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Brazil, the biggest country in South America, has drawn the whole world?s attention, as it will host the 2014 World Cup in less than a month. The country certainly has a long tradition of soccer and has won the World Cup five times. But except for w atching and playing soccer, Brazil?s beautiful landscape, various cultural events and delicious food also make it a great traveling destination. As one of the New Seven Wonders and an icon of Brazil, Christ the Redeemer is the famous statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, also one of the largest *art deco-statues in the world. Located at the top of the 700-meter Corcovado Mountain, it offers a sweeping *panorama of Guanabara Bay. It stands 98 feet (30 meters) tall, not including its 26-foot (8-meter) *pedestal, and its arms stretch to a width of 92 feet (28 meters). Situated on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is one of the great natural wonders of the world. They feature on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among its system of 275 waterfall s along the Iguazu River, the Devil?s Throat is the most magnificent one. It?s a U-shaped waterfall with a height of 269 feet (82 meters). At approximately 6,400 km, the Amazon River is the second longest river and the largest river by volume in the world. With 3,000 recognized species of fish, it is surrounded by half of the planet?s remaining rainforests. Tourists can boat upriver into the damp and enjoy the unique and powerful ambience of the wild. As Brazil?s best-known festival, Carnival is celebrated 46 days before the Easter festival and takes place over a period of about five days. Carnival is *derived from the word carnelevare, literally meaning “removal of meat”. Brazil?s carnival began during the European dominated era when followers of the Roman Catholic Church would *indulge in a last day of alcohol, dance, fun and sex just before the start of Lent, a period of

*abstinence from alcohol and other sins. Back then, people would exchange clothes and indulge in wild dancing. Nowadays, the most famous carnival is that held in Rio de Janeiro, where thousands of people, wearing masks and colorful costumes, dance samba to the sound of drums and music. Considered to be the national dish, feijoada is a black bean *stew with various types of beef and sausage. It originated from the time of colonization when the Portuguese brought their stew of black beans to Brazil. Its taste is strong, moderately salty but not spicy.

Ten ways to get fired

1. Lying on Your Resume

Tell the truth from the start, because you will be held responsible for the information you provide -- and your employer will check it.

2. Being Indiscreet About Your Job Hunt

If you are in the market for a new job, don`t send your resume from your office computer, which most likely is monitored by IT. Assume your instant messages and emails are fair game as well.

3. Gossiping

Walls have ears. Keep gossip to yourself. Winding up on the wrong side of the rumor mill can cost you more than somebody`s trust; it can mean your job.

4. Taking Too Many Personal Calls

Spending much of your work time orchestrating your own personal business usually results in being given an opportunity to spend all of your time on the phone on personal business -- looking for a new job, Star warns.

5. Drinking at Work

One of the quickest ways to be shown the door is drinking too much at lunch and walking into a wall. Maintaining your own clarity is extremely important.

6. Surfing the Web Excessively

Spending much of your workday cruising around cyberspace puts you just a point-and-click away from unemployment. And checking adult-oriented Web sites on the job is a definite no-no.

7. Becoming Romantically Involved with the Boss

While it may make for great water-cooler discussion, a boss/direct-report romance can easily end with someone out of a job. (Hint: It`s usually not the boss.)

8. Forgetting to Double-Check Your Figures

When working with numbers, scrutinize your work carefully. One stray zero could make the difference between being employed and unemployed, advises Star.

9. Alienating Your Coworkers

To do your job effectively, you`ll need the cooperation, support and good will of those around you. Becoming detached from those you work with could get you replaced with someone who can work well with others.

10. Pointing the Finger at Everyone but Yourself

Take ownership of your job. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Don`t try to sweep your mistakes under the carpet -- or worse yet, blame somebody else -- because the truth will usually come back to bite you on the bottom line. And nobody wants to trust or employ a liar, says Star.

Graduation Season

Caps and gowns, laughter and tears. It?s time for another set of graduates to say goodbye to their school days. There is no better way to celebrate these memorable moments and honor the passed youth than by taking photos. However, taking unique graduation photos requires some creative ideas. Here are popular styles and poses that previous graduates have experimented with.

The end of school time means the beginning of a new phase in life. Graduation season is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future.

