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关雎Cooing And Wooing关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves;窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves.参差荇菜, Water flows left and right左右流之. Of cress long here, short there;窈窕淑女, The youth yearns day and night寤寐求之. For the good maiden fair.求之不得, His yearning grows so strong,寤寐思服. He can not fall asleep,悠哉悠哉,But tosses all night long,辗转反侧. So deep in love, so deep!参差荇菜, Now gather left and right左右采之. Cress long or short and tender!窈窕淑女, O lute, play music bright琴瑟友之 .For the bride sweet and slender! 参差荇菜, Feast friends at left and right左右芼之. On cress cooked till tender!窈窕淑女, O bells and drums, delight钟鼓乐之. The bride so sweet and slender!垓下歌XIANG YU’S LAST SONG项羽XIANGYU力拔山兮气盖世,I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might时不利兮骓不逝。
But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight.骓不逝兮可奈何!Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. 虞兮虞兮奈若何!What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!回乡偶书HOME-COMING贺知章He Zhi zhang少小离家老大回,Old, I return to the homeland while young,乡音无改鬓毛衰。
The beating of the slow 曲式李清照were beginning to field of seven is considered 千古绝唱寻寻觅觅. "" if there is a dynamic and "cold" are of the motionless as a result, the "miserable" inner surface, the "inner distress" is the depth of three. it is still and quiet, build and write the 词人find his homeland, the sorrow. "乍暖还寒, i think that's just warming is still a cold spring, when the most difficult to maintain body下片转入秋天,“满地黄花堆积”,回想从前与丈夫饮酒赏菊,而今花谢飘零,有谁还会来“采菊东篱”呢?只好一个人坐在窗前,望着落花,形单影只,怎样才能熬到天黑啊!更难堪的是,到了黄昏时分,忽然下起雨来,一点一滴落在梧桐叶上,都像是对女词人心灵的打击。
声声慢Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.*****************************满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowers Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?。
第25卷第2期西安翻译学院学报V〇1.25N〇.2 2018 年 6 月Journal of Xi’an Fanyi University Jun.2018◎外语广角关于李清照词《声声慢》的英文翻译及探索思考张清泉(四川达州635000)摘要:宋代著名女词人李清照晚年词《声声慢》传诵千古,近代包括林语堂,冰心,唐安石(John Tuner),许 渊冲等大家都对该词的英文翻译进行过多种形式的尝试,为我们留下许多精彩的翻译和继续探讨、求索的空间。
关键词:李清照词《声声慢》;翻译;探索中图分类号:H315.9 文献标志码:A文章编号:94004 - (2018)02 -0054 -04声声慢•寻寻觅觅(宋)李清照寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
乍暖还 寒时候,最难将息。
三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他、晚来 风急?雁过也,正伤心,却是旧时相识。
近代包括冰心,林语堂,唐安石(Jh n Tuner),许渊冲等大家及学者都对该 词的英文翻译进行过多种形式的尝试。
据笔者不 完全统计,前后译本多达近二十种,而且随着时间 的推移,后生晚辈中肯定会不断涌现出对这阙词 的各种演绎。
有人说该词是“史上最难翻译的古 诗”,有人说该词是“翻译界的‘哥德巴赫猜想’”[1]—因为该词对翻译界的朋友来讲,仅仅 是该词上半阙开头一连七组精妙绝伦的叠声词的 翻译,就是一个充满魅力的巨大挑战——对前辈 大家学者的尝试和探索,已经有很多学者专门撰文作了很有意义的欣赏和比较,也引起了很多。
仅以开头一句“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨 惨戚戚”的翻译为例,以我自己的体会:才女如冰 心,才子如林语堂,他们的翻译是以把七组叠音 词背后词人‘落寞清寂’的深意用简洁的几个英文 词给表现了出来,对原文中“叠音词组”的音韵美 没有著过多笔墨渲染,这也是较为遗憾之处。
关雎Cooing And Wooing关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves;窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves.参差荇菜, Water flows left and right左右流之. Of cress long here, short there;窈窕淑女, The youth yearns day and night寤寐求之. For the good maiden fair.求之不得, His yearning grows so strong,寤寐思服. He can not fall asleep,悠哉悠哉,But tosses all night long,辗转反侧. So deep in love, so deep!参差荇菜, Now gather left and right左右采之. Cress long or short and tender!窈窕淑女, O lute, play music bright琴瑟友之.For the bride sweet and slender! 参差荇菜, Feast friends at left and right左右芼之. On cress cooked till tender!窈窕淑女, O bells and drums, delight钟鼓乐之. The bride so sweet and slender!垓下歌XIANG YU’S LAST SONG项羽XIANGYU力拔山兮气盖世,I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might时不利兮骓不逝。
But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight.骓不逝兮可奈何!Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. 虞兮虞兮奈若何!What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!回乡偶书HOME-COMING贺知章He Zhi zhang少小离家老大回,Old, I return to the homeland while young,乡音无改鬓毛衰。
李清照声声慢英文翻译Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息 How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得 On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold, Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wine Bring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead: My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall. To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black! And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song) Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low .When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts ?A flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances . Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worth picking ? Alone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darkness ?Add to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling . By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant .Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .。
此时,年仅50 的李清照孤单一人,这一连串的打击使她尽尝了家破人亡、颠沛流离的悲苦。
2.翻译美学1750年德国启蒙思想家、哲学家鲍姆加登在著作Aesthetica 中首次提出创建“美学”。
声声慢 Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.*****************************满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowers Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief。
