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2011年6月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Jun. 2011


基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 50774077);煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室自主研究课题资助(No. SKLCRSM08X04);国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划);全国博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目(No. 200760),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(No. NCET-06-0475);中国矿业大学青年科研基金资助项目(No. 2008A002);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(No. 2010QNA31)。

第一作者简介:肖同强,男,1981年生,博士,主要从事巷道围岩控制理论与支护技术方面的研究工作。E-mail :xtq2000@

文章编号:1000-7598 (2011)06-1874-07


肖同强1, 2,柏建彪1, 2,王襄禹1, 2,陈 勇1, 2,于 洋1, 2

(1. 中国矿业大学(徐州) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,江苏 徐州 221008;2. 中国矿业大学(徐州) 矿业工程学院,江苏 徐州 221008)

摘 要:针对深部高地应力、大断面、厚顶煤巷道围岩控制难题,采用理论分析、数值计算等方法研究了其变形破坏机制及其控制技术。研究结果表明,深部大断面厚顶煤巷道顶煤塑性区呈“拱形”或上宽下窄的“倒梯形”形态,直接顶塑性区则呈“矩形”形态,且存在肩角稳定区域。提出了“倒梯形”塑性区形成的层理面剪切破坏作用机制:在深部高应力(尤其是高水平应力)以及顶煤较大下沉产生的附加水平应力作用下,顶煤和直接顶之间的层理面发生剪切破坏,并引起其附近煤体破坏,促进了顶煤“倒梯形”塑性区的形成。基于此,提出了高强高预紧力锚杆和斜拉锚索梁联合支护围岩控制技术,认为斜拉锚索可锚固在肩角稳定区域,并起到限制顶煤与直接顶岩层之间层理面的剪切变形、阻止顶煤塑性区由“拱形”向“倒梯形”发展的作用。研究成果成功应用于工程实践。

关 键 词:深部巷道;厚顶煤;大断面;破坏机制;层理面;斜拉锚索梁 中图分类号:TD 322 文献标识码:A

Stability principle and control of surrounding rock in deep coal

roadway with large section and thick top-coal

XIAO Tong-qiang 1, 2, BAI Jian-biao 1, 2, WANG Xiang-yu 1, 2, CHEN Yong 1, 2, YU Yang 1, 2

(1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China;

2. School of Mines Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China)

Abstract: Based on the difficult problem of surrounding rock control in deep coal roadway with large section and thick top-coal, surrounding rock deformation and failure mechanism and its supporting technology are studied. The results show that, for deep coal roadway with large section and thick top-coal, plastic zone of top-coal presents “arched” or “inverted trapezoid” with wide upper and narrow lower, however plastic zone of immediate roof presents “rectangular”; the shoulder stable region exists in the immediate roof. Bedding surface shear failure effect mechanism for “inverted trapezoid” plastic zone is proposed: under the effect of high stress (especially high horizontal stress) and horizontal stress caused by larger roof subsidence; bedding surface between top-coal and immediate roof goes to shear failure, which causes coal body near bedding surface failure; and it promotes the formation of “inverted trapezoid” plastic zone. Based on above, high prestressed bolt with strip and steel mesh combining with diagonal cable and beam structure support is put forward. It is thought that diagonal cable can be anchored to the stability region in the shoulder; and it can limit the shear deformation of bedding surface between top-coal and immediate roof, and also can prevent the development of top-coal plastic zone from “arch” to “inverted trapezoid”. The research results have been successfully applied to roadway supporting. Key words: deep coal roadway; thick top-coal; large section; failure mechanism; bedding surface; diagonal cable and beam structure

1 前 言

目前我国许多矿区的开采深度已超过600~800 m ,新汶、淄博、徐州、开滦等矿区的开采深度已超过1 000 m ,最大开采深度达到1300 m ,预计未来20年我国很多煤矿将进入到1 000~1 500 m

的开采深度[1–5]。随着回采工作面产量的急剧增 大和采掘重型设备的应用,为满足通风、运输等安全生产的需要,深部回采巷道宽度也逐渐增 加,由原来的3.0~4.5 m 增至4.5~6.0 m 。深部、大断面条