当前位置:文档之家› 英语考试作文-PETS二级作文预测:写一份英文简历















My name is Li Yijia. I was born on August 28, 1978,in Guangzhou. In 1999 I graduated from English Department of Beijing Normal University. First, I taughe in a middle school for two years, then I worked as a salesman in the Forgein Language Bookstore for two years.

I am not only good at Chinese but good English. I am greatly interested in English. In 1996 I won the second place in the English competitions in Beijing. I have continued learning English in my spare time. Now I am glad that I can talk with foreigners freely.

I am sure I am fit for the work and determined to do my job well.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/885522241.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Obligations We all encounter obligations in life, from spending time with family and friends to being present at important functions in the lives of the people who form our community. Many times, the obligations are actually fun and fulfilling, and we want to be there. At the same time, we all sometimes experience resistance to meeting these obligations, especially when they pile up all at once and we begin to feel exhausted, longing for nothing so much as a quiet evening at home. At times like these, we may want to say no but feel too guilty at the idea of not being there. Still, our primary obligation is to take care of ourselves, and if saying no to someone else is what we have to do, then we do not need to feel bad about it. There is a skill to balancing our obligations, and it starts with simply becoming aware of our schedule. We may notice that three invitations have arisen in one weekend, and we know that we will pay energetically if we attempt to fulfill all three. At this point, we can take the time to weigh the repercussions of not going to each event, considering how we will feel if we miss it and how our absence might affect other people. Most of the time, it will be clear which obligation we can most easily let go and which one we simply can’t miss. Sometimes we have to miss something really important to us, and that can be painful for everyone concerned. At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring. Meeting our obligations to others is an important part of being human and not one to take lightly. At the same time, we cannot meet every obligation without neglecting our primary duty to take care of ourselves. We can navigate this quandary by being conscious of what we choose to do and not do and by finding concrete ways to extend our caring when we are not able to be there in person.YouTheme Recreational Activities In the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. However, some people think that so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline


成功英语简历的三种写法 这种形式适应于应届毕业生或中学毕业后仍在待业的求职人员,因为没有工作经历,所以把重点放在学业上,从最高学历往下写。 在basic resume中,一般包括下列元素: a. personal date(个人资料):name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、sex(性别)、height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)、date of availability(可到职日期)、number of identification card( ___号码)。因为是应届毕业生或中学毕业不久,一般没有结婚,因而可省略marital status(婚姻状况)和children(儿女情况)两项。当然,如果是研究生毕业已婚,则应写明。 b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。 c. education(学历):就读学校及系科的名称、学位、始止时间和应聘职位相关的课程与成绩、社会实践、课外活动、奖励等都应一一列出。 d. special skill(特别技能)。

e. hobbies/interests(业余爱好)。如果在学历项目的课外活动中已经注明,此项则不必重复。 以这种形式出现的英语简历,往往侧重于工作经历,把同应聘职位有关的经历和业绩按时间顺序书写出来,把工作经历放在学历之前。经历和学历的时间顺序均是由近至远。 毫无疑问,这种形式的英语简历适合于有工作经验的求职人员。 在chronological resume中,通常包括以下元素: a. personal date(个人资料)。具体内容同以学历为主的`简历相同,不过,因为你参加工作多年,已进入结婚年龄,所以不管你是否结婚,都应注明婚姻状况和儿女情况。 b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。 c. work experience(工作经历)。务必写明自己在每个工作单位的职位、职责和业绩以及工作起止时间。


资料编辑 隐私设置 应用设置 帐户设置 邮件订阅 最近使用 日志 相册 音乐 分享 小组 人人喜欢 校园频道 人人农场 每日星座运程 每日星座运势 小游戏中心 状态 公共主页 留言 网页游戏 礼物商城 凡人修真 我智商到底多少? 开心武馆 MQ德商测试 我情商到底多少? 商业大亨 宠物连连看 天黑请闭眼 泡泡鱼 活动 全部应用? 管理我的应用 浏览更多应用 装扮主页 修改资料 情侣空间 全部好友 寻找好友 通讯录 邀请朋友 帐户设置

