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1.继《春秋》之后,最先出现的⼀部记事⽐较详尽的编年体史书是( )A.《国语》B.《左传》C.《战国策》D.《尚书》2.先秦诸⼦散⽂的发展可分为三个阶段,第⼆阶段的代表著作是( )A.《论语》和《孟⼦》B.《论语》和《墨⼦》C.《墨⼦》和《荀⼦》D.《孟⼦》和《庄⼦》3.《庄⼦》⼀书现存33篇,分为内、外、杂篇,⼀般认为为庄⼦所作的是( )A.内篇B.外篇C.杂篇D.内篇和外篇4.两汉乐府诗基本上是属于( )A.叙事型诗歌B.抒情型诗歌C.写物型诗歌D.说理型诗歌5.在"建安七⼦"中被刘勰称为"七⼦之冠冕"的作家是( )A.孔融B.陈琳C.王粲D.徐⼲6.《诗经·氓》中下列诗句属于"⽐"的⽤法的是( )A.氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝B.⼥也不爽,⼠贰其⾏C.于嗟鸠兮,⽆⾷桑葚D.反是不思,亦已焉哉7.《左传·烛之武退秦师》中"焉⽤亡郑以陪邻?邻之厚,君之薄也。
"的"陪"意思是( )A.伴随B.赔偿C.辅佐D.增益8.《离骚》紧承"扈江离与辟芷兮\'\'之后的诗句是( )A.⼣揽洲之宿莽B.纫秋兰以为佩C·恐美⼈之迟暮 D.来吾导夫先路9.《鸿门宴》中"财物⽆所取,妇⼥⽆所幸"的"幸"意思是( )A.幸福B.宠爱C.幸亏D.关爱10.曹操《短歌⾏》中"明明如⽉,何时可掇?"表达的是( )A.壮志难酬的苦闷B.超脱不羁的精神C.渴慕贤才的⼼情D.慷慨悲凉的风格11.唐代边塞诗派的代表诗⼈是( )A.李⽩、杜甫B.王维、孟浩然C.⾼适、岑参D.韩愈、孟郊12.杜甫诗歌的基本风格是( )A.豪放悲壮B.峻洁幽深C.沉郁顿挫D.神采飘逸13.初唐继承南朝声律说和各种艺术技巧对格律诗成熟做出不可磨灭贡献的诗⼈是( )A.陈⼦昂和王绩B.沈佺期和宋之问C.初唐四杰D.上官仪和虞世南14.被誉为"元曲四⼤家"的四位作家是( )A.关汉卿、王实甫、马致远、纪君祥B.关汉卿、⽩朴、马致远、郑光祖C.关汉卿、王实甫、⾼⽂秀、⽩朴D.关汉卿、⽩朴、郑光祖、⾼⽂秀15.标榜"⽆⼀字⽆来处"、"夺胎换⾻"、"点铁成⾦"的诗派是( )A.江西诗派B.⽩体诗派C.晚唐体诗派D.西崑体诗派16.明代戏曲流派"临川派"的代表⼈物是( )A.李开先B.汤显祖C.沈璟D.徐渭17.主张"⽂章合为时⽽著,诗歌合为事⽽作"的唐代作家是( )A.李⽩B.杜甫C.⽩居易D.王维18.张岱散⽂《西湖七⽉半》中"弱管轻丝,⽵⾁相发"的"⾁"指的是( )A.肌⾁B.果⾁C.歌喉D.丰满19.孔尚任《桃花扇》的主要线索是( )A.复社⽂⼈和阉党的⽃争B.南明王朝的衰败和覆亡C.侯⽅域和李⾹君的爱情故事D.侯⽅域和李⾹君的⽭盾20.主张真情实感⾃然流露⽽时见机趣的"性灵说"的清代诗⼈是( )A.王⼠禛B.沈德潜C.袁枚D.纳兰性德21.古希腊"英雄时代"的主要⽂学成就是( )A.神话和传说B.散⽂和寓⾔C.神话和史诗D.悲剧和喜剧22.古罗马开欧洲"⽂⼈史诗"之先河的⼀部作品是( )A.泰伦提乌斯的《婆母》B.维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》C.贺拉斯的《诗艺》D.奥维德的《变形记》23.⽇本江户时代被称作"俳圣"的作家是( )A.井原西鹤B.松尾芭蕉C.紫式部D.⼆叶亭四迷24.《春⾹传》是哪个国家的⽂学作品?( )A.越南B.朝鲜C.波斯D.⽇本25.但丁的抒情诗集《新⽣》的主要内容是( )A.歌颂美好的⼤⾃然B.歌颂纯洁的爱情C.歌颂崇⾼的神性D.歌颂伟⼤的理想26.欧洲⽂学第⼀个资产阶级"英雄"形象是( )A.浮⼠德B.于连·索⿊尔C.鲁滨逊D.汤姆·琼斯27.英国"湖畔派"诗⼈的主要代表⼈物是.( )A.华兹华斯、柯勒律治、骚塞B.拜伦、雪莱、济慈C.华兹华斯、骚塞、济慈D.拜伦、雪莱、柯勒律治28.第⼀次成功地把典型环境与典型⼈物的描写有机地结合起来的欧洲现实主义⽂学的奠基之作是( )A.司汤达的《红与⿊》B.巴尔扎克的《⾼⽼头》C.福楼拜的《包法利夫⼈》D.狄更斯的《⼤卫·科波菲尔》29.《叶甫盖尼·奥涅⾦》最突出的成就是( )A.塑造了俄国⽂学独具特⾊的"多余⼈"的形象B.开创了俄罗斯⽂学描写"⼩⼈物"形象的先河C.确⽴了俄国⽂学的批判倾向D.形成了"含泪的笑"的独特风格30.被誉为"世界短篇⼩说巨匠"的作家是( )A.契诃夫B.莫泊桑C.梅⾥美D.茨威格31.获诺贝尔⽂学奖的《⽇⽡⼽医⽣》的作者是( )A.萧洛霍夫B.帕斯捷尔纳克C.艾托玛托夫D.拉斯普京32.《伪君⼦》通过答丢夫这个⼈物的塑造表现了什么主题?( )A.揭露教会势⼒的欺骗性B.批判资产阶级的贪婪性C.鞭挞⼩市民的势利性D.讽刺贵族阶级的伪善性33.1867年,马克·吐温因发表他的第⼀部幽默⼩说⽽名噪全国,这部⼩说是( )A.《竞选州长》B.《王⼦与贫民》C.《汤姆·索亚历险记》D.《加利维拉县有名的跳蛙》34.最深刻地表现了现代社会中"⼈的异化"这⼀主题的现代派⽂学作品是( )A.艾略特的《荒原》B.乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》C.卡夫卡的《变形记》D.贝克特的《等待⼽多》35.20世纪30年代提倡"幽默"、"性灵"。
1.俄国文学史上第一位抒情诗人是【】A.普希金B. 茹科夫斯基C.雷列耶夫D.莱蒙托夫答案:B解析:茹科夫斯基是俄国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基人。
3.最能表达简•\u29233X反对以男性为中心的妇女观的话是【】A.我不是贤良淑女,我是我自己B. 我不是天使,我是我自己C.我不是玩偶,我是我自己D.我不是附属品,我是我自己答案:B解析:见教材P145详解。
5.狄更斯仅有的一部直接反映劳资矛盾的小说是【】A.《老古玩店》 B、《董贝父子》C.《大卫•\u31185X波菲尔》D.《艰难时世》答案:D解析:《艰难时世》是狄更斯最重要的作品之一,它反映了40~50年代英国尖锐的劳资矛盾。
表1 近年来试题数量及分数分配表■从能力考查来看,主要考察学生的阅读能力、分析能力、日语书面表达的规范性和准确性。
日本文学选读试卷(第一套)(课程代码0612)试卷说明:1. 本试卷共4页,满分100分;考试时间150分钟。
4.1931年, 主义小说,是他在文学创作上的一次有益的尝试。
11.《伊豆的舞女》被认为, , 的一部作品。
17.川端康成对的追求,体现在的追求, 体现- 1 -这都是我一字一句敲上去的,回馈百度文库!!都是根据大纲要求敲上去的。
18.孤儿根性:X19.主题思想:X20.日本传统美意识21.情景结合的描写手法22.《伊豆的舞女》产生的根源- 2 -这都是我一字一句敲上去的,回馈百度文库!!都是根据大纲要求敲上去的。
全国2012年7月自考英美文学选读真题试题课程代码:00604PART ONE ( 40 POINTS )I.Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best an swers the questi on or completes the stateme nt. Write your an swers on the an swer sheet.1.Henry Fielding adopted “_______ ”to relate a story in a novel, in which the author becomes the “ all- knowing God ” .()A.the dramatic mono logueB.the epistolary formC.the first-pers on n arrati onD.the third-pers on n arrati on2.Among the no velists of mid-eightee nth cen tury, __________ gave his praise to the hard-work ing, sturdy middle class and showed his sympathy for the dow ntrodde n, unfortun ate poor in most of his works. ()A.Henry Fieldi ngB.Jon athan SwiftC.Da niel DefoeD.Oliver Goldsmith3.William Wordsworth ' s masterpiece is _________________ in which his philosophy oflife is prese nted. ()A.The PreludeB.Lyrical BalladsC.