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2008级英语专业本科《汉译英》期末考试 模拟题



I. Judgment of English Versions (2(0 0.5% = 10%)

Directions: There are 10 Chin ese sentences in this p art, and two En glish versions are offered for

each senten ce. You are asked to decide which version is real En glish exp ressi on (mark RE in the

bracket) and which bel ongs to Chin glish exp ressi on (mark CE in the bracket). Write your an swer

on the An swer Sheet.

Exam pie: 0.我们应该加快经济改革的步伐。

A) We should accelerate econo mic reform.(

B) We should accelerate the pace of econo mic reform.(

Analysis: Version B is not an idiomatic English expression because “ tcaccelerate m ”ans “ to

in crease the pace of


A) I can surely tell you that no body is able to stop the reform and opening up in China from continuing.( )

B) I can assure you that no one can stop China reform and opening to the outside world.


2.在改善经济环境、整顿经济秩序的这三年时间里,国务院、各部委以及各级地方政府出 台了一系列文件。总的来讲,这些文件在整顿并改善经济方面发挥了积极作用。

A) During the three-year period of improvement of the economic environment and

rectification of the economic order, the State Council, the

commissions and local governments at different levels issued

P rogram of econo mic imp roveme nt and rectificati on. ( )

Key to Example 0:

various ministries and a series of documents. Gen erally sp eak ing, these docume nts have p layed a po sitive role in pro mot ing the

rectification of the economic order, the State Council, the various ministries


commissions and local governments at different levels issued a series of documents.

Generally speaking, these documents helped achieve the objectives of that period. ( ) 3.因此,我们应该从全人类的高度来看待、研究和解决发展问题。只有这样,我们才能明白发展问题不仅仅是发展中国家的责任,也是发达国家的责任。

A) We should therefore consider and solve the problem of development from the perspective

of a broad concern for all mankind. Only then can we understand that this problem is


responsibility of both the developing and the developed

countries. (

B) Therefore, we should approach, study and solve the problem of development from the

high plane of all mankind . Only in this way can we understand that the problem of

development is the responsibility of the developing and the developed countries as


( )


A) Various departments should quickly establish and strengthen necessary research organs to

carry out work in coordination with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a joint effort


expanding the scientific force. ( )

B) Various departments should quickly establish research organs to work jointly with the

Chinese Academy of Sciences to expand the scientific force. ( )


A) In this decision the Central Committee explained the urgency of rectification and


its basic tasks as follows: to unify the members' thinking, improve their style of


tighten discipline and weed out those who were unqualified. ( )

B) In this decision of the Central Committee the necessity and urgency of rectification


explicitly expounded and the basic tasks for the rectification were clearly defined as

follows: to unify thinking, rectify the style of work, tighten discipline and purify


organizations. ( )


A) The orientation and aim of political reform are to improve the socialist legal system

and to

effectively guarantee the rights of the masses of people as masters of the country. (


B) The goal of political reform is to improve the socialist legal system and guarantee the

rights of the people as masters of the country. ( )


A) To enrich people 's lives, we must ensure i t hearat tlure and art flourishes. This
