当前位置:文档之家› 人教版八年级英语上册Unit(5--6)重点词汇-短语-句型(精)




Unit5 (A


1,He has a (stomach. He doesn’t want to eat anything.

2,I was (illness,so I didn’t go to school.

3,I have small ears and big (foot

4,I hope you feel (well than yesterday .

5,My grandfather has a (back. He should see a dentist.


1 It’s easy (have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important (eat a balanced diet .

2,Y ou should (exercise to stay healthy .

3,I hope you are (enjoy your school life .

4,I’m sorry (hear that you are not feeling well.

5,Liu Wen often feels (stress out ,so she should listen to some light music to relax.


1,----Did you finish (do your homework last night ?

----Sure .

2,-----Lets go (sightsee tomorrow ?

-----Good idea .

3,Do you like to go (fish with me ?

4,They felt (relax after listning to the (relax music.

5,Don’t forget (send a card to me from Hong Kong .

6,Do you have (something important to tell me ?

7,He is thinking about (go go the West Lake .

8,What are you (do this weekend ?

9,The children cant wait (open their presents on Christmas Day. 10,Bill decided (stay at home to help his parents.


1,It (take her two hours to finish washing the clothes yesterday. 2,I spend 10 minutes (read that English story .

3,He usually (ride his bike to school .

4,He (have a quick breakfast and went to school.

5,How long does it take you (walk to the train station ?


1,I cant visit you this weekend .I have to (study for my math test . 2,Thanks for (ask me to your birthday party .

3,He would love (come to your house this afternoon.

4,How about (visit your aunt next week?

5,I have fun (play soccer with you .

6,My birthday is November https://www.doczj.com/doc/715842367.html,e and (join us.

Unit 5 (B


1,----Can you come to my house for dinner ?

----Sorry ,I cant .I have to (help my brother with his English .

2,Thanks for (tell me the interesting story .

3,He is trying (go out .Please (help him (open the door . 4,Do you want (go (swim with us this Sunday afternoon?

5,Would you like (come over to my house (discuss the report ? 6,Do you often practice (play soccer after school ?

7,They cant (visit you the day after tomorrow because they have too much homework (do.

8,Can you finish (write your book next month .


1,Let us talk about the (different between English and Chinese.

2,Do you have a good (eat habit?

3,The boy is trying (climb the tree.

4,The teacher wanted us (stay in the classroom after school.

5, (read in bed is bad for our eyes.

6,The (interview asked the boy a lot of questions.

7,He is good at English.He often helps me (study English .


1,It’s important for us (study English we ll.

2,We should exercise (stay healthey.

3,We need time (relax.

4,It’s easy (have a healthy lifestyle ,its important to eat a (balance diet . 5,I’m very thirsty .I need (drink some more water.


1,What about (fly a bike?

2,I just finished (do my homework.

3,What you (do this Sunday?

4,A:What are you doing there ?

B:I’m (take walks after supper in the evening .

5,I don’t like (eat junk food .I eat it only three (time a month.

6,A:What did you do last night ?

B:I (watch TV.

A:How long you (watch it ?

B:I (watch it just for half an hour .

Unit 5 (c


1,He (have a quick breakfast and went to school.

2,Stop (watch TV.Y ou have to study for tomorrows English test. 3,I spent 20 minutes (finish reading the passage.

4,It (take him an hour to write the letter last night.

5,There (be lots of people in the park.

6,Is Caral (ride his bike ?

7,He has two ways of (get to school .

8,We need (studyagain after school.

9,Listen! A small number of students (talk in the classroom. 10,I takes my brother an hour (finish his homework.

11,He likes (walk to school.

12,What about (go hiking in the village ?

13,I live on the (north side of the city.


1,Thanks a lot for (invite me.

2,The day after tomorrow I (go to the mountains.

3,Harry has soccer (train the whole evening .

4,She has to (visit her aunt this afternoon.

1,Mary sometimes goes shopping .(对划线部分提问

Mary shopping ?

2,I have a toothache .(对划线部分提问

Y ou ?

3,She is visiting her grandfather next Sunday .(对划线部分提问

is she next Sunday ?

4,They are staying in Tibet for about two weeks .(对划线部分提问

are they staying in Tibet ?

5,I am going skating with Tom .(对划线部分提问.

you going skating ?

6,He goes to school on foot .(对划线部分提问.

He to school ?

7,It takes him about five minutes to get home by bus .(对划线部分提问.

it him to get home by bus 、8,Lin Fei s home about 10 kilometers from school .(对划线部分提问

Is Lin Fei ’s home from school ?

9,Tom takes the bus to go to school . (同义句转换

Tom school .

10,Our bikes are not the same as theirs . (同义句转换

Our bikes theirs .

11,It is Tuesday today .(对划线部分提问

is it today ?

12,Do you want to see the movies with us ? (同义句转换you to go to the movies with us ?

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