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ladies and gentleman:good morning .welcome to the captical city of jiangsu province——nanjing.i’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.may i introduce my colleagues to you?this is mr.li,our driver,his bus number is sua36099,please remember it.my

name is sally,i’m from the branch company of china international travel service in nanjing.my job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in nanjing.now

i’ll give you some tips during your stay in nanjing:firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.secondly,when you come back to the

restaurant,don’t go out https://www.doczj.com/doc/a24274837.html,st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some

other valued things.if you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in nanjing a pleasant one.we highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,wish you enjoy these days

you stay here.thank you.


when you come to jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——nanjing.she is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the yangzi delta region.and she was been called china’s southern capital. there are about 8 million people here and nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.she was one of the 6 famous

ancient cities in china.for almost 2000 years,there has been 10

dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are

wu,eastern jin,song,qi,liang,chen,south tang,ming,taiping kingdom,and republic of china subsequently.

for tourists,nanjing is one of china’s most attractive cities.in octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,nanjing is the 3rd popular city in china,just next to shanghai and beijing,i think wo must work harder together for it.

i think all the pretty scenic in nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them.



dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum

among all the historical and cultural attractions in nanjing,the most favored highlight is dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum.dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the purple mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.it took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum.

dr.sun yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of chinese democratic revolution. on october 12, 1866, mr. sun was born in a farmers family in caiheng village of xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan city), guangdong province. he put forward the famous guiding principle- driving the invaders out, restoring the

sovereignty of china, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership and the three peoples principles-nationalism, democracy and the peoples livelihood. unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on march 12, 1925.

the location of the mausoleum was chosen by mr. sun himself. here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. you may wonder: mr. sun was born in guangdong but died in beijing. for his whole life he traveled throughout china for the revolution. why did he choose nanjing as the venue of his tomb? fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose zijing mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. among all the contribution, young architect lu yanzhis design,

a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. the crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the bell of freedom.

now, we are going out of the zhongshan gate and driving along the mausoleum road.

please look to the south. the copper ding with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. it is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters. it is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. to the bell-shaped mausoleum the ding is just like the pendulum. it seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.

further from the fraternity archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. the road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. the whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.

now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum gate, the stele pavilion, the memorial hall and the coffin chamber right behind. the pines, cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent mr. suns revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. now we are coming near the top platform. look, there are two big copper ding.there are two holes in the bottom of the left ding. why?in late 1937, when the japanese army attacked nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding. now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind chinese people not to forget the national humiliation. ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform. here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance. the memorial hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of fraternity. more marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform. but if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms. the number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of chinese population at that time-392 million.

now we are in front of the memorial hall and the coffin chamber. these are the most basic and general guiding

principles of mr. suns revolutionary activities. above democracy, there is a horizontal inscription board with suns handwriting on it, fill the world with justice.

please follow me into th

e memorial hall. the floor is covered with white and black marble from yunnan province. the style o

f the whole structure is a blend of the east and the west, representin

g the well blended doctrine of dr. sun yat-sen.

ladies and gentlemen, mr. sun struggled for a better china for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years. he carried out the three principal policies of making an alliance with russia and the communist party of china and helping the farmers and workers in his later days. the great feat mr. sun has achieved has gained great

respect and praise from people from both home and abroad. after liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.

now, as one of the top forty tourist resorts in china dr. sun

yat-sen mausoleum receives numerous chinese and international friends every years. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck!


xiaoling tomb of the ming dynasty

xiaoling tomb is one of the most historical heritage in nanjing,built 600 years ago,is the mausoleum of zhu yuanzhang,the founding emperor of the ming dynasty.lying at the southern foot of the purple mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.

born in a poor family and lost his parents when he was a child and become a monk.in 1352,he joined the red turban army which guo zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later.zhu took over nanjing in 1356,and he conquered the rest of china in the following years.in 1368,he made nanjing the national captical with a name of ming for his dynasty and hongwu as the title of his regin.

zhu began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife empress ma died.the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more until 1413.

now follow my steps,the mausoleum consists of two major sections .the first section is from the gateway of dismounting horse to the lingxing gate at the end of sacred way,of which the approach is 1800 meters long.the second part is the tomb itself :historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall,22.5 kilometers long,enclosing the whole tomb

area.the tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings.100 000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised in the park of mausoleum.unfortunately,this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late ming and early qing dynasties.however we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.the tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall.the gateway of dismounting horse locates about 750 meters south from here .the inscription can be seen “all the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here”.this shows the absolute dignity of emperor zhuyuanzhang at that time.northwards from the great golden gate,a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion can be seen,it is the square castle as local people call it.its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain.

in ancient china,the next enperor must be the first or the first grandson,because his first son died in 1392,so his first grandson zhuyunwen became the second emperor,then the first son zhudi praised the emperor and became the 3rd emperor,he was actually praising himself and presumed himself as the authorized successor to zhuyuanzhang.

behind the tablet pavilion is sacred way ,which is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kinds.

the sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the plum blossom hill stands in the way.the hill is the tomb for sunquan,the first emperor of eastern wu kingdom ,some ministers suggested that sunquan’s tomb should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb.

behind the statue there used to be a gate named lingxing gate.about 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream,yet it is called the imperial moat bridge.the bridge used to have 5 arches ,but was renovated into 3 arches later in the qing

dynasty.the bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.

about 200 meters north of the imperial moat bridge is the front gate to the tomb.this area is the rear section of the tomb.at the right of the gate,there is a tablet stone on which is inscribed with“thespecialnotice”written in 6 foreign languages of japanese,german,english,french,italian and russia respectively to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late qing years.

inside the gate is an entrance hall,of which in the middle is “thestele of administering the country well as the tang and song dynasties.”

since qing rules were manchurians,emperor kangxi was preoccupied that the han people wouldn’t be subject to his reign.this stone tablet indicatedemperor kangxi’s desire to respect the han emperor of the former dynasty and try to conciliate the hans.as a great emperor,kangxi made 6 trips down to southern china from beijing and visited the ming tomb for 5 times.

standing behind the hall is the filial hall or sacrifical hall,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine emperor zhuyuanzhang and his empress.but the original was destoryed in the wars,and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the qing dynasty.

the citadel of treasures is the last buildings on the

ground,16.25 meters high,75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth.

the tomb is at the foot of purple mountain.it has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of

preservation.the tomb site was selected by zhuyuanzhang himself.however there had been a buddhist temple

here.zhuyuanzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here.the wise abbot in the temple took his cue and suggested to the emperor that the temple shoule be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. the emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈢灵谷寺

linggu temple

linggu temple was called jiangshan temple in ancient time and its original site was in donglongfu at the foot of the purple mountain.this tenple with an inscription “the first buddhist forest”at the entrance to the mountain.

my friends,please follow my steps.inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees ,verdant and luxuriant ,so it is called the “valley of spirit deep in pines”.it is one of the 48 attractions in nanjing.main attractions in the park include linggu temple ,the gateway of officers and men killed in action,beamless hall,pine and wind pavilion,linggu

pagoda,monk baogong pagoda and the tablet of three great artists,etc.

the first major attraction is the gateway of officals and men killed in action.the gateway has 5 principle columns made of concrete cement.the gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue –glazed tile.the lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 chinese characters“great justice and virtue”in front face and “salvation of the nation and people”on the back.

inside the park there is the beamless hall built in 1381 in the ming dynasty.there are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges .in terms of size,the beamless hall stands first and foremost of its kind in china.it was built more than 200years earlier than the other five of the same kind in other areas.

the original site of the pine and wind pavilion is the former religious discipline hall of the linggue temple.the present pavilion was built in 1929,as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in action with the things left behind by the martyrs.the pavilion was damaged in the war of resistance against japan and restored after 1949.