Students from a Russian high school wrote their dreams on a blackboard and posed in front of it. Graduates from Hangzhou Dianzi University also followed this style. It is a good way to remind you not to forget your initial dreams and encourage you to fight for them. Just free your imagination and

draw whatever you want.

Decorating caps is welcomed by foreign university students. Caps and gowns usually give graduates a uniform look, but eye-catching decorations can make them stand out and create impressive pictures.

Writing messages on caps, like “Thanks mom and dad”, or “Genius grad” are popular choices. Asking your classmates or teachers to sign their names with colorful sketch pens is a good idea, too. You can also add embellishments like glittering stars, sequins, pastel colors, decorative beads, colorful crystals, or laces to draw more attention.

Whether its film posters or famous world paintings, they always give graduates inspiration. In 2008, more than 40 graduates from Guanghua School of Management at Peking University reproduced the scene of Italian painter Raphael?s great work The School of Athens. Popular film posters like You Are the Apple of My Eye, American Dreams in China are also choices for creative graduates. This style requires more time and cooperation, as all participants should use different poses and hold them for some time.

Graduation photos are not just about gowns. You can play with many styles of clothing to create a variety of images. Chinese tunic suits let you go back to the 1920s, while a traditional cheongsam gives you an elegant look. Some students wear clothes in Han Chinese clothing to enjoy the fun of traveling through time.

Zhang Yimou’s Coming Home

When you see the trailer for Coming Home , Zhang Yimou?s latest project, you may not feel intrigued by it at first, due to the film?s senior cast and historic setting.

But rest assured, Coming Home will draw you in with its emotionally charged story of love, joy and sorrow.

The movie follows a devoted couple, Lu Yanshi (Chen Daoming) and Feng Wanyu (Gong Li), who are separated when Lu is arrested as a political prisoner. Released during the last days of the “cultural revolution” (1966-76), Lu finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife has amnesia and is unable to recognize him. As a stranger in his broken family, Lu decides to resurrect their past together and reawaken his wife?s memory.

Just like the story suggests, Coming Home is a tearjerker. But different from those movies that make the audience cry by being evocative, such as Feng Xiaogang?s Aftershock or Pixar?s Toy Story 3, director Zhang?s idea of moving the audience is quite special, and makes the most of his delicate skills.

I n Coming Home, Zhang deals with a dramatic story in such a quiet way that the audience?s emotions are drawn out little by little by the main characters, as they struggle in pain while their heroic inner strength shines.

So, when you cry — and very likely you will — you will understand why: Because you wish a future happiness for the characters, and maybe because you can imagine the story having happened to your grandparents.

Another impressive aspect is how Zhang uses “amnesia”, a narrative technique that?s more common in romantic comedies. For that, he has Gong Li to thank the most. Gong, one of Zhang?s

longtime collaborators, knows precisely what the director wants. With a limited number of lines throughout the film, Gong is fully committed to her character and touches the audience with great facial expressions and subtle changes of emotion.

Maybe now you understand why everyone can relate to the film. Although it reflects on a big era through the story of a small family, the era is only a backdrop. What moves the young audience here is love, and you will leave the cinema with a new understanding of it.

When ‘no’ is right answer

No. It?s a simple word, but it can be so difficult to say. Whether it?s a favor asked by a friend, or a request from a co lleague, many people will say “yes” because they hate to let others down and saying “no” makes them feel uncomfortable.

According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, people will even agree to unethical requests rather than risk the discomfort of saying no. In a recent study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers recruited 25 college students and had them ask 108 strangers to vandalize a library book by writing a word in ink on one of the pages. While many of the strangers pointed out it was the wrong thing to do, or asked the students to take responsibility for any repercussions, half of the strangers agreed to deface the book — much more than the average of 29 percent that the students predicted. “One of our m ost fundamental needs is for social connection and a feeling that we belong” V anessa Bohns, who led the study, told The Wall Street Journal. “Saying …no? feels threatening to our relationships.”

And we worry that saying no will change the way the other person views us. If you have a reputation of being a helpful and accommodating person, it is even harder to say no because you don?t want to hurt that good reputation, says Adam Grant, a professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

“Every …no? is a missed opportunity to make a difference and build a relationship,” Grant wrote in a column for The Huffington Post.