VIP中心 充值中心 邮件订阅 退出 隐藏广告 首页 个人主页 好友 应用 游戏 2站内信 搜索 窗体顶端 搜索 窗体底端 帐号 分享 张辉 张辉的分享 当前分享 返回分享首页? 分享 Cover Letter & Resume 重点诠释- 深度剖析来源:唐商恩的日志 疯狂了改了三个星期的Resume和Cover Letter,吸取了各类资源和高人(行业,Career Center 等)的意见之后。终于可以Debrief一下啦。仅供大家分享,挖掘过去,开创未来。网上有很多不同版本的这些信息,不过感觉都不是很Professional,或者太泛了。。所以这篇文章是用来填补其中的漏洞的,至于基本的,就不介绍了,很多人知道的,不知道的也可以自学。。。总体来说,Cover Letter和Resume就是问“So What”,你做了无数的事情,So what? 看你简历的人都是在问这些问题,回答好了这个问题,得到Interview就没有问题啦。 (大家看完了要是觉得好,记得转发,多多支持我哟) 同时, 如果有兴趣, 可以看看我的另外一篇日志: 目标管理剖析与实践–献给追梦的人 (这篇文章的宏观意义远远大于这篇) 先讲讲Cover Letter:


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


英文简历模板范文 英文简历模板范文 一份出色的Resume,是向外企求职的关键之一。不了解有关的常识和程式,不花费相当的心思来展示,光有纯正娴熟的英文功底,并不能获得单位的青睐。在一大堆错误百出、英文表达能力 低劣或平庸,毫无针对性和创造性的Resume中,你的那份若能让人眼睛一亮,成功的机会必将大大增加,下面结合一个具体的例 子给出说明和评述。 Balance Sheet基本方法 选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet. 例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的: We are looking for a petent person to fill the captioned position: -University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the mercial field -Outgoing personality -Able to municate at different levels -Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin 那么你相应地考虑自己的qualification的选择和表述,就可以这样写(与上列各项对应): -University graduate with major in Marketing -Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management -Good in munication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life -Fluent in English and Mandarin 这个方法的好处是可让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。 Work experience工作经验的陈述 工作经验是resume中令招聘者相当感兴趣的一项内容,善加措词是不可忽视的要务。 刚毕业,何来工作经验?其实,读书时的兼职、实习、实践,以至所曾参加的一些课外活动-协助出版学校刊物、举办活动,展览、宣传……都可算是工作经验、不过,表达起来要有针


英文简历写作规范要求 在英文中可以适当进行的粉饰,或者是包装,但是凡事都要有一个限度。英文简历的通过率首先要具有一定的真实性。 一、首先,自己的姓名,地址, ___,比如电话或者电子邮箱等等。一般采用居中的方式,其他的则居左就可以了。如下: Name Address Phone No. Home Cell phone No. Email Add 二、接着,要写objective(求职意向)。这一栏是最重要的一项了。很多公司主要看这一项的内容是否跟他们所要求的一致或者接近。比如: OBJECTIVE:

A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a pany that embraces growth and change, where pensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential. (销售经理职位或者和企业发展有关的职位,可以使我的战略头脑、销售能力、建立跨文化关系的能力、团队能力、商务管理能力、组织能力和先进的技术能力都能够进一步的发挥和进步。) 上面这个例子是老外的简历中的原句,当然 ___人来说比较复杂,如果对英语要求不高的话,其实也不需写这么多。一般来说可以直接翻译中文简历中的句子,但是也有很多比较好、大家普遍接受的表达方法,由于各行各业不同,应聘职位也不同,要根据情况而用不同表达。但是如果你想要应聘外企或者所应聘的公司对英语要求比较高的话就可以把使用的句子修饰一下,当然要在自己的能力范围内哦。


