor and switch FeedbackH = Hall effect (trapezoidal)N = No feedback Winding Code D = D winding E = E winding F = F winding G = G winding Coil Length (1)120 = 120 mm (4.72 in.)240 = 240 mm (9.45 in.)360 = 360 mm (14.17 in.)480 = 480 mm (18.90 in.)Frame Size (1)030050075100Coil Designation N = Thin coil T = Thick coil Motor Series LZV = LZV-SeriesLZV - x xxx xxx - x x T x xMagnet Channel Length 120 = 119 mm (4.67 in.)180 = 179 mm (7.05 in.)240 = 239 mm (9.41 in.)480 = 479 mm (18.90 in.)600 = 599 mm (23.62 in.)Frame Size 030050075100Coil DesignationNM = Accepts a thin coil and has thin magnetsTM = Wide channel accepts a thick coil and has thin magnets TH = Accepts a thick coil and has thick magnets Motor Series LZV = LZV-SeriesLZV - xx xxx xxx4Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 2012LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor SpecificationsTechnical Specifications - LZV-Series Ironless Linear MotorsThese performance specifications apply to all LZV-Series ironless linear motor coil and channel combinations.Common Performance SpecificationsAttribute ValueMotor type 3 phase, wye winding, synchronous permanent magnet stator, non-ventilated linear motor.Operating speed, max10 m/s (32.8 ft/s)Operating voltage, (not for direct connection to AC line)230V AC rms Dielectric rating of motor power connections (U,V,W), to ground for 1.0 s (1) (1)Tested during manufacturing process, Do not re-apply test voltage. Contact Application Engineering (631.344.6600) for advice on testing coils post production.1500V AC rms, 50/60 Hz Cogging torque Zero Magnetic attraction (F a )0 N (0 lbf)Applied bus voltage, max (2)(2)Maximum cable length 10 m (32.8 ft). Contact Application Engineering (631.344.6600) for applications requiring longer cables.325V DC Electrical cycle length 60 mm (2.36 in.)Coil temperature, max 130 °C (266 °F)Insulation class130 °C (266 °F) Class B Thermal time constant, Ref, winding to ambient 35 min Paint colorBright steelRockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 20125LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 120 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N030120-D x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030120-F x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 35 (8)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 95 (21)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 6.82Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 21.0(4.7)12.1(2.7)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 24.8(0.6)14.3(0.4)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 4.5 (3.2)7.8 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 20 5.41 1.80Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL8.432.8130 mm Frame, size 240 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N030240-D x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030240-E x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030240-F x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030240-G x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 70 (16)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 188 (42)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 3.46Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 21(4.7)42.0(9.4)12.1(2.7)24.3(5.5)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 24.8(0.6)49.6(1.3)14.3(0.4)28.6(0.7)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 8.9 (6.3) 4.5 (3.2)15.5 (10.9)7.7 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 3.3 (2.3) 1.7 (1.2) 5.7 (4.1) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 2.7010.820.90 3.61Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL4.2216.861.415.626Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 2012LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 360 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N030360-D x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030360-E x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxxLZV-N030360-G x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 105 (23)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 282 (63)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 2.30Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 21.0(4.7)63.0(14.2)36.4(8.2)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 24.8(0.6)74.4(1.9)43.0(1.1)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 13.4 (9.5) 4.5 (3.2)7.8 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 