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外贸函电 资信调查函(范文)

外贸函电 资信调查函(范文)
外贸函电 资信调查函(范文)

资信调查(Status Inquiry)






Dear Sirs,

Recently we have received a letter from ABC CO. who has given your name and address as a bank reference. ABC CO. wants to built business with us, but we are not acquainted with them . We wonder if you could obtain for us information about their financial and credit standing.

We can assure you that any information you may give us will be treated in absolute confidence.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,




Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of May 10, and we are sending you the information you inquired about ABC Co. is one of the largest companies in that area. They are enjoying a good reputation in the business world.

As far as our information goes, they are prompt and punctual in all their transactions. In our opinion,you may run no risk in doing business with them.

The information is confidential and without any responsibility on our part.

Yours faithfully,






Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of May10, we would like to give you the following information. The company in question is known to be inexperienced in business. Many suppliers often have lots of trouble in settlement of their accounts.

For the matter of establishing business relations with them. We advise you take it into serious consideration.

Please notes that the informations given without any responsibility on our part and should be treated as strictly confidential.

Yours faithfully,


外贸英语函电的写作格式常用范文 外贸函电涉及到的知识很广泛,那么外贸函电的英语写作格式需要注意哪些问题呢,接下来为大家整理了外贸英语函电的写作格式,希望对你有帮助哦! 1.请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We


1.We have established an irrevocable letter of credit (in) your favor with Bank of China, Guangdong. 2.We are glad to enter (into) business relations with your corporation. 3.We are awaiting your revised draft (with) keen interest. 4.Our foreign trade policy is based (on) equality and mutual benefit. 5.We shall book a trial order with you, if goods are competitive (in) price and good (in) quality. 6.As we are heavily committed, we are sorry that we are not in a (position) to accept new orders. 7.We prefer payment by D/P (at) sight to D/P at 60 days. 8.Your quotation happens to be exactly the same (as) we have received from Australia. 9.We hereby register a claim (with) you for shortage. 10.Since we are well connected (with) the department stores here, we can obtain a number of orders for you. 11. You know this is a popular brand, which will sell (well) in your market. 12.We hope that you will look (into) the cause of the defective goods. 13.There is no question (about) getting the necessary import license from our authorities. 14.Please take the necessary steps (without) delay. 15.Your immediate reply should reach us not later (than) the end of this month. 16.If the first shipment is satisfactory, we can (place) with you some repeat orders. 17. We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the friendly relations (with) us. 18.Please cable us as soon as (possible) , giving us all necessary information. 19.We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 15, (which) reached us yesterday. 20. (In) view of the long-standing business relations with you, we wish to settle this dispute amicably. 21.We can cover All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium is borne (by) the buyer. 22.Please do everything necessary (so) as to enable us to send you the relevant documents at an early date. 23.We trust the above-mentioned shipment will reach you (in) sound condition. 24.As to chemical products we are well connected (with) the major producers in America.


目录Chapter 1 外贸函电 1. 资信调查Credit Information 2. 推销Salesmanship 3. 建立贸易关系Establishing Business Relations 4. 询盘Inquiry 5. 报盘Offer 6. 还盘Counter-offer 7. 下订单Order 8. 接受订单Accepting the Order 9. 拒绝订单Declining the Order 10. 支付方式Terms of Payment 11. 催款Reminder 12. 更改信用证Amending the L/C 13. 理赔Settlement of Claims 14. 代理Agency Chapter 2 商务报告 1. 建议报告Proposal Report 2. 工作进度报告Progress Report 3. 述职报告Work Report 4. 说明报告Introduction Report 5. 总结报告Final Report 6. 可行性报告Feasibility Report 7. 评估报告Appraisal Report 8. 市场调查报告Investigation Report Chapter3 行政文书 1. 便条Note 2. 启事Announcement 3. 简报Briefing 4. 广告Advertisement 5. 备忘录Memorandum 6. 介绍信Letter of Introduction 7. 会议日程表Agenda of the Meeting 8. 会议记录Minutes 9. 公司决议Directors’ Resolution Chapter 4 申请函


