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原子弹的英语说法1:Atomic bomb原子弹的英语说法2:atom bomb原子弹的相关短语:原子弹轰炸机 a-bomber;原子弹活存者 atom-bomb survivor;原子弹狂 atom mania原子弹的英语例句:1. Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.科学家将物质转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹。
2. At that stage, China did not yet have A - bomb.那个时期中国还没有原子弹.3. The first explosion of the atomic bomb prophesied of change and a new age.原子弹的首次爆炸预示着变化和一个新时代的来临.4. The V2 was not an ordinary weapon: it could only be used against cities. Likewise the atom bomb.V2火箭并非普通武器:它只能用于对付城市。
5. An atom bomb would destroy a city.一颗原子弹能摧毁一座城市。
6. Only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb.只有总统才能授权使用原子弹。
7. At dawn on July 16, 1945, the atomic bomb was set off.1945年7月16日拂晓, 这枚原子弹被引爆.8. On Aug. 6,1945 , a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.1945年8月6日, 一颗原子弹投在日本的广岛.9. The atomic bomb is the offspring of twentieth century physics.原子弹是二十世纪物理学的产物.10. The explosion of atom bombs gives out a good heat.原子弹爆炸产生很大热量.11. The atomic bomb is characterized by the grave injuries caused by radioactivity.原子弹具有由辐射引起严重损伤的特点.12. He didn't know that the atom bomb would work.他不知道原子弹能解决问题.13. The mushroom cloud of the A - bomb hung over the desert again.原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空.14. They would also like to demolish the atomic museum.他们甚至还要毁掉原子弹纪念馆.15. The same ideas of critical size and critical mass apply to bombs.同样的临界尺寸概念和临界质量概念适用于原子弹.。
奥巴马广岛演说中英对照范文Seventy-one years ago, on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed. A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself.在71年前万里无云的晴朗的早晨,死亡从天空降临,世界由此改变。
Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder[沉思,默想,考虑] a terrible force unleashed[突然释放;使爆发] in a not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead, including over 100,000 in Japanese men, women and children; thousands of Koreans; a dozen Americans held prisoner. Their souls speak to us. They ask us to look inward, to take stock of[观察;估量;对…作出判断] who we are and what we might become.我们为何会来到广岛?我们来到这里,是为了思考恐怖的力量在并不遥远的过去被释放出来。
Hiroshima广岛--课文翻译Hiroshima! Everybody off! ‖ That must be what the man in the Japanese stationmaster's uniform shouted, as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station. I did not understand what he was saying. First of all, because he was shouting in Japanese. And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken. Was I not at the scene of the crime?―广岛到了!大家请下车!‖当世界上最快的高速列车减速驶进广岛车站并渐渐停稳时,那位身着日本火车站站长制服的男人口中喊出的一定是这样的话。
【总页数】2页(P127-128)【关键词】广岛原子弹爆炸;南京国民政府;中国劳工;留日学生;长崎;中国留学生;王大文;日本法西斯;赴日留学;台湾人【作者】潘银良【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】K152【相关文献】1.人类历史上的首次核灾难——原子弹轰炸广岛、长崎 [J], 卢宇2.补白:原子弹轰炸广岛长崎纪实 [J],3.广岛长崎原子弹爆炸在中国备受关注——纪念世界第一颗原子弹爆炸成功70周年 [J], 王洪鹏4.广岛原子弹爆炸中幸存的中国人 [J], 陈宗舜;5.原子弹为何瞄准广岛和长崎 [J], 阎京生;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Unit 1Active reading (1)大学已经不再特别了1 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20 世纪60 年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。
但是,20 世纪60 年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。
20 世纪60 年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。
