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Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说原文及译文

Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说原文及译文
Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说原文及译文

Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now, we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us---that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.














英语演讲稿 林肯葛底斯堡演讲 林肯简介 亚伯拉罕·林肯(英语:Abraham Lincoln,1809.2.12-1865.4.15),美国政治家、思想家。第16任美国总统,其任总统期间,美国爆发内战,史称南北战争,林肯坚决反对国家分裂。他废除了叛乱各州的奴隶制度,颁布了《宅地法》、《解放黑人奴隶宣言》。但南北战争之后北方有几个支持联邦政府的州却仍被林肯允许可继续保有奴隶制度。林肯击败了南方分离势力,维护了美利坚联邦及其领土上不分人种、人人生而平等的权利。内战结束后不久,林肯遇刺身亡,是第一个遭遇刺杀的美国总统,也是首位共和党籍总统,曾位列最伟大总统排名第一位。也是当今评出的最有作为的总统之一,(其他2位为乔治·华盛顿、富兰克林·罗斯福。) 英文原稿 Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War,testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that Nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here,have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that this Nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall not perish from the earth. 原文翻译 87年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。现在我们正


《葛底斯堡演讲》三个中文译本的对比分析 葛底斯堡演讲是林肯于19世纪发表的一次演讲,该演讲总长度约3分钟。然而该演讲结构严谨,富有浓郁的感染力和号召力,即便历经两个世纪仍为人们津津乐道,成为美国历史上最有传奇色彩和最富有影响力的演讲之一。本文通过对《葛底斯堡演讲》的三个译本进行比较分析,从而更进一步加深对该演讲的理解。 标签:葛底斯堡演讲,翻译对比分析 葛底斯堡演讲是美国历史上最为人们所熟知的演讲之一。1863年11月19日下午,林肯在葛底斯堡国家烈士公墓的落成仪式上发表献词。该公墓是用以掩埋并缅怀4个半月前在葛底斯堡战役中牺牲的烈士。 林肯是当天的第二位演讲者,经过废寝忘食地精心准备,该演讲语言庄严凝练,内容激昂奋进。在不足三分钟的演讲里,林肯通过引用了美国独立宣言中所倡导的人权平等,赋予了美国内战全新的内涵,内战并不仅是为了盟军而战,更是为了“自由的新生(anewbirthoffreedom)”而战,并号召人们不要让鲜血白流,要继续逝者未竞的事业。林肯的《葛底斯堡演讲》成功地征服了人们,历经多年仍被推崇为举世闻名的演说典范。 一、葛底斯堡演说的创作背景 1.葛底斯堡演说的创作背景 1863年7月1日葛底斯堡战役打响了。战火持续了三天,战况无比惨烈,16万多名士兵在该战役中失去了生命。这场战役后来成为了美国南北战争的一个转折点。而对于这个位于宾夕法尼亚州,人口仅2400人的葛底斯堡小镇,这场战争也带来了巨大的影响——战争遗留下来的士兵尸体多达7500具,战马的尸体几千具,在7月闷热潮湿的空气里,腐化在迅速的蔓延。 能让逝者尽快入土为安,成为该小镇几千户居民的当务之急。小镇本打算购买一片土地用以兴建公墓掩埋战死的士兵,然后再向家属索要丧葬费。然而当地一位富有的律师威尔斯(DavidWills)提出了反对意见,并立即写信给宾夕法尼亚州的州长,提议由他本人出资资助该公墓的兴建,该请求获得了批准。 威尔斯本打算在10月23日邀请当时哈佛大学的校长爱德华(EdwardEverett)来发表献词。爱德华是当时一名享有盛誉的著名演讲者。爱德华回信告知威尔斯,说他无法在那么短的时间之内准备好演讲,并要求延期。因此,威尔斯便将公墓落成仪式延期至该年的11月19日。 相比较威尔斯对爱德华的盛情邀请,林肯接到的邀请显然就怠慢很多了。首先,林肯是在公墓落成仪式前17天才收到邀请。根据十九世纪的标准,仅提前17天才邀请总统参加某一项活动是极其仓促的。而威尔斯的邀请信也充满了怠慢,


