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Novel Topologies of 24-Pulse Rectifier with Conventional Transformers for Phaseshifting

A. N. Arvindan

Department of Electrical &.Electronics Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Anna University (Chennai),

Chennai, India – 603 110

E-mail: lkana0@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10780055.html,

Anirudh Guha

Department of Electrical &.Computer Engineering,

University of Texas,

Austin, TX 78712-0240, USA,

E-mail: anuguha87@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10780055.html,

Abstract—Two 24-pulse rect

i f


er topolog


es based on phase

sh ft ng by convent onal magnet cs s proposed. Four 3-phase systems are obtai ned from a si ngle 3-phase source usi ng novel interconnection of conventional single- and 3-phase transformers. Phase shi fts of 15o and 30o are made usi ng phasor addi ti on of relevant li ne voltages wi th a combi nati on of si ngle-phase and

three-phase transformers respect

i vely. The four three-phase

systems are mutually di splaced from each other by 15o. Each three-phase system feeds a 6-pulse di ode recti fi er and the four d ode rect f ers are ser es cascaded to prov de a 24-pulse dc

output voltage. PSCAD based s

i mulat


on and exper



results that confirm the design efficacy are presented.

Keywords-Total harmonic distortion, Multipulse converter, Multipulse rectifier, Power quality, Pulse number


The conventional ac-dc converters are developed using diodes and thyristors to provide controlled and uncontrolled unidirectional and bidirectional dc power, however, these converters have problems of poor power quality in terms of injected current harmonics, resultant voltage distortion and slowly varying rippled dc output at load end, low efficiency, and large size of ac and dc filters.To overcome these drawbacks and meet contemporary power quality standards [1]-[3] it has become imperative to address power quality issues like reducing harmonic currents, higher power factor, lower EMI/RFI at input ac mains and well-regulated dc output.

Increased awareness of power quality has led to the development of a new breed of ac-dc converters referred to as improved power quality ac-dc converters (IPQCs) [4],[5] that have been classified as switch-mode rectifiers, power-factor correctors, pulse width modulation rectifiers, multipulse rectifiers, etc. Multipulse rectifiers are unidirectional multipulse converters that are used for high power applications which involve high voltage and low current. This paper is about the design of magnetic for the realization of a 24-pulse rectifier involving the transformation of a single 3-phase system to four 3-phase systems using novel interconnections of conventional 3-phase and single-phase transformers. A 12-pulse rectifier is realized by cascading two 6-pulse rectifiers fed from two 3-phase systems displaced by 30o. The 24-pulse rectifier topology is obtained by cascading two 12-pulse rectifier systems which translates to cascading of four 6-pulse rectifiers fed from four 3-phase systems displaced by 15o.


The number of pulses in the dc output voltage within one time period of the ac source voltage is the pulse number. In high-power applications, ac–dc converters based on the concept of multipulse, namely, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 pulses are used to reduce the harmonics in ac supply currents. These are named as multipulse converters. They use either a diode bridge or thyristor bridge and a special arrangement of magnetics through transformers and tapped inductors.The variation of harmonics in the input current and the ripple frequency on the dc side for different pulse numbers are shown in Table I.

A. Bidirectional Multipulse Converters

These converters normally use thyristors and harmonics reduction is made effective with pulse multiplication [6], [7] using magnetics. The use of fully controlled thyristor bridge converters offers bidirectional power flow and adjustable output dc voltage. The use of a higher number of phases through an input multiple winding transformer and pulse multiplication using tapped reactor [8], and an injection transformer, reduces TH D to input ac currents and ripples in

the output dc voltage. The cost and weight of input transformers can be reduced by using autotransformers [9]-[11]

in low- and medium-voltage applications.

B.Unidirectional Multipulse Converters

Normally, diode bridges are used with a higher number of pulses for reducing harmonics in ac mains and reducing the value of ripple voltage in the dc output. These are developed in

12-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 48-pulse converters, through input multipulse auto/isolation transformers and ripple current





AC Harmonics Ripple




1 1,2,3,… fs 1.21

2 1,3,5,…. 2fs 0.482

3 2,4,5,…. 3fs 0.182

6 5,7,11,…. 6fs 0.042

12 11,13,23,… 12fs 0.01

18 17,19,35,… 18fs 0.00643

24 23,25,47,… 24fs 0.0022

108 978-1-61284-379-7/11$26.00c 2011IEEE

Figure 1. 24-pulse rectifier topology I realized by transforming a single 3-phase system to four 3-phase systems using conventional 1- and 3-phase transformers.

Figure 2. Phasor representation of four three-phase systems of topology I.

injection employing interphase reactors. The rating, size, cost, and weight of different components of these converters are reduced using novel concepts in autotransformer configurations [12], [13] to achieve a higher number of phases from input three-phase AC mains through phase splitting at different

angles. The concepts of phase shift through input transformers

and pulse multiplication through input tapped reactors, interphase [13], [14] and injection transformers [15] at the dc link are vital for these converters. Normally, these converters employ only slow converter grade diodes, thus resulting in negligible switching losses, high efficiency, high power factor, low THD at input ac mains, and ripple-free dc output of high quality. III.


In this paper two topologies of 24-pulse rectifier are proposed that involve novel interconnections of single- and three-phase conventional transformers for phase shifting. A.24-Pulse Rectifier: Topology I

Fig. 1 shows the proposed first topology of the 24-pulse rectifier. It is clear from Fig. 1 that the realization of the 24-pulse rectifier involves obtaining four 3-phase systems with a defined phase shift between them from a single 3-phase system using interconnection of three-phase and single-phase transformers. For harmonic elimination, the required minimum defined phase shift is given by [16]

Phase shift = 60?/Number of six-pulse converters .

The phasor representation of the four 3-phase systems – a 0b 0c 0, a 15b 15c 15, a 30b 30c 30, and a 45b 45c 45 shown in Fig. 1 feeding 3-phase diode bridges (four 6-pulse rectifiers) DBI, DBIV, DBII and DBIII respectively, with successive systems displaced by 15o is depicted in Fig. 2. For an n pulse rectifier the

characteristic harmonics are of the order nk ± 1 where k = 1, 2, 3, … . From the data in Table I also it is clear that a higher

pulse number implies elimination of lower order current

20111st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems 109

Figure 3. 24-pulse rectifier topology II realized by transforming a single 3-phase system to four 3-phase systems using conventional 1- and 3-phase transformers.

Figure 4. Phasor representation of four three-phase systems of topology II.

harmonics and presence of higher order ones on the ac side, lower ripple content on the dc voltage and higher ripple frequency.

B.24-Pulse Rectifier: Topology II

Fig. 3 shows the proposed second topology of the 24-pulse

rectifier. The phasor representation of the four 3-phase systems – a 0b 0c 0, a 15b 15c 15, a 30b 30c 30, and a 45b 45c 45 shown in Fig. 3 feeding 3-phase diode bridges (four 6-pulse rectifiers) DBI, DBII, DBIII and DBIV respectively, with successive systems displaced by 15o is depicted in Fig. 4. IV.


The transformation of a single three-phase system to four three-phase systems is achieved by two different interconnections of single- and three-phase transformers that provide two topologies.

A. Transformation in Topology I

As shown in Fig. 1, the source represented by lines A 0B 0C 0feeds the Yy0d11 vector configured, 3-phase, 3-winding, step down transformer and two 3-phase systems, one (represented as a 0, b 0 and c 0) with line voltages (V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0) in phase with the source line voltages and the other (represented as a 30, b 30 and c 30)with line voltages (V a30b30, V b30c30, V c30a30) leading the source line voltages by 30o are obtained from the secondary wye (y0) and delta (d11) windings respectively. The line voltages V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0and V a30b30, V b30c30, V c30a30are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively. It is noteworthy that the six line voltages of both the 3-phase systems are balanced and equal in magnitude and differ only in phase angle. The six line voltages V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0, V a30b30, V b30c30, V c30a30 are isolated using 6 single-

a - 30

a 0 a -15


a 0c

c - 30

c - 45 b - 30 b - 45

b -15b 0

11020111st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems

Figure 5. Input line voltages V a0b0, V b0c0 and V c0a0 at diode bridge I.Figure 6. Input line voltages V a30b30, V b30c30 and V c30a30 at diode bridge II.phase transformers with appropriate turns ratio. The secondary voltages of the single-phase transformers corresponding to V a0b0and V a30b30 are connected in series in order to yield V a15b15, a voltage equal in magnitude to the six line voltages but leading V a0b0 by 15o. This 15o phase shift is obtained by phasor addition of appropriate line voltages.

The line voltage V a0b0 leads the phase voltage V a0 by 30o and the line voltage V a30b30 leads the phase voltage V a30 by 30o,however,since V a30 also leads V a0 by 30o it is obvious V a0b0 is in phase with V a30. This implies that V a30b30 leads V a0b0 by 30o.The phasor addition of these two line voltages that are equal in magnitude gives the resultant V a15b15 as follows:

V a15b15 = (V 2a0b0 + V 2a30b30+ 2V a0b0 V a30b30 Cos30o)1/2

(1) Since the magnitudes of V a0b0 and V a30b30 are equal, the resultant V a15b15 bisects the 30o angle between V a0b0 and V a30b30. Thus the line voltage V a15b15 leads V a0b0by 15o. Similarly, the line voltages V b15c15 and V c15a15 are obtained by the phasor additions via the secondary windings of the single-phase transformers

corresponding to the line voltages V b0c0 and V b30c30; and V c0a0 and

V c30a30respectively. The voltages V a15b15, V b15c15 and V c15a15 are equal in magnitude and are 120o apart and, therefore; the windings with these voltages are connected in star to form a balanced 3-phase system, with V a45b45, V b45c45 and V c45a45 as the line

voltages that are shown in Fig. 7. Hence, in Fig. 1 the (phasors)

lines a 45, b 45 and c 45 are obtained and are fed to a 3-phase transformer of the Yd1 configuration which provides a phase shift of -30o and hence, yields the (phasors) lines a 15, b 15 and c 15

respectively. The corresponding line voltages V a15b15, V b15c15 and

V c15a15 that lag by 30o the voltages V a45b45, V b45c45 and V c45a45

Figure 7. Input line voltages V a45b45, V b45c45 and V c45a45

at diode bridge III.

Figure 8. Input line voltages V a15b15, V b15c15 and V c15a15 at diode bridge IV.

respectively are shown in Fig. 8. Thus, four 3-phase systems with successive systems displaced by 15o are realized. B.Transformation in Topology II

As shown in Fig. 3, the source represented by lines A 0B 0C 0feeds the Yy0d1 vector configured, 3-phase, 3-winding, step down transformer and two 3-phase systems, one (represented as a 0, b 0 and c 0) with line voltages (V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0) in phase with the source line voltages and the other (represented as a -30, b -30 and c -30)with line voltages (V a-30b-30, V b-30c-30, V c-30a-30) lagging the source line voltages by 30o are obtained from the secondary wye (y0) and delta (d1) windings respectively. The line

voltages V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0and V a-30b-30, V b-30c-30, V c-30a-30are shown in

Figs. 9 and 10 respectively. It is noteworthy that the six line

voltages of both the 3-phase systems are balanced and equal in magnitude and differ only in phase angle. The six line voltages V a0b0,V b0c0, V c0a0, V a-30b-30, V b-30c-30, V c-30a-30 are isolated using 6 single-phase transformers with appropriate turns ratio. The secondary voltages of the single-phase transformers

corresponding to V a0b0and V a-30b-30 are connected in series in order to yield V a-15b-15, a voltage equal in magnitude to the six line voltages but lagging V a0b0 by 15o. This 15o

phase shift is

obtained by phasor addition of appropriate line voltages. The line voltage V a0b0 leads the phase voltage V a0 by 30o and the line voltage V a-30b-30 leads the phase voltage V a-30 by 30o


however,since V a0 also leads V a-30 by 30o

it is obvious V a-30b-30 is

in phase with V a0. This implies that V a0b0 leads V a-30b-30 by 30o.The phasor addition of these two line voltages that are equal in magnitude gives the resultant V a-15b-15

as follows: 20111st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems 111

Figure 9. Input line voltages V a0b0, V b0c0 and V c0a0 at diode bridge I.

Figure 10. Input line voltages V a30b30, V b30c30 and V c30a30 at diode bridge II.

V a-15b-15 = (V2a0b0 + V2a-30b-30+ 2V a0b0 V a-30b-30 Cos30o)1/2 (2)

Since the magnitudes of V a0b0 and V a-30b-30 are equal, the resultant V a-15b-15 bisects the 30o angle between V a0b0 and V a-30b-30. Thus the line voltage V a-15b-15 lags V a0b0by 15o. Similarly, the line voltages V b-15c-15 and V c-15a-15 are obtained by the phasor additions via the secondary windings of the single-phase transformers corresponding to the line voltages V b0c0 and V b-30c-30 ; and V c0a0 and V c-30a-30 respectively. The line voltages V a-15b-15, V b-15c-15 and V c-15a-15 are equal in magnitude and are 120o apart and, therefore, the windings with these voltages are connected in delta to form a balanced 3-phase system. Fig. 11 shows the voltages V a-15b-15, V b-15c-15 and V c-15a-15. H ence, in Fig. 3 the (phasors) lines a-15, b-15 and c-15 are obtained and are fed to a 3-phase transformer of the Yd1 configuration which provides a phase shift of -30o i.e. 30o laggingo and hence, yields the (phasors) lines a-45, b-45 and c-45respectively. The corresponding line voltages V a-45b-45, V b-45c-45 and V c-45a-45 that lag by 30o the voltages V a-15b-15, V b-15c-15 and V c-15a-15 respectively are shown in Fig. 12. Thus, four 3-phase systems with successive 3-phase systems displaced by 15o are realized.


A.Simulation Results

The topologies of the 24-pulse rectifier have been simulated using the PSCAD software educational version 4.2.1. The simulation assumes a balanced 3-phase source and neglects saturation in the transformers.

Figure 11. Input line voltages V a15b15, V b15c15 and V c15a15 at diode bridge III.

Figure 12. Input line voltages V a45b45, V b45c45 and V c45a45 at diode bridge IV.

1)Simulation results for topology I:

Figure 13. DC 12-pulse output voltage by cascading diode bridges I and II.

Figure 14. DC 12-pulse output voltage by cascading diode bridges III and IV. 11220111st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems

Figure 15. DC 24-pulse voltage by cascading DBI, DBII, DBIII and DBIV.Fig. 13 shows the 12-pulse dc voltage obtained when output voltages of bridges DBI and DBII are series cascaded. The outputs of bridges DBIII and DBIV are series cascaded to provide a 12- pulse dc voltage that is shown in Fig. 14. It is clear that because of the relevant phase shifts the two 12-pulse dc outputs in Figs. 13 and 14 are displaced by 15o. The two 12-pulse systems comprising DBI, DBII, and DBIII, DBIV, are cascaded to obtain a 24-pulse dc output with an average value of 110V that is shown in Fig. 15.

2)Simulation results for topology II:

Figure 16. DC 12-pulse output voltage by cascading diode bridges I and II.

Figure 17. DC 12-pulse output voltage by cascading diode bridges III and IV.

Fig. 16 shows the 12-pulse dc voltage obtained when output voltages of bridges DBI and DBII are series cascaded. The outputs of bridges DBIII and DBIV are series cascaded to provide a 12-pulse dc voltage that is shown in Fig. 17. The two 12-pulse systems comprising DBI, DBII, and DBIII, DBIV, are cascaded to obtain a 24-pulse dc output with an average value of 110V that is shown in Fig. 18. The design details for topologies I and II have already been reported by the author in [17] and [18] respectively.

Figure 18. DC 24-pulse voltage by cascading DBI, DBII, DBIII and DBIV.

Figure 19. Line current in phase a of Y winding of main transformer.

The harmonic spectrum of the input line current in phase a of the main transformer Yy0d11 and Yy0d1 corresponding to topologies I and II respectively is shown in Fig. 19 which confirms that the 23rd and 25th harmonics alone are significant lower order harmonics that is typical of the 24-pulse system. B.Experimental Results

Typical waveforms of the output 24-pulse dc voltage observed on the oscilloscope are shown in Figs. 20 and 21.

Figure 20. Panned view of 24-pulse dc voltage

Figure 21. 24-pulse dc voltage.

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Two 24-pulse rectifier topologies are realized by transformation of a single three-phase voltage source system to four three-phase isolated systems, using novel interconnections of conventional three-phase and single-phase transformers for obtaining the relevant phase shifts. The 24-pulse dc output voltage results from series cascading of four six-pulse diode bridges that are fed by the four isolated three-phase voltage systems. The simulation and experimental results confirm the efficacy of the topology in terms of the theoretical harmonic and ripple estimates.


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11420111st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems


3.24脉波整流机组 整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。整流机组的设计、结构特点和保护方式关系到整个直流牵引供电系统的正常运行。目前,为了提高直流电的供电质量,降低直流电源的脉动量,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台相同容量l2脉波的整流变压器[9]和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。 3.124脉波整流机组的作用及要求 在地铁供电系统中,牵引变电所高压侧的电压多为35kV AC(或33kV AC),而接触网的电压为1500V DC(或750V DC),所以需要降压和整流。整流机组包括整流变压器和整流器,其作用是将35kV AC(或33kV AC)降压、整流,输出1500V DC(或750V DC)电压供给地铁接触网,实现直流牵引。地铁牵引变电所一般设于地下,所以整流机组也安装在地下室。 整流变压器宜采用干式、户、自冷、环氧树脂浇注变压器,其线圈绝缘等级为F 级,线圈温升限值为70K/90K(高压,低压),其承受极限温度为155℃,铁心温升在任何情况下不应产生损坏铁心金属部件及其附近材料的温度。在高湿期可能产生凝露,应采取措施防止凝露对设备的危害。 整流器采用自然风冷式,适用于户安装。整流器柜宜采用独立式金属柜,二极管及其它元件的布置应考虑通风流畅、接线方便,同时便于维护、维修。整流器与外部连接的跳闸信号采用接点方式,报警信号采用数字方式。柜的上部及底部开口,采取措施防止小动物进入,正面和后面有门,各部件与柜应绝缘。整流变压器应从结构上进行优化设计,以抑制谐波的产生,减少电磁波干扰。整流机组产生的谐波电流应满足国家标准的规定,并满足我国电磁兼容相应的标准[10]。 根据IEC164规定,地铁作为重型牵引负荷,其负荷等级为VI级,整流机组设备的负荷特性满足如下要求:100%额定负荷时可连续运行;150%额定负荷时可持续运行2h;300%额定负荷时可持续运行1min。整流器的设计应满足当任一臂并联的整流管有1个损坏时,能全负荷正常运行。整流器每个臂并联整流管的电流不平衡度小于10%。直流侧空载情况下,整流变压器施加35×(1+0.05)kV的交流电压时,直流侧


https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10780055.html,/view/f05a78d850e2524de5187e4 2.html 串联型12脉波二极管整流器 摘要:串联型12脉波二极管整流器是由两个相同的6脉波二极管整流器在直流输出侧串联得到的。该类型整流器一般用作中压传动系统的变频器的前端。但一般情况下,12脉波的二极管整流器的总谐波畸变率不能满足IEEE 标准。 关键词:串联型、二极管、整流器 变频调速是当今理想的调速方法之一,也是重要的节能措施。交—直—交变频方式因其优势受到越来越广泛的应用。大多数的交—直—交变流装置的前置输入部分都采用二极管整流。随着多脉波整流技术的兴起,各种大功率设备都越来越多的采用多脉波二极管整流器。 1.理论分析 假定直流滤波电容d C 足够大,从而可以忽略直流电源d V 中的纹波含量。 在任何时刻(换相过程除外),上、下两个6脉波二极管整流器中各有两个二极管导通,d i 同时经过4个二极管形成回路。由于两个6脉波二极管整流器的输出为串联连接,二次侧绕组的漏电感也可以认为是串联连接,直流电流的纹波相对较小。 输出直流电流d i 连续,且在每个供电频率周期内包含有12个脉波。变压器二次侧星形连接的绕组中的电流a i 近似为梯形波,只是在顶端有4个纹波。变压器二次侧三角形连接的绕组中的电流~ a i 和a i 的波形形状相同,只是在相位上相差 30 。 由于变压器一次侧和二次侧上面的绕组都为星形连接,折合后的电流' a i 和折 合前的电流a i 波形形状应该相同,只是幅值将减少一半(可根据两个绕组匝数比计算得到)。而二次侧三角形绕组中折合前的电流~ a i 和折合后的电流' ~ a i 波形会不 同。且一次侧电流与二次侧电流之间存在如下关系: ' ' ~ a a A i i i += 2. 仿真结果


12脉波整流变压器结构型式的选择 在大型的电化学或电冶金用直流电源系统中,同相逆并联12脉波整流机组是组成24相、36相、48相整流系统的基本组成单元。12脉波整流机组主电路的连接型式有两种方案:一种是由一台整流变压器与两台整流装置整流装置组成的单机组12脉波整流电路整流电路(简称“单机组12脉波整流电路”);另一种是由置于同一油箱内的两台完全独立的整流变压器与两台整流装置组成的双机组等值12脉波整流电路(简称“等值12脉波整流电路”)。二者的连接方式。 上述两种连接方式的整流电路,对12脉波整流输出电压(电流)波形的对称性以及对网侧谐波电流谐波电流的影响是不同的,应引起设计人员和用户的注意。 1两种连接方式对谐波电流的影响 理想情况下,12脉波整流电路运行过程中,不会在网侧产生5次和7次谐波电流。但单机组12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗不容易做到很一致,使得运行时存在着严重的负荷分配不均的问题。需要通过晶闸管相控或饱和电抗器的励磁调节来纠正这种偏差,从而导致二个三相桥晶闸管导通的相位差不能严格地保持为30°,使得网侧仍然存在5次和7次谐波电流。 对于等值12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗容易做到一致,而不会破坏12脉波的对称性。 图1单机组12脉波整流电路 图2等值12脉波整流电路 2阀侧绕组之间负荷电流分配不均的问题 2.1单机组12脉波整流电路单机组12脉波整流电路,其整流变压器网侧只有一组绕组,导致两组阀侧绕组间负荷分配不均的原因是Y接和△接这两组绕组间匝比NY/N△偏离1/,彼此理想空载直流电压Udio不相等,因此,负荷分配不可能平均。整流变压器阀侧两组绕组间的匝比NY/N△值接近1/的可取整数比为4/7(偏差1.04%)、7/12(偏差1.02%)、11/19(偏差0.27%)。由此可见,将NY/N△做成11/19,可使△Udio偏差减到最小,改善电流分配不均问题。但由于变压器结构上的合理性和制造方面(变压器变比越大尤其如此)的原因,这样的匝比实际上是不容易做到的。 对于三相桥式整流电路,整流变压器阀侧绕组间匝比NY/N△=4/7时,理想空载直流电压之差△Udio=1.04%。但两组整流器的负载电流负载电流分配却相差很大。因为变压器网侧绕组的电抗X1*为各整流桥整流桥公有,对整流桥间的负载电流分配没有调节作用。负载电流分配完全取决于各组阀侧绕组电抗值X2*=XY*+X△*和阀侧连接母线的电抗XM*。(其中XY*为Y形连接绕组的电抗值,X△*为△形连接绕组的电抗值)。根据有关资料计算结果表明:当变压器二次电抗X△*=XY*=5%时, IdY=0.2928IdnId△=0.7072Idn 当变压器二次电抗X△*=XY*=10%时, IdY=0.3964IdnId△=0.6036Idn 由此可见,变压器二次电抗数值愈小,负载分配相差就愈大。有实际例子可以证明这一点。兰州有一用户采用这种单机组12脉波二极管整流电路,投运后发现,其中一整流桥直流电流达到12000A(额定值)时,另一整流桥的直流电流只有4500A。导致设备无法正常运行,后来被迫重新改造。 理论计算表明:增大整流变压器二次电抗X2*=X△*+XY*,可以部分减小负载电流分配


12脉波整流变压器结构型式的选择 1两种连接方式对谐波电流的影响 理想情况下,12脉波整流电路运行过程中,不会在网侧产生5次和7次谐波电流。但单机组12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗不容易做到很一致,使得运行时存在着严重的负荷分配不均的问题。需要通过晶闸管相控或饱和电抗器的励磁调节来纠正这种偏差,从而导致二个三相桥晶闸管导通的相位差不能严格地保持为30°,使得网侧仍然存在5次和7次谐波电流。 对于等值12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗容易做到一致,而不会破坏12脉波的对称性。 2阀侧绕组之间负荷电流分配不均的问题 2.1单机组12脉波整流电路 单机组12脉波整流电路,其整流变压器网侧只有一组绕组,导致两组阀侧绕组间负荷分配不均的原因是Y接和△接这两组绕组间匝比NY/N△偏离,彼此理想空载直流电压Udio不相等,因此,负荷分配不可能平均。 整流变压器阀侧两组绕组间的匝比NY/N△值接近的可取整数比为4/7(偏差1.04%)、7/12(偏差1.02%)、11/19(偏差0.27%)。由此可见,将NY/N△做成11/19,可使△Udio偏差减到最小,改善电流分配不均问题。但由于变压器结构上的合理性和制造方面(变压器变比越大尤其如此)的原因,这样的匝比实际上是不容易做到的。 对于三相桥式整流电路,整流变压器阀侧绕组间匝比NY/N△=4/7时,理想空载直流电压之差△Udio=1.04%。但两组整流器的负载电流分配却相差很大。因为变压器网侧绕组的电抗X1*为各整流桥公有,对整流桥间的负载电流分配没有调节作用。负载电流分配完全取决于各组阀侧绕组电抗值X2*=XY*+X△*和阀侧连接母线的电抗XM*。(其中XY*为Y形连接绕组的电抗值,X△*为△形连接绕组的电抗值)。根据有关资料计算结果表明:


等效24脉波整流机组原理分析 整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。目前,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台12脉波的整流变压器和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。理论上只要满足12相24 脉波整流系统的要求,组成24脉波的2台变压器的联结组可以有很多种,如Dy5/Dd0一Dy7/Dd2、Dyl l /d0一Dyl /d2等。 12脉波整流采用的整流变压器为轴向双分裂式牵引整流变压器, 变压器阀侧绕组采用d 、Y 接法;与之相匹配的单台整流器由2个三相6 脉波全波整流桥组成,其中一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“Y ”型 绕组,另一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“△”型绕组,两个三相整流桥并联构成6相12脉波的整流变电系统。 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形如图1 所示。 图1 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形图 两套相同的十二脉波整流机组并联工作并不会改变整流脉波数,只 有当两套机组的整流变压器网侧绕组分别移相+7.5°和﹣7.5°,并联

t i m e a n d 工作时,才能形成等效二十四脉波整流。为了实现24脉波整流,两台 整流变压器的基本联结组别可采用Dyll /Dd0和Dyl /Dd2。每个牵引变电所内并联运行的2台整流变压器原边绕组分别移相+7.5°和一7.5°,目前为了实现两台整流变压器在网侧实现±7.5°的移相,在整流变压器原边采用延边三角形接法,其相量关系图如图2和图3所示。 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形) 二次侧y 结构向量关系图 二次侧D 结构向量关系图 图2 +7.5°变压器向量关系图 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形) 二次侧y 结构向量关系图 二次侧D 结构向量关系图 图3 ﹣7.5°变压器向量关系图


12脉波整流变压器结构型式的选择 摘要:介绍了12脉波整流机组中整流变压器两种结构型式的特点和在方案选择中需要注意的问题。 在大型的电化学或电冶金用直流电源系统中,同相逆并联12脉波整流机组是组成24相、36相、48相整流系统的基本组成单元。12脉波整流机组主电路的连接型式有两种方案:一种是由一台整流变压器与两台整流装置组成的单机组12脉波整流电路(简称“单机组12脉波整流电路”);另一种是由置于同一油箱内的两台完全独立的整流变压器与两台整流装置组成的双机组等值12脉波整流电路(简称“等值12脉波整流电路”)。 上述两种连接方式的整流电路,对12脉波整流输出电压(电流)波形的对称性以及对网侧谐波电流的影响是不同的,应引起设计人员和用户的注意。 1两种连接方式对谐波电流的影响 理想情况下,12脉波整流电路运行过程中,不会在网侧产生5次和7次谐波电流。但单机组12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗不容易做到很一致,使得运行时存在着严重的负荷分配不均的问题。需要通过晶闸管相控或饱和电抗器的励磁调节来纠正这种偏差,从而导致二个三相桥晶闸管导通的相位差不能严格地保持为30°,使得网侧仍然存在5次和7次谐波电流。 对于等值12脉波整流电路,由于变压器两个阀侧绕组的输出电压和阻抗容易做到一致,而不会破坏1 2脉波的对称性。 2阀侧绕组之间负荷电流分配不均的问题 2.1单机组12脉波整流电路 单机组12脉波整流电路,其整流变压器网侧只有一组绕组,导致两组阀侧绕组间负荷分配不均的原因是Y接和△接这两组绕组间匝比NY/N△偏离,彼此理想空载直流电压Udio不相等,因此,负荷分配不可能平均。 整流变压器阀侧两组绕组间的匝比NY/N△值接近的可取整数比为4/7(偏差1.04%)、7/12(偏差1.02%)、11/19(偏差0.27%)。由此可见,将NY/N△做成11/19,可使△Udio偏差减到最小,改善电流分配不均问题。但由于变压器结构上的合理性和制造方面(变压器变比越大尤其如此)的原因,这样的匝比实际上是不容易做到的。 对于三相桥式整流电路,整流变压器阀侧绕组间匝比NY/N△=4/7时,理想空载直流电压之差△Udi o=1.04%。但两组整流器的负载电流分配却相差很大。因为变压器网侧绕组的电抗X1*为各整流桥公有,对整流桥间的负载电流分配没有调节作用。负载电流分配完全取决于各组阀侧绕组电抗值X2*=XY*+X △*和阀侧连接母线的电抗XM*。(其中XY*为Y形连接绕组的电抗值,X△*为△形连接绕组的电抗值)。根据有关资料计算结果表明: 当变压器二次电抗X△*=XY*=5%时, IdY=0.2928Idn Id△=0.7072Idn


脉波整流原理 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

等效24脉波整流机组原理分析 整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。目前,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台12脉波的整流变压器和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。理论上只要满足12相24脉波整流系统的要求,组成24脉波的2台变压器的联结组可以有很多种,如Dy5/Dd0一Dy7/Dd2、Dyl l/d0一Dyl/d2等。 12脉波整流采用的整流变压器为轴向双分裂式牵引整流变压器,变压器阀侧绕组采用d、Y接法;与之相匹配的单台整流器由2个三相6脉波全波整流桥组成,其中一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“Y”型绕组,另一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“△”型绕组,两个三相整流桥并联构成6相12脉波的整流变电系统。 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形如图1所示。 图1 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形图 两套相同的十二脉波整流机组并联工作并不会改变整流脉波数,只有当两套机组的整流变压器网侧绕组分别移相+7.5°和﹣7.5°,并联工作

时,才能形成等效二十四脉波整流。为了实现24脉波整流,两台整流变压器的基本联结组别可采用Dyll/Dd0和Dyl/Dd2。每个牵引变电所内并联运行的2台整流变压器原边绕组分别移相+7.5°和一7.5°,目前为了实现两台整流变压器在网侧实现±7.5°的移相,在整流变压器原边采用延边三角形接法,其相量关系图如图2和图3所示。 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形)二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图 图2 +7.5°变压器向量关系图



12 脉波 KGPS 中频电源控制原理
KGPS 系列感应加热晶闸管变频装置是利用晶闸管将三相工频交流电能转 换为几百或几千赫的单相交流电能。具有控制方便、运行可靠、 效率高等特 点,有利于提高产品的产量和质量。本装置采用全数字控制,扫频启动方式, 无须同步变压器等,线路简单,调试方便,负载适应能力强,启动可靠。应用 于铸钢、不锈钢、合金钢的冶炼,真空冶炼,感应加热等不同场合。 1.主电路原理 1.1 整流电路原理 整流电路主要是将 50HZ 的交流电整流成直流。由 12 个晶闸管组成的 12 脉 波串联全控整流电路,输入工频电网电压 575V,控制可控硅的导通,实现输出 0~750V 连续可调的直流电压。(如图)
六相 12 脉波全控整流桥工作原理 当触发脉冲在任意控制角时,其输出直流电压为: Ud = 1.35UaCosaX2

式中:Ua = 三相进线电压 a-控制角
1.2 逆变电路原理:
该产品采用了并联逆变器,这种逆变器对负载变化适应能力强,见图(4) 所示。它的主要作用是将三相整流电压 Ud 逆变成单相 400-10KC 的中频交流电。 一般,由于功率大小、进线电压等原因,逆变可控硅的数量有,四只、八只、 十六只三种,即采用单管、串管、并管等技术。但为了分析方便,将其等效为 图(4)电路。 下面分析一下逆变器的工作过程,假设图(4)中,先是①②导通③④截止, 则直流电流 Id 经电抗器 Ld,可控硅①②流向 Lc 谐振回路,Lc 产生谐振,振荡 电压正弦波。此时电容器两端的电压极性为左正右负,如果在电容器两端电压 尚未过零时之前的某一时刻产生脉冲去触发可控硅③④,此时形成可控硅 ①②③④同时导通状态,由于可控硅③④的导通,电容器两端的电压通过可控 硅③④加在可控硅①②上使可控硅①②两端承受反压而关断,也就是说可控硅 ①②将电流换给了③④。换流以后,直流电流 Id 经电抗器 Ld、可控硅③④反向 流向 LC 谐振回路。电容器两端的电压继续按正弦规律变化,而电容器两端电压