201506 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. " You can give an example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 命题分析 本题要求评论英国教士Thomas Fuller的一句名言:“知识是一种财富,但实践是打开财富的钥匙。” 并要求可以给出一个或两个例子来阐述你的观点。显而易见,本题考查理论知识与实践技能之间的关系, 这是雅思[微博]写作反复考察过的话题。 写作思路解析 1、本题首段应该通过理论知识与实践技能之间的关系引出主题; 2、第二段可以进行举例论证,列举自己参加兼职打工、志愿者活动等亲身经验证明实践技能的重要 性; 3、尾段可以进行归纳结论或提出建议措施:一方面我们应该努力积累理论知识,另一方面我们应该 积极培养自己的实践技能。 参考范文: Would you want a doctor to operate on you who has only learned about operations from a textbook? The answer to this is obviously a resounding “No!”Knowledge gained from books must always be complemented by knowledge gained from actual experience, to be of real value。 For me actually practicing a particular action or experiment myself and experiencing the result, leaves a much deeper and lasting impression than what I get from simply reading or listening. If I read about how to write an essay or listened to someone ta lk about writing an essay, I still wouldn’t feel that I knew how to write an essay until I wrote one for myself. It is the case, however, that writing the essay would be based on the methods I learned intellectually. The same can be said for other skills, like sports, for example. A person can know all the rules of a game, associated skills and strategies, but until that person gets on a court with a ball in motion, the theory remains flat, useless。 To sum up, as to theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the latter is certainly more important. Just as British churchman Thomas Fuller put it, “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it。” 参考译文 一个大夫只学过课本上的手术知识,叫他给你主刀你是否愿意?显然,这个问题的答案是一声响亮 的“不”。书本知识要有实际价值,就必须同实践经验相结合。 对我来说,实践某件事,或者说亲自去尝试某项活动并感受最后的结果,要比读书听课给我留下的 印象更深刻,更持久。如果只是读到如何写作,或是听别人讲解写作方法,我觉得自己还是不会写,非 得亲自写一篇才行。当然,实际写作中也会用到以前学过的写作方法。掌握其他技能也是一个道理。以 体育为例,一个人可以通晓所有的比赛规则和相关战术技巧,但除非这个人上场打球,否则那堆理论就 是呆板无用的。 总之,对于理论知识和实践技能,相比之下,实践经验当然更重要。正如英国教士托马斯富勒所说: “知识是一种财富,但实践是打开财富的钥匙。” For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on Alert Einstein'sremark "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. " You can give an example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 命题解析 本题要求评论美国作家Napoleon Hill的一句名言:“如果你不能做伟大的事情,那就以伟大的方式做小事。” 并要求举出一到两个例子支持你的观点。显而易见,本题考查做小事的重要性。 写作思路指导:

(怎么写英文简历)how to write a resume

How to write a Resume A resume is a document which includes education, experience, skills, and accomplishments that is used to apply for jobs or degrees. Before you start work on your resume, review some samples that fit a variety of employment situations. These examples and templates provide job seekers with resume formats that will work for every job seeker. Don't just copy a resume example that you like. Instead, choose your resume very carefully and tailor your resume to your prospective employer’s need. Choose a resume that highlights your strengths and achievements. Remember, your resume needs to impress the hiring manager enough so you get the interview. That means it needs to be perfect. What to include?


全国大学英语六级作文范文(一) 热点作文1 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun. As far as I am concerned, there are some risks in buying lotteries. People never should count on making big money by buying lotteries. Furthermore, lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them. In a word, people should keep a clear head when buying lotteries. 热点作文2


精选英语个人简历范文带翻译 英文简历模板英文简历常用词汇英文简历范本范文英文简历自我评价英文简历写作技巧英文简历珍藏版英文简历写法英文简历模板word格式下载可编辑

