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中英文双语版简历 小学英语老师写给学生的期中评语(中英双语版)

中英文双语版简历 小学英语老师写给学生的期中评语(中英双语版)
中英文双语版简历 小学英语老师写给学生的期中评语(中英双语版)




1. You are an understanding, helpful children. Your face in good faith, so that teachers be moved; eyeful your concerns so that students feel a great warmth. You are a hard-working, studious child. Work seriously, writing is always so clear, neat, self-motivated learning, the outstanding Greek efforts will continue, and sometimes love to bow their heads, but also a further positive performance of their own for you to play a greater potential.


2, You are a little girl loves to learn, you are strong, often help teachers do

a lot of things. You are not sloppy, class attendance seriously, and actively speak. Obvious progress in learning, perseverance and hard work, the completio-n of a good classroom exercises, you also love the work, and actively assiste--d the students is the students are very close partners. Teachers want to contin-ue to work hard and do a good primary and secondary school students. Filling it, you will be very good!


3, Think of you, come in front of me is your class work on the scene of a serious and responsible. You are a talented girl in particular, do you have a good tolerance of the heart, and each student can become good friends, but also from time to time for the sake of others, considerate and concerned about everyone around them. Teachers like you, to bring the issue to you, the teach-er is assured that you will complete a good teacher is a good helper. To concentrate on school attendance, and often you can hear the wonderful speake-rs. You unite the students and helpful. Here, the teachers want to let you more dazzling next semester, to read more books for use as a holiday will achieve our goal, Come on!



4, In class, you can live in harmony with the students, the students are like and your friends. You can seriously not only the completion of all the subjects, but writing correct, clear. You are ready to help others, can bear hardships and stand hard, strong and courageous,拾金不昧sometimes guilty of the wrong words. Here, the teachers give you a word: A hard, a harvest, as long as the hard-working down-to-earth, you will be better.


5, You are a quiet and thoughtful girl. Love your work, and students live in harmony. School discipline, and seriously listen and always be careful to comp-lete all the subjects. However, when your class is always so quiet. You are very disciplined, but the classroom has always remained silent, it is believed in the “silence is golden,” it? No one has a good natural eloquence, the key is how you will seize every class a chance.


6, You are a smart and lovely little girl, respect teachers, students of unity, labor, class will actively use our brains, bold show of hands to speak, more than training their own, then your progress will be greater. You are a very quiet, polite, thoughtful girl, deal with class is always unknown, meticulous treatment of others is always frank and friendly, you are very lovely, through your efforts, your performance this semester progresses, the side you There are “careless,” his friend, so you and good results have a certain distance. Genius for hard work “, if you spend more time than others to learn is not how much worse than others. More use of vacation time to learn to learn! Bel-ieve in the near future, you must hand in good results and a friend. Refueling I believe you can do it!



7, Coupled with smart you work hard you can achieve very good results. You are a smart little girl, respect teachers, love learning, the classroom often to see your eyes full of Aura, and consciously take the initiative to learn more. But when teachers see you operating the scribbled writing on and go to school often say when whispering, can not help but frown a smart girl, the next semester you will not be disappointed teachers, right? If you can set strict demands on themselves, to speak boldly to set their goals high and then some, then the teacher, students will be more like you, it up!


8, Your quiet, delicate beauty, class, eyes always focused to listen and work completed carefully and clean, you can have beginnings and ends of each dut-y conscientiously completed, the teacher really likes you. Active in the classro-om raise their hands to speak, your quick thinking,

excellent verbal communic-ation skills. But there is one point, whether to speak or do something to impr-ove the speed! This is the key to success! 你文文静静,秀气美丽,课堂上总是眨着乌溜溜的眼睛专心地听讲,作业完成得认真又整洁,每次值日你都能有始有终,认真完成,老师真喜欢你。在课堂上积极举手发言,你的思维敏捷,口头表达能力非常出色。但是有一点,无论是说话,还是做事,要提高速度!这是成功的关键!

