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本文中,小编将为大家讲述有关雅思阅读材料中当今社会的技能重要性话题。I’m thinking about this question lately: what is the most important skill we need to have? What kind of skill do we need most in this kind of world? To answer it, I guess we need to see what the main characteristicof our world is.


What words will you use to describe this world? For me, there are two words which come to my mind: changeand speed. The world is changing and it is changing at increasing speed.


Since we are now living in that kind of world, I once thought that the most important skill is the ability to learn quickly. Of course it contains truth: to be able to keep up with this world we need to learn quickly. This way we can quickly adapt to new changes whenever they occur.


But later I thought that the ability to learn quickly alone is not enough. The world is changing so fast that even those who can learn quickly may not be able to keep up. There’s one more thing required: the ability to choose what to learn. This way we won’t waste our time learning something which is not useful. We learn only those things which are the most effectivefor us. The number of new things to learn is huge that choosing which one to learn becomes increasingly difficult. Mastering the art of choosing what to learn is valuablebecause it will save our time –not to say our entire career.


So to summarize, I think this is the most important skill we need to have: the ability to choose what to learn and to learn them quickly. If we master this skill, we will be ready to face whatever new wavescoming in our way.



重点阅读背景(自然科学类): ?Environment (10/3) Pollution/exhaust 1.世界3大污染是什么 2.造成污染的原因(人为因素) 3.污染对社会的影响 4.如何治理污染 IELTS 3: Test 4 Passage 1 ?Climate Change 1. Global Warming (重复率极高/6) 原因/温室效应/气温变暖的影响/解决方法 IELTS 5: Test1 Passage3 The Truth about the Environment An Inconvenient Truth-Al Gore 2.Harsh & Inuit (06/07/08) IELTS 6: Test1 Passage3 Climate Change and the Inuit ?Endangered Species (出现率很高) 1.濒危物种出现的原因(人为):hunt/environmental pollution/deforest 2.国际组织的解决方法 WWF: World Wildlife Fund IFAW: International Fund for Animal Welfare WSPA: World Society for the Protection of Animals ?Energy 1.Traditional Energy (natural gas/coal/petrol) 世界3大传统能源是什么/能源枯竭的原因/解决方法 2. Alternative Energy (solar power) 太阳能的工作原理 IELTS 7(herald): Test3 Passage2 Energy and Fuels ?Tropical Rainforest 1.热带雨林的破坏与气候变化的关系 2.热带雨林的破坏与物种变化的关系(habitat) ?Volcano 1.Climate Temperature 2.Prediction (考题/真题) 科学家如何预测火山爆发 IELTS 4 Test 3 Passage 2 Volcanoes-earth-shattering news surprising or shocking and very important 重点阅读背景(社会科学类): ?Child



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto

雅思阅读练习题:Global warming

雅思阅读练习题:Global warming 很多同学在备考雅思时找不到雅思阅读练习题,今天新通教育小编为大家带来了雅思阅读练习题一篇,希望对大家有用,更多雅思阅读练习题目请关注新通教育官网。 Global warming You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Questions 1-5 Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs A-F . Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-viii in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet. List of Headings i The plaintiffs?viewpoints on regulating emission ii Federal government being taken to court iii Possible impact of the case on other lawsuits iv Regulating air pollution by twelve States v Stance of the Bush administration vi Viewpoints of Bill Clinton on regulation vii The call for emission caps and reduction 1


【必背】常考的雅思词汇和短语 分类:个人日志阅读:(1176) 转载评论举报 60条通用优点: 1 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security 带来工作的满意感和安全感 2lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验 3 reduce/cut down expenditure削减支出 4increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会 5meet/satisfy personalizedneeds 满足人性化的需求 6promote talentintroduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流 7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍 8better/promote/enhance/further human resource develo pment 完善人力资源的发展 9lay a solid foundation for奠定坚实的基础 10 pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路 11foster a sense of competition andcooperation 培养合作感与竞争感 12cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神 13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧 14widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面 15enrichone’ssocial and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历 16enlargeone’s view/broadenone’s horizon 拓宽视野



雅思阅读模拟试题精选 1. Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike —vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA. 2. Instead, excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves, and freezing samples as they are found, dirt and all, concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today. 3. Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA, Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, France, and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information, they say, needs to be hammered home among the