1966 年,罗纳德·里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、持不一意见的少数人征服。
3 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情地投入到自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。
4 20 世纪60 年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。
5 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。
例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010 年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标,(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。
Lesson 2 Hi roshi ma -- the"Live liest”City in J apan“Hir oshim a! Ev erybo dy of f!” T hat m ust b e wha t the manin th e Jap anese stat ionma ster's uni formshout ed, a s the fast est t rainin th e wor ld sl ipped to a stop in H irosh ima S tatio n. Idid n ot un derst and w hat h e was sayi ng. F irstof al l, be cause he w as sh outin g inJapan ese.And s econd ly, b ecaus e I h ad alumpin my thro at an d a l ot of sadthoug hts o n mymindthathad l ittle to d o wit h any thing a Ni pponrailw ays o ffici al mi ght s ay. T he ve ry ac t ofstepp ing o n thi s soi l, in brea thing this airof Hi roshi ma, w as fo r mea fargrea ter a dvent ure t han a ny tr ip or anyrepor toria l ass ignme nt I'd pre vious ly ta ken.Was I notat th e sce ne of thecrime?The J apane se cr owd d id no t app ear t o hav e the same preo ccupa tions that I ha d.Fr om th e sid ewalk outs ide t he st ation, thi ngs s eemed much thesameas in othe r Jap anese citi es. L ittle girl s and elde rly l adies in k imono s rub bed s hould ers w ith t eenag ers a ndwo men i n wes terndress. Ser iouslooki ng me n spo ke to oneanoth er asif t hey w ere o blivi ous o f the crow ds ab out t hem,and b obbed up an d dow n rep eated ly inlitt le bo ws, a s the y exc hange d the ritu al fo rmula of g ratit ude a nd re spect: "To mo al igato goza yimas." Ot herswereusing litt le re d tel ephon es th at hu ng on thefacad es ofgroc ery s tores andtobac co sh ops."H i! Hi!" sa id th e cab driv er, w hosedoorpoppe d ope n atthe v ery s ightof atrave ler."Hi", or s ometh ing t hat s ounds very much like it,means "yes". "C an yo u tak e meto Ci ty Ha ll?"He gr inned at m e inthe r ear-v iew m irror andrepea ted "Hi!""Hi!’ Weset o ff at topspeed thro ugh t he na rrowstree ts of Hiro shima. The tall buil dings of t he ma rtyre d cit y fla shedby as we l urche d fro m sid e tosidein re spons e tothe d river's sh arp t wists of t he wh eel.Ju st as I wa s beg innin g tofindthe r ide l ong,the t axi s creec hed t o a h alt,and t hedr ivergot o ut an d wen t ove r toa pol icema n toask t he wa y. As in T okyo, taxi driv ers i n Hir oshim a oft en kn ow li ttleof th eir c ity,but t o avo id lo ss of face befo re fo reign ers,willnot a dmittheir igno rance, and will acce pt an y des tinat ion w ithou t con cernfor h ow lo ng it maytakethemto fi nd it.At la st th is in terme zzo c ame t o anend,and I foun d mys elf i n fro nt of thegigan tic C ity H all.The u sherbowed deep ly an d hea ved a long, alm ost m usica l sig h,wh en Ishowe d him theinvit ation whic h the mayo r had sent me i n res ponse to m y req uestfor a n int ervie w. "T hat i s not here, sir," he said in E nglis h. "T he ma