Saying no is a rejection and a lot of times it does hurt feelings. But even so, psychologists say, most people probably won?t take our “no” as badly as we think they will. That?s because of something called a “harshness bias” — our tendency to believe others will judge us more severely than they actually do.

For those people pleasers, Grant says there?s a big difference between ple asing people and helping them. “Being a giver is not about saying yes to all of the people all of the time to all of the requests. It?s about saying yes to some of the people (generous givers who will return your favor, but not necessarily the selfish take rs) some of the time (when it won?t compromise your own goals and ambitions) to some of the requests (when you have resources or skills that are uniquely relevant).”

Always saying yes can make us overcommitted and put us under too much pressure. Saying no helps us protect our own priorities, psychologist Judith Sills told The Wall Street Journal. Another important reason to say no, Sills says, is it keeps us from caving in to peer pressure. “To have your own values, sometimes you have to say …no? to people with whom you don?t agree,” Sills says.


2012年第二十四届韩素音青年翻译奖规则及原文 2012-01-18 20:49:53| 分类:科研信息|字号订阅 中国译协《中国翻译》编辑部与江苏人文环境艺术设计研究院(中国译协江苏培训中心)联合举办第二十四届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛。具体参赛规则如下: 一、本届竞赛分别设立英译汉和汉译英两个奖项,参赛者可任选一项或同时参加两项竞赛。 二、《中国翻译》2012年第1期以及中国翻译协会网站(https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f9806876.html,)韩素音青年翻译奖专栏刊登竞赛规则、竞赛原文;参赛报名表请到中国翻译协会网站韩素音青年翻译奖专栏下载。 三、参赛者年龄:45岁以下(1967年1月1

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第二讲 原句:I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. 译文:我抓起那支最大的画笔,势不可挡扑向那全无招架之力的画布。 原文:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. 译文:吸烟肯定与肺癌有关,但这并不能使你感到太不舒服,因为吸烟的人不止你一个。 原文:Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. 译文:德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。 He is the last man to come. He is the last man to do it. He is the last person for such a job. He should be the last (man) to blame. 原文:John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 译文:约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 死译:one-to-one translation: each SL word has a corresponding TL word. 硬译:word-for-word translation: Transfers SL grammar and word order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words, into translation. It is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences. Literal translation goes beyond one-to-one translation, ranges from one word to one word, through group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, to sentence to sentence. Literal translation is the basic translation procedure both in communicative and semantic translation, in that translation starts from there. ---by Newmark Liberal Translation mainly conveys the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence pattern or figures of speech. 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 错译:Our friends are all over the world. 译文: We have friends all over the world. 单词


英译汉短文翻译 1. Job security is extremely hard to come by these days, no matter what profession you choose. It isn't enough to pursue a field with perceived stability, say the experts. You'll want to find something you feel passionate about, can make a living doing and that involves using skills you can easily apply to other fields. 在当前的经济形势下,无论你从事何种职业,就业稳定都很难找到稳定的就业机会。专家们表示,光是追求预计能够带来稳定就业的领域是不够的。你希望追求的方向应该是你所热爱的、能够借以维持生计的职业,并且能够运用到一些你可以轻松转换到其它领域的技能。 2. Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better. 爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。爱使你想要得到些什么。没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。然而我们常常把这想当然了,只有等到我们结了婚并且有了孩子之后,一个人才会懂得并注意别人的感受。孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生 3. When companies have different employees on the same job and one of them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface. "It can happen in any 'open shop' that differentiates pay for any reason (seniority, performance, etc.)," says Dauphinais. You could run the risk of alienating valued colleagues if they learn you earn more for what they perceive to be the same job. 公司雇佣不同的人员从事同一岗位的工作时,如果其中有个人的薪资不同时,很多不公平的问题就会浮出水面。Dauphinais 说:“这种情况在任何开放行业都有可能发生,因为不同的原因(资历,表现等)员工的薪酬不同”。如果你让同事知道你们在做相同的工作,而你的工资比他们高,那么你就可能会被你很重视的同事疏远。 4. Spouses are a bigger source of stress than bosses, research shows. There may be no place like home, but if you want to relax then you might be better off at work, according to the survey.


英语翻译实践报告 《翻译1》课程实践报告 翻译课程介绍 翻译是全国高等教育自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门必考课程。英汉翻译包括英译汉和汉译英,是一门实践性很强的课程。 通过学习本课程,学生应该熟悉英汉两种语言各自的特点;能将中等难度的英语文章译成汉语,内容准确,文字流畅;能将比较简易的汉语文章译成英语,用词得当,语法平稳。本课程与英语专业其他课程相辅相成。它作为一门实践课,有赖于英语专业其他课程为应考者打下良好的基础,使应考者掌握一定的词汇量和语法知识,初步达到阅读英文原著的水平,并有一定的写作能力,因而具备从事英汉翻译的条件。另一方面,通过大量翻译实践和语言对比研究,学生可以进但在翻译时,往往因受原文的影响,而容易一步认识英汉两种语言各自的特点。 忽略在译文中体现原有的特点。这也就是本课程的难学之处。但通过学习本课程,了解了英汉两种语言的各自特点,并能在翻译实践中恰当地加以运用,定会提高使用两种语言的能力和翻译水平。 课程实践目的及过程 为了将课堂上所学知识更好地运用于实践,10级翻译3班在王静老师的带领下,来到了位于德胜工业园区的百瑞源枸杞养生馆和厚生记食品有限公司进行参观学习。 在参观之前,王老师要求同学们查找关于枸杞的相关资料,基本上了解了枸杞的种植技术、生产流程、营养价值等知识。

宁夏枸杞产业在宁夏省外也有不少公司,而且,百瑞源是宁夏唯一一个进驻2010年上海世博会的企业,这不仅提升了宁夏在国内外的知名度,也让更多国内外朋友了解了宁夏枸杞的与众不同,同时也为百瑞源走出中国,迈向国际舞台提供了良机。 在参观过程中,同学们品尝了味美色鲜的枸杞、其他枸杞制品和,可谓是大饱了口福。但同学们并未忘记此行的目的,大家一边参观,一边了解相关的知识,对于枸杞的营养价值和种类有了进一步了解;同时,在参观过程中,同学们发现了不少汉英翻译的错误,对于一个企业来说,要想进入全球市场,对外宣传和对外交流是至关重要的,所以企业品牌的跨文化交流成为了一种必然趋势。这让同学们不禁为企业的进一步发展担忧。作为翻译专业的学生,对此比较敏感,于是,大家纷纷把有错误的地方拍下来,准备参观结束后再进行更正。 回校后,王老师把全班分成若干组,每组负责一部分企业的宣传资料,然后让同学们查找翻译的错误并改正。我们组分到的任务比较少,但是,在我们仔细读过之后发现了不少错误,而且有些还是由于英汉表达习惯的不同导致的比较明显的错误。虽然字数不多,却涉及不少商贸以及新闻语体。我们小组成员认真思考,经过讨论后把我们最后的翻译结果交给了王老师。 课程实践的收获 通过这次的翻译实践,我更加清楚的认识到自己英语相关方面的知识还远远不足,也让我更加清醒的认识到,丰富自己的词汇量及语境英语句型的重要性。我对翻译充满了热爱,怀着这份热爱,我要跟加严格的要求自己。今后,把更多的时间和精力投身到翻译知识中去,争取在翻译方面有所突破和发展。 翻译是一项很困难的工作,要做到精益求精,专业性非常强,而且要与时俱进,这让我知道了仅有翻译技巧是远远不够的,需要平时大量的艰苦练习,不断积累,才能在翻译中获得巨大收获。而且,作为翻译专业的学生,只凭课堂上学到的