linggu pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officals and men killed in wars.the nine-storeyed octagonal pagoda,is over sisty-meter-high,with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story.3 characters “linggu pagoda”are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a will there’s a way”on the lintel of the back door.inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories.

in the buses west of pine and wind pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda“ baogong pagoda”named after the eminent monk baozhi of the southern dynasties.tradition has it that monk baozhi was born into a bird’s nest in 436.he became a monk when he was 7 years old.before his death,baozhi had frequent contact with emperor wudi of the liang dynasty and was highly respected by the emperor.

linggu temple is the only one out of 70 buddhist monasteries handed down from the southern dynasties.the temple was relocated to the present site in the ming dynasty and named linggu buddhist monastery by emperor zhuyuanzhang,who contributed a lot of money and land to the monastery out of the gratitude that the relocation effectuated the construction of his tomb at dulongfu.the ming dynasty also put 12 temples including qixia monastery under the abministration of linggu temple and the temple was so large that it could support more than 1000 monks at that time.

the present temple is much smaller than it used to be.in the temple there is the treasure hall of the great sage.in the east of the hall,there is a chambre,which used to be called the goddess of mercy hall.but it is turned to the memorial hall of master xuan zang.whi went to india in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of buddhist sutras.the legendary story of this great monk-traveler and his disciples is vividly described in the great master-piece journey to the west by wu cheng’en.in the memorial hall,some of his

skull,introduction of his pilgrimage route to india and his return to chang’an are on display.in front of the temple,there is a screen wall,on which is written with 10 characters “the buddhist rites performed to bury monk b aozhi’s remains”. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !


presidential residence

members of tourists :we will now go sightseeing tour of scenicspots is a long history and has as a day of the taiping heavenly kingdom and the revolution palace after dr.sun yat-sen became provisional president of the office of the president office.it is located in the yangtze river road,no.292,now has become china’s largest museum of modern history.

the history of the place dates back to 600 years ago,and the site was the mansion of prince of han during the ming dynasty.in 1912,dr.sun yat-sen was elected the provisional president of the republic,and changed the west garden of the palace into the presidential residence.in1928,the palace became the administration office of the republic government.

opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the screen wall.by the side of the wall,there is a tablet,which is engraved with an incription of guo moruo’s aut ograph that reads“the 100th anniversary of taiping uprising”.built in

1930,the gate tower is


dr. sun yatsen’s mausoleum

among the historical and cultural attractions in nanjing, the best known is dr. sun yatsen’s mausoleum.

dr. sun yatsen’s mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the purple mountain in the eastern suburbs of the city. designed

by a young architect lu yanzhi, the mausoleum took more than 3 years to build and cost 1.5 million silver dollars. the construction began on march 12, 1926 and completed in 1929 when dr. sun yatsen was buried there on june 1.

dr. sun yatsen, also named sun wen or sun zhongshan, is considered as the father of the chinese democratic revolution. born in a peasant family in guangdong province in 1866, he

had his primary education in honolulu, hawaii sponsored by

his elder brother from 1878 to 1883. he was so sad when he saw the poverty of the country upon his return. china had

been a super power for centuries. but since the middle of qing dynasty in t he 1800’s, china began to decline, which owed a great deal to the corruptions and incompetence of the qing government. foreign invasions and peasant rebellions made it even worse. the opium war in 1840 ended with the “treaty of nanjing”. china was forced to pay an indemnity of 21 million silver dollars and cede hong kong to the great britain and open 5 free port cities to the westerners, which were guangzhou, xiamen, fuzhou, ningbo and

shanghai. following were the wars again launched by france in 1883 and japan in 1894. the chinese people lived in a

miserable life. they were referred to the “sick man of the orient”

by the westerners. dr. sun yatsen dreamed to save the nation by practicing medicine and that led him to hong kong to learn medicine when he was 21 years old. however, it did not work. the reality made him give up his medical career in his hometown and macao but turn to politics in 1893.

