当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语模块六第一单元复习牛津版必修





1.Hearing his words, the boy burst .

A. in a laughter

B.into a laughter

C.in a laugh

D.into a laugh

2.The doctor, who was good me while I was in hospital, told me reading in bed was bad my eyes.

A. to;for

B. For;to



3.On New Year's Eve, New York City holds an outdoor which attracts a crowd of a million of more people.





4.I really love my job because I enjoy small children and like the challenges and from the job.

A.work; award


C.work with; reward

D.working; awards

5.-Never forget to give Mis Black the message that there will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

-I won't; I 'll tell her I see her.

A. suddenly




6.Daddy didn't mind what we were doing, so long as we were together, fun.



C.to have


7.Actually, Miss Zhang is not at all strict as she .





8.I have known a little about the social customs in that area. But I am not sure whether it is proper to kiss with their religious decorum(礼貌).

A. in line

B.in row

C.in a line

D.in a row

9.-What did the head say at the end of the meeting?

-He the importance of the work.

A.pointed at

B.pointed to


D.pointed out

10.Many Chinese students think they in their English studies because they rarely have opportunities to communicate in English.

A. fall behind

B.fall down

C.fall back

D.fall over

11.For him stage is just means of making a living.

A,a;a B.the; a C.the; the D.a; the

12.China is a great country which what may be called the most impressive Olympic Games ever last summer.





13.The question is they will be able to help us.





14.What I preach, I am resolved to .





15.The reason why she was upset was her don didn't pass the final exam.





16.The New Yorker is a magazine well known of publishing short fictions and cartoon with an ironic twist.





17.I'd like to do something for you everything you've done for me.

A.in exchange

B.in turn

C.in return for

D.in terms of

18.Your memory could good use instead of idle in the bank.

A.put to;being left

B.be put to;leaving

C.put to;leaving

D.be put to; being left

19.He told us that their father was good at bed time stories.

A.making up

B.getting up

C.taking up

D.bring up

20.The wealthy merchant went into the house, with tow bodyguards him.




D.to follow



1)With nothing_______to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.




D.to leave

2)The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes_______on the wall.



C.to be fixing

D.to be fixed

3)I live in the house with its door_________to the south.(这里with结构作定语)




D.being faced

4)They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights____.




D.to burn


1)_____________(有很多工作要做),I couldn't go to see the doctor.

2)She sat__________(低着头).

3)The day was bright_____.(微风吹拂)

4)_________________________,(心存梦想)he went to Hollywood.


1)Because our lessons were over, we went to play football.


2)The children came running towards us and held some flowers in their hands.


3)My mother is ill, so I won't be able to go on holiday.


4)An exam will be held tomorrow, so I couldn't go to the cinema tonight.



1. By the time you graduate from college, great changes _______ in your hometown.

A. will take place

B. will be taken place

C. are going to take place

D. will have taken place

2. In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they ________.

A. had just been dreaming

B. are just dreaming

C. have just been dreaming

D. had just dreamt

3. She _______ to the office than she got down to writing the report for her manager.

A. has no sooner got

B. had hardly got

C. no sooner got

D. had no sooner got

4. —I dropped in at your house at 5 pm yesterday, but you weren’t in.

—Oh, I ______ for a friend from England at the airport.

A. was waiting

B. have been waiting

C. am waiting

D. had waited

5. Don’t tell him about his mother’s illness until the college entrance examination ______.

A. was finished

B. has finished

C. will be finished

D. finished

6. —I knocked into a tree when I went to pick up my daughter from school.

— I suppose you ______ too fast.

A. are driving

B. were driving

C. drove

D. had driven

7. —May I have a word with Anna?

—Sorry, she _____ to her friend on the phone.

A. is talking

B. has talked

C. talked

D. talks

8. Cold winters in Europe ______ almost entirely by 2080 because of global warming.

A. will have disappeared

B. will be disappearing

C. are disappearing

D. have disappeared

9. Learning a foreign language for practical use is no easy job because any one ______ so rapidly to meet new needs.

A. will change

B. is changing

C. has changed

D. is changed

10.—Will you please repeat your idea?

—Certainly. But I think it certain that you ______ your attention.

A. don’t pay

B. hadn’t paid

C. weren’t paying

D. aren’t paying

11. Mary spent her university life in London, where she _______ law for about four years.

A. has been studying

B. has studied

C. is studying

D. studied

12. Although the deadline for the meeting is coming, a lot of preparatory work ______ to make everything go well.

A. has still been expected to do

B. will still expect to do

C. is still expected to be done

D. had still been expected to be done

13. The boy’s loss cost his father a sleepless night. He never thought his son ______ computer games for a whole night.

A. played

B. was playing

C. had been playing

D. would play

14. —How crowded the station is!

