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I have been in the USA 71 six months. I like the life here. I have had a few new friends since I started the school here. I don't have much homework to do so I can have more time for entertainments. There 72 a lot of sports at my school, 73 I don't like sports at all. As for food, I like American food very much. I 74 a lot of different kinds of food every day, such as hamburgers hotdogs, 75 French fries. I like coke very much. I don't drink water any 76 . I drink coke instead. Sometimes I just order pizza by phone. It's very convenient. My host family are 77 to me and every week they cook 78 big Sunday lunch for me. I'm enjoying my life here. The sad thing is that sometimes I get 79 . So I have to go to the doctor. I don't know why. My parents say I must go on a diet and do more 80 .


I'm planning my three-week vacation to watch some exciting games and visit some places.

Basketball is my favourite 71 , So in the first week I would like to go to America, 72 there are some NBA games there. I am going to visit New Jersey, so maybe I can see my favourite basketball player,Yi Jianlian. He is 73 basketball there.

In the 74 week I am going to Australia to 75 the tennis games there. I may travel around first, because there are many great places in that country. After my travelling, I am going to watch the great tennis 76 Australian Open.

The first four days of the last week, I 77 go to Italy to watch the football games there.

I don't like football very much. I just want to see some football stars and try to get 78 autographs there.

Then I’ll come back home. I need to have 79 good rest. The new school year is going to begin. I need to make some preparations for it. I think this vacation would be interesting 80 exciting.


I have a friend called Kate. She is 71 fourteen-year-old girl. Her family comes from Canada. They all 72 English.

Today Kate asked me to her birthday party. I was happy because she often helps me 73 my English. I hope to give her a big surprise. But I didn't Know 74 to bring for her. My mother knew Kate liked dumplings. 75 my mother and I made some 76 for her. Kate's friends were in the room when I 77 there. She told me she liked the dumplings very 78 . The party started at five and we all said “Happy birthday!” to her. We played games and danced to the music. She asked us to talk in English. Some of them told some English jokes. We had a 79 time and learned a lot, 80 .


April Fool's Day is supposed to be a day to play jokes 71 others in hopes of having a good time and making others feel like a fool. 72 last April Fool's Day was quite different 73 my mom and me.

That day my friend Jimmy and I were playing a game. I dropped down from a bar(横

木)many 74 in the past without ever having a problem, but that day I broke 75 arm.

Jimmy's dad heard me crying and ran out of his house. He quickly put me into his truck and went to his own home to 76 my mom and let her know 77 had happened to me. As that day was April Fool's Day, Mom really thought all that was a big joke. When she saw me lying in bed in 78 at last,she broke down in tears because she felt so 79 .

Since I had played jokes before,it was no wonder that my mom didn't believe it. I as well as my mom was made to look like a 80 that day.


Tracy would never forget the night when she met a robber(抢劫者)many years ago.

That evening, she went to a birthday party which lasted 71 two o'clock in the morning. Tracy walked in the quiet street alone. Suddenly from the back of a dark building a tall man with a 72 in his right hand ran out at her. “Good73 , lady,” the man said in a low voice, “I don't think you wish to die here!”“What do you want”“Your earrings. Take 74 off!”

Tracy suddenly had a bright idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar(衣领)of her coat while using the other hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly 75 them on the ground.

“Take them and let me go,”she said. The 76 thought that the girl didn't like the earrings at 77 , only trying to protect the necklace. It would cost more, so he said, “Cive me your necklace.”

“Oh, sir. It doesn’t 78 much. Please let me wear it.”

“I'm not that silly, quick!”

With shaking hands Tracy took off her necklace. As soon as the robber left, she picked 79 her earrings and ran as fast as she could to one of her friends.

The earrings cost 480 pounds and the 80 the robber had taken away cost only 76 pounds.


There once lived a businessman who had a lazy son. He wanted his son to be 71 . Then he told his son, “Today, I want you to get something.”

The boy went to his mother, crying. “72 me!” His mother gave him a gold coin. In the evening the son showed his father the coin. The father asked him to throw it into a well. The boy 73 what he was told to.

The next day the businessman sent his wife to 74 town and asked his son to make money. This time he went to his sister, crying. His sister gave him a rupee(卢比). When his father asked him 75 he had got, the boy showed him the coin. The father again asked him to throw it into a well. The son did it quite readily(爽快地).The father then sent his daughter to her own house. He 74 asked his son to go out and work.

This time the son had to work for 77 . A shopkeeper told him that he would give him 78 rupees if he carried goods for him. The son finished the job. As he returned home and gave his father the two rupees and was asked to throw 79 into the well, he shouted, “Father! My whole body is painful and you are asking me to throw the money into the well.”

This time the businessman smiled. He 80 happy.


I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city. There 71 so many pigeons here.

The pigeons mostly 72 on the grass land of Centre Park. They given food freely 73 visitors. They usually throw food to them, and don’t think about at all whether the 74 is right or not. Some of the pigeons became 75 , and some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors.

I’m sure most of the visitors 76 throw food to the pigeons really like the birds, 77 don’t realize that they may be doing them harm.

The visitors should be told that what they have 78 is very harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be 79 from happening.

Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Centre Park to sell pigeon food. It is our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after 80 carefully.


Judy was a salesgirl in abookshop. She 71 hard and the boss liked her very much.

One day, she fund some 72 on the floor. She counted(数)the money-800 dollars! “What 73 I do?” she asked herself. “The person who lost the money must be worried.”she thought.

The next day, Judy gave the money to her boss, Mr. Smith.

“What’s the74 , Judy?” He asked. I found it in our shop yesterday. If someone comes to 75 for it, you can give it to him or her.”answered Judy.

“My lovely girl, don’t you need money?” He asked.

Judy answered with a smile, “The money is not mme, 76 I think the owner of it must be very w orried.”

Mr. Smith nodded(点头)and gave the money to Judy. He told Judy he put the money on the floor just wanted to see 77 she was honest. 78 fact, the boss used this method to test some other workers but 79 of them gave back the money. After that, Judy got 200 dollars 80 than the other workers for a month.


I was born in the computer age. However, my parents 71 as lucky as me. They were already adults when the first personal 72 came out. But with the development of technology, more and more jobs need skills,like typing, 73 mails and faxes, etc.

When I was in middle school,they 74 asking me to help them do things with computers. Sometimes I had hours of homework to do, but my dad would make me stay up to finish his work. My parents even 75 me talk on the phone whenever there was 76 wrong with the computer. After realizing my 77 really needed my help, tried to be more understanding. After all, I wasn't born knowing 78 to use a computer.

How can I help theme? As we know sometimes it’s hard for adults to learn new skills. I think that it’s best to teach them by 79 . We can communicate more and share understanding. And a patient teacher is 80 for them. So I try my best to teach them. To my joy, my parents have learned how to deal with their work by using computer.


In a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. He was ready to go and help people. People always went to him when they Were 71 .

Many years later, the 72 began to be old and forget things. People were afraid and little by little, they stopped going to him. The doctor saw his business wasn’t as 73 as before. He thought, “Well, if I was the patient, I’d be afraid to go to me, 74 . Maybe it’s time for me to stop 75 a doctor. But this town has no doctor. What will the people do when they become ill?”

His 76 heard him talking to himself and said, “Why don't you find a 77 doctor to take your places? Then people will have another good doctor to 78 care of them and we can do 79 we like to do together.”

The doctor liked what his wife said. He found a very good young doctor to help the people. The doctor and his wife then had time to take long walks together, go dancing, go 80 around the country and spend the rest of their days together.


It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the 71 . After he had gone to his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his 72 . There must be much money in it. Let's take it 73 tonight.” They 74 some forgetful grass into his food, and wanted to steal his bag when he was 75 .

The old man had the food 76 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door 77 . The old man had left with the bag. He 78 his wife up. They thought their forgetful grass 79 useful at all. After a few minutes, they found that the old man forget to 80 for the night.


Last week, Tom went to visit his friend in Paris. Tom 71 at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The hus fer Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of 72 waiting in the station. Some were 73 in line, others were reading. There was a group of 74 Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked 75 , but there was no place for him to sit.

He asked into the station cafe. He looked up at the 76 there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a 77 and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Miss Helen, one of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom.

“What time is your 78 ?” asked Helen.

“There is plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.

“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Helen.

They talked while 79 , then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward!” he cried.“A few minu tes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven.”

“You're looking at the clock in the mirror”, said Helen. Tom was so 80 . The bus was not to leave another hour. Since then Term has never liked mirrors.


I had a robot. His name was Ady. I was very busy and I didn't have enough 71 to do the housework. Ady was my best helper because he could do all the 72 for me. Every day, when

I got 73 from work, I would find a lot of delicious food on the 74 .Then Ady would help me 75 away my bag and give me a 76 of hot tea. At that time, I thought I was the happiest man in the world.

But one day, there was something 77 with Ady’s PC board(电脑板). On that morning, he 78 me up at 4 am. In the afternoon,when I got home, I found that my house was 79 . All my furniture was missing. I asked Ady what had happened. To my 80 , he told me that the furniture was too old to use, so he gave it to my neighbors. I was very angry with him, so I took him to the robot center and get it fixed.


Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气)and 71 gave way to others.

One day the father decided to invite some friends to 72 in his house. He told his son to buy some meat in town. When the son got what his father wanted,he turned back and walked towards the town 73 . Just then a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasn't 74 enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But 75 of them would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried.“What shall I dog My son hasn't returned yet. I can't wait any 76.”He wanted to know what the matter with his son was. So he 77 his friends at home, and he himself went to town to look 78 his son.

“You may first take the79 home for my friends. Let me stand here against him 80 .”He said to his son when he knew what had happened.


Every morning Tom goes to work by train. He always buys a 71 . It helps him make the 72 pass more quickly. One Thursday morning, he turned on the 73 page. He wanted to see the report about an important 74 match the night before. The report was so interesting that he 75 to get off at his station. He 76 know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the 77 station. He had to wait for a train to go 78 . Of course, he arrived very late at his office. His boss was very angry when John told him 79 he was late. His boss told him that work is more 80 than football.


One day Mike was playing with a knife near a river. Suddenly his knife 71 into the water. He 72 very sad because the knife was given to him by his father 73 a birthday present,but it was lost. At that time a kind old 74 came up, When she saw Mike, she asked him 75 the matter was. “I’ve 76 my knife.” he said, “It fell into the water when I was playing here. I like it very much for it’s a birthday present from my father. I don’t know what to do now!”The old woman smiled and told him not of worry about. Then she 77 him a gold knife and asked, “Is this yours?” “No.”said the boy. The old woman then showed him a silver 78 and asked again, “Is this 79 ?”“No.” again answered the boy. Then she showed him an iron knife,“Yes, that’s mine.”The boy called out 80 .

“I know what had happened to you, little boy,” said the old woman, “Now I will give you the gold knife and the silver knife because you are an honest boy.”


It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out for a 71 . They went by bike 72 fruits, Vegetables, meat, cookers and some other things.

At about half past ten, they 73 at the foot of a hill. There was a big 74 and