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外文出处International Foundation News

外文作者Frank L.Giancola

A Framework for Understanding New Concepts in Compensation


Over the past 25 years, several major new concepts in compensation management have reflected overly ambitious goals . Experts have disagreed about their basic premises, and the business world has had trouble accepting them. Examining the history of three such concepts-skill-based pay, broadbanding and total rewards -is worthwhile , for it reveals the challenges they present and helps define a pattern for how professionals deal with these and other new ideas in the profession . Skill -Based Pay

The skill -based approach for determining base pay is based on an employee’s skills, rather than his or her current job. Leading thinkers in compensation management have supported this approach since the 1980s. According to compensation experts Patricia Zingheim and Jay Schuster it is the “next great thing in pay and benefits”. In an interview Edward Lawler called it “the compensation system of the future.”

This approach shifts the focal point from the job to the person, with the goals of providing employees with greater incentives to improve skills and competencies and giving management a more versatile workforce. Generally, employees are paid to acquire higher skills in their own field or lateral ones in related fields. From a systems standpoint, job descriptions, job evaluation plans and job-based salary surveys are replaced by skill profiles, skill evaluation plans and skill-based salary surveys.

The disappearance of the traditional job provides the primary rationale for this change. Today,employees are said to have variable and unstable work assignments , with roles that cannot be assigned a valid pay rate in traditional job evaluation plans . Contentious Tenets

The main tenets of skill-based pay (SBP) conflict with mainstream business thinking. The first tenet is that pay should be based only on skills, taking the value of an employee’s work to an organization out of the pay equation. In effect, SBP advocates are asking compensation professionals to set the same pay rate for employees, based on their skills, even though they might have substantially different duties and responsibilities and make substantially different contributions to a firm’s success. The omission of something of fundamental value to the firm makes the concept a hard sell with managers and employees. In recent years, compensation experts have affirmed the value of work as an essential part of the pay equation.

The second tenet is the notion that pay should be based on how many skills employees have or how many jobs they potentially can do , not on the job they currently hold . Here again, SBP advocates make what many firms consider an unreasonable request. They introduce a controversial pay for potential concept that directly contradicts the pay for performance concept compensation professionals have diligently strived to establish. In recent years, emphasis has been on what employees actually accomplish on the job, rather than on static concepts relating to who they are, such as their management potential or length of service. Also, by asking firms to pay employees for a job that they might perform in the future, SBP is a practice few firms could afford. With these core beliefs, SBP has experienced an uphill battle for acceptance as the primary means to determine base pay.

Questionable Assumption

The SBP concept rests on a questionable assumption -that a job does not reflect the skills of the person required to do it. That makes job evaluation plans an inappropriate method for evaluating skills and setting pay rates. According to SBP advocates, skills must be valued by using market-based skill surveys. They overlook the fact that most point-factor job evaluation plans award the bulk of their points for the possession and application of knowledge, skills and abilities. On this point, Lawler has stated ,“In many cases , this ( skill-based pay ) will not produce dramatically different pay rates than are produced by paying for the nature of the job . After all, the skills that people have usually match reasonably well the jobs that they are doing.”

Also overlooked is the fact that many occupations (e.g., accountant, electrician and actuary) do reflect the skills required to perform them; when salary surveys are conducted and employees are paid based on occupation titles and job summaries , skill requirements are being valued .

Ambiguous Definition

Few “new” ideas in compensation management represent a complete break from the prior ideas. Although SBP was billed as a new idea in compensation when introduced, it included old compensation practices, such as career ladders and generalist classifications.

The result is that today,when companies are surveyed to see if they use SBP practices , those that use old SBP practices are counted among the firms that have signed on to the concept . This gives a false picture about the adoption of this “new”, way of paying employees and contr ibutes to varying descriptions of the concept’s level of acceptance.

Competency-Based Pay

In the 1990s, competency-based pay was introduced as a type of SBP plan for professional and managerial employees. It calls for base pay to be determined based on competencies instead of duties and responsibilities. Shortly after the concept was introduced, controversy arose as to what constitutes a legitimate competency. Today, there are many alternatives to choose from—core, organizational, behavioral and technical competencies. One compensation expert has asked for a governing body, similar to those in the accounting profession, to help sort out what the term

competency actually means in the world of employee compensation.

Changes in the economy and the nature of work—such as the rise of the contingent workforce and the disappearance of traditional jobs, which were predicted to result in a need for SBP—have not materialized. That and the lack of administrative support systems probably have contributed to the concept’s slow growth. Today, SBP is associated with blue-collar workers in manufacturing industries, which are in decline in the United States, while competency-based pay has had a greater impact on performance management than on base pay.

Despite these issues and setbacks, prominent compensation experts continue to support the concept.


One of the most visible concepts in compensation management in the 1990s was broadbanding, which collapses many salary grades and ranges into fewer bands with broader salary spans. Its popularity was attributed in part to the 1990s trend to downsize organizations by reducing the number of hierarchical levels.

When broadbanding was introduced, some thought leaders saw it as a new pay program for managing salaries and supporting organizational initiatives, such as eliminating bureaucracy and reducing costs.Others saw it as a “higher order of change” and a new way of managing human resources that would be a catalyst for organizational change and represent much more than a new way to reduce bureaucracy and costs.

The concept was loosely defined, and companies were said to have welcomed the opportunity to adapt it to their unique needs. And some were given credit for adopting it, even though one cited plan had 13 bands, with multiple salary ranges within them, making it resemble a traditional salary administration plan.


One constant in the dialogue on broadbanding is that it provides the flexibility to accommodate change and to define job responsibilities more broadly. Proponents have dismissed traditional salary administration systems as being too structured, with too many rules.