9, You are a quiet little girl and stable, loving teacher, love the class, courteo-us, learning to consciously take the initiative, excellent results. School actively speak your progress this semester to a maximum. Your understanding, too eage-r to help those in difficulties, you are also very hard, learning is always meti--culous, seriously, if you can see more after-school books, to improve their reading ability, more than the accumulation of a good vocabulary, and that your a higher level of performance will be! Beautiful when you smile, laugh some more.


10, Others you are a sincere, good-natured children, school attendance is

always-s serious. The last two months, the teachers really pleased for you. Whether you\re thinking and knowledge, there are a lot of progress! Know, recently, the progress of your really big ah! Every point of your progress, and teachers are happy for you. When recognition of each teacher, there will always be your name. You raised the little hand, you answered correctly loud, you are serious efforts to complete the operation, all teachers realize that you are getting good! Keep up the good work, you will become even more outstanding!




小学生英语教师期末评语 在中小学,学期结束时,班主任要给每个学生写期末评语.这 是班主任老师在学期结束时的一件重要工作;下面是有小学生英语教师期末评语,欢迎参阅。 小学生英语教师期末评语 1、从认识你到现在,你给老师留下了美好的印象:活泼,可爱,写字工整,喜爱读书,成绩优异。你在课堂上的表现让老师非常满意,你的知识面也让老师非常震惊,老师相信只要你努力,一定会更加优秀。继续努力吧! 2、你是个聪明可爱的女孩,作业能按时完成,字迹清楚,准确率高,老师批到你的作业真是一种美的享受,老师提出的问题,你的大脑转得最快,总能得出满意的答案。每次考试都证明你有实力,继续努力吧,你是好样的。 3、奋强:每当看到你拿着扫帚在教室里忙碌的身影,我总是看在眼里,喜在心里,多好的学生!你的学习基础是差了一些,但你不要灰心,“世上无难事,只怕有心人”,只要你学习专心些、勤奋些、细心些,不懂就问。树立起必胜的信心,去打败你的“天

敌”吧!到时,会有“奇迹”出现的——你的成绩会赶上来的。自信些,老师、家长、同学都在关心你、支持你!等你的好消息噢! 4、雄志:你是一个聪明、活泼、上进心很强的孩子。课堂上有你响亮清脆的回答,课后有你关心集体的身影。作业本上你那娟秀的字迹让老师越看越爱看。老师一直都很喜欢你,你知道吗?不过老师有时也会批评你,那是因为你上课经常会讲“悄悄话”、开小差。老师希望你会做得更出色!继续努力! 5、你是个非常优秀的男孩。你聪明好学,经常受到老师的表扬。你的数学成绩很稳定,一直名列前茅,老师和同学都喜欢你。希望你再接再厉,更上一层楼! 6、你是平日里一个不善言辞的男生,一直勤勤恳恳地学习,在课上也十分认真听讲。但我想提醒你:一根筷子容易折,一把筷子难折断。希望你多跟同学相处,这样做事就会容易得多。 7、你心地善良,脾气温柔,活泼可爱,为人坦诚,接物待人春风扑面。看到课堂上,你那专注的神情,认真的学习态度,老师也感到欣慰。刻苦踏实的学习精神也很让我喜欢。如果平时你能多思、多问、多说,那你的进步会很大的! 8、踏实与诚实是你成绩突飞猛进的重要保证,你的学习品质和为人处世用不着怀疑,你善于利用时间,学习效率较高也得


经典优秀英文简历模板 平面设计师英文简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multimillion dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral,

direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/947/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/pasteup, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic retouching of photos. 7/92 3/94 Graphic Artist Wanted Weekly, Miami, FL Designed advertising for a national ads newspaper (typesetter machine) typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and developed halftones, PMTs and reversals. Education MFA, Graphic Design 1995 Miami School of Art, Miami, FL , Graphic Design 1990 Brooklyn University, Brooklyn 文员英文简历模板 SKILLS:


小学英语学科期末评语 你是一个聪明、文静、勤奋好学的孩子。平时你总是带着甜甜的笑容,与同学友好相处。课堂上常能听到你那清脆悦耳的回答声,你工作积极,乐意当老师的小助手。希望你在新的一年里争取更多的优卡哦! 陈梓涵: 在老师的眼里,你是一位乖巧可爱的女孩。课堂上的你专心听讲,总是把手举得高高的,让同学们听到你精彩的回答,你获得的优卡就是老师对你的肯定。希望你继续努力,你会表现得更出色的! 琚茗媛: 你是位既聪明又可爱的小女孩,你学习认真,总是认真按时完成老师布置的过关任务。你上课能积极思考,踊跃发言,多么有上进心啊!老师相信,只要坚持不懈的努力,你今后会获得更多的优卡! 翁嘉愈: 你是一个文静的女孩,默默地吮吸着知识的甘露,学习成绩十分出色,老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头,更愿意听到你流利的英语,希望你继续努力,争取更多的优卡! 小学英语学科期末评语 [篇2] 王,在老师的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可爱的女孩,你

的字迹端正。看你平时不多言多语,课堂上你却专心听讲,认真完成作业,课堂上你也总是把手举得高高的,你那精彩的回答,常常受到同学和老师的赞赏。老师希望你继续努力,你会得更出色的! 邱,你标准的发音,认真的态度,让老师忍不信要称赞你,愿你更出色。Congratulations to you! 张,这学期后半期,你学习成绩逐步提高,只要勤奋,相信你一定会有更大的收获。老师想送你一句话:天下无难事,只怕有心人。困难是挡不住勇敢者的脚步的。 尤,每次看到你自信的笑脸,听到你响亮的回答,欣赏到你那漂亮的书写,老师是看在眼里、喜在心里。如果能在遇到问题时多动脑、勤思考,再举手发言,你会更棒哦! 王,英语早读时的你,发音是既响亮又清晰,你是那么自信、那么努力地对待英语学习。倘若你能够坚持做好每一件事,相信那时的你会做得更好。 耿,你是个有毅力的人,坚持不懈的你一定会更出色。Good luck! 李,你是一个聪明机灵的小男孩,只是在学习上缺乏积极主动。希望你在学习上多下点功夫。我相信你定能取得好成绩,你说对吗? 小学英语学科期末评语 [篇3] 1.你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。作为一名班干


Curriculum Vitae Name: FengRen hao Gender: Male Race: Han Date of Birth: May 2, 1997 Address: YiBin University, YiBin, Sichuan province, 644000 Telephone:********** Hobbies: Reading Education: July 2018, Graduated with a degree in software engineering from YiBin University. Language: Chinese and English (both fluent in Listening, speaking, reading and writing) Awards and Scholarships: 2017 “Excellent League member”, YiBin University; Career objective: Seeking for the entry level and responsible position in computer. Skill summary: Fine team player, organization. Excellent integrity, interpersonal and time management skills. English level: CET6. Computer skills : NCRE4, Mircrosoft certification, RHCE, Excellent


一、你的作业评语,学生看得懂吗? 评语是写给学生看的,所以一方面评语要使用学生能看得懂的英语来写,所使用的词汇和语法不能过高或过低于学生的现有水平,要切合学生的实际水平,符合学生的个性心理发展需要;另一方面要做到循序渐进,由易到难,能够起到"跳一跳,摘到桃子"的作用,也就是说学生通过上下文的猜测或借助于词典就能理解。例如: It's very clever of you to do so. It's nice of you to write this way. I'm sure you can do your work better next time. You've done a good job. You are doing wonderfully! You can do better now than you did before. 二、你的作业评语会涉及当时所学的知识点吗? 语言的学习在于运用,所以教师在写评语时应运用所学的知识,以使学生能加强理解和记忆。例如: You have improved a lot. I am proud of you. What good work! You are the pride of our class. Work harder and you will make more progress. The harder you work, the sooner you will improve. Come on! I am sure you will catch up soon. 利用所学过的短语、句型和时态给学生写评语就能取得很好效果,可以帮助学生巩固和运用语言。 三、学生有被尊重、被表扬、被认可的需要。 在写作业时,希望得到教师的表扬和鼓励,这是学生精神上的需要。如果精神上的需要长久得不到满足,他们就会产生消极的思想。


1、吴炜吉Jim 你在学习上是个自信、有毅力的人。Good luck! 2、方格 Sun 你对英语学习充满了自信和兴趣,看到你那么自觉地学习,老师为你感到高兴。Good luck! 3、吕想 Maria 你自信、好强,对英语充满兴趣。因此你学得很棒,愿你一直努力,永葆出色。Congratulations to you! 4、童方舟 Sue 你把你的智慧都藏在你的沉默中,而你并不知道,你的每一次回答都让老师为你骄傲。 Come on! 5、尹紫 Rose 你英语说得很好,更让人的是,你的歌声使你成为咱们班的英语歌王后。你很有天赋,愿你更出色。Congratulations to you! 6、缪航Lily 你很文静,在学习上你表现得很积极,很活跃。老师为你的勤奋而感动,为你的优秀而骄傲。Good luck! 7、方伟行Mike 凭你的聪明,你能把英语学得很棒。可是你也很活泼,活泼得会连老师讲了什么都没听见。Come on! 8、程昕宜 Annie 你很聪明也很努力,所以你的英语学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 9、徐厚良 Jerry 你很可爱,大多数时间你学得很认真,偶尔会开小差。要是你更积极地读、说,你的英语会更棒。Come on! 10、姜帆Susan 你喜欢英语,想和英语做好朋友,然而你不知道,英语喜欢和经常说她、读她的人交朋友。Come on! 11、方浩Alan凭你的聪明,可以把英语学得很棒。可是你怕吃苦,怕写作业,缺乏热情。哎,英语只好悻悻地站在一边望着你。Come on! 12、王苏敏 Katy 你对英语充满兴趣,对自己充满信心,所以你学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 13、金凯文 Kavin你有一个漂亮的英文名字。你的英语也学得不错,只希望你以后要尽量少缺课。Good luck! 14、王菲 Sue 你很认真,很聪明,可是你没用上学英语的金钥匙——多读多说。Good luck 15、钱洁Linda 你善良可爱,热情上进,这学期你的进步真大呀,祝贺你。Congratulations to you! 16、王园Alice你聪明可爱,积极进取,所以你英语学得很棒,愿你继续努力,永葆出


个人简历 ●基本信息 姓名:XX 性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚身体状况:良好 出生日期:15/08/1995 户籍所在地:XX 地址:四川省XX市XX县 邮箱:XXXXXXXXXXX@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a616880923.html, 联系电话:XXXXXXXXXXX ●教育背景 2010年9月—2013年6月 XX中学 2013年9月—2017年6月 XXX学院 XX专业 ●工作经验 2014.07——2014.09 :暑期工 2014.10——2014.01 :家教 2015.07——2015.09 :暑假工 ●能力总结 计算机水平:计算机等级考试二级,熟悉网络和电子商务。熟练办公自动化,熟练操作Word excel能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑工作。 外语水平:熟练的进行听、说、读、写。并通过国家英语四级、六级考试。 兴趣与特长:喜爱文体活动、热爱自然科学。大学期间学习并训练鬼步舞,曾担任鬼步舞队队长,参加过多次演出。 ●自我评价 活泼开朗,乐观向上,兴趣广泛,适应力强,勤奋好学,脚踏实地,认真负责,坚毅不拔,吃苦耐劳,勇于迎接新挑战.

Resume ●Personal Information Name:XX Gender:female Marital Status:Single Health Condition:Excellent Date of Birth:15/08/1995 Place of Birth:XX Address:XXcounty,XX city in Sichuan Province E-mail:XXXXXXXXXXX@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a616880923.html, Phone:XXXXXXXXXXX ●Education Sept. 2010 —July 2013 XX Middle School Sept. 2010 —July 2013 Department of Chemical Engineering, XXUniversity ●Intern Experience 2014.07——2014.09 :Summer work 2014.10——2014.01 :Family education 2015.07——2015.09 :Summer work ●Summary of Abilities Computer Skill: Secondary computer grade examination, be familiar with the Internet and electronic commerce. Proficient in office automation, familiar with Word, excel can independent operation and timely and efficient completion of daily office document editing English Level: Skilled in listening, speaking, reading and writing. And through the national English four levels of tests. Interest and Specialty: Love sport, love of natural science. Train and studying at the university of shuffle dance, served as a shuffle captain, participated in many performances. ●Self Assessment Lively open and bright, optimistic upward, wide interest, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, fortitude, bears hardships and stands hard work, have the courage to meet new challenges.


非常优秀的一篇个人简历范文(英文) Resume Name : Molly Birthday: July,1978 President Location: Wuhan Educational Status: Undergraduate Marriage: married Tel No: E-Mail: Self Assessment: 9 years work experience in foreign company, High teamwork spirit and responsibility, Good interpersonal communication and coordination skills, optimistic, self-initiative. Application for: Working Kind : Full-Time Working Location : Wuhan, Hubei Province Objective Position : Office Supervisor / Assistant 、Financial or Administration Supervisor 、Logistic Supervisor / Assistant etc. Tips: l Familiar with PC operation, such as: Word 、Excel、Access、PowerPoint and so on. l Know well working procedure of large-scale enterprise, possess strong expression and language ability. l Possess financial knowledge and good at data analysis. Work Experience: 1996-Now Wuhan Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd Industry: Fast-consumable( Foods、 Beverages、 Cosmetics)1997.8–Now Manager Assistant of Production and Engine Dept. l To handle various documents . file management and department account. l To assist the boss to control various expenditures and HR plan. l To help boss to handle office administration and communicate with other departments and the government function dept. etc. l To arrange the boss’s routine and participate in organizing department meeting and annual conference. 1997.8–Now Supervisor of Imports and Exports l To be responsible for imports and exports of goods. l To effectively control the cost of customs clearance. l To communicate and establish good relation with customs and the government function dept. etc. l To handle the registration and annual audit of customs and so on. 2000-Now Statistician for External Reports l To be responsible for writing and analysis of external reports and supplying exact information for management. 2000-Now Internal Auditor Team Leader of TCCQS l To implement internal audit and management review, to supervise and follow-up continual Improvement 1996.11-1997.7 Manager Assistant of Purchase Dept. l Be responsible for drawing out purchase plan to meet with requirements and purchasing bases and parts of fountain machine. l To communicate and establish good relation with suppliers. Education: 1999.09-2002.07 Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics politics and law Major in: Accountancy (Undergraduate/Bachelor ) 1995.09-1998.07 Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics Major in: Financial Accounting ( Junior College) Training: l Secretary and Administration Management Skills Training 、 Time Management Training 、Effective Communication Training by Kerry Beverages Ltd. l Professional Amenity Training by Public Relation Academy of Renmin University of China l TCCQSInternal Auditor Training by Coca-Cola China Ltd Certificate :2000.9 《 Certificate of Apply to Customs》2001.5 《Certificate of Apply to Inspection and Quarantine 》2003.2 《 Certificate of TCCQS Internal Auditor 》Foreign Language:English OK Society Part-Time: Liaison Man of Wuhan Economic Committee Award:l Model Member Cadre by Wuhan Economic and Technical Development Zone and Wuhan Industry Group l Attend Wuhan League Member Delegation Convention in 2002l Model Statistician by Wuhan Economic and Technical Development Zone and Light-Industry Bureau of Hubei Province l Model Staff of Manufacture Industry by Wuhan Economic Committee in 2005


一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项


一、作业评语要符合学生的实际水平 二、评语是写给学生看的,所以一方面评语要使用学生能看得懂的英语来写,所使用的词汇和语法不能过高或过低于学生的 现有水平,要切合学生的实际水平,符合学生的个性心理发展需要;另一方面要做到循序渐进,由易到难,能够起到" 跳一跳,摘到桃子"的作用,也就是说学生通过上下文的猜测或借助于词典就能理解。例如: 三、I t's v e r y c l e v e r o f y o u t o d o s o. 四、I t's n i c e o f y o u t o w r i t e t h i s w a y. 五、W o n d e r f u l!Y o u r E n g l i s h i s v e r y g o o d a n d y o u r a n s w e r s a r e c o r r e c t. 六、I'm s u r e y o u c a n d o y o u r w o r k b e t t e r n e x t t i m e. 七、Y o u'v e d o n e a g o o d j o b. 八、Y o u a r e d o i n g w o n d e r f u l l y! 九、Y o u c a n d o b e t t e r n o w t h a n y o u d i d b e f o r e. 十、二、作业评语要有助于学生对所学知识的理解和记忆十一、语言的学习在于运用,所以教师在写评语时应运用所学的知识,以使学生能加强理解和记忆。例如: 十二、Y o u h a v e i m p r o v e d a l o t.I a m p r o u d o f y o u. 十三、That's great.Please never give up trying.Success comes through hard work and constant effort. 十四、N o p a i n s,n o g a i n s.I h o p e y o u w i l l m a k e m o r e p r o g r e s s i n t h e f u t u r e. 十五、W h a t g o o d w o r k!Y o u a r e t h e p r i d e o f o u r c l a s s. 十六、W o r k h a r d e r,a n d y o u w i l l m a k e m o r e p r o g r e s s. 十七、T h e h a r d e r y o u w o r k,t h e s o o n e r y o u w i l l i m p r o v e. 十八、C o m e o n!I a m s u r e y o u w i l l c a t c h u p s o o n. 十九、利用所学过的短语、句型和时态给学生写评语就能取得很好效果,可以帮助学生巩固和运用语言。 二十、 二十一、三、评语要有利于激发学生的学习热情二十二、学生有被尊重、被表扬、被认可的需要。在写作业时,希望得到教师的表扬和鼓励,这是学生精神上的需要。如果精神上的需要长久得不到满足,他们就会产生消极的思想。因此,需要是学生学习行为的动力之一。需要的满足直接影响学生积极性的发挥,要充分发挥学生的积极性,对学生进行有效地鼓励是教育的策略之一。激励就是激发鼓励。一般地讲,激励就是以某种刺激为引诱,调动人的主动性、积极性和创造性。教师的评语就是刺激学生的诱因。学生有不 同的性格,有不同的需要,那么激励的方法也不同。教师针对不同的学生及其作业,在不同场合所作的评语可激发学生


优秀硕士英文简历参考范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历resume并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 name : XXX gender : female date of birth : junuary26,1983 marital status: single health: excellent residency: hubei address: zhongnan university of economics and law,114 wuluo road,wuhan,430060,peoples republic of china e-mail: artemis8@tom job objective & self assessment i am an active and innovative woman with rich law knowledge and the law helping experience as well as team spirit and easy-going personality. i’d like to offer my experience in in a challenging position as a legal adviser. education sept. 2021~ apr. 2021 master of law degree zhongnan university of economics and law sept. 2001 ~ jul. 2021 bachelor of law degre china university of mining and technology related job training


第一篇小学英语教师期末评语 《2020小学英语教师期末评语》 小学英语教师期末评语 1、吴炜吉Jim 你在学习上是个自信、有毅力的人。Good luck! 2、方格Sun 你对英语学习充满了自信和兴趣,看到你那么自觉地学习,老师为你感到高兴。Good luck! 3、吕想Maria 你自信、好强,对英语充满兴趣。因此你学得很棒,愿你一直努力,永葆出色。Congratulations to you! 4、童方舟Sue 你把你的智慧都藏在你的沉默中,而你并不知道,你的每一次回答都让老师为你骄傲。Come on! 5、尹紫Rose 你英语说得很好,更让人的是,你的歌声使你成为咱们班的英语歌王后。你很有天赋,愿你更出色。Congratulations to you!

6、缪航Lily 你很文静,在学习上你表现得很积极,很活跃。老师为你的勤奋而感动,为你的优秀而骄傲。Good luck! 7、方伟行Mike 凭你的聪明,你能把英语学得很棒。可是你也很活泼,活泼得会连老师讲了什么都没听见。Come on! 8、程昕宜Annie 你很聪明也很努力,所以你的英语学得很棒。Congratulations to you! 9、徐厚良Jerry 你很可爱,大多数时间你学得很认真,偶尔会开小差。要是你更积极地读、说,你的英语会更棒。Come on! 10、姜帆Susan 你喜欢英语,想和英语做好朋友,然而你不知道,英语喜欢和经常说她、读她的人交朋友。Come on! 11、方浩Alan凭你的聪明,可以把英语学得很棒。可是你怕吃苦,怕写作业,缺乏热情。哎,英语只好悻悻地站在一边望着你。Come on! 小学英语教师期末评语[每次看到你自信的笑脸,听到你响亮的回答,欣赏到你那漂亮的书写,老师是看在眼里、喜在心里。如果能在遇到问题时多动脑、勤思考,再举手发言,你会更棒哦!


培训班学生评语 吴进兴平时你少言寡语,但你待人有礼貌,为人诚恳,团结同学,好学上进,老师知道你始终在不懈努力,在此希望你再接再厉,多讲究方法,把成绩高的更好,加油吧,No wa y is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。 2新年寄语阮伟清你是个聪明上进心很强的男孩,你尊敬老师,团结同学,待人有礼貌,虽然你上课发言还不够积极,字写得还不够端正美观,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。加油吧,"只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针",你一定会成功的!Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求,则无所获。 3新年寄语朱琼滨你是我们班上的"小才女",优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:"天才出于勤奋",老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,进一步提高英语,成为一个更出色的你。The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。BEST WISHES FOR YO 4新年寄语李洁玲你是一个品学兼优的好学生,待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,每当课堂上看到你专著的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,你聪明灵慧,总是有与别人不一样的好办法、好主意,这将助你走上更成功的道路。让我衷心为你祝福:你的明天会更美好。Nothing i s impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。 5新年寄语赖志超你性情温和,言语不多,但你待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,有明辨是非的能力。老师知道你一直都在努力,从没放弃,如果你能多考虑学习方法,你会更优秀。C hoice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含着选择手段 6新年寄语叶建婷我特别欣赏你的个性:直爽。你快人快语,直抒胸襟,你办事利索、果断,不拖泥带水,你眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,证明你是一个思维敏捷的女孩。愿你在知识的海洋里遨游,做一个强者、胜利者!Choice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含着选择手段 8新年寄语叶战远在老师的心目中,你是一个懂事、诚恳、有上进心而又有一种不服输倔强性格的好学生,曾经有一度你对自己放松了,在老师的教育下,你终于又鼓起勇气,努力拼搏,其实只要你专下心来,踏踏实实,你的成绩是很优秀的,我期待着你每一次的进步!同时我希望你能认认真真书写。我真诚地祝福你:明天会更美好。He laughs best who l aughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 9新年寄语廖少惠你是个聪明、活泼而又开朗大方的女孩,总是无忧无虑的,你对待师长很尊敬,对待他人总是很坦率,对待工作总是很认真,对待班级活动总是很投入,对待自己


参加面试公司:中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司 自我推荐: -工作经验: 具有多家跨国公司质量管理及质量控制工作经验,熟悉风电设备、发动机、汽车整机装配、海洋装备制造,并积累了较为丰富的质量管理经验及技术经验,多次参与公司重点新项目的策划、设计制造及市场推广工作; -符合性推荐: 中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司是中国第一家股份制保险企业,至今已发展成为融保险、银行、投资等金融业务为一体的整合、紧密、多元的综合金融服务集团。公司运用旗下各专业子公司通过多渠道分销网络,以统一的品牌向超过6000万客户提供保险、银行、投资等全方位、个性化的金融产品和服务。自己具有多年质量管理工作经验和技术经验,有团队合作精神,具有良好沟通协调能力和抗压能力,适合贵司对于质量工程师岗位职责的需求。 感谢信: 感谢贵司人力资源部及公司领导安排的这次面试及给予的相互了解的机会,使我有机会对贵司有更深入的了解和学习的机会。 版权A I E I N质量所有,更多相关A I E I N质量了解