台布 我们从我国商务部处得悉贵公司的名称和地址,现借此机会与你方通信,意在建立友好业务关系。 我们是一家国营公司,专门经营台布出口业务。我们能接受顾客的来样定货,来样中可具体需要产品的花样图案,规格及包装装潢的要求。 为使你方对我各类台布有大致的了解,我们另航寄最新的目录供参考。如果你方对产品有兴趣,请尽快通知我方。一俟收到你方具体询盘,即寄送报价单和样本。 盼早复。 SPECIMEN:INTRODUCING BUSINESS OPERATION Dear Sirs, RE:TABLECLOTH We have your name and adress from Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friend business relations with you. We are a carpet manufacturer, our products are a unique style of novel, inexpensive..We are in a position to accept orders according to the customer's spmples.In the customer's spmples,request about the assorted pattern,specification and package of the needed goods can be indicated particularly. In order to give you a gengral idea of various kinds of the table-cloth we are handling,we are airmailing you under separate cover our latest catalogue for your reference.Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products.We will send you our price list and sample to you as soon as we receive your specific inquiry. Looking forward to your early reply,we are. Yours faithfully Xiaoli



短期出口信用保险操作指南 一、短期出口信用保险概述 何谓出口信用保险 出口信用保险是政府为鼓励企业扩大出口、保障企业收汇安全而开设的政策性保险,中国信保是我国唯一经营此项业务的专业机构。在出口货物、技术、服务以及海外投资等相关外经贸活动中,出口企业或相关银行向中国信保提出投保申请,中国信保出具保险单(或签订保险协议);当国外债务人所在国家发生政治风险或国外债务人发生商业风险,导致出口企业或相关银行(被保险人)的应收帐款难以安全收回时,中国信保(保险人)按照保险单(或保险协议)规定负责赔偿被保险人的经济损失。 出口信用保险按照信用期限长短分为短期出口信用保险和中长期出口信用保险。短期出口信用保险承保信用期限在180天以内(可扩展为360以内)的收汇风险,主要用于以付款交单D/P,承兑交单D/A,赊帐OA等商业信用为付款条件的出口,以及信用证项下的出口。 短期出口信用保险主要产品 中国出口信用保险公司短期出口信用保险主要产品有综合保险、统保保险、信用证保险、特定买方保险和中小企业综合保险。 (一)综合保险 综合保险承保出口企业所有以非信用证为支付方式和以信用证为支付方式出口的收汇风险。它补偿出口企业按照合同或信用证规定出口货物或提交单据后,因政治风险或商业风险发生而导致的出口收汇损失。 其特点是既承保信用证支付方式下的收汇风险,也承保非信用证支付方式下的收汇风险,保险金额高,承保范围大,保险费率低。 (二)统保保险 统保保险承保出口企业所有以非信用证为支付方式出口的收汇风险。它补偿出口企业按照合同或信用证规定出口货物后,因政治风险或商业风险发生而导致的出口收汇损失。


12-1、improper packing 不良包装 2、lodge claims against(with) you 向你提出索赔 We now lodge claims with you for shortweight and inferior quality. 现向你方就短重及低劣提出索赔。 3、long-standing business relations 长期业务关系 4、accept a claim 接受索赔 entertain a claim 受理索赔 reject a claim 拒绝索赔 dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 settle a claim 理赔 withdraw a claim 撤回索赔 英译汉 1、The evidence you have provided is inadequate,therefore,we cannot consider your claim as requested. 你方所提供的证明是不充分的,因此我方不能考虑你方索赔要求。 3-1敬启者: 东方贸易有限公司向我们推荐了贵公司。我们了解到贵公司三十多年来一直以质量最佳的青岛牌瓶装啤酒供应给许多国家和地区。 我公司是本国最大的食品贸易公司,在各主要城镇均设有办事处或代理处。我们确信本国对各类外国啤酒有极大的需求量,因此,请贵公司回信告知是否有意与我们建立直接的贸易关系,我方将不胜感激。 我们预料贵公司产品在我方市场有着关阔的前景。我们保证随时给予你方密切合作。盼早复。 Dear Sirs, Your firm has been recommended to us by the Oriental Trading understand that you have been supplying”Qingdao”brand bottled beer of the best quality to a lot of countries and regions for over 30 years. We are the largest food trading corporation in this country,and have offices or representatives in almost all major cities and are sure that there is a large demand for various foreign beers in our ,we shall appreciate it very much if you will advise