—Well, all flights _______ because of the snowstorm, and many passengers can do nothing but take the train.

A. had been canceled

B. have been canceled

C. were canceled

D. are canceled

15. Daddy is very fit. He _________ five miles and he’s not even out of breath now.

A. has run

B. had run

C. runs

D. is running

16. The company going from bad to worse, the workers _________ hardly enough to make a living.

A. are paid

B. are paying

C. have paid

D. paid

17. —What’s the weather like tomorrow, John?

—Well, I ________ it, for the scenic pictures drew my attention as the weather forecast was going on.

A. was missing

B. will miss

C. have missed

D. missed

18. I ______ to help you but I was not able to spare any time. I ________ a paper last night and I’ll have to finish it today.

A. wanted; have been writing

B. have wanted; wrote

C. had wanted; wrote

D. had wanted; was writing

19. My money _______. I’d better go to the bank to draw some of my savings in case I have none in hand.

A. has run out

B. is running out

C. has been run out

D. is running out of

20. —Are you glad that you come to Washington?

—Yes, indeed. I ________ going to New York or Boston, but I’ve never regretted my decisions.

A. have considered

B. am considering

C. had considered

D. was considering

21. —Beijing is worth visiting. I ________ there with my parents during the holidays.

—I agree. I have been there twice.

A. went

B. have gone

C. have been

D. am going

22. This is the third time I ________ Hong Kong. The second time I _______ here was on Christmas Day last year.

A. have visited; came

B. have visited; have come

C. visited; came

D. visited; had come

23. —Did you write to Peter last month?

—No, but I _______ him this June.

A. will be seen

B. will be seeing

C. will have being seeing

D. will have seen

24. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _______ to eat more fruits and vegetables.

A. persuade

B. will persuade

C. be persuaded

D. are persuaded

25. —I wonder how long you _______ in Hawaii?

—Just for the weekend, then I had to attend a conference in Los Angels.

A. will stay

B. stayed

C. have stayed

D. were staying

26. That morning Alice _______ out _______ the door opened and in came some strangers.

A. was just about to go; while

B. went; when

C. was just about to go; when

D. was going; while

27. In a room above the store, where a party _______, some workers were busily setting the table.

A. was to be held

B. has been held

C. will be held

D. is being held

28. The picture exhibition bored me to death.If only I_______ to it.

A. had not gone

B. have not gone

C. did not go

D. can not have gone

29. —Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince ?

—No. I _______ my father on the farm all day yesterday.

A. would help

B. had helped

C. was helping

D. have been helping

30. —Is Tom still smoking?

—No. By next Saturday he _____ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.

A.will go

B. will have gone

C. goes

D. has been going



1.C. burst into laughter=burst in a loud laugh, laughter是不可数名词


3.B (incident“发生的较小的”事件,事变;event意为“发生的较大或重要的”事件、“运动的”项目、一场比赛;case意为事例;affair意为“私人的、个别的”事情。





8.A (in line with意为“与……一致”。in a line “一行”,in a row “一排”。)


10.A fall behind落后在……后面;fall down跌落,不够好;fall back后退;撤退;退却;(价值)降低,(数量)减少;fall over被……绊倒。





15.A. 表语从句

16--20. ACDAB




2)答案是B。短语fix one's eyes on





1)With a lot of work to do

2)with her head bent

3)with a fresh breeze blowing

4)With a dream in heart


1)With our lessons over ,we went to play football.

2)The children came running towards us with the flowers in their hands.

3)With my mother being will,I won't be able to go on holiday.

4)With the exam to be held tomorrow,I couldn't go to the cinema tonight.


1~5 DCDAB 6~10 BAABC 11~15 DCCBA 16~20 ADDBC 21~25 AABDB 26~30 CAACB


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 盐城市龙冈中学牛津高中英语模块一测试题 命题人:程永华 第一卷(选择题,共75分) I.听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How much is the skirt? A.$19.15. B.$9.15. C.$9.50 2.What are the two speakers doing? A.They are having a rest. B.They want to have dinner. C.They are hiking on a hill. 3.What does the man mean? A.He doesn't like Chinese food. B.He doesn't want to eat out. C.He wants to pay for the meal. 4.What did the man do yesterday evening? A.He had dinner with his friend. B.He visited a friend. C.He saw a film. 5.When does Mr Brown have to be at the airport? A.At 8:30. B.At 9:30. C.At 10:30. 第二节(共15小题,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What kind of color TV does the woman want to buy? A.A small one. B.A big one. C.A cheap one. 7.What's the man's opinion about buying a TV? A.The woman should buy a small one. B.The woman should buy a big one. C.The woman should buy a cheap one. 8.Why does the man give the woman such a suggestion? A.Because the big one is too expensive. B.Because she will have to change it in a few years. C.Because her sitting room isn't very big. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.Where is the boy going to spend his holiday? A.In the city. B.In his hometown. C.Abroad. 10.What will he do there? A.Do some farm work. B.Study at home. C.Do some housework. 11.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The girl knows how to farm. B.The boy's grandparents don't live in the city. C.The boy's school is in the country. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12.What are the man and the woman looking for? A.A comfortable hotel. B.A modern hotel. C.A cheap hotel. 13.Where could the man and the woman find the hotel they need? A.Next to the bank. B.A two minutes' drive to the west. C.On the left side of the street.


