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Unit 1

01 Something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces; we like to explore; we like to make rules but refuse to follow them. But in this age it’s hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors.


02 There is such a place: cyberspace. Formerly a playground for computer fans, cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency: schoolchildren, flirtatious singles, Hungarian-Americans, accountants. Can they all get along? Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown?


03 The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspace is. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate.2 Real estate, remember, is an intellectual, legal,

artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall, between red-light zone3 and school district, between church, state and drugstore.


04 In the same way, you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate. Some property is privately owned and rented out; other property is common land; some places are suitable

for children, and others are best avoided by all citizens. Unfortunately,

it’s those places that are now capturing the popular imagi nation, places that offer bomb-making instructions, pornography, advice on how to steal credit cards. They make cyberspace sound like a nasty place. Good citizens jump to a conclusion: Better regulate it.



05 But before using regulations to counter indecency it is fundamental to interpret the nature of cyberspace. Cyberspace isn't a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children, nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers. In this kind of real estate, users have to choose where they visit, what they see, what they do. It's optional. In other words, cyberspace is a voluntary destination—in reality, many destinations. You don't just get “onto the Net”; you have to go someplace in particular. That means that people can choose where to go and what to see. Yes, community standards should be enforced, but those standards should be set by cyberspace communities themselves, not by the courts or by politicians in Washington.



06 What makes cyberspace so alluring is precisely the way in which it's different from shopping malls, television, highways and other terrestrial jurisdictions. But let's define the territory:


07 First, there are private e-mail conversations, similar to the conversations you have over the telephone. These are private and consensual and require no regulation at all.


08 Second, there are information and entertainment services, where people can download anything fr om legal texts and lists of “great new restaurants” to game software or dirty pictures. These places are like bookstores, malls and movie houses— places where you go to buy something. The customer needs to request an item or sign up for a subscription; stuff (especially pornography) is not sent out to people who don’t ask for it. Some of these services are free or included as part of a broader service like CompuServe or America Online; others charge and may bill their customers directly.


09 Third, there are “real” communities—groups of people who communicate among themselves. In real-estate terms, they're like bars or restaurants or bathhouses. Each active participant contributes to a general conversation, generally through posted messages. Other participants may simply listen or watch. Some services are supervised by a moderator; others are more like bulletin boards—anyone is free to post anything. Many of these services started out unmoderated but are now imposing rules to keep out unwanted advertising, extraneous discussions or increasingly rude participants.



10 Cyberspace communities evolve just the way terrestrial communities do: people with like-minded interests band together. Every cyberspace community has its own character. Overall, the communities on CompuServe tend to be more professional; those on America Online, affluent young singles; Prodigy, family-oriented. Then there are independents like Echo, a hip, downtown New York service, or Women's Wire, targeted to women who want to avoid the male culture prevalent elsewhere on the Net. On the Internet itself there are lots of passionate noncommercial discussion groups on topics ranging from Hungarian politics (Hungary Online) to copyright law.


11 What's unique about cyberspace is that it allows communities of any size and kind to flourish; in cyberspace, communities are chosen by the users, not forced on them by accidents of geography. This freedom gives the rules that preside in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrial environments don't have.4 Most people are stuck in the country of their birth, but if you don't like the rules of a cyberspace community, you can just sign off. Love it or leave it. Likewise, if parents don’t like the rules of a given cyberspace community, they can restrict their children’s access to it.


12 What’s likely to happen in cyberspace is the formatio n of new communities, free of the constraints that cause conflict on earth. Instead of a global village, which is a nice dream but impossible to manage, we’ll have invented another world of self-contained communities that cater to their own members’ inclinations without interfering with anyone else’s. The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand.

In cyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed — intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in; others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with

ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive —either because people lose interest or get scared off — will simply wither away.


13 In the near future, explorers in cyberspace will need to get better at defining and identifying their communities. They will need to put in

place — and accept — their own local governments apart from terrestrial governments, just as the owners of expensive real estate often have their own security guards though they can call in the police to get rid of undesirable customers.