外贸函电原则 一、Courtesy 礼貌 语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。 例如: We have received with many thanks your letter of 20 May, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it. You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in your letter of 20 May. 二、Consideration 体谅 写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。 例如: “You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. We will send you the brochure next month. ”就比“We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. We won't be able to send you the brochure this month.”要好。

三、Completeness 完整 一封商务英语外贸函电应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。 四、Clarity 清楚 意思表达明确,要注意: (一)避免用词错误: 例如:As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. 此处bimonthly有歧义:可以是twice a month 或者once two month.故读信者就迷惑了,可以改写为:We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco. (二)注意词语所放的位置: 例如: 1. We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the item only. 2. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item. 前者则有两种商品以上的含义。 (三)注意句子的结构:


外贸函电期末考试试卷 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. One of our clients in Malaysia is _____ the market for walnut meat. A. at B. of C. in D. for 2. we will make contact with the endusers here and see if they are interested in the goods _____. A. offer B. offering C. offered D. to offer 3. It is after examination _____ we find the goods of high standard and are satisfied with the quality of the shipment. A. what B. which C. as D. that 4. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market,_____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate. A. so that B. such that C. as long as D. so long as 5. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11,in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men's shirts,shipped per S.?S.?“East Wind”。 A. admitting B. acknowledging C. accepting D. adjusting 6. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension.


本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,) 外贸函电常用范文Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,比如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。 Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We 本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,)

would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/65802942.html,)


1.商业银行的经营原则及各原则之间的关系 (1)有三条原则:盈利性、流动性和安全性。 安全性是指要使银行资产避免风险损失。相应措施:合理安排资产规模和结构,注重资产质量。加强客户资信调查和经营预测。合法经营。 流动性是指商业银行能够随时满足客户提现和必要的贷款需求的支付能力。相应措施:保持银行一定的清偿能力,以应对日常提现(特别是突然大量提现)需要。 赢利性是指追求利润的最大化。相应措施:增加收入:①合理调整头寸→尽量压缩现金准备;②开辟资金来源→用于高收益贷款和证券投资。减少支出:①尽量避免坏帐损失;②尽量降低管理费用开支。 (2)三原则既有统一的一面,又有矛盾的一面。一般说来,安全性与流动性是正相关的,但它们与盈利性往往有矛盾。对此,只能从现实出发,统一协调,寻求最佳的均衡 点。安全性是流动性和赢利性的基础。 2.通货膨胀及其对策 (1)通货膨胀:一国物价水平的普遍持续上涨。 (2)需求拉上型通货膨胀是指总需求超过总供给,从而过多的需求拉动物价普遍上涨。 可通俗地说成“太多的货币追逐太少的商品”。表现为信贷规模膨胀导致货币过剩,从而打破原来的总供求平衡。具体成因有三:①赤字膨胀:政府财政赤字靠央行透支弥补。②投资膨胀:国内总投资>国内总储蓄+ 外资流入。③消费膨胀:国内总消费>消费品供给+ 进口消费品。 对策: A.需求紧缩政策