牛津高中英语模块6短语大全 1. burst out laughing; burst into laughter突然大笑起来 2. make fun of取笑,拿..开玩笑 3. have fun; enjoy oneself; have a good/wonderful time玩得高兴 4. in response to…对..做出反应;答复 5. (one’sresponse/reaction to… 对…的反应 6. queue/line up for…排队等 7.of vital importance; vitally important至关重要 8.be enthusiastic about…对…热情 9. take on a new look呈现新面貌 10. take on extra work承担额外工作 11. shift the responsibility/blame for sth onto sb推卸责任 12.go on发生;进行 go on doing 继续做某事 13.live/lead a cosy life过着舒适安逸的生活 14. raise public awareness of… 引起公众对…的注意 15. make a fool of oneself出洋相 16. raise/collect money筹集资金 17. lose weight减肥 18. trip over绊倒 19. be broadcast live on TV; a live broadcast of…on TV在电视上直播 20. brush one’s teeth刷牙 21. turn on/switch on打开(电器等) 22. make up虚构,捏造;组成,构成,占;弥补,补偿 23.be popular with…受…欢迎 24. 效仿follow in the footsteps of… 25. have an effect/influence on… 对…有影响; 26. fight pain战胜疼痛 27. look up a new word查生词 28. be divided into…被分成… 29. make room for…为…腾出地方 30. it’s one’s responsibility/duty to do…做…是某人的责任 31. bump/ knock/ run/ crash into… 与…相撞 32. tear sth in two; tear sth into halves 把…一撕为二 33. fool sb. into/out of doing…哄骗 某人干/不干某事 34. sb. be torn between…and… 左右为难 35. tear oneself away from…依依不舍 地离开;把…拿走 36. in an emergency 在紧急情况下 37. howl with laughter 狂笑 38. in charge负责;掌管 39. take sb. on雇佣某人 40.raise sb to sb’s feet 将某人扶 起 41.be supposed to …被期望;应该 42.do fine干得不错 【Unit 2】 1. achieve success in… 在…方面取得成功 2. meet/reach/achieve/accomplish one’ s goal实现目标 3. in case以防(万一);如果 4. describe…as…把…描述成… 5. devote/dedicate one’s life/oneself to…投身于,献身于 6. cost sb. Sth.使某人失去… 7. cheer (sb) up(使某人)振作起来,高 兴起来 8. in high/good spirits 情绪高涨,兴高采烈 9.be proud of…/take pride in以…而自 豪 10. adjust/adapt (oneself) to…适应… 11. a series of…一系列 12. pay special attention to…特别注意 13. so/as long as; if only只要… 14. be full of; be filled with 充满 15. becontent/pleased/satisfied with 对…满意


Unit1 1.W e have a variety of ways to attain that goal. 2.A fter playing the violin for ten years, Sophia moved on to the piano. 3.W hatever the reason, many people prefer to come here to polish (up) their language skills. 4.T he only solution I’ve come up with is to ask you to make room on the shelf for some more books. 5.H e held out his car key, saying that I could use this car. 6.M y idea is that we stay where we are and wait for help. 7.W hat on earth are they looking at ?

what is going on there? 8.M any foreigners have an interest in the Chinese culture and some of them have come to china to learn Chinese. Unit2 1.S he studies until 11 o’clock every morning, apart from the class she attends at the weekend. 2.W hen I graduated, I felt caught between pursuing future education and looking for a job. 3.T his week’s lecture will focus on how to be happy in life. 4.E veryone has the right to go after