3. 24脉波整流机组 整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。整流机组的设计、结构特点和保护方式关系到整个直流牵引供电系统的正常运行。目前,为了提高直流电的供电质量,降低直流电源的脉动量,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台相同容量12脉波的整流变压器[9]和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。 3.1 24脉波整流机组的作用及要求 在地铁供电系统中,牵引变电所高压侧的电压多为35kV AC(或33kV AC),而 接触网的电压为1500V DC(或750V DC),所以需要降压和整流。整流机组包括整流 变压器和整流器,其作用是将35kV AC(或33kV AC)降压、整流,输出1500V DC(或750V DC)电压供给地铁接触网,实现直流牵引。地铁牵引变电所一般设于地下,所以 整流机组也安装在地下室。 整流变压器宜采用干式、户、自冷、环氧树脂浇注变压器,其线圈绝缘等级为F 级,线圈温升限值为70K/90K(高压,低压),其承受极限温度为155C,铁心温升在任何情况下不应产生损坏铁心金属部件及其附近材料的温度。在高湿期可能产生凝露,应采取措施防止凝露对设备的危害。 整流器采用自然风冷式,适用于户安装。整流器柜宜采用独立式金属柜,二极管及 其它元件的布置应考虑通风流畅、接线方便,同时便于维护、维修。整流器与外部连接的跳闸信号采用接点方式,报警信号采用数字方式。柜的上部及底部开口,采取措施防止小动物进入,正面和后面有门,各部件与柜应绝缘。整流变压器应从结构上进行优化设计,以抑制谐波的产生,减少电磁波干扰。整流机组产生的谐波电流应满足国家标准的规定,并满足我国电磁兼容相应的标准[10]。 根据IEC164规定,地铁作为重型牵引负荷,其负荷等级为VI级,整流机组设备的负荷特性满足如下要求:100%额定负荷时可连续运行;150%额定负荷时可持续运行2h; 300%额定负荷时可持续运行1min。整流器的设计应满足当任一臂并联的整流管有1个损坏时,能全负荷正常运行。整流器每个臂并联整流管的电流不平衡度小于10%。直流侧 空载情况下,整流变压器施加35^1+0.05)kV的交流电压时,直流侧


18脉波H级绝缘干式整流变压器 1 引言 工业用的直流电源大部分都是由交流电网通过整流变压器与整流器所组成的整流设备而得到的,并广泛应用于冶金、化工和牵引等领域,如城市轨道交通、轧钢电机的直流传动、同步电机的直流励磁等。整流变压器的作用是将交流电网电压变换成整流装置所需要的电压,并通过相数和相位角的变换,改善交流和直流侧的运行特性。整流变压器可将整流设备与电网电路隔离开来,确保设备的安全,并且限制短路电流,减少整流设备对电网和其他并联运行整流设备相互间的电磁干扰,抑制晶闸管等整流元件的电流上升率。 由于干式变压器的无油污染问题,防潮、耐热、阻燃、防腐蚀等特性,广泛应用于工业、生活的各个方面。目前主要存在两种主流类型的干式变压器:一种是以欧洲为代表的树脂浇注式干式变压器(简称ordt),另一种是以美国为代表的浸漆式干式变压器(简称ovdt)。而作为h级绝缘的干式整流变压器,以c级绝缘材料nomex纸作为绝缘介质,具有更高的可靠性和环保特性,而且具有更好的经济性,受到广泛的欢迎。 h级干式整流变压器耐热等级为180℃,主要绝缘材料为nomex纸,该绝缘纸是美国杜邦公司的专利产品,是一种以芳香酰胺纤维为基础的合成绝缘材料,其本身为c级,耐热等级达220℃。nomex纸还有许多优点,是极佳的电气绝缘材料,用其制造的变压器可以防潮、阻燃,对环境适应性好,而且变压器尺寸紧凑,占用空间小,变压器抗冷热冲击、抗短路能力、抗过电压能力均好于其它类型变压器。尤其是h级整流变压器的制造工艺和产品结构特点,对于需要多个抽头,结构复杂的多个移相绕组的整流变压器来说,具有非常明显的优势,使其制造加工周期短,成本低,真空压力浸渍(vip)后绕组刚性好,机械强度得到保证,同时,由于有漆膜覆盖在绝缘材料表面,提高了变压器的防潮能力。 2 移相的形成及工作原理 干式移相整流变压器是一种专门为中高压变频器提供多相整流电源的装置,采用延边三角形移相原理,通过多个不同的移相角二次绕组,可以组成等效相数为9相、12相、15相、18相、24相以及27相等整流变压器。变压器的一次侧直接入高压电网,其二次侧有多个三相绕组,它按0°、θ°、…、(60-θ)°等表示延边三角连接变压器二次侧的各低压三相绕组,同时表示各低压三相绕组线电压相对对应绕组的移相角。当每相由n个h桥单元串联时,θ=60°/n,实现了输入的多重化,形成6n脉波整流。这样,如果各h桥单元功率平衡,电流幅值相同,理论上一次侧输入电流中不含有6n±1以下各次谐波,并可提高功率因数,一般不需再配备无功补偿和谐波滤波装置。最适宜用于防火要求高、负荷波动大的环境中,如海上石油平台、火力发电厂、自来水厂、冶金化工、矿山建材等特殊的工作环境中。 多绕组干式移相整流变压器是根据不同的用户而设计,容量从200kva~10000kva不等,一次阻抗较大,变压器的效率>98%,采用h级绝缘系统,绕组温升限值120k。为了提高电能质量,整流变压器的输出波形不像电力变压器在一个周期内只有三个正弦脉波,而是根据一次侧电压和装机容量,确定每台变压器在一个周期内的脉波数。高压变频调速技术目前呈现多样化,以西门子技术为代表的级联式多重化技术,基本可以做到完美无谐波,它采用整流变压器将多个低压模块叠加(串联)而形成高压输出,功率器件采用igbt,目前国内绝大多数高压变频器厂家都是采用这种技术。abb的acs5000系列变频器是三电平的拓朴结构,36脉波的整流变压器共有6个移相组,每两个移相组为一个变频单元供电,功率器件为igct,abb还有一种变频器采用12脉波整流逆变技术,其变压器采用三绕组形式。以ab(rockwell)为代表的18脉波整流逆变技术,其需要整流变压器采用三分裂形式。 整流变压器作为这一技术的重要构成,是伴随高压变频器的技术而出现并迅速发展的。


等效24脉波整流机组原理分析整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。目前,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台12脉波的整流变压器和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。理论上只要满足12相24脉波整流系统的要求,组成24脉波的2台变压器的联结组可以有很多种,如Dy5/Dd0一Dy7/Dd2、Dyll /d0一Dyl/d2等。 12脉波整流采用的整流变压器为轴向双分裂式牵引整流变压器,变压器阀侧绕组采用d、Y接法;与之相匹配的单台整流器由2个三相6脉波全波整流桥组成,其中一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“Y”型绕组,另一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“△”型绕组,两个三相整流桥并联构成6相12脉波的整流变电系统。 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形如图1所示。 图1单台12脉波整流机组输出波形图 两套相同的十二脉波整流机组并联工作并不会改变整流脉波数,只有当两套机组的整流变压器网侧绕组分别移相+°和﹣°,并联工作时,才能形成等效二十四脉波整流。为了实现24脉波整流,两台整流变压器的基本联结组别可采用Dyll/Dd0和Dyl/Dd2。每个牵引变电所内并联运行的2台整流变压器原边绕组分别移相+°和一°,目前为了实现两台整流变压器在网侧实现±°的移相,在整流变压器原边采用延边三角形接法,其相量关系图如图2和图3所示。一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形)二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图 图2+°变压器向量关系图

一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形)二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图 图3﹣°变压器向量关系图 由于变压器网侧实现±°的移相,使2台整流变压器次边电压相位差45°,经整流器实际输出的直流波形有l5°的相位差,并联运行就构成了等效24脉波整流。整流机组的接线原理如图4,图4中整流变压器副边输出电压T。超前T:相位角15°。 T1联结组别:Dyll/d0T2联结组别:Dyl/d2 图424脉波整流机组原理


24脉波移相整流变压器设计 摘要:为了减少整流装置对电网产生的谐波污染,设计一种新型共轭式24脉波移相整流变压器,从而达到消除低次谐波的目的,同时采用该结构可大大降低变压器的材料成本。本文结合设计实例以供参考。 关键词:整流变压器;设计;24脉波;共轭式 一、前言 随着社会的发展,各种用电设备的不断增加,交流电网中谐波污染问题也日益突出。为了建造绿色电网的目标,国家制定了专门的标准GB/T14549-93《电能质量公用电网谐波》,供电部门正按照这一标准对各用电客户的谐波限制措施提出了严格的要求。特别是高能耗用电企业如氯碱化工、铝镁电解、电解铜等更是重中之重,其整流装置是主要的谐波污染源。当前对谐波的抑制措施主要有两种方式,一种是增加整流所的等效相数;另一种是安装滤波装置。本文只探讨与前者密切相关的单机组24脉波(两机组构成等效48脉波)移相整流变压器设计问题。 二、整流变压器设计实例 我公司2012年初接得山东某化工公司的食盐电解整流变压器合同,有两个系列,每个系列有两台ZHSFPT-21500/110整流变压器,单台24脉波,两台构成等效48脉波。整流方式为三相桥式整流,同相逆并联,冷却方式为强油风冷,变压器为主调合一免吊心结构。 (一)基本参数: 网侧电压:U1=110kV±10%,50Hz±1% 单机额定直流输出电压:Udn=550V 单机额定直流输出电流:Idn=4×8.1kA 调压范围:65~105%Udn 27级等差调压,M型开关 短路阻抗:10%,变压器效率:98.7% 高压中性点绝缘水平按60kV级考虑 补偿绕组容量:4000kV AR, 电压10kV


等效24脉波整流机组原理分析 整流机组就是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。目前,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台12脉波的整流变压器与与之匹配的整流器共同组成。理论上只要满足12相24脉波整流系统的要求,组成24脉波的2台变压器的联结组可以有很多种,如Dy5/Dd0一Dy7/Dd2、Dyl l/d0一Dyl/d2等。 12脉波整流采用的整流变压器为轴向双分裂式牵引整流变压器,变压器阀侧绕组采用d、Y接法;与之相匹配的单台整流器由2个三相6脉波全波整流桥组成,其中一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“Y”型绕组,另一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“△”型绕组,两个三相整流桥并联构成6相12脉波的整流变电系统。 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形如图1所示。 图1 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形图两套相同的十二脉波整流机组并联工作并不会改变整流脉波数,只有当两套机组的整流变压器网侧绕组分别移相+7、5°与﹣7、5°,并联工

作时,才能形成等效二十四脉波整流。为了实现24脉波整流,两台整流变压器的基本联结组别可采用Dyll/Dd0与Dyl/Dd2。每个牵引变电所内并联运行的2台整流变压器原边绕组分别移相+7、5°与一7、5°,目前为了实现两台整流变压器在网侧实现±7、5°的移相,在整流变压器原边采用延边三角形接法,其相量关系图如图2与图3所示。 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形) 二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图 图2 +7、5°变压器向量关系图 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形) 二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图 图3 ﹣7、5°变压器向量关系图


脉波整流原理 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

等效24脉波整流机组原理分析整流机组是地铁直流牵引供电系统中的重要设备之一。目前,城市轨道交通多数采用等效24脉波整流机组,一般都由两台12脉波的整流变压器和与之匹配的整流器共同组成。理论上只要满足12相24脉波整流系统的要求,组成24脉波的2台变压器的联结组可以有很多种,如Dy5/Dd0一Dy7/Dd2、Dyl l/d0一Dyl/d2等。 12脉波整流采用的整流变压器为轴向双分裂式牵引整流变压器,变压器阀侧绕组采用d、Y接法;与之相匹配的单台整流器由2个三相6脉波全波整流桥组成,其中一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“Y”型绕组,另一个整流桥接至整流变压器二次侧“△”型绕组,两个三相整流桥并联构成6相12脉波的整流变电系统。 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形如图1所示。 图1 单台12脉波整流机组输出波形图 两套相同的十二脉波整流机组并联工作并不会改变整流脉波数,只有当两套机组的整流变压器网侧绕组分别移相+°和﹣°,并联工作时,才能形成等效二十四脉波整流。为了实现24脉波整流,两台整流变压器的基本联结组别可采用Dyll/Dd0和Dyl/Dd2。每个牵引变电所内并联运行的2台整流变压器原边绕组分别移相+°和一°,目前为了实现两台整流变压器在网侧实现±°的移相,在整流变压器原边采用延边三角形接法,其相量关系图如图2和图3所示。 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形)二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关系图

图2 +°变压器向量关系图 一次侧三角绕组联结(延边三角形)二次侧y结构向量关系图二次侧D结构向量关 系图 图3 ﹣°变压器向量关系图 由于变压器网侧实现±°的移相,使2台整流变压器次边电压相位差45°,经整流器实际输出的直流波形有l5°的相位差,并联运行就构成了等效24脉波整流。整流机组的接线原理如图4,图4中整流变压器副边输出电压T。超前T:相位角15°。