“ I Wan dered Lon ely as a Cloud ”D.“ Ti ntern Abbey ”4.The most disti nguish ing feature of Charles Dicke ns ' works is ________ .()A. a min gli ng of humor and pathosB.pictures of pathosC.character-portrayalD.the vern acular and large vocabulary5.All of the followi ng are Thomas Hardy ' s local- colored works, also kn own as “ novels of character and environment ” , EXCEPT _________ .( )A.The Trumpet MajorB.The Return of the NativeC.Far from the Maddi ng CrowdD.The Woodla nders6.T. S. Eliot ' s most importa nt sin gle poem ________________ has bee n hailed as aIan dmark and a model of the 20th-ce ntury En glish poetry. ( )A.The Hollow MenB.Murder in the CathedralC.Lyrical BalladsD.The Waste Land7.I nD. H. Lawre nee ' s novel __________ , the in dividual con scious ness is subtly re vealed and stra nds of themes are in tricately wound up. ( )A.Sons and LoversB.The Rai nbowC.Wome n in LoveD.The Daughter-i n-Law8.The leading figure of the English romantic poetry and the focal poeticvoice of the period is _________ . ( )A.William BlakeB.William WordsworthC.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.Percy Bysshe Shelley9.The major concern of ___________ fictio n lies in the traci ng of the psychological develop-ment of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist in dustrializati on on huma n n ature. ( ) 青年人网为梦想创造动力!A. John Galsworthy ' sB.Thomas Hardy ' sC. D.H. Lawrenee ' sD.Charles Dicke ns '10. George Bernard Shaw ' s play, Mrs. Warren' s Professi on is a grotesqu ely realistic exposure of . ( )A.slum Ian dlordismB.the econo mic oppressi on of wome nC.the political corrupti on in En gla ndD.the religious corrupti on in En gla nd11.Thomas Hardy ' s most cheerful and idyllic work is ________________ .( )A.The Return of the NativeB.Far from the Maddi ng CrowdC.Un der the Gree nwood TreeD.The Woodla nders12.The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the ________________ breakup of a modern civilization in which humanlife has lost its meaning, significance and purpose. ( )A.spiritualB.religiousC.politicalD.physical13.Charlotte Bronte ' s works are all about the struggle of an in dividualcon scious ness towards ___________ , about some Ion ely and n eglected young wome n witha fierce longing for love, un dersta nding and a full, happy life. ( )A.self-relia neeB.self-realizati onC.self-esteemD.self-c on scious ness14.Among the works by Charles Dicke ns ______________ prese nts his criticism of the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and min ds. ( )A.Bleak HouseB.Pickwick PaperC.Great Expectatio nsD.Hard Times15.In the Victoria n Period _________ became the most widely read and the most vital and challe nging expressi on of progressive thought. ( )A.poetryB.novelC.proseD.drama16.Jane Austen ' s main literary concern is about ___________ .( )A.huma n beings in their pers onal relati on shipsB.the love story between the rich and the poorC.maturity achieved through the loss of illusi onsD.the day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class En glish17.Shelley ' s _____________is the best of all the Romantic well-known lyric pieces.( )A. “The Cloud ”B. “ To a Skylark ”“ Ode to a Night in galeC.”D. "Ode to the West Wind ”18.The most importa nt con tributio n of _________ i s that he not only startedthe moder n poetry, but also cha nged the course of En glish poetry by using ordinary speech of the Ian guage and by advocati ng a retur n to n ature. ( )A.William BlakeB.William WordsworthC.George Gordon ByronD.John Keats19.William Blake ' s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experie nee is ________ , which gives the two books a stro ng social and historical refere nee. ( )A.youthhoodB.childhoodC.happ in essD.sorrow20.Work ing through the traditi on of a Christia n hua ni sm, Joh n Milt on wrote ________ intending to “ justify the ways of God to men. ”A.Paradise LostB.Sams on Ago ni stesC.LycidasD.Paradise Rega ined21.Shakespeare ' s _____________ is gen erally regarded as the most popular play on the stage, for it has the qualities of a “ blood-and-thunder ” thriller and a philosophical exploitati on of life and death. ( )A.HamletB.OthelloC.King LearD.Macbeth22.T. S. Eliot ' s most striking early achievement _________________ is in a form ofdramatic mono logue. ( )A.“ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ”B.“Gerontion ”C.The Waste LandD.The Hollow Men23.For Whom the Bell Tolls clearly represe nts a new beg inning in Ern est Hemingway' s career as a writer, which concerns a volunteer American guerrillaRobert Jorda n fighti ng in ________ . ( )A.the Spa nish Civil War青年人网为梦想创造动力!青年人自考http://www.q /stu/zixue/B. the American Civil WarC. World War ID. World War II24. Accord ing to Natha niel Hawthor ne,“ There is _______ i n every huma n heart, which may rema in late nt, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumsta ncesmay rouse it to activity.”A. evilB. homesick nessC. libidoD. competive ness25. The Snows of Kilimanjaro by____________ tells a brillia nt short story abouta mortally woun ded America n writer who attempts to redeem his imagi nati on from the corrosi ons of wealth and domestic strife.( )A. Ern est Hemin gwayB. Henry JamesC. William Faulk nerD. Herma n Melville26. The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised_______________ forA. John Ste in beckB. Henry JamesC. William Faulk nerD. Ern est Hemin gway27. Natha niel Hawthor ne was affected by R. W. Emers on struck up a veryin timate relati on ship with him.A. tran sce nden talistB. egoistC. post-moder nistD. imagist28. Robert Frost ' s first collect ion ____________ is marker by an intense but rehis powerful style-formi ng mastery of the artof creating modern fiction.s _________ t heory andstrai ned emoti on and the characteristic flavor of New En gla nd life. ( )A.North of Bost onB. A Boy ' s WillC. A Witn ess TreeD. A Further Range29.One of F • Scott Fitzgerald ' s best short stories is “_____ , ” which depicts an America n ' s return to Paris in the 1930s and his regretful realization that the past is bey ond his reach. ( )A.The BirthmarkB.To Build a FireC.Death in the WoodsD.Babylon Revisited30.Robert Frost comb ined traditi onal verse forms with a clear America n Iocal speech rhythm, the speech of _____________ w ith its idios yn cratic dict ion and syntax.( )A.New En gla nd farmersB.En gla nd farmersC.the Wester n cowboysD.the Souther ners31.One of the most often-used methods in _____________ ' s poems is to make colors and images fleet past the mind ' s eye of the reader. ( )A.Ezra PoundB.Walt WhitmanC.H.W. Lo ngfellowD.Robert Frost32.The theme of Henry James ' essay ___________________ clearly indicates that the aimof the novel is to present life, so it is not surprising to find in his writings huma n experie nces explored in every possible form. ( )A.The America nB.The Europea nsC.The Art of Fictio nD.The Golde n Bowl33.Earthly existenee was “ a welter of inscrutable forces, ” in which was trapped each in dividual huma n being. This is a typical no ti on held by ___________ .