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关于天气的英语俚语 篇一:天气有关的英语词汇及句子 与天气有关的英语词汇及句型 天气是英国人迷恋的话题,英式英语中有许多与天气有关的英语成语,一起来看看吧! it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 thrown caution to the wind 冒险 a storm in teacup 大惊小怪 twisting in the wind 孤立无援 rainy day 艰难的时刻/困境 ill wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜 every cloud has a silver lining(每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面) 困难中必有希望 bolt from the blue 突如其来的 under the weather 身体不舒服 weather the storm 渡过危机 as right as rain 万事顺利 跟天气有关的英语俚语 1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder! 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends. 我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。 3. We don't have a snowball's chance of winning that contract! 我们根本就没有一点希望能签那份合同。 4. Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup. 不用为他俩的争执担心,他们不过是小题大做罢了。 5. The exam was a breeze. 这次考试真是太容易了。 6. We're snowed under at work. 我工作忙得不可开交。 7. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want! 他们在这件事情上摇摆不定,根本不可能知道他们到底想要什么! 8. He's always working in his garden - come rain or shine. 他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。 9. It's going to get very busy on Thursday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm.

我们周四会很忙的,今天和明天只是暴风雨来临之前暂时的宁静。 10. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day. 我不想把这些额外收入花掉,我打算存起来以备不时之需。 11. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise. 我打算先观察一下形势,然后再提加薪的事。 12. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight! 如果你今晚穿那条裙子,你会抢了她的风头的! 13. I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. 14. This recession is quite serious and it's becoming difficult to weather the storm. 这次经济衰退很严重,很难扛过去啊! 天气词汇 天气预报中常用英文词汇 Sunny 晴天 Fair 晴 cloudy 多云 overcast 阴天 Calm 无风 light 微风 moderate 风力不大 strong 大风 gale 强风 Light Drizzle 微雨 Drizzle 毛毛雨 Showers 阵雨 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 rainstorm 暴雨 thunderstorm 雷雨 Drifting Snow 飘雪 light snow 小雪 moderate snow 中雪 heavy snow 大雪 sleet 雨夹雪 fog 雾 Haze(mist) 薄雾 frost 霜冻 typhoon 台风 Dust 灰尘 Sandstorm 沙尘暴 Hail 冰雹 warm up 天气转暖 clear up 天气放晴 scattered showers 局部阵雨 sunny/bright 阳光充足 clear/fair/fine 晴朗 partly cloudy 局 部 有云 cloudy 多云 overcast/dull 阴 freezing 冰冷 cold 冷 cool 凉爽 mild 温和 warm 暖和 hot 炎热 fine/clear/good weather 好天气 sunny/fine 晴天 bad weather 坏天气 sleet 雨夹 雪 lightning 闪 电 cloudy then rainysunny then cloudy 晴转阴 1. weather forecast 气象预报 2. weatherman 气象员 3. weather station 气象站 4. cold wave 寒流 5. partly cloud 少云 9. drop in temperature 降温 Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 season 一、春:spring 1、春雨:Spring Rain 2、春分:vernal equinox 3、清明:clear and bright 4、惊蛰:excited

insects 5、春风:spring breeze 二、夏: summer 1、夏令营:summer camp 2、连衣裙:one-piece dress 3、电风扇:electric fan 4、空调:air conditioner 5、西瓜:watermelon 三、 秋: autumn 1、 秋分: the autumnal equinox 2、 秋播: fall seeding 3、 秋海棠: elephant's-ear 4、秋菜:autumn vegetable 5、秋千:swing 四、冬: winter 1、雪花:snowflake 2、滑雪:skiing3、溜冰:ice-skating4、冰棍:forzen sucker 5、雪雕:Snow sculpt come rain or shine 无论如何、不管怎样 It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 get wind of sth. 听到……的风声 get the wind up 变得紧张/害怕 do a snow-job on sb. 对某人花言巧语 storm into or out of someplace 怒气冲冲地走进或走出 1) weird weather 天气很反常 we've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常! 2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨 in the summer, it seems like d.c. is hit by pop-up storm every day! 夏天的时候,华盛顿每天 好像 都有雷阵雨! 3) raining cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 we got hit by a pop up storm yesterday! all of a sudden it started raining cats and dogs and i didn't have an umbrella!! 我们昨天赶上雷阵雨!突然开始瓢泼大雨!而我又没带雨伞! 4) storm clouds 乌云 5) roll in 飘过来 you know it's gonna rain when you see big storm clouds rolling in! 看着乌云飘过来,就知道 快下雨了。 关于天气的对话 PART 1 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.今天看来像是个晴天。 Yes, it's much better than yesterday.是的,比昨天好多了。 They say we're going to get some rain later.据说待会儿要下雨。 Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。 PART 2 I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。 It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.肯定比昨天大有好转。 But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. 但是,据说今天下午又