M7 Unit 1 keep in touch with与……保持联系 evolution n.演变,发展;进化 device n.装置 drawback n.缺点,缺陷;不利条件 principle n.原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则 construct vt.制造;修筑,建造 delay vi. &vt.(使)推迟,延迟 black-and-white adj.黑白的 accessible adj.可使用的;可接触 satellite dish n.卫星电视碟形天线 distribute vt.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销percentage n.百分率,百分比 receiver n.无线电视接收机;听筒,受话器;接受者 tube n.管子;管状物;伦敦地铁 disc n.唱片;(计算机)磁盘 wind上 vi. &vt.发条;缠绕;蜿蜒,曲折 wind up上发条 component n.组成部分,成分,部件 eventually adv.最后,终于 portable adj.便携式的,轻便的 cassette n.盒式磁带,卡式磁带 digital adj.数学信息系统的,数码的,数字式的 VCD n.影碟 storage n.存储,储藏(空间) foresee vt.预料,预见,预知 patent n.专利权;专利证书 adaptation n.适应;改编本,改写本 relay vt.播放,转播;接转,转发 n.接力赛,中继设备 skeptical adj.怀疑的 ample adj.足够的,充足的,丰裕的 casual adj.非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的,不经意的insurance n.保险;保障措施 obvious adj.显然的,显而易见的 all-round adj.功能齐全的;全面的 electronic adj.电子的 translation n.翻译;转化 idiom n.习语,成语,惯用语 gram n.克(重量单位) suitable adj.合适的,适当的 scan vi. &vt.浏览,粗略地读 elegant adj.(物品)雅致的,精美的;(人或其举止)优雅的battery n.电池 Christian adj.(信奉)基督教的;基督徒 carriage n.四轮马车;(火车)车厢 refrigerator n.冰箱 religious adj.宗教的,宗教信仰的vote vi. &vt.投票,选举,表决 n. 选票,选举,表决 reject vt.拒绝,拒收;不予考虑 tight adj.亲密的,紧密的;紧的 oppose vt.反对,抵制,阻挠;与……竞争 valid adj.符合逻辑的,合理的,有根据的;(法律上)有效的circumstance n.条件,环境,状况 merely adv.仅仅,只不过 dial vi. &vt.拨(电话号码),打电话 typical adj.平常的;典型的,有代表性的;特有的 text message n.(手机)短信 shallow adj.肤浅的,浅薄的;浅的 sacrifice vt.牺牲,献出 n.牺牲,舍弃;祭品 stable adj.稳定的;稳重的 dustbin n.垃圾桶,垃圾箱 for good measure额外 rid vt.摆脱;去除;丢弃


牛津英语模块3译文 Appendix I: Translation Unit 1 Reading 雾 比尔·洛 浓雾警报 那天早晨波莉离家时,整个城市已笼罩在灰色的薄雾中。午餐时分,收音机预报说,薄雾将会在下午变成浓雾。下午四点,波莉下了班,步入了浓雾中。她不知道公交车是否还会照常运行。 没有到国王大街的巴士 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。 “您要坐多远?”巴士售票员收下她的车费前问道。 “国王大街。”波莉答道。 “对不起,小姐,”售票员回答说,“现实情况是雾太浓了,公交车跑不了那么远。乘地铁到格林公园吧。那里的天气可能好一点,您也许能叫到一辆出租车。” 高个子男人 当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,她感到她正被一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人注视着。地铁终于到达了格林公园站。当其他乘客走出车厢时,她扫视了一下她周围的一张张面孔。那个高个子男人不见了。 脚步声 当波莉到达车站入口处时,那里空无一人。外面,她目光所及之处,雾像浓密的灰云一样聚积着。什么人也看不见。波莉朝着公园大街走去。当她沿着狭窄的街道行走时,她听到了由远及近的脚步声,但当她走到街道拐角处时,脚步声却消失了,突然,波莉感到有一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸颊'并且她还听到了一个男人在她耳边说“对不起”的声音。那个男人走开了。她能感到她的心脏因害怕而怦怦地直跳。 热心的陌生人 然后,她又听到了那种声音——在她身后响起的轻柔的脚步声。一分钟前,她曾希望有人跟着来。现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚步。脚步声这会儿似乎很近了。接着,一个男人的声音从黑暗中传来:“有人吗?” 波莉犹豫了。最终她还是回答道:“你好,我想我是迷路了。” 几秒钟后,一只手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。 “也许我能帮你。你想去哪条路?”他问道。 “我住在国王大街86号,”波莉答道。 “只要拉着我的手就成,”老人说,“跟着我走,不会有事的。”他拉住波莉的手。“小心这里的台阶。” 老人的另一只手里攥着一根手杖。波莉能听见它敲击台阶的声音。“我还记得几次糟糕的大雾,不过那可能都是在你出生之前的事了。我看不见你的脸,但你听起来挺年轻。你多大了?” “刚20岁,”波莉答道。 “啊,20岁,多好的年纪啊。我也年轻过。现在我们到了十字路口了。这里向左转。” “我是彻底迷路了。您肯定你认识路吗?”波莉又开始感到害怕了。 “当然肯定,你真的不用担心。”老人将她的手握得更紧了。 感恩的帮助者 “我们到了。国王大街。”老人停住了脚步。

