MIL-STD-202G Method 310(中文版).pptx
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Product features:•Designed to UL 248 and UL 248-14•Halogen free, lead free, RoHS compliant •Special design telecom circuit protection devices•High inrush current withstandingcapability reduces nuisance openings •Fuseclip assembly method •Rugged ceramic construction •Excellent environmental integrity •One time positive disconnect•Economical solution with breakingcharacteristics similar to a circuit breakerAgency information•cURus Recognized Guide JDXY2, JDXY8,File E19180Part number system/orderingBK1/ TCP70-5-R• BK1/ = 1000 fuses packed in a cardboard carton • TCP70- = Fuse series • 5 = Amp rating •-R = RoHS compliantApplications•Telecommunication DC voltage circuitsTCP7070 Vdc T elecom fusesHALOGENHF FREEPb 2020 2017Discontinued effective January 12, 2022 or until inventory is depleted./el ectronics2Technical Data 10250Effective October 2020TCP7070 V d c T elecom fusesProduct specificationsDimensions - mmPart Number Voltage Rating (Vdc)Current Rating (A)Interrupting Rating (A)1Typical Cold Resistance (m Ω)2Typical Voltage Drop(mV)Typical Pre-Arcing I 2t(A 2s)3Fuse MarkingColor (text)TCP70-5-R 705250034.523550Black TCP70-6-R 706250020.116548Black TCP70-10-R 7010250010.5148165Black TCP70-15-R 70152500 6.3138460Black TCP70-30-R703025002.05844400BlackElectrical characteristics% of Amp RatingOpening Time 100% 4 hours minimum150%<60 min 200%<2 minEnvironmental Data•Operating temperature range: -55 °C to +125°C (see derating curve)•Altitude: <2000 m above sea level•Humidity: 90% at +20 °C, 50% at +40 °C non-condensingReliability•Thermal shock test — MIL-STD-202G Method 107 G air-to-air, 100 cycles •Temperature cycling — JESD22 Method A104, Condition B, 100 cycles •Mechanical shock test — MIL-STD-002 Method 213B, 50g•Mechanical vibration test — MIL-STD-202, Method 204D, condition D, 20 g, 10-500 Hz.Packaging•1000 fuses packed into a cardboard carton. Order with part number prefix BK1/. E.g., BK1/TCP70-5-R Recommended PCB fuseclips•1Axxxx Series for 6.3 mm (1/4”) fuses - see data sheet # 2131.1.DC Interrupting Rating (Measured at rated voltage, time constant of less than 50 microseconds, battery source).2.DC Cold Resistance are measured at <10% of rated current in ambient temperature of +20 °C.3.Typical Pre-arcing I 2t (A 2s) are measured at 10I n and rated current.ConstructionNot to scale1.Tin-plated copper cap2.Ceramic tube3.Fuse element wire4.Filler5.EyeletDiscontinued effective January 12, 2022 or until inventory is depleted.3Technical Data 10250Effective October 2020TCP7070 V d c T elecom fusesTime-current curves100,00010,00010001001010.10.010.0010.0001Current in AmpsT i m e i n S e c o n d s/el ectronics4TCP7070 V d c T elecom fusesTechnical Data 10250Effective October 2020I 2t (A 2s) Curves10,000,0001,000,000100,0001000100100.00010.0011.010,000100,000Time in SecondsI 2t (A 2s ) i n S e c o n d s0.010.1101001000100,000,00010,000TCP7070 V d c T elecom fusesTechnical Data 10250Effective October 2020Thermal derating curve0.6-40Ambient Temperature (°C)F a c t o r o f R a t e d C u r r e n t (A m p s ) Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of an officer of the Compan . Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant inju y to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.EatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesE /electronics © 2020 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 10250 October 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Discontinued effective January 12, 2022 or until inventory is depleted.。
1. 直插式LED2. 表贴式LED3. 1大功率LED (0.5W )试验项目:类别试验项目参考标准试验条件持续时间取样数接收水准JEITA ED-4701100 105JEITA ED-470130℃←→65℃200 203RH=90% 24小时/1回合JEITA ED-4701200 201JEITA ED-4701200 202JEITA ED-4701100 103T a =25℃I F =150mAT a =60℃ RH=90%I F =100mAT a =-30℃I F =120mA JEITA ED-4701300 301T sol =245℃±5℃,5秒使用助焊剂JEITA ED-470120G 20-2000HZ 4分钟400 403X,Y,Z三个方向判定标准:标示测试条件V F I F =150mA I R V R =5V φV I F =150mA ———I F =150mA —I F =150mA跌落试验没有死灯及明显损坏50/5振动试验没有死灯及明显损坏机械试验振动试验每个方向循环4次50/5跌落试验75厘米3次—可焊性浸锡面积达95%以上反压电流≦10μA光通量 单颗衰减≦50%, 并且平均衰减≦30%项目 判定标准正向电压初始值±10%50/5可焊性焊接一次50/5破坏性试验耐焊性T sol =260℃±5℃,10秒焊接一次 —低温寿命试验1000小时300/30—0/30寿命试验常温寿命试验1000小时300/30高温高湿寿命试验1000小时300/3030高温高湿储存T a =60℃ RH=90%1000小时30300/300/30低温储存T a =-40℃1000小时300/30高温储存T a =100℃300/30冷热冲击MIL-STD-202G -40℃←→100℃15分钟 15分钟循环300回合300/30环境试验温度循环-40℃→25℃→100℃→25℃30分钟 5分钟 30分钟 5分钟循环100回合高湿热循环循环50回合1000小时——3. 2大功率LED (1W )试验项目:类别试验项目参考标准试验条件持续时间取样数接收水准JEITA ED-4701100 105JEITA ED-470130℃←→65℃200 203RH=90% 24小时/1回合JEITA ED-4701200 201JEITA ED-4701200 202JEITA ED-4701100 103T a =25℃I F =350mAT a =60℃ RH=90%I F =250mAT a =-30℃I F =300mA JEITA ED-4701300 301T sol =245℃±5℃,5秒使用助焊剂JEITA ED-470120G 20-2000HZ 4分钟400 403X,Y,Z三个方向判定标准:标示测试条件V F I F =350mA I R V R =5V φV I F =350mA ———I F =350mA —I F =350mA振动试验没有死灯及明显损坏跌落试验没有死灯及明显损坏机械试验振动试验每个方向循环4次550/5跌落试验75厘米3次0/5可焊性浸锡面积达95%以上反压电流≦10μA光通量 单颗衰减≦50%, 并且平均衰减≦30%项目 判定标准正向电压初始值±10%50/5可焊性焊接一次50/5破坏性试验耐焊性T sol =260℃±5℃,10秒焊接一次低温寿命试验1000小时—300/300/30寿命试验常温寿命试验1000小时300/30高温高湿寿命试验1000小时300/30高温高湿储存T a =60℃ RH=90%1000小时30——0/30低温储存T a =-40℃1000小时300/30高温储存T a =100℃1000小时30高湿热循环循环50回合300/30-40℃←→100℃15分钟 15分钟循环300回合300/30环境试验温度循环-40℃→25℃→100℃→25℃30分钟 5分钟 30分钟 5分钟循环100回合300/30冷热冲击MIL-STD-202G ——3. 3大功率LED (3W )试验项目:类别试验项目参考标准试验条件持续时间取样数接收水准JEITA ED-4701100 105JEITA ED-470130℃←→65℃200 203RH=90% 24小时/1回合JEITA ED-4701200 201JEITA ED-4701200 202JEITA ED-4701100 103T a =25℃If=700mAT a =60℃ RH=90%If=500mAT a =-30℃I F =600mA JEITA ED-4701300 301T sol =245℃±5℃,5秒使用助焊剂JEITA ED-470120G 20-2000HZ 4分钟400 403X,Y,Z三个方向判定标准:标示测试条件V F I F =700mA I R V R =5V φV I F =700mA ———I F =700mA —I F =700mA振动试验没有死灯及明显损坏跌落试验没有死灯及明显损坏振动试验每个方向循环4次5跌落试验75厘米3次5循环300回合循环50回合1000小时T a =100℃高温高湿寿命试验常温寿命试验高温高湿储存高温储存低温储存高湿热循环冷热冲击MIL-STD-202G T a =-40℃T a =60℃ RH=90%0/300/3030301000小时1000小时0/30303030300/300/300/30T sol =260℃±5℃,10秒≦10μA0/530550/50/5焊接一次0/5反压电流光通量初始值±10%项目 正向电压 单颗衰减≦50%, 并且平均衰减≦30%——机械试验可焊性30判定标准低温寿命试验破坏性试验可焊性焊接一次0/30耐焊性寿命试验301000小时1000小时-40℃→25℃→100℃→25℃30分钟 5分钟 30分钟 5分钟-40℃←→100℃15分钟 15分钟浸锡面积达95%以上1000小时温度循环0/300/30—循环100回合环境试验——。
RELIABILITY TEST CONDITIONSWIRE WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS TYPEFOR SMD322522/453232 / SMTSDR322520/453226 / SMDCHGR0603/0805/1008/1210 / SMDFSR1008 / SMTS Item (项目)Required Characteristics (要求)Test Method/Condition (测试方法)High temperature Storage testReference documents:MIL-STD-202G Method 108A 高温储存试验1.No case deformation orchange in appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化不超过10%3.质量因子变化不超过30%4.直流电阻变化不超过10%Temperature: 85±2℃Time : 96±2 hoursTested not less than 1 hour, nor more than 2hours at room temperature.温度: 85±2℃,时间: 96±2,小时样品在室温下放置1小时,不超2小时间必须测试.Low temperature Storage testReferencedocuments:IEC 68-2-1A 6.1 6.2低温储存试验1.No case deformation or changein appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化不超过10%3.质量因子变化不超过30%4.直流电阻变化不超过10%Temperature: -25±2℃Time : 96±2 hoursTested not less than 1 hour, nor more than 2hours at room temperature.温度: -25±2℃,时间:96±2,小时样品在室温下放置1小时,不超2小时间必须测试.Humidity test Referencedocuments: MIL-STD-202G Method 103B湿度测试1.No case deformation or changein appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化不超过10%3.质量因子变化不超过30%4.直流电阻变化不超过10%1. Dry oven at a temperature of 40° ±5°Cfor 24 hours.2. Measurements At the end of this period3. Exposure:Temperature: 40±2℃, Humidity:93±3%RH Time : 96±2 hours4. Tested while the specimens are still in thechamber5. Tested not less than 1 hour, nor morethan 2 hours at room temperature.1.样品必须先在40° ±5°条件下干燥24小时2.干燥后测试3.暴露: 温度:40±2℃, 湿度: 93±3%RH 时间: 96±2 hours4.暴露结束后,在试验箱中进行测试.5.