要转阴刮风了。 B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.不过,冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去 了。 PART 3 A: It seems to be clearing up.看来天要放晴了。 B: It's such a nice change.真实令人高兴的转变。 A: I really don't think this weather will last.我确实认为这样的好天长不了。 B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.但愿不会再冷。 PART 4 A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是? B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn't snow! 只要不下雪就行啊! 关于天气的英语对话 A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天。 B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday. 是的,比昨天好多了。 A: They say we're going to get some rain later. 据说待会儿要下雨。 B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm. 哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。A: I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。 B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday. 肯定比昨天大有好转。 A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. 但是,据说今天下午又要 转阴刮风了。 B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over. 不过,冬天最糟糕的日子该过去了。 A: It seems to be clearing up. 看来天要放晴了。 B: It's such a nice change. 真实令人高兴的转变。 A: I really don't think this weather will last. 我确实认为这样的好天长不了。 B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again. 但愿不会再冷。 A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是? B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. 是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. 但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。B: As long as it doesn't snow! 只要不下雪就行啊! 篇二:英语口语——天气 一、实用英语口语:如何形容天气状况 1. What is the weather like out there? 外面的天气如何? 要问别人外面的天气如何, 最简单的问法就是, "What's the weather like out there?" 或是 我们可以用一个很简单的 it 来代表天气, 像是 "What's it like out there?" 这样讲也可以. 还 有要是你不喜欢用 What 来作问句, 你也可以简单地说, "How is the weather out there?"

但是如果我们想问别人未来的某一个时间会不会出太阳或是会不会下雨, 例如我想问人 家星期一会下雨吗? 像这种情况我们就可以说, "Is it supposed to rain on Monday?" 这里用到了 一个 be suppose to 的片语, 这种讲法是老美最喜欢的. 再比方说吧, 如果我们假设明天有什 么活动, 我们常常会要求别人先看看明天会不会出太阳或下雨, 这种情况老美他们会说, "Why don't you check and see if it's sunny tomorrow?" (你何不看看明天会不会出太阳呢?) 这里把 see if it's sunny 改成 see if it's going to rain 就变成了看看会不会下雨. 2. It's a beautiful day. 今天天气很好. 老美都是怎么形容天气很好的呢? 通常他们会用 beautiful, nice 或是 lovely 来形容. 其 中我最常听到的就是, "It's a beautiful/nice/lovely day." 反之如果是天气很糟下大雨呢? 你可以 用 "It's nasty." 来形容. 但是有时候也可以用反讽的讲法 . 有一次外头下著倾盆大雨 , 我和一个美国同学又正好 没带伞. 结果她居然说, "How lovely." (天气可真是好啊.) 当时我还正经八百地问她是否天气很 差可以用 lovely 来形容, 后来我才知道原来她只不过是在讲反话, 害我有点受骗的感觉. 3. It rained cats and dogs last night. 昨晚雨下得很大. Rain cats and dogs 是一句非常受欢迎的俚语啦 , 几乎每个在美国的外籍学生都懂得用 rain cats and dogs 来形容雨下得很大. 当然如果你不想用俚语的讲法, 你可以单说, "It's raining really hard." (雨下得很大) 或是, "We're having a heavy rain." 同样也是雨下得很大. 那雨下得很大, 我被淋成了「落汤鸡」这整句话要怎么讲? 落汤鸡在英文里只能用 "I am soaked." (我湿透了) 来形容, 所以整句话就成为. "It's raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked." 4. We had a downpour. 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨. 中文里常形容下雨像是用 「倒」 的一样, 这在英文里也有同样对等的字眼喔! 英文里用的 是 downpour 这个字. 形容下雨像是用倒的一样 (pour 单独解就是倒水的意思). 所以下雨像 是用倒的我们可以说, "We had a downpour." 另外有一个十分口语的讲法, "It's really coming down out there." 也是形容雨下得很大, 像是用「倒」的一样. 5. It's just sprinkling. 只是在下毛毛雨而已. 在英文里不管下毛毛雨或是毛毛雪我们都可以用 drizzle 和 sprinkle 这两个动词来表示. Drizzle 这个字就是气象术语里「下毛毛雨」的意思. 而 sprinkle 则是一个动词表示「撒」, 但 也常被用来形容毛毛雨, 常听到的用法就是, "It's drizzling." 或是 "It's sprinkling." 另外还有一个字叫 scattered rain. 指的则是零零星星地降雨. 例如, "We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain." (因为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田 径赛. ) 6. You need to put on your sweater because it's freezing. 你必须穿上你的毛衣因为外面很 冷. 形容天气冷有几个形容词可以使用, chilly 指的是天气有点「凉」, cold 指的是「冷」, 而 freezing 指的则是 「冻」 . 除了 freezing 之外, 我室友还教我一个俚语, "It's colder than a witch's titty." 也可以形容天气很冷, (还可以形容不友善 unfriendly ) 不过我想这不是什么好话, 因为