Novel Topologies of 24-Pulse Rectifier with Conventional Transformers for Phaseshifting A. N. Arvindan Department of Electrical &.Electronics Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Anna University (Chennai), Chennai, India – 603 110 E-mail: lkana0@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10780055.html, Anirudh Guha Department of Electrical &.Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-0240, USA, E-mail: anuguha87@https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10780055.html, Abstract—Two 24-pulse rect i f i er topolog i es based on phase sh ft ng by convent onal magnet cs s proposed. Four 3-phase systems are obtai ned from a si ngle 3-phase source usi ng novel interconnection of conventional single- and 3-phase transformers. Phase shi fts of 15o and 30o are made usi ng phasor addi ti on of relevant li ne voltages wi th a combi nati on of si ngle-phase and three-phase transformers respect i vely. The four three-phase systems are mutually di splaced from each other by 15o. Each three-phase system feeds a 6-pulse di ode recti fi er and the four d ode rect f ers are ser es cascaded to prov de a 24-pulse dc output voltage. PSCAD based s i mulat i on and exper i mental results that confirm the design efficacy are presented. Keywords-Total harmonic distortion, Multipulse converter, Multipulse rectifier, Power quality, Pulse number I.I NTRODUCTION The conventional ac-dc converters are developed using diodes and thyristors to provide controlled and uncontrolled unidirectional and bidirectional dc power, however, these converters have problems of poor power quality in terms of injected current harmonics, resultant voltage distortion and slowly varying rippled dc output at load end, low efficiency, and large size of ac and dc filters.To overcome these drawbacks and meet contemporary power quality standards [1]-[3] it has become imperative to address power quality issues like reducing harmonic currents, higher power factor, lower EMI/RFI at input ac mains and well-regulated dc output. Increased awareness of power quality has led to the development of a new breed of ac-dc converters referred to as improved power quality ac-dc converters (IPQCs) [4],[5] that have been classified as switch-mode rectifiers, power-factor correctors, pulse width modulation rectifiers, multipulse rectifiers, etc. Multipulse rectifiers are unidirectional multipulse converters that are used for high power applications which involve high voltage and low current. This paper is about the design of magnetic for the realization of a 24-pulse rectifier involving the transformation of a single 3-phase system to four 3-phase systems using novel interconnections of conventional 3-phase and single-phase transformers. A 12-pulse rectifier is realized by cascading two 6-pulse rectifiers fed from two 3-phase systems displaced by 30o. The 24-pulse rectifier topology is obtained by cascading two 12-pulse rectifier systems which translates to cascading of four 6-pulse rectifiers fed from four 3-phase systems displaced by 15o. II.M ULTIPULSE C ONVERTERS The number of pulses in the dc output voltage within one time period of the ac source voltage is the pulse number. In high-power applications, ac–dc converters based on the concept of multipulse, namely, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 pulses are used to reduce the harmonics in ac supply currents. These are named as multipulse converters. They use either a diode bridge or thyristor bridge and a special arrangement of magnetics through transformers and tapped inductors.The variation of harmonics in the input current and the ripple frequency on the dc side for different pulse numbers are shown in Table I. A. Bidirectional Multipulse Converters These converters normally use thyristors and harmonics reduction is made effective with pulse multiplication [6], [7] using magnetics. The use of fully controlled thyristor bridge converters offers bidirectional power flow and adjustable output dc voltage. The use of a higher number of phases through an input multiple winding transformer and pulse multiplication using tapped reactor [8], and an injection transformer, reduces TH D to input ac currents and ripples in the output dc voltage. The cost and weight of input transformers can be reduced by using autotransformers [9]-[11] in low- and medium-voltage applications. B.Unidirectional Multipulse Converters Normally, diode bridges are used with a higher number of pulses for reducing harmonics in ac mains and reducing the value of ripple voltage in the dc output. These are developed in 12-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 48-pulse converters, through input multipulse auto/isolation transformers and ripple current TABLE I V ARIATION O F H ARMONICS A ND R IPPLE W ITH P ULSE N UMBER Pulse Number AC Harmonics Ripple Frequency Ripple Factor 1 1,2,3,… fs 1.21 2 1,3,5,…. 2fs 0.482 3 2,4,5,…. 3fs 0.182 6 5,7,11,…. 6fs 0.042 12 11,13,23,… 12fs 0.01 18 17,19,35,… 18fs 0.00643 24 23,25,47,… 24fs 0.0022 108 978-1-61284-379-7/11$26.00c 2011IEEE


24脉波整流相角差说明 要实现等效二十四相整流,就必须使两变压器T1和T2的低压输出之间移相15°(或45°)角,经过分析,我们在高压侧采用延边三角形移相方法。下面以Dy11d0联结组别为例,说明移相15°和移相45°的不同点。 1.移相15° 为了满足T1和T2低压输出之间相角差为15°的要求,若T1联结组别为D(-7.5°)y11d0,即在Dy11d0的基础上右移7.5°。根据高压侧延边三角形的移相原理,变压器T2联结组别为D(+7.5°)y1d0或D(-22.5°)y11d0便可达到两变压器相角差15°的目的。 方案一:联结组别为D(-7.5°)y11d0和D(+7.5°)y1d0的两台变压器组成24脉波整流时,此两台变压器的不同之处在于高压线圈外部连接杆连接以及低压的d接线圈的外部连接,因此,若两变压器进行互换时,需改变高压连接杆的外部连接和d接的低压线圈外部连接,但由于低压出线为焊接连接,其外部连接的更改是比较麻烦的,在变压器运行现场不能实现。因此,采用此方案,两台变压器的互相兼容性差,其备品备件要2台以上(各需要1台)。 方案二:联结组别为D(-7.5°)y11d0和D(-22.5°)y11d0的两台变压器组成24脉波整流时,此两台变压器的不同之处在于高压移相角度不同,高压线圈的设计不一样,此方案的缺点除了互换性差(需更换高压线圈才可达到互换的目的)以外,还存在两台变压器的移相角度偏差大,整流精度低等缺点。 2.移相45° 为满足T1和T2低压输出之间相角差为45°的要求,T1和T2的联结组别可分别为D(-7.5°)y11d0和D(+7.5°)y1d2,此两台变压器不同之处只在于高压线圈的外部连接不同,因此两台变压器的线圈在设计和工艺上完全相同的,它们只需改变外部连接杆连接位置便可满足各移相-7.5?和+7.5?的要求,使两台变压器具有很好的互换性,在变压器运行现场也可以实现互换,备品备件只需要1台便可,减少了设备的投资。另外,由于两台变压器是使用同一工艺和设计,相互间角度偏差小,提高了整流精度,达到更好的整流效果。 在各地铁项目中,我厂均采取相角差45°的方案进行24脉波整流变压器的设计,其互换性好,整流精度高,整流效果更优于相角差15°的方案,该方案已在广州地铁、上海地铁、北京地铁、大连轻轨、长春轻轨等项目中得到广泛的应用。

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