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刮板flight attachment

刮板运输机drag conveyor或者scraper conveyor弯式刮板机bent drag conveyor 舱口盖access cover

端口法兰end flange

高强螺栓high strength bolt

抗滑移系数anti-slide coefficient

陷入式装配embed assembly

填料式装配bull ring assembly

旋转溜槽装配rotating chute assembly

出仓螺栓推运器传动装置装配reclaim auger drive assembly

皮带护罩装配belt guard assembly

出仓螺旋变速箱安装装配reclaim auger gearbox mounting assembly

出仓螺旋装配reclaim auger assembly

高级传动装配advance drive assembly

高级传动底盘装配advance drive carrier assembly

棒形导体conductor bar

圆顶装配dome assembly

屏蔽装配shield assembly

润滑槽装配grease lines assembly

机器界面machine interface

位移位置接线盒shift position junction box

接线盒工具junction box stationary

出仓装置布局图reclaimer layout

可编程逻辑控制程序programmable logic controller(PLC)

声纳电路板sonar circuit board


趋势图屏幕trend graph screen

出仓插头电流制reclaim plug current system

无线油位wireless oil level

缓出仓螺旋jogging reclaim auger

简化硬盘启动reduce hard starting

卸料斜槽装配discharge chute assembly

调节距离传感器和标值adjusting the proximity sensor&targets

缓冲联轴器flexible coupling

皮带张力试验使用的皮带偏转法belt deflection method for testing belt tension

横向翘曲刀片cupped blade

斗式提升机bucket elevator

气动三通pneumatic two-way diverter


不锈钢永磁筒stainless magnet sleeve

旋转分配器rotary distributor

投料斗intake hopper

除尘器dust collector

圆锥粉料清理筛conical drum mush precleaner


粉碎仓pre-grinding bin

上料位器high level indicator


缓冲斗surge hopper

叶轮喂料器impeller feeder

粉碎机hammer mill


沉降室sediment chamber

料封绞龙sealed screw conveyor

配料仓proportion bin

螺旋出仓机outlet screw feeder

气动蝶阀pneumatic butterfly valve

振动卸料器vibration unloader

大配料秤large batching scale hopper

混合机回风管系统mixer return air pumps system 固定式除尘投料筛fixed dumping station

校核秤revise scale

双轴桨叶式混合机double-shaft paddle batch mixer 成品检验筛end-product check dresser

配料秤batching scale hopper

制粒仓pelleting bin


制粒机pellet mill


待膨化仓pre-extrusion bin

双螺杆膨化机twin screw shift extruder

蒸汽吸风装置stream vapor suction

皮带输送机belt conveyor

循环带式烘干机circulating belt drier

待喷涂仓pre-coating bin

连续式液体喷涂机continuous liquid coater

翻版式逆流冷却器tipping type counter-flow cooler 膨化成品仓finish product bin for extrusion feed

双料斗定量包装秤double hopper bagging machine 缝口输送机sewing machine and belt conveyor

粉碎仓grinding bin

投料斗dumping hopper

喂料关风器feeding airlock



振动分级筛rota-shake sifter

成品仓finish production bin

手动闸门manual gate