当时他女朋友一直试图要阻止他教我这一句俚语. 至于各种冷的程度完全视个人而定, 像我可 能觉得摄氏五度以下就算是 freezing 了, 可是你相不相信, 这种温度时还有老美穿著 T 恤在 校园里走来走去呢! 我想他们觉得这种温度只是 chilly 吧! 不过严格上说起来, 只有摄氏零度以下才能说是 freezing. 因为 freeze 是指液体凝结成 固体, 而 freezing point 则是指「冰点」.水的冰点是摄氏零度, 所以照理说零度以下才能算是 freezing 啦! 不过平常何时使用 freezing 则是看个人的感受而定了, 不需严格去界定. Bonus: 温度零度是用 zero degrees, 而非 zero degree. 许多人常犯这个错误. 7. It's burning up out there. 外面热得跟火炉似的. 以前还没来美国之前常以为美国的冬天比较冷, 所以夏天一定比较不热. 后来我才知道真 是大错特错. 美国东岸夏天的温度有时会超过华氏 100 度, (相当于摄氏 37.8 度), 在这种高 温下人体不能自然散热, 简直就像是火炉一样. 在英文里要形容天气像「火炉」一样, 我们可以说, "It's burning up out there." 另外我们 也可以说热得跟地狱一样, "It's hot as hell." 或是意思一样, 俚语的讲法, "It's hot as Hades." 这 个 Hades 在这里也是指地狱 (hell) 的意思. 8. We can't play tennis today because It's too windy. 我们今天不能打网球因为风太大了. 「刮着风」 老美通常用形容词 windy 这个字来形容. 例如 "It's windy." 简单明了. 如果是刮着 「微风」, 我们还可以用 "It's breezy." 来形容. 另外以前我考 GRE 时学过一个单字 gusty 意 指刮著强风的, 但是平常几乎听不到老美用这个字, 顶多就是听气象预报时偶尔会听到一两次 而己. 所以我们还是乖乖地用 windy 和 breezy 比较实在. 还有如果没有风天气很「闷热」要用哪个形容词? 我听老美用的是 muggy 这个词. 我知 道还有一个 GRE 单字 sultry 同样也指「闷热」的 (也可当「风骚」解), 但口语上好像比较少 听老美这么说. 9. We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹. 在水文学里 (hydrology) 里的降水 (precipitation) 可分为几种 : rain, snow, sleet 和 freezing rain. 我想 rain 和 snow 大家都知道, 不必多说, 而 sleet 呢? 指的则是「冰雹」,是 没有结晶的冰粒, 不像雪花有著不可思议我六角形结晶. 还有 freezing rain 指的是 「冻雨」 . 形 成的原因是雨水的温度早就低于零度, 却因为缺少结晶的条件所以没有凝结成冰晶, 但是一降 到地面就立刻冻住了, 这就是 freezing rain. 这几种降水在美国的冬天都常见. 另外老美常讲, "It's icy." 指的则是地面结冰, 但这种情况不一定有降水, 有时候明明昨晚 一点雨都没下, 但一早起来大地却是白白的一片 . 主要就是地面上跟枝头上的露水都结冰了 . 但是美则美矣, 提醒各位在 icy road 的状况下不要随便开车上路, 那是很危险的一件事. 因为 马路上有肉眼无法分办的 black ice, 但你只要车子一开过去就会打滑, 这种情况下很容易肇事. 10. The devil's beating his wife. 魔鬼正在打他的老婆. (正在下太阳雨) 当你偶然间看到外头出著太阳却又一边在下雨时 , 你是否会感觉到大自然的神奇呢? 对 中国人而言, 晴天下雨算是一种好兆头 , 但对老美而言, 他们觉得这是一种异象 , 并不是件好 事. 所以当他们小时候好奇地问父母为什么会一边下雨一边又出太阳呢 ? 他们的爸妈就会告 诉他们. "The devil's beating his wife." (魔鬼正在打他的老婆.), 当然啦, 我不敢说这样的用法十 分普遍, 但是上次听我室友提到还是觉得蛮有意思的, 分享给各位读者知道.

