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1、I think every home (将有一个机器人).

2、Kids (将不去学校). They’ll study at home on computer.

3、-Will people use money (一百年后)?

4、There will be (污染会减少). There will be more people.

5、-Cities will be very (大而且拥挤).

6、- (将会有)fewer trees?-Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.

8、I think (将会出现更多的高楼). And there will be fewer cars and buses.

9、I’ll be an astronaut. I’ll (乘火箭飞到月球)

10、I went to Shanghai last year and___________________________(爱上) it.

11、During the week,I __________________________________(将能穿着更随意)。

12、I think I’ll (和我最好的朋友住在公寓里),

because I don’t like living alone.

13、I think that (下一届世界杯法国会获得冠军). 14、-What (天气怎样)tomorrow?-It’ll be sunny.

15、-What will teenagers do for fun (从现在起二十年)?

-They will travel into space for fun, I guess..

16、I (想自食其力)when I’m older.

17、One day people (会飞到月球上度假).

18、He thought that computers would never (被大多数人用).

19、(未来的人们)have their own robots and the robots help people_________________________________(做最令人不愉快的工作)

20、(一些科学家相信)that there will be such robots in the future,but it may____________________________(花很多年时间)。

21、(日本公司)have already made robots walk and dance.

22、For example, there are already robots (在工厂干活).

23 In the future there will be more robots everywhere and ___________________________ _____________(人类会有更少的工作做).

24 After an earthquake, a snake robot could help (寻找建筑物下的幸存者

Unit 2


1、My parents want me (每天晚上都呆在家里).

2、-What’s wrong?-My clothes are (过时了).

3、-My brother (放唱片声音太大).

-You should ask him to turn them down..

4、-I (吵架) my best friend.-You could write him a letter.

5、-You should (给他一张球赛的票).-It’s not easy.

6、-What’s the matter?-I can’t (解决这个数学题).

7、-What should he do?-Maybe he should ( 向老师求助).

8、-I need to get some money (支付夏令营的费用).

–You could get a part-time job.

9、-She is very shy. –She could (加入一个俱乐部或


10、They are original. They are (和我朋友的衣服一样).

11、(我们班其它人都被邀请了)except me. I’m very

upset and don’t know ______________(怎么办)。

12、You should (对别人更友好一些).

13、You should (和你的父母讲讲你的烦恼).

14、My cousin is__________________(和我一样大) and we________________(相处很好)。

15、The tired children (直到下午7点才回家).

16、Many parents are always_______________________other children (把自己的孩子与别人作比较).

17、These children may____________________________(发现很难独立思考)。.

18、Parents are trying (规划他们孩子的生活).

19、The children need_______________________________(时间和自由来放松)。

Unit 3


1、(你正在做什么)when the UFO arrived?

2、(外星人正在买纪念品时),the girl called the police.

3、(那个女孩正在购物)when the alien go out.

4、I (有一个很不寻常的经历)on Sunday.

5、(车站很拥挤)and Linda couldn’t see Dave anywhere.

6、She didn’t think about (往车站外边看).

7、There was a police officer (他们旁边).

8、He was (正在遛狗).

9、My flight to New Y ork was (正从北京国际机场起飞).

10、Although some people may not remember (谁谋杀了他), they remembered what they were doing when they heard about the event.

11、It was a bright, sunny day. We were (正在操场上玩得开心).

12、Not all events in history are (和这一样可怕), of course. The murder_______________(发生) thirty years ago.

13. This is_____________________________(最重要的事件之一) in Chinese history.

Unit 4


1. You ___________________ (应该,suppose) meet at the bus stop this morning to return it.

2. I’m________(努力)and_________(幸运),and I hope you ’re___________(健康)。

3. I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for her____________________(抄我的家庭作业)

because it would ___________________(养成一个坏习惯).I was sure she would _________(克服它).

4.In English,I __________________(更擅长阅读) than listening.

5. Every year they send 100 volunteers ________________________(在中国的边远地区支教)

6. There is________________________(没有区别) between you and them..