Execution Issues

Early experience with broadbanding was not completely positive. Although these systems were supposed to reduce costs, managers had too much discretion to increase salaries within the bands. After several years, salaries had progressed to levels that could not be justified.

“Second generation” banded systems gave less freedom for managers to determine salaries. These systems include more bands and specifically define salary ranges within the bands,making them resemble the traditional systems they were supposed to replace.

Two compensation textbooks have reserved final judgment on the value of broadbanding. One sees it as a potential reprise of the type of salary administration “flexibility” that gave rise to the traditional plans. These plans were developed to reduce favoritism and inconsistencies that resulted from a lack of structure and controls that exist in broadbanding.

Total Rewards

In the past decade, professional associations, major human resource consulting firms and compensation experts have advocated the total rewards approach to the development of a firm’s rewards strategy. Some billed it as more than a passing phase and possibly the greatest breakthrough in compensation since health care plans were combined with pay packages.

The approach calls for HR professionals to consider all aspects of the work experience of value to people when developing a strategy to attract, retain and motivate employees .It extends the prior concept of total compensation, which encompassed only pay and benefit programs, and gives form to an idea described in a compensation textbook widely used in the 1970s.Thus, the idea is more novel than radical.

In the early 2000s, after the intense competition for talent and the economy of the 1990s had cooled, employers sought ways to reduce costs and needed a strategy that places more emphasis on low-cost rewards and less on costly pay and benefit programs, such as stock options. Total rewards meets that need with its message that learning and development, recognition and other soft-dollar programs are as important as pay and benefits in satisfying employees. In addition, it provides a flexible and broad array of rewards that responds well to globalization, mergers and acquisitions, and other forces that increase workforce diversity.

Execution Issues

The launch of total rewards confirmed the axiom that new compensation programs typically are simple in concept, but complex in execution. When HR practitioners put the concept into practice, they encountered many stumbling blocks. That led two consultants to describe human resource professionals in late 2004 as “feeling confused or sensing chaos regarding total rewards.” A primary cause of the confusion was experts who used different names, definitions and models to describe it. Corrective actions were taken to address these issues, courses were developed on total rewards management and the basic concept was simplified.

Still, compensation professionals are likely to use other terms to refer to it, with the labels for outdated reward strategies—compensation and benefits package and total compensation—being used about as frequently as the new term.


In sum, new concepts in compensation management have the following general profile:

?Are novel, but not radically new

?Are simple in concept, but complex in execution

?Do not always have expert agreement on main tenets

?Overlap with prior concepts, creating a misleading impression about their adoption

?Result in major execution issues, largely because of conceptual confusion ?Do not reach expected adoption figures

?Have a place in the field, but not a dominant role.

Given this pattern, compensation professionals are advised to examine new

concepts closely to see if the ideas are too broadly defined, reflect expert agreement,represent significant change and provide guidance on execution and best applications. In addition, practitioners should closely review usage surveys of new concepts to determine if a concept’s broad definition and historical roots have caused related prior practices to be counted as evidence of the new one’s acceptance. They also should seek information as to why organizations have turned down or stopped using a new concept. And, at the risk of appearing behind the times, they would bewell-advised to wait until the knowledge base on the concept has been fully developed before adopting it.

Source: International Foundation News, 2009(5):p12-15.







这种方法将焦点从工作本身转移到人上, 为了更有效地激励员工提高技能并使得对劳动力的管理更具多变性。一般来说,员工的薪水取决于他们为了在自己的领域或其他相关领域里获得较高的技能。从系统的观点来看,工作说明、工作评价计划和基于工作的薪酬调查被技能概况,技能鉴定计划和技能型工资调查取而代之。





一些专业人员一直努力建立的绩效薪酬观念。近年来, 重点是了解员工在工作中真实表现,而不是有关他们是谁的一些静态的概念如他们管理的潜力的或工龄。同时,通过询问企业向员工支付的工资,他们可能在未来执行,技能薪酬是几家实践的公司能负担的。有了这些核心信仰,技能薪酬经历了一场艰苦的战斗,为了以验收为主要手段来确定基本工资。









































The existence of an agency problem in a corporation due to the separation of ownership and control has been widely studied in literatures. This paper examines the effects of management compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions. This paper is significant because it helps to understand the relationship between them. This understandings allow the design of an optimal management compensation scheme to induce the manager to act towards the goals and best interests of the company. Grossman and Hart (1983) investigate the principal agency problem. Since the actions of the agent are unobservable and the first best course of actions can not be achieved, Grossman and Hart show that optimal management compensation scheme should be adopted to induce the manager to choose the second best course of actions. Besides management compensation schemes, other means to alleviate the agency problems are also explored. Fama and Jensen (1983) suggest two ways for reducing the agency problem: competitive market mechanisms and direct contractual provisions. Manne (1965) argues that a market mechanism such as the threat of a takeover provided by the market can be used for corporate control. "Ex-post settling up" by the managerial labour market can also discipline managers and induce them to pursue the interests of shareholders. Fama (1980) shows that if managerial labour markets function properly, and if the deviation of the firm's actual performance from stockholders' optimum is settled up in managers' compensation, then the agency cost will be fully borne by the agent (manager). The theoretical arguments of Jensen and Meckling (1976) and Haugen and Senbet (1981), and empirical evidence of Amihud andLev (1981), Walking and Long (1984), Agrawal and Mandelker (1985), andBenston (1985), among others, suggest that managers' holding of common stock and stock options have an important effect on managerial incentives. For example, Benston finds that changes in the value of managers' stock holdings are larger than their annual employment income. Agrawal and Mandelker find that executive security holdings have a role in reducing agency problems. This implies that the share holdings and stock options of the managers are likely to affect the corporate investment decisions. A typical management scheme consists of flat salary, bonus payment and stock options. However, the studies, so far, only provide links between the stock options and corporate investment decisions. There are few evidences that the compensation schemes may have impacts on the corporate investment decisions. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework to study the effects of management compensation schemes on the corporate investment decisions. Assuming that the compensation schemes consist of flat salary, bonus payment, and stock options, I first examine the effects of alternative compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions under all-equity financing. Secondly, I examine the issue in a setting where a firm relies on debt financing. Briefly speaking, the findings are consistent with Amihud and Lev's results. Managers who have high shareholdings and rewarded by intensive profit sharing ratio tend to underinvest.However, the underinvestment problem can be mitigated by increasing the financial leverage. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section II presents the model. Section HI discusses the managerial incentives under all-equity financing. Section IV examines the managerial incentives under debt financing. Section V discusses the empirical implications and presents the conclusions of the study.