林肯在葛底斯堡的演讲 《林肯在葛底斯堡的演讲》是南北内战中为纪念在葛底斯堡战役中阵亡战士所做的一篇演讲。是林肯最出名的演讲,也是美国文学中最漂亮、最富有诗意的文章之一,用时不到2分钟 1863年7月3日葛底斯堡战役是美国南北战争中最为残酷的一战,这是南北战争的转折点。这场战役交战双方共死了51000人,而当时美国只有几百万人口。四个月后林肯总统到葛底斯堡战场访问,为这场伟大战役的阵亡将士墓举行落成仪式。 这篇演说是在1863年11月19日发表的。这篇演讲被认为是英语演讲中的最高典范,尤其重要的是,林肯在演讲中表达了一个政府存在的目的——民有、民治、民享。其演讲手稿被藏于美国国会图书馆,其演说辞被铸成金文,长存于牛津大学。至今,人们也常在许多重要场合提起或朗诵它。 虽然这是一篇庆祝军事胜利的演说,但它没有好战之气。相反,这是一篇感人肺腑的颂辞,赞美那些作出最后牺牲的人们,以及他们为之献身的那些理想。 全文如下: The Gettysburg Address 1863 nation,conceived and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. nation so conceived and dedicated can long endure.We are met on the battelfield of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final-resting place for those who gave their lives that the nation might live.It is altogether and proper that we should do this. ground.The brave men,living and dead,have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract.The world will little note what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us,the living,rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us,that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion,that the nation shall have a new birth of freedom,that the goverment of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. 主讲:亚伯拉罕·林肯 时间:1863年11月19日 地点:美国,宾夕法尼亚,葛底斯堡 八十七年前,我们先辈在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。


南柯太守传原文翻译「对照翻译」 《南柯太守传》,唐代传奇小说。共一卷。作者唐代李公佐。李公佐,字颛蒙,陇西人。下面,为大家分享南柯太守传原文翻译,希望对大家有所帮助! 出处或作者:李公佐 东平淳于棼,吴楚游侠之士。嗜酒使气,不守细行。累巨产,养豪客。曾以武艺补淮南军裨将,因使酒忤帅,斥逐落魄,纵诞饮酒为事。家住广陵郡东十里。所居宅南有大古槐一株,枝干修密,清阴数亩。淳于生日与群豪大饮其下。 贞元七年九月,因沉醉致疾。时二友人于坐扶生归家,卧于堂东庑之下。二友谓生曰:“子其寝矣。余将抹马濯足,俟子小愈而去。”生解巾就枕,昏然忽忽,仿佛若梦。见二紫衣使者,跪拜生曰:“槐安国王遣小臣致命奉邀。”生不觉下榻整衣,随二使至门。见青油小车,驾以四牡,左右从者七八,扶生上车,出大户,指古槐穴而去。 使者即驱入穴中。生意颇甚异之,不敢致问。忽见山川风候,草木道路,与人世甚殊。前行数十里,有郛郭城堞,车舆人物,不绝于路。生左右传车者传呼甚严,行者亦争辟于左右。又入大城,朱门重楼,楼上有金书,题曰:“大槐安国”。执门者趋拜奔走。旋有一骑传呼曰:“王以驸马远降,令且息东华馆。”因前导而去。 俄见一门洞开,生降车而入。彩槛雕楹,华木珍果,列植于庭下;几案茵褥,帘帏肴膳,陈设于庭上。生心甚自悦。复有呼曰:“右相且至!”生降阶祗奉。有一人紫衣象简前趋,宾主之仪敬尽焉。右

