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When I listen to music.
So I listen to music whenever I can.
When I took up music.
play basketball / football / volleyball / tennis / table tennis / badminton 打篮球/踢足球/打排球/ 打网球/打乒乓球/打羽毛球 head / catch / pass / throw a ball 用头顶头/ 接球 /传球/投球队
go fishing 去钓鱼
go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去滑冰 go skiing 去滑雪 climb mountains 爬山 jog 慢跑 run 跑步 the long jump 跳远 the high jump 跳高 the relay race 接力赛 diving 跳水 break the record 打破记录 kick a goal 进球
• Chinese Team won / lost the match by three goals. 中国队以三球赢了/输了这场比赛。
• It was a draw when we played against No.3 middle school last time. 上一次我们跟三中对打时,打了个平手。
• Go fishing can help me develop willpower. 钓鱼可以培养我的毅力。
• Running can help me refresh the mind and body. 跑步可以让我身心恢复活力。
• I like jogging in the morning. In early morning, the streets are quiet and the air is fresh. Jogging makes me feel happy and energetic for the whole day. 我喜欢早上慢跑,早晨街上非常安静,空气非常 清新。慢跑可以让我觉得非常愉快,并且让我全 天都觉得精力充沛。
• Doing sports can help me build a sound body. 做运动能帮助我形成一个健全的体格。
• Doing sports can help me keep fit and healthy. 做运动能帮助我保持健康。
• Doing sports can develop the muscles. 做运动可以使我的肌肉变得发达。
• I like England Team best. Because its players are very handsome. 我最喜欢英国队,因为它的队员们非常帅.
Passage 1
What my hobby is.
My hobby is listening to music. I especially (特别地)like rock and roll.
• Watching TV can enrich people’s life. 看电视可以丰富人们的生活。
• People can get a lot of information form the internet and TV. 人们通过因特网和电视可以得到很多信息。
• Laughing and crying with the characters in movies or novels can make me forget all the unhappy things. 跟电影或小说中的人一起哭笑 可以让我忘记所有不愉快的事情。
collect stamps 收集邮票 collect coins 收集硬币
take photos 摄影 listen to music 听音乐
go to the cinema 去看电影 pop music 流行音乐
rock and roll 摇滚乐 light music 轻音乐
classical music 古典乐 folk music 民族音乐
• My hobby is seeing opeLeabharlann Baiduas. 我的爱好是看戏剧。
• I am interested in seeing operas. 我对看戏剧感兴趣。
• I like seeing operas. 我喜欢看戏剧。 • I enjoy seeing operas. 我喜欢看戏剧。 • I am fond of seeing operas. 我喜欢看戏剧。 • I am crazy about seeing operas.
• Playing chess and computer games can train my brain. 玩象棋和电脑游戏可以训练我的脑子。
• My parents think that playing computer games too often will have bad influence on my study. So they just allow me to play it for half an hour after I finish my homework. 我父母认为玩电脑游戏会对我的学习产生不好的影响,所 以他们只允许我在做完作业后玩半个小时。
• Reading all kinds of books can enlarge my knowledge.
• Reading books give me a lot of pleasure and all kinds of knowledge. When I meet difficulties, I can use these knowledge to solve them.
读书让我很愉快,也给了我很多知识。当我遇到 困难时,我可以用这些知识来解决它。
• Watching movies can relieve me of the stress and tension of study. 看电影能缓解我学习的压力和紧张。
• Watching TV can help me escape from unhappy things. 看电视能让我从不高兴的事情中逃离出来。
• I like mountain climbing best. Every time when I climb to the top of the mountain, my heart is filled with a great sense of achievement.
我最喜欢爬山, 每次我爬到山顶时,心里就充满了 成就感.
• Pop music is very exciting. It arouse me from dull life. 流行乐非常令人兴奋,它可以将我从枯燥的生活中唤醒。
• Music makes me feel that the world is very vivid. 音乐让我觉得整个世界都是非常生动的。
• My favorite foot ball star is… 我最喜欢的球星是…
• I think the best football star is … I like him very much. 我认为最好的球星是…我非常喜欢他.
• My favorite football team is … Their skills are very wonderful. 我最喜欢的球队是…他们的技术非常棒.
See operas 看戏剧 read books 读书
surf the internet 上网
play computer games 电脑戏 paint 画画
watch TV 看电视 play chess 下象棋
TV series 电视连续剧
play cards打牌
play the violin / guitar / piano 弹风琴/吉它/钢琴
伦敦三一口语 等级考试四级辅导
• Hobbies and sports • Activities in different seasons or on
weekends • Shopping • Holidays • Food • Job
Hobbies and sports
我对看戏剧很着迷。 I took up tennis when I was fourteen. 我十四岁时开始喜欢上网球。
• I feel very excited / happy / inspired / relaxed / quiet / calm / moved. 我觉得非常兴奋/高兴/受鼓舞/放松/安静/平 静/感动。
• I love small animals. Now I am raising a lovely dog. 我喜欢动物, 我现在就在养一个可爱的狗 .
• The Chinese Team is playing against the Korean Team. 中国队和韩国队对打。
• Chinese Team beats Japanese Team. 中国队击败了日本队。
Why I like music.
Because these music are very exciting and the beat is very strong. I feel very happy, relaxed and excited when I listen to this kind of music and I almost forget all the unhappy things. Sometimes I feel that if I don’t listen to music, my brain doesn’t work.
• By playing computer games, I can react quickly and become imaginative. 玩电脑游戏可以让我反应很迅速,并且变得富有想象力。
• Computer games stimulate my interest in computer science. 电脑游戏刺激了我对电脑科学的兴趣。
• Music can drive away all my worries and unhappy things. 音乐能赶走我的烦恼和不愉快。
• Playing computer games can make me more clever because I have to react quickly. 玩电脑游戏可以让我变得更聪明因为我得反应非常迅速。
• Doing sports can increase my appetite and make me healthy. 做运动可以增加我的食欲,使我健康。
• Sports can train almost all parts of our body. 运动几乎可以训练我们身体的各个部位。
• Playing basketball can develop my team spirit. Because everyone should unite themselves and use all their energy to win the match. 打篮球可以培养我的团队精神,因为每个人都得 团结在一起,用尽自己的力量才能赢得比赛。
• My parents give me a lot of support so that I can develop my hobby. 我父母给了我很多支持,所以我才能培养自己的受好。
• Watching TV and playing computer games do harm to my eyes and affect my study. 看电视和玩电脑对我的眼睛有害,而且也影响我的学习。