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Create and comprehensive technology in the structure global design of the building The 21st century will be the era that many kinds of disciplines technology coexists , it will form the enormous motive force of promoting the development of building , the building is more and more important too in global design, the architect must seize the opportunity , give full play to the architect's leading role, preside over every building engineering design well. Building there is the global design concept not new of architectural design,characteristic of it for in an all-round way each element not correlated with building- there aren't external environment condition, building , technical equipment,etc. work in coordination with, and create the premium building with the comprehensive new technology to combine together. The premium building is created, must consider sustainable development , namely future requirement , in other words, how save natural resources as much as possible, how about protect the environment that the mankind depends on for existence, how construct through high-quality between architectural design and building, in order to reduce building equipment use quantity and


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文对照外文翻译 基于拉格朗日乘数法的框架结构合理线刚度比的研究 【摘要】框架结构是一种常见的多层高层建筑结构;列的合理线刚度比研究是框架结构优化设计中的一个重要方面。本论文研究合理线刚度比时,框架梁、柱的

侧移刚度根据拉格朗日乘数法结构优化的理论和在框架梁、柱的总物质的量一定的前提下,取得最高值。与传统的估计方法和试算梁柱截面尺寸不同,梁、柱的合理的截面尺寸可以在初步设计阶段由派生的公式计算。这种方法不仅作为计算框架梁、柱的截面尺寸基础,确认初步设计阶,而且也被用做类似的结构梁柱合理线刚度比研究的参考。此外,在调整帧梁、柱的截面尺寸的方法的基础上,降低柱的轴向的压缩比,从而达到剪切压缩比和提高结构的延展性。 【关键词】拉格朗日数乘法框架结构刚度比截面尺寸 1 引言 在混凝土框架结构初步设计的期间,通常,框架梁截面高度通过跨度来估算,和截面宽度根据高宽比估算; 框架柱的截面尺寸是根据柱轴压缩的支持柱的面积的比率估算[1]。然而,在估计过程中,初步设计阶段中的一个重要的链,未考虑到柱侧移刚度的影响[2]。列侧移刚度越大,结构层间位的刚度越大,剪切型框架结构的层间位移将越较小。所以,总结构越小的侧向位移将减少地震灾害[3] 所造成的损失。论文的核心是如何得到列侧移刚度的最大值。 同时,列侧移刚度的值与框架梁-柱线刚度直接相关。本论文的目的是为了得到一个合理的框架梁 - 柱的线刚度比,在某个控制范围内获得列侧移刚度的最大值。 计算列横向位移的方法有两种方法:刚度拐点点法和修改拐点法。拐点的方法假定关节的旋转角度为0(当梁柱线性刚度比是大于或等于3时,柱的上端和下端的关节的旋转角度可以取为0,因为它实际上是相当小),即梁的弯曲刚性被视为无穷大。拐点的方法主要是应用于具有比较少层的框架结构。但对于多层、高层框架结构,增加柱截面会导致梁柱线刚度比小于3,在水平荷载作用下,框架结构的所有关节的旋转角度的横向位移会发生不可忽视。因此,一位日本教授武藤提出修改拐点法[4],即D-值方法。本文采用D-值列侧移刚度的计算法,因为它着重于多层、高层框架结构。 少数在国内外对框架梁柱合理线刚度比的研究,只有梁七黹,源于列侧移刚度的计算方法,比D-值法更加应用广泛;申得氏指出在多层、高层框架结构的柱侧向刚度计算中存在的问题,补充和修改底部和顶部层的列侧向刚度计算公式;