RESUME HR Manager EDUCATION 2001.09–2005.07 Peking University Human Resource You can list the major courses you had in the university. Summary of your school experience here and maybe also to list of your major courses and achievements here. 30 years old 12312312345 https://www.doczj.com/doc/885522241.html, guangzhou CERTIFICATION & SKILL SELF-ASSESSMENT CET-6, Very good in spoken English and writen English. Won a special prize of English competetion. Computer skill, passed the NCRE in 2005 with very good VB coding knowledge. Excel, Be familiar with the Excel basic function and good knowledge of Excel formula. PowerPoint, be good at making creative slides with design thinking. Here you can describe your professional profile in a few lines. Tell who you are professionally and how you are a good asset for an employer. Detailed please refer to the Chinese version. WORKING EXPERIENCE 2011.07–Now panda design (International) Recruiting Manager Responsibilities: Design electronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. support components from users and customers. Repair and maintenance of equipment of the company and the customers. Remote Support via phone and internet. Import and manufacture of high-tech parts. Accomplishments: Here you can describe your professional profile in a few lines. Tell who you are professionally and how you are a good asset for an employer. What ’s your value to the previous company and other things. 2005.07–2011.07 panda design(Private) Recruiting Specilist Design electronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. support components from users and customers. Repair and maintenance of equipment of the company and the customers.


英文简历写作要求与原则 英文简历不就是把中文简历翻译过来就行了吗?这个观念是错误的。中英文简历有很多不同,包括格式、文化和语言上的种种不同,所以千万不要直接把中文简历做一下翻译直接了事。下面的英文简历写作要求与原则希望你能喜欢。 英文简历写作基本要求 ①短小精悍。 雇主在一份简历上停留的时间通常不会超过30秒,所以简历必须写得短小精悍,一般应当在一页纸以内(最多不能超过两页),集中表现出应聘者所有与应聘职位相关的有效讯息,便于雇主了解。 ②先重后轻。 一般来说,在简历结构的安排上,应当把最重要的、与应聘职位最相关的材料放在最前面,按此标准依次安排,因为先接触到的东西,往往给雇主留下的印象最深刻。在学历方面以及接受的培训方面也是如此,从最高学历往后推。 ③表达简洁。 语言一定要简洁,能用短语、短句,绝不用长句。措辞上,在涉及与应聘职位相关的技能时,应使用相应的专业术语,一方面节省篇幅,另一方面也能够比较有针对性的通过网申的关键词删选环节。在人称的叙述上,最好的方法是省略主语。(第一人称显得自负,第三人称又会显得比较别扭)

④针对性强。 简历所写的必须以应聘职位的要求为标准,权衡自己各方面的材料,选取最有利、最符合要求或与职位要求最相关的材料。 ⑤扬长避短。 通过细节描述突出自己的优势,也可用数字或与他人的比较来突出自己的长处。一定避免讲自己的缺点,如:长时间无工作、被解雇、完不成工作业绩等。 ⑥恰当包装。 简历包装的基本内容是版面设计,要力求美观大方、整齐清楚、便于阅读。版面设计一般有两种:分项式与表格式。在具体设计时,应聘者要根据要求,灵活处理字体选用、版设设计等。从实际情况来看,分项式居多。 ⑦内容全面。 一般来说完整的简历应该包括基本信息(PersonalInformation)、求职目标(Career Objective)、教育背景(Education Background)、工作经验(Work Experience)、社团活动(Activities)、荣誉奖励(Honors&Awards)、个人技能(Skills)。 ⑧不断完善。简历做好后,可以请求英语比较好的同学或同事帮忙检查语言、格式、措辞、标点等方面是否存在问题,同时也可以让你的外企HR朋友过目一遍,还可以搜索国外职场经验丰富的大牛的英文简历做样本,多收集几个版本做分析。根据他们的反馈,做恰当的删减和修改。


四六级考试英语作文范文 一、商业类 食品安全话题、物价上升话题、产品质量下滑话题、山寨产品问题 范文及论据 范文精选: 1、近几年食品安全问题频发,引起人们关注 2、食品安全问题产生的原因 3、你的看法 Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore. There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tides. For one thing, food manufactures are mostly lack of the sense of responsibility and social morality. They focus more on the economic benefits and then manufacture food with low cost and inferior quality materials but disregard consumers ’safety or even life. What ’s more, this is a s ls u o e b ce a n attributed to the absence of strict supervision from relevant administration department. If they had been punished because of their malpractice, they would not have produced unsafe food.