2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit 1《School Life》(Project)教案

2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit 1《School Life》 (Project)教案 【教学目标】 1.to arouse students’enthusiasm for developing after-class activities and forming a school club; 2.to gain the general idea of how to make an attractive poster for the club; 3.to strengthen students ability of putting theory into practice; 4.to guide students to cooperate effectively through group work. 【教学重点】Have students discuss and learn to finish a project by working tog hter 【教学难点】Students should search and find information, and do some writing and drawing by themselves 【教具】Multi-media projector Are you impressed by the soft background music? Step 2 Attract Your Eyes & Grasp Your heart Do you want to experience

(2) Tom in sch ool. e than five courses this term. Jack is no more diligent than John. 杰克和约翰都不勤奋。


牛津高中英语模块6 Unit 1 comedy 喜剧 weekly周刊;周报 stand up for支持,维护 stand-up单口喜剧 stage阶段,时期 tease 取笑;揶揄;戏弄 previous先前的,以往的 variety(同一事物)不同种类;多种样式style风格;方式;样式 behave表现 visual视觉的 hammer锤子,榔头 trip绊,(使)绊倒 trip over绊倒 performance表演,演出;表现,业绩make fun of拿……表玩笑;取笑,嘲弄affection喜爱同,钟爱 have affection for喜爱,钟爱performer演员;表演者 academy研究院,学会;专科院校perform演出,表演;履行;工作,运转little-known鲜为人知的 come up with想出;拿出 technical技术的,技能的 lip嘴唇 silent film无声电影 howl大叫,嚎叫 amuse逗笑,逗乐 saying格言,警句 cigar雪茄烟 bathtub浴缸,浴盆 pass away去世,亡故 mourn衷悼,忧伤 fitness健康;适合 strengthen增强;巩固 participate参加,参与 deep-breathing深呼吸的 positive积极的,正面的 drive away赶走;驱赶 guarantee保证;担保 foolishness愚蠢 foreigner外国人 instruct教授,传授take on接纳 initial最初的,初始的 attain(通常经过努力)获得;得到 polish提高;修改;润色 bench看不见的,无形的 setting长凳,长椅 make room for为……腾出地方 textbook教科书;课本 cosy暖和舒适的,惬意的 invitation邀请 alongside在……旁边;与……一起crowded拥挤的 castle城堡;堡垒 armchair扶手椅 yell叫喊,大喊 pile摞;垛 official-looking貌似官方的 anger怒,怒火 bow鞠躬;低头 dash急奔,猛冲 tear撕,扯 burst猛冲,突然 burst in闯进;突然闯入 empty-handed空手;一无所获 glare怒目而视 glare at对……怒目而视 hold out递出;拿出;伸出 toilet paper卫生纸,手纸 Unit 2 surround围绕,环绕 suffering疼痛,痛苦;折磨 viewer电视观众;观看者 goodwill友好;善意 junior青少年的;地位(职位、级别)低下的apart分开,分离 apart from远离,和……不在一起;除了mat(体育运动用的)厚垫子 specialist专科医师;专家 severe严重的;严厉的,严格的;艰巨的in good spirits心情好 appreciation感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估 sorrow悲伤,悲痛 accomplish完成,实现 thankful感激的,感谢的


牛津高中英语模块七单词表 Unit 1 1. 与??保持系n. 接力,中 2. n. 演,展;化29.adj. 疑的 3. n. 装置,30.adj. 足的,充足的,丰裕的 4. n. 缺点,缺陷;不利条件31.adj. 非正式的,随便的;漫不心的,不 5. n. 原理,法;道德原,行准意的 6. vt. 制造;修筑,建造32.n. 保;保障措施 7. vi. &vt. (使)推,延 n. 延,延33.adj. 然的,而易的 34.adj. 功能全的;全面的 8.adj. 黑白的35.adj. 子的 9.adj. 可使用的;可接触到的;可到达的;36.n. 翻;化 易理解的37.n. ,成,用 10.n. 星碟形天38.n. 克(重量位) 11.vt. 使分布,分散;分,分配;分39.adj. 合适的,适当的 12.n. 百分率,百分比40.vi. &vt. ,粗略地;,端; 13.n. 无接收机;听筒,受器;接受描 者41.adj. (物品)雅致的,精美的;(人或其 14.n. 管子;管状物;敦地止)雅的 15.n. 唱片;(算机)磁42.n. 池 16.vi. &vt. 上条;;蜿蜒,曲折43.adj. (信奉)基督教的; n. 基督徒 17. 上条44.n. 四;(火) 18.n. 成部分,成分,部件45.n. 冰箱 19.adv. 最后,于46.adj. 宗教的,宗教信仰的;信宗教的, 20.adj. 便携式的,便的虔的 21.n. 盒式磁,卡式磁47.vi. &vt. 投票,,表决 n. 票, 22.adj. 数学信息系的,数的,数字式的,表决 48.vt. 拒,拒收;不予考,不予用 23.n. 影碟49.adj. 密的,密的;的;身的; 24.n. 存,藏(空)密的 25.vt. 料,,知50.vt. 反,抵制,阻;与??争 26.n. 利;利51.adj. 符合的,合理的,有根据的;(法 27.n. 适;改本,改写本律上)有效的 28.vt. 播放,播;接,52.n. 条件,境,状况