“翻译本质及译学方法专题研讨会”记要 由教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地俄语语言文学研究中心、中国译协翻译理论与翻译教学委员会、中国俄语教学研究会、黑龙江大学俄语学院联合主办的“翻译本质及译学方法专题研讨会”,于2008年12月19—22日在北国冰城哈尔滨隆重召开。中国译协发来贺辞,中国俄语教学研究会负责人杜桂枝莅临大会并发表讲话,黑龙江大学校长张政文致欢迎辞。来自高等院校、科研院所等35家单位的52名专家学者齐聚黑龙江大学,另有20余人列席会议。与会代表共提交48篇论文,其中36人做了精彩的大会发言。会议期间还举行了两次学术沙龙,围绕翻译本质问题是否应该悬置、翻译方法与译学方法之别、语料库与翻译、发掘传统与引进西方、纯理思考与注重现实、变译与全译之分等问题展开了讨论。大会安排井然有序,内容丰富,讨论热烈,针对性强,基本达到了会议预期的目的,给与会代表留下了深刻印象。综合所提交论文与大会发言以及沙龙互动的内容,讨论要点可归结为以下三大方面: 1.翻译本质多视角研究 在翻译学学科建设日益迫切的今天,翻译本质问题是其根本性的问题,任何一个研究者不论自觉与否都会考虑这个问题,对其明确与否,了解得全面与否,都会无形中影响其翻译研究,决定其研究选题的取舍。从与会文章来看,这一问题得到了较多的关注。提交的会议48篇论文中有23篇从各自的立场多视角地考察了翻译的本质问题,如从语思统一角度考量翻译本质(高金岭);取文学翻译视角考察翻译本质(焦鹏帅);从双语词典翻译考察翻译本质(陈伟);从可译性角度论及韵体译诗之可行性(郦青)、从翻译模式论及翻译本质(刘泽权、张丽)。学者们认为:建国前中国翻译具有民族性和异质性(贾洪伟);翻译是多元的(陆永昌);“译即易,谓换易言语使相解也”,一字可以穷尽译理(罗新璋);翻译具有历史性,由此可以反思翻译的对等论、相似论以及重译等诸多问题(庞秀成);翻译是一种语言审美实践(武锐);翻译属于第二级传播(肖胜文);“化”是全译的本质(余承法、万光荣);文学翻译的本质是隐喻性语言的转换生成(苏艳);本雅明的“纯语言”翻译观从另一个方面揭示了翻译的本质(张文英);视域融合论是翻译的绝对本质属性(张永中、王国平);译者作为翻译活动的主体在原文与译文间寻求均衡促成了翻译均衡论(周领顺)。 2. 译学方法多学科研究 方法论研究是一门学科成熟的标志,译学方法论的建设开始受到关注,说明译学开始走向成熟。走向成熟,并非成熟,而只是起步。 翻译研究的一般方法问题在国内开始受到关注,此次会议有所体现,如当前翻译研究应该赞成什么和反对什么、翻译是忠实还是背叛、翻译研究的范式与视角区别何在等问题,值得三思(张会森);翻译学研究从相邻学科借用思想与方法越来越多,值得探究(杨晓荣);全译与变译研究奠定了翻译学的基石(李亚舒);穆雷从翻译学博士论文写作现实出发阐述了翻译研究方法论的重要性;胡庚申从术语学角度厘清了译事、译技、译见、译论、译学等核心概念。 机器翻译研究和翻译的语料库语言学研究本次会议也成为一个亮点,如基于统计的机器翻译把翻译看成解读密码的过程(冯志伟);翻译具有再生性,对人译与机译理论建模和工程实践中的学术探索具有理论价值和应用价值(易绵竹);形式语法的本质是自然语言建模,对机器翻译、信息检索和抽取、自动校对均具重要价值(许汉成)。语料库是时兴的翻译研究手段,越来越多的学者进入这一研究领域,如莎士比亚戏剧英汉平行语料库的创建与应用(胡开宝、邹颂兵)、基于《天演论》变译平行语料库的变译思想研究(黄忠廉)、基于本体的俄汉机器翻译基本句库的设计(姚爱刚)。另外还有学者从文本类型学角度论科技翻译(丛亚平)、从场景—框架语义理论研究文学翻译(邓静)、从对比语义学角度探讨词汇的转换(高兰英)、用关联原则解读幽默讽刺话语的翻译(黄杨英)、从模因的角度看归化与异化的动态统一过程(尹铁超、王娜)、从术语学角度讨论语言学术语的翻译(彭玉海)。 3. 其他议题 与翻译相关的论题还有:赵为“中国武侠小说俄译初探”、张淳“多元文化背景下的中译外教学探讨”、孙翠英“文学翻译中异国情调的传达——情感模式的翻译”、高雅古丽·卡德尔“语篇理论在高校翻译教学中的移植与实践作用”、韩振宇“翻译的社会功能标准”、李利群“俄罗斯文学作品标题翻译技巧”、刘丽芬“俄语标题结构汉译模式”、阎萍“商贸日语文章中的翻译问题”。 78


企业高管薪酬外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 管理者薪酬和企业债务期限结构 摘要:高管薪酬通过组合敏感性股价变动与股票报酬波动影响管理风险偏好。股票价格不支持管理风险,而股票报酬波动鼓励冒险。理论表明,

短期债务通过控制管理风险偏好减轻债务代理成本。我们断定,找到首席执行官组合和短期到期债务之间关系的证据。我们还发现,短期到期债务减轻对债券收益率激励机制的影响。总的来说,我们的经验证据表明,短期债务减轻了从风险补偿所产生的债务代理成本。 使用股票及期权为基础做为高管薪酬的现象在过去的几十年里急剧增加。首席执行官财富的暴露使股票价格在1980年到1994年间增加了两倍,然后1994年到2000年间又增加了一倍。高管薪酬的这种变化对经理所承受的风险有直接的影响,从而改变双方的激励机制和行为。卡彭特和兰伯特探讨了对管理者激励补偿两方面的影响。一个影响是通过补偿股票价格的敏感性造成的。第二个影响是通过补偿股票报酬波动的敏感性造成的。对股票价格补偿方案的灵敏度越高,经理人的风险偏好就越弱。相比之下,对股票收益波动率补偿方案的敏感性越高,经理人的风险偏好就越大。通过改变管理风险偏好,基于股票的补偿也影响那些风险偏好的第三方看法。本研究的主要目的是探讨短期债务在减少来自高管激励合同所产生的债务代理成本的作用。具体来说,我们研究了这两种组合敏感度对公司债务期限结构的影响。此外,我们分析债务到期对投资组合灵敏度和债券收益率之间的关系。实证结果提供了一个一致的意见,短期债务减少了与薪酬激励相关的债务代理成本。 传统的代理理论提出了股东和债权人之间的利益冲突。在他们的开创性研究中,法玛、米勒、詹森和麦克林认为,股东有动机减少债券持有人财富通过代入高风险的投资,这种现象通常被称为资产替代。股权报酬对管理人员去资产替代提供一个潜在的强大动力。债权人了解这些