紧缩性货币政策:提高法定准备金率、提高再贴现率、公开市场业务、规定基础货币指 标、道义劝告。 紧缩性财政政策:减少财政开支、提高税率。 B.供给政策:压缩总需求的同时,通过刺激生产增长来增加总供给。 内容:①削减政府开支;②减税、提高折旧率;③限制货币量增长率。 成本推进型通货膨胀,是指由于供给过程中的成本提高而导致物价的普遍上涨。和需求拉上型相反,成本推动型通货膨胀是由非货币因素引发的,根源在于供给侧的垄断因素。即,在无超额需求情况下,成本的提高也会引致通胀。成本提高的原因有三:①工资推进:工人货币工资增长率超过劳动生产率的增长→生产成本↑(工资-物价螺旋)。②利润推进:垄断企业依靠其垄断市场的力量提高商品价格。③进口成本推进:进口原料价格上涨,导致企业生产成本上升。 对策: A.收入政策 实行以管制工资和物价为内容的收入政策。 强制性做法→立法;自愿性做法→劝导 B.反垄断政策 针对利润推进型→反垄断立法,以限制垄断高价。 供求混合推动说 在现实经济社会中,通货膨胀的原因究竟是需求拉上还是成本推进很难分清:既有来自需求方面的因素,又有来自供给方面的因素,即所谓“拉中有推、推中有拉”。 3.费雪方程式与剑桥方程式的区别


2018年秋《外贸函电》期末考试复习题 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题3分,共120分) 1. ________ and technology make one product less expensive for a nation to manufacture than another. A. Source B. Resources C. Money D. Cash 2. A ________ is a business with one owner. A. sole proprietorship B. partnership C. corporation D. joint venture 3. ________ means that the owner loses only the money he has put into the company and no more. He does not have to sell personal belongings. A. Limited liability B. Unlimited liability C. Partnership D. Corporation 4. Inc. (Incorporated) is especially used in the USA, and ________ continues to be used worldwide for private limited companies whose shares are not available. A. Cop B. Cor C. Ultd D. Ltd 5. PLC (Public Limited Company) is now often used t o show that the company’s shares can be bought by the ________. A. owner B. public C. shareholder D. beneficiary 6. Centralized management is exercised by a small number of people, the Board of Directors, which is headed by the Chairman (or, in the USA, the President) and decides the overall policy of the ________. A. society B. family C. firm D. world 7. Investment is freely transferable, which means one owner can sell his ownership interests to an ________ without a change in the nature of the business. A. investor B. person C. owner D. outsider 8. A good business letter usually contains ________ compulsory parts with some optional elements. A. two B. six C. ten D. one hundred 9. The more popular sequence of dating today is ________. A. date-month-year B. year-date-month C. month-year-date D. date-year-month 10. ________ is the direct addressing to the receiver of the letter and it is placed below the inside address to actually begin the letter, usually followed by a comma. A. Salutation B. Address C. Date D. Beginning 11. The letter body can be indented and ________. A. block B. blocked C. dented D. dent 12. I would like to draw your attention ________ our new detergent powders.