英译汉竞赛原文: The Concept of Intelligence in Cross-cultural Perspectives [1] One of the positive outcomes from so much research on the relationship between culture and intelligence is an expanded view of what intelligence may be, and how it may be conceptually related to culture. This issue is intricately intertwined with cross-cultural research on intelligence because one of the possible confounding factors in previous studies that documented cultural differences has been cultural differences in the very concept and meaning of intelligence. [2] Researchers in this area have discovered that many languages have no word that corresponds to our idea of intelligence. The closest Mandarin equivalent, for instance, is a Chinese character that means “good brain and talented”. Chinese people often associate this concept with traits such as imitation, effort, and social responsibility. Such traits do not constitute important elements of the concept of intelligence for most Americans. [3] African cultures provide a number of examples. The Baganda of East Africa use the word obugezi to refer to a combination of mental and social skills that make a person steady, cautious, and friendly. The Djerma-Songhai in West Africa use the term akkal, which has an even broader meaning – a combination of intelligence, know-how, and social skills. Still another society, the Baoule, uses the term n’glouele, which describes children who are not only mentally alert but also willing to volunteer their services without being asked. [4] Because of the enormous differences in the ways cultures define intelligence, it is difficult to make valid comparisons from one society to another. That is, different cultures value different traits (their definition of “intelligence”) and have divergent views concerning which traits are useful in predicting future important behaviors (also culturally defined). People in different cultures not only disagree about what constitutes intelligence but also about the proper way to demonstrate those abilities. In mainstream North American society, individuals are typically rewarded for displaying knowledge and skills. This same behavior may be considered improper, arrogant, or rude in societies that stress personal relationships, cooperation, and modesty. [5] These differences are important to cross-cultural studies of intelligence because successful performance on a task of intelligence may require behavior that is considered immodest and arrogant in Culture A (and therefore only reluctantly displayed by members of Culture A)but desirable in Culture B (and therefore readily displayed by members of Culture B). Clearly, such different attitudes toward the same behavior could lead researchers to draw inaccurate conclusions about differences in intelligence between Culture A and Culture B. [6] Another reason it is difficult to compare intelligence cross-culturally is that tests of intelligence often rely on knowledge that is specific to a particular culture; investigators based in that culture may not even know what to test for in a different culture. For example, one U.S. intelligence test contains the following question: “How does a violin resemble a piano?” Clearly, this question assumes prior knowledge about violins and pianos –quite a reasonable expectation for middle-class Americans, but not for people from cultures that use different musical instruments. [7] Our expanding knowledge about cultural differences in the concept of intelligence has had important ramifications for our theoretical understanding of intelligence in mainstream American psychology as well. Although traditional thinking and reasoning abilities have dominated views of intelligence in the past, in recent years psychologists have begun to turn their attention to other possible aspects of intelligence. Until very recently, for example, creativity was not considered a part of intelligence; now, however, psychologists are increasingly considering this important human ability as a type of intelligence. Other aspects of intelligence are also coming to the forefront. A psychologist has suggested that there are really seven different types of intelligence: logical mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. According to this scheme, not only do the core components of each of these seven types of intelligence differ, but so do some sample end-states (such as mathematician versus dancer). His theory of


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导2007 年 1 月一、考试题型和模拟题 1. 选择题: 10 题,每题 2 分,共 20 分。 范围主要包括翻译标准,直译与意译问题,翻译的定义,文化与翻译的问题。 2. 问答题: 2 题,每题 15 分,共 30 分。 范围主要包括直译与意译问题,翻译的标准,比如玄奘对翻译事业的贡献等等。 3. 段落翻译(英译汉): 1 段,共 50 分。 这部分在课外。 选择题(在四个选项中选择一个正确答案): 1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事---C---的翻译。 A. 佛教经典 B. 文学作品 C. 科技著作 D. 哲学著作 2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了---A--- 的翻译观点。 A. 善译 B. 化境 C. 神似 D. 信、达、雅 3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是--B----的译作。 A.严复 B. 林纾 C. 林语堂 D. 梁实秋 4.意译是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不 1 / 11

必拘泥于--D----的形式。 A. 词句 B. 词句和比喻 C. 各种修辞手段 D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段 5. 翻译是一种( A )的交际活动。 A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言 C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会 6. 翻译的理想单位是: __________。 () A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词 7. 下列四个语言特点中, ----B--不是广告英语的特点。 A. 多祈使句 B. 多后置定语 C. 多新词汇 D. 多常用词汇 8. 鲁迅曾提出过-------B-------- 的翻译观点。 A. 宁顺而不信 B. 宁信而不顺 C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信 D. 忠实、通顺、得体 9. 在下列四组特点中, ---D---组符合英语语言的实际情况。 A. 重意合,多主动结构,多动态词,多重复,多生物词作主语 B.重形合,多主动结构,多动态词,多替代,多物称词作主语 C.重意合,多被动结构,多静态词,多重复,多生物词作主语 D.重形合,多被动结构,多静态词,多替代,多物称词作主语 10. 下列四种语言特点, ----B----不符合英语语言的实际情况。 A. 重形合 B. 多动态词语 C. 多替代 D.多物称词作主语 11. Last night I heard him driving his pigs