专业资料 学院: 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Structural Systems to resist (用外文写) Lateral loads 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 抗侧向荷载的结构体系 常用的结构体系 若已测出荷载量达数千万磅重,那么在高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。确实,较好的高层建筑普遍具有构思简单、表现明晰的特点。 这并不是说没有进行宏观构思的余地。实际上,正是因为有了这种宏观的构思,新奇的高层建筑体系才得以发展,可能更重要的是:几年以前才出现的一些新概念在今天的技术中已经变得平常了。 如果忽略一些与建筑材料密切相关的概念不谈,高层建筑里最为常用的结构体系便可分为如下几类: 1.抗弯矩框架。 2.支撑框架,包括偏心支撑框架。 3.剪力墙,包括钢板剪力墙。 4.筒中框架。 5.筒中筒结构。 6.核心交互结构。 7. 框格体系或束筒体系。 特别是由于最近趋向于更复杂的建筑形式,同时也需要增加刚度以抵抗几力和地震力,大多数高层建筑都具有由框架、支撑构架、剪力墙和相关体系相结合而构成的体系。而且,就较高的建筑物而言,大多数都是由交互式构件组成三维陈列。 将这些构件结合起来的方法正是高层建筑设计方法的本质。其结合方式需要在考虑环境、功能和费用后再发展,以便提供促使建筑发展达到新高度的有效结构。这并

不是说富于想象力的结构设计就能够创造出伟大建筑。正相反,有许多例优美的建筑仅得到结构工程师适当的支持就被创造出来了,然而,如果没有天赋甚厚的建筑师的创造力的指导,那么,得以发展的就只能是好的结构,并非是伟大的建筑。无论如何,要想创造出高层建筑真正非凡的设计,两者都需要最好的。 虽然在文献中通常可以见到有关这七种体系的全面性讨论,但是在这里还值得进一步讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论中。 抗弯矩框架 抗弯矩框架也许是低,中高度的建筑中常用的体系,它具有线性水平构件和垂直构件在接头处基本刚接之特点。这种框架用作独立的体系,或者和其他体系结合起来使用,以便提供所需要水平荷载抵抗力。对于较高的高层建筑,可能会发现该本系不宜作为独立体系,这是因为在侧向力的作用下难以调动足够的刚度。 我们可以利用STRESS,STRUDL 或者其他大量合适的计算机程序进行结构分析。所谓的门架法分析或悬臂法分析在当今的技术中无一席之地,由于柱梁节点固有柔性,并且由于初步设计应该力求突出体系的弱点,所以在初析中使用框架的中心距尺寸设计是司空惯的。当然,在设计的后期阶段,实际地评价结点的变形很有必要。 支撑框架 支撑框架实际上刚度比抗弯矩框架强,在高层建筑中也得到更广泛的应用。这种体系以其结点处铰接或则接的线性水平构件、垂直构件和斜撑构件而具特色,它通常与其他体系共同用于较高的建筑,并且作为一种独立的体系用在低、中高度的建筑中。


转型衰退时期的土木工程研究 Sergios Lambropoulosa[1], John-Paris Pantouvakisb, Marina Marinellic 摘要 最近的全球经济和金融危机导致许多国家的经济陷入衰退,特别是在欧盟的周边。这些国家目前面临的民用建筑基础设施的公共投资和私人投资显著收缩,导致在民事特别是在民用建筑方向的失业。因此,在所有国家在经济衰退的专业发展对于土木工程应届毕业生来说是努力和资历的不相称的研究,因为他们很少有机会在实践中积累经验和知识,这些逐渐成为过时的经验和知识。在这种情况下,对于技术性大学在国家经济衰退的计划和实施的土木工程研究大纲的一个实质性的改革势在必行。目的是使毕业生拓宽他们的专业活动的范围,提高他们的就业能力。 在本文中,提出了土木工程研究课程的不断扩大,特别是在发展的光毕业生的潜在的项目,计划和投资组合管理。在这个方向上,一个全面的文献回顾,包括ASCE体为第二十一世纪,IPMA的能力的基础知识,建议在其他:显著增加所提供的模块和项目管理在战略管理中添加新的模块,领导行为,配送管理,组织和环境等;提供足够的专业训练五年的大学的研究;并由专业机构促进应届大学生认证。建议通过改革教学大纲为土木工程研究目前由国家技术提供了例证雅典大学。 1引言 土木工程研究(CES)蓬勃发展,是在第二次世界大战后。土木工程师的出现最初是由重建被摧毁的巨大需求所致,目的是更多和更好的社会追求。但是很快,这种演变一个长期的趋势,因为政府为了努力实现经济发展,采取了全世界的凯恩斯主义的理论,即公共基础设施投资作为动力。首先积极的结果导致公民为了更好的生活条件(住房,旅游等)和增加私人投资基础设施而创造机会。这些现象再国家的发展中尤为为明显。虽然前景并不明朗(例如,世界石油危机在70年代),在80年代领先的国家采用新自由主义经济的方法(如里根经济政策),这是最近的金融危机及金融危机造成的后果(即收缩的基础设施投资,在技术部门的高失业率),消除发展前途无限的误区。 技术教育的大学所认可的大量研究土木工程部。旧学校拓展专业并且新的学校建成,并招收许多学生。由于高的职业声望,薪酬,吸引高质量的学校的学生。在工程量的增加和科学技术的发展,导致到极强的专业性,无论是在研究还是工作当中。结构工程师,液压工程师,交通工程师等,都属于土木工程。试图在不同的国家采用专业性的权利,不同的解决方案,,从一个统一的大学学历和广泛的专业化的一般职业许可证。这个问题在许多其他行业成为关键。国际专业协会的专家和机构所确定的国家性检查机构,经过考试后,他们证明不仅是行业的新来者,而且专家通过时间来确定进展情况。尽管在很多情况下,这些证书虽然没有国家接受,他们赞赏和公认的世界。 在试图改革大学研究(不仅在土木工程)更接近市场需求的过程中,欧盟确定了1999博洛尼亚宣言,它引入了一个二能级系统。第一级度(例如,一个三年的学士)是进入


