当前位置:文档之家› 三一口语四级考试考官在考试中的问题回顾汇总




What do you often do on weekends?

What will you do tomorrow?

What did you do yesterday?

What are you going to do this afternoon?

What do you often play in the park?! o!


What’s your favorite food ?

Whe n did you go to eat KFC/Macdonald’s last time?


What’s your favorite book?

Which is your first bood you read ?


When do you go shopping?#

Who do you go shopping with?

How often do you go shopping?

What kind of goods fo you often buy?

Are there any interest when you go shopping?

What do you think is the best shop in your mind?


What’s your hobby?

What’s your favorite sports ?

Who taught you ?

Where did you learn it ?

What’s your parents’ favorit e sports?$ U

How often do you play football?

Which book did you read yesterday?

Do you like playing computer games?why?


Where did you go last summer holiday?

What did the place look like?

How did you go there ?4

What’s your favor ite holiday?:

What do people do on this holiday?

When is Christmas Eve?/

What do you think of Christmas?/

What’s the difference between Christmas and Spring Festival?% G what do you often do in Spring Festival?


What’s the we ather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?


It’s fine / cloudy / rainy today. 今天天气不错/多云/有雨。

It’s getting cold / warm in two days. 两天后要变冷/ 暖和。

It’s rather warm / cold / hot today, isn’t it?


It’s a beautiful day today. 今天天气很好。

― Beautiful day, isn’t it? 天气不错,不是吗?

― Yes, it is. 是的。

Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 希望明天是个好天气

三一口语话题:My first time cooking

1. When and what I coked by myself for the first time

When I was seven years old, I remember it was in a summer holiday, I stayed at home alone. I felt a little bit hungry, and I didn’t want to buy food down stairs. So I had a great idea, I decided to cook for myself. My first dish was tomatoes and eggs. It was tasty and a little bit salty, but I was so happy that I can cook for myself and for my parents.

2. Why I want to cook by myself

First, my mother is good at cooking, and I have learned something from her.

Second, I thought cooking is an interesting thing and it shows that you lov e your life.

Third, I had the idea of cooking by myself for a long time before I cooked for the first time.

Forth, I was willing to give a surprise to my parent, because they never le t me do that, they thought cooking is a dangerous thing for a child. And I want ed to prove that I can do it.

The last was that I was r eally hungry and my parents weren’t at home that day. So I have the chance to do it.

3. what I prepared for my first time cooking

I was so excited that I had the chance to cook a meal. I began to prepare m y meal. First I found out two eggs and two tomatoes. I washed the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Then, I mixed eggs. Put all the slices, such as oil, suga r, and so on, around the electric cooker. At last I began to cook.

4. How I cooked

I was a little nervous and afraid when I lit the fire. I encouraged myself and put some oil in the pan. Further, I fried the egg and cooked them together, put the slices in the pan, then spooned it out after about 3 minutes cooking.

I was successful. My parents were surprised and praised me. I felt really happy though my dish was a little salty.

5. How my I think about my first time cooking

I felt really happy. I thought it was a good beginning. After that I can co ok for my parents when they are busy. I can cook for myself when I feel hungry. It is not only healthy but also can save me a lot of money. And now I usually cook for myself or cook for my family once a week. I enjoy doing that. I have b een cooking for 3years, I hope I can cook better and better.



1.简单语句交谈日常生活,例如描述日常生活和活动(例如:what do you usually d o after school?What does your father do? ),这是在考察一般现在时的用法,但要注意“三单”。

2. 简单介绍本人情况:例:Where do you study? Where does your friend st udy?(注意三单)。

3.时间日期表达方法:这里面有两个考点:1)问的是星期几:例如What day is to day? It's Sunday。2)问的是日期,What is the date today?--- It's March 8th.(这里考察三十一以内的序数词,大家都要会)

4.问时间: What's the time ?/ What time is it? --- 这里考察的是时间表达方式,半点是half,三点半就是half past three,再有就是常规表达:例如: 9:50, ten to ten或者 nine fifty. 10:10,Ten ten或者ten past ten. 大家要知道什么情况用to,什么情况用past。这与分针是否过半点有关,分针过半用to表示差几分几点,分针未过半用past表达,表示过几点过几分。