样品在室温下放置1小时,不超2小时间必须测试.Thermal shock testReference documents:MIL-STD-202G Method 107G 热冲击测试1.No case deformation or changein appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%For T: weight≦28g : 15Min; 28g≦weight≦136g : 30Min1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化小于10%3.质量因子变化小于30%4.直流电阻变化小于10%First -40℃forT time, next +125℃T time as 1cycle. Go through 20 cycles.从-40℃作用T分钟,然后温度冲击到125℃作用T分钟, 作为一个循环,共作用20次.Solderability testReference documents:MIL-STD-202G Method 208H IPC J-STD-002B可焊性测试Terminals area must have95% min.Solder coverage端子必须有95%以上着锡•Dip pads in flux then dip insolder pot at 245±5°C for 5 second.•Soler: Sn(93.5)/Ag(3.5)•Flux: rosin flux•端子侵入着焊剂,然后侵入245±5°C 锡炉中5秒•焊料:Sn(93.5)/Ag(3.5)•助焊剂: 松香助焊剂Heat endurance of Reflow solderingReference documents:IPC J-STD-020B过再流焊测试•No case deformation orchange in appearance.•ΔL/L≦10%•ΔQ/Q≦30%•ΔDCR/DCR≦10%•无明显的外观缺陷•感值变化不超过10%•质量因不变化不超过30%•直流电阻变化不超过10%•Refer to the next pagereflow curve Gothrough3 times•The peak temperature : 245±5℃•参照下页回流焊曲线过三次•峰值温度为: 245±5℃Vibration testReference documents:MIL-STD-202G Method 201A 1.No case deformation orchange in appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%Apply frequency 10~55Hz. 0.75mmamplitude in each of perpendiculardirection for 2 hours.(total 6 hours)振动测试 1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化不超过10%3.质量因子变化不超过30%4.直流电阻变化不超过10%用10~55Hz 振动频率0.75mm振幅沿X,Y,Z方向各振动2小时.(共6小时)Drop testReference documents:MIL-STD-202G Method 203C 落下试验1.No case deformation orchange in appearance.2.ΔL/L≦10%3.ΔQ/Q≦30%4.ΔDCR/DCR≦10%For T: weight≦28g : 15Min; 28g≦weight≦136g : 30Min1.无明显的外观缺陷2.感值变化小于10%3.质量因子变化小于30%4.直流电阻变化小于10%Packaged & Drop down from1m with 981m/s2(100G) attitude In 1 angle 1ridges & 2 surfaces orientations.将产品包装后从1米高度自然落下至试验板上Terminal strength push test Reference documents:JIS C 5321:1997端子强度试验Pulling test:DEFINE: A: sectional areaof terminalA≦8 (Sq M)force≧5N time:30sec8(Sq M) <A≦20(Sq M)force ≧10N time : 10sec20(Sq M) <A force ≧20 N time:10secBending test:Soldering the products onPCB,after the pulling testandbending test ,terminal shouldnot pull off定义: A: 焊接端子截面积A≦8(Sq M)推力≧5牛顿时间: 30秒8(Sq M) <A≦20(Sq M)推力≧10牛顿时间: 10秒弯折测试:将产品焊于PCB上,分别经过推力测试和弯折测试后,端子不会发生松脱Bend the testing PCB at middle point,thedeflection shall be 2mm将PCB对中弯折,到达挠度2mmResistance to solvent test Reference documents:IEC 68-2-45:1993耐溶剂性试验No case deformation orchange in appearance,orobliteration of marking无外观破坏及标记破损To dip parts into IPA solvent for 5±0.5Min,then drying them atroom temp for 5Min,atlast ,to brushing making 10 times.在IPA溶剂中浸泡5±0.5分钟,室温下干燥5分钟,然后擦拭10次.Electronic characteristic test of major products主要产品电特性测试Refer to catalogue of specificproducts参照具体产品目录页Refer to catalogue of specificproducts参照具体产品目录页书Overload test Reference documents: JIS C5311-6.13过负荷试验1.During the test no smoke, nopeculiar,smell, no fire2.The characteristic is normalafter test1.试验过程中无冒烟,异味,着火等,2.试验后产品特性正常.Apply twice as rated current for 5 minutes.通两倍额定电流 5 分钟voltage resistance test Referencedocuments:MIL-STD-202G Method 301绝缘耐压测试1.During the test no breakdown2.The characteristic is normalafter test1.试验过程中无击穿2.试验后产品特性正常•For parts with two coils•DC1000V,Current:1mA,Time:1Min.•只针对SMT二绕组以上•电压DC1000V,电流1mA,时间1分钟.Curve of Heat endurance of Reflow soldering testA test is made under the conditions mentioned above. And it is left 1 hours in the normal temperature and电路设计基础知识——电感线圈电感线圈是由导线一圈靠一圈地绕在绝缘管上,导线彼此互相绝缘,而绝缘管可以是空心的,也可以包含铁芯或磁粉芯,简称电感。
胸露汲脸(Salt Spray Test)/1.目的:兽雾测就以加速测就校摄金属在海岸璘境下的抗腐触作用,此法也被用在其他璘境(如高海或高酸性)之测,宜if慎使用。
2.W:(测者可以自合格供雁商虚取得符合需求之igHS ,故相^叙述多所省略)a.chamber(或spraychamber)嗔雾室,可加控嗔雾室之温度,哉置治具用以固定测敦;品,® 雾室典治具之材II必i(不影^腐食虫测之结果,如典测品有直接接瞒之治具,其材冥不能典测品有ft位腐食虫之反雁。
MISEB避免兽雾直接嗔SI ,及兽水直接低落测品,兽雾室雁有遒富之排M ,使索不至於累稹,而兽U可以自由循璘、典浏品接僦I ,而浏品上结露之兽水不致低落兽水储存箱内。
b.W水储存箱,具有可以婚:控兽水澧度之能力,使兽水典周"境隔^ ,其材U必^不典兽水反雁,具器以提供水至雾化装脩,具脩副水箱可以自SM甫充水,使畏日寺冏之测不致中c嘲水雾化(atomization)湄S ,可能包括嗔嘴、10宿空等3.W水要求:氯化钢溶液,氯化钢固醴含典化钢之比率低於0.1%靠恩醴不^物低於0.5% ,不含anti-caking 麻水澧度5+/-1% ,5%的食兽容於95%蒸食留水或去离隹子水,同日寺水中固化物低於200ppm ,在35+/-3度C之璘境下其PH值介於6.5到7.2之冏,只有cp级的稀兽酸可以用来湖整PH值。
4.浏品之浏品J®活洗使表面照油、照脂、污等,活洗液醴不得舄腐食虫性液H ,也不得形成腐食虫性或保性薄膜,测品若舄有SBOfJ不能以溶蒯活洗,有必要使用研磨式活90寺,只能使用氧化nt研磨膏。
5.操作程序:a.兽雾室之保餐:每次测就彳爰都雁活《深,以碓保正碓之果(但测就遏程中不得#1行活《紫作H ),活漂彳爰雁填入溶液,先行横使兽雾室内之曲度建到35+/-3度C之平衡状熊,操作中可以接受,但兽水之PH值及其澧度^保值在容言午界限内。
MIL-STD-202G METHOD 310 CONTACT-CHATTER MONITORING接點抖動監測1. PURPOSE. This test is conducted for the purpose of detecting contact-chatter in electrical and electronic component parts having movable electrical contacts, such as relays, switches, circuit breakers, etc., where it is required that the contacts do not open or close momentarily, as applicable, for longer than a specified time-duration (see 4.3) under environmental test conditions, such as vibration, shock, or acceleration. This test method provides standard test procedures for monitoring such "opening of closed contacts" or "closing of open contacts".1.目的:這測試執行確定在電器和電子零件部份有作切換電器接觸時的接點抖動目的,如繼電器,開關,電流斷路器,等。
2. TEST CIRCUITS.2.測試電路2.1 Selection. In this method there are two test-circuits: A (see3.1), and B (see 3.2). The selection of the test-circuit depends largely upon the type of electrical contacts to be tested. Test-circuit B is preferred, whenever possible, to avoid contact contamination caused by the formation of carbonaceous deposits on the contacts. The individual specification shall specify the test-circuit and time-duration (see4.3) required in connection with monitoring of shock and vibration tests. The test-circuits listed herein are "recommended" reference circuits. Any comparable test-circuit which meets the test requirements and the calibration procedures as stated herein , may be used for this test.:A(見3.1),和B(見3.2)。
MIL-STD-202F 军用标准之摘译电子和电气组件的测试方法方法103 B湿度(稳定状态)1. 目的这个测试的进行是为了鉴定用于部件的材料的特性,因为这些材料会受到吸引和扩散水分和水蒸气的影响。
2. 过程条件:样品应放在一个条件温度为400 ±5 ℃的烘干炉里24个小时。
曝露:将样品放在容器里,在90﹪- 95﹪相关湿度和400 ±2 ℃温度的条件下放如下测试条件中所示的时间:测试条件 测试时间长度A ------------------------------ 240 个小时B ------------------------------ 96 个小时C ------------------------------ 504 个小时D ------------------------------ 1,344 个小时在样品曝露期间,当指定时则用100 V 的或如所指定的电压。
3. 最终测定3.1 在最高湿度曝露期结束而样品仍在容器中时,应进行所规定的测量。
3.2 在烘干期后曝露期或如使用的高湿度下的随后测量一结束,样品应在室温周遭条件下保存不少于1个小时,除非另有规定的也不超过2个小时,在这之后应在室温周遭条件下进行所规定的测量。
Mil-std-202 Method 210是美国国防部发布的一项针对电子元件的标准测试方法。
下面我们将对Mil-std-202 Method 210的主要内容进行介绍。
一、Mil-std-202 Method 210的背景和意义1. 电子元件可靠性的重要性在军事应用领域,电子元件的可靠性是至关重要的。
2. Mil-std-202 Method 210的重要性Mil-std-202 Method 210作为一项具有权威性和广泛适用性的标准测试方法,其制定和实施对于保障军事电子元件的可靠性具有重要意义。
二、Mil-std-202 Method 210的主要内容1. 测试对象Mil-std-202 Method 210主要适用于对电子元件(如集成电路、二极管、晶体管等)进行可靠性测试。
2. 测试条件该标准规定了一系列包括温度、湿度、振动等在内的测试条件,以模拟各种特殊环境下的工作情况。
3. 测试项目Mil-std-202 Method 210包括了对电子元件进行加速寿命试验的一系列测试项目,其中主要包括:- 温度循环试验- 湿热循环试验- 振动试验- 冷冻试验- 高温储存试验- 低温储存试验4. 测试方法标准对以上测试项目的具体测试方法进行了详细规定,包括测试条件的设定、测试设备的选型、测试过程的操作要求等。
5. 测试要求标准对每个测试项目的测试要求进行了明确规定,包括测试的持续时间、测试前后的性能评估标准等。
三、Mil-std-202 Method 210的应用范围和意义1. 应用范围Mil-std-202 Method 210广泛适用于各类军事电子元件的可靠性测试,包括军用通信设备、雷达系统、导航系统等各种军事应用的电子设备。