yor e xpect s youtoni ght f or di nnerwithother fore igner s onthe r estau rantboat. See? This is w hereit is.” He sket cheda lit tle m ap fo r meon th e bac k ofmy in vitat ion.Th anksto hi s map, I w as ab le to find a ta xi dr iverwho c ouldtakeme st raigh t tothe c analemban kment , wh ere a sort of b argewitha roo f lik e one on a Japa nesehouse wasmoore d . T he Ja panes e bui ld th eir t radit ional hous es on boat s whe n lan d bec omestoo e xpens ive.The r ather arre sting spec tacle of l ittle oldJapan adri ft am id be ige c oncre te sk yscra persis th e ver y sym bol o f the ince ssant stru gglebetwe en th e kim ono a nd th emin iskir t.At t he do or to theresta urant, a s tunni ng, p orcel ain-f acedwoman in t radit ionalcost ume a skedme to remo ve my shoe s. Th is do ne, I ente red o ne of thelow-c eilin ged r oomsof th e lit tle f loati ng ho use,tread ing c autio uslyon th e sof t mat tingand e xperi encin g a t winge of e mbarr assme nt at theprosp ect o f mee tingthe m ayorofHi roshi ma in my s ocks.H e was a ta ll, t hin m an, s ad-ey ed an d ser ious. Quit e une xpect edly, thestran geem otion whic h had over whelm ed me at t he st ation retu rned, andI was agai n cru shedby th e tho ughtthatI now stoo d onthe s ite o f the firs t ato mic b ombar dment, whe re th ousan ds up on th ousan ds of peop le ha d bee n sla ininone s econd, whe re th ousan ds up on th ousan ds of othe rs ha d lin gered on t o die in s low a gony.The i ntrod uctio ns we re ma de. M ost o f the gues ts we re Ja panes e, an d itwas d iffic ult f or me to a sk th em ju st wh y weweregathe red h ere.The f ew Am erica ns an d Ger mansseeme d jus t asinhib itedas Iwas."Gent lemen," sa id th e may or, "I amhappyto w elcom e you to H irosh ima."E veryo ne bo wed,inclu dingthe W ester ners. Afte r thr ee da ys in Japa n, th espi nal c olumn beco mes e xtrao rdina rilyflexi ble."G entle men,it is a ve ry gr eat h onorto ha ve yo u her e inHiros hima."There were fres h bow s, an d the face s gre w mor e and more seri ous e ach t ime t hena me Hi roshi ma wa s rep eated."Hi roshi ma, a s you know, isa cit y fam iliar to e veryo ne,”conti nuedthe m ayor."Yes,yes,of co urse,” mur mured thecompa ny, m ore a nd mo re ag itate d."Sel dom h as acitygaine d suc h wor ld re nown, andI amproud andhappyto w elcom e you to H irosh ima,a tow n kno wn th rough out t he wo rld f or it s---oyste rs".I wasjustabout to m ake m y lit tle b ow of asse nt, w hen t he me aning of t heselastwords sank in,jolti ng me outof my sadrever ie ."H irosh ima – oyst ers?Whatabout thebomband t he mi seryand h umani ty'smostheino us cr ime?" Whil e the mayo r wen t onwithhis s peech in p raise of s outhe rn Ja panes e sea food, I c autio uslybacke d awa y and head ed to wardthe f ar si de of theroom, wher ea f ew me n wer e tal kingamong them selve s and payi ng li ttleatten tionto th e may or'sspeec h. "Y ou lo ok pu zzled," sa id asmall Japa neseman w ith v ery l argeeye-g lasse s. "Wel l, Imustconfe ss th at Idid n ot ex pecta spe ech a boutoyste rs he re. Ithou ght t hat H irosh ima s tillfeltthe i mpact of t he at omicimpac t .""N o one talk s abo ut it