( )A.Theodore DreiserB.Robert FrostC.Henry JamesD.Walt Whitman34.Shortly before his death in 1945, the America n n aturalist ___________ joi ned the Communist Party. ( )A.Mark Twai nB.Robert FrostC.Henry JamesD.Theodore Dreiser35.If two pers ons are really in love, “ what is to us what the rest do or think? ” This is a notion strongly held by ___________ . ( )A.Emily Dick insonB.Wash ington IrvingC.Natha niel HawthorneD.Walt Whitman36.In William Faulk ner ' s writ in gs, the moder n ________ tech nique was frequen tly and skillfully used to emphasize the react ions and inner musings of the narrator. ( )A.stream-of-c on scious nessB.dec on struct ionistC.archetypalD.structuralist37.Mark Twain ' s _____________ s hows the disastrous effects of slavery on the viA. A Co nn ecticut Yan kee in Ki ng Arthur ' s CourtB.Life on the MississippiC.Roughing itD.The Tragedy of Pudd n ' head Wils on38.I n order to protest aga inst America ' s failure to join En gla nd in WWI,_________ became a n aturalized British citize n in 1915. ( )A.William Faulk nerB.Henry JamesC.Earn est Hemin gwayD.Ezra Pound39.The Gilded Age is a social satire written by ___________ in 1873. ( )A.W. D. HowellsB.William Faulk nerC.Ern est Hemin gwayD.Mark Twai n40.As the first American prose epic, ___________ is not merely a whaling taleor sea adventure, it is also regarded as a spiritual exploration into man ' s d eep reality and psychology. ( )A.Moby-DickB.RedburnC.Billy BuddD.OmooPART TWO (60 POINTS)n . Reading Comprehension (16 points in all, 4 for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and an swer the questi ons in En glish. Writeyour an swers in the corresp onding space on the an swer sheet.41.“ For oft, whe n on my couch I lieIn vaca nt or in pen sive mood,They flash upon that in ward eyeAnd the n my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils. ”Questio ns:A.Who is the poet of the quoted stanza? What is the title of the poem?B.What does “ that in ward eye ” sta nd for?C.What idea do these quoted lines carry?42.“ Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ------------- You think wrong! , And if God had gifted me with somebeauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, asit is now for me to leave you , ---- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God ' s feet, equ al-as we are! ”Questio ns:A.Who is the author of the quoted part? What is the title of the work?B.To whom is the speaker speak ing?C.What does the quoted part imply about the speaker?43.(A lot of com mon objects have bee n enu merated in the previous lin es, and here are the last two lines of the poem.)“ The horizon ' s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragranee of salt marsh and shore mud.These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes,and will always go forth every day. ”Questio ns:A.Who is the poet of the quoted lin es? What is the title of the poem?B.What does the child sta nd for in the poem?C.How do you understand “ These became part of the child ” ?44."I cannot rub the stra ngen ess from my sightI got from look ing through a pane of glassI skimmed this morning from the drinking troughQuestio ns:A.Who is the poet of the quoted stanza? What is the title of the poem?B.What does the word “ strangeness ” refers to?C.What does the quoted part imply?