相曰:“寡君不以敝国远僻,奉迎君子,托以姻亲。”生曰:“某以贱劣之躯,岂敢是望。”右相因请生同诣其所。行可百步,入朱门。矛戟斧钺,布列左右,军吏数百,辟易道侧。生有平生酒徒周弁者,亦趋其中。生私心悦之,不敢前问。右相引生升广殿,御卫严肃,若至尊之所。见一人长大端严,居王位,衣素练服,簪朱华冠。生战傈,不敢仰视。左右侍者令生拜。王曰:“前奉贤尊命,不弃小国,许令次女瑶芳,奉事君子。”生但俯伏而已,不敢致词。王曰:“且就宾字,续造仪式。”有旨:右相亦与生偕还馆舍。生思念之,意以为父在边将,因没虏中,不知存亡;将谓父北蕃交逊,而致兹事。心甚迷惑,不知其由。 是夕,羔雁币帛,威容仪度,妓乐丝竹,肴膳灯烛,车骑礼物之用,无不咸备。有群女,或称华阳姑,或称青溪姑,或称上仙子,或称下仙子,若是者数辈,皆侍从数十。冠翠凤冠,衣金霞帔,彩碧金钿,目不可视。遨游戏乐,往来其门,争以淳于郎为戏弄。风态妖丽,言词巧艳,生莫能对。复有一女谓生曰:“昨上巳日,吾从灵芝夫人过禅智寺,于天竺院观石延舞《婆罗门》。吾与诸女坐北牖石榻上。时君少年,亦解骑来看。君独强来亲洽,言调笑谑。吾与穷英妹结绛巾,挂于竹枝上,君独不忆念之乎?又七月十六日,吾于孝感寺侍上真子,听契玄法师讲《观音经》。吾于讲下舍金凤钗两只,上真子含水犀盒子一枚,时君亦在讲筵中,于师处请钗、盒视之,赏叹再三,嗟异良久。顾余辈曰:‘人之与物,皆非世间所有。’或问吾氏,或访吾里,吾亦不答。情意恋恋,瞩盼不舍,君岂不思念之乎?”生

葛底斯堡演说 中英法对照

葛底斯堡演说中英法对照 中国历史如果用公里为单位计算的话, 美国的几乎只能用厘米甚至更小单位计算. 但1863年, 离今天还不到150年的美国历史中, 却在一个叫葛底斯堡的不知名的小地方发生了一场战役. 这场战役因为林肯发表了不到两分钟的演说, 而成为举世闻名的地方. 更因为被孙中山先生加以引用和发挥, 对中国历史或说现代史, 产生重大影响. 英文演讲词: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate,we can not consecrate,we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 法文演讲词: Voici quatre-vingt-sept ans que nos pères ont apporté sur ce continent une nouvelle nation, con?ue dans la liberté et fondée sur la proposition que tous les hommes ont été créés égaux. Nous sommes aujourd'hui engagés dans une grande guerre civile, nous demandant comment cette nation ou n'importe quelle nation con?ue sur de tels fondements peut endurer une telle chose. Nous voici sur un grand champ de bataille de cette guerre. Nous sommes venus pour en consacrer une partie en tant que lieu de repos final pour ceux qui y sont morts afin que vive la nation. Ceci nous pouvons le faire.

林肯在葛底斯堡的演讲 中英文对照

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us:that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion;that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain;that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 八十七年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上给我们带来了一个新的共和国,她受孕于自由的理念,并献身于一切人生来平等的理想。 如今我们卷入了一场巨大的内战,以考验我们或任何一个受孕于自由和献身于上述理想的共和国是否能够长久生存下去。我们聚集在这场战争中的一个重要战场上,我们来到这里,是要把这个战场土地的一部分奉献给那些为使这个共和国能够生存下去而献出了自己的生命的烈士们作为最后安息之所。我们这样做是完全应该而且是非常恰当的。 但是,从更广泛的意义上来说,不是我们奉献、圣化或神化了这块土地,而是那些活着的或者已经死去的、曾经在这里战斗过的英雄们使得这块土地成为神圣之土,其神圣远非我们的渺小之力可增减。世人不会注意,也不会记住我们在这里说什么,但是他们永远无法忘记那些英雄们的行为。这更要求我们这些活着的人去继续那些英雄们为之战斗的未尽事业。我们应该在这里把自己奉献于仍然留在我们面前的伟大任务——要从这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,来完成他们已经完全彻底为之献身的事业;我们要在这里下定最大的决心,不让这些死者白白牺牲——要使这个国家在上帝保佑下得到新生——要使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。