14 Then what should be done about undesirable material in cyberspace? What to do, for instance, about pornography? The answer is labeling, besides banning, questionable material. It makes sense for cyberspace participants themselves to agree on a scheme for questionable items, so that people or automatic filters can avoid them. It's easy enough for software manufacturers to build an automatic filter that would prevent you or your child from ever seeing the undesired item on a menu. (It’s as if all the items were wrapped, with labels on the wrapper.) Someone who p osted pornographic material under the title “Kid-Fun” could be sued for mislabeling.


件制造商很容易建立一套自动过滤系统,使你和孩子们在菜单上见不到不想见到的内容。(就好像所有的内容都被包装了起来,并在包装纸上贴有标签。) 如果有人在色情材料上贴上“童趣”的标签,便可能会因错贴标签而被起诉。

15 Without a lot of fanfare, private enterprises and local groups are already producing a variety of labeling services, along with kid-oriented sites like Kidlink and Kids’ Space. People differ in their t astes and values and can find services on the Net that suit them in the same way they select books and magazines. Or they can wander freely if they prefer, making up their own itinerary.


16 In the end, our society needs to grow up. Growing up means understanding that there are no perfect answers, no all-purpose solutions, no government-sanctioned safe havens. We haven’t cr eated a perfect society on earth, and we won't have one in cyberspace either. But at least we can have individual choice — and individual responsibility.




1 While some studies have suggested that frequent use of cell phones causes increased risk of brain and mouth cancers, others have found no such links. But since cell phones are relatively new and brain cancers grow slowly, many experts are now recommending taking steps to reduce exposure. by bruce stutz 一些研究显示,经常使用手机会增加得脑部和口腔癌症的几率。有的研究却没发现两者之间有什么联系。但是,手机算是个新兴事物,而脑癌发展也缓慢,许多专家还是建议减少使用手机。 2 Does your cell phone increase your risk of brain cancer? Does it affect your skin or your sperm viability? Is it safe for pregnant women or children? Should you keep it in your bag, on your belt, in your pants or shirt pocket? Should you use a hands-free headset? Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 手机会增加得脑癌的几率吗?会不会影响皮肤或者精子活性?使用手机对孕妇或孩子安全吗?应该把手机放在哪,包里、衣服口袋,还是挂在腰带上?打电话的时候要用耳机吗?现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 3 You don’t know? You’re not alone. 你不知道?这很正常。 4 With some 4 to 5 billion cell phones now in use worldwide and hundreds of studies seeking evidence of their health effects published in peer-reviewed journals over the last 10 years, there’s precious little scientific certainty over whether cell phones pose any danger to those using them. For nearly every study that reports an effect, another, just as carefully conducted, finds none. All of which leaves journalists, consumer advocates, regulatory agencies, politicians, industry spokespersons, and cell phone users able to choose and interpret the results they prefer, or ignore the ones they don’t. 如今,全世界共有40-50亿手机正在使用。过去十年里,成百上千的研究也在致力于寻找手机影响健康的证据,并在相关刊物上发表论文。但还没有确凿的证据能证明,使用手机损害健康。几乎没有研究发现手机对健康有不良影响。但这还是没影响到政治家、新闻记者、管理机构、产业发言人、消费者保护团体,还有消费者自己,选择他们喜好的结果去理解,忽略不喜欢的那些。 5 Do you, for instance, cite the studies that report adverse effects on sperm viability and motility, due to exposure to cell phone radiation or the studies that showed no —or mixed —results? 6 Do you cite the 2001 study that found increased incidence of uveal melanoma (a cancer of the eye) among frequent cell phone users, or the 2009 study by the same authors that, in reassessing their data, found no increase? 2001年的研究显示,常用手机的人患葡萄膜黑色素瘤(一种眼内癌症)几率会增大。2009年这些研究员又发表报告称,他们再分析当年的数据时,又不能确


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》 (通用本课后练习答案) 第二册 UNIT ONE The Pleasure of Learning Key to the Exercises I. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. T III. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役. 2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验. 3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头. IV. 1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time. 2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life. Key to the reading—skill Exercises 1. Students have improved SAT scores. 2. Teenagers planned patrols 3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers. 4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people 5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world. 6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book. with Santa Claus Key to the Exercises I . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗 2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣. 3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢. 4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常. III. 1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.


