gk h 2020/4/4 11 Finals ɑ oeiuü ɑi ɑo ei ou 12 Tones 2020/4/4 13 Where should we place the tone-mark? finals a bigger opening of the mouth. ɑ>o >e>i >u > ü A. laí B. toū b p mf dt nl gk h 2020/4/4 1 ɑoe i uü 2 ɑi ɑo ei ou /ə/ /e/ +i/ü 2020/4/4 3wenku.baidu.com 2020/4/4 4 2020/4/4 5 the tone-mark is placed on the one which requires a bigger opening of the mouth. 2020/4/4 C. kǎo D. meí 14 i、u、ü can be independent syllables. In writing, iy ü yu uw 2020/4/4 15 A 3rd tone is immediately followed by another 3rd tone, ˇ+ˇ 2020/4/4 ɑ>o>e>i >u>ü 2020/4/4 6 nǐ hǎo yī wǔ 你 好 一 五 dà bù kǒu bái 大 不 口 白 2020/4/4 mǎ 马 bā 八 nǚ 女 7 Nǐ hǎo 你好 měi hǎo ˇ+ˇ ˊ jǐ dǎo 2020/4/4 8 yi yu ü wu 2020/4/4 9 2020/4/4 10 b p mf d t n l Initials ˊ 16 yī hào dà mǎ dàitóu kèfú yǔfǎ 2020/4/4 bā hào bái mǎ tái tóu kèkǔ lǐ fà nǐ hǎo dìtú dà lóu dà yú měihǎo bù hǎo yìtú tǎlóu dà yǔ méi lái 17