anymore, andno on e wan ts to, esp ecial ly, t he pe oplewho w ere b orn h ere o r who live d thr oughit. "Do yo u fee l the same way, too?""I wa s her e, bu t I w as no t inthe c enter of t own.I tel l you this beca use I am a lmostan o ld ma n. Th ere a re tw o dif feren t sch oolsof th ought in t his c ity o f oys ters, onethatwould like to p reser ve tr acesof th e bom b, an d the othe r tha t wou ld li ke to getrid o feve rythi ng, e ven t he mo numen t tha t was erec ted a t the poin t ofimpac t. Th eywo uld a lso l ike t o dem olish theatomi c mus eum.""W hy wo uld t hey w ant t o dothat?""Becau se it hurt s eve rybod y, an d bec ausetimemarch es on. Tha t iswhy." Thesmall Japa neseman s miled, his eyes near ly cl osedbehin d the ir th ick l enses. "If youwrite abou t thi s cit y, do notforge t tosay t hat i t isthe g ayest city in J apan, even it m any o f the town's pe oplestill bear hidd en wo unds, andburns."Like anyother, the hosp italsmell ed of form aldeh yde a nd et her . Stre tcher s andwhee lchai rs li ned t he wa lls o f end lesscorri dors, andnurse s wal ked b y car rying Stre tcher s ins trume nts,the v ery s ightof wh ich w ouldsendshive rs do wn th e spi ne of anyhealt hyvi sitor. The so-c alled atom ic se ction waslocat ed on thethird floo r. It cons isted of 17bed s."I a m a f isher man b y tra de. I have been here a ve ry lo ng ti me, m ore t han t wentyyear s, "s aid a n old manin Ja panes e paj amas. “Wha t iswrong with you?”"Some thing insi de. I wasin Hi roshi ma wh en it happ ened. I sa w the fire ball. But Iha d noburns on m y fac e orbody. I ra n all over thecitylooki ng fo r mis singfrien ds an drel ative s. Ithoug ht so mehow I ha d bee n spa red.But l atermy ha ir be gan t o fal l out, and my b ellyturne d towater. I f elt s ick,and e ver s incethentheyhavebeentesti ng an dtre ating me." The doct or at my s ide e xplai ned a nd co mment ed up on th e old man'ssto ry, "We st ill h are a hand ful o f pat ients here whoare b eingkeptalive by c onsta ntca re. T he ot hersdiedas aresul t oftheir inju ries, or e lse c ommit ted s uicid e . ""W hy di d the y com mit s uicid e?""It is h umili ating to s urviv e inthiscity. If y ou be ar an y vis iblescars of a tomic burn s, yo ur ch ildre n wil l enc ounte rprej udice on t he pa r t o f tho se wh o donot.No on e wil l mar ry th e dau ghter or t he ni ece o f anatomi c bom b vic tim.Peopl e are afra id of gene tic d amage from theradia tion." The oldfishe rmangazed at m e pol itely andwithinter est.Ha nging over thepatie nt wa s a b ig ba ll ma de of bits of b right ly co lored pape r,fo ldedintothe s hapeof ti ny bi rds."What's th at?"I ask ed."Th ose a re my luck y bir ds. E ach d ay th at Iescap e dea th, e ach d ay of suff ering that help s tofreeme fr om ea rthly care s, Imakea new litt le pa per b ird,and a dd it to t he ot hers. This wayI loo k atthemand c ongra tulat e mys elf o f the good fort une t hat m y ill nesshas b rough t me. Beca use,thank s toit, I have theoppor tunit y toimpro ve my char acter."Once agai n, ou tside in t he op en ai r, Itoreintolittl e pie ces a smal l not ebook withques tions that I'dprepa red i n adv ancefor i nterv iewswiththe p atien ts of theatomi c war d. Am ong t hem w as th e que stion: Doyou r eally thin k tha t Hir oshim a isthe l iveli est c ity i n Jap an? I neve r ask ed it. But I co uld r ead t he an swerin ev ery e ye. (fr om an Amer icanradio prog ram p resen ted b y EdKay)。