林肯葛底斯堡演说中英文对照翻译 林肯的讲话是极简短、极朴素的。这往往使那些滔滔不绝的讲演家大瞧不起。 葛底斯堡战役后,决定为死难烈士举行盛大葬礼。掩葬委员会发给总统一张普通的请帖,他们以为他是不会来的,但林肯答应了。既然总统来,那一定要讲演的,但他们已经请了著名演说家艾佛瑞特来做这件事,因此,他们又给林肯写了信,说在艾佛瑞特演说完毕之后,他们希望他“随便讲几句适当的话”。这是一个侮辱,但林肯平静地接受了。两星期内,他在穿衣、刮脸、吃点心时也想着怎样演说。演说稿改了两三次,他仍不满意。到了葬礼的前一天晚上,还在做最后的修改,然后半夜找到他的同僚高声朗诵。走进会场时,他骑在马上仍把头低到胸前默想着演说辞。 那位艾佛瑞特讲演了两个多小时,将近结束时,林肯不安地掏出旧式眼镜,又一次看他的讲稿。他的演说开始了,一位记者支上三角架准备拍摄照片,等一切就绪的时候,林肯已走下讲台。这段时间只有两分钟,而掌声却持续了10分钟。后人给以极高评价的那份演说辞,在今天译成中文,也不过400字。 Commented by 鱼化石:林肯的这篇演说是演说史上著名的篇章,其思想的深刻,行文的严谨,语言的冼练,确实是不愧彪炳青史的大手笔。尤其是其中的第二段,建议加以仔细分析,其语义的承转,结构的安排,甚至包括其句式的使用,无一不是极尽推敲之作。 GETTYSBURG ADDRESS Abraham Lincoln Delivered on the 19th Day of November, 1863 Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continenta new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition thatall men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War,testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We havecome to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for thosewho gave their lives that Nation might live. It is altogether fitting andproper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannothallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled


南柯太守传原文阅读及翻译译文 原文阅读: 东平淳于棼,吴楚游侠之士。嗜酒使气,不守细行。累巨产,养豪客。曾以武艺补淮 南军裨将,因使酒忤帅,斥逐落魄,纵诞饮酒为事。家住广陵郡东十里。所居宅南有大古 槐一株,枝干修密,清阴数亩。淳于生日与群豪大饮其下。贞元七年九月,因沉醉致疾。时二友人于坐扶生归家,卧于堂东庑之下。二友谓生曰:“子其寝矣。余将抹马濯足,俟子小愈而去。”生解巾就枕,昏然忽忽,仿佛若梦。见二紫衣使者,跪拜生曰:“槐安国 王遣小臣致命奉邀。”生不觉下榻整衣,随二使至门。见青油小车,驾以四牡,左右从者 七八,扶生上车,出大户,指古槐穴而去。使者即驱入穴中。生意颇甚异之,不敢致问。忽见山川风候,草木道路,与人世甚殊。前行数十里,有郛郭城堞,车舆人物,不绝 于路。生左右传车者传呼甚严,行者亦争辟于左右。又入大城,朱门重楼,楼上有金书, 题曰:“大槐安国”。执门者趋拜奔走。旋有一骑传呼曰:“王以驸马远降,令且息东华馆。”因前导而去。俄见一门洞开,生降车而入。彩槛雕楹,华木珍果,列植于庭下;几案茵褥,帘帏肴膳,陈设于庭上。生心甚自悦。复有呼曰:“右相且至!”生降阶祗奉。有一 人紫衣象简前趋,宾主之仪敬尽焉。右相曰:“寡君不以敝国远僻,奉迎君子,托以姻亲。”生曰:“某以贱劣之躯,岂敢是望。”右相因请生同诣其所。行可百步,入朱门。矛戟 斧钺,布列左右,军吏数百,辟易道侧。生有平生酒徒周弁者,亦趋其中。生私心悦之, 不敢前问。右相引生升广殿,御卫严肃,若至尊之所。见一人长大端严,居王位,衣素练服,簪朱华冠。生战傈,不敢仰视。左右侍者令生拜。王曰:“前奉贤尊命,不弃小国, 许令次女瑶芳,奉事君子。”生但俯伏而已,不敢致词。王曰:“且就宾字,续造仪式。”有旨:右相亦与生偕还馆舍。生思念之,意以为父在边将,因没虏中,不知存亡;将谓父北 蕃交逊,而致兹事。心甚迷惑,不知其由。是夕,羔雁币帛,威容仪度,妓乐丝竹,肴膳灯烛,车骑礼物之用,无不咸备。有群女,或称华阳姑,或称青溪姑,或称上仙子, 或称下仙子,若是者数辈,皆侍从数十。冠翠凤冠,衣金霞帔,彩碧金钿,目不可视。遨 游戏乐,往来其门,争以淳于郎为戏弄。风态妖丽,言词巧艳,生莫能对。复有一女谓生曰:“昨上巳日,吾从灵芝夫人过禅智寺,于天竺院观石延舞《婆罗门》。吾与诸女坐北 牖石榻上。时君少年,亦解骑来看。君独强来亲洽,言调笑谑。吾与穷英妹结绛巾,挂于 竹枝上,君独不忆念之乎?又七月十六日,吾于孝感寺侍上真子,听契玄法师讲《观音经》。吾于讲下舍金凤钗两只,上真子含水犀盒子一枚,时君亦在讲筵中,于师处请钗、 盒视之,赏叹再三,嗟异良久。顾余辈曰:‘人之与物,皆非世间所有。’或问吾氏,或访 吾里,吾亦不答。情意恋恋,瞩盼不舍,君岂不思念之乎?”生曰:“中心藏之,何日忘