5.0 (3.5) 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 20 1.8016.23 5.41Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL2.8125.298.4330 mm Frame size, 480 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N030480-D x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030480-E x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxx LZV-N030480-G x T xx with LVZ-NM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 139 (31)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 375 (84)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.73Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 21.0(4.7)42.0 (9.4)24.3 (5.5)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 24.8(0.6)49.6(1.3)28.6(0.7)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 17.9 (12.6)8.9 (6.3)15.5 (10.9)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 6.6 (4.7) 3.3 (2.3) 5.7 (4.1)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) ohmsR 20 1.35 5.41 1.80Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL2.118.432.81Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 20127LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 120 mm length (thick coil and a wide thin magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030120-D x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030120-F x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 40 (9)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 108 (24)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 5.20Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 24.1(5.4)13.9(3.1)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 28.5(0.7)16.4(0.4)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 4.5 (3.2)7.8 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 207.15 2.38Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL13.404.4730 mm Frame size, 240 mm length (thick coil and a wide thin magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030240-D x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030240-E x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030240-F x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030240-G x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 80 (18)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 216 (49)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 2.60Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 24.1(5.4)48.2(10.8)13.9(3.1)27.8(6.3)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 28.5(0.7)56.9(1.4)16.4(0.4)32.9(0.8)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 9.0 (6.3) 4.5 (3.2)15.5 (11.0)7.8 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 3.3 (2.3) 1.7 (1.2) 5.7 (4.1) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 3.5714.29 1.19 4.76Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL6.7026.802.238.938Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 2012LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 360 mm length (thick coil and a wide thin magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030360-D x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030360-E x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxxLZV-T030360-G x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 120 (27)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 323 (73)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.75Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 24.1(5.4)72.3(16.3)41.7(9.4)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 28.5(0.7)85.4(2.2)49.3(1.3)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 13.4 (9.5) 4.5 (3.2)7.7 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 5.0 (3.5) 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 20 2.3821.447.15Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL4.4740.2013.4030 mm Frame size, 480 mm length (thick coil and a wide thin magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030480-D x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030480-E x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxx LZV-T030480-G x T xx with LVZ-TM030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 160 (36)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 431 (97)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.31Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 24.1(5.4)48.2(10.8)27.8(6.3)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 28.5(0.7)56.9(1.4)32.9(0.8)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 17.9 (12.6)8.9 (6.3)15.5 (10.9)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 6.6 (4.7) 3.3 (2.3) 5.7 (4.1)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 1.797.15 2.38Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL3.3513.404.47Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 20129LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 120 length (thick coil and wide thick magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030120-D x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030120-F x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 44 (10)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 119 (27)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 5.20Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 26.5(6.0)15.3(3.4)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 31.3(0.8)18.1(0.5)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 4.5 (3.2)7.8 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 207.15 2.38Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL13.404.4730 mm Frame size, 240 length (thick coil and wide thick magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030240-D x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030240-E x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030240-F x T xx with LVZ-TH30xxx LZV-T030240-G x T xx with LVZ-TH30xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 88 (20)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 236 (53)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 2.63Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 26.5(6.0)53.0(11.9)15.3(3.4)30.6(6.9)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 31.3(0.8)62.6(1.6)18.1(0.5)36.2(0.9)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 8.9 (6.3) 4.5 (3.2)15.4 (10.9)7.7 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 3.3 (2.3) 1.7 (1.2) 5.7 (4.0) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 3.5714.29 1.19 4.76Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL6.7026.802.238.9310Rockwell Automation Publication LZV-TD001A-EN-P - September 2012LZV-Series Vacuum Linear Servo Motor Specifications30 mm Frame size, 360 length (thick coil and wide thick magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030360-D x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030360-E x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxxLZV-T030360-G x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 132 (30)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 355 (80)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.75Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 26.5(6.0)79.5(17.9)45.9(10.3)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 31.3(0.8)93.9(2.4)54.2(1.4)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 13.4 (9.5) 4.5 (3.2)7.7 (5.5)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 5.0 (3.5) 1.7 (1.2) 2.9 (2.0)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 20 2.3821.447.15Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL4.4740.2013.4030 mm Frame size, 480 length (thick coil and wide thick magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T030480-D x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030480-E x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxx LZV-T030480-G x T xx with LVZ-TH030xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 176 (39)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 474 (107)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.31Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 26.5(6.0)53.0(11.9)30.6(6.9)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 31.3(0.8)62.6(1.6)36.2(0.9)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 17.9 (12.6)8.9 (6.3)15.5 (10.9)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 6.6 (4.7) 3.3 (2.3) 5.7 (4.1)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 1.797.15 2.38Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL3.3513.404.47AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N050120-D x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050120-F x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 53 (12)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 143 (32)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 6.28Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 35.0(7.9)20.2(4.5)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 41.3(1.0)23.9(0.6)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 4.1 (2.9)7.1 (5.