第三章 一基础句型 (1)S+V Nobody went out. The children are playing. (2) S+V+O We love our country. Granny looks after the baby carefully. They put up a new hospital. He dreamed a horrible dream last night. (3) S+V+O+O He gave his sister the piano. He bought his wife a fur coat. The old man gave a story book to the boy. (4) S+V+O+C I found the book easy. They held him hostage. I heard him singing. (5) S+L+P Trees are green. The milk tastes sour. She became a lawyer. 感观动词:seem,appear,look,taste,smell ,sound ,feel 变化过程动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,come ,fall 保持状态动词:be,stay,remain,keep,continue,stand 二句子成分 主语谓语宾语定语状语补语表语同位语 Samuel Pepys , the famous writer of the test,was most sorry for the fact that many famous buildings were destroyed. 同位语从句 独立成分:与句子的其他成分没有语法上的联系 如:感叹语呼语插入语 Hi , Tracy, you look tired. What’s more, their parents allow them to stay out. As a result, it became a success in the US. 三动名词:含义 (1)做主语:According to the writer of the test, imaging the future will serve the interests of the present and future generations. It’s no use buying a lot of books without reading them. (2) 做表语:His job is teaching physics. Seeing is believing. (3) 做宾语:Our monitor suggested having a discussion of this subject. We are looking forward to visiting your country. (4)做定语:There is a swimming pool at the back of the garden 四分词:动词的另一种形式,是谓语动词


1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey) 忠于;遵守 2.be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3.absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4.be absorbed in 全神贯注于…[近义短语: be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on ] 5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6.to have an access (to) (不可数名词) 能接近,能进入,能了解信息 7.by accident(=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外地 8.without accident(=safely) 安全地 9.of one’s own accord (=without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地 10.in accord with 与…一致. 11.out of one’s accord with 同…不一致 12.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地 13.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 14.on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益; 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责; 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 15.on account 赊账; 16.on account of 因为; 17.on no account不论什么原因也不; 18.of …account 有…重要性. 19.take…into account(=consider) 把...考虑进去 20.give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由) 21.account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明. 22.on account of (=because of) 由于,因为 23.on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 24.accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth.) ; 指控,控告 25.be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于 26.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 27.act on 奉行,按照…行动; 28.act as 扮演; 29.act for 代理 30.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 31.adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 32.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外) 33.adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循 34.adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的 35.adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应; 36.admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地. 37.in advance (=before in time) 预告, 事先. 38.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 39.have an advantage over 胜过. 40.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件


IELTS阅读方法与技巧(一) READING STRATEGIES AND SKILLS This course will give you the opportunity to develop and practice reading strategies and skills which can be applied to all forms of IELTS tests. The strategies and skills you will practice are as follows: 1.Predicting 2.Skimming 3.Scanning 4.Detailed reading 5.Guessing unknown words 6.Understanding main ideas 7.Inferring 8.Understanding text organization 9.Assessing a writer's purpose 10.Evaluating a writer's attitude. 1 Predicting Before you read a text in detail,it is possible to predict what information you may find in it. You will probably have some knowledge of the subject already,and you can use

this knowledge to help you anticipate what a reading text contains. After looking at the title,for example,you can ask yourself what you know and do not know about the subject before you read the text. Or you can formulate questions that you would like to have answered by reading the text. These exercises will help you focus more effectively on the ideas in a text when you actually start reading. To help you predict,you may also use skimming and scanning strategies as described below. 2 Skimming Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. Features of the text that can help you include the following: (a)Title (b)Sub-title(s) (c)Details about the author (d)Abstract (e)Introductory paragraph (f)First,second and last sentences of following paragraphs (g)Concluding paragraph A text may not contain all of these features - there may


2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.doczj.com/doc/a08582437.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says


(六)Multiple Choice NB 1. 侧重对文章的理解,非语法单词的辨析 2. 选文章主旨的Multiple Choice留到最后做 3. 注意大处和小处的区分 4. 一定回原文定位 5. 最后用排除法(最好不用,尽量用题干找) 6. 在选择题中,与其选项风格不一致的即位干扰项 第四次课 一:课题:雅思学术类阅读选择题讲解 二:教学目的:让学生了解选择题解题步骤和技巧及练习 三:课型:新授课 四:课时:第四课时 五:教学重点:单选题和多选题解题步骤和技巧 六:教学难点:单选题如何排除干扰项 七:教学过程: 1.导入主题---选择题 2.选择题分类讲解:单选题和多选题 单选题 一:考试趋势 从近一年的考试来看,选择题出现的频率和题目的数量都在上升。2010年47场考试选择