川.Questions and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)Give a brief answer to each of the following questions in English. Write your an swers in the corresp onding space on the an swer sheet.45.What ' s the theme of Shakespeare ' s great tragedy Hamlet?46.What ' s the theme of Shelley ' s "Ode to the West Wind ” ? What does th e west wi nd symbolize?47.What issuses does Emily Dick inson address in her poems? What are features of her poems?48.What ' s Ernest Hemingway ' s “ iceberg ” analogy?IV . Topic Discussion (20 points in all, 10 for each)Write no less tha n 150 words on each of the follow ing topics in En glish inthe corresp onding space on the an swer sheet.49.Make a comment on Thomas Hardy ' s contribution to English literature.50.Based on the no vel The Great Gatsby, discuss the features of F • Scott Fitzgerald ' s works.。
《日本文学选读》试卷(课程代码0612)试卷说明:1. 本试卷共4页,满分100分;考试时间150分钟。
2. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在试卷上无效。
文学自考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪部作品不是鲁迅的代表作?A. 《阿Q正传》B. 《狂人日记》C. 《边城》D. 《呐喊》答案:C2. “床前明月光,疑是地上霜”出自哪位诗人的笔下?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 白居易D. 王之涣答案:A3. 《红楼梦》中,贾宝玉的通灵宝玉上刻有哪四个字?A. 金玉良缘B. 莫失莫忘C. 通灵宝玉D. 不离不弃答案:C4. 下列哪位作家被誉为“现代小说之父”?A. 雨果B. 狄更斯C. 巴尔扎克D. 托尔斯泰答案:B5. 《百年孤独》的作者是谁?A. 加西亚·马尔克斯B. 博尔赫斯C. 海明威D. 福克纳答案:A6. “春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”出自哪首诗?A. 《春夜喜雨》B. 《春日》C. 《春晓》D. 《春江花月夜》答案:C7. 《哈姆雷特》中,哈姆雷特的父亲是如何被谋杀的?A. 被毒死B. 被刺杀C. 被勒死D. 被毒死在睡梦中答案:D8. “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”是哪位诗人的名句?A. 陶渊明B. 王维C. 李白D. 杜甫答案:A9. 《悲惨世界》的作者是谁?A. 雨果B. 巴尔扎克C. 狄更斯D. 托尔斯泰答案:A10. “两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”出自哪位诗人的作品?A. 苏轼B. 辛弃疾C. 李清照D. 柳永答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 下列哪些作品属于莎士比亚的四大悲剧?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《奥赛罗》C. 《李尔王》D. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》答案:A, B, C12. 以下哪些诗人属于唐代?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 白居易D. 苏轼答案:A, B, C13. 《安娜·卡列尼娜》中,安娜的悲剧结局是由哪些因素造成的?A. 社会舆论的压力B. 对爱情的执着追求C. 家庭的束缚D. 个人性格的矛盾答案:A, B, C, D14. 下列哪些作品属于现代主义文学?A. 《尤利西斯》B. 《百年孤独》C. 《追忆似水年华》D. 《简·爱》答案:A, B, C15. 《儒林外史》中,以下哪些人物是讽刺对象?A. 范进B. 严贡生C. 贾宝玉D. 林黛玉答案:A, B三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 简述《骆驼祥子》中祥子的形象特点。
日本文化自考试题和答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 日本的国花是什么?A. 樱花B. 菊花C. 梅花D. 玫瑰答案:A2. 日本的首都是哪个城市?A. 大阪B. 京都C. 东京D. 横滨答案:C3. 日本的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 汉语C. 日语D. 韩语答案:C4. 日本的货币单位是什么?A. 元B. 韩元C. 日元D. 美元答案:C5. 日本的国土面积大约是多少?A. 30万平方公里B. 37万平方公里C. 74万平方公里D. 100万平方公里答案:B6. 日本的人口大约是多少?A. 1亿B. 1.2亿C. 1.5亿D. 2亿答案:B7. 日本的四大岛中,面积最大的是哪个?A. 本州岛B. 北海道岛C. 四国岛D. 九州岛答案:A8. 日本的新年是按照哪个历法计算的?A. 公历B. 阴历C. 农历D. 儒略历答案:A9. 日本的茶道起源于哪个国家?A. 中国B. 韩国C. 印度D. 越南答案:A10. 日本的和服是受到哪个国家服饰的影响?A. 中国C. 印度D. 越南答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 日本的三大传统艺术包括以下哪些?A. 歌舞伎B. 能剧C. 相扑D. 浮世绘答案:A, B, D12. 日本的传统节日包括以下哪些?A. 七夕节B. 端午节D. 重阳节答案:A, C13. 日本的著名文学作品包括以下哪些?A. 《源氏物语》B. 《枕草子》C. 《万叶集》D. 《平家物语》答案:A, B, C, D14. 日本的著名动漫作品包括以下哪些?A. 《龙珠》B. 《海贼王》C. 《哆啦A梦》D. 《名侦探柯南》答案:A, B, C, D15. 日本的著名旅游景点包括以下哪些?A. 富士山B. 京都金阁寺C. 东京迪士尼乐园D. 奈良东大寺答案:A, B, C, D三、填空题(每题2分,共20分)16. 日本的国歌名为《______》。
答案:君之代17. 日本的国旗被称为______。
