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译林版牛津初中英语八年级上册Unit8Natural disasters知识点归纳及巩固练习题

1. disaster n. 灾难;不幸,祸患natural disasters 自然灾害

2. mop vt. 用拖把擦干净(mopped mopping)

up adv 完全地mop up / eat up /clean up /use up

mop up 拖干,把......拖干(mop it /them up)eg. Hobo wants Eddie to mop up all the water. earthquake n. 地震an earthquake in the earthquake eg. There was an earthquake in Sichuan in 2008.

4. 1)thousands of 成千上万的/hundreds of 成百上千的/ millions of 成百万的+名词复数

eg. Thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquake.There a re thousands of people on the road.

2)数词+hundred/thousand/million+名词复数There are three thousand students in our school.

5. accident n. 事故,意外的事eg. There was a car accident yesterday.昨天有一场交通事故。

A car accident killed three men three days ago.

Three men lost their lives in the car accident three days ago. 在三天前的一场交通事故中三人丧


6. coach n. 长途汽车(coaches) get on/off the coach

It took us three hours to go to Nanjing by coach. .

7. crash vi. & vt. 猛撞;碰撞crash into 猛撞,碰撞

eg. A car crashed into a tree last night. 昨天晚上一辆车猛撞到一棵树上。

8.flood n 洪水 a terrible flood 一场可怕的洪水

9.wash away 冲走wash away the village 冲走这个村庄wash them away

eg. A terrible flood washed away his house.

10. village n 村庄,乡村(villager 村民)

in the village 在村子里 a small village 一个小村子

11 thunder n 雷声,雷lightning n 闪电thunder and lightning 电闪雷鸣

The lightning started a big fire in the classroom building.

12.storm n 风暴, 暴风雨

There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning last week.

13. catch fire 着火(强调动作)be on fire 着火, 失火(强调状态)

eg. Look!The house is on fire. The house caught fire yesterday.

shake vi.& vt. 摇动,震动过去式是shook, shake slightly轻微震动

Look! The trees are shaking in the strong wind.shake hands with sb 与某人握手

n. 摇动,震动 a slight shake一阵轻微的震动

shaking n. 摇动,震动Finally, the noise and shaking ended.

15. behind adv.在后面come from behind

16. loud adj. 响亮的;大声的;喧闹的in a loud voice大声地

Please speak louder. I can’t hear you clearly. 请大声点讲话。我听不清楚你说的话。

loudly adv.大声地,吵闹地(有时强调声音高,吵闹,不悦耳),其基本意义与loud 相同,

还常与ring,knock 等动词连用。

Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。

Don't talk so loud (loudly)--you'll wake the whole street. 别那么大声说话,你快把左邻右舍都吵


17. clear vt. 清除,清楚clear the snow

18. fear n. 害怕,恐惧 a moment of fear一丝(阵)恐惧,scream in fear惊慌的尖叫

The girl is _afraid(害怕)of lightning and thunder. The cat ran away quickly in fear(恐惧).