Part I Reading comprehension (40%) 共四篇,其中一篇来自教材,占10%; Passage 6 1. 1) Yes, it is. 2) Once the technology had evolved, it became possible. It is just a matter of time. 3) The faster you go, the slower time seems to move for you with respect to everyone else. This concept is known as “time dilation.” 4) travel at the speed of light; 5) If your speed finally reaches the speed of light then time actually stands still, exceed the speed of light and its thought that time will start to flow backward. 6) An effect of Relativity is that the faster you go, the heavier you become and as you reach the speed of light, you become infinitely heavy. 7) The technique is called “quantum tunneling”. It is used by electrons orbiting around atoms to instantly move from point A to point B without passing through the space between. 8)It is actually only technology stopping us from doing it. 2. 1) 即使如我面前的杯子这么普通的东西也可以说某种程度上掌握了时间旅行。它在桌子上放着,看似无所事事,然而实际上正在穿越时空,无情地,它的速度是每天走一天。 2)如果我跑到这咖啡店的速度接近光速,当我坐下来时,我的年龄小于我周围的人。实际上,我已经走到他们的未来。 3) 剩下的就是当宇宙倒退时,以这个速度飞行,在适当的时候减速,然后在1973年7月突然出现,那是有史以来最伟大的时刻——我出生啦。 Passage 7 1. 1)By altering the function of one gene, the life span of a species of roundworm could be


s e c t i o n2--1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

1 Monograph专著 1. The general definition of a monograph Scientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts on specialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist's appreciation of, these topics. 2. The value of monographs for scientific researches The value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge they contain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to the advancement of science and engineering generally. 3. The qualities of the authors of monographs The authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able to collect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of the scientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required. 4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedings Monographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogical works which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more junior readerships than specialized research communities. 5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedings Conference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries. Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life. 6. The main components of a monograph The author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index, illustrations, preface and introduction. 7. An indication of the book’s su ccess The number of editions is an indication of the book’s success. 8. The function of the blurb It gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains and for whom it is written. 2 Academic Journal学术期刊 1. The general definition of an academic journal An academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published.


Why We're Fat 1 So why is obesity happening? The obvious, clichéd-but-true answer is that we eat too much high-calorie food and don't burn it off with enough exercise. If only we had more willpower, the problem would go away. But it isn't that easy. 为什么会有肥胖症?一个明显、老生常谈但又真实的答案就是我们吃太多高热量食物并且没有进行足够的运动消耗它。要是我们的意志力更强大,这个问题便迎刃而解了。但是,问题并不是那么简单。 2 When warned about the dangers of overeating, we get briefly spooked and try to do better. Then we're offered a plateful of pancakes smothered in maple syrup, our appetite overpowers our reason, and before we know it, we're at it again. Just why is appetite such a powerful driver of behavior, and, more important, how can we tame it? 当我们被警告说吃得太多的时候,一时总会被吓倒并努力做好一些。然后一碟涂满槭糖浆的煎饼摆在面前,我们的食欲战胜了我们的理智,等到我们意识到它的时候,我们又重蹈覆辙了。到底为什么食欲具有如此强大的推动力?更重要的是,我们怎么才能够控制它? 3 Within the past few years, science has linked our ravenous appetites to genes and hormones. Among the hormones that fuel these urges are ghrelin and leptin, known as the "hunger hormones." Ghrelin is produced mostly by cells in the stomach lining. Its job is to make you feel hungry by affecting the hypothalamus, which governs metabolism. Ghrelin levels rise in dieters who lose weight and then try to keep it off. It's almost as if their bodies are trying to regain the lost fat. This is one reason why it's hard to lose weight and maintain the loss. 近几年来,科学将我们迫不及待要吃的食欲跟基因和激素联系起来。激起这些强烈的欲望的激素有胃促生长素和消瘦素,也被称作“饥饿激素”。胃促生长素主要由胃保护层的细胞产生。它的职责是影响控制新陈代谢的下丘脑,让你感到饥饿。当节食者减肥并且努力维持减肥效果,他的胃促生长素水平就会升高。就像他们的身体要试图恢复失去的脂肪。这是为什么很难减肥并维持减肥效果的原因之一。 4 Leptin turns your appetite off and is made by fat cells. Low leptin levels increase your appetite and signal your body to store more fat. High leptin levels relay the opposite signal. Many obese people have developed a resistance to the appetite-suppressing effects of leptin and never feel satisfied, no matter how much they eat. Basically, your body uses these hormones to help you stay at your weight and keep you from losing fat —which is another reason why dieting can be so difficult. 消瘦素消除你的食欲,它来自脂肪细胞。低消瘦素水平增加你的食欲并通知你的身体储存更多的脂肪。高消瘦素水平传递相反的信号。很多肥胖的人已经形成了一种对消瘦素抑制食欲效应的抵抗,不管他们吃多少也从不感到满足。从根本上说,你的身体利用这些激素帮助你保持现在的体重,不让你的脂肪流走——这是节食如此之难的另外一个原因。