二、和别人聊天,天气是个经典的安全话题,那你会和人聊天气吗?来看看关于天气的 经典对话,至少下次就不会无从开口了哦。 Part 1 A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天。 B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday. 是的,比昨天好多了。 A: They say we're going to get some rain later. 据说待会儿要下雨。 B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm. 哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。 PART 2 A: I think it's going to be a nice day. 我想今天会是一个好天。 B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday. 肯定比昨天大有好转。 A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. 但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。 B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over. 不过,冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去了。 Part 3 A: It seems to be clearing up. 看来天要放晴了。 B: It's such a nice change. 真实令人高兴的转变。 A: I really don't think this weather will last. 我确实认为这样的好天长不了。 B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again. 但愿不会再冷。 PART 4 A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是? B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. 是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. 但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn't snow! 只要不下雪就行啊!

三.温度 what the temperature is it? what's the temperature? 表示温度时,用 below zero 表示零下温度,温度用基数词+degree(s)+单位词(centigrade 摄氏或 Fahrenheit 华氏)表示。 thirty-six degrees centigrade 或 36℃ 摄氏 36 度 four degrees below zero centigrade 或 -4℃ 摄氏零下 4 度 Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.水在华氏三十二度时结冰。 Water boils at one hundred degrees centigrade. 水在摄氏一百度时沸腾。 这里的单位词在人们都很清楚是 什么度量制度时,可以省略。 You are 37℃. (读作 thirty-seven degrees) 你是三十七度。 (摄氏) It's seven degrees below zero. 今天是零下七度。(摄氏) 四.英语中各种天气的表达法。 sunny 晴天 cloudy 多云 overcast 阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow 中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm 暴雨 thunderstorm 雷雨 fog 雾 frost 霜冻 typhoon 台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction 风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature 最低气温(℃) Highest temperature 最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风

Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 sleet 雨夹雪 篇三:英语短语俚语大全 1、 与 Sunday 有关的: Sunday best , Sunday clothes , Sunday togs , Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes——高档、漂亮的 衣裳;盛装。 Sunday run——长距离。 Sunday painter——业余画家。 Sunday punch——(拳击中)最厉害的一击;(对付对手的)杀手锏。 Sunday saint——伪善者。 Sunday saint and Monday sinner——假道学,伪君子。 Sunday letter——(历书上为表示一年之星期日所用的)主日字母。 Sunday school——(教堂中所设的)主日学校。(美)扑克牌戏。 Sunday school truth——众所周知的道理或事实。 Month of Sundays——很久。 Mid-Lent Sunday , Mothering / Refreshment Sunday——(牛津大学)校庆日前的星期日。 Low Sunday——业余的;复活节后的星期日。 To look two ways to find Sundays——斜着眼看。 2、 与 Monday 有关的: blackMonday——(学俚)放假后的开学第一天;执行死刑之星期一;黑色礼拜一 (即复活节 之后一日,因 1360 年的当天,天气严寒,爱德华三世之士兵都冻死于巴黎附近)。 Blue Monday——沮丧,闷烦(相对于欢乐的周末而言)。 Saint Monday——(特指交易所)懒散,工作很少的星期一。 Mad Monday ——忙乱的星期一。 Monday morning feeling , Mondayfeeling——美国人在周末休假后星期一不想工作的那样 一种心情。 Monday morning quarterback——放马后炮的人。 Monday morning quarterbacking——放马后炮。

3、 与 Friday 有关的: Friday——忠仆,随从(源自鲁滨逊漂流记)。 Man Friday——男忠仆。 Girl Friday——得力助手(尤指女秘书)。 Pal Friday——极受信赖的女秘书。 Friday face——神色不佳之人。 Black Friday——不幸的礼拜五,即有任何灾难发生的礼拜五;复活节前之礼拜五(神职人员 于此日着黑装)。 Good Friday——耶酥受难节; T.G.I.F ( Thank God it’s Friday )——报纸上刊出招聘一名能干的女职员的广告。 4、 与 Saturday 有关的: Saturday-to-Monday——周末休假;周末的。 Black Saturday——黑色星期六(指工人已预借工资无钱可领的星期六)。 Saturday night special——便于周末作案的小手枪。 Saturday nightmassacre——星期六夜晚大屠杀(指尼克松任总统期间白宫在 1973 年 10 月 20 日,周六晚上宣布解除水门时间特别检查官考克斯的职务,并解除拒绝把考克斯解职的司 法部长理查森和副部长拉克尔职务)。 5、 与“星期”名称有关的几个名谚: He that sings on Friday , shall weep on Sunday ; He who laughs onFriday will weep on Sunday . 乐极生悲。 Choose a wife on a Saturday rather than a Sunday . 节日假期,不宜选妻。(意指平时女子穿便服,故能更好地对之进行观察)。 Come day , go day , God send Sunday . 过了一天又一天,上帝快给个星期天。(此乃懒惰者的愿望,亦指懒惰的佣人盼望工作时 间快快过去,休息和发工钱的日子快快到来)。 与蔬菜水果有关的俚语 Apple 苹果 apple of one's eye ( to be the ):to be one's favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物 eg.She is the apple of her father's eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。 Big Apple (the):New York 大苹果城【即纽约】 eg.I live in the Big Apple.我住在大苹果城。 comepare apples and oranges (to):to compare two things that simply cannot be compared. 比 较两个无法相比的事物 eg.That's ridiculous.Now you're comparing apples and oranges . 真可笑。你是在那两种无法相比的东西作比较,就好像苹果和桔子。 “How do you like the apples?”:“What do you think of that ?” *注:这是对某种冒犯性行为 《关于天气的英语俚语》出自:百味书屋


