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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
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Discovering target groups in social networking sites: An effective method for maximizing joint influential power
With the tremendous popularity of social networking sites in this era of Web 2.0, increasingly more usersare contributing their comments and opinions about products, people, organizations, and many otherentities. These online comments often have direct influence on consumers’ buying decisions and the pub-lic’s impressions of enterprises. As a result, enterprises have begun to explore the feasibility of usingsocial networking sites as platforms to conduct targeted marking and enterprise reputation managementfor e-commerce and e-business. As indicated from recent marketing research, the joint influential powerof a sm all group of active users could have considerable impact on a large number of consumers’ buyingdecisions and the public’s perception of the capabilities of enterprises. This paper illustrates a novelmethod that can effectively discover the most influential users from social networking sites (SNS). In par-ticular, the general method of mining the influence network from SNS and the computational models ofmathematical programming for discovering the user groups with max joint influential power are pro-posed. The empirical evaluation with real data extracted from social networking sites shows that the pro-posed method can effectively identify the most influential groups when compared to the benchmarkmethods. This study opens the door to effectively conducting targeted marketing and enterprise reputa-tion management on social networking sites.
随着广受欢迎的社交网站在这个Web 2.0时代,越来越多的用户有关产品,人员,组织,和许多其他贡献自己的意见和建议的实体。
随着Web 2.0时代的到来,社交类网站越来越受到欢迎,越来越多的产品,组织,人员,和许多其他用户把自己的意见和建议实施和添加到这个实体中。
1. Introduction
In this Web 2.0 era, users are able to express their opinions onproducts through many channels such as online forums, shoppingwebsites, blogs, and wikis. These opinions can influence otherusers’ buying decisions and their views on companies (Cheunget al. 2009, Chevalier andMayzlin 2006, Dellarocas 2003,Hennig-Thurau and Walsh 2003, Koh et al. 2010, Mayzlin 2006,Park et al. 2007). Recently, the emerging channel of social network-ing sites (SNS), such asFacebook, Twitter, and Epinions, has at-tracted the attention of marketing practitioners and researchers.These sites not only permit users to express comments and opin-ions on products, people, organizations, and many other entities,but also enables users to build various social relationships. Forexample, on the Epinions site (Epinions 2010), a user can build atrust relationship with another by adding him or her to a trust list,or the user can block him or her with a block list. The site thenshows the trusted users’ opinions at the top of the list. With thesesocial relationships,
pinions will have greater impact on usersthan those expressed on the other channels (such as shoppingwebsites) because people always believe or accept more easilythe opinions of those with whom they have social relationships(Golbeck 2005, Lu et al. 2010, Massa and Avesani 2007). In addi-tion, the influence of opinions on SNS can be disseminated morewidely and quickly than that of other channels. Thus, some users’opinions captured on SNS can greatly influence other users’ buyingdecisions or their views on certain companies.
Many business entities have recently come to recognize thisphenomenon, and some companies have begun to identify certainusers of SNS to conduct online marketing and reputation manage-ment (Conlin and MacMillan 2010, Marks 2010, Miller and Dickson2001) in e-commerce and e-business. For companies to better uti-lize SNS for cost-effective, targeted marketing and reputation man-agement, they must address an important question, given the hugenumber of social network users a nd companies’ limited budgets.That brings us to the question of which users’ opinions will most influence others’ actions. If the most influential group of userscould be identified, companies could consume minimal resourcesto improve product sales and enhance their reputations.
此外,SNS 上的意见,能散发morewidely和速度比其他渠道影响。
最近许多商业实体已经认识到寻找这个状况,一些公司已开始物色SNS certainusers的,在电子商务和电子商务开展网络营销和声誉管理(康林和麦克米伦2010年,2010年商标,米勒和Dickson2001的)。
对于符合成本效益的,有针对性的营销和声誉的人管理公司,以更好地利用丽泽SNS,他们必须解决的一个重要问题,鉴于社交网络用户和公司的有限budgets.That hugenumber给我们带来了哪些用户的问题“意见mostinfluence他人的行为。
Although there are many existing studies on measuring nodeimportance in social network analysis (Wasserman and Faust1994), as well as studies that explore the spread of influence in so- cial networks (Kempe et al. 2003, Kempe et al. 2005), these works emphasize the importance of each node, without considering thejoint influ ential power of a group of nodes. According to the latestfindings from marketing research (Katona et al. 2007, 2011), if thecustomers are provided with positive information on products orenterprises by all related users in online communities, there maybe a higher probability of customers purchasing such products orhaving positive perceptions of these enterprises. This is known asthe joint influential power of a group of users. Previous researchalso indicates that the joint influential power of a small group of users could have considerable impact on a large number of con-sumers (Domingos and Richardson 2001, Richardson and Domin-gos 2002). Therefore, marketing personnel should identify theusers who have great joint influential power on SNS, and find waysto encoura ge these users to express positive opinions about com-panies and the companies’ products through the strategy oftargeted marketing. As a result, companies could maximally pro-mote product sales and improve enterprises’ reputations throughthe joint influential power of the specific group of users.
