当前位置:文档之家› 四川省成都外国语学校2017-2018学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题












Part A Listening

听力部分(30 scores)

I. Liste n and choose the correct phonetic words according to what you’ve heard from the tape. Each

phonetic word will be read twice. 选出你所听到的音标词, 每题念两遍(10%)

1. A. / baut / B. / b?ut / C. / b?t /

2. A. / l?k / B. / luk / C. / l?k /

3. A. / wit? / B. / wie / C. / swit? /

4. A. / 'biskit / B. /?bɑ:skit / C. /?b?ksiz /

5. A. / meik / B. / maik / C. / m?k /

ik / C. / èi?k /

in / B. / è

6. A. / è

7. A. / tel / B. / teil / C. / t?:l /

8. A. / ee? / B. / t?e? / C. / ?e? /

9. A. /?p?kit / B. /?p?kid? / C. /?p?kit /

10. A. /?hauziz / B. /?h?:siz / C. /?h?u ziz /

II. Listen to 6 questions or sentences and choose the correct responses according to what you’from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read twice.


11. A. It is black. B. Mr. Crisp’s is. C. It’s Mr. Crisp’s


12. A. It’s very heavy. B. They are five books. C. There are five books.

t. C. He’s young.

13. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’

14. A. Sorry. B. All right. C. It’s all right.


-box. C. They’re pencil

15. A. It’s pencil

-boxes. B. It’s a pencil

16. A. The big red ones. B. The big red packet. C. The big red one.

III. L isten to 4 sentences and choose the right picture according to what you’ve heard from the ta Each sentence will be read twice. 听句子选出对应的图片,每题念两遍。(4%)

17. ________ 18._________ 19. __________ 20. _________

IV. Listen to a short passage and judge the following statements true or false. If it’s true, ch it’s f

alse, choose B. The passage will be read three times.

听短文,判断正误,正确请选A, 错误请选B。该短文念三遍。(5%)

21. Chen Lan is from Xia’men.

22. In Gulangyu, Chen Lan goes home on foot.

23. Behind Chen Lan’s house, there are big old trees with many birds.

24. After school, Chen Lan likes going fishing with her friends very much.

25. In this passage, Chen Lan tells us about her family and her school life (生活).

V. Listen to a short conversation carefully and choose the correct answers to the questions. The conversation will be read three times. 听对话选出正确答案,该对话念三遍。(5%)

26. Wh at’s Linda’s last name?

A. Linda.

B. Clark.

C. Hand.

27. How many people are there in Sandy’s family?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 7

28. What’s Linda’s telephone number?


-1429. C. It’s 325

A. It’s 325

-1539. B. It’s 325

29. What’s the relationship between Linda and Sandy?

A. They’re partners.

B. They’re brother and sister.

C. They’re teacher and student.

30. Where probably (极有可能) are Sandy and Linda?

A. In the classroom.

B. In the playground.

C. In Sandy’s house.

Part B Written Test

笔试部分(70 scores)

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other two. 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5%)

31.A. come B. colour C. handsome

32.A. please B. heavy C. instead

33.A. apples B. classes C. actresses

34.A. show B. brown C. yellow

35.A. open B. empty C. umbrella

II. Multiple choice. 单项选择题(10%)

36. There is ________ “h” and ________ “u” in the word “hungry”.

A. a; an

B. a; a

C. an; a

37. The man _______ the black umbrella is Mr. Crisp. What is he looking _______ ?

A. with; at

B. with; 不填

C. 不填; out

38. Look at ________. ________ is an English teacher. This is ________ new car.

A. her; Her; she

B. him; He; his

C. her; She; she’s

39. – Whose schoolbags are these?


A. It’s Sandy’s

B. They are Sandy and Sue’s

C. They are Sandy’s and Sue’s

40. – Give us a box of biscuits, please.

– Which ________?


B. ones

C. biscuit

41. –________ is at the door ?

–There are three ________ at the door.

A. Who; woman

B. Who; women

C. What; women

42. Look at these ________cars. They are new.

A. small green German

B. blue big American

C. big French red

43. –________ are your English books?

–________ 72.8 yuan.

A. How much; It’s

B. How much; They’re

C. How many; They’re

44. –________ ?

–It isn’t an Italian car. It’s a German car.

A. Is it an Italian car

B. What make is the car

C. Is it an Italian car or a German car

45. –I’m sorry, mum. I can’t post this letter for you this morning.


A. All right

B. It’s all right

C. You’re


III. Cloze test. 完型填空( 5 % )

There’s an 46 tree behind the Crisps’ house. Jack Crisp is standing near the tree. There are some apples on the tree. Jack is looking 47 the apples. They are big and red.

Jack is 48 . He wants to eat an apple. Jack isn’t tall. He can’t reach the apples.

He is putting a box

under the tree. Can he reach the apples now? No, he can’t. He is too short.

49 , “Hey, Jack! What are you doing?”

Here c omes Paul Crisp. He is Jack’s

“Please help me? I can’t reach the apples.” 

or you, and one for me!” 

Paul picks up 50 apples and says, “Here you are, Jack. One f

“Thank you, brother.”

46. A. apple B. orange C. banana

47. A. at B. out C. 不填

48. A. hot B. tired C. hungry

49. A. father B. friend C. brother

50. A. one B. two C. three

IV. Reading Comp rehension. 阅读理解。(5%)

Jack likes eggs, bananas and apples. So every day he has two eggs, one apple, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast. But for lunch, he has bananas, some chicken and vegetables. And for supper, he has tomatoes and ice-cream.