与天气有关的英语词汇大全frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风

whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨


天气英语 1、天气状况 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪

Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


常用英语情景对话:天气 The weather 天气 A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you're traveling, remember that there is considerable variation in climate in the United States. 1.A:Beautiful day, isn't it? B:Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. A:I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. B:As long as it doesn't snow! 2.A:It seems to be clearing up. B:It's such a nice change. A:I really don't think this weather will last. B:Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again. 3.A:It looks it's going to be sunny. B:Yes, it's much better than yesterday. A:They say we're going to get some rain later. B:Oh, let's just hope it stays warm. 4.A:I think it's going to be a nice day. B:It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday. A:But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. B:Well,the worst of the winter should be over.


与天气有关的英语词汇及句型 天气是英国人迷恋的话题,英式英语中有许多与天气有关的英语成语,一起来看看吧! it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 throw n CaUti On to the Wind 冒险 a storm in teacup 大惊小怪 twisti ng in the Wind 孤立无援 rainy day艰难的时刻/困境 ill Wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜 every cloud has a SiIVer Iining (每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面)困难中必有希望 bolt from the blue 突如其来的 Under the Weather 身体不舒服 Weather the storm 渡过危机 as right as rain 万事顺禾U 跟天气有关的英语俚语 1. What's UP With him today? He has a face like thu nder! 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 2. I'm a bit disappo in ted in Joh n and David. It tur ned out they Were Only fair-weather frien ds. 我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。 3. We don't have a Sno wball's Cha nce of Winning that Con tract! 我们根本就没有一点希望能签那份合同。 4. Don't worry about those two arguin g. it's just a storm in a teacup. 不用为他俩的争执担心,他们不过是小题大做罢了。 5. The exam WaS a breeze. 这次考试真是太容易了。 6. We're Sno Wed Un der at work. 我工作忙得不可开交。 7. They're blow ing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know What they want! 他们在这件事情上摇摆不定,根本不可能知道他们到底想要什么! 8. He's always work ing in his garde n - come rain Or shine. 他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。 9. It's going to get Very busy on ThUrSday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm. 我们周四会很忙的,今天和明天只是暴风雨来临之前暂时的宁静。 10. I don't want to SPe nd this extra money.门I SaVe it UP for a rainy day. 我不想把这些额外收入花掉,我打算存起来以备不时之需。 11. I'm going to See WhiCh Way the Wind blows before ask ing her about a raise. 我打算先观察一下形势,然后再提加薪的事。 12. You'll steal her thu nder if you Wear that dress toni ght! 如果你今晚穿那条裙子,你会抢了她的风头的! 13. I'm feeli ng a bit Un der the Weather at the mome nt.

英语情景对话1谈论天气 (1)

天气 A A: Lovely weather, isn’t it? B: Yes, it is. The weather forecast says it will stay fine this week. A: That’s good. I think we’d better go to the country to get some fresh air this weekend. B: That’s a good idea. Where shall we meet? A: At this bus stop. Will that be all right? B OK. When? A: At 8 o’clock in the morning. B: See you then. A: See you then. B A: The weather is getting warm. Is it so, Mr Wang? B:Yes, I think so. What’s the weather like in your country? A:In winter, it is extremely cold in the north, and in summer, it is very hot in the south. B:How is the weather in your hometown then? A:It’s always very hot in summer, but not too cold in winter. It seldom snows.

B: What are the temperatures in summer? A:Quite high. They can reach 40 degrees centigrade. If you go there, you’d better go in spring or autumn. The city is at its best then. The temperatures is just right. B:thank you for your good suggestions. A:You are welcome. C A:Oh, what a terrible day today! It’s so hot, i can hardly bear it. B:Yes, it’s very sultry[?s?ltri]湿热. There is hardly a breath of air. A:Do you know today’s temperature? The weatherman predicted that it would be 35oC today. B:But it seems much higher than that. What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? A:They say that the temperature will climb to 37oC. B:Oh, what a terrible day! Why don’t we go swimming? A:That’s a good idea.