在词汇方面:有关工作,职业(teacher ,engineer, doctor等等)有关个人熟悉的社区场景(school,community, campus, office, company等等),有关天气的(sunny,wi ndy ,rainy等)有关业余时间活动的(singing dancing flying kite)有关时间和日期的(日子用序数词first,second ,third等,要记住十二个月份)








第七:不要对考官说:“Can you change your question?”为了避免考官问的问题,考生听不懂的现象,考生应该力求控制考官的提问,甚至可以用考官的问题,来对考官进行反问。








4.对于参加四级以上三一口语考试的考生,一定要提高自身在考试中的灵活度,适时的反问考官问题,另外不要问诸如; What is your name? How old are you ?这类问题。所问考官问题,应该有一定的深度和可建设性。反问考官问题的过程,其实也是学生将与考官交流内容,引导到自己所准备话题的过程。而且,考生问问题的深浅度也足以让考官了解到你的语言水平高低。因此,考生一定要时时刻刻准备好反问考官的问题,并找到适合时机反问考官问题。










下面是Topic: A Conversation with My Mum

1.How did the conversation begin and what was it about?

From Monday to Friday, every morning, my parents go to their office to wor k. In the afternoon, they go back home and my family stay together in the eve ning. In the weekends, we play, go shopping or go to visit friends. I thoug ht work meant going to office from Monday to Friday, from morning to afternoon until one day, Kimiko, my private English teacher came into my room. I could n’t understand why she didn’t go back home after teaching her students. So mum told me that she was doing a part-time job.

At that moment, I knew that some people in this world are doing part-time j obs.

Part time job is a kind of work that carries less hours each week than a fu ll-time job.

People do part time jobs for many reasons. Some of them need to earn more money, some of them are doing part time jobs for their interests.

2.At first, I thought I was not going to do part time job in the future.

I told my mum I was not going to do part time job because I want to say at home and enjoy family life in the evening and weekend days. I have many thing s that am going to do with my family. We are going to the countryside in autu mn day; we are going skiing in winter. Even in the rainy days, we can play co mputer games and watch TV together.

3.I changed my idea.

My mum asked me, ‘do you think you will never do a part time job? Or for s ome reasons you may do it?’

I thought again. First, I thought about money. So I told my mum, ‘If I nee d more money than what I can earn in daily work. I may need to do a part time job.’

Then, I got another opinion. I said, ‘But I can also try to spend less mon ey so that I will not need to leave family in the evening or weekend days.’Mum said, ‘So do you have any other reasons?’

En… May be the full-time job I get is not what I really want to do. Then I thought about my dream. I wanted to be an inventor since I was seven years old, so I will need many kinds of abilities. If I can’t learn everything I need in my daily work, why not choose some work else? I told my mum, ‘Maybe I will do a part time job to get more abilities and more experienc e.’

4.What happened then, and what I learnt from the conversation.

Mum said ‘It looks like you changed your idea, right?’

I smiled and said, ‘yea, mum.It’s not too bad to have a part time job only if I like it.’

Mum asked me, ‘Do you like the conversation?’

I said, ‘yeah, mum. I like to discuss some serious topics with you. No w I got some really good ideas and I knew I should think about this kind of big question from different angles of view.’



2016年5月CET-SET4试题汇总场次1 I. Self-introduction (30seconds) II. Read Aloud(45s to prepare; 60s to read) III. Question & Answer(2 questions; 20s per Q) IV. Individual Presentation(45s to prepare; 60s to talk ) Views on robots doing housework. V. Pair Work(60s to prepare; 90s to talk) Your presentation may include: --for what purpose --what is the price range --whether to buy it at a store or online

I. Self-introduction II. Read Aloud III. Question & Answer ⑴What’s the Lord of the Files about? ⑵There are few people read novels these days, what do you think about this phenomenon? IV. Individual Presentation My school library. V. Pair Work Your presentation may include: --characters --setting --plot


三级复习大全 目录 三级复习大全 (1) 三一口语三级考试复习题大全 (2) 三一口语三级考试话题汇总 (4) 三一口语三级真题Grade (5) 三一口语考试三级考官问题 (5) 三一口语三级备考必备:谈论天气用语小结 (10) 喜欢与厌恶表达用语小结 (11) 口语考试中,说英语卡壳了怎么办? (12) 三一口语:挑战你的舌头英文绕口令 (13)