METHOD 103BHUMIDITY (STEADY STATE)1. PURPOSE. This test is performed to evaluate the properties of materials used in components as they areinfluenced by the absorption and diffusion of moisture and moisture vapor. This is an accelerated environmental test,accomplished by the continuous exposure of the specimen to high relative humidity at an elevated temperature.These conditions impose a vapor pressure on the material under test which constitutes the force behind the moistureigration and penetration. Hygroscopic materials are sensitive to moisture, and deteriorate rapidly under humidconditions. Absorption of moisture by many materials results in swelling, which destroys their functional utility, andcauses loss of physical strength and changes in other important mechanical properties. Insulating materials thatabsorb moisture may suffer degradation of their electrical properties. This method, while not necessarily intended asa simulated tropical test, is of use in determining moisture absorption of insulating materials.2. PROCEDURE.2.1 Conditioning. The specimens shall be conditioned in a dry oven at a temperature of 40° ±5°C for a period of24 hours. At the end of this period, measurements shall be made as specified.2.2 Chamber. The chamber and accessories shall be constructed and arranged in such a manner as to avoidcondensate dripping on the specimens under test, and such that the specimens shall be exposed to circulating air.2.3 Exposure. The specimens shall be placed in a chamber and subjected to a relative humidity of 90 to 95percent and a temperature of 40° ±2°C for the period of time indicated in one of the following test conditions, asspecified:Test condition Lengthof test A - - - - - - - - - 240 hoursB - - - - - - - - - 96 hoursC - - - - - - - - - 504 hoursD - - - - - - - - - 1,344 hoursWhen specified, a direct-current potential of 100 volts or as specified shall be applied to the specimens during theexposure period. The length of time for the application of voltage and the points of application shall be as specified.3. FINAL MEASUREMENTS3.1 At high humidity. Upon completion of the exposure period, and while the specimens are still in the chamber,the specified measurements shall be performed. These measurements may be compared to the initialmeasurements (see 2.1), when applicable.3.2 After drying period. Upon completion of the exposure period or following measurements at high humidity ifapplicable, the specimens shall be conditioned at room ambient conditions for not less than 1 hour, nor more than 2hours unless otherwise specified, after which the specified measurements shall be performed at room ambientconditions.METHOD 103B 12 September 1963 1 of 24. SUMMARY. The following details are to be specified in the individual specification:a. Measurements after conditioning (see 2.1).b. Test condition letter (see 2.3).c. The length of time and points of application of polarizing voltage, if applicable (see 2.3).d. Final measurements:(1) At high humidity, if applicable (see 3.1).(2) After drying period (see 3.2).METHOD 103B12 September 19632。
一、MIL-STD-105E(ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-2008)MIL-STD-105E是一种用于接收检验的抽样程序。
版本: A 版发行日期:
电感可靠性测试修订: 0 次生效日期:
共2 页第2 页
-STD-202G Method 201A 振动测试 1.无明显的外观缺陷 2.感值变化不超过10%3.品质因数变化不超过30%
4.直流电阻变化不超过10% 用10-55Hz振动频率0.75mm振幅沿X,Y,Z方向各振动2小时.(共6小时)
-STD-202G Method 203C 落下测试 1.无明显的外观缺陷 2.感值变化不超过10%3.品质因数变化不超过30%4.直流电阻变化不超过10%,将产品包装后从1米高度自然落下至试验板上1角1棱2面JIS C 5321 :1997 端子强度试验定义:A:焊接端子截面积A≤8mm²推力≥5N时间:30秒8mm²≤20mm²推力≥10N时间:10秒20mm²推力≥20N 时间:10秒弯折测试:将产品焊于PCB上,分别经过推力测试和弯折测试后端子不会发生松脱. 将PCB对中弯折,到达挠度2mm.
5.IEC 68-2-45:1993 耐溶剂性试验无外观破坏及标记损坏在IPA溶剂中浸泡5±0.5分钟,室温下干燥
204DMETHODVIBRATION, HIGH FREQUENCY1. PURPOSE. The high frequency vibration test is performed for the purpose of determining the effect oncomponent parts of vibration in the frequency ranges of 10 to 500 hertz (Hz), 10 to 2,000 Hz or 10 to 3,000 Hz, asmay be encountered in aircraft, missiles, and tanks. The choice of test condition A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H should bebased on the frequency range and the vibration amplitude dictated by the applications of the component underconsideration, and the state of the component part in relation to resistance-to-vibration damage.2. PROCEDURE.2.1 Mounting. The specimens shall be mounted as specified. For specimens with attached brackets, one of thevibration test directions shall be parallel to the mounting surface of the bracket. Vibration input shall be monitored onthe mounting fixture in the proximity of the support points of the specimen.2.2 Test condition A (10g peak). The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditionsspecified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and2.2.3, respectively (see figure 204-1).2.2.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 10 gravity units (g peak), whichever is less. The toleranceon vibration amplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.2.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of10 and 500 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.2.2.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 500 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversedin 15 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 9 hours. Interruptions are permittedprovided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separateband is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard is used forthe 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmiccycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).2.3 Test condition B (15g peak). The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditionsspecified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in 2.3.1, 2.3.2, and2.3.3, respectively (see figure 204-1).2.3.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 15g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibrationamplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.3.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of10 to 2,000 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.2.3.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall betraversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions(total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions arepermitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within anyseparate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard isused for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band usinglogarithmic cycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).204DMETHOD1 April 19801 of 6G = .0512f2DA (f = frequency in hertz, DA = double amplitude in inches.)FIGURE 204-1. Vibration-test curves.METHOD 204D1 April 198022.4 Test condition C (10g peak). The specimens, while de-energized or operating under the load conditionsspecified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude and frequency range shown on figure 204-1. The tolerance onvibration amplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.4.1 Part 1. The specimens shall be tested in accordance with method 201 of this standard for 6 hours; 2 hours ineach of three mutually perpendicular directions.2.4.2 Part 2. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude varied tomaintain a constant peak acceleration of 10g (peak), the frequency being varied logarithmically between theapproximate limits of 55 and 2,000 Hz (see 2.10). The entire frequency range of 55 to 2,000 Hz (no return sweep)shall be traversed in 35 ±5 minutes, except that in the vicinity of what appears to be resonance, and in order tofacilitate the establishment of a resonant frequency, the above rate may be decreased. If resonance is detected,specimens shall be vibrated for 5 minutes at each critical resonant frequency observed. This procedure shall beperformed in each of three mutually perpendicular directions. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirementsfor rate of change and test duration are met.2.4.3 Resonance. A critical resonant frequency is that frequency at which any point on the specimen is observedto have a maximum amplitude more than twice that of the support points. When specified, resonant frequencies shallbe determined either by monitoring parameters such as contact opening, or by use of resonance-detectinginstrumentation.2.5 Test condition D (20g peak). The specimens, while de-energized or operating under the load conditionsspecified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency, range, and duration specified in 2.5.1, 2.5.2, and2.5.3, respectively (see fig. 204-1).2.5.