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 1.5 (1.1) 2.6 (1.9)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 207.11 2.37Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL11.083.6950 mm Frame size, 120 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N050240-D x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050240-E x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050240-F x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050240-G x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 106 (24)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 286 (64)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 3.14Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 35.0(7.9)70.0(15.7)20.2(4.5)40.4(9.1)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 41.3(1.0)82.7(2.1)23.9(0.6)47.7(1.2)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 8.2 (5.8) 4.1 (2.9)14.2 (10.0)7.1 (5.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 3.0 (2.1) 1.5 (1.1) 5.2 (3.7) 2.6 (1.9)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 3.5614.22 1.19 4.74Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL5.5422.161.857.39AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N050360-D x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050360-E x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxLZV-N050360-F x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxLZV-N050360-G x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 159 (36)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 428 (96)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 2.11Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 35.0(7.9)105.0(23.6)20.2(4.5)60.6(13.6)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 41.3(1.0)124.0(3.1)23.9(0.6)71.6(1.8)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 12.2 (8.6) 4.1 (2.9)21.2 (15.0)7.1 (5.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 4.5 (3.2) 1.5 (1.1)7.8 (5.5) 2.6 (1.8)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 20 2.3721.330.797.11Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL3.6933.251.2311.0850 mm Frame size, 480 mm length (thin coil and magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-N050480-D x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050480-E x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxx LZV-N050480-G x T xx with LVZ-NM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 212 (48)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 571 (128)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 1.58Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 35.0(7.9)70.0(15.7)40.4(9.1)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 41.3(1.0)82.7(2.1)47.7(1.2)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 16.3 (11.5)8.2 (5.8)14.1 (10.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 6.0 (4.3) 3.0 (2.1) 5.2 (3.7)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 1.787.11 2.37Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL2.7711.083.69AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T050120-D x T xx with LZV-TM050xxx LZV-T050120-F x T xx with LZV-TM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)(1)Coils at maximum temperature, 130 °C (266 °F), mounted to an aluminium heat sink whose area is noted in table on page 31, and at 20 °C (68°F) ambient.(2)Continuous force and current based on coil moving with all phases sharing the same load in sinusoidal commutation.(3)For standstill conditions, multiply continuous force and continuous current by 0.9.(4)Coil mountings on either of the two narrow sides reduces continuous force by 10%.N (lbf)F c 61 (14)Force, peak (5)(5)Calculated at 11% duty cycle for 1.0 second max. Some applications may produce significantly higher peak forces. Call Applications Engineering (631.344.6600) for details.N (lbf)F p 163 (37)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 4.80Force constant (6) (7) (8)(6)Winding parameters listed are measured line-to-line (phase-to-phase).(7)Currents and voltages listed are measured 0-peak of the sine wave unless noted as rms.(8)Specifications are ±10%. Phase-to-phase inductance is ±30%.N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 40.2(9.0)23.2(5.2)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 47.4(1.2)27.4(0.7)Current, peak (5) (7)A pk (A rms )I p 4.1 (2.9)7.0 (5.