➢ Inputs — documents or documentable items that will be acted upon. ➢ Tools and techniques — mechanisms applied to the inputs to create the outputs. ➢ Outputs — documents or documentable items that are a result of the process. 工程项目管理的多维思考 …… z 行 业 通信与广电工程 类 别 矿业工程 市政公共工程 施 铁路工程 水利水电工程 房屋建筑工程 0 项可 目行 建性 议研 书究 工 图招 初技设 投 步术计 标 设设阶 阶 计计段 段 试 施竣运 工工行 阶验阶 段收段 运报 行废 阶拆 段除 x y 工程…工项…程招目项投工投目标程工资经与项程管济合目项理评同造目价管价建理管设理管理 项目全寿命周期管理 能力培养 项目阶段划分 工程项目的生命期是指一个工程项目由筹划立项开 始,直到项目竣工投产,收回投资,达到预期目标 的整个过程。 不同的项目其生命周期的内容不同,划分的阶段也 不同。但是,不管项目阶段的内容和划分如何不同, 大多数项目生命周期都可以大致归纳为四个阶段: 萌芽阶段(项目建议书和启动)、成长阶段(项目 规划、设计和评估)、成熟阶段(项目实施和控 制)、变质阶段(项目完成和结尾)。 ④Controlling processes — ensuring that project objectives are met by monitoring and measuring progress and taking corrective action when necessary. ⑤Closing processes — formalizing acceptance of the project or phase and bringing it to an orderly end. ②Planning processes — devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need that the project was undertaken to address. ③Executing processes — coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan. Accounting Final cost Contract price Bidding price Cost estimate Preliminary cost estimate Project cost plan Investment Plan Initial Investment Intention Design Chapter 2:Process and Procedure Management of Water Conservancy Projects Startup Warrantee Construction 15% 10% 5% -15% -10% -5% Construction Project Cost Control ➢ Project management processes and product-oriented processes overlap and interact throughout the project. For example, the scope of the project cannot be defined in the absence of some basic understanding of how to create the product. ➢ Project management processes are concerned with describing and organizing the work of the project. ➢ Product-oriented processes are concerned with specifying and creating the project product. Product-oriented processes are typically defined by the project life cycle and vary by application area. Project management processes can be organized into five groups of one or more processes each: ①Initiating processes — recognizing that a project or phase should begin and committing to do so. Making Preparation Desig n 30% 25% -25% -30% Decisio n PROJECT PROCESSES Projects are composed of processes. A process is “a series of actions bringing about a result” . wk.baidu.comroject processes are performed by people and generally fall into one of two major categories: Process Interactions Within each process group, the individual processes are linked by their inputs and outputs. By focusing on these links, we can describe each process in terms of its: