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The Internet is probably the most profound technology which has been changed the society over the past 20 years . In just 20 years, the Internet from scratch, penetrated into every corner of human life. Along with the rapid development of network, especially the rapid development of the mobile Internet, Internet financial has become an indispensable part of People's Daily life.
According to the China electronic commerce research center (100 ec. CN) monitoring data show that the Internet pay deals 5372.98 billion yuan in 2013, as of December 2013, the China mobile e-commerce market deals reached 232.5 billion yuan, an increase of 141%. So we can see that the Internet financial prospects, there is a huge space for development. On the one hand, Internet financial firms in the traditional pay pay settlement areas continue to expand the new channels, such as mobile payment, phone, micro letter, payment, service mode, such as mobile pos, releasing, provides customers with more convenient financial services ; on the other hand, as the constant innovation in the form of e-commerce, B2B, B2C, C2C and other payment service mode has been introduced, followed by from settlement, guarantees, financing and so on several aspects.
In this paper, through descriptions of the produce and development of the Internet financial status, pointed out that in the age of the Internet commercial Banks compete with Internet financial firms cannot be avoided. Through on the influence of the Internet financial brings to the commercial bank, analyzed the commercial Banks face the competition in the era of the Internet financial situation and the main opportunities and challenges. According to the results of the analysis for commercial Banks to meet the competitive challenges of the Internet financial companies to provide strategic choice.
Keywords: Internet financial, commercial Banks, competition, strategic choice
一绪论 (4)
(一)选题背景及研究意义 (4)
(二)互联网金融的概念 (4)
(三)研究的主要内容 (5)
二互联网金融的发展现状 (5)
(一)互联网金融的模式 (5)
(二)我国互联网金融的发展历程 (6)
(三)我国互联网金融的发展势头 (6)
1.中国互联网支付市场交易规模 (7)
2.第三方支付市场主要企业交易规模市场份额 (8)
3.中国网络用户规模 (8)
4.中国网络零售市场交易规模 (9)
三互联网金融与商业银行 (10)
(一)互联网金融给商业银行带来的影响 (10)
2.对商业银行传统职能——支付中介职能的影响 (11)
3.对商业银行原有融资格局的影响 (11)
4. 互联网金融导致商业银行支付功能边缘化 (12)
四互联网金融时代商业银行的战略选择 (13)
(一)商业银行在互联网金融环境中的优势 (13)
1.资源比较丰富 (13)
2.安全性强 (13)
3.系统稳定 (13)
(二)商业银行在互联网金融环境中的劣势 (13)
1.操作麻烦 (13)
2.程序繁琐 (14)
3.三流不一................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(三)商业银行的战略选择 (14)
1.思维方式层面 (14)
2.加强合作 (14)
3.巩固客户基础,更新市场定位。 (15)
4.分层服务理念,更新服务渠道。............... 错误!未定义书签。
5.提高服务效率,更新管理模式。............... 错误!未定义书签。五总结和展望 .. (15)
参考文献: (16)