英译汉练习短文6篇· Passage 1 Satiric Literature1 Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspected before Cervantes2, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley3, and people were aware of famine before Swift4. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression,the satiric method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are


实践报告 这周是英语专业的翻译实践周,这次的专业实习让我受益匪浅,收获颇多。专业实习的主要目的是要培养我们理论联系实际,综合运用所学基础知识、基本理论和技能,独立分析、解决问题的能力。在大学的第三学年,实习是一个很重要的环节,对我们以后的工作实习也有一定的帮助。所以,我们要端正态度,认真对待这次的专业实习。 我们的主要任务是进行英译汉和汉译英的翻译实践,为此在实践的过程中,我总结了四种必备的翻译工具:一是灵格斯翻译工具,里面可安装各式的词典;二是百度搜索工具;三是有道词典;四是英汉词典;五是汉英词典。翻译的过程如下:首先可以现在灵格斯里查询不懂的单词和词组,寻找最符合原文的解释。然后采取同时在百度和有道词典搜索的做法,并对同种搜索工具搜索结果进行比较。他们有着各自的优缺点。所以我们最后用到的就是英汉和汉英辞典,可以对我们翻译之中的词汇,进行最后的确认,确定出最最准确的译法。 在翻译过程中也遇到到了一些困难,这说明在漫漫的英语学习过程中我还要继续努力。学如逆水行舟,不进则退,只要每天我认真学习,那就是一种进步。人生总归会有许多挫折,但我们若不跨过这道坎,就不会有进步,滞留不前。我们要用有限的生命创造无限的价值,勇敢面对每一个挑战。 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地表达出来的语言行为。当然纸上谈兵是无稽之谈,光有理论知识而不实践操作也是没有用的。有位翻译家这么说过,“学翻译犹如学游泳。只在岸边看别人游,或只听教练讲解,是学不会的。”所以要想提高自己的翻译能力,一定要通过实践。实践可以分为两类,直接的实践和间接的实践。 所谓直接的实践,就是自己亲身参加的实践,也就是自己动手翻译。一回生,二回熟,日积月累,第一手经验多了,做起来得心应手,翻译能力有所提高。所谓“熟能生巧”,就是这个道理。但自己能译的东西是有限的,从这种实践中得出的经验也是有限的。因此,还需要借助于间接的实践。 所谓间接的实践,就是研究别人的译文。比如,一篇文章在手,准备翻译,这时先找一些有关的资料或同类文章的译文看一看,在词语和风格方面定会有所借鉴。别人的译文是别人直接实践的产物,看了别人的译文,就是从事间接实践。


翻译理论与实践 I. Improve the following Translations: 25% 1. Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole. 译文:往往一天辛苦工作结束时,一个人会灰心地意识到他所完成的少量的一堆工作对整个工作产生无限小的影响。 2. They left me at the gate, nor easily or lightly; and it was a strange sight to me to see the cart go on, taking Peggoty away, and leaving me under the elus tree looking at the house in which there was no face to look at me with love or likely any more. 译文:他们在大门前离开我,这也不容易的,不愉快的;看见车子载着辟果提走了,把我留在那些老榆下看那所房子,房子里再也没有一张怀着爱或欢心来看我的脸了,我觉得这是一种稀有的景象。 3.Any visitor to China is overwhelmed by the contradictions inherent in its helter-skelter (喧嚣混乱的)progress. 译文:任何到中国的人,都会被她喧嚣混乱的进步中所固有的矛盾所压倒。 4. 二十岁的时候,随时随地向人透露我的年龄,答得比问得还快。三十岁之后, 最恨别人问年龄,你要是非问不可,你猜啊。 译文:At the age of twenty, I was always ready to disclose my age on all occasions and could not wait to speak out the answer until the inquirer finished his words. After I have turned thirty, I hate any inquiry about my age. If you insist, have a guess.