Effectively discovering the group of users with maximal jointinfluential power from the huge number of users on SNS has be-come a key issue for companies to conduct targeted marketingand reputation management. Although previous research hasexamined the problem of discovering a group of influential users,the heuristic method used does not address the issue of identifyinga group with maximal joint influential power (Zhang et al. 2008).One of the weaknesses of the previous research is that the usersare added into the target group one by one, according to theirattributes and parts of trust relationships between them, withoutconsidering the influential power of the target group as a whole.Thus, these method usually do not disc over target groups havingthe most joint influential power (Kempe et al. 2003). In contrast,our proposed method represents global influential relationshipsamong all users as a directed graph, and uses mathematical pro-gramming as the computational apparatus to discover the groupof users with maximal joint influential power. Considering the costof marketing, the proposed models can discover the target groupwith flexible costs. The empirical evaluation with real data fromEpinions and Twitter websites shows that the proposed methodshows much better performances, compared to the benchmarkmethods. In summary, the main contribution of our research isthe development of a novel method that discovers the user groupwith maximal joint influential power in a cost-effective way; italso overcomes the disadvantage of existing methods (Zhanget al. 2008) which only consider the attributes of users and partsof influence relationship. Our research opens the door to applywidely available data captured on SNS to conduct targeted market-ing and enterprise reputation management in e-commerce ande-business.
上一页researchalso表示的联合影响力的一小群ofusers的可能有相当大的影响了一大批CON消费者(2001年多明戈斯和理查德森,理查德森和海德明-GOS 2002)。
综上所述,我们的研究“是一种新的方法,发现用户groupwith最大的联合影响力的具有成本效益的方式发展的主要贡献,它也克服了现有方法的缺点(人Zhanget 2008)只考虑属性用户和影响关系partsof。
我们的研究开启了大门到applywidely SNS上捕获的数据进行有针对性的市场和企业声誉管理在电子商务安山岩业务。
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discussesrelated research. Section 3 provides an overview of the proposedmethod for cost-effective targeted marketing and enterprise repu-tation management. Section 4 presents the computational modelsfor discovering the most influential group s of users. Section 5 re-ports the experimental evaluation of the proposed method, andSection 6 summarizes our research work and discusses directionsfor future work.
剩下的纸张安排如下:第2 discussesrelated研究。
2. Related work
2.1. Target group
A few studies exist that involve discovering a target group, and these bear some similarity to this study. In (Zhang et al. 2008), an algorithm based on the trust relationships between users is pro-posed to detect the influential target groups. The users are ranked according to the number of their written reviews, and then the users and the trust relationships are sequentially added into the target group until the clustering coefficient of the target group is less than a threshold. However, the clustering coefficient only re-flects the influence relationships of the users added into the group,without considering the influence of relationships outside the group. Thus, this method fails to consider the influential power of the target group as a whole, and it tends to discover target groups consisting of mutual influence users which do not always have the most joint influential power over other users (Kempe et al. 2003). Diverging from their method, our proposed method mines the influence relationships from SNS, represents them in a directed graph, and discovers the target group that has maximal joint influential power by exploring all influence relationships using the models of mathematical programming.
2.2. Node importance
In social network analysis, centrality is proposed to measure the importance of one node, and the nodes with higher centrality will then influence others more greatly (Wasserman and Faust 1994). Among the centrality measures, degree centrality is the com-monly-used one for influence, which is defined as the number of links incident upon a node. Persons who have more ties to others within a network may have more chances to influence others. In an undirected social network, centrality value is the number of connections one person has. With a directed social network, there are two ways to measure centrality: centrality based on out-degree and centrality based on in-degree. Other evolved centrality mea-sures include closeness centrality (considering the distance factor) and betweenness centrality (considering the position factor). In addition, the importance of each reviewer on SNS is also identified by mining the linguistic features (Li et al. 2010). However. These metrics consider the importance of only one node, and the joint influential power of a group of nodes is not accurately reflected by their degree of centrality (Kempe et al. 2003). In contrast, our study discovers the group of users with maximal joint influential power to help companies to conduct online marketing and reputa-tion management.
2.3. Spread of influence
This problem was proposed initially by Pedro Domingos and Matt Richardson in (Domingos and Richardson 2001, Richardson and Domingos 2002), and various studies followed to improve upon this work. The purpose of these studies is to explore the spread of influence in online social networks, and to identify influ-ential users activating other users to buy products. In (Domingos and Richardson 2001), a method based on Markov random field is used to simulate the spread of influence. In (Even-Dar and Shapira 2007, Kempe et al. 2003, Kempe et al. 2005), the spread process of influence is described using the linear threshold model,independent cascade model, and voter model. In (Ben-Zwi et al.2009, Chen et al. 2009, Kimura et al. 2007), a number of efficient approximate algorithms are proposed for this problem. The influ- ence of network structure is explored in (Galstyan et al. 2009);product buying under a competitive social network is analyzed in (Carnes et al. 2007). In addition, other work has focused on diffu-sion and social influence in marketing research. For example, an approach is proposed to identify the specific users who most influ-ence others’ activities for advertising targeting and retention efforts (Trusov et al. 2010), Nair et al. (2010) explore the impact of social interactions and measure the value of influential users in directing targeted sales; a marketing strategy for maximizing revenues is studied in (Hartline et al. 2008).
In contrast to these works, our study focuses on discovering the target group of users with maximal joint influential power, which has high impact on users’ buying, as is evident from the most re-cent findings of marketing research (Katona et al. 2007, 2011).These marketing studies usually assume the condition of the influ-ence spread (such as certain probability), and
based on these assumptions, their methods identify influential users to make as much influence spread as possible. But our method is not based on any assumption, and given the influence strengths between users, can be used with any cases. In addition, these existing stud-ies mainly involve the ‘‘binary value’’ applications, such as buying or not, or adopting or not, while our study encompasses additional‘‘continuous value’’ applications, such as reputation management,brand identification, and public opinion guidance, which require changing users’ impressions of enterprises gradually. For these applications, discovering the group of users with maximal joint influential power is more important because their opinions can do the most to improve an enterprise’s image, strengthen brand recognition, and change public opinion.
在这些作品中,我们的研究着重于发现最大的联合影响力,具有高影响用户的购买目标的用户群,是显而易见的,从最重百分之市场调研结果(卡托纳等2007 ,2011)。
2.4. Community discovery
Much work has been done on community discovery in socialnetworks (Leskovec et al. 2010). The main purpose has been to partition the nodes of a network into groups, such that the
nodes n one group have better internal connectivity than external con-ectivity. Many proposed principles and algorithms regarding ommunity discovery have been classified into several main cate-gories: spectral algorithms adopt the idea of principal components nalysis to discover communities (Kannan et al. 2004); network ow-based algorithms represent edges with pipes with unit capa-bility, and use max flow-min cut algorithms to identify communi-ties (Flake et al. 2003). Edge-counting ideas (Flake et al. 2000,Radicchi et al. 2004) take a set of nodes with more edges pointing nside the community than do the rest of the network, with some lgorithms using ‘‘betweenness centrality’’ to find community oundaries. Recently, the modularity-based algorithms show otential performances which try to maximize the modularity of iscovered communities (Newman and Girvan 2004). Some studies nfer Web communities from link topology (Girvan and Newman 002); other work analyzes the community structure and semantic community (Gibson et al. 1998, Xu and Chen 2005). In addition, the characters of the social network community are explored, such as small-world property, power-law degree distribution, and network transitivity (Chen et al. 2008, Flake et al. 2002, Zhou et al. 2006). In contrast to these works, the main purpose of our study is to dis-cover a group of users with maximal joint influential power, rather than a group of users that is simply closely connected to eachother.
Our study is different from the existing ones in the following aspects. In contrast to existing studies that explore the importance of a single node in a social network, the objective of this study is to discover the target group of users with maximal joint influential power, which, according to the most recent findings of marketing research (Katona et al. 2007, 2011), is a very important factor influ-encing users’ adoption of products and their holding of positive sen-timental polarities about various companies on SNS. In addition,existing studies usually assume that social relationships between users are symmetric, and an undirected graph is used to model them. However, this is not true for some social relationships, such as the trust relationship. In this study, the directed graph is used to better model the asymmetric influence relationships.