全国2012年7月高等教育自学考试英美文学选读试题课程代码:00604PART ONE ( 40 POINTS )I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. Henry Fielding adopted “______” to relate a story in a novel, in which the author becomes the “all- knowing God”.( )A. the dramatic monologueB. the epistolary formC. the first-person narrationD. the third-person narration2. Among the novelists of mid-eighteenth century, ______ gave his praise to the hard-working, sturdy middle class and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor in most of his works.( )A. Henry FieldingB. Jonathan SwiftC. Daniel DefoeD. Oliver Goldsmith3. William Wordsworth’s masterpiece is ______ in which his philosophy of life is presented.( )A. The PreludeB. Lyrical BalladsC. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”D. “Tintern Abbey”4. The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’ works is ______.( )A. a mingling of humor and pathosB. pictures of pathosC. character-portrayalD. the vernacular and large vocabulary5. All of the following are Thomas Hardy’ s local- colored works, also known as “novels of character and environment”, EXCEPT ______.( )A. The Trumpet MajorB. The Return of the NativeC. Far from the Madding CrowdD. The Woodlanders6. T. S. Eliot’ s most important single poem ______ has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry.( )A. The Hollow MenB. Murder in the CathedralC. Lyrical BalladsD. The Waste Land7. In D. H. Lawrence’ s novel ______, the individual consciousness is subtly revealed and strands of themes are intricately wound up.( )A. Sons and LoversB. The RainbowC. Women in LoveD. The Daughter-in-Law8. The leading figure of the English romantic poetry and the focal poetic voice of the period is ______.( )A. William BlakeB. William WordsworthC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. Percy Bysshe Shelley9. The major concern of ______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological develop-ment of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.( )A. John Galsworthy’ sB. Thomas Hardy’ sC. D.H. Lawrence’s D. Charles Dickens’10. George Bernard Shaw’ s play, Mrs. Warren’ s Profession is a grotesquely realistic exposure of ______.( )A. slum landlordismB. the economic oppression of womenC. the political corruption in EnglandD. the religious corruption in England11. Thomas Hardy’s most cheerful and idyllic work is ______.( )A. The Return of the NativeB. Far from the Madding CrowdC. Under the Greenwood TreeD. The Woodlanders12. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the ______ breakup of a modern civilization in which humanlife has lost its meaning, significance and purpose.( )A. spiritualB. religiousC. politicalD. physical13. Charlotte Bronte’ s works are all about the strugg le of an individual consciousness towards ______, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.( )A. self-relianceB. self-realizationC. self-esteemD. self-consciousness14. Among the works by Charles Dickens ______ presents his criticism of the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds.( )A. Bleak HouseB. Pickwick PaperC. Great ExpectationsD. Hard Times15. In the V ictorian Period ______ became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.( )A. poetryB. novelC. proseD. drama16. Jane Austen’s main literary concern is about ______.( )A. human beings in their personal relationshipsB. the love story between the rich and the poorC. maturity achieved through the loss of illusionsD. the day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class English17. Shelley’s ______ is the best of all the Romantic well-known lyric pieces.( )A. “The Cloud”B. “To a Skylark”C. “Ode to a Nightingale”D. “Ode to the West Wind”18. The most important contribution of ______ is that he not only started the modern poetry, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.( )A. William BlakeB. William WordsworthC. George Gordon ByronD. John Keats19. William Blake’s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is ______, which gives the two books a strong social and historical reference.