葛底斯堡演说,林肯葛底斯堡演说稿全文中英双语 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 《葛底斯堡演说》(英文:Gettysburg Address)是亚伯拉罕·林肯最著名的演说,也是美国历史上为人引用最多之政治性演说。在1863年11月19日,正值美国内战中葛底斯堡战役结束后四个半月,林肯在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡的葛底斯堡国家公墓(Gettysburg National Cemetery)揭幕式中发表是之演说,哀悼在长达5个半月的葛底斯堡之役中阵亡的将士。林肯的演讲修辞细腻周密,其后成为美国历史上最伟大的演说之一。 林肯的讲话是极简短、极朴素的。这往往使那些滔滔不绝的讲演家大瞧不起。葛底斯堡战役后,决定为死难烈士举行盛大葬礼。掩葬委员会发给总统一张普通的请帖,他们以为他是不会来的,但林肯答应了。既然总统来,那一定要讲演的,但他们已经请了著名演说家艾佛瑞特来做这件事,因此,他们又给林肯写了信,说在艾佛瑞特演说完毕之后,他们希望他“随便讲几句适当的话”。这是一个侮辱,但林肯平静地接受了。 两星期内,他在穿衣、刮脸、吃点心时也想着怎样演说。演说稿改了两三次,他仍不满意。到了葬礼的前一天晚上,还在做最后的修改,然后半夜找到他的同僚高声朗诵。走进会场时,他骑在马上仍把头低到胸前默想着演说辞。 那位艾佛瑞特讲演了两个多小时,将近结束时,林肯不安地掏出旧式眼镜,又一次看他的讲稿。他的演说开始了,一位记者支上三角

架准备拍摄照片,等一切就绪的时候,林肯已走下讲台。这段时间只有两分钟,而掌声却持续了10分钟。后人给以极高评价的那份演说辞,在今天译成中文,也不过400字。 林肯的这篇演说是演说史上著名的篇章,其思想的深刻,行文的严谨,语言的冼练,确实是不愧彪炳青史的大手笔。 *********************************** GETTYSBURG ADDRESS Abraham Lincoln Delivered on the 19th Day of November, 1863 Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far