与天气有关的英语词汇大全 frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的

气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨 cloudy with scattered showers 阴,局部阵雨 cloudy at first,becoming fine 阴转晴 fine apart from isolated showers 晴,局部阵雨 cloudy becoming fine 多云转晴 maximum/minimum temperature 最高/最低温度 fair to cloudy 晴到多云 extreme weather 极端天气El Nino phenomenon 厄尔尼诺现象 La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象 其他相关词汇 weather modification 人工影响天气 artificial precipitation/rainfall enhancement 人工增雨 artificial rainfall infiltration 人工降雨 forestation 植树造林 air quality rating 空气质量评级 visibility 能见度 adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况 thermometer [θ?` m ?m i t?]温度计 dead calm 风平浪静 rain check 因……而取消,延期 rain or shine 风雨无阻 meteorology [m i t i ?`r ?l ? d? i] 气象学 atmosphere 大气 element 自然力量 observatory 气象台 weather man 天气预报员 Three-North Shelter Forestation Project “三北防护林”工程 arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区 topsoil 表土层 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

关于天气的英语对话 [关于天气的英语对话精选]

关于天气的英语对话[关于天气的英语对话精选] 在英语教学中,对话训练是必不可少的一项内容,主要目的在于丰富学生的英语听、说技能,提升学生的英语综合能力,体现英语作为交流工具的价值。小编精心收集了关于天气的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于天气的英语对话1 I’m sure it will be wet when we arrive. 我肯定我们到达的时候天气会很潮湿。 Yes. I dare say it will be. 是的。我敢说会是这样的。 It will be Sunday so I expected everything will be closed. 到时是周日,所以我猜想什么都关门了。 No. I don’t think that’s possible. Some places are sure to be open. 不,我认为这是不可能的。有些地方肯定还开着。 But the bank should be closed so we shouldn’t to be able to get some money. 但是银行应该都关门了,所以我们不能取些钱。 Mmm, you may be right. 嗯,你可能是对的。 Do you think we’ll need our overcoats? 你觉得我们需要穿大衣吗? No. We couldn’t possibly. 不。我们不可能要。 Why not?为 什么不可能? It will be summer. So it will be hot. 那时是夏天。所以天气会很热。 Is that very likely in England? 在英国很有可能吗? Yes. It could happen. 是的。不是不可能。关于天气的英语对话2 Those are today’s top stories. Now let’s go to John for the weather. John, what does the forecast look like for our weekend travelers? 以上就是今天的头条消息。现在我们连线约翰,了解一下天气情况。约翰,对于本周出行的人们来说,天气怎么样? I’m afraid we’re in for a rough weekend, Marry. There is a storm system moving through the East Coast. It will be drizzling all day today, and there’s a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms this evening. It will be warm and humid all weekend. In the Midwest, expect strong winds and a low of around 40 degrees. 玛丽,可怕我们得过一个天气很糟的周末。有个风暴正在穿越东部海岸。今天整天都会下毛毛雨,而且今晚有百分之六十的可能下雷暴雨。周末会温暖而又潮湿,在中西部,会有强风,和40度左右的低压。 That’s pretty chilly for the summer! Will it rain on Saturday? 那对夏天来说太冷了。周六会下雨吗? Unfortunately, yes. It will be clear early Saturday morning but there is a high chance of showers and thunderstorms later in the day. There is a severe thunderstorm warning for some parts


关于天气的英文表达 1、天气状况 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Smog=烟雾 Snow=雪 Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny / Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨2、气象用语 天气预报 weather forecast] 晴 clear 阴天 cloudy day 炎热 scorching heat 闷热天气 muggy weather 反常天气 freakish weather


资料1 关于天气的英语单词 山地气候mountain climate 冬季季风气候winter monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon climate 高气压high-pressure 锋面frontal edge 亚热带气候sub-tropical climate 气团air mass 热浪heat wave 高原气候plateau climate 闪电lightning 雾fog 海滨气候littoral climate 凉cool 霜frost 极地气候polar climate 雪堆snowdrift 露dew 热带气候tropical climate 寒冷chilly 恒风constant wind 微风breeze 逆风headwind 台风typhoon 无风calm 轻风light 信风trade wind 微风gentle breeze 温带沙漠气候temperate desert climate 温带干燥气候temperate arid climate 大雨heavy rain breeze 热带季风气候tropical monsoon climate 大陆气候continental climate 天气预报weather forecast 和风moderate breeze 沙漠气候desert climate 甘霖welcome rain 清风fresh breeze 沿海气候coastal climate 冰柱icicle 强风strong breeze 高地气候highland climate 疾风near gale 海洋气候marine climate 地形雨local rains 大风gale 森林气候forest climate 狂风squall 烈风strong gale 温带气候temperate climate 雨季rainy season 狂风storm 湿润气候humid climate 雨点raindrops 暴风violent storm 温带草原气候temperate grassy climate 东北信风northeast trades 飓风hurricane 热带雨林气候tropical rainy climate 东南风southeaster 台风typhoon 热带海洋气候tropical marine climate 风级wind scale 龙卷风tornado 虹rainbow 间歇雨intermittent rain 小雨light rain 阵雨shower 平静calm 毛毛雨drizzle, fine rain 疾风gusty wind 微波rippled 反常天气freakish weather 气旋cyclone 微浪smooth wavelets 北风north wind 气压barometric pressure 细浪light seas 冰ice 阴天cloudy day 小浪moderate seas 冰点freezing point 雪花snow flake


Weather A:Oh,It is a cloudy day.It has been cloudy for ages.I can’t stand it . B:Yeah.Althou I’m a local in Guangxi ,I can’t stand it too. A:How long will it takes to sunny ? B:Maybe a month or more .It takes a lot of inconveniencet to us . A:I can’t agree more with you . B:Now that you have gone to guangxi university ,you have adapt to do it . A:Of course,I will try my best to overcome it, B:Absolutely,we should be postive. A:Can you tell me some ways to overcome it? B:I am glad to help you. A:For instance,it will take days for washing to dry out .What should I do ? B:According to my experience ,you should wash your clothes as soon as it’s dity rather than delay.At the same time you should dry it. A:That’s a good way .another problem.How to belance the humidity and ventilation?I’m exhausted about it. B:It’s a common problem.you should open the window at dust.rather than other time. A:Why?Can you explain it to me?I’m confused. B:It’s comfirmed that the humidity of air is lower at dust. A:Thank you .it help me a lot . B:You are welcome,it is my pleasure. A:That;s the main problem I have met and I will ask you more occurs bye. B:With my pleasure,see you later.


v1.0 可编辑可修改 表示天气的词汇 1、天气状况 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

v1.0 可编辑可修改 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风


关于谈论天气的常用英语口语 【导语】英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,实用英语日常口语属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,以下是苏阳文斋整理关于谈论天气的常用英语口语,一起来学习一下。 【篇一】关于谈论天气的常用英语口语 A: It's cold this morning, isn't it? B: Yes, and it's supposed to get even colder. A: How cold will it be? B: It'll be fifteen below. A:今天早晨很冷,对不对? B:对了,据说还会更冷呢。 A:还会有多冷?

B:会冷到-15℃。 【篇二】关于谈论天气的常用英语口语 A: It's a terrible day, isn't it? B: Yes, it is. A: Will it be fine tomorrow? B: I'm afraid not. It's always raining in London. A:这天气真糟糕,是吧? B:是啊,真糟糕。 A:明天天气好吗? B:恐怕不会好。伦敦总是下雨。 【篇三】关于谈论天气的常用英语口语

A: It's nice and bright today, isn't it? B: Yes, it is. It's wonderful after the long cold winter. A: The air is so warm and everything looks so freshand green! B: Yes, it looks as if summer is coming. A: I hope the weather stays this way. B: I think it will. The weather forecast says so. A:今天阳光明媚、天气宜人,是不是? B:是啊!在漫长、寒冷的冬季之后,这个天气简直太好了。A:天气温暖,万物葱绿。 B:是的,好像夏天就要来了。 A:我希望天气会保持这样。 B:我想会这样,天气预报就是这么说的。


描写天气的英文佳句 天气冷飕飕的。 There is a nip in the air. 天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。 The day was bright,with a fresh breeze blowing. 天似乎在转晴。 It seems to be clearing up. 天气又潮湿又闷热。 It's muggy and oppressive. 天阴暗起来要下雨了。 It's overcasting for rain. 天气或冷或热。 The weather is cold one minute and hot the next. 山坡上罩着一层薄雾。 The mountain slope was wrapped in a thin mist. 雾遮群山,朦胧不清。 Mists blurred the hills. 乌云满天。 The sky is overcast with dark clouds. 天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。 Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky. 乌云密布。 The black cloud concentrated into a dense mass. 云淡风轻。 The clouds are pale and a light breeze is blowing. 微风吹来一阵春天的气息。 There is a breath of spring in the gentle wind. 风向我们迎面吹来。 The wind was dead against us. 轻风抚弄树梢。 A soft wind kissed the tree tops. 春天常吹东风。 The east wind is the prevailing wind in spring. 几乎一丝风也没有。 There is hardly a breath of air. 春雨使大地复苏。 The spring rains quickened the earth. 雨自云端落下。 Rain falls from above the clouds. 春雨浸润着田野。 The spring rain is socking into the fields. 用英语谈论天气的语句归纳 常常谈论天气的语句: 1. What is the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?