广岛市原子弹爆炸维基百科,自由的百科全书跳转到:导航, 搜索志愿者正在将本条目从ja:広岛市への原子爆弾投下翻译成中文。
目录[隐藏]∙ 1 原子爆弹投下时o 1.1 关岛o 1.2 天宁岛o 1.3 四国上空o 1.4 广岛市o 1.5 归岛∙ 2 原子弹的威力o 2.1 冲击波和气浪o 2.2 热线o 2.3 放射线o 2.4 黑色的雨∙ 3 遭受到原子弹袭击的人o 3.1 短期的影响▪ 3.1.1 烧灼伤▪ 3.1.2 外伤▪ 3.1.3 放射能症▪ 3.1.4 二次放射能症o 3.2 长期的影响∙ 4 之后的广岛∙ 5 关联项目[编辑] 原子爆弹投下时[编辑] 关岛8月2日、关岛的美军第20航空军司令部发出极密指令,命令天宁岛的第509混成部队执行这项任务。
作战命令书第13号1945年8月2日1.攻击日8月6日2.攻击目标广岛中心部及工业地域3.备选第2目标小仓市4.备选第3目标长崎市中心部5.特别指令必须用肉眼监测状况[编辑] 天宁岛8月4日、B-29轰炸机艾诺拉·盖号进行完了最后的投弹训练,回到了马里亚纳群岛的天宁岛。
凌晨0时51分,预备机TOP SECRET号也向硫磺岛飞去。
Here amid the 3000-year-old re dwoods of California scientists and dignitaries are burying a time capsule.在这些见证了许多文明兴衰的树木的底部,原子发展的记录将被保存到2446500年后。
At the base of these trees that ha ve watched the rise and fall of many civilizations, these recor ds of atomic progress will rest until the year 2446 500 years from now.今天在座的是为首次利用原子能作出重大贡献的自♥由♥国家的代表。
Here today are representatives of the free nation that made the major contributions to first harnessing atomic energy.美国、英国和加拿大自治领。
The United States, the United Kingdom and the Dominion Of Canada.莱斯利·r·格罗夫斯少将,副总工程师。
Major General Leslie R. Groves, deputy chief of engineers.在他旁边的是加州大学的j·罗伯特·奥本海默博士美国最重要的核物理学家。
Beside him, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the University of California America's foremost nuclear physicist.代表英国和加拿大自治领参加这次仪式的是加拿大的迪安·麦肯齐、英国科学使团的奇泽姆博士和加拿大军械部长C.D.豪。
广岛的英语说法:Hiroshima英 [ˌhirəˈʃi:mə]美 [ˌhɪrəˈʃimə, hɪˈroʃəmə]广岛相关英语表达:广岛城 Hiroshima Castle广岛站 Hiroshima Station广岛港 Port of Hiroshima ; Hiroshima harbor广岛的英语例句:1. On Aug. 6,1945 , a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.1945年8月6日, 一颗原子弹投在日本的广岛.2. He had encountered Mrs. Carmichael's recurring guilt about Hiroshima - Nagasake many times before.他过去多次碰到过卡米开尔夫人,她一再对长崎、广岛的事表示内疚.3. The fastest train in the world slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station.世界上最快的列车平稳地进入广岛车站.4. Neither gleaned a hint of its existence until Hiroshima lay devastated under a mushroom cloud.直到广岛被蘑菇云毁掉之前,敌人竟一点也不知它的存在.5. All of a sudden , the report came in about the bomb over Hiroshima.很快, 关于广岛被炸的消息报道了出来.6. I was in Hiroshima when it happened. I saw the fire ball.事情发生的时候我正在广岛,亲眼看见了那个火球.7. No , these are all pictures of T okyo, not Hiroshima, I think.%80以上, 都是东京.广岛的图很少.8. Caption: A street scene showing bomb damage in Hiroshima.描述: 原子弹爆炸后的广岛街景.9. Cap . Ramsey : Using a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?把广岛和长崎轰成平地这件事?10. I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact of the atomic cataclysm.我原以为广岛仍旧还在原子弹灾难的影响之下.11. How did this blind spot manifest in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park?这个盲点在广岛和平公园是怎样展现的?12. Hiroshima bomb in the ground 600 away from the explosion.广岛原子弹在离地面600米处爆炸.13. The first atom bomb was set off over Hiroshima.第一颗原子弹是在广岛上空爆炸的.14. In this village of Hiroshimaken it worked.在广岛县这个村庄里,它行之有效.15. The Carp are winning, seven to nothing.广岛队以七比零领先.。