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 20g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibrationamplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.5.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of10 to 2,000 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.2.5.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall betraversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions(total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions arepermitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within anyseparate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard isused for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band usinglogarithmic cycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).2.6 Test condition E (50g peak). The specimens, while de-energized or operating under the load conditionsspecified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency, range, and duration specified in 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and2.6.3, respectively (see figure 204-1).2.6.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 50g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibrationamplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.6.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of10 and 2,000 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.204DMETHOD1 April 198032.6.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard is used for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).2.7 Test condition F (20g peak). The specimens, while de-energized or operating under the load conditions specified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in 2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.3, respectively (see figure 204-1).2.7.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either 0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 20g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.7.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the limits of 10 and 3,000 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.2.7.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 3,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard is used for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately) 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions.2.8 Test condition G (30g peak). The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditions specified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in 2.8.1, 2.8.2, and 2.8.3, respectively (see figure 204-1).2.8.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either 0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 30g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be ±10 percent.2.8.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the limits of 10 and 2,000 Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.2.8.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard is used for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately) 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions.METHOD 204D1 April 198042.9 Test condition H (80g peak). The specimens, while de-energized or operating under the load conditions specified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in 2.9.1, 2.9.2, and 2.9.3, respectively (see figure 204-1). 2.9.1 Amplitude. The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having a constant amplitude ofeither 0.06-inch double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 80g (peak), whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be ±10 percent. 2.9.2 Frequency range. The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the limits of 10 and 2,000Hz (see 2.10), except that the procedure of method 201 of this standard may be applied during the 10 to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range. 2.9.3 Sweep time and duration. The entire frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall betraversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions(total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions arepermitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure of method 201 of this standard isused for the 10 to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately) 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions. 2.10 Alternate procedure for use of linear in place of logarithmic change of frequency. Linear rate of change offrequency is permissible under the following conditions: a. The frequency range above 55 Hz shall be subdivided into not less than three bands. The ratio of themaximum frequency to the minimum frequency in each band shall be not less than two.b. The rate of change of frequency in hertz per minute (Hz/min) shall be constant for any one band.c.The ratios of the rate of change of frequency of each band to the maximum frequency of that band shall be approximately equal.2.10.1 Example of alternate procedure. As an example of the computation of rates of change, assume that the frequency spectrum has been divided into three bands, 55 to 125 Hz, 125 to 500 Hz, and 500 to 2,000 Hz, inaccordance with 2.10a. Let the (constant) ratio of rate of frequency change in Hz/min, to maximum frequency in Hzbe k for each band. Then the rates of change for the three bands will be 125k, 500k, and 2,000k, respectively. The times, in minutes, to traverse the three frequency bands will therefore be respectively: 125 − 55 500 − 125 2000 − 500 55k , 500k , 2,000kSince the minimum total sweep time is 30 minutes, 70 375 1,50030 =++ 125k 500k 2,000kfrom which: k = 0.0687 The required maximum constant rates of frequency change for the three bands are therefore 8.54, 34.4, and 136.6 Hz/min, respectively. The minimum times of traverse of the bands are 8.2, 10.9, and 10.9 minutes, respectively. METHOD 204D 1 April 1980 53. MEASUREMENTS. Measurements shall be made as specified.4. SUMMARY. The following details are to be specified in the individual specification:a. Mounting of specimens (see 2.1).b. Electrical-load conditions, if applicable (see 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9).c. Test condition letter (see figure 204-1).d. Method of determining resonance, if applicable (see 2.4.3).e. Measurements (see 3).METHOD 204D1 April 19806。
MIL-STD-202GNOTICE 118 July 2003DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSETEST METHOD STANDARDELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENT PARTSTO ALL HOLDERS OF MIL-STD-202G:1. THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF MIL-STD-202G HAVE BEEN REVISED AND SUPERSEDE THE PAGES LISTED:METHOD NEW PAGE DATE SUPERSEDED PAGE DATE7 18 July 2003 7 8 February 2002106G 1 8 February 2002 1 REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE 106G 2 18 July 2003 2 8 February 2002107G 3 28 March 1984 3 REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE 107G 4 18 July 2003 4 28 March 1984112E 7 18 July 2003 7 11 October 1988112E 8 11 October 1988 8 REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE 2. THE FOLLOWING TEST METHODS OF MIL-STD-202G HAVE BEEN REVISED AND SUPERSEDE THE TESTMETHODS LISTED:NEW METHOD DATE SUPERSEDED METHOD DATE 303A 18 July 2003 303 6 February 1956305A 18 July 2003 305 24 October 19563. RETAIN THIS NOTICE PAGE AND INSERT BEFORE THE TABLE OF CONTENTS.4. Holders of MIL-STD-202G will verify that the changes indicated above have been entered. This notice page will be retained as a check sheet. This issuance, together with appended pages, is a separate publication. Each notice is to be retained by stocking points until the standard is completely revised or canceled.5. The margins of this notice are marked with asterisks to indicate where changes