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上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 涡轴发动机压气机流场动态压力测量与分析 姓名:姚峥嵘 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:航空发动机测试 指导教师:刘应征;单晓明 20080401
摘 要
压气机是航空发动机的核心部件之一,深入研究压气机内流场非定常流动, 对进一步提高压气机效率是非常重要的。 本文采用试验研究的方法对压气机内流场非定常流动进行研究。 文中对组成 动态压力测量系统的动态压力传感器、信号调理器、数据采集与处理系统等的选 取进行了详细的介绍,研制了两种用于压气机流场测量的微型高频压力复合探 针, 并详细论述了动态压力测量在涡轴发动机压气机流场测量中的两种典型应用 研究情况。 本文首次对某涡轴发动机轴流压气机一级转子叶尖壁面动态压力进行了测 量与分析。在转子叶尖机匣上放置 Kulite 微型高频动态压力传感器,通过调节 压气机不同的工作状态,测量转子叶尖端壁动态压力分布,绘制转子叶尖壁面动 态压力流动图谱,揭示了该压气机转子叶尖壁面动态压力分布特征,较为准确地 捕获到转子叶尖激波发生位置与形状,以及进口导叶尾迹对转子进口流场的影 响。 本文采用动态压力探针对某组合压气机轴流出口旋转失速进行了测量与分 析。用三支微型高频压力复合探针作同样安装,沿周向不等间隔分布,按两支探 针信号时差及信号频率推算失速团数与旋转频率。 由于压气机失速信号的强随机 性会实录波形图上量测两支探针信号时差及频率产生较大误差, 本文采用互相关 分析法确定信号时差,用谱分析法确定信号频率。测试分析结果表明,本文所采 用的动态压力测量与分析方法可有效地获取压气机失速团个数、 旋转频率等流动 特征,对于研究失速、喘振发生及发展过程中非稳定流场非常有效。 本文的研究结果对研究其他旋转机械流场动态压力也有参考价值。
Compressor is one of key components of aeroengine. It is very important for studying the unsteady flow of compressor inner flow field to improve its efficiency. In this thesis, research has been done by doing tests to study the unsteady flow of compressor inner flow field. It introduces in detail how to select dynamic pressure measuring system system and so on. Two types of mini-size consisting of dynamic pressure probe, signal conditioner, data acquisition and processing high-frequency pressure composite probes for measuring compressor flow field have been developed. Furthermore, two typical applications of dynamic pressure measurement of flow field in turboshaft aeroengine compressor have been carried out. For the first time, the wall dynamic pressure of the first stage blade-tip of axial compressor of certain turboshaft aeroengine has been measured and analyzed.By installing Kulite mini-size high-frequency dynamic pressure transducers on the casing, and adjusting compressor operation condition, the wall dynamic pressure distribution of the rotor blade-tip has been measured and the flow maps have been drawn. As a result, the distribution characteristics of the blade-tip dynamic pressure has been revealed, the location and shape of the shock wave have been captured, and the influence of the IGV wake on the rotor inlet flow has been shown. In this thesis, the rotation stall of the axial outlet in an axial-centrifugal combined compressor has been meaeured and analyzed. With three mini-size high-frequency transducer built-in pressure probes distributed along different circumference interval, the number and the frequency of the stall can be known by calculating the signal time difference and frequency between two probes. Due to the strong randomicity of the compressor stall signals,big errors could occur by using this method. Therefore,in this thesis, the correlation analyse method has been used to get the signal time gap and the spectrum analyse method has been used to determine signal frequency.The measurement result indicates that the used methods of the dynamic pressure measurement and
压气机 动态压力 激波 旋转失速
Dynamic Pressure Measurement and Analysis of the Flow Field in Turboshaft Aeroengine Compressor
analysis are very effective to obtain the features such as the number,rotation frequency of the stall in compressor, and to study the unsteady flow related to the occur of stall and its devolopment to surge as well. The research of this thesis can also be a valueable reference in the study of dynamic pressure measurement in the flow of other type of turbo machinery.
日期:2008 年 5 月 17 日
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【KEY WORDS】compressor
dynamic pressure
shock wave
rotation stall
符 号 说 明
f 0 ……………………………………………固有频率(Inherent frequency)
Ms ………………………………………激波马赫数(Mach number of shock wave)
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日期:2008 年 5 月 17 日
日期:2008 年 5 月 17 日
第一章 绪 论

航空发动机技术是航空工业的核心技术。 突破航空发动机技术是提升我国国 防空中力量的必由之路, 尽快提高试验测试能力则是突破航空发动机技术的必要 条件。随着要求的发动机性能指标的不断提高,研制过程技术越来越复杂,难度 越来越大,试验项目越来越多,测试内容越来越复杂,测试精度要求越来越高。 航空发动机的历代发展,很大程度取决于测试技术的先进性。发达国家在航空发 动机研制中均把测试技术发展放在极其重要的地位。 动态测试在航空发动机的研 制过程中,具有很重要的地位。航空发动机新机研制的全过程都需要进行动态试 验和动态测试。 近十年来,动态测量和试验技术取得相当大的进展,通过发动机流道内气 流的温度、压力、速度和方向及相应的流场稳、动态过程的测试研究,更深入 地了解发动机过渡态工作特点,获得了气动热力性能、结构强度等方面的重要 数据,为发动机设计改进和发展提供了依据。
1.1 课题的背景和意义
a …………………………………………………………音速 (Velocity of sound) l ……………………………………………………………管腔长度(tube length)
n ……………………………………发动机折合转速(Engine conversion speed) θ………………………………两支探针之间的夹角 (Angle between two probes) f………………………………………………………失速频率 (Stall frequency) n…………失速团的绝对运动转速 (Absolute kinetic velocity of stall mass) N…………………………工作叶轮的失速团数 (Stall mass number of impeller) V……………………失速团传播速度 (Transmitting velocity of stall mass) F………………………………………………………转子频率 (Rotor frequency)