三一口语三级考试复习题大全 1. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的? My father is a worker. 2. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的? My mother is a nurse. 3. What do your parents do? 你的父母是做什么的? They’re workers. 4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗? No, she isn’t. Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗? Yes he is. No, he isn’t. 5. Where do you live? 你住在哪? I live in… 6. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 7. Where do you study? 你在哪上学? I study at…school. 8. Tell me about your school. 给我说说你的学校。 My school is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildings in my school. There’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school. 9. How many buildings are there in your school? 你的学校就几栋楼? There are five buildings in my school. 10. Is your school big? 你的学校大吗? Yes it is. No, it isn’t. 11. Are there many trees and flowers in your school? 你的学校有许多树和花吗? Yes, there’re many trees and flowers in my school. No, there aren’t many trees and flowers in my school. 12. When is your birthday? 你什么时候过生日? My birthday is January the first. 13. What’s the date today? 今天是几月几号? Today is November the twenty-fifth.


2016年英语四级口语常用话题汇总 一、运动 对话: A: Brain, playing tennis seems interesting. B: Would you like to learn? A: Yes.how do you play? B: Tennis can be played in singles and doubles. The outside line is for doubles and the inside line is for singles. A: How do you decide who starts? B: Well, you can toss a coin to decide. Whoever wins chooses either to start or which side of the court o play on. A: How do you score? B: To begin with, the score is “LOVE all”. A: LOVE means 0? B: You have got it. You then score 15, 30 and 40. If you get to 40 and win again, you win the game. A: The opponent starts serving then? B: Right. See. You know how to play now. A: Let’s try it sometime. B: Sure! 补充句型: 1. I usually go to the gym after work.. 我经常下班以后去健身房。


三一口语三级常用话题归纳 Section 1: Greetings 打招呼 1. What’s your name? 2. May I have your name? 3. Can you tell me your name? 4. How are you doing today? / How is it going? / How do you do? 5. How are you? 6. How old are you? 7. What are y ou wearing today? And what’s the color? 8. Which grade are you in? Section 2: 工作 1. What does your father do? / What is your father’s job? 你爸爸是做什么的? My father is a worker. / My father works as a worker. 2. What does your mother do? / What is your mother’s job? 你妈妈是做什么的? My mother is a nurse. / My mother works as a nurse. 3. What do your parents do? / What are your parents’ jobs? 你的父母是做什么的? They’re workers. / They work as workers. 4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗? No, she isn’t. / Yes, she is. 5. Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗? Section 3: 学习场所 1. Where do you live? 你住在哪?I live in… 2. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 3. Where do you study? 你在哪上学?I study at…school.


2016年英语四级口语考试试题 2016年起,全国大学英语四六级口语考试(CET-SET)将分设四级和六级两个级别,即“全国大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)”和“全国大学英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)”。原CET-SET将设定为CET-SET6。以下小编为大家整理的是2016年新版英语四级口语考试试题: Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test – Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A 先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. Examiner: In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage.

(屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. (考生准备时间45秒) Now please begin to read on hearing the beep. (考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟) Examiner: In this task, you are to answer two questions. For each question, you will have 20 seconds to respond. Please start speaking on hearing the beep. (问题文字不显示在屏幕上)

三一口语四级holiday 2

Module 1 Holidays Lesson 2 一、过去时态 概念:过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要用一般过去式来表示;表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 构成:主语+动词过去式+其他; 否定形式①wasn't/weren't ②在动词前加didn't 动词变过去式: (1)一般情况下,动词词尾加ed,如:work—worked;play—played;want— wanted;(2)以不发音的 e 结尾动词,动词词尾加d,如:live—lived;move—moved;(3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把y变为i 再加ed,如:studied tried (4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 ed,如: stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped (5)注:不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。 do - did,go - went,make - made,get - got ,is/am-was,are-were 部分过去时的标志:yesterday昨天、the day before yesterday前天、last Friday 上周五、last night昨晚、then那时、before从前、 eat-ate have-had go-went swim-swam sing-sang run-ran get-got think-thought take-took see-saw meet-met buy-bought 二、用过去时描述曾有过的假期 I went to Shanghai last summer holiday.My friend and I went there by train.It was a wonderful holiday.We went to the Chenghuang Temple to see the Buddha.And we saw the Dongfangmingzhu.We also bought many souvenirs for friends.We took many photos there.We had a very good time. I went skiing last winter holiday.I went there with my family.We brought sun-glasses, sun-cream,gloves and coats with us.It was cold and windy.But we were still happy.


大学英语四级口语应试技巧汇编 由于近年来,参加口语考试的门槛进一步降低,每年都有更多的考生获得参加口语考试的机会。那么如何准备口语考试呢? 技巧1:考前热身,了解你的搭档 考试之前,考官会对所有考生进行随机分组,通常三个人一组,会给一定时间让你们交流,这就是所谓热身。 千万不要小瞧你的搭档,大家要抓紧时间交流,这样等到正式考试时,大家才能有好的配合。 比如,我在考口语的时候,有一个搭档是个内向的女生。我在听她的发音时比较累,有时只能猜测。最后一个部分是一个商业宣传的案例,结果我们做的策划是两个截然不同的方向,她大概也没有经历过类似的考试,根本不与我配合,于是到最后也没有达成一致意见。 技巧2:精心准备自我介绍 考前有一个自我介绍,你要准备得有特色,生动一点,因为这关系到第一印象的问题,你在第一时间内所展现出来的个性特征很可能在主考老师的心里持续到最后一分钟。 你不要把自我介绍弄得太冗长,不要为了使用某些夸张的语句,而使本该简短的文字变得复杂。 技巧3:悉心倾听同伴发言 口语测试中的专心应该是从始至终的,最好能做到悉心倾听每一个搭档的发言。

因为考官很有可能突然点名让你发表意见,如果你没有专心听懂其他人的观点,那么你就可能不知道自己该说点什么。我考试的时候遇到的另一位搭档是研究生,但他的口语基本上在初中水平,但是幸亏我当时一直认真地听着他的发言,不然当考官突然让我接下话题时,我就可能不知道自己该说些什么了。 技巧4:学会解释开放性问题 要学会对问题进行开放性解释,不要只给出简单的答案。这个也许是个很个人的问题,是个习惯问题。但考试是有时间限定的,老师也许会示意你做进一步阐述,所以见到问题的时候就应该有比较完善的,综合各方面因素的理解。 但不要给出让人过于吃惊的回答,尤其不要拿出新生代人物对一切都毫不在乎的态度,最好是表现得成熟一点,有条理,有逻辑,有道理。因为大家都是接受过高等教育的人,不要在一些简单问题上显得幼稚和无知。 技巧5:六招教你快速提高四六级口语 相对于雅思考试中的其他单项,口语是不少考生的弱势项目。除备考要细致,考试时的一些细节也要引起考生注意,提醒大家尤其要注意以下八个细节问题。 Keep eye contact.保持眼神交流 中国考生在答题时往往眼睑自然下垂,是一种内敛的表现。可在欧美人看来,这种回避的眼光可能是一种缺少安全感、不自信的表现。在雅思口语考试中,考官提问时会一直与考生保持眼


三一口语一级测试题库1.What’syourname? 2Howoldareyou? 3Howareyou? 4What’sthenumber?(in20) 5Whatcolorisit? 6What’sthis?(birdduckdinosaur) 7Whatisit?(toothbrush,boatbike) 8Canyoutouchyourears? 9Canyouraiseyourhand? 10Doyouhaveabike? 11.Howmanyearsdoyouhave? 12.Whatisthis/that?Whatarethese/those? 13.Isitbig/small? 14.Thisishis/herbook. 15.Theyare… 16.Whatareyouwearing?IamwearingaTshirt,pantsandshoes. Listenandrespond https://www.doczj.com/doc/557320898.html,etothetable. 2.Showmeyourhands.Pointtothewindow. 3.Givemethepen.Touchthebook. 4.Standup.Turnaround.Pleaseclapyourhands.