Powerdesigner的起步与数据建模 1、数据建模与PowerDesigner 数据模型是信息的一种表示方法和生产消费系统。数据建模包括分析的数据实体系统中存在的关系。PowerDesigner提供概念,逻辑,和物理数据模型来让你你的系统分析和模型各级抽象概念。 1.1概念数据模型, 一个概念数据模型(CDM)代表逻辑结构,数据系统独立于任何软件或数据存储结构。它给的形式表示数据,需要运行企业、经营活动,可能包含数据对象尚未实施在物质数据库。一个清洁发展机制可以让您: ?代表组织的数据,在一个图形格式创造的实体关系图表 ?数据设计的有效性进行了验证。 ?产生一个逻辑数据模型(LDM),物理数据模型(PDM),或一个面向对象模型(OOM 指定一个对象),表示清洁发展机制使用UML标准。 1.2逻辑数据模型 一个逻辑数据模型可以帮助你设计一个数据库结构和执行一些数据库denormalization独立于任何特定的数据库管理系统行为物理的要求。你可以用逻辑模型作为一种中介步骤进行了对比与数据库设计的概念和物理结构:在一开始?CDM含有实体,属性,关系、领域、数据项目和业务规则。如果需要的话,你可能会显露出清洁发展机制在几个设计步骤从高水平较低水平的模型,清洁发展机制。 ?产生LDM。FK和指定创建索引列名称和其他共同特点 ?生成一个或更多的(PDMs),每一个为特定的数据库实施这个设计过程使每件东西都保持一致允许你在一个大发展的努力。 1.3的物理数据模型

物理数据模型(PDM)是一个数据库设计工具的实施适合建模和数据查询生理结构在数据库中。如图1所示。 根据数据库的选型你想设计时,你会用不同类型的PDM图。 ?操作PDM——你使用的结构设计产品具有可操作性的数据库。一般情况下,在数据建模,物理分析遵循概念和/或逻辑分析,并提出了具体的实际实施数据库中的数据,能满足你的表现和物理限制。 ?商业智能产品数据管理的,你也可以用产品设计了数据库的结构环境,包括: ?数据仓库或数据集市数据库操作传输数据,从运算数据库,和聚拢所有可能需要的信息的查询资料库,在OLAP(在线分析处理)商业分析和决策执行。数据仓库数据库收集所有的数据处理的公司的例子,而数据集市关注小实体的公司。 你使用物理的图表来设计数据仓库和数据集市的数据库。由于这些数据库通常包含了大量的数据存储时,你就不需要设计业绩。你可以指定类型(事实和尺寸)数据库表格有预习多维结构的OLAP(在线分析处理)数据库。 ?多维的OLAP(在线分析处理)数据服务器-通常是封装了数据最先被聚集在数据仓库和数据集市(虽然有时是直接从操作数据库)转移,促进组织的信息查询 进行不同的工具。商业分析师使用的OLAP(在线分析处理)数据库发送查询和检索商务信息中存在的不同维度的数据库。你用PDM多维的图表来设计不同的维度和正方体OLAP(在线分析处理)内的数据库。 2、创建一个数据模型


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系:机械工程系 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Design of prestressed (用外文写) concrete structures 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 8-2简支梁布局 一个简单的预应力混凝土梁由两个危险截面控制:最大弯矩截面和端截面。这两部分设计好之后,中间截面一定要单独检查,必要时其他部位也要单独调查。最大弯矩截面在以下两种荷载阶段为控制情况,即传递时梁受最小弯矩M G的初始阶段和最大设计弯矩M T时的工作荷载阶段。而端截面则由抗剪强度、支承垫板、锚头间距和千斤顶净空所需要的面积来决定。所有的中间截面是由一个或多个上述要求,根它们与上述两种危险截面的距离来控制。对于后张构件的一种常见的布置方式是在最大弯矩截面采用诸如I形或T形的截面,而在接近梁端处逐渐过渡到简单的矩形截面。这就是人们通常所说的后张构件的端块。对于用长线法生产的先张构件,为了便于生产,全部只用一种等截面,其截面形状则可以为I形、双T形或空心的。在第5 、 6 和7章节中已经阐明了个别截面的设计,下面论述简支梁钢索的总布置。 梁的布置可以用变化混凝土和钢筋的办法来调整。混凝土的截面在高度、宽度、形状和梁底面或者顶面的曲率方面都可以有变化。而钢筋只在面积方面有所变化,不过在相对于混凝土重心轴线的位置方面却多半可以有变化。通过调整这些变化因素,布置方案可能有许多组合,以适应不同的荷载情况。这一点是与钢筋混凝土梁是完全不同的,在钢筋混凝土梁的通常布置中,不是一个统一的矩形截面便是一个统一的T形,而钢筋的位置总是布置得尽量靠底面纤维。 首先考虑先张梁,如图 8-7,这里最好采用直线钢索,因为它们在两个台座之间加力比较容易。我们先从图(a)的等截面直梁的直线钢索开始讨论。这样的布置都很简单,但这样一来,就不是很经济的设计了,因为跨中和梁端的要求会产生冲突。通常发生在跨度中央的最大弯矩截面中的钢索,最好尽量放低,以便尽可能提供最大力臂而提供最大的内部抵制力矩。当跨度中央的梁自重弯矩M G相当大时,就可以把c.g.s布置在截面核心范围以下很远的地方,而不致在传递时在顶部纤维中引起拉应力。然而对于梁端截面却有一套完全不同的要求。由于在梁端没有外力矩,因为在最后的时刻,安排钢索要以c.g.s与 c.g.c在结束区段一致,如此同样地获得克服压力分配的方法。无论如何,如果张应力在最后不能承受,放置 c.g.s.