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 1、On the recommendation of···由···推荐 2、Establish business relations coincides with ones/enter into business relations with sb. 与···建立业务关系 3、Catalogue and pricelist 目录和价格表 4、Enclose(v.)把···封上;随函附寄enclosure ( n.)附件;装入物eg: Enclosed please find our Sales Confirmation in duplicate.随函附上我方售货确认书一式两份,请查收。 5、我们得悉贵公司名称,特此致函希望与贵方建立贸易关系。(establish relations with) We have come to know the name of your corporation and are pleased to write to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. 6、本公司是专营出口中国工艺品的公司。(specialize in) We specialize in the export of Chinese arts and crafts. 7、贵方如能合作,我方不胜感激。(appreciate) It will be appreciated if you can give us your cooperation. 8、随函附上我方价目表两份。(enclose) Enclosed are two copies of our price list. 9、我公司欲扩大和中国的商务联系。(expand one’s business relations) Our company is thinking of expanding its business relations with China. 10、我方经营该项业务已有多年。(line of business) We have been in this line of business for many years. 10、经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处介绍,今写信给你们。我们冒昧向贵方介绍,我们 经营丝绸商品,向日本和欧洲出口。我们专营上述业务,望与贵方建立直接的业务关系,因为你们是丝绸产品的进口商。贵方如能告知我们贵方是否对上述商品生意抱有兴趣,我们将深表感谢。若有兴趣的话,请告知所需数量。 Dear Sir or Madam, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Japan and Europe. We are specialized in the above business. We are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the importer of silk piece goods. We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items. If so, pleased inform us of the quantity required. Y ours sincerely, Unit 3 Status Enquiries 资信调查 1、sb should be very grateful to sb for sth./ sb should be obliged if sb would do sth./sb should greatly appreciate sth. 对···非常感谢 2、terms of payment 付款方式;支付方式 3、meet one’s obligation 履行义务 4、make delivery 交货 5、supply(n./v.)供应,提供supply sb with sth/supply sth for sb 给···提供··· 6、credit standing 信用状况 7、financial status 财务状况 Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies 询盘及回复


咨询函 Dear Sirs, Subject: Credit Information The under-mentioned firm has recently asked if they could represent us in the marketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent: Friendship International Trade Co. Ltd. 250 Royal Road New York, NY.30786(说明调查的对象及事由) We would be very grateful if you could let us have some information about the financial and business standing of the above firm.(说明调查什么并表示感谢) Any information that you may give would be treated in strict confidence and we await your early reply. (承若保密以消除对方的后顾之忧) Yours faithfully, Signature Li Gang General Manager

Language Notes under-mentioned 下面提到的 副词+过去分词构成的复合形容词做定语More examples: above-mentioned newly-bought recently-built well-dressed well-known 2. represent v. 代表,代理 Our Party represents the masses. Mr. Zhang was chosen to represent our company at the national trade conference. Senator Dole has represented Kansas in the the Senate for over 20 years. They feel that they represent not only black students but all black people. 派生词representive (1)n. 代表 (2)a. 代表samples represetative of the latest development 代表工业上最新发展的样品


外贸函电期末复习试题及答案 1.We are sending you the samples C_requested. a.be b.are c.as d.for 2.We trust that you will find our goods D_. a.attracting b.to be attractive c.attract your attention d.attractive 3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in. a.the b.a c.of d.about 4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately. a.thank

b.appreciate it c.appreciate d.appreciate you 5.We look forward to_A__a trial order. A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture. A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your 7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air. A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it 8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you. A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening 9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___. A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B. A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory


Part Two 业务信函 Chapter 1 资信调查函 1. Consulting Letter 咨询函 写作案例详解 Dear Sir or Madam, The under-mentioned firm has recently asked if they could represent us in the marketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent: Delta Company, Ltd 1258 Huston Avenue New York,NY10051 It will be greatly appreciated if you could provide us some information about the financial and business standing of the above firm. Any information you give will be treated in strict confidence. Look forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Thomas 2. Survey the New Opener from the Bark 向银行查询新客户资信情况 写作案例详解 Dear Sir or Madam,

We have received an order for US$80,000 worth of goods from Delta ,1258 Huston Avenue, New York, who has given your bank for reference. Could you please tell us if they are good for this amount? Are they trustworthy and reliable? We shall be most grateful for any information you give. Any advice you give us will be kept strictly confidential. We are also pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity come. A stamped and addressed envelope has been included for your reply. Thank you in advance. Sincerely yours, Thomas 3. 向客户查询信用及经营情况 Inquiring New Customer’s Credit Information from Customers 写作案例详解 Dear Mr. Smith: We have received an important order from Delta ,1258 Huston Avenue, New York, who has given us your name for reference. We would be much obliged if you could give us some information concerning their business status. Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence. We shall be pleased to do the same if you should need our services at this end. Yours Sincerely Thomas 4. 带附表的资信调查函 Credit Survey Letter with Attachment

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