Unit 1 part one Angel at Work Ⅰ Reading for information 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A Ⅲ Summary 1.to transcribe his Sunday speeches /too much to handle 2.out of the blue/ share the inspiration 3.deliver the tape personally/the mystery of the arrangement 4.personal contact/spastic 5.asked for reward/full and dedicated Unit 2 part one My Miraculous Life Ⅰ Reading for information 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6 C Unit 3 part one A Thief Ⅰ Reading for information 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C.A 5.B 6 C Ⅲ Summary 1.the ticket counter/a leather coat 2.a cocktail bar/catches sight of a blonde girl/a Travellers Aid counter 3. a magazine/becomes aware of/jostling/blushes

4. lifted/back pocket 5. a front window/hand her over 6. wrong/bolts 7. has stolen Unit 4 part one Escape Artists Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.publishing/overseen 2.procrastinator/affected https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d15506194.html,ziness/desire/consistently/delay 4.funishes/reinforcing/subscribe 5.mismatch/sophisticated 6.solution/deploying/management Unit 5 part one For Big Bruno, a Man We Can Look Up to Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.hard work/pay off 2.Big Bruno/strong in stature/a gentle spirit 3.most patient/slow to get angry/a heart of gold


第一单元环境 大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。 由联合国主持的《千年生态系统评估综合报告》指出,由于不可持续的使用,地球上将近三分之二的用来维持生命的生态系统已经遭到破坏,其中包括干净的水源、纯净的空气,以及稳定的气候。 以上大部分的破坏都是人类在过去的半个世纪里造成的。据报告分析,随着人类对食物、淡水、木材、纤维以及燃料等资源的需求日趋激增,环境发生了极大的变化,引发了诸如滥伐森林、化学污染等问题。因此,该报告的作者警告说,照此下去,本已岌岌可危的生态环境将会在21世纪的上半叶急剧恶化。 这项历史性的研究由来自世界95个国家的政府部门以及民间组织的1,300多位科学家共同完成。四年来,他们考察了地球上许多生物的生长环境、物种以及将他们联系起来的生态体系。联合国环境规划署对该报告进行了编辑整理并于昨天在中国北京公布了研究结果。 在公布该报告的新闻发布会上,联合国秘书长科菲·安南指出:“只有了解环境及其运作过程,我们才能制定出必要的决策加以保护。”他还说,“只有珍惜所有宝贵的自然资源和人类资源,我们才有希望去建设一个可持续发展的未来。” 对社会经济的影响 该报告对自然界的大部分生物多样性持悲观态度,地球上可能有10%—30%的哺乳动物,鸟类以及两栖动物濒临灭绝。 这次大规模生态调查是根据安南的《千年发展目标》展开的,该发展目标是由联合国发起的,旨在2015年之前大幅度缓解饥饿与极度贫困等社会经济问题。 总部位于内罗毕的联合国环境规划署执行主席克劳斯·托普弗说:“从某些方面来说,《千年生态系统评估综合报告》让我们首次认识到生态系统服务功能的经济价值,并使我们对尊重和保护地球生命维护系统有了新的见解。” 目前由于人类社会对地球环境的开发利用,食物供应不断增加,然而增长的速度仍然太慢,难以完成联合国制定的在2015年前消除全球一半饥饿的目标。 报告还说,过度使用生态系统的负面影响还包括渔业的衰退,含有大量沉积物的河口周围近海“死亡区”的出现,水质的变化以及不可预测的区域性气候等。 此外,森林的滥伐和其他生态系统的巨大改变也加剧了诸如疟疾、霍乱等疾病的传播,并使已有传染病分化出新的类别。 根据该报告,水资源体系的变化会增加毁灭性洪灾的爆发频率和程度。在20世纪90年代,洪灾造成的死亡人数超过10万,损失约2,430亿美元。