题出现了41次,所以它被考到的频率还是相当高的。我们看2011年1月8日刚举行的考试,单选题在三篇文章中出现了两次,题目的数量达到5题左右。单就那次考试来看,选择题成为了主打。所以我们预测未来考试中90%可能遇到单选题。 二:题型特点 1.四选一 2.题文同序 三:题型分析 (一)题型细分 1.主旨题 2.细节题 3.目的题 (二)选项细分 (1)干扰项 1无:选项中所讲的内容在原文中不存在或者找不到语言依据。 ①比较关系 ②主观臆断(选项是根据原文信息做出的的一个主观推测,往往带有很大的抽象性) 2.满:出现了绝对词的选项80%不是答案。绝对此包括形容词和副词的最高级,如all, most,

only, always, largely。 3.片:只涉及原文部分语句或段落(往往出现在主旨题或目的题中) 4.混:似是而非,原文语句间的信息杂糅(往往是一些关系的杂糅,如并列关系改成从属关 系) 5.反:与原文意义相反或相矛盾 (二)正确项 原文的同义改写(照抄原文一般不是正确答案) 四.解题策略 (一)细节题 1.题型特点: ①题干相对(主旨)较长,定位词比较明显 ②选项信息相对集中,一般为1-2段 2.解题步骤: Step1:划定位词 划出题干和选项的定位词(同时进行) Step2:定位 ①根据题干定位词,定位到段 ②根据选项定位词,定位到句 *定位辅助 (同篇文章,前有题型) 可借助该文章下的前一题型信息,大致定位该题第一题在文中的段落位置。 (文章首题)


雅思常见词组 accustomed to 习惯于 a couple of 一对,一双;几个 a few 少许,一些 a good deal 许多,大量, a good many 大量的,许多 a number of 一些,许多 a series of 一系列,一连串 abound in 盛产,富于,充满above all 首先,首要,尤其是abstain from 放弃,避开 access to 接近,通向…的入口according as 根据…而… according to 根据,按照 account for 说明(原因等),解释accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事)act for 代理 act on 按照…而行动 act out 演出 adapt to 适应 add up to 合计达,总计是 adhere to 黏附,坚持 admit of 容许有,有…余地 admit to 承认 advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物affect to 假装 afford to 买得起某物 after a while 过了一会,不久 after all 毕竟,终究,虽然这样agree on 同意,赞同 ahead of 先于,胜过 ahead of schedule 提前 ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前all along 始终,一直,一贯 all at once 突然,同时,一起 all but 几乎,差一点 all in all 总的说来;同等重要 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 all one’s life 一辈子,一生 all out 竭尽全力 all over 到处,遍及,全部结束all round 行,可以,顺利,确实all the same 仍然,照样 all the time 一直,始终 all the years round 一年到头 all too 太 allow for 考虑到,估计到,体谅along with 同…一起 amount to 总共达到,实际上是amount to 等于 and all that 诸如此类 and so 所以,因此;同样 and that 而且 and the like 等等,诸如此类 and then 于是,然后 and what not 诸如此类,等等 and yet 而,然而 answer back 顶嘴,回嘴 answer for 对…负责,符合 answer up 应对迅速 any longer 再 anything but 除…以外任何事物 apart from 除…之外 apply for 提出 approach to 接近,约等于 approve of 赞成,满意 arm in arm 手挽手 around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地arrive at 到达 as...as 像,如同,与…一样 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 as a result of 由于,作为…的结果 as a rule 通常,一般来说 as a whole 总体上 as best one can 尽最大努力 as concerns 关于 as far as 那么远;直到;至于 as follows 如下 as for 至于,就…方面而言 as for as 就…而论,据… as good as 和…几乎一样


雅思阅读技巧总结 雅思分学术类和培训类两种,分别针对申请留学的学生和计划在英语语言国家参加工作或移民的人士。下面就随小编一起去阅读雅思阅读技巧总结,相信能带给大家帮助。 在雅思阅读考试的判断题中,一定要注意要求。比如:TRUR/FALSE/NOT GIVEN或YES /NO/ NOT GIVEN,要按要求写到答题纸上。 小站老师技巧:在做题的时候,现在题目中找到定位词和信号词,一般要注意名词。如果在题目中真的无法找到合适的名词,可以换其他词性。注意:最常暗示答案的几个连词是BUT,HOWEVER,WHILE,AND, ALSO, MOREOVER。 在雅思阅读的归纳题中,首先要用判断题的方法找到相应的定位词,目前归纳题有两种趋势,一种是题目贯穿在整篇文章,另一种是只隐藏在其中一二个段落。 配对题相对来说比较好做,一般“首尾句原则”就比较适合这种题型。 做雅思阅读选择题的时候,要注意通过提干把关键词和定位词划出来,然后对应所在的锻炼就可以。 在雅思阅读考试中,填空题的做法和归纳题差不多,都是先找定位词找出正确的段落,然后通过“就近原则”填空。 做雅思阅读简答题,首先要看清题目要求“NO MORE THAN

-WORDS”,一定要注意题目的字数限制。 在雅思阅读考试中,图表题的形式和要求相对来说比较严格,在实际做题中,首先要注意“序号”原则,其次要注意“形式一致原则”。 这类题型的干扰能力较大,“隐蔽性”也较大,考生要特别注意,另外,与HEADING题不同的是它们的答案通常不是在句首或句尾,而是在段落当中的某几句话,应该利用信号词“快速扫描法”进行定位段落,然后进行分析。


