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Product-Quality Checklist

NOTE: All products exported to the U.S. will conform to the following production standards ; listed below are basic guidelines that will be followed, thus ensuring an acceptable level of quality.


Materials 材料

● All production materials will be of sound quality and suitable

for furniture construction

● 所有产吕材料必须确保品质并且适合家具制造。

● Solid wood will be chemically treated to avoid the presence of

wood bugs

● 所有实木必须经过防虫处理。

● Dead knots will not be present on any part of solid wood

● 实木上不可有死结

● All solid wood will be properly kiln dried to an EMC of 8% - 10%

before finishing (parts awaiting assembly should be wrapped in

plastic or stored in conditioning room to maintain acceptable EMC levels); solid wood EMC of 10% -12% is acceptable after finishing

● 所有实木材料涂装前需要烘干至含水率8%-10%(待组立的部件必须用塑料


● A moisture range of +/-2% (maximum) will be maintained when

laminating solids side-by-side to avoid cracking and splitting

● 两边拼接的实木含水率差异不可高于+/-2%以防止开裂。

● All whitewood parts will be properly sanded at the component


● 所有的白身需要在组立前砂光好

● A11 whitewood panels will be properly stacked to avoid warping

● 所有白身板料必须存放得当以防止弯巧翘现象发生。

● All of shelf need to sealed back side in advance

● 所有的层板背面需预上色以防止弯翘。

General Construction 基本品质要求

● All product will be engineered to ensure structurally sound construction

● 所有产品在开发设计上都要确保结构牢固

● All exposed surfaces will be free of |…

● 所有外露的表面均不能出现跳刀、碰伤、逆砂痕、沙穿,划伤等暇疵

❍ Tool marks

❍ Chip outs

❍ Cross grain sanding

❍ Veneer sand-through

❍ Scratches or other defects

● All joints, veneer and solid wood, will be tight and without any visible glue lines and/or excess putty or filler

● 所有接缝,薄片和实木结合处不得有明显胶印或溢出补土痕迹

● All joints will be secured by glue and at least one other method (glue and screw, glue and dowel, glue and nail, glue and clamp) with the exception of hot-melt glue

● 所有接缝/拼接头均要使用胶水加另外一种方式的方法因定(如:胶+木螺丝,胶+木榫,胶+打钉,胶+组框固定)。特殊情况:热熔胶可单独使用

● All panels will be pre-stained to prevent visible unfinished line caused by wood movements

● 所有板必须预先上色以防止出现因木材收缩导致露白现象

● All parting rails will have a “vein line”, or a thin groove

that conceals the joint between 2 pieces; all vein lines are to be a maximum of 1.5mm wide

● 所有连接处需要加美工槽以掩盖连接处,美工槽宽度不可超过1.5mm

● Finger joints in parting rails are unavoidable when manufacturing long items; should the need for finger faints arise…

● 当制作长横木时,指接不可避免,但所选木材须颜色相近,指接处也必须通过油漆掩盖

❍ Wood selected for finger jointing will be of similar color

❍ Finishing techniques will be employed to conceal glue joints

● Pilot holes will be drilled prior to installation of any screws ● 打钉处需预钻孔