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 1.5 (1.1) 2.6 (1.8)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8)Ohms R 209.42 3.14Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL17.655.8850 mm Frame size, 240 mm length (thick coil and a wide thin magnet channel combination)AttributeUnits Symbol LZV-T050240-D x T xx with LZV-TM050xxx LZV-T050240-E x T xx with LZV-TM050xxx LZV-T050240-F x T xx with LZV-TM050xxx LZV-T050240-G x T xx with LZV-TM050xxxForce, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)N (lbf)F c 122 (27)Force, peak (5)N (lbf)F p 328 (74)Thermal resistance °C/W R th 2.38Force constant (6) (7) (8)N/A pk (lbf/A pk )K f 40.2(9.0)80.4(18.1)23.2(5.2)46.4(10.4)Back EMF constant p-p (6) (7) (8)V p /m/s (V p /in/s)K e 47.4(1.2)94.9(2.4)27.4(0.7)54.8(1.4)Current, peak (5) (7) A pk (A rms )I p 8.2 (5.8) 4.1 (2.9)14.1 (10.0)7.1 (5.0)Current, continuous (1) (2) (3) (4)A pk (A rms )I c 3.0 (2.1) 1.5 (1.1) 5.2 (3.7) 2.6 (1.9)Resistance p-p @ 20 °C (68 °F) (6) (8) OhmsR 20 4.7118.83 1.57 6.28Inductance p-p (6) (8)mHL8.8335.312.9411.77。
二、伺服电机规格参数1. 型号:根据不同的应用需求,伺服电机有多种型号可供选择。
2. 功率:伺服电机的功率是其主要性能参数之一,规格书需明确标明电机的额定功率和峰值功率。
3. 转速:规格书需明确标明电机的额定转速和最大转速,以及在不同条件下的转速范围。
4. 转矩:伺服电机的转矩也是其主要性能参数之一,规格书需明确标明电机的额定转矩和峰值转矩。
5. 电压:规格书需明确标明电机的额定电压和电压范围,以确保电机在正常工作条件下运行。
6. 控制精度:伺服电机的控制精度是衡量其性能的重要指标,规格书需明确标明电机的定位精度、速度控制精度和转矩控制精度。
7. 响应速度:规格书需明确标明电机的响应速度,包括加速时间和减速时间,以满足不同应用的需求。
8. 功能特性:伺服电机具有多种功能特性,如自动增益调整、自动定位、自动转速限制等,规格书需详细描述这些特性及其工作原9. 环境适应性:规格书需明确标明电机的使用环境条件,包括温度、湿度、防护等级等,以确保电机在各种环境下能够正常工作。
10. 维护与保养:规格书需提供伺服电机的维护与保养方法,包括定期检查、清洗、润滑等,以确保电机的长期稳定运行。
四、伺服电机的维护与注意事项为了确保伺服电机的长期稳定运行,规格书需提供详细的维护与注意事项,包括但不限于以下几点:1. 定期检查:定期检查电机的运行状态,包括声音、温度、振动等,以及各项性能参数是否正常。
2.伺服电机规格书的主要内容伺服电机规格书通常包括以下几个方面的内容:(1) 伺服电机的基本参数:包括电机型号、电机功率、额定电压、额定电流、额定转速等。
(2) 伺服电机的性能参数:包括电机效率、电机转速、力矩常数、额定力矩、过载能力等。
(3) 伺服电机的工作原理:包括电机的结构、工作原理、控制方式等。
(4) 伺服电机的接口和通信:包括电机的信号接口、通信协议、控制方式等。
(5) 伺服电机的安装和维护:包括电机的安装方法、接线方式、维护保养等。
4.如何编写伺服电机规格书编写伺服电机规格书应遵循以下原则:(1) 结构清晰:规格书应按照逻辑顺序进行编写,使读者能够快速了解电机的各个方面。
(2) 内容详尽:规格书应尽可能详细地描述电机的各种性能参数、技术指标和工作原理。
(3) 语言简练:规格书应使用简练、明了的语言,避免使用过于复杂或专业的术语。
(4) 图文并茂:规格书应使用清晰的图纸、图表和图片,辅助说明电机的结构、原理和安装方法等。
伺服电机型号规格说明HM - 13 - 06.0 - 020 - A - 1 - 1●选型指南电机型号电机简单参数适配驱动器功率模块型号启动倍数额定转矩额定转速额定电流HM-11-02.0-030-A-□-□2Nm 3000rpm 1.8A 15A 3.00HM-11-04.0-020-A-□-□4Nm 2000rpm 2.5A 15A 3.00HM-11-04.0-025-A-□-□4Nm 2500rpm 3.3A 25A 3.00HM-11-04.0-030-A-□-□4Nm 3000rpm 3.6A 25A 3.00HM-11-06.0-020-A-□-□6Nm 2000rpm 3.5A 25A 3.00HM-11-06.0-025-A-□-□6Nm 2500rpm 5.0A 40A 3.00HM-11-06.0-030-A-□-□6Nm 3000rpm 5.5A 40A 3.00HM-11-08.0-015-A-□-□8Nm 1500rpm 3.6A 25A 3.00HM-11-08.0-020-A-□-□8Nm 2000rpm 5.0A 40A 3.00HM-11-08.0-025-A-□-□8Nm 2500rpm 6.5A 40A 3.00HM-11-08.0-030-A-□-□8Nm 3000rpm 7.2A 40A 2.95HM-11-10.0-015-A-□-□10Nm 1500rpm 4.5A 25A 2.94HM-11-10.0-020-A-□-□10Nm 2000rpm 6.5A 40A 3.00HM-11-10.0-025-A-□-□10Nm 2500rpm 8.3A 40A 2.55HM-13-04.0-020-A-□-□4Nm 2000rpm 2.6A 15A 3.00HM-13-04.0-025-A-□-□4Nm 2500rpm 3.3A 25A 3.00HM-13-04.0-030-A-□-□4Nm 3000rpm 3.6A 25A 3.00HM-13-05.0-020-A-□-□5Nm 2000rpm 3.3A 25A 3.00HM-13-05.0-025-A-□-□5Nm 2500rpm 4.2A 25A 3.00HM-13-05.0-030-A-□-□5Nm 3000rpm 4.5A 25A 2.94HM-13-06.0-020-A-□-□6Nm 2000rpm 3.9A 25A 3.00HM-13-06.0-025-A-□-□6Nm 2500rpm 5.0A 40A 3.00HM-13-06.0-030-A-□-□6Nm 3000rpm 5.4A 40A 3.00HM-13-07.5-020-A-□-□7.5Nm 2000rpm 4.2A 25A 3.00HM-13-07.5-030-A-□-□7.5Nm 3000rpm 6.8A 40A 3.00HM-13-10.0-015-A-□-□10Nm 1500rpm 4.5A 25A 2.94HM-13-10.0-020-A-□-□10Nm 2000rpm 6.5A 40A 3.00HM-13-10.0-025-A-□-□10Nm 2500rpm 8.3A 40A 2.55HM-13-15.0-015-A-□-□15Nm 1500rpm 6.8A 40A 3.00HM-13-20.0-010-A-□-□20Nm 1000rpm 7.0A 40A 3.00HM-18-22.0-010-A-□-□22Nm 1000rpm 7.7A 40A 2.75备注:选型步骤:1、用户首先根据负载情况及机械加工要求,选择合适转矩及转速级别的伺服电机。
直线伺服电机Σ-7系列AC伺服驱动器资料编号 YASMNSV-16011C12345678910伺服电机的基本信息容量选择SGLG型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸SGLF型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸SGLT型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸装置设计注意事项伺服电机的安装线性编码器的连接伺服电机和伺服单元的连接维护·检查型号:SGLG/SGLF/SGLT产品手册未经本公司的书面许可,严禁转载或复制本书的部分或全部内容。
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本文中各公司的注册商标或商标未标注TM ,®标志。
1. 功率:伺服电机的额定功率为XX千瓦,有效负载范围为XX-
2. 额定转速:该伺服电机的额定转速为XXX转/分钟,可以根据客
3. 输出转矩:伺服电机的额定输出转矩为XXX牛米,具备较大的
4. 绝对编码器分辨率:伺服电机采用高精度绝对编码器,分辨率达
5. 控制方式:该伺服电机支持位置控制、速度控制和扭矩控制等多
1. 高精度定位:伺服电机通过精确的位置反馈和高频率的控制算法,实现非常精准的定位控制,定位误差小于X个脉冲。
2. 高响应速度:伺服电机具备快速响应的特点,能够在短时间内达
3. 广泛应用:伺服电机适用于各种自动化设备和机械驱动系统,具
4. 自我保护功能:伺服电机内置过流、过压、过热保护等功能,确
1. 根据负载要求选择合适的额定功率和转矩参数。
2. 根据定位精度要求选择合适的编码器分辨率。
3. 根据控制方式选择适合的控制模式。
4. 根据环境条件选择具备防尘、防水等特性的伺服电机。