were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.Custodians: Preparing activity:Army - CR DLA - CCNavy - ECAir Force - 11 (Project 59GP-0186) Review activities:Army - AR, AT, AV, CR4, MI, SM, TENavy - AS, OS, SHAir Force - 19, 99NSA - NSAMSC N/A FSC 59GP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.NOTICE 118 July 2003NUMERICAL INDEX OF TEST METHODS Test MethodNumberDate TitleEnvironmental tests (100 class)101E 102A 103B 104A 105C 106G 107G 108A 109C 110A 111A 112E 8 February 2002Cancelled12 September 196324 October 195612 September 19638 February 200228 March 198412 September 19638 February 200216 April 197316 April 197311 October 1988Salt atmosphere (corrosion) (formerly called salt spray)Superseded by Method 107 (see note on Method 102)Humidity (steady state)ImmersionBarometric pressure (reduced)Moisture resistanceThermal shockLife (at elevated ambient temperature)ExplosionSand and dustFlammability (external flame)SealPhysical characteristics tests (200 class)201A 202D 203C 204D 205E 206 207B 208H 209 210F 211A 212A 213B 214A 215K 216 217A 24 October 1956Cancelled8 February 20021 April 1980Cancelled12 September 19638 February 200231 January 199618 May 19628 February 200214 April 196916 April 197316 April 197328 March 19848 February 2002Cancelled8 February 2002VibrationSuperseded by Method 213 (see note on Method 202)Random dropVibration, high frequencySuperseded by Method 213 (see note on Method 205)Life (rotational)High-impact shockSolderabilityRadiographic inspectionResistance to soldering heatTerminal strengthAccelerationShock (specified pulse)Random vibrationResistance to solventsSuperseded by Method 210 (see note on Method 216)Particle impact noise detection (PIND)Electrical characteristics tests (300 class)301302 * 303A304 * 305A306307308309310311312 6 February 19566 February 195618 July 200324 October 195618 July 200324 October 195624 October 195629 November 196127 May 196520 January 196714 April 196916 April 1973Dielectric withstanding voltageInsulation resistanceDC resistanceResistance temperature characteristicCapacitanceQuality factor (Q)Contact resistanceCurrent-noise test for fixed resistorsVoltage coefficient of resistance determination procedureContact-chatter monitoringLife, low level switchingIntermediate current switching7NOTICE 118 July 2003METHOD 106GMOISTURE RESISTANCE1. PURPOSE. The moisture resistance test is performed for the purpose of evaluating, in an accelerated manner, the resistance of component parts and constituent materials to the deteriorative effects of the high-humidity and heat conditions typical of tropical environments. Most tropical degradation results directly or indirectly from absorption of moisture vapor and films by vulnerable insulating materials, and from surface wetting of metals and insulation. These phenomena produce many types of deterioration, including corrosion of metals, physical distortion and decomposition of organic materials, leaching out and spending of constituents of materials; and detrimental changes in electrical properties. This test differs from the steady-state humidity test (method 103 of this standard) and derives its added effectiveness in its employment of temperature cycling, which provides alternate periods of condensation and drying essential to the development of the corrosion processes and, in addition, produces a "breathing" action of moisture into partially sealed containers. Increased effectiveness is also obtained by use of a higher temperature, which intensifies the effects of humidity. The test includes low temperature and vibration subcycles (when applicable, see 3.4.2) that act as accelerants to reveal otherwise indiscernible evidence of deterioration since stresses caused by freezing moisture and accentuated by vibration tend to widen cracks and fissures. As a result, the deterioration can be detected by the measurement of electrical characteristics (including such tests as dielectric withstanding voltage and insulation resistance) or by performance of a test for sealing. Provision is made for the application of a polarizing voltage across insulation to investigate the possibility of electrolysis, which can promote eventual dielectric breakdown. This test also provides for electrical loading of certain components, if desired, in order to determine the resistance of current-carrying components, especially fine wires and contacts, to electro-chemical corrosion. Results obtained with this test are reproducible and have been confirmed by investigations of field failures. This test has proven reliable for indicating those parts which are unsuited for tropical field use.2. APPARATUS.2.1 Chamber. A test chamber shall be used which can meet the temperature and humidity cycling specified on figure 106-1. The material used to fabricate the platforms and standoffs, which support the specimens, shall be non-reactive in high humidity. Wood or plywood shall not be used because they are resiniferous. Materials shall not be used if they contain formaldehyde or phenol in their composition. Provisions shall be made to prevent condensate from the chamber ceiling dripping onto the test specimens.2.1.1 Opening of the chamber door. During the periods when the humidity is ascending or descending, the chamber door should not be opened. If the chamber door must be opened, it should be opened during the 16th hour through the 24th hour of an individual cycle. While the chamber is at 25°C (77°F), and the relative humidity tolerance must be maintained, the chamber door should be opened only for a short period of time.2.1.2 Water. Steam, or distilled and demineralized, or deionized water, having a pH value between 6.0 and 7.2 at 23°C (73.4°F) shall be used to obtain the specified humidity. No rust or corrosive contaminants shall be imposed on the test specimens by the test facility.3. PROCEDURE.3.1 Mounting. Specimens shall be mounted by their normal mounting means, in their normal mounting position, but shall be positioned so that they do not contact each other, and so that each specimen receives essentially the same degree of humidity.3.2 Initial measurements. Prior to step 1 of the first cycle, the specified initial measurements shall be made at room ambient conditions, or as specified.REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE METHOD 106G8 February 20021 of 4NOTICE 1NOTES:1. Allowance of 100 percent RH is intended to avoid problems in reading values close to 100 percent RH, butactual chamber operation shall be such so as to avoid condensation.2. Unless otherwise specified, the steady state temperature tolerance is ±2°C at all points within the immediatevicinity of the specimens and the chamber surfaces.3. Rate of change of temperature is unspecified; however, specimens shall not be subjected to radiant heat fromchamber-conditioning processes.4. Circulation of air in the chamber shall be at a minimum cubic rate per minute equivalent to 5 times the volumeof the chamber.FIGURE 106-1. Graphical representation of moisture-resistance test.Supersedes page 2 of MIL-STD-202GMETHOD 106G8 February 20022NOTICE 1 18 July 2003TABLE 107-II. Exposure time in air at temperature extremes.Weight of specimenMinimum time (for steps 1 and 3)1 ounce (28 grams and below)Above 1 ounce (28 grams) to .3 pound (136 grams), inclusiveAbove .3 pounds (136 grams) to 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms), inclusiveAbove 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms) to 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms), inclusive Above 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms) to 300 pounds (136 kilograms), inclusive Above 300 pounds (136 kilograms)Hours1/4 (or as specified)½ 1 2 4 8TABLE 107-III. Thermal shock conditions (liquid).Test condition Number of cycles Test condition Number of cycles Test condition Numberof cyclesTest condition Numberof cycles Step AA 5 BB 5 CC 5 DD 5 AA-1 15 BB-1 15 CC-1 15 DD-1 15 AA-2 25 BB-2 25 CC-2 25 DD-2 25 Temperature Time Temperature Time Temperature TimeTemperature Time1 2 °C -0 +2, -10 100 +10, -2 See table 107-V See table 107-V °C -65 +0, -10 125 +10, -0 See table 107-V See table 107-V °C-65 +0, -10150 +10, -0See table107-V See table 107-V°C-65 +0, -10200 +10, -0See table107-V See table 107-VREPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE METHOD 107G28 March 19843NOTICE 118 July 2003TABLE 107-IV. Suggested thermal fluids. 