牛津高中英语模块三语言点 Unit 1 The world of our senses 一、Reading 1. (Page 2, Line 7) Once out in the street, she walked…… 如果从句和主句的主语一致,或者从句的主语为it,同时从句中含有be的适当形式,可以省略从句的主语和be动词,留下分词、介词短语等成分作状语,表示时间、原因、方式、让步、伴随状态等含义。从句前可以加上适当的连词,使从句的含义更加明确。 ① Once(it is)seen,it will be never forgotten. ②When (you are) in the street, you’d better be careful. ③ While (you are) reading, underline the key words. 2. this: adv.这么that much: 那么多 that: adv.那么He isn’t this / that tall. 3. observe: vt. (1) 观察,注意到(2) 遵守(3) 庆祝 observer: n.目击者,观察者,观测员,观察员 ① She observed that the pond was drying up. ② observe the speed limit. ③ observe the Christmas Day. ④ The UN sent a team of observers to the peace talks. 4. glance at sth: 瞥一眼,匆匆看,扫视 at first glance: 乍一看 ① He glanced at nervously at his watch. ② At first glance, the palace seemed deserted. 5. stare at sth: 盯着,凝视 glare at sth: 怒目而视,瞪着 ① He stared at the diamond with great amazement. ② Tom didn’t shout. He just glared at me silently. 6. nowhere: adv.无处,到处都不 n. [U] 无处 be nowhere to be seen / found / heard: 哪儿也见∕找∕听不到 nowhere else: 没有别的地方 get nowhere: 没有结果∕进展 ① Such case is nowhere to be found. ② I have nowhere else to go. ③ It’s a good idea but it will get nowhere without more financial support. ④ Nowhere else can you find a more beautiful view. 7. narrow: adj.窄的,狭隘的;勉强的;精确的 vt. & vi. (使)变窄,缩小 ◆◆narrowly: adv. 勉强地;严密地,仔细地 ① He has a narrow mind. 他度量很小。 ② a narrow escape from death: 九死一生 ③ What does the word mean in its narrowest sense? ④ In order to widen the road he had to narrow the pavement. ⑤The road narrows here. ⑥He narrowly escaped drowning.


模块一 Unit1 enjoyable adj.有趣的, 愉快的 experience n. 经历, 经验vt. 经历, 体验 assembly n. 集合, 集会, 装配 headmaster n. (中小学的)校长 earn vt. 赚得, 赢得, 生利 respect n. 尊敬, 敬重; 关系, 方面vt. 尊敬, 尊重; 关于, 涉及devote vt. 投入于,献身 literature n. 文学, 文献 average n. 平均数,平均水平 adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的 vt. &vi.平均值,达到平均水平 struggle n. 竞争,努力,奋斗v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎challenging adj.具有挑战性的;引起兴趣的;令人深思的 v.挑战,质疑(challenge的现在分词) encouragement n. 鼓励 cooking adj. 烹饪的 n. 烹饪动词(cook的现在分词) for free adj. 免费 extra adj. 额外的adv. 特别地n. 额外的事物,另外收费的Spanish adj. 西班牙的n. 西班牙语 sculpture n. 雕塑vt. 雕刻,雕塑vi. 当雕刻师 dessert n. 甜食 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信 surf n. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览vt. 浏览 academic n. 教学人员,学术人adj. 学院的,理论的,学术性的exchange n. 交换,交换物,汇兑,交易所vt. &vi. 交换,交易,兑换former adj. 以前的,在前的, 前任的pron.&n. 前者 n. 模型,样板,构成者,创造者,起形成作用的人,[无线]线圈架 fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 painting n. 水彩画,油画 donate vt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款


高二期末复习模块六词组背诵 Unit 1 1.取笑make fun of 2.对…做出反应in/make response to/ react to 3.开玩笑,取笑make jokes about / tease sb. 4.排队queue up/line up/stand in line 5.依靠,依赖rely on /depend on / depend upon 6.在每日生活中in everyday life 7.不久以后,很快soon after 8.值得做某事It’s worthwhile to do sth./doing sth. 9.指向,指着point to, point at 10.减肥l ose / take off (one’s) weight 11.被…绊倒trip over sth. 12.在舞台上on (the) stage 13.喜欢have affection for 14.作为/ 因为/对某人著名be famous(well-known) as/ for/ to 15.后来late on 16.这样一人one such person /such a person 17.被现场直播be broadcast live 18.想出,拿出come up with 19.练习做某事practice doing/sth. 20.作演讲give a speech 21.忘记要做某事/忘记做了某事forget to do/ forget doing 22.看见某人做了/正在做/被做某事see sb. do/doing /done sth. 23.编造,化妆,弥补make up 24.大笑howl with laughter 25.拍电影/ 录制唱片/拍广告make a film/ record/ advertisement 26.受欢迎be popular with /among sb. 27.期望某人做某事expect sb. to do 28.跟随f ollow in one’s footsteps/follow in the footsteps of 29.一直做keep doing 30.对。。。有影响have an effect on 31.最后in the end 32.在…的最后a t the end of… 33.帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.


Unit1 School life 考试目标 1.检测与校园生活话题有关的词汇的识记、理解和运用。 2.检测定语从句that ,which, who ,whom和whose 的用法。 3.检测与校园生活话题有关的读写能力。 I. Key words 1 .出席,参加vt. _____________ 2. 获得;赚, 挣得vt. _________ 3. 赢得,取得;实现;成就vt. __________________ 4. 一般的,普通的;平均的adj. ___________________________ 5. challenging adj.__________ 6. extra adj._______________ 7. 准备vt. & vi._____________ 8. 放弃vt._________________ 9. 思念,想念vt.___________ 10. 经历,体验vt_____________ 11. 介绍vt_______________ 12. immediately adv.________ 13. 培养,养成vt___________ 14. 遗憾,抱歉;后悔vt & vi ________________ 15. 通知,告知vt________ II. Key phrases 1. feel at ease_______________________ 2. earn respect (from)_____________________ 3. come up with________________________ 4. refer to______________________________ 5. approve one’s idea___________________ 6. 遗漏,省出,不考_________________ 7.平均________________________ 8.免费的_________________________ 9.通知某人某事____________________ 10.做一个决定_________________________ III. 【要点解读】(见考标) IV. Key sentences 1.Going to British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. This means I could get up an hour later than usual _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. He also told me that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 这听上去倒像是我在国内就读的中学。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5 .记住所有的人和他们的名字很难。 _____________________________________________________________________ 6. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school,… _____________________________________________________________________ 7. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English in the library. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Though it didn’t like a table when it was finished ,I still liked it very much. _____________________________________________________________________ 9. 我们的俱乐部不只是播放音乐。 _____________________________________________________________________________


牛津高中英语模块六答案 【篇一:牛津高中英语模块6】t>unit1 出卖,背叛 小测验 假装;装扮,扮作 愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的 洗手间,厕所 承认,允许进入,接纳 请求,恳求;乞讨 发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 从事间谍活动;搜索情报,间谍 暗中监视,窥探 真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地 原谅,宽恕 真诚地 童年,幼年 极佳的;卓越的 集中注意力于……;(使)聚焦;焦点;重点 速度;步伐;节奏 (与……)步调一致,(与……)同步 方式;态度,举止 急坏的,糟糕的;恐怖的,令人震惊的 内疚的;有罪的 伤人的;残酷的,残忍的 评论,谈论 不喜欢,厌恶 争吵,争论 令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 道歉 争吵,争执 易生气的;敏感的;体贴的 擅长运动的;健壮的 羡慕,忌妒

责备,指责(坏事或错事的)责任;责备,指责 有天赋的,有天才的 分歧,争论,意见不一 不久,很快 邮箱 代数 算术 复活节 娱乐,消遣 游乐场 马戏表演;马戏团 在线(的) 身份 荒唐的,怪诞的 没有好转希望的,无望的;糟透的 克服,解决 (用电话)接通 泛泛之交,熟人;略有交情,(与某人)认识 双胞胎之一的;成双的;双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一公寓套房 话题 态度,看法 扎根于;使基于;下锚;使固定;锚 以……为基础,以……为根据 小心的,谨慎的 热切的,急不可待的 全世界(的) 青春期的;青少年 做出反应,回应 停顿,暂停 不顾;不顾怎样 不管,不顾 平安,安全;安全措施 最后成为;最终处于 候车室;等候室;候诊室