英译汉历年真题全文翻译 1994年真题参考译文 新学派科学家们认为,在扩大科学知识范围的过程中,技术是一股被忽视了的力量(71)他们认为,科学之所以向前发展,与其说是因为天才伟人的真知灼见,还不如说是因为像改进了的技术和工具之类更为普遍的东西。(72)一位新学派的领袖人物坚持说,简言之,所谓的科学革命主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用;这一系列工具的改进、发明和使用在无数个方面拓展了科学的领域。(73)多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性革新的源泉在很大程度上被历史学家和思想家们所忽视了。肯定技术的现代派认为,诸如伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的著名科学大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都十分重视各种不同的、可用于科学实验的工艺信息和技术装臵并从中获益匪浅,提倡肯定技术、

否定天才的论点之核心是对伽利略在科学革命的初期所起作用的分析。当时人们对天体的认识源于公元二世纪时的天文学家托勒密。他认为,在复杂的天体系统中所有的天体都围绕着地球运动。(74)伽利略最伟大的成就在于,在l 609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜来观察天空的人,以证实行星是围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转的。但故事中真正的英雄,新学派科学家们认为,是改进制作眼镜的机器的漫长过程。 联邦政府的政策不可避免地卷入了这场?技术?对?天才?之争。(75)政府是应该以牺牲技术作为代价来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这常常取决于人们把哪一个看作驱动力量。 1995年真题参考译文

广泛用来帮助选拔、分类、委派或者提拔学生、雇员和军事人员的标准化教育或心理测试最近在图书、杂志、日报甚至国会中成了攻击的目标。(71)把标准化测试作为抨击的目标是错误的,因为在抨击这些测试的时候,批评家没有注意到错误在于那些不甚了解或者是不能胜任的使用者。测试本身只是工具,其特点是在具体条件下可以得到相当精确的测定。测试结果究竟是有价值、无意义或者有误导作用在部分程度上取决于工具本身,但在很大程度上取决于使用者。 所有对未来表现有根据的预测都取决于对相关的过去表现的一些了解:学习成绩、研究能力、销售纪录或者任何合适的信息。(72)这些测试将在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。任何认真记分的人都知道,能获得的信息往往不全面,而且预测很容易出现错误。


第二十六届“韩素音”青年翻译大赛 竞赛原文 来源:中国译协网 英译汉竞赛原文: How the News Got Less Mean nip slips and no inflammatory ranting will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research. The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity. The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future. “When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,” says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.” “You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner —it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive id entity in social media.” And the science appears to support Pariser’s philosophy. In a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that “up votes,” showing that a visitor liked a comment or story, begat more up votes on comments on the site, but “down votes” did not do the same. In fact, a single up vote increased the


第九届“郑州大学—《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛英译汉原文 The Whoomper Factor By Nathan Cobb 【1】As this is being written, snow is falling in the streets of Boston in what weather forecasters like to call “record amounts.” I would guess by looking out the window that we are only a few hours from that magic moment of paralysis, as in Storm Paralyzes Hub. Perhaps we are even due for an Entire Region Engulfed or a Northeast Blanketed, but I will happily settle for mere local disablement. And the more the merrier. 【1】写这个的时候,波士顿的街道正下着雪,天气预报员将称其为“创纪录的量”。从窗外望去,我猜想,过不了几个小时,神奇的瘫痪时刻就要来临,就像《风暴瘫痪中心》里的一样。也许我们甚至能够见识到《吞没整个区域》或者《茫茫东北》里的场景,然而仅仅部分地区的瘫痪也能使我满足。当然越多越使人开心。 【2】Some people call them blizzards, others nor’easters. My own term is whoompers, and I freely admit looking forward to them as does a baseball fan to April. Usually I am disappointed, however; because tonight’s storm warnings too often turn into tomorrow’s light flurries. 【2】有些人称它们为暴风雪,其他人称其为东北风暴。我自己则有一个叫法:呐喊者。我大方地承认道我期待着它们的到来,正如一位篮球迷盼望着四月份的来临。然而通常情况下,我会大失所望,因为今天发布了风暴警报,明天往往只飘起小雪。

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