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Nike简介NIKE is the world's leading sports brand, the original English meaning of the Greek goddess of victory, the Chinese translated as Nike.

The company is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The company produces all kinds of sporting goods, such as clothing, footwear, sports equipment and so on.

Nike logo is a small hook. Nike has been to inspire every player in the world and offer the best product as a glorious task. Nike's first air cushion technology to the sports industry has brought a revolution. The use of this technology to create sports shoes can be a good protection of the athlete's knee in its strenuous exercise when landing to reduce the impact on the knee.

June 18, 2016, "2016 BrandZ the world's most valuable brand hundred list" announced that Nike ranked 24th.

September 8, 2016, Apple hands Nike officially launched

the second generation of Apple Watch second generation products.

March 15, 2017, 3.15 evening exposure, Nike Hyperdunk 08 FTB (SKU: 869611-001) basketball shoes were found to be incorrect description of the air cushion.

Nike发展历程In 1908, Lean in Massachusetts built a shoe factory, so that the local shoe technology has been further developed. Where the workers are no longer independent of doing nike shoes, shoes for each production link by a trained person responsible. Production line began to form. At first nike shoes are still made, but in order to make workers in the off-season something to do, shoe owner began to do not book the shoes. These shoes are called for sale shoes, placed in the local store window.

In 1958, the founder of the time, Phil Nate Oregon (Oregon) State University track and field team players, after graduation to return home to teach in Portland.

In 1963, Phil Knight graduated from the University of Oregon and his mentor Bill Bowerman co-founded a company called "Blue Ribbon Sport" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company, the main sporting goods. In 1964, Knight and his coach Bowerman each invested $ 500, set up a sports shoes

company, named for the Blue Ribbon sporting goods company.

In 1972, NIKE company was formally established. Its predecessor is the current NIKE president Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman coach investment in the Blue Ribbon sports company.

In 2001, Nike in the development of air cushion technology and then launched a new shock force called Shox technology. The use of this technology to produce the same popular sports shoes, sales steadily rising. In addition to sports shoes, Nike's clothing is also no lack of innovation. For example: the use of FIT technology to create high-performance textiles can effectively help athletes in any weather conditions for training and competition. Nike other sporting goods, such as: watches, glasses, etc. are high-tech crystallization.

Nike品牌故事80 years, Nike products from the track and field and gymnasium into the homes of ordinary people (especially teenagers). Nike must not lose the traditional sports in the traditional market situation, try to expand the attractiveness of Nike advertising, Nike must be like Levi's brand (jeans brand leader jeans inventor Li Wei

Strauss established), as The composition of youth culture and the identity symbol. Nike in two completely different market operations, it faces the problem is to adapt to popular awareness and publicity sports achievements on how to get a balance and consistent, Nike began to rethink its advertising strategy.

1986, a propaganda Nike inflatable insole advertising is a real breakthrough in the advertising film Nike adopted a new idea, not blindly promote the technical performance and advantages of the usual practices, but by the representative and symbol of the famous hippie The Beatles played the famous song "Revolution", in the rebellious rhythm of the new rhythm, melody, a group of Americans wearing Nike products as drunk to carry out fitness training, ... ... this ad accurately meet the emerging fitness campaign The style of change and the trend of the times, so feel refreshing. Nike has been using the magazine as the main advertising media, to the athletes to pass the product information, but since then, television advertising to become Nike's main "spokesman", this move makes Nike ads better suited to its new product market development of.

Nike's expansion of the market is the primary breakthrough in the youth market, the market consumers have some common features: love sports, reverence heroes, Starchaser strong sense of hope, attention, thinking active, imaginative and full of dreams. For young consumers this feature, Nike have been with some famous, popular sports stars signed, such as c Luo, Drogba, Ronaldinho, Torres, Fabregas, Ibrahimovic, Robinho, A Guiluo et al. And shot a lot of imaginative advertising, such as the 2010 World Cup in South Africa's promotional film "kicked out the legend" in the May 22 Champions League final premiere.