雅思考试阅读部分全解析 无论是A类还是G类, 雅思的阅读与国内\国际现今流行的各种重大考试有很大的区别。其广泛的选材范围、多样的出题形式、艰涩的段落和句法结构、冗长的篇幅和无处不在的生词对于考生的语言实力和解题技巧提出了严峻的考验。但是,回顾这么多年的考试历程,雅思并没有跳出语言测试的樊篱。换言之,雅思就是在有限的时间里测试考生的语言实力和应试技巧。 一、概述 I.文章的篇幅 长篇幅是雅思阅读文章的突出特点。每段文章至少700字以上,7、8个段落也算正常。 阅读目的就是为理解服务,应试型阅读就是为解题服务。雅思阅读中的题目虽然貌似复杂,其实归结起来无外乎主旨题与细节理解题。而解题的过程实际上是略读、扫读和细读这三大技巧的综合。雅思考试的阅读很有限,一个小时读三篇文章,每篇文章的阅读和解题时间非常短暂。因此,我们要坚持两点论和重点论相结合的原则,使用略读的技巧在短时间内抓住文章的中心思想、段落大意和长句的要旨。然后,仔细阅读文章之后的题目,并从中找出关键词或词组,同时迅速扫读,确定题目答案在原文中所对应的大致范围。然后对相关语段进行仔细阅读。这样,可以避免或减少对文章中干扰信息的阅读,从而节省时间,提高阅读效率。 II.文章的选材范围 剑桥大学考试委员会秉承剑桥大学的作风,奉行高等教育的精英主义理念,反复强调非专业原则和国际化两条原则,体现考试的公平和公正、严肃和全面的特点,所选的文章大多源于世界主流媒体,如Economist , Financial Times,Guardian;政府各部门的社会发展报告,联合国机构的年度报告;某些著名的协会杂志(带有官方色彩),如Info;英国及欧洲的专业杂志如Arts Management,Arts Education等;70%的自然科学文章选自National Geographic, New Scientist, Science, Popular立场Science和Nature杂志;80%的重大事件(非政治经济),重大发明都选自美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic) 雅思是一种语言考试,不是专业测试。因此,为了让不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等参与,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已经不再作为其考查范围。以下几个方面的内容经常作为考点出现:世界范围的就业状况;世界范围内的教育状况,经济发展的问题,



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


图表题必背短语及词汇 开头段(改写原题,替换) 1.Show/ compare/ illustrate 2.Proportion/ percentage 3.Categories/kinds/types 4.The UK/Britain/the United Kingdom https://www.doczj.com/doc/a08582437.html,rmation/data(注意data不能加s) 6.Males/men females/women 7.From(年代)to(年代)/between(年代)and(年代)/over a period of …years 8.Subway system/underground railway system/underground train system 9.Store/shop 10.The number of+可数名词复数形式/the figure for+可数名词复数形式 11.The amount of something+不可数名词/ the figure for+不可数名词 主体段 上升:go up / increase/rise/grow/show an upward trend/show a downward trend 下降:decline/fall/drop/decrease/fall back to 回落到……/fell steadily平稳的下降从。。。上升或者下降。。。的介词搭配from…to…/by(表幅度) 波动:fluctuate(没有被动形式)常见搭配:fluctuate between…and… 表示稳定某一水平的短语:remain stable at/level off at(后面都要跟具体的数字或百分比) 经历了某种变化的及物动词:see/experience/witness(只要图里存在着时间上的跨度就一定能够用的上) 例如:see an opposite trend呈现出相反的趋势/experience a sharp rise from 到达最高点:peak at/reach its peak at 介绍趋势时表示达到。。。或者位于。。。的动词:reach达到/stand at位于 表示占多少份额的动词:account for/make up/represent/constitute 表示对将来预测的动词:expect/predict/project(这三个词经常以被动形式出现。而且,尽管是描述未来的数字,be动词仍然用一般现在时be expected to) 表示变成原来数值的两倍或者三倍的词:double/increase twofold/triple三倍(全都是及物动词,但要注意的这几个词都是表达同一个事物在不同时间的倍数关系) 表示是另一个事物的两倍或者三倍的表达:be twice as high/long/fast/popular as Be three times as……as 表示始终高于或者始终低于的句型:be consistently higher/lower than 表示原有差距变小或者变大的句型:the gap between …and…narrows(narrowed)/widens(widened) 表示原来少于但后来超过的及物动词:exceed(后边跟阿拉伯数字或者百分数) Overtake (过去式overtook,后面跟比较对象) 表示急剧的形容词sharp(ly)/rapid(ly)/dramatic(ally) 表示持续的形容词gradual(ly)/consistent(ly)/steady(steadily) 表示显著的。大幅度的形容词:significant(ly)/noticeable(去e加ly)/considerable(去e加ly) 表示很小幅度的词:slight(ly)

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