PERSONAL DATA: Name:Name xx Gender:Male Date of Birth:19xx.xx.xx Residence:xx RECOMMEND EVALUATE: -Familiar with ISO9000,TS16949,VDA6.3quality management system; -Familiar with supplier quality and process quality control method; -Familiar with8D reprot; -Familiar with QC quality control methods; -Learning6σquality management and could product various types of control cards and could use process analysis tools such as SPC,MSA and so on; -good electricity project knowledge; -good communication and team cooperation spirit; EDUCATION BACKGROUND: 2008/09-2012/07University:xxxxx Electricity project Bachelor LANGUAGE&COMPUTER SKILLS: English:CET-6,Good Computer:NT-4,Proficiency in the use of office and matlab; PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2013/12-now Company name:xxxxx Quality Engineer RESPONSIBILITIES: -Responsible for new project development and be ready for quality documents of new products,such as FMEA、QP and so on。 -Responsible for issues analysis of products and production process. -Responsible for the process control of normal style products. -Responsible for analysis of customer quality problems. -Responsible for other works of internal and external need. -Attend suppler audit with third-audit organization. Major contribution: -List all types of external NC information and support the improvement direction for leader and company GM. -xxxxx -xxxxx -xxxxx -xxxxx -xxxxx PROJECT EXPERIENCE: 版权A I E I N质量所有,更多相关A I E I N质量了解


小学三年级期末英语老师评语 【导语】你是一个待人诚恳,心地善良的孩子,忽闪着一双聪颖.智慧的眼睛,上课总是认真听讲,作业认真完成。老师惊喜于你造句的优美,口语的流畅。这些都显示了你的思维敏捷、丰富和细致。望一如既往,更上一层楼。以下是整理的《小学三年级期末英语老师评语》,希望帮助到您。【篇一】 1.你的勤奋和努力是班里出了名的。上课总能看到你坐得端正的身影,听到你清脆的嗓音。学习,工作你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正,成绩稳定,大家也很喜欢你。当然在学习过程中要善于总结经验教训哦!继续加油吧!I believe you can! 2.“真人不露相”这句话用在你身上最合适了,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,努力,上进的心,再加上你的聪明,才智,你记单词,学新知识都特别快。瞧你,这一学期进步多快!要是你还能在大家面前大声地表达,那我们就更喜欢你了。加油吧,你将会是个很有出息的男孩! 3.斯文秀气的你,写得一手漂亮的字。你的作业本总是那么干干净净,整整齐齐,使老师总是看了一遍又一遍。你是个优秀的孩子,总希望将每件事做得更好,你的努力使你的成绩一直名列前茅,老师真为你感到高兴。有一点老师希望你能做得更出色:勇敢地说,响亮地表达,不要成为哑巴英语。 4.你是个聪明.活泼而且非常可爱的小女孩。兴趣广泛.知识全面.思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的词汇量是多么丰富,你的回答是

那么与众不同,简直棒极了。老师相信,只要你坚持努力,会取得更大的收获,相信你能将英语讲得和说中文一样棒。 5.你是我们班的小才女,小小年纪就已经考完了剑桥三级,金章,银章,还有小学英语一级考。这要归功于你的努力与好学。老师送你一句话:山外有山,楼外有楼。不要自满,不要停留。 6.你是一个自觉的孩子,你知道吗,当你来问老师问题时,当你让老师批改你自己给自己默写的单词时,老师是多么高兴啊。你知道学习是为自己学的,你的努力也换来了一个个好成绩,老师相信:总有一天,你会成功的。 7.你是个优秀的孩子。无论是学习,还是工作,你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正,成绩稳定,大家也喜欢你。继续加油吧,你还会取得更大的进步。 8.你的学习态度让人钦佩,每次打开你的作业本,就有一种美的享受。尽管你不多言语,但你上课能认真听讲,工作能一丝不苟地完成,老师还是很喜欢你。希望能在课堂上经常看到你高高举起的小手,听到你独到的见解,相信自己一定行。 9.撒下一路笑声,好像从未体验过忧愁,你的快乐感染了与你一起生活的小伙伴,因此,大家都喜欢接近你。老师喜欢你课堂上聚精会神的神态,喜欢你端正清秀的字迹,更喜欢你认真踏实的学习态度。望继续努力,提高学习成绩。 10.父母眼里你是一个懂事的孩子,同学眼中你是一个助人为乐的同学,老师眼里你是一个热爱学习的学生。因此,你常常受到老师的

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