( )A. youthhoodB. childhoodC. happinessD. sorrow20. Working through the tradition of a Christian huanism, John Milton wrote ______ intending to “justify the ways of God to men.”A. Paradise LostB. Samson AgonistesC. LycidasD. Paradise Regained21. Shakespeare’s ______ is generally regarded as the most popular play on the stage, for it has the qualities of a “blood-and-thunder” thriller and a philosophical exploitation of life and death.( )A. HamletB. OthelloC. King LearD. Macbeth22. T. S. Eliot’s most striking early achievement ______ is in a form of dramatic monologue.( ) A. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” B. “Gerontion”C. The Waste LandD. The Hollow Men23. For Whom the Bell Tolls clearly represents a new beginning in Ernest Hemingway’ s career asa writer, which concerns a volunteer American guerrilla Robert Jordan fighting in ______.( )A. the Spanish Civil WarB. the American Civil WarC. World War ID. World War II24. According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, “There is ______ in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.”A. evilB. homesicknessC. libidoD. competiveness25. The Snows of Kilimanjaro by ______ tells a brilliant short story about a mortally wounded American writer who attempts to redeem his imagination from the corrosions of wealth and domestic strife. ( )A. Ernest HemingwayB. Henry JamesC. William FaulknerD. Herman Melville26. The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised ______ for “his powerful style-forming mastery of the art” of creating modern fiction.( )A. John SteinbeckB. Henry JamesC. William FaulknerD. Ernest Hemingway27. Nathaniel Hawthorne was affected by R. W. Emerson’s ______ theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with him.( )A. transcendentalistB. egoistC. post-modernistD. imagist28. Robert Frost’s first collection ______ is marker by an inte nse but restrained emotion and the characteristic flavor of New England life.( )A. North of BostonB. A Boy’s WillC. A Witness TreeD. A Further Range29. One of F·Scott Fitzgerald’ s best short stories is “______,” which depicts an American’ s return to Paris in the 1930s and his regretful realization that the past is beyond his reach.( ) A. The Birthmark B. To Build a FireC. Death in the WoodsD. Babylon Revisited30. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms with a clear American loc al speech rhythm, the speech of ______ with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. ( )A. New England farmersB. England farmersC. the Western cowboysD. the Southerners31. One of the most often-used methods in ______’s poems is to make colors and images fleet past the mind’s eye of the reader. ( )A. Ezra PoundB. Walt WhitmanC. H.W. LongfellowD. Robert Frost32. The theme of Henry James’ essay ______ clearly indicates that the aim of the novel is topresent life, so it is not surprising to find in his writings human experiences explored in every possible form.( )A. The AmericanB. The EuropeansC. The Art of FictionD. The Golden Bowl33. Earthly existence was “a welter of inscrutable forces,” in which was trapped each individual human being. This is a typical notion held by ______.( )A. Theodore DreiserB. Robert FrostC. Henry JamesD. Walt Whitman34. Shortly before his death in 1945, the American naturalist ______ joined the Communist Party.( )A. Mark TwainB. Robert FrostC. Henry JamesD. Theodore Dreiser35. If two persons are really in love, “what is to us what the rest do or think?” This is a notion strongly held by ______.