科技英语阅读翻译介绍 关于科技英语阅读翻译介绍 罗素悖论的提出是基于这样的一个事例:设想有这样一群理发师,他们只给不给自己理发的人理发。假设其中一个理发师符合上述的 条件,不给自己理发;然而按照要求,他必须要给自己理发。但是 在这个集合中没有人会给自己理发。(如果这样的话,这个理发师 必定是给别人理发还要给自己理发) 1901年,伯特兰·罗素悖论的发现打击了他其中的一个数学家 同事。在19世纪后期,弗雷格尝试发展一个基本原理以便数学上能 使用符号逻辑。他确立了形式表达式(如:x=2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。按照弗雷格理论的发展,我们能自由的用一个特 性去定义更多更深远的特性。 1903年,发表在《数学原理》上的.罗素悖论从根本上揭示了弗 雷格这种集合系统的局限性。就现在而言,这种类型的集合系统能 很好的用俗称集的结构式来描述。例如,我们可以用x代表整数, 通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。 这种集合的书写形势就是:x={n:n是整数,3


核电与核辐射 1986 年4 月26 日,切尔诺贝利核电站的一个反应堆发生爆炸,将相当于400 颗广岛原子弹的放射性尘降物散布到整个北半球。在此之前,科学家对辐射对植物和野生动物的影响 几乎一无所知。这场灾难创造了一个活生生的实验室,尤其是在这个被称为禁区的1100 平方英里的区域。 1994 年,德州理工大学生物学教授罗纳德·切瑟和罗伯特·贝克是首批获准完全进入该区域的美国科学家之一。“我们抓了一群田鼠,它们看起来和野草一样健康。我们对此非 常着迷。”贝克回忆说。当Baker 和Chesser 对田鼠的DNA 进行测序时,他们没有发现 异常的突变率。他们还注意到狼、猞猁和其他曾经稀有的物种在这片区域游荡,仿佛这里 是原子野生动物保护区。2003 年由一组联合国机构建立的切尔诺贝利论坛发表了声明一份关于灾难20 周年的报告证实了这一观点,称“环境条件对该地区的生物群落产生了积极 影响”,将其转变为“一个独特的生物多样性保护区”。 五年前,贝克和切塞尔在这片区域搜寻田鼠。Mousseau 到切尔诺贝利去数鸟,发现了与之相矛盾的证据。穆萨乌是南卡罗莱纳大学的生物学教授,他的合作者安德斯·佩普·穆 勒现在是巴黎南方大学生态、系统学和进化实验室的研究主任。他们发现该地区家燕的数 量要少得多,而那些存活下来的家燕则遭受着寿命缩短、(雄性)生育能力下降、大脑变小、肿瘤、部分白化病(一种基因突变)以及白内障发病率更高的痛苦。在过去13 年发表的60 多篇论文中,Mousseau 和Moller 指出,暴露在低水平辐射下对该区域的整个生物圈产生 了负面影响,从微生物到哺乳动物,从昆虫到鸟类。 包括贝克在内的批评人士对穆萨和穆勒持批评态度。贝克在2006 年与切塞尔合著的《美国科学家》(American Scientist)文章中指出,该区域“实际上已成为一个保护区”,穆萨和穆勒的“令人难以置信的结论只得到了间接证据的支持”。 我们所知道的关于电离辐射对健康影响的几乎所有信息都来自于一项正在进行的对原子弹幸存者的研究,该研究被称为寿命研究,简称LSS。辐射暴露的安全标准基于LSS。然而,LSS 留下了关于低剂量辐射影响的大问题没有得到解答。大多数科学家都同意,没有所谓 的“安全”辐射剂量,无论剂量有多小。小剂量是我们最不了解的。LSS 并没有告诉我们多 少低于100 毫西弗(mSv)的剂量。例如,引起基因突变需要多少辐射,这些突变是可遗传 的吗?辐射诱发的疾病(如癌症)的机制和遗传生物标记物是什么? 三重危机2011年 3月福岛第一核电站创建另一个生活摩梭实验室和穆勒可以研究低 剂量的辐射,复制他们的切尔诺贝利核事故研究和允许他们“更高的信心,影响我们看到有关辐射,而不是其他因素,“摩梭说。福岛310平方英里的隔离区比切尔诺贝利小,但在其他方面 是一样的。这两个区域都包括被遗弃的农田、森林和城市地区,在这些地区,辐射水平在 短距离内变化数量级。而且几乎可以肯定,他们进入福岛的速度比科学家进入苏联控制的 切尔诺贝利的速度还要快。简而言之,福岛事件提供了一个解决争议的机会。 