依靠,依赖 依靠,依赖 无轨电车 复习;修订,修改 幸亏;由于 尽心尽力的;艰信的;坚定的 宽恕;仁慈 道歉 unit2 经济(情况);经济体 女发言人 顾问 辩论;争论,讨论 自由发言 流,流动;流畅地进行;流动;连贯十亿 责任,义务,本分 减少,削减,缩减 产量;生产 回收利用 管子,管道 贪婪的,贪心的 (尤指上层)商界人员;企业家 责任,职责 看法;信念 环境的 经营;动手术 赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分数量 原始的,未经加工或处理的 原材料 海味,海鲜 愿意的,乐意的 税,税款 商品,货品


Appendix I: Translation Unit 1 Reading 雾 比尔·洛 浓雾警报 那天早晨波莉离家时,整个城市已笼罩在灰色的薄雾中。午餐时分,收音机预报说,薄雾将会在下午变成浓雾。下午四点,波莉下了班,步入了浓雾中。她不知道公交车是否还会照常运行。 没有到国王大街的巴士 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。 “您要坐多远”巴士售票员收下她的车费前问道。 “国王大街。”波莉答道。 “对不起,小姐,”售票员回答说,“现实情况是雾太浓了,公交车跑不了那么远。乘地铁到格林公园吧。那里的天气可能好一点,您也许能叫到一辆出租车。” 高个子男人 当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,她感到她正被一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人注视着。地铁终于到达了格林公园站。当其他乘客走出车厢时,她扫视了一下她周围的一张张面孔。那个高个子男人不见了。 脚步声 当波莉到达车站入口处时,那里空无一人。外面,她目光所及之处,雾像浓密的灰云一样聚积着。什么人也看不见。波莉朝着公园大街走去。当她沿着狭窄的街道行走时,她听到了由远及近的脚步声,但当她走到街道拐角处时,脚步声却消失了,突然,波莉感到有一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸颊'并且她还听到了一个男人在她耳边说“对不起”的声音。那个男人走开了。她能感到她的心脏因害怕而怦怦地直跳。 热心的陌生人 然后,她又听到了那种声音——在她身后响起的轻柔的脚步声。一分钟前,她曾希望有人跟着来。现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚步。脚步声这会儿似乎很近了。接着,一个男人的声音从黑暗中传来:“有人吗” 波莉犹豫了。最终她还是回答道:“你好,我想我是迷路了。” 几秒钟后,一只手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。 “也许我能帮你。你想去哪条路”他问道。 “我住在国王大街86号,”波莉答道。 “只要拉着我的手就成,”老人说,“跟着我走,不会有事的。”他拉住波莉的手。“小心这里的台阶。” 老人的另一只手里攥着一根手杖。波莉能听见它敲击台阶的声音。“我还记得几次糟糕的大雾,不过那可能都是在你出生之前的事了。我看不见你的脸,但你听起来挺年轻。你多大了” “刚20岁,”波莉答道。 “啊,20岁,多好的年纪啊。我也年轻过。现在我们到了十字路口了。这里向左转。” “我是彻底迷路了。您肯定你认识路吗”波莉又开始感到害怕了。 “当然肯定,你真的不用担心。”老人将她的手握得更紧了。 感恩的帮助者 “我们到了。国王大街。”老人停住了脚步。 “非常感谢您帮忙,”波莉如释重负地说道,“您愿意进屋休息会儿么” “你真客气,”老人说道,“不过我还是得走了,可能今天还会有更多人迷路,我想帮帮他们。你瞧,像今天这么大的雾是很少见的。这给了我一个机会,来回报晴天时人们给我的帮助。像我这样的盲人没人

牛津译林版高中英语选修模块七 模块七第四单元Project教案-新版

模块七第四单元Project教案 Project Preventing traffic accidents Step 1: lead-in. T: What do the two pictures above tell us? S: Terrible accidents happened. T: Every day we go to school and come back home by bus, by bike or on foot. We should know how to protect ourselves from the road accidents. Today we will learn a passage which tells us something about the traffic accidents and road safety. First, let’s discuss the following questions: 1. What should you pay attention to when you go to school by bike? 2. What do you need to do to avoid accidents on your way to school on foot? 3. If you are a bus driver, what do you think you should or shouldn’t do when you drive students to their school? 4. What are the possible reasons for the traffic accident? What do you think should be done to avoid a traffic accident? Discuss them in your groups and write your group answers down, then report them to the class. Step 2: Part A 1. Reading Now we are going to read an article entitled Traffic Accidents and Road Safety. From the title, what information do you think the reading passage will give us? (It will mainly talk about two things: the causes of traffic accidents and how to be safe on the road.) Now read the article carefully and find answers to first four questions in Part B.

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