( )A. Emily DickinsonB. Washington IrvingC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Walt Whitman36. In William Faulkner’s writings, the modern ______ technique was frequently and skillfully used to emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.( )A. stream-of-consciousnessB. deconstructionistC. archetypalD. structuralist37. Mark Twain’s ______ shows the disastrous effects of slavery on the victimizer and the victim alike.( )A. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtB. Life on the MississippiC. Roughing itD. The Tragedy of Puddn’ head Wilson38. In order to prote st against America’s failure to join England in WWI, ______ became a naturalized British citizen in 1915.( )A. William FaulknerB. Henry JamesC. Earnest HemingwayD. Ezra Pound39. The Gilded Age is a social satire written by ______ in 1873.( )A. W. D. HowellsB. William FaulknerC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark Twain40. As the first American prose epic, ______ is not merely a whaling tale or sea adventure, it isalso regarded as a spiritual exploration into man’ s deep reality and psychology.()A. Moby-DickB. RedburnC. Billy BuddD. OmooPART TWO (60 POINTS)Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (16 points in all, 4 for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.41. “ For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils. ”Questions:A. Who is the poet of the quoted stanza? What is the title of the poem?B. What does “that inward eye” stand for?C. What idea do these quoted lines carry?42. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ——Y ou think wrong! …And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you…——it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s fe et, equal-as we are!”Questions:A. Who is the author of the quoted part? What is the title of the work?B. To whom is the speaker speaking?C. What does the quoted part imply about the speaker?43. (A lot of common objects have been enumerated in the previous lines, and here are the last two lines of the poem.)“The horizon’s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud.These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every d ay. ”Questions:A. Who is the poet of the quoted lines? What is the title of the poem?B. What does the child stand for in the poem?C. How do you understand “These became part of the child”?44. “I cannot rub the strangeness from my sightI got from looking through a pane of glassI skimmed this morning from the drinking troughAnd held against the world of hoary grass.”Questions:A. Who is the poet of the quoted stanza? What is the title of the poem?B. What does the word “strangeness” refers to?C. What does the quoted part imply?Ⅲ. Questions and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)Give a brief answer to each of the following questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.45. What’ s the theme of Shakespeare’ s great tragedy Hamlet?46. What’s the theme of Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”? What does the west wind symbolize?47. What issuses does Emily Dickinson address in her poems? What are features of her poems?48. What’s Ernest Hemingway’s “iceberg” analogy?Ⅳ. T opic Discussion (20 points in all, 10 for each)Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.49. Make a comment on Thomas Hardy’s contribution to English literature.50. Based on the novel The Great Gatsby, discuss the features of F ·Scott Fitzgerald’s works.本文由深圳自学考试网/整理发布。