福岛核事故发生后的几个月里,穆萨乌和莫勒就开始在这座正在冒烟的核电站以西受污染的山林里清点鸟类数量,但他们无法进入这个区域,亲眼看看家燕的情况。最后,在2013 年6 月,穆萨乌是首批获准完全进入福岛禁区的科学家之一。 对辐射的敏感度在生物和同一物种的个体之间有很大的差异,这是重要的原因之一,不要从蝴蝶推断到家燕或从田鼠推断到人类。蝴蝶对辐射特别敏感,Mousseau 说。2012年8 月,在线期刊《科学报告》(Scientific Report)发表了一篇论文,研究福岛核泄漏对淡草蓝 蝶的影响。冲绳县琉球大学的生物学教授大木若二(Joji Otaki)透露,在这种不雅行为发生两个月后,在福岛附近采集的蝴蝶出现了翅膀、腿和眼睛畸形的情况。Mousseau 和Moller 对切尔诺贝利和福岛昆虫的调查显示,蝴蝶作为一个群体数量急剧下降。但御宅族


Unit 1 Genetically modified foods -- Feed the World? If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature. 如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。对许多人来说,高科技的转基因作物生产的概念会带来诸如环境、健康、安全和伦理等方面的各种问题。特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。 In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle. 事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1/3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。今年,美国将种植6500多万英亩的转基因作物。基因妖怪已经从瓶子里跑出来了。 Yet there are clearly some very real issues that need to be resolved. Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing. In wealthy countries, the debate about biotech is tempered by the fact that we have a rich array of foods to choose from -- and a supply that far exceeds our needs. In developing countries desperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations; the issue is simpler and much more urgent: Do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks? 但是,显然还有一些非常现实的问题需要解决。就像任何一种要进入食物链的新食品一样,转基因食品必须经过严格的检验。在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。在迫切想要养活其迅速增长而又吃不饱的人口的发展中国家,问题比较简单,也更加紧迫:生物技术的好处是否大于风险呢? The statistics on population growth and hunger are disturbing. Last year the world's population reached 6 billion. And by 2050, the UN estimates, it will probably near 9 billion. Almost all that growth will occur in developing countries. At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining. Arable land has