Struts的优点有: 1.实现MVC模式,结构清晰,使开发者只关注业务逻辑的实现. 2.有丰富的tag可以用,Struts的标记库(Taglib),如能灵活动用,则能大大提高开发效率。另外,就目前国内的JSP开发者而言,除了使用JSP自带的常用标记外,很少开发自己的标记,或许Struts是一个很好的起点。 3.页面导航.页面导航将是今后的一个发展方向,事实上,这样做,使系统的脉络更加清晰。通过一个配置文件,即可把握整个系统各部分之间的联系,这对于后期的维护有着莫大的好处。尤其是当另一批开发者接手这个项目时,这种优势体现得更加明显。 4.提供Exception处理机制. 5.数据库链接池管理 6.支持I18N 缺点: 一、转到展示层时,需要配置forward,每一次转到展示层,相信大多数都是直接转到jsp,而涉及到转向,需要配置forward,如果有十个展示层的jsp,需要配置十次struts,而且还不包括有时候目录、文件变更,需要重新修改forward,注意,每次修改配置之后,要求重新部署整个项目,而tomcat这样的服务器,还必须重新启动服务器,如果业务变更复杂频繁的系统,这样的操作简单不可想象。现在就是这样,几十上百个人同时在线使用我们的系统,大家可以想象一下,我的烦恼有多大。 二、Struts的Action必需是thread-safe方式,它仅仅允许一个实例去处理所有的请求。所以action用到的所有的资源都必需统一同步,这个就引起了线程安全的问题。 三、测试不方便. Struts的每个Action都同Web层耦合在一起,这样它的测试依赖于Web容器,单元测试也很难实现。不过有一个Junit的扩展工具Struts TestCase可以实现它的单元测试。 四、类型的转换. Struts的FormBean把所有的数据都作为String类型,它可以使用工具Commons-Beanutils进行类型转化。但它的转化都是在Class级别,而且转化的类型是不可配置的。类型转化时的错误信息返回给用户也是非常困难的。 五、对Servlet的依赖性过强. Struts处理Action时必需要依赖ServletRequest和ServletResponse,所有它摆脱不了Servlet容器。


原文 Enterprise salary reward management Keyword:Enterprise salary reward management Salary the overall function of function and the management of human resource that rewards is consistent also for is can attract and encourage the human resource needed by enterprise from labour economy angle speak salary reward have 3 great merits can: guarantee function , encourage function and regulation function. Refering to the angle of the management of human resource salary reward should embody and play mainly it's encourage function the salary with reasonable establishment reward management system is every problem that enterprise needs solve. In recent years, as enterprise manages , mechanism change and establish modern enterprise system step by step needs, the built-in wages degree of assignment system of enterprise the self who changes enterprise into gradually from government behavior behavior. Therefore how to meet market needs establish with modern enterprise system appearance the supplemental salary, that suits enterprise self development reward management system and distribution scheme, high limit land development enterprise human resource Qian can, become every important program of current Chinese enterprise. Salary the substance that rewarded , it is that enterprise, for employee, is the contribution done by enterprise that function and purpose salary reward , include realization Ji effect , the corresponding repayment and that effort, time, knowledge, ability, experience and creation pay that paid out or thank. Essentially, it is a kind of fair distribution principle that exchanges or trades and has embodied socialist market


拓言新辞:只给会专业英语的人“面包”吃 来源:i黑马发布时间:2013-7-19 【导读】拓言新辞是一家面向中小企业的众包翻译平台,主要从事文档、视频和APP等内容的翻译。上线三个月,这个只有几个人的小团队就获得了10万美元的单子,而创始人钟卫的野心更大:盯上阿里巴巴商贸通上的500万外贸商户。 翻译有着悠久的历史,譬如希伯来文的基督教经典《圣经旧约》在公元前280年左右就开始被翻译为希腊文,有些人甚至断言没有翻译便没有现在的欧洲文化。而互联网也正给这个古老的行当带来“众包”这一新的工作方法——互联网海选译者,再由多人以最短时间合作翻译,比如曾经风靡一时的著作《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》便是由译言网通过众包给网友的形式,在不到20天的时间里完成的。国内类似的网站还有很多,比如译言的姊妹网站东西网、体育媒体虎扑和科技媒体果壳网。今天黑马哥为大家带来的黑马“拓言新辞”(英文名字Ratonwork)便是这个行业的新秀,它也是黑马大赛的角逐者。 “Ratonwork是一家基于众包模式的专业翻译服务平台,面向个人、机构、中小企业提供专业化的翻译服务。”这是在自己的商业计划书中,创始人钟卫给Ratonwork这个创立刚刚一年的公司甚是清晰的定位。相对来说,钟前期的个人经历并没有Ratonwork这么顺畅,毕业于山东科技大学的他2001年便开始北漂生涯,做过程序员,也做过项目经理,干过技术代理,干做过人口数据管理。 直到2005年,钟卫才找到一份儿比较稳定的工作——在微软做技术经理,之后又担任了市场专员一职,负责技术布道及市场推广。