1/ 2/1/ See 2.2.2/ Ethylene glycol shall not be used as a thermal shock test fluid.3/ Tap water is indicated as an acceptable fluid for this temperature range. Its suitability chemically shall be established prior to use. A mixture of water and alcohol may be used to prevent freezing at the low temperature extreme. The water shall not be allowed to boil at the upper temperature extreme.4/ FC77, FC70, FC40 are the registered trademark of 3M.5/ UCON-WS process fluid is the registered trademark of Union Carbide Corporation.6/ D02, D02-TS, D03, D05, D/80, LS/215 and LS/230 are the registered trademark of Ausimont (Division of Montedison).TABLE 107-V. Exposure time in liquid at temperature extremes.Weight of specimen Minimum time(for steps 1 and 2).05 ounce (1.4 grams) and belowAbove .05 ounce (1.4 grams) to .5 ounce (14 grams) Above .5 ounce (14 grams) to 5 ounces (140 grams) Minutes½25Supersedes page 4 of MIL-STD-202GMETHOD 107G28 March 19844 *NOTICE 1 18 July 20035. Procedure IIIa. The device(s) shall be tested using the appropriate conditions specified in table I for the internal cavity volume of the package under test. The time (t) is the time under pressure and time (t z ) is themaximum time allowed after release of pressure before the device(s) shall be read. This method shall not be used if the maximum equivalent standard leak rate limit given in the procurement document is less than the limits specified herein for procedure IIIc. Upon completion of this procedure, the specimen shall be checked for gross leaks by subjecting the specimen either to test condition A, B, or D. Water, at room ambient temperature and a pressure of 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) of mercury, may be used in place of silicone oil, if test condition B is used to verify gross leaks.TABLE I. Fixed conditions procedure IIIa.Bomb condition Volume ofpackage (cm 3)1bf/in 2gage Exposure timehours Maximum dwell hoursR1 Reject limit(atm cm 3/s He)V < 0.40 60 ±2 2 +0.2, -0 1 5 x 10-8V > 0.4060 ±2 2 +0.2, -0 1 2 x 10-7 V > 0.4030 ±24 +0.4, -011 x 10- Procedure IIIb. Activation parameters. The activation pressure and soak time shall be determined in accordance with the following equation:tP skT Rs Q =The parameters of equation (1) are defined as follows:Q S = The maximum calculated leak rate allowable, in atm cm 3/sKr, for the devices to be tested.R = Counts per minute above the ambient background after activation if the device leak rate were exactlyequal to Q S . This is the reject count above the background of both the counting equipment and the component, if it has been through prior radioactive leak tests.s = The specific activity, in microcuries per atmospheric cubic centimeter, of the krypton 85 tracer gas inthe activation system.k = The overall counting efficiency of the scintillation crystal in counts per minute per microcurie of krypton85 in the internal void of the specific component being evaluated. This factor depends uponcomponent configuration and dimensions of the scintillation crystal. The counting efficiency shall be determined in accordance with = Soak time, in hours, that the devices are to be activated. _P = P e 2 - P i 2, where P e is the activation pressure in atmospheres absolute and P i is the original internalpressure of the devices in atmospheres absolute. The activation pressure (P e ) may be established by specification or if a convenient soak time (T) has been established, the activation pressure (P e ) can be adjusted to satisfy equation (1).t = Conversion of hours to seconds and is equal to 3,600 seconds per hour.Supersedes page 7 of MIL-STD-202G METHOD 112E 11 October 19887*NOTICE 1 18 July 20035. Determination of counting efficiency (k). The counting efficiency (k) of equation in shall bedetermined as follows:a. Five representative units of the device type being tested shall be tubulated and the internal void of thedevice shall be backfilled through the tubulation with a known volume and known specific activity of krypton 85 tracer gas and the tubulation shall be sealed off.b. The counts per minute shall be directly read in the shielded scintillation crystal of the counting station inwhich the devices are read. From this value, the counting efficiency, in counts per minute per microcurie, shall be calculated. Evaluation of surface sorption. All device encapsulations consisting of glass, metal, and ceramic or combinations thereof, including coatings and external sealants, shall be evaluated for surface sorption of krypton 85 before establishing the leak test parameters. Representative samples of the questionable material shall besubjected to the predetermined pressure and time conditions established for the device configuration as specified by The samples shall then be counted every 10 minutes, with count rate noted, until the count ratebecomes asymptotic with time. (This is the point in time at which surface sorption is no longer a problem.) This time lapse shall be noted and shall determine the "wait time" specified in Specific procedure IIIb. The devices shall be placed in radioactive tracer gas activation tank. The activation chamber may be partially filled with inert material to reduce pumpdown time. The tank shall be evacuated to 0.5 torr. The devices shall be subjected to a minimum of 2 atmospheres absolute pressure of krypton 85/dry nitrogen mixture for the time necessary to satisfy the equation. Actual pressure and soak time shall be determined in accordance with The R value in counts per minute shall be not less than 600 above ambientbackground. The krypton 85/dry nitrogen gas mixture shall be evacuated to storage until 0.5 torr vacuum exists in the activation tank. This evacuation shall be completed within 3 minutes maximum. The activation tank shall then be backfilled with air (air wash). The devices shall then be removed from the activation tank and leak tested within 1 hour after gas exposure with a scintillation-crystal-equipped counting station. Device encapsulations that come under the requirements of shall be exposed to ambient air for a time not less than the "wait time"determined by In no case will the time between removal from the activation chamber and test exceed 1 hour. This exposure shall be performed after gas exposure but before determining leak rate with the countingstation. Device encapsulations that do not come under the requirements of may be tested without a "wait time". (The number of devices removed from pressurization for leak testing shall be limited such that the test of the last device can be completed within 1 hour.) The actual leak rate of the component shall be calculated with the following equation:RQ X MINUTE PER COUNTS NET IN READOUT ACTUAL Q S)(=Where Q = Actual leak rate in atm cm 3/s, and Q S and R are defined in otherwise specified, devices that exhibit a leak rate equal to or greater than 1 x 10-8atmospheric cubic centimeters of krypton 85 per second shall be considered a failure.Upon completion of this procedure, the specimen shall be checked for gross leaks