from then on, he kept petitioning to the qing government for reforms but was never responded. at great disappointment, he left the country later and went canvassing extensively in the united states of america, europe and japan, trying to win the sympathy and support from the overseas chinese. with the funds raised, he organized “revive china league” - chin a’s first bourgeois organization. the following 1905 witnessed the founding of the “chinese revolutionary league” headed by dr. sun yatsen, a party with a clear-cut program of “expel tartars, restore china, establish republic equalize land.” dr. sun

yat sen also put forth 3 democratic principles of “nationalism, democracy people’s livelihood” as his political goal. the armed movements against the qing government took place continuously.

the most important event following was the 1911 revolution in wuhan led by dr. sun yatsen, which drove the last emperor of the qing dynasty out of the forbidden city in beijing, marking the end of

the old dynastic system in china. in the same year, the representatives of 17 provinces met in nanjing and elected dr. sun yatsen president of the provisional government of the republic of china. on january 1, 1912 it was in nanjing where the first republic in chinese history was founded and dr. sun yatsen inaugurated his presidency.

unfortunately the new republic was threatened by powerful warlords in the north. to avoid political crisis and save the republic, dr. sun yatsen compromised conditionally with the major northern warlord named yuan shikai who had been pursuing the national power for a long time. he resigned at the end of march 1912, but never stopped pursuing his goal.

soon after that, china went into chaotic civil wars again. the situation led to a series of movements like “the second revolution,” “save the republic,” “restore the legislation” and “the northern expeditions” in the following years. dr. sun yatsen spent most of his time dealing with warlords. not until

1921, dr. sun yatsen resumed his presidency in guangzhou. at the first national congress of the chinese kuomintang in 1924, he adopted the polic y of “alliance with russia and communists, assistance to peasants and workers” and officially acknowledged the cooperation between the nationalist party and communist party in running the government.

in november of 1924, dr. sun yatsen, despite his poor health, made an expedition to the north with his ambition to eliminate warlords, expel imperialists and abrogate unequal treaties. he was warmly greeted by thousands of people upon his arrival in beijing. he met with many politicians and warlords, trying to persuade them to get united to build a new china. but the result did not look optimistic. he became very sick due to hard work and had to be hospitalized. the diagnosis turned out he was suffering an advanced-stage liver cancer. when he realized it would not be very long for him to stay in this world, he dictated his assistant 3 last wills, one to his party, one to the russian government and the other to his wife madam song qingling. on march 12, 1925 dr. sun yatsen passed away in beijing union hospital.

dr. sun yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 years of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build an untied democratic china.

why was dr. sun yatsen buried in nanjing instead of in his hometown or beijing where he died? the mausoleum site was first recommended to dr. sun yatsen by the abbot of linggu temple for its good geomantic omen. one day in april, 1912 when he went hunting to the site with his friends, dr. sun yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he wished the people would allow him to be

buried there after his death. he expressed this desire again in his sickbed in 1925.

dr. sun yatsen’s mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented. the whole architecture, from the gateway, to the main entrance, tablet pavilion, memorial hall and the tomb vault, lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps and 10 platforms in between. the buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbles and covered by blue glazed-tile roofs.

opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the square, stands the 12-metre high gateway of three arches with dr. sun yatsen’s handwriting “fraternity” carved on its front top. the 480-meter long tomb avenue, lined with pine, gingko and maple trees, leads to the main entrance. dr. sun yatsen’s motto “the world belongs to the people” can be seen right above the door in the middle. walking through it, the first building you will see is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone. the tombstone is engraved with “premier dr. sun is buried here by the chinese nationalist party on june 1, 1929.” from there, a panoramic view of the memorial hall can be obtained. however, there are still 290 steps to go before you reach the memorial hall on the top. the memorial hall stands 73.33 meters above the ground. in the center of the memorial hall sits the italian white marble statue of dr. sun yatsen mounted on a










































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