Nike英文简介 NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,下面是为你整理的Nike英文简介,希望对你有用! Nike简介NIKE is the world's leading sports brand, the original English meaning of the Greek goddess of victory, the Chinese translated as Nike. The company is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The company produces all kinds of sporting goods, such as clothing, footwear, sports equipment and so on. Nike logo is a small hook. Nike has been to inspire every player in the world and offer the best product as a glorious task. Nike's first air cushion technology to the sports industry has brought a revolution. The use of this technology to create sports shoes can be a good protection of the athlete's knee in its strenuous exercise when landing to reduce the impact on the knee. June 18, 2016, "2016 BrandZ the world's most valuable brand hundred list" announced that Nike ranked 24th. September 8, 2016, Apple hands Nike officially launched


Nike is one of the world’s leading sportswear and equipment manufacturers. It leads the world in sales of athletic shoes. The company was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. Its first name was Blue Ribbon Sports but that changed to Nike in 1978. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. It is famous for its slogan, “Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo, which Nike first used in 1971. Blue Ribbon’s first product was a soccer shoe called Nike. A major factor in Nike’s success is its sponsorship of top sports stars. Tennis ace IlieNastase was the first. Subsequent tie-ups with superstars like basketball’s Michael Jordan and golfer Tiger Woods accelerated Nike’s corporat e success. 耐克公司是世界上领先的运动服装和设备制造商。它使世界运动鞋的销售。公司成立于1964年,由比尔鲍尔曼和菲利普骑士。它的名字是蓝丝带运动,但改变了在1978年耐克。耐克是希腊胜利女神。它闻名的口号,只做商标,后者在1971年耐克第一次使用。蓝丝带年代生产的第一个产品是一个叫做耐克足球鞋。耐克的成功的主要因素是其赞助商 主要生产运动鞋、运动服装、体育用品,以自己的品牌销售,包括耐克,AirJordan,耐克Golf,TeamStarter 等,亦包括属下全资拥有的品牌Bauer,ColeHaan,Converse,与HurleyInternational等。耐克为世界多间足球俱乐部及国家足球队提供球衣套件,包括阿森纳

NIKE 品牌调查报告

NIKE 品牌调查报告 一、企业公司概况 (一)公司简介 1972 年 NIKE公司正式成立。其前身是由现任NIKE总裁菲尔耐特以及比尔鲍尔曼教练投资的蓝带体育公司。 1980 年 NIKE进入中国,在北京设立了第一个NIKE生产联络代表处。之后,NIKE秉承“Local for Local”(在哪里,为哪里)的观念,不仅将先进技术引入中国,而且全心致力于本地人才、生产技术、销售观念的培养,取之本地,用之本地,在中国取得了飞速进展。 1996 年 正式在中国成立了全资子公司。NIKE(苏州)体育用品有限公司,总部设于上海,并在北京、广州设立分公司(香港也于2002年1月作为分公司并入中国区)。 2002年5月 NIKE开始在全国范围内举办NIKE蝎斗3对3足球赛,数百支青少年球队在广州、上海、北京三地分别角逐14、16、18岁三个级别的奖牌。这是NIKE公司为中国青少年体育发展做出的又一盛举。 2002年7月 NIKE特邀被冠以“放客博士”之称的NBA巨星文斯?卡特来京,卡特此行的目的是为了支持中国青少年篮球事业,传播放客文化。 2002年8月 耐克将会赞助一批代表美国自由篮球文化的“街头炫技篮球少年”来中国,跟中国的同龄人切磋球技。 2002年7月NIKE特邀被冠以“放客博士”之称的NBA巨星文斯?卡特来京,卡特此行的目的是为了支持中国青少年篮球事业的发展并代表耐克公司向中国篮协捐赠篮板。2002年8月,耐克将会赞助一批代表美国自由篮球文化的“街头炫技篮球少年”来中国,跟中国的同龄人切磋球技。 在中国,NIKE公司不仅支持中国足球事业的发展,还关注青少年的发展,推出了“我梦想”大型青少年体育系列活动,首创中国3对3篮球赛、NIKE高中男子篮球联赛、NIKE 青少年足球超级杯赛、4对4青少年足球公开赛等活动。 (二)标志分析与发展 NIKE英文原意指希腊胜利女神。NIKE是全球著名的体育用品品牌,中文译为耐克。NIKE是希腊女神的名字,其商标象征着希腊女神翅膀的SWOOSH(羽毛),代表着“速度+动感”。公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州Beaverton。公司成立于1972年,其前身是现任NIKE