大学英语阅读教程答案 第1册

to Exercises Key to Exercises Lesson1 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d15506194.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.B 5.A 6.C7.B8.B 3.(1)shield(2)playing(3)shield(4)personal(5)social (6)political(7)family(8)colleagues(9)stimulate 4.(1)blackboard(2)unconscious(3)time (4)ancestors(5)parents(6)reinvent B.Reading Strategies 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B10.A Lesson2 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d15506194.html,prehension Check 1.A 3.C 4.B 5.A7.C8.B 2.(1)defines(2)failures(3)successful(4)beliefs 6.(1)picture(2)performing(3)replace(4)self-image (5)line(6)potential(7)short-change(8)better B.Reading Strategies 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C10.A Lesson3 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d15506194.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.A 3.B 5.A 6.B7.B8.A 4.(1)cultivate(2)granted(3)investigate(4)explore (5)major(6)exploration B.Reading Strategies 1.normalized 2.membership 3.threatening 4.publication 5.novelists 6.persuasion 7.personality 8.pressure 9.reluctance10.justify Lesson4 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d15506194.html,prehension Check 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 1.(1)crush(2)Brazil(3)intelligent(4)knockout B.Reading Strategies 1.distinguishable 2.psychological 3.effective 4.insistent 5.various 6.skinny 7.delightful 8.gloriously 9.financial10.amazing

科技英语阅读 第五单元文章翻译

稻草建筑材料在未来是否成为可能? 露易丝·蒂克尔用稻草修房子并没有为《三只小猪》中的第一只带来任何好处,但是,如果巴斯大学的研究成果被建筑行业所接受的话,那么现代草砖将会成为未来的伟大设计。 说到一个草砖房子,你可能会联想到一个摇摇欲坠的窝棚,它漏水,发出吱吱的响声,随时都会垮塌在地,还带着类似农家的气息。但是当你踏入BaleHaus的时候,一个被修建于巴斯大学校园里,看起来原始的当代房屋,将会令你吃惊地出展现在你面前,并且,你会发现你无法找到任何一缕稻草。相反,你在一楼的走廊将会看到一个拥有两间卧室和一个浴室的倒置房子,和楼上一个通风的开放式的生活区。这就像是从斯堪的纳维亚半岛抵达了萨默赛特郡。 这些由石灰做底泥制成的,干燥稻草捆,原来都是被紧紧捆住并放置于一系列预制好的木质矩形框架结构的墙中的,它们像乐高拼装玩具一样被嵌入一个叫做ModCell 的嵌板中。 这些“草屋”存在的问题似乎并不在于它们并不实用,而是人们意识到它们有点非主流,并且并不是特别耐用。再加上,这样的草屋很难拿去获得抵押贷款。 巴斯大学BRE的建筑材料创新中心的主管Peter Walker 教授指出,稻草的好处在于:“它是便宜、易于广泛应用的良好绝缘体材料,它被用在房屋建筑上已经好几百年。” 作为整个世界的工业副产品——这些秸秆在谷物收获以后被留下——只要它们不分解,就仍然有效地吸收和固定大气中的碳。对于建筑行业来说,当前所依赖的材料是无论在生产还是运输上都具有极高的能耗和碳消耗的嵌入式混凝土和砖——因此,稻草可以为解决温室气体排放这一问题提供一个友好的解决方案。 无论这个草屋看上去有多时髦,多现代化还是多环保,你仍然想要知道它是否会在雷电交加的暴风雨中被淋得湿透或者是否会因你打翻的蜡烛,而被被嗖嗖的火焰烧的精光。Walker 教授和他的研究伙伴公布了他们的研究结果,Dr Katharine Beadle 花费了18个月的时间,通过一个详尽的危险因素清单去测试这个BaleHaus被腐蚀、烧毁、吹倒的可能,到目前为止,这个房子看来似乎是可靠的。 “你总想有点戏剧性的意外,但我们没让它发生。”Beadle 教授在团队将一块ModCell 的取样拿到测试实验室去,用一个温度不断上升并超过1000℃的火热的熔炉试图将其融为灰烬的那天笑着说。 “这是一个重现建筑火灾的标准化测试。”Walker 教授解释道。 “你需要至少30分钟的抵抗时间,这意味着你知道那个房子至少在半小时内会保持其结构的完整,这给了人们一个逃生的机会。” 在石灰底泥开始掉落之前,这花费了一个半小时直接接触火焰,Beadle说。“之后稻草开始燃烧,然而他们是如此的坚实以至于只是表面被烧焦而不是实体的瓦解。”

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