The comparison of image in shengshengman08英语5班黎丽20081801B149 “Poetry translation should starts from the image.”As the same, the understanding of translation also should pay more attention to the image. Image falls into two main types. Generally speaking, Image is the key point of the whole poetry wish to create or render. In a narrow sense, Image is a word or phrase emphasized in the separate sentences. Here,We mainly focus on the overall image.“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
”徐忠杰译:I've a sense of something missing I must seek.Everything about me looks dismal and bleak.许渊冲译:I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.This sentence is later known as the whole essence of the first word. There are 14 reiterative dictions which strengthen the dolorous atmosphere and deepen the theme. This phonological beauty and the beauty of artistic conception are hard to reappear. Xu zhongjie‟s translation of repeat use of [S], [B], [ZI] sounds, which to a certain extent, reflects the melody of textual. But the third line “Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.” comes to real and without object. In Xu yuanchong‟s translation, the first two lines “I look for what I miss; I know not what it is.”use the same types of words and phrases. Repeat patterns use in the third and forth lines. The last phrase” without cheer”creates the main theme of gloomy. As Nida‟s saying”mastering the mother tongue and the source language, to understand the source language and target language and cultural differences.””Translation also show's creative arts.” The first quarter is the indicator of poet‟s blue life.“乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。
林译:So dim, so dark,/ So dense, so dull,/ So damp, so dank,/ So dead!杨译:Seeking, seeking,/ Chilly and quiet,/ Desolate, painful and miserable.徐译:I’ve a sense of something missing I must seek./ Everything about me looks dismal and bleak. / Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.许译:I look for what I miss;/ I know not what it is./ I feel so sad, so drear,/ So lonely, without cheer.解析:1)林译全部选用单音节词,押头韵,且词语的选用层层递进,可谓独具匠心。
“dim”和“dark”表明天色已晚, “dense”和“dull”展现了浓重不化,寻觅不得的忧愁和失落,继而“damp”和“dank”渲染阴冷凄苦的氛围,最后“dead”推向高潮,体现了词人绝望无助,凄凉痛苦的内心。
4)许译增加了主语,点明了寻觅之物是“what I miss”,似乎过于直白,少了原词的委婉朦胧之感。
《声声慢》歌词英译填词:崔开潮寻寻觅觅冷冷清清月落乌啼月牙落孤井零零碎碎点点滴滴梦里有花梦里青草地长发引涟漪白布展石矶河童撑杆摆长舟渡古稀屋檐洒雨滴炊烟袅袅起蹉跎辗转宛然的你在哪里寻寻觅觅冷冷清清月落乌啼月牙落孤井零零碎碎点点滴滴梦里有花梦里青草地青砖伴瓦漆白马踏新泥山花蕉叶暮色丛染红巾屋檐洒雨滴炊烟袅袅起蹉跎辗转宛然的你在哪里Translation by SamuelBlack bricks are covered with tile varnish.The white horsetreads on the new earth.Bathed in the twilight are wild flowers and plantain leaves.Raindrops fall slowly off the eaves.Smoke curls up from the kitchen chimney.Time flies, especially when I’ve no clue where we can meet.I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.The crows caw when the moon sleeps in a well.Moments after moments;Little by little.I have blossoms and grass in my dreams.Your long hair ripples my heart.Flowing water clothes the rocks.The young boatman takes the aged across the river. Raindrops fall off the eaves.Smoke curls up from the kitchen chimney.Time flies, especially when I’ve no clue where we can meet.I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.The crows caw when the moon goes down into a well.Moments after moments;Little by little.I have blossoms and grass in my dreams.Black bricks are covered with tile varnish.The white horse treads on the new earth.Bathed in the twilight are wild flowers and plantain leaves.Raindrops fall slowly off the eaves.Smoke curls up from the kitchen chimney.Time flies, especially when I’ve no clue where we can meet.。
许渊冲译者主体性在李清照《声声慢》英译本中的体现李睿婕;张轶前【摘要】Mr. Xu Yuanchong is a literary translation theorist, as well as awell-known literary translator, who makes a tremendous contri- bution for China' s translation. This paper studies the playing of translator subjectivity of Mr. Xu Yuanchong in the English translation of Li Qingzhao's el, taking Sheng Sheng Man as an example. It discusses from three aspects: the aim of translation,the perspective of aes- thetics and culture.%许渊冲先生是一位著名的文学翻译理论家和文学翻译家,对我国的翻译事业做出了巨大贡献。
1.许渊冲译者主体性在李清照《声声慢》英译本中的体现 [J], 李睿婕;张轶前
2.许渊冲译者主体性在李清照《声声慢》英译本中的体现 [J], 李睿婕;张轶前
3.许渊冲的“三美”原则在《声声慢》英译本中的体现* [J], 谢菲
4.许渊冲《声声慢》英译本中“三美”论的体现 [J], 聂艳敏
5.《声声慢》英译中“三美”论的体现——许渊冲与林语堂译作分析 [J], 王淑玲;
声声慢Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"
I look for what I miss;
I know not what it is.
I feel so sad, so drear,
So lonely, without cheer.
How hard is it
To keep me fit
In this lingering cold!
Hardly warmed up
By cup on cup
Of wine so dry,
Oh, how could I
Endure at dusk the drift
Of wind so swift?
It breaks my heart, alas!
To see the wild geese pass,
For they are my acquaintances of old.
The ground is covered with yellow flowers Faded and fallen in showers.
Who will pick them up now?
Sitting alonw at the window, how
Could I but quicken
The pace of darkness which won't thicken?
On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.
Oh! what can I do with a grief
Beyond belief?。