三一口语二级测试题库 1.Whoisyourbestfriend? 2.What’she/shelike? 3.Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?Whoarethey? 4.Howmanyroomsarethereinyourhouse? 5.Whatdoyoudointhelivingroom/bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/diningroom?Whatdoyou haveinyourbedroom? 6.Haveyougotapet?Yes/Canyoudescribeit?No/Doyouwanttohaveone? 7.Whereistheturtle?In/On/Nextto/Infrontof/Behind/Under 8.What’sthisnumber? 9.Twentyplus/minusoneis..? 10.Arethereany....?No,therearen’tany... 11.Whatdayisittoday? 12.DoyoulikeSunday?Why? 13.Whenisyourbirthday? 14.Areyoutalkingnow? 15.Whattimedoyouusuallygetup/gotoschool/havelunch/gotobed? 16.Whatisyourhobby? 17.Canyouswim/skate/playbasketball? 18.Whoisyourbestfriend?Canyoudescribeyourbestfriend? 19.Whatdoesyourfather/motherdo?Howoldishe/she?Canyoudescribeyourfather/mother? 20.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?Whichseasondoyoulikebest? 21.Whatisthedatetoday?Howmanydaysarethereinaweek? 22.WhenisTeacher’sDay? 三一口语三级测试题库 1.Whatareyoudoingnow?IshewatchingTV?Isshedoinghishomework? 2.Whendoyougetupeveryday? 3.Whatdoyoudoat6o’clockintheevening? 4.WhatdoyouusuallydoonSunday?

三一口语 4级 Topic 1

Topic 1 Holidays 假日 Words festival节日Winter Holiday寒假Summer Vacation暑假 Children’s Day儿童节National Day国庆节May Day 劳动节 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节New Year’s Day 新年Spring Festival春节Christmas Day圣诞节Thanks giving Day 感恩节Lantern Festival 元宵节Dragon Boat Festival端午节 activity活动outdoor activity户外活动indoor activity 室内活动 outing集体出游或学习parade游行/阅兵sightseeing观光/游览 scenery/landscape景色/风光firecracker鞭炮firework烟花 reunion团聚/聚会Santa Clause/Christmas father 圣诞老人 Christmas wreath圣诞花环Christmas cards圣诞贺卡 Red Packets/cash gift红包lantern灯笼new year paintings年画 lion dance舞狮dragon dance舞龙exhibit of lantern灯会 new year’s greetings/new year’s visit拜年new year cake年糕 family reunion dinner 团圆饭decorations圣诞装饰Christmas Gift圣诞礼物Christmas Carols/圣诞歌曲Jingle Bells圣诞钟声Sleigh Bell鹿车铃声


大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)试题构成以及样题 试题构成: 大学英语四级口语考试样题 CET Spoken English Test – Band Four Sample Paper Topic A - 1 Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test – Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. Examiner: Task 1 Read Aloud In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage. (屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.


三一口语二级考试复习 每天必问: 1、Is it Saturday? No, it isn’t. It’s Sunday. 2、Where is the apple? The apple is in the box. 3、Where is the cat? The cat is under the box. 4、Is she behind the door? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 5、What is she doing? She is singing. 6、What is he doing? He is reading. 7、How many people are there in your family? There are three people in my family. 8、Who are they? They are my father, my mother and me. 9、Do you have any friends? Yes, I do. 10、Who is your best friend? Pony is my best friend. 复习: 1、Tell me about your best friend. 2、Tell me about your father. 3、Tell me about your mother. Who is your English teacher? Tell me about her. My best friend is Pony. (男孩)He is short and thin. (He is not tall.) He has short black hair. He has two big eyes. He wears a green shirt and a pair of grey trousers. (女孩)She’s pretty. She’s not tall and not short. She has two big eyes. She has long red hair. She wears a red shirt and a yellow skirt. 4、Tell me three kinds of animals. Cat, dog and monkey. 5、What are you wearing?