NIKE品牌介绍 如今已经几乎没什么人会对耐克品牌陌生,而对于耐克品牌介绍了解的人却不多,对于耐克品牌介绍来说,不得不从1963年说起。或许能让对运动品牌感兴趣,对耐克企业文化、创业历史有更多了解的人来说,具有一定价值,耐克传奇版的品牌故事有许多优点值得借鉴与学习。 1963年,俄勒冈大学中距离赛跑的选手比尔·鲍尔曼在一场辩论会上萌生了“是否擅长低价生产的日本制造商,可以生产出品质优良的跑步鞋,利用此一价格优势,就可以开辟出一个新的市场,进而与欧洲的制鞋商,如阿迪达斯(Adidas)与彪马(Puma)等一较高下”。遂于读工商管理的校友菲尔·奈特共同创立了一家名为"蓝带体育用品公司"(Blue Ribbon Sports)的公司,与生产虎牌(Onitsuka Tiger)运动鞋的鬼冢(Onitsuka)公司合作,主营体育用品。到1972年,蓝带公司已经带着他的几个员工这些员工已经开始开发设计出一条不同的生产线——奈特认为单打独斗的时 候到了,便脱离了与鬼冢公司的合作关系,并蓝带公司更名为耐克公司,从此开始缔造属于自己的传奇。 NIKE这个名字,在西方人的眼光里很是吉利,易读易记,很能叫得响.耐克商标象征着希腊胜利女神翅膀的羽毛,代表着速度,同时也代表着动感和轻柔。耐克公司的耐克商标,图案是个小钩子,造型简洁有力,急如闪电,一看就让人想到使用耐克体育用品后所产生的速度和爆发力。首次以“耐克”命名的运动鞋,鞋底有方形凸粒以增强稳定性,鞋身的两旁有刀形的弯勾,象征女神的翅膀。 耐克这句广告语Just do it 是广告中的经典,既可以理解为“我只选择它;就用这个;来试试”更可以理解为“想做就做;坚持不懈”等等,just do it” 同时也是耐克公司体育精神理念. NIKE是1980年进入中国,在北京设立了第一个NIKE生产联络代表处。之后,NIKE秉承“Local for Local”(在哪里,为哪里)的观念,不仅将先进技术引入中国,而且全心致力于本地人才、生产技术、销售观念的培养,取之本地,用之本地,在中国取得了飞速进展。2002年小耐克进入中国市场。以其国际化的设计风格融合成人NIKE的运动设计元素,强调时尚感和功能性的完美结合,受到了广大青少年的青睐。 耐克首创的气垫技术给体育界带来了一场革命。运用这项技术制造出的运动鞋可以很好地保护运动员的身体,尤其是脚踝与膝盖,防止其在作剧烈运动时扭伤,减少对膝盖的冲击与磨损。采用气垫技术的运动鞋一经推出就大受欢迎。2001年,耐克公司在研制出气垫技术后又推出了一种名为Shox 的新型缓震技术。普通消费者和专业运动员都对它爱不释手。 对于耐克品牌介绍虽然只是过去的辉煌,但耐克创始人坚定的信念与执着的执行力是企业人所必备的职业精神。也是品牌创始人都具有的共同点。无论是小品牌还是大品牌,都同样如此。


NIKE英文介绍 Nike, Inc. (pronounced /?na?ki?/; NYSE: NKE) is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the Portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel[3] and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$18.6 billion in its fiscal year 2008 (ending May 31, 2008). As of 2008, it employed more than 30,000 people worldwide. Nike and Precision Castparts are the only Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the state of Oregon, according to The Oregonian. The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight,[1] and officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. The company takes its name from Nike (Greek Ν?κη, pronounced [nǐ?k??]), the Greek goddess of victory. Nike markets its products under its own brand, as well as Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike+, Air Jordan, Nike Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Cole Haan, Hurley International, Umbro and Converse. Nike also owned Bauer Hockey (later renamed Nike Bauer) between 1995 and 2008.[4] In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name. Nike sponsors many high profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of "Just do it" and the Swoosh logo.


nike公司简介英文版 本文是关于nike公司简介英文版,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 nike公司简介英文版(一) Nike always will encourage all over the world for its every athlete and offer the best products as glory. Nike is the movement of the language of the language. Over the past three years, the company is committed to create for each show ego. Nike knows: only using advanced technology to produce the best products. Using the sneakers at mattress technology is very popular. Average consumer and professional athletes to it. 耐克公司一直将激励全世界的每一位运动员并为其献上最好的产品视为光荣。耐克的语言就是运动的语言。三十年过去了,公司始终致力于为每一个人创造展现自我的机会。耐克深知:只有运用先进的技术才能生产出最好的产品。采用气垫技术的运动鞋一经推出就大受欢迎。普通消费者和专业运动员都对它爱不释手。 nike公司简介英文版(二) Nike, Inc. (pronounced /?na?ki?/; NYSE: NKE) is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel[3] and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$18.6 billion in its fiscal year 20xx (ending May 31, 20xx). As of 20xx, it employed more than 30,000 people worldwide. Nike and precision Castparts are the only Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the state of Oregon, according to The Oregonian.The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and philip Knight,[1] and officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. The company takes its name from Nike (Greek Ν?κη, pronounced [nǐ?k??]), the Greek

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