by subjecting the specimen either to test condition A, B, or D. Water, at room ambient temperature and a pressure of 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) of mercury, may be used in place of silicone oil, if test condition B is used to verify gross leaks. Personnel precautions. A Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license is necessary for possession and use of the krypton 85 leak-test equipment. In the use of gas, code of Federal regulations Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rules and Regulations, Title 10, Chapters 1, 20, 30, 31, and 32 should be followed and the maximum permissible tolerance levels prescribed by the National Committee on Radiological Protection should be observed.REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGEMETHOD 112E 11 October 19888NOTICE 1 18 July 2003METHOD 303ADC RESISTANCE1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this test is to measure the direct-current (dc) resistance of resistors,electromagnetic windings of components, and conductors. It is not intended that this test apply to the measurement of contact resistance.1.1. Precautions. The temperature at which the dc resistance measurement is made will affect the final value of resistance. In addition, resistance values may vary with the measuring voltage.2. PROCEDURE. DC resistance shall be measured with a resistance bridge or other suitable test equipment. The limit of error in the bridge or other test equipment shall not exceed one-tenth of the specified tolerance on the measured resistance (for example, the limit of error in the bridge or other test equipment shall not exceed ± 0.5percent if the specified tolerance on the measured resistance is ± 5 percent), unless otherwise specified. For inplant quality conformance testing, the accuracy of the measurement shall be such to insure that the resistance value is within the required tolerance. If a plus or minus tolerance is not specified, the limit of error in the bridge or other test equipment shall not exceed ± 2 percent. The test current through the specimen shall be as small as practical considering the sensitivity of the indicating instruments, unless the test current or voltage is specified. When it is important that the temperature of the specimen shall not rise appreciably during the measurement, the test voltage shall be applied uninterruptedly for as short a time as practicable, but in no case for more than 5 seconds, unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement shall be made at a temperature of 25°C ± 5°C. In the case of measurement dispute, dc resistance measurements shall be made at or corrected to 25°C .3. SUMMARY. The following details are to be specified in the individual specification:a. Limit of error of measuring apparatus, if other than one-tenth of specified tolerance (see 2).b. Test voltage or current, if applicable (see 2).c. Maximum period of uninterrupted test-voltage application, if other than 5 seconds (see 2).d. Test temperature, if other than that specified (see 2).METHOD 303A 18 July 20031**NOTICE 1 18 July 2003METHOD 305ACAPACITANCE1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this test is to measure the capacitance of component parts. Preferred test frequencies for this measurement are 60 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 100 kHz, and 1 MHz.2. PROCEDURE. The capacitance of the specimen shall be measured with a capacitance bridge or other suitable method at the frequency specified. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement shall be made at a temperature of 25°C ± 5°C. In the case of measurement dispute, capacitance measurements shall be made at or corrected to 25°C. The inherent accuracy of the measurement shall be ±(0.5 percent +0.2 picofarad) unless otherwise specified. Suitable measurement technique shall be used to minimize errors due to the connections between the measuring apparatus and the specimen. The alternating-current (ac) voltage actually impressed across the specimen shall be as low as practicable. When a direct-current (dc) polarizing voltage is required, it shall be as specified and shall exceed the peak ac voltage impressed across the specimen; however, the sum of the peak ac and the dc voltages shall not exceed the voltage rating of the specimen.SUMMARY. The following details are to be specified in the individual specification:a. Test frequency (see 2).b. Test temperature, if other than that specified (see 2).c. Limit of accuracy, if other than that specified (see 2).d. Magnitude of polarizing voltage, if applicable (see 2).e. Magnitude of AC rms test signal, if applicable (see 2).METHOD 305A 18 July 20031* **。
mil-std-202method210文件标准一、概述mil-std-202 method 210是一个美国军用标准,用于规定文件管理的要求和方法。
method 210提供了对文件的生成、收集、组织、标识、保护、保存、维护、处置等方面的指导和规定。
二、主要内容1.文件类型和格式:method 210规定了文件的类型和格式,包括纸质文件、电子文件和音频文件等。
2.文件标识:为了方便管理和检索,method 210要求对每一份文件进行唯一的标识。
3.文件生命周期管理:method 210要求对文件进行生命周期管理,从文件的生成、收集、组织、标识、保护、保存、维护到处置,都需要进行相应的记录和管理。
4.文件保护和保存:method 210要求对文件进行适当的保护和保存,以防止文件的损坏和丢失。
method 210规定了文件的处置方式,包括销毁、归档等。
三、应用mil-std-202 method 210广泛应用于军事组织和相关行业。
鹽霧測試 (Salt Spray Test)1.目的:鹽霧測試以加速測試模擬金屬在海岸環境下的抗腐蝕作用﹐此法也被誤用在其他環境(如高濕或高酸性)之測試﹐宜謹慎使用。
5. 操作程序:a.鹽霧室之保養:每次測試後都應清潔﹐以確保正確之測試結果(但測試過程中不得執行清潔作業)﹐清潔後應填入溶液﹐先行開機使鹽霧室內之問度達到35+/-3度C之平衡狀態﹐操作中斷可以接受﹐但鹽水之PH值及其濃度須保值在容許界限內。
MIL-STD-202G 內容段落頁數1.范圍 11.1 目的 11.2 測試方法 11.3 參照方法 12.應用文件 22.1總體 22.2 政府文件 22.3 非政府出版文件 32.4 優先命令 33.定義 34. 一般需求 44.1測試要求 44.2測試條件 44.3參考內容 44.4校驗要求 45.詳細需求 46.備注 46.1意向使用 46.2序列測試 56.3化學清單 56.4主要項目(關鍵詞)列示 6測試方法數字順序索引7 105C-大氣壓力106G-潮濕抵抗力107G-冷熱衝擊201A-振動208H-可焊性301-耐壓101E -鹽環境103B-濕度302-絕緣阻抗303-直流電阻307-接觸阻抗213B-衝擊307-接觸阻抗MIL-STD-202G 方法105C 大氣壓力(簡化的)1. 目的.大氣壓測試是模擬航空及其他交通工具在高空飛行不加壓的低氣壓情況進行的.該測試最初用於確定零件和材料的承受能力,以避免因空氣絕緣強度的降低和其他絕緣材料處於低氣壓下而導致耐電壓失敗.即使低壓不造成完全的電氣故障, Corona及其不受歡迎的影響,包括損耗和離子化都會加強.低氣壓也會造成電子接觸壽命的減少,因為在此情況下弧度增加.由於這個原因,有時需對電子-機械零部件在減壓情況下進行持久測試.也需執行低壓測試以確定零部件承受因為在此情況下可能產生的相當的壓力差而破裂的密封能力.測試也可運用模擬的高海拔以研究減少的壓力對零部件的操作特性的影響,包括材料的介電常量的變化,在振動基礎上減少的機械負載,如結晶,以及稀薄空氣從生熱的零件上傳熱能力的減少.2.儀器氣壓測試中所用的測試儀器應包括真空泵和與之相配的具有在必要時可於測試中進行目視觀測樣本的設置的密封室.還要用到量測密封室深度之模擬海拔的相應壓力計.3.程序將樣本如指定安放在測試室內, 將壓力值減少到如指定的以下測試條件之一.先前有關此方法的參考沒有指定測試條件, 在該情況下,應使用B條件. 當樣本維持在指定的壓力,並用足夠的時間將4.小結:以下內容列入單獨的規格中.a.粘著方法(見3)b.測試條件字母(見3)c.減壓情況下的測試d.減壓後的測試,如適用e.在量測前的曝光時間,如適用MIL-STD-202G METHOD 106G 潮濕抵抗力1.目的.潮濕抵抗力測試用於在加速情況下,對在典型如熱帶環境的高溫度和熱條件下對零件和要素材料的抵抗力的惡化影響的評估目的.大多數熱帶侵蝕導致直接的和間接的熱氣吸收和易受侵蝕的絕緣材料形成薄膜,以及金屬和絕緣的表面潮濕.這些現象生成多種形式的壞處,包括金屬侵蝕物理變形以及組織材料的腐爛,除去和浪費要素材料,以及對電氣特性的有害變化.該測試不同於穩定狀態下的濕度測試(該標準下的方法103),並源自於其溫度循環運用之增加效力,其提供了對侵蝕過程之發展重要的交替的濃縮和烘干,並且,產生了呼入濕氣到部份封閉的容器的行為.使用較高的溫度也嗇了效力,其加強了溫度的影響.該測試包括低溫度和振動副循環(如適用,見3.4.2),其作為展現不可見的變壞的證據之促進劑,因為由冰凍的濕氣引起以及由振動加強的的壓力趨向於增加裂縫.其結果是,這種變壞會被電氣特性量測(包括如耐電壓稢絕緣阻抗測試),或被執行密封測試探測到.提供運用极化電壓穿過絕緣來研究電解的可能性,電解能促進最終的介質擊穿.如想要的話,該測試還可以對特定零件加電負荷,以確定電阻—變零件,特別是好線和接觸為電化學腐蝕.此測試的結果是可再生的並被領域失敗研究所證實.該測試被證實在熱帶領域使用中不適用的部份中可以信賴.2.儀器2.1測試室測試室應滿足圖106-1所示的測試和濕度要求.用於構成平臺和支架來支撐樣本的材料,不可在高濕度下起反應.不可使用木材和夾合板,因為它們樹脂.成份中含有甲醛和苯酚的材料不可用.應防止冷聚物從測試室之上板滴到測試樣本上.2.1.1打開測試室的門. 在濕度上升和下降期間,測試室的門不能打開.如果測試室的門必須打開,只能在一個單一循環的第16至第24小時打開.當室內是25℃(77℉),相關的濕度必須維持時, 室門只能短時間打開.2.1.2 水. 應使用Ph值在6.0到7.2之間溫度在23℃(73.4℉)的水,蒸汽,蒸餾,除去礦物或除去離子的水, 以獲得指定的濕度.測試設備不得將生銹和腐蝕的污染物沾到樣本上.3.目的3.1粘著. 樣本應以正常粘著方式粘附於正常的粘附位置,但放置的位置不應使其相互接觸, ,從而使每個樣本得到相同的濕度.3.2初始測量. 在第一個循環的第一步之前, 應在室內環境條件下或如指定條件下進行初始測量.注解1.允許100%的相對濕度是為了避免讀數值接近100%的濕度引起的問題, 但在實際的測試室操作時應避免濃縮.2.除非另有指定, 同一時間相鄰樣本和室表面的所有點的穩定狀態的溫度公差是±2℃.3.未指定溫度變化範圍, 但是, 樣本不應受到室內條件的過程之熱輻射.4.室內空氣循環應在每分鐘5倍於室容量的最小化的速率.3.3循環次數.樣本應接受10個連續的循環, 每個循環如圖106-1所示.在完成指定次數的循環(最後一個循環除外)之前,不超過一次的故意測試中斷的情況下,可重復循環,測試可繼續.非故意中斷發生在最後一個循環時, 要求重復一個循環加上一個非中斷循環. 任何有意中斷或超過24小時的非故意中,需要完全的重新測試.度.溫度設在-10℉±2℃(14℉±3.6℉),濕度不受控制, 如圖106-1保持至少3小時.當有測試室未用時,應注意樣本的溫度在整個小時的期間保持在-10℉±2℃(14℉±3.6℉).