英文简历范文 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

英文简历范文 EnglishResumeMyjobVC Name:Marsha Gender:feMale DateofBirth:May,1985 Citizenship:Feducounty,Dinyi,Qhandong Major:English(B.A) ⊿Objective Assistantofyourofficeorthemanager;Interpreterofcompanyororganiz ationwhichconcerns internationalbusiness;Collegeorvocationaluniversity‘steacher. ⊿EducationBackground September2002toJuly2006,ShandongUniversityofArchitecture September1998toJuly2002,LinyiNo.1MiddleSchool ⊿MainSkills AboutEnglish HavepasttheTestforEnglishMajor- 4;fluentoralEnglish,andgoodpronunciation. Majortarget:ESPoftechnology,esp.architectureandrealestate,andal

sointernationalbusiness. AboutGerman Havelearnedabout200hoursofHochschuldeutsch1,2.Candobasicreading andwriting. AboutChinese HavegottheCertificateofChinese,thescoreis86.2 AboutComputer Haveagoodcommandofcomputer,knowingthebasicmaintainofhardwareand software; GoodsenseofVisualFoxprolanguage.Interstedinwebpagedesign,andhad masteredthe MACROMEDIA,whichincludingDreamweaver,FlashandFirework. SkilledinMicrosoftOffice,includingFrontPage. ⊿WorkExperience HaveparttimejobinShanghaiYaruConsultingCo.Ltdduring2004and2005s ummerholiday. DidthemarketresearchforShandongShiguangBoilerCo.Ltd(shanghaibra nch)inshanghai. Experiencesonbeatutorofjunior,seniormiddleschoolstudentsandcoll egestudents. Manytimesofdoingpromotionsalesforstoresduringthecampuslife.


英文简历写作技巧 一、个人简历 个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍。包含自己的基本信息:姓名、性别、年龄、民族、籍贯、政治面貌、学历、联系方式;自我评价,工作经历,学习经历,离职原因及本人对这份工作的简要理解。现在一般找工作都是在通过网络来找,因此一份良好的个人简历对于获得面试机会至关重要。 二、简历的类型 (一)以学历为主的简历basic resume 这种形式适应于应届毕业生或中学毕业后仍在待业的求职人员。因为没有工作经历,所以把重点放在学业上,从最高学历往下写。在basic resume中,一般包括下列元素: 1. personal date(个人资料):name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number (电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、sex(性别)height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)、date of availability(到职日期)、number of identification card(身份证号码)。因为是应届毕业生或中学毕业不久,一般没有结婚,因而可省略marital status(婚姻状况)和children (儿女情况)两项。当然,如果是研究生毕业已婚,则应写明。 2. job/career objective(应聘职位)。 3. Education(学历):就读学校及系科的名称、学位、始止时间和应聘职位相关的课程与成绩、社会实践、课外活动、奖励等都应一一列出。 4. special skill(特别技能)。 5. hobbies/interests(业余爱好):如果在学历项目的课外活动中已经注明,此项则不必重复。 (二)以经历为主的简历chronological resume 以这种形式出现的英语简历,往往侧重于工作经历,把同应聘职位有关的经历和业绩按时间顺序书写出来,把工作经历放在学历之前。经历和学历的时间顺序均是由近至远。毫无疑问,这种形式的英语简历适合于有工作经验的求职人员。在chronological resume中,通常包括以下元素: 1. personal date(个人资料):具体内容同以学历为主的简历相同,不过,因为你参加工

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