担纲微软的IT人社交网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/b016057257.html,的建设期间,钟遇到了英文培训课程翻译和软件汉化的问题,“一方面一些专业人员想通过阅读或者翻译来不断学习,另一方面一些IT企业对专业翻译有需求。”在他的描述中,这一问题是他创业的直接诱因。 2012年3月,在众包翻译业风生水起的大环境下,钟卫选择了从微软辞职创业。2012年10月,他的众包翻译平台Ratonwork上线。 以下为钟卫口述: “传递面包” 我们不做软件等产品级的翻译,主要做文档、资料、视频和电子教学等内容的翻译,还有一些APP的中翻英。企业客户可以把需要翻译的内容放到我们的网络平台上,之后译者在平台上认领。 视频翻译主要有产品视频、技术视频和教育视频三种。我们做两个事,一个是翻译字幕,做字幕托管,他可以把视频的地址给我,我直接在视频上翻译,在原有的基础上做一个代码就可以适配到我的字幕。另一个模式,如果他没有视频,他可以把视频传给我,我们做好字幕后把播放器的地址给他,这样他也不需要找空间上传,直接引用就可以。现在企业客户就是怕麻烦,把所有的事情给他做简单了,他是最开心的。 我们的策略是先拿大客户,一个行业的大客户就那么几家,做好之后身边的人就开始帮你卖了,口碑很重要,一个是客户口碑,还有就是译者的口碑。译者帮你做东西,如果他觉得你对他还不错,他会把他身后的公司带给你,这是我们没有想到的。“发动农民斗地主”,


薪酬管理制度 目录 第一章总则 第二章权责 第三章薪资结构及相关规定 第四章试用期工资 第五章转正定级 第六章有薪假的相关规定 第七章薪资核算流程 第八章员工福利 第九章附则 第一章总则 第一条为通过有效的薪酬体系设计,激励员工提高工效,稳定员工队伍。 第二条本规定的执行本着公平、公正、公开的原则,将所有岗位的薪资结构合理化、规范化,通过有效的晋升通道,使薪资真正成为激励员工成长,实现公司经营目标的重要手段之一。 第三条本规定适用于所有岗位之员工试用期、岗位工资、晋升、调动和工资核算等相关程序,使薪酬体系的各环节都有章可循。

第二章权责 第一条各部门部长有对本部门员工录用、薪资调整的建议权。 第二条人力资源部按此规定执行各岗员工的试用期工资、岗位工资、薪资调整、工资核算等工作的建议权限和审核权限。 第三条人力资源部依此规定对特别调薪案例的申请、审批、上报。 第四条人力资源部根据社会和公司发展需要,及时对此规定进行修订。 第三章薪资结构及相关规定 第一条行政人员的薪资结构为:基本工资(基础工资+绩效工资)+补贴+其它; 第二条行政办公人员(加工厂一线员工及驻外业务员除外)每月26天为全勤,全勤天数以外,加班工资以每天10元计算。 第三条基本工资部分,依据岗位和级别的不同而定。具体标准见(岗位工资级别表): 第四条绩效工资按基本工资的30%为基数,根据各系统各部门的绩效考核标准,核算不同人员的月绩效工资。 公司人力资源部每季度组织一次晋升评定。晋升评定,每季度由人力资源部、企管部、统一组织。每季度绩效考核总成绩在270分以上者,均有资格填写晋升表,由公司薪酬委员会批复。 第五条通过评定者,即可按相应级别在下个月的工资中统一调整。成绩不合格者,根据成绩或不能晋升,或降级,若降级工资同样在个月的工资中调整。


南京工程学院毕业设计 外文资料翻译 学生姓名:顾建祥 学号: 240095319 班级名称: K建工ZB093 所在院系:康尼学院

Underground Space Utilization The rapid growth of world civilization will have a significant impact on the way humans live in the future. As the global population increases and more countries demand a higher standard of living, the difficulty of doing this is compounded by three broad trends: the conversion of agricultural land to development uses; the increasing urbanization of the world`s population; and growing concern for the maintenance and improvement of the environment, especially regarding global warming and the impact of population growth. Underground space utilization, as this chapter describes, offers opportunities for helping address these trends. By moving certain facilities and function underground, surface land in urban areas can be used more effectively , thus freeing space for agricultural and recreational purpose. Similarly, the use of terraced earth sheltered housing. Using underground space also enables humans to live more comfortably in densely populated areas while improving the quality of live. On an urban or local level, the use of underground facilities is rising to accommodate the complex demands of today`s society while improving the environment . For example, both urban and rural areas are requiring improved transportation, utility, and recreational services. The state of traffic congestion in many urban areas of the world is at a critical level for the support of basic human living, and it is difficult if not impossible to add new infrastructure at ground level without causing an unacceptable deterioration of the surface environment or an unacceptable relocation of existing land uses and neighborhoods. On a national level in countries around the world, global trends are causing the creation and extension of mining developments and oil or gas recovery at greater depths and in more inaccessible or sensitive locations. Three trends have also led to the developments of improved designs for

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