(如步驟7b不適用,楢應回復到25℃及至少80%的相對濕度, 並保持到下一循環開始.)3.4.2 步驟7b(如適用) 完成后15分鐘內,濕度不受控制,溫度在室溫,讓樣本在振幅為0.03英寸(0.76 mm) (最遠距離為(0.06英寸1.52 mm)),頻率為10~55H z之間均一地變化的條件下作簡諧振動15分鐘.頻率從10~55Hz及回落到10hHz的時間應跨過大約一分鐘.步驟7b之後, 樣本應回復到255℃及至少80%的相對濕度, 並保持到下一循環開始.注:有振動要求安排的部件不適用步驟7b(如此標準下的方法201和方法204).這些部件應仍舊服從並通過這些要求.注: 允許100%的相對濕度是為了避免讀數值接近100%的濕度引起的問題, 但在實際的測試室操作時應避免濃縮.3.5極化和負載. 如適用, 極化電壓應為直流100V或如指定.負載電壓應如指定.3.6最終測量.3.6.1高濕度.在完成最後循環的步驟6(或當3.4的副循環是在第十個循環中執行時的步驟7),高濕度下的測量已指定,樣本的溫度應維持25℃±2℃(77℉±3.6℉), 80%的相對濕度維持1½到3½小時, 之後進行指定的量測操作.(注: 允許100%的相對濕度是為了避免讀數值接近100%的濕度引起的問題, 但在實際的測試室操作時應避免濃縮.)3.6.2高濕度之後. 在最後一個循環之後,從濕度測試室移走時,應進行為期1-2小時的最終測試.在最終測試中,楢不應承受人工的烘乾.3.6.3烘乾期之後. 隨後的最終循環之步驟6(或如副循環3.4於第十個循環執行時的步驟7),或隨後在高濕度下的測量, 如適用,樣本應24小時設置在原始測量值(見3.2)的周圍環境中, 隨後要進行指定的量測.應在24 小時的調節期間進行量測;然而,出現在的失敗應考慮為失敗而不應在隨後為獲得可接受結果而進行重測試.4.小結:以下細節將在單個的規格中規定.a. 初始測量及條件, 如不同於室內環境. (見 3.2)b. 適用時.如不同於100 V,使用极化電壓(見3.5)c. 負載電壓(見3.5)d. 最終測量和測量條件. (見3.6)HOMEMIL-STD-202G METHOD 107G冷熱衝擊1.目的.該測試是為了確定暴露在極端高溫和低溫情況下以及在極端高溫和低溫下交替暴露情況(該種情況在設備操作和北極地區掩蔽處加熱時可能遇到)衝擊下, 部件的阻抗.這些情況還可能在低溫地區設備不連續的操作中或運輸中遇到.盡管首選是在指定的暴露中達到熱穩定, 但為了節省時間,可能對部件在指定的最小暴露期間進行測試,其不能保證熱熱穩定而只能接近之.在試驗中產生的持久的操作特性改變和物理損壞主要是由呎寸和物理特性的變化造成的.如果冷熱衝擊中有光漆之破裂和層離, 掩藏部分和壓縮化合物之破裂和裂開, 熱密封漏開和密閉室裂縫,填補料之滲漏, 密封和金屬密封上的真空玻璃的破裂,裂開, 因機械移動或因導體或絕緣材料的破裂產生的電氣特性的變化, 都會產影響.2.儀器.就使用適當的溫度控制系統以滿足表107-1或表107-III中的溫度和測試條件要求. 液體方法要求更嚴格,可能損壞一些元件, 且不得以空氣方法來降格取代.其不得用於非密封的密封元件.2-1.環境室.應使用充足的熱容量系統以改變環境室的條件,滿足測試要求和達到表107-I之步驟1和3 規定的溫度條件.在樣本移入適當的測試室後,測試室供給的空氣溫度應在5分鐘的恢復時間內達到指定的溫度.2-2.液體室.應選用裝有液體的適當溫度控制的室(見表107-IV)來維持指定的測試條件(見表107-III)於顯示的公差範圍內.未預先對行為資格進行確認, 不得使用液體介質.3.程序3-1.環境室.樣本應放置得使樣本周轉空氣流動充分不受阻塞.如需特別的粘附,應指定出.樣本應符合表107-I指定的測試條件.首五個環境應連續運作. 五個循環之後在每個完整的循環之後可以中斷測試, 並允許樣本於恢復測試前還原到室內環境溫度.一個循環包含適用的測試條件的步驟1至步驟4.當從一個測試室移到另外一個測試室時,樣本不得承受壓力環流空氣.無論使用一個或多個測試室,從指定的低溫到指定的高溫, 或反之, 其有效的轉移時間不應超過5分鐘.對樣本的直接熱傳導應最小化.在多個測試室的情況下, 轉移時間應定義為人從低溫測試室取出到傳至高溫測試室的時間或反之.注:在單個測試室情況下,步驟1和3的極端溫度不需要通過物理運動得到. 步驟2和4不適用.3.2液體室.樣本應在具有資格的行為(見表107-IV)確認情況下浸入適當的液體, 在指定的測試條件(見表107-III)的步驟1溫度下保持表107-V指定的時間.當步驟1結束時., 應立即將裝置移到指定測試條件之步驟2指定的溫度之適當液體中. 該裝置應在此高溫下保持表107-V指定的時間.這兩個步驟, 步驟1和2構成適用測試條件下的一個循環.如表107-III指定重復需要次數的循環而不中斷. 從低溫到高溫和高溫到低溫的轉移時間應低於10秒.表107-II在溫度極限下暴露在空氣中的時間表107- III冷熱衝擊測試條件(液體)1/.2/乙二醇不應用作冷熱衝擊流體3/在此溫度範圍內自來水可作為接受的流體.應先於使用前確定其化學適合性. 可使用水和酒精的混合物以防止极端低淐下凍結.4/ FC77, FC70, FC40是3M的注冊商標.5/ UCON-WS過程流體是Union Carbide Corporation的注冊商標.6/ D02, D2-TS, D03, D05, D/80, LS/215 和LS/230是Ausimont(Montedison的分支機構)的注冊商標.4.測量.在第一個循環之前和最後一個循環結束後應進行指定的測量, 除非失敗應基於最後一個循環之後樣本已穩定在室內溫度之後進行的測量.5.小結.以下細節應在單個規格中列示.a.恢復時間,如不是5 分鐘. (見2.1 ).b.特別的粘附,如適用(見3)c.測試類型(空氣或液體)和測試條件(見3)d.轉移時間, 如不同於3.1或3.2中指定.1.目的.振動測試是用於確定在實際使用中零部件在一定頻率和量級範圍振動年產生的影響.大多數在實際使用中遇到的振動不是簡單和諧的, 但此類型的振動測試已證明對確定振動情況下之計劃保護步驟所需臨界頻率,振動模式和其他數據, 是令人滿意的.振動造成樣本部件之間相關運動之部件鬆馳, 會造成討厭的操作特性,噪音,磨損各物理變形,並常常造成機械部件的雜亂和失敗.2.程序. 在振動前, 應進行指定的測試和測量.應用適合的粘附儀器進行如指定的粘附, 以保證在測試頻率範圍內粘附不受共振的影響.該樣本要承受振幅為0.03英寸(全程最大0.06英寸),頻率在大約10到55Hz的範圍均勻地變化的簡諧運動.整個的頻率範圍,從10到55Hz再回復到10Hz,應跨過大約1分鐘.除非另有指定應適用於在每3 個雙向垂直方向運動2時(共六小時). 1/如適用, 該測試應在電負載情況下進行.3.測量. 應在振動中和其後進行測量.4.以下細節應在單個的規格中指定.a.振動之前的測試和測量(見2)b.粘附方法(見2).c.振動持續時間, 如不同於指定(見2).d.運動方向, 如不同於指定(見2).e.電負載條件, 如適用(見2).f.振動中和其後的測量(見3).1/在以前發行的此方法中, 測試條件A和B指的是測試時間長度%和2-1/2.1.目的.該測試方法的目的是為了確定所有終端的可焊性,這些終端通常由焊接操作組成.該確定在這些終端浸入焊料和由焊接應用導致的適用頭帶的可預測性的基礎上作出的.這些程序會證明組裝前的前端為使充分具有滿意的焊接品質提供了一個可焊性的表面.2.程序. 可焊性測試應依照ANSI/J-STD-002 “組件導線,終端,接線片之可焊性測試”以下細節和例外應運用.2-1.契約性協議. ANSI/J-STD-002中的契約性協議不可運用. ANSI/J-STD-002和該測試中的任何要求的例外應於單個軍事採購文件中規定或由軍事採購行為核準.2-2.被覆持久性. 被覆持久性目錄(自ANSI/J-STD-002)如下:a.目錄2-用於多股線(去除絕緣後作1小時±5 分鐘的蒸汽老化)b.目錄3-用於所有其他部件(作8小時±15 分鐘的蒸汽老化).2-3.測試方法.所用測試方法(自ANSI/J-STD-002)如下:a..測試A-用於穿孔粘附和表面粘附含鉛組件,直徑小於0.045英寸的單根線和18AWG及更小的多股線. 如不是在另外的獲取文件中有規定, 表面粘附含鉛組件的浸入角度應為90°.b.測試B-用於表面粘附不含鉛組件.c.測試C- 用於接線片,端子, 直徑大於0.045英寸的單根線, 大於18AWG的多股線.3.烙鐵測試方法.當在單個規格中規定時., 烙鐵測試方法應如以下指定的進行.3-1.儀器.烙鐵應是溫控的並可維持規則的溫度公差于±5.5℃.應使用三相線並將烙鐵尖接地.烙鐵應設計使其可以避免零伏電壓轉換.不可用變壓器類型的焊接槍.3-2.材料.焊料應為ANSI/J-006 “電子級別焊接合金和電子焊接應用之無助焊劑單根焊接要求”之Sn60Pb40A 或Sn63Pb37A合成物.3-3.程序.應作以上ANSI/J-STD-002和2.2中規定的終止和老化準備.以適當的方法(如刷子)使用助焊劑,並允許在5-20秒內弄干.依照3.2所作的焊接應單獨用於端子, 使用清潔焊料包覆的焊鐵尖(除非在單個的規格中另有規定, 烙鐵溫度應為350℃), 從最近的絕緣材料到焊點的距離為1/4英寸或焊點在端子暴露部份長度的1/2,取其中最近的一個.終止應在使烙鐵能於如圖208-1的水平位置使用於測試表面時決定. 如果在執行此測試的時候要求對終端的機械支持, 該支持應是熱絕緣的材料. 對於焊杯, 其應依照3.2滿焊, 多餘的焊料隨助焊料繩一起帶走. 在檢查前, 應使用適合的溶劑將助焊劑殘渣從終端移走. 應依照ANSI/J-STD-002的規定對終端進行檢查.4.小結. 以下細節應在適用的採購文件中規定.a. 浸入深度, 如不同於規定.b.表面粘著含鉛組件浸入角度, 如不同於90°.c.測試後之測量, 當適用時.d.是否應用烙鐵方法.1.烙鐵溫度, 如不是350℃.2.使用烙鐵的持續時間, 如不是5 ±0.5秒.HOMEMIL-STD-202G METHOD 301耐電壓1. 目的. 耐電壓測試(也叫作高電壓,超電壓, 電壓擊穿, 耐電強度測試)是在部件的雙端絕緣部份之間或絕緣部份與地之間在一段時間內施加高於額定電壓的電壓. 這是為了證明部件在其額定電壓或因開關,振蕩,和其他相似現象下引起的超高電勢情況下能夠安全的運作.盡管此測試也叫作電壓擊穿或耐電強度測試, 其並不欲引起絕緣出穿或用於探測火花放電, 而是用來確定絕緣材料或部件之間的間隔是否充分.當部件在這些方面有缺陷時, 應用此測試電壓會導致其電壓擊穿或變壞.電壓擊穿由閃光證明(表面放電), 火花(空氣放電), 或擊穿(絕緣放電), 變壞是由過多的滲漏電流造成,可能改變電氣參數或物理特性.1-1.謹慎. 特別是在工厂品質符合性測試,中誚慎用耐電壓測試, 因為小於擊穿電壓的超電勢可能損傷絕緣從而降低安全系數. 因此不推薦對同一樣本重復使用耐電壓測試.I在後續測試電壓的應用在測試程序中規定的情況下, 推薦在後續的測試中使用降低的電壓.在無論直流或交流電壓測試情況下, 都要小心以確定測試電壓不會產生連續或瞬時高壓.1-2.影響使用的因素. 氣體, 油類, 和固體之電氣行為會受到多方面不同程度的影響, 如大氣溫度,濕度, 和壓力; 電極的狀況和形態; 應用的頻率, 波形和等級; 測試電壓的持續時間;樣本的幾何形狀; 樣本的位置(特別是充油的部件);機械威力; 和前期測試歷史. 除非這些因素是按照絕緣體的類型適當選取的, 或可應用適當的修正因素, 單個耐電壓測試的結果比較會是極端困難的.2.儀器2-1 高壓源. 電壓的特性(直流或交流)應如指定.當指定為交流電壓時, 高壓電源所提供的測試電壓應為69Hz名義頻率, 並且大約是,盡可能接近正弦波. 當指定時, 可用其他商業電源頻率進行工厂品質符合性測試. 所有交流電壓應表示為平方根值, 除非另有指定. 電源的千伏-安級別及阻抗應允許在所有測試負載的操作中沒有嚴重的波形變形和沒有任何設置電壓之嚴重變化.當樣本需要實質的測試電源容量時, 需指定電源的調節.當要求最小的千伏安等級時, 應指定出.當指定直流電壓時, 波形部份不應超過測試電壓平方根的5%.如有要求, 應使用適當的電流限制裝置來限制電流不超過指定的值.2.2電壓測量裝置. 應使用伏特計測量運用的電壓, 精度至少為5%, 另有指定除外.當使用變壓器作為高壓交流電源時,如果預先決定實際通過測試樣本的電壓的容許公差在任何正常負載條件下, 應使用繞過初始端或第三個線圈而連接的伏特計.2.3滲漏電流測量裝置. 如指定任何滲漏電流要求, 應使用適當的方法測量滲漏電流, 其精度應至少為規定要求的5%.2.4故障指示器. 如果樣本在視覺上不能顯示時, 應提供適合的方法以指示擊穿放電和涌漏電流的出現. 為達到此目的, 可使用2.2之電壓測量裝置, 2.3之電流測量裝置, 或適當的指示燈或超負荷保護裝置.3.程序3.1準備. 如要求特殊的準備或條件, 如特殊的測試裝置, 重接, 接地, 隔離, 或浸入水中, 指定出. 3.2測試電壓. 樣本應接受指定的電壓量級和性質(直流或交流).3.3應用點. 測試電壓應如指定應用於樣本雙邊絕緣部份或絕緣部份與接地之間. 只有在其是有重要意義的因素時, 樣本之測試電壓的連接方法才需指定.3.4應用的範圍. 測試電壓應盡可能以大約500伏(平方根或直流)均勻地從0升至指定的值, 除非另有規定.製造商可以選擇, 在工厂品質符合性測試中即時應用該測試電壓.3.5應用的持續時間. 對於條件測試, 除非另有規定, 測試電壓應在指定的值保持60秒的時間. 對於工厂品質符合性測試, 當指定時, 可用較少的時間,同時使用相關的較高的測試電壓. 樣本和活動部份應如規定測試, 並保證對同一絕緣體不會重復加壓. 當結束測試時, 應使測試電壓慢慢減少以避免振蕩. 製造商可以選擇, 在工厂品質符合性測試中不用該測試電壓.4.小結.以下細節應在單個規格中指定.a.特殊操作或條件,如要求(見 3.1).b.測試電壓的量級(見 3.2)..(1)工厂品質符合性測試之測試電壓, 持續時間, 如與限定測試不同(見 3.5).c.電壓的性質(直流或交流) (見 2.1).d.限定測試的測試電壓應用的持續時間, 如不同於60秒(見 3.5).e.應用的電壓測試點(見 3.3).樣本與活動部份的測試方法(見 3.5).f.測試電壓連接於樣本的方法,如重要(見 3.3).g.調節, 如適用(見2.1).h.最小為千伏安級的高壓源, 如要求(見 2.1).i.振蕩電流的限制值, 如適用(見 2.1).j.最大滲漏電流要求, 如適用(見 2.3).k.耐電壓測試後的測量, 如要求.HOMEMIL-STD-202G METHOD 101E鹽環境(侵蝕)(原來的鹽霧(侵蝕))1.目的.鹽霧測試中, 樣本要隨精細的鹽溶液形成的薄霧在利用其時全面認識到其不足及局限, 具有很多有用的用途.最初用作加速的試驗室腐蝕測試, 模仿海岸環境對具有或沒有保護被覆的金屬的影響, 此測試被很多人錯誤地認為是具有人武部用途的加速腐蝕測試, 認為如果”成功地承受了”就能保證金屬或補覆在倪環境下是令人滿意的.經驗表明,對鹽環境腐蝕的影響的抵抗與對其他介質,甚至是對所謂”海水”環境和鹽水影響的抵抗, 是沒有直接關係的. 然而, 如果從相關領域的服務性測試和試驗室鹽環境測試得到的累積數據表明此關聯關係存在, 在海水中或暴露在海岸情況下的同一(或十分相近)的或有補覆的金屬結合物的不同樣品的相關使用壽命和表現之有些觀點, 可以通過鹽環境測試得到. (如有的話, 該加速測試也需要顯示由試驗室測試產生的加速的程度).一般認為, 鹽環境測試對比較不同金屬, 或有被覆的金屬結合物的腐蝕抵抗力, 或預測其可比性使用壽命, 是可靠的.鹽環境測試在評價保護補覆, 金屬和非金屬的均勻程度(特別是厚度和有孔性程度)方面得到了最廣泛的認可, 而且此用途獲得了大量的成功.在這种關係下, 一旦某种性能標準建立, 該測試對評價同一產品的不同批別是有用的.鹽環境測試對尤其是展示劣等補覆之顯示是特別有用的.當運用於基礎金屬為負極而非正極的被覆, 以檢查金屬被覆的多孔性時, 該測試更加可靠.該測試還可通過檢驗腐蝕的產品, 來探測出現的其他金屬的鐵離子污染.2.儀器.在鹽環境測試中用到的儀器應包含以下:a.接觸室與樣本放置架.b.帶監視溶液是否足夠的裝置的鹽溶液蓄池.c.霧化鹽溶液的裝置, 包含適當的噴嘴和空氣壓縮裝置.d.加熱室裝置及其控制.e.在高於室溫時使空氣潮濕的裝置.2.1測試室.製作測試室及其附件的材料不能影響鹽環境的腐蝕性,如玻璃,橡膠和塑料.測試裝置的所有與測試楢接觸的部份之構成材料不能造成電解腐蝕. 製作測試室及其附件的構建應使得沒有冷凝物噴洒和滴落之直接碰撞於樣本之上, 從而使得樣本周圍的大氣以相同的程度自由循環, 也使得與測試樣本接觸的液體不會回流到鹽溶液蓄池.測試室應通風以免形成壓力並使鹽霧均勻分配.測試室應有適合的加熱及維持要求的測試溫度的裝置.2.2鹽溶液蓄池. 鹽溶液蓄池應由不與溶液起反應的材料做成, 如玻璃, 硬橡膠或塑料.蓄池應在其周圍環境中得到充分保護並有監測溶液水平的手段.蓄池應包含有將供給線中的鹽溶液過慮到噴霧器的裝置.當指定長期測試條件時(如測試條件D),蓄池應通過輔助蓄池補充使測試循環不被中止.2.3空氣供給.進入噴霧器的壓縮空氣不應含有雜質, 如油和臟物.應如要求提供加熱和潮濕壓縮空氣的裝置,以滿足操作條件.空氣壓力應適合於在使用噴霧器情況下產生出很好地分開的濃霧.為避免鹽沉澱堵塞噴霧器,在噴嘴釋放出的空氣應有95~98%的相對濕度.通過一個盛有熱水的塔狀容器, 使空氣進入很好的泡沫, 是一個令人滿意的方法.水溫應為95℉(35℃)或更高.容許的溫度隨著空氣量的增加和測試室熱絕緣的減少和其環境溫度而增加. 不應超過一個值使過多的濕氣導入測試室(如110℉(43.3℃)下12磅每平方英寸的氣壓), 或一個值使盡可能滿足操作溫度的要求.3.鹽溶液.所用的鹽應為氯化鈉(NaCl), 其在乾燥的基礎上碘化鈉含量不超過0.1%, 所有其他雜質不超過0.5%.不要使用含有抗粘結劑的氯化鈉, 因為這樣的粘結劑可能作用為腐蝕抑制劑.除非另有指定, 鹽溶液的濃度應為5±1%. 該5%的鹽溶液應通過溶化以重量計之5±1%部份的鹽於以重計95%部份的去。