一些的研究NFER链路拓扑(格文和纽曼002)的Web社区其他工作分析群落结构和语义社区(Gibson 等,1998年,徐和2005年陈)。
3. General process for discovering target groups
3.1. Influence network
On SNS, the influence relationships exist only among some sers, and the influence strengths vary between different pairs of sers. In addition, opp osed to the friendship relationship, the influ- nce relationship is asymmetric. Here, the influence network of sers is proposed to describe the influence relationships among sers on SNS represented as a directed graph. A simple influence etwork is shown in Fig. 1The influence network can be represented as G = (V, E, W), and includes the following components:
Node i: represents one user, such as ‘‘vemartin’’ and ‘‘Syntax’’ in ig. 1. The set of all nodes is marked as V = {1, . . . , i, . . . , n}.Arc (i, j): rep resents the influence relationship from user i to j.For example, the arc from ‘‘vemartin’’ to ‘‘Syntax’’ in Fig. 1 shows hat the user ‘‘vemartin’’ has influence on ‘‘Syntax.’’ The set of all arcs is marked as E = {(i, j) e V ⁄ V|i – j}.Weight xij: Each arc is set a weight xij representing the strength of influence; for example, the influence strength from ‘‘vemartin’’ to ‘‘Syntax’’ is 1. The set of all weights is marked as W = {xij|(i, j) e E}. Cost cost(S): There are related costs for targeting a set of users,and the cost of targeting users in S is marked as cost(S).
此外,反对的友谊关系,影响NCE 关系是不对称的。
在这里,影响网络的SERS SERS SNS上表示为一个有向图的影响之间的关系提出了描述。
网络(1)的影响可以表示为G =(V,E,W),并包括下列组件:
该组的所有节点被标记为V= {1,。
,n}的圆弧(I,J):表示从用户i的影响关系到j.For例如,产生的电弧,'' vemartin''''语法''图1显示了帽子的用户vemartin''''语法上的影响力。
所有的弧集为E={(I,J)∈V/ V | I - J}重量XIJ标记:每条弧设置一个XIJ(重量)的强度影响,例如,从“vemartin的影响强度”的“语法”是1。
所有的权重集被标记为W={XIJ|(I,J)E E}。
In fact, the influence network can represent both directed and undirected influences, for the undirected influence, such as friend-ships, the two influence strengths, wvu and wuv, can be set with the same value.
3.2. General process
As we know, there are many SNS, such as Myspace, Twitter, Epi-nions, and so forth. The proposed method can be used for discover-ing the influential groups based on data captured on SNS. Fig. 2 shows the general process of this method:
Data Collection. Some information about user profiles and the influence relationships among users are collected from SNS. This information may include the following:
1) User profile in formation, such as user ID, user role, etc.
2) Social relationships among users, such as a friendship rela-tionship on Facebook and Myspace, a follower relationship on Twitter, and a trust relationship on Epinions. These social relationships usually indica te influence relationships among users as well, because users always more easily believe or accept the opinions of those with whom they have social relationships (Golbeck 2005, Lu et al. 2010, Massa and Avesani 2007).
3) Ratings on users’ reviews. In some S NS, users can rate the opinions of other users. For example, on the Epinions website, users can rate opinions at five levels: ‘‘Not Helpful, Somewhat Helpful, Helpful, Very Helpful, Off Topic’’ to express their assessment of other users’ opinions. These rat ings also indicate the influence relationships among users to some degree: If user A always gives a high rating to user B’s reviews, user A tends to trust user B, and user B will very likely greatly influence user A.
4) Interaction information. On SNS, there are many interactions among users containing supporting or opposing informa- tion; mining these interactions using sentiment analysis and link-based technologies (Pang and Lee 2008) can iden-tify the consistent or inconsistent opinions between users to uncover the use r’s influence relationships.
Influence Network Construction. The influence network can be constructed by analyzing the collected data: The users compose the node set; the influence relationships are built by analyzing so-cial relationships, ratings, and interaction information. The influ-ence strength is set according to the social relationship, the number of positive and negative ratings, and the number of sup-porting and opposing interactions among users. Here, let p be the number of positive ratings and supporting interactions from user v to u, and n be the number of negative ratings and opposing inter-ðpÀnÞactions from v to u; thus, the influence strength is wuv ¼ 1ÀeðpÀnÞ . (For1þe different SNS, site-specific information can be explored to con-struct the influence network; two concrete cases are shown in the experimental evaluation section.)。