关于天气的英语对话欣赏 英语对话教学是英语课堂教学的重要组成部分,在提升教师教学能力、促进学生学习方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。小编整理了关于天气的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于天气的英语对话一 A: Beautiful day, isn’t it? 今天天气真好,是不是? B: Yes, it’s not like what the radio said at all. 是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. 但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn’t snow! 只要不下雪就行啊!关于天气的英语对话二 A: Everything is going wrong today. A:今天一切都不顺利。 B: Well, at least the weather is nice. B:好吧,至少天气很好。 A: Oh, yeah. Imagine if it had rained like they said it would. A:哦,是的。我在想雨是否下的像他们说的那样。 B: I know, I would have gotten soaked walking home. B:我知道,我走回家的时候都被浸透了。 A: Yeah, I love when the sun is shining, but it’s not too hot. A:是的,我喜欢太阳晴朗的时候,但不要太热。 B: I do, too. This weather is pretty sweet. B:我也是。今天的天气很好。 A: I guess everything will be okay in the end. A:我想最终每件事都会好起来的, B: So all you needed was some sunshine. B:所以你需要的就是一些阳光。 A: Yeah, I guess you were right – for once. A:是的,我想你是对的——仅此一次。 B: Hey! I’m always right. B:嘿!我一直是对的。关于天气的英语对话三 A:It seldom rains this summer. 今年夏天下雨很少。 B:Yeah, some places are very short of water. 就是,有些地方十分缺水。 A:Because of pollution and other things, our environment has become worse and worse. 由于污染等一些列事情,我们的环境越来越差。 B:You see,. This time I traveled to the West. When I looked out of the windows of the rain, all the lands that I could see are as dry as a bone. 这次我去西部旅行,放眼火车窗外,大地十分干燥。 A:It is serious. 真严重。


meteorology [,mi:ti?'r?l?d?i] 气象学atmosphere [‘?tm?,sfi?] 大气 climate [‘klaimit] 气候 weather [‘wee?] 天气 fine [fain] adj.晴天 clear [kli?] adj.晴朗的 sunny [‘s?ni] adj.晴朗的,暖和的 rainy [‘reini] adj.下雨的,多雨的 dull [d?l] adj.阴天的,多云的 windy [‘windi] adj.刮风的,有风的temperature [‘temp?rit??] 气温,温度season [‘si:z?n] 季节,四季 spring [spri?] 春天 summer [‘s?m?] 夏天,夏季 autumn [‘?:t?m] 秋天,秋季 fall [f?:l] (美)秋天,秋季 winter [‘wint?] 冬天,冬季 frost [fr?st] 霜 hail [heil] 冰雹 snow [sn?u] 雪 thunder [‘θ?nd?] 雷 wind [wind] 风 mist [mist] 薄雾 cl?ud [klaud] 云,阴云 haze [heiz] 阴霾,薄雾 rain [rein] 雨 downp?ur [‘daunp?:] 暴雨 shower [‘?au?] 阵雨 storm [st?:m] 暴风雨,风暴 lightning [‘laitni?] 闪电 hurricane [‘h?rik?n] 飓风,暴风cyclone [‘saikl?un] 旋风,飓风 typhoon [tai’fu:n] 台风 tornado [t?:’neid?u] 龙卷风 gale [geil] 季节风,大风,狂风 breeze [bri:z] 微风 monsoon [m?n'su:n] 季风,雨季,季候风fog [f?g] 浓雾 dew [dju:, du:] 露水 humidity [hju:’mid?ti] 潮湿,湿度freeze [fri:z] 冰冻 dr?ught [draut] 干旱 rainbow [‘reinb?u] 彩虹 flood [fl?d] 洪水


一:关于天气的单词: overcast, cloudy, rainy, clear, sunny, snowy, hail. etc.  clear turning to cloudy, cloudy turning to clear(晴转多云,多云转晴)天气weather 晴天sunshine fine 多云cloudy 阴天overcast sky cloudy sky 小雨flurry spit sprinkle 中雨middle rain 大雨drencher, ding-on, downfall, soak, spate 暴雨rainstorm 阵风flatus flurry gust 微风breeze, breath, breathing, breeze, gentle breeze 台风typhoon 龙卷风cyclone tornado 雾brume fog mist reek 雪grue snow 霜frost hoarfrost 冰雹hail hailstone 气象单词 山地气候 mountain climate 冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate 季风气候 monsoon climate 高气压 high-pressure 锋面 frontal edge 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 气团 air mass 热浪 heat wave 高原气候 plateau climate 闪电 lightning 雾 fog 海滨气候 littoral climate 凉 cool 霜 frost 极地气候 polar climate 雪堆 snowdrift 露 dew 热带气候 tropical climate 寒冷 chilly 恒风 constant wind 微风 breeze 逆风 headwind 台风 typhoon 无风 calm 轻风 light 信风 trade wind 微风 gentle breeze 温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate 温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate

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