His sister likes oranges and apples. She often has some hamburgers, one apple and some fish for lunch. For supper, she likes strawberries and some chicken.

51. Jack has _______ for breakfast.

A. bananas, one egg and a cup of milk

B. some hamburgers, one apple and bread

C. one apple, two eggs, some bread and a cup of milk

52. _______ likes oranges and apples.

A. Jack

B. Jack’s sister

C. Jack’s mother

53. Jack has _______ for supper.

A. tomatoes

B. ice-cream

C. A and B

54. Jack has some chicken_______, but his sister has some chicken _______.

A. for lunch; for supper

B. for supper ; for lunch

C. for breakfast; for supper

55.Which of the following statement (陈述) is right(正确的)?

A. Jack and his sister like apples.

B. Jack’s mother likes apples, too.

C. Jack doesn’t eat vegetables at all.

V. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.


We meet four 56 (child) in Look, Listen, and Learn.

There are two 57 (box) on the desk.

I have a dog. Look at 58 ( it)! 59 (it) tail is short.

60 (we) lockers aren’t empty. They are full.

Look at these pretty stamps. They are 61 (Billy).

62 (be) Sandy’s shoes big or small?

It’s time for breakfast. Go and clean your hands 63 (quick).

64 (take) out your exercise book and put these apples in the schoolbag.[来源:Z*xx*https://www.doczj.com/doc/868228186.html,]

Give 65 (they) their notebooks, please. They are on their teacher’s desk. VI. Make sentences with the words given. 用所给的单词组成有逻辑的句子。(5%)

66. are, and, tall, you, clever


67. at, those, look, yellow, rule rs, thick


68. short, whose, pencils, are


69. exercise, me, your, show, book


70. egg, for, this, Liz, you, and, is


VII. Pattern Shift. 句型转换。(10%)

Please ask a question according to the answer. One blank is for one word only.[来源:学§科§网]


71. A: _________ _________ is Nancy’s?

B: The red bicycle is Nancy’s.

72. A: _________ _________ is Mr. Crisp’s car?

B: Mr. Crisp’s car is black.

73. A: _________ _________ is the tall policeman?

B: The tall policeman is American.[来源学科网Z|X|X|K]

74. A: _________ _________ the grey cap on the desk?

B: The grey cap on the des k is Sandy’s.

75. A: _________ _________ _________ _________?

B: No, our lockers aren’t empty.

76. A: _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________?

B: The cup isn’t old. It’s new.

77. A: ________ _______ _______ _______ books.

B: M y books are thick.

Please change the following sentences according to the requirements.


78. Sue’s teacher is Miss Williams.

(Please change it into a Yes or No question. 变为一般疑问句。)


79. Whose is this car?

(Please change it into a plural form. 变为复数句。)


80. Liz and Lillie are new schoolgirls.

(Please change it into a negative sentence.变为否定句。)


VIII. Fill in the blanks accor ding to the first letter given and the texts you’ve learned.


Sandy and Sue are in a shop. They want to buy two p 81 of sweets,but they are one

shilling e 82 . That’s all their p83 money. At last, they buy two small lollipops

i 84 .

85 . Sandy and Sue are very h

In the afternoon, Sandy and Sue come back home from school. Tea’s r

86 , but Sandy’s hands are very d87 . Mother asks Sandy to go and w 88 his hands at o

Mum’s nice clean t90 ! Sandy cleans his hands with

89 . Now Sandy’s hands are clean. Look at


On Sunday, Sue and Mum are going shopping. Mum sees a pair of nice s 91 , so she wants Sue to t

92 them on. They are very t 93 for Sue. Sue wants the pink ones and she thinks they’re ve

ry p

94 . They’re j95 right.

IX. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter of the words given. 根据上下文首字母填空。( 5% ) My teacher Mr. Li is a y 96 man, about 25 years old. He is a h 97 teacher, working(工作) at

school from 7:30 in the morning to 18:30 in the e 98 . It seems(仿佛) that he has many things to do every

99 with his work and has no time to play, after class he likes playing f 100 with

day. Although he’s b

kicking the ball! We all like him very much. boys in the playground. Look! He’s



1-5 CACBC 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 BBCBA

16-20 ABDAC 21-25 AABAB 26-30 CCBAB


31- 35 CAABA 36-40 CABCA 41-45 BABCB

46 -50 AACCB 51-55 CBCAA

56.children 57.boxes 58.it 59. Its 60. Our

61.Billy’s 62. Are 63. quickly 64. Take 65. them

66.You are clever and tall. (tall与clever可调换位置)

67.Look at those thick yellow rulers.

68.Whose pencils are short?[来源学&科&网]

69.Show me your exercise book .

70.Is this egg for you and Liz?

71.Which bicycle is Nancy’s?

72.What colour is Mr Crisp’s car?

73.What nationality is the tall policeman?

74.Whose is the grey cap on the desk?

75.Are your lockers empty? 或Are our lockers empty?

76.Is the cup old or new? (new与old可调换位置)

77.Tell me about your books.

78.Is Sue’s teacher Miss Williams?

79.Whose are these cars?

80.Liz and Lillie aren’t new schoolgirls.

81.packets 82. each 83.pocket 84. instead 85. ready 86.hungry 87.dirty 88. wash 89. once 90. towel

91.shoes 92. try 93. tight 94. pretty 95. just 96.young 97. hardworking 98.evening 99 busy 100.football

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