三一口语考试中需要注意的 5 个细节(一) 1. Say hello and goodbye to the examiner. Just tell the examiner your Chinese name.( 首先要和考官打招呼, 只需要告诉考官你的中文名字即可.) 2. When answering questions, do not only say " yes" or " no". Try to keep talking and not to stop.( 在回答问题的时候,不要单纯只说"是", 或"不是", 要围绕这一话题尽可能多的论述.) 3. Meanwhile, don't be nervous when you interrupted by the examiner.( 同时, 如果在论述的过程中被考官打断了,也不要紧张.) 4. If you do not hear the questions clearly just ask the examiner to repeat that.( 如果你没有听清楚考官的问题, 可以让他重复一次.) 5. Don't tell lies and give original and interesting ideas.( 不要说谎, 要给出考官比较新颖的和有趣的观点考点内容 1. 三一口语四级考试中的时态问题:三一口语四级对于考生来说,主要侧重于一般过去时,一般将来时两种基础时态。2. 首先,三一口语新大纲要求like 要求掌握like to do sth/ li ke doing sth. 本质来说,大纲中并没有实质增加新的考点,只是更加完善了like 的用法 三一口语四级考试第一部分需要注意:(二) 1. Greetings Good morning / afternoon! How are you?/ How are you doing? Fine. Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too. Glad to see you./ Me, too. Which school / grade are you in? Why do you take GESE exam? Nice day, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s war m and sunny. 2. If you don’t understand the examiner’s question, don’t worry and you can say: Would you please rephrase that? What do you mean by XX? I’m sorry, I can’t catch you. Would you please repeat that? Would you please say that again? 3. Gap Fillers ①表示正在思考:Let me see./ How to say/ It is not easy to say/ It is hard to say ②表示陈述事实:you know/ to be honest/ to be frank/ to tell you the truth/ in fact ③表示要表达自己的看法:in my opinion/ I think ④表示解释自己的句子:what I mean is / that is to say / what I want to say is 4. Brain storm and Talk around I’ve got an egg in my hand. So imagine how many ways you can use it in. You don’t know the word “watch”, but you should say something to make the people understand what you mean. 5. 四级对话话题范例:四级对话话题范例:Can I have your Topic form, please? Yes, here you are. I’m going to talk about New York. Do you know ? Where did you go for your holiday I went to Benidorm. last year? …. 三一口语考试技巧:(三) 三一口语四级的考试时间为十分钟,前五分钟是自选话题的部分,后五分钟是对话的部分。这两部分都非常的重要,因为这两部分各占考试分数的百分之五十。那么如何让学生在短短的十分钟内充分的展现自我,给考官留下深刻的印象,在所有的学生中脱颖而出?1.自选话题自选话题在选材时一定要慎重,尽量选一些很新颖的话题,当考官一看到你的自选话题时马上就能抓住他的眼球,这样考官会觉得你的选材很有新意。但是新颖并不是越奇特越好。在选材时还要注意所选题材一定是学生亲身经历的,而且在他的头脑中有深刻的印象。这样在和考官交流时学生才能有话可说。自选话题的选材一定要适合孩子。有些家长盲目求新,为孩子选择了一些较难的话题,因为孩子的年龄较小,认知性有限,较难的话题会影响孩子的发挥,自然也就会影响到孩子的成绩。在和考官分享自选


3 , . 45 1 . . (考生准备时间45秒) . (考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟) : 4 , a . . a . : 1.(s) 2. 3. 1 . , a . . . (屏幕上显示以下文字) : 1.(s) 2. 3. (考生准备时间1分钟) . (考生A和B讨论,时间3分钟) . .

大学英语四、六级考试口语考试样题 A - 1 : : 1 (5 ) : ( ), . ? , . ? … ? … ? ... . ? , . (1.5 ) , . , I'd . [ C1, C2, C3 ] 1) ( , …)? 2) a ( , …)? 3) a ? 4) , , ? 5) ( , …)? 6) ? 7) a , a a ? 8) 's ( , …)? 2 (10 ) : 's . “ ”. ' a ( ) . I'd a . ' a (s). 't I . . [1 ] , [ C1 ], ? [ C2 ] [ C3 ], [ C1 ] . [1.5 ] . [ C2 ], 's . [1.5 ] , [ C3 ], 's . . . I'd a ( , …). a . a . . [ ] , I' . 's [ C? ] . [ a ] / , [ C? ], …? [4.5 ] , 's . 3 (5 ) : I'd “ ”. [ a .] [ C1 C2 C3 ] ·, ... ? ·? ·?

·? ·? , 's . , . 大学英语四六级口语考试历年话题2004 1. ? 2. 't ? 3. ? 4. ? a ? 1. ? ? 2. ' s a ? ? 3. 's ? 4. ? 5. , ...? 1. ? 2. ? 3. 's a ? 4. ? 5. . 's ? ( ) . 1. 2. 3. , , 4. 1. ? 2. ? , . , ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. , ...? 1. . ? 2. ? ? 3. , a ? 4. ?


三一口语2级 U1 Family 1.words mother father brother sister grandpa grandma aunt(婶婶) uncle(叔叔)cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹)niece 侄女nephew 侄子parents 父母grandparents 祖父母son 儿子daughter 女儿wife 妻子hunsband 丈夫 2. Sentences 1)How many people are there in your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. 2)Who are they? They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. My brother is___ years old. I?m___ years old. 3)Talk about your family. / Can you ( tell me) say sth. about your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father?s a manager(经理). My mother?s a housewife(家庭主妇).My brother is _ years old. I?m a student. I?m in Zhong Guancun No.3 primary school. I?m in Grade 3 class 9. I like English very much.


三一口语考试复习材料三级 三一口语三级考试复习题大全 1. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的, My father is a worker. 2. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的, My mother is a nurse. 3. What do your parents do? 你的父母是做什么的, They’re workers. 4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗, No, she isn't. Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗, Yes he is. No, he isn't. 5. Where do you live? 你住在哪, I live in… 6. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗, Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 7. Where do you study? 你在哪上学, I study at…school. 8. Tell me about your school. 给我说说你的学校。 My school is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildings in my school. There’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school. 1 9. How many buildings are there in your school? 你的学校就几栋楼, There are five buildings in my school. 10. Is your school big? 你的学校大吗,


英语四级口语考试规则及备考全攻略四招教你轻松过2012英语四六级口试 一、知己知彼,百战不殆 首先要明确口语考试的考查目的及试卷结构,做到心中有数。大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test,简称CET-SET)主要考查大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。CET-SET报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。教育部规定,四级笔试550分、六级520分以上的考生可以报名参加口试。四、六级口语考试为一年两次,分别在5月和11月。考试地点在考生报名的考点,具体考场在考生报名后随机编组确定。 CET-SET考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由2名主考和3(或4)名考生组成。 CET-SET考试分三部分: 第一部分是考生和CET授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约5分钟。包括考生自我介绍、回答问题等。 第二部分包括1.5分钟的考生个人发言和4.5分钟的小组讨论。时间共约10 分钟。 第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力,由主考老师进一步提问。时间约5分钟。 二、充分练习,胸有成竹 口语测试是以“说”为考查重点的,因此,考前的练习,主要靠多说,多交流。大家可以通过如下几个途径练习: 1. 寻找同伴。找一个同样要参加考试,或者热衷英语口语的同学,要是舍友就更好了,两个人利用一切在一起的时间进行口语练习。

2. 英语角。英语角是个练习口语的理想之地,在那里我们不但可以练习口 语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣。 以上两个途径的口语练习都是要与人交流的,也是见效最快的,但在练习的过 程中要注意如下几点: (1)不要害羞,要敢于开口。很多人在说英语时,尤其是和自己的同学讲英语 时会有羞怯心理,怕自己说的不好被对方笑话。其实这大可不必,试想,大家都是在高考的应试教育中一路走过来的,谁比谁又能强多少、或者差多少呢, (2)不要怕犯错误。很多同学在讲英语时,开口之前往往先在心里把一个句子 组织好,尤其特别注意保证语法的正确性,这样就明显降低了交流速度,从而影响交流效果。其实,语法我们自然要注重,但在口语练习初期,还是首先要强调流利的。而且,口语就是为了交流,只要你把意思能表达清楚,能让别人了解你的意思,达到交流的目的,又何必拘泥于一两处语法的不规范呢,现在很多的英语、美 语惯用口语表达要细究语法的话,其实都不符合语法规则,而且,聆听英语母语国家的人的说话,他们的语法也并不是百分百正确的。所以,要时刻铭记口语是以交流为目的,这也是口语考试的初衷。当然,低级的语法错误还是不要出现的,比如“she”、“he”不分,主谓单复数形式不一致等,如果出现这种基础性的错误,the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and

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