Gettysburg Address 林肯葛底斯堡演说 中英对译版

Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕·林肯(美国第16任总统)Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 八十七年以前,我们的祖先在这块大陆上创立了一个孕育于自由的新国家,他们主张人人生而平等,并为此而献身。(在八十七年前,我们的国父们在这块土地上创建一个新的国家,乃基于对自由的坚信,并致力于所有人皆生而平等的信念。) Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives to that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. 现在我们正进行一场伟大的内战,这是一场检验这一国家或者任何一个像我们这样孕育于自由并信守其主张的国家是否能长久存在的战争。我们聚集在这场战争中一个伟大战场上,将这个战场上的一块土地奉献给那些在此地为了这个国家的生存而牺牲了自己生命的人,作为他们的最终安息之所。我们这样做是完全适当和正确的。(当下吾等被卷入一场伟大的内战,以考验是否此国度,或任何肇基于和奉献于斯者,可永垂不朽。吾等现相逢于此战中一处浩大战场。而吾等将奉献此战场之部分,作为这群交付彼者生命让那国度勉能生存的人们最后安息之处。此乃全然妥切且适当而为吾人应行之举。) But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 可是,从更广的意义上说,我们并不能奉献这块土地-我们不能使之神圣-我们也不能使之光荣。为那些在此地奋战过的勇士们,不论是还活着的或是已死去的,已经使这块土地神圣了,远非我们微薄的力量所能予以增减的。世人将不大会注意,更不会长久记住我们在这里所说的话,然而,他们将永远不会忘记这些勇士们在这里所做的事。相反地,我们活着的人,应该献身于勇士们未竟的工作,那些曾在此战斗过的人们已经把这项工作英勇地向前推进了。我们应该献身于留在我们面前的伟大任务-由于他们的光荣牺牲,我们会更加献身于他们为之奉献了最后一切的事业-我们要下定决心使那些死去的人不致白白牺牲-要使这个国家在上帝的庇佑下,获得自由的新生-我们要使这个民有,民治,民享的政府不致从地球上消失。(但,于更大意义之上,吾等无法致力、无法奉上、无法成就此土之圣。这群勇者,无论生死,曾于斯奋战到底,早已使其神圣,而远超过吾人卑微之力所能增减。这世间不曾丝毫留意,也不长久记得吾等于斯所言,但永不忘怀彼人于此所为。吾等生者,理应当然,献身于此辈鞠躬尽瘁之未完大业。吾等在此责无旁贷献身于眼前之伟大使命:自光荣的亡者之处吾人肩起其终极之奉献—吾等在此答应亡者之死当非徒然—此国度,于神佑之下,当享有自由之新生—民有、民治、民享之政府当免于凋零。) (王玮明整理)


林肯葛底斯堡演讲稿 The Gettysburg Address Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863 Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 亚伯拉罕·林肯 1863年11月19日 美国,宾夕法尼亚,葛底斯堡 八十七年以前,我们的祖先在这大陆上建立了一个国家,它孕育于自由,并且献身给一种理念,即所有人都是生来平等的。 当前,我们正在从事一次伟大的内战,我们在考验,究竟这个国家,或任何一个有这种主张和这种信仰的国家,是否能长久存在。我们在那次战争的一个伟大的战场上集会。我们来到这里,奉献那个战场上的一部分土地,作为在此地为那个国家的生存而牺牲了自己生命的人的永久眠息之所。我们这样做,是十分合情合理的。 可是,就更深一层意义而言,我们是无从奉献这片土地的--无从使它成为圣地--也不能把它变为人们景仰之所。那些在这里战斗的勇士,活着的和死去的,已使这块土地神圣化了,远非我们的菲薄能力所能左右。世人会不大注意,更不会长久记得我们在此地所说的话,然而他们将永远忘不了这些人在这里所做的事。相反,我们活着的人应该献身于那些曾在此作战的人们所英勇推动而尚未完成的工作。我们应该在此献身于我们面前所留存的伟大工作--由于他们的光荣牺牲,我们要更坚定地致力于他们曾作最后全部贡献的那个事业--我们在此立志宣誓,不能让他们白白死去--要使这个国家在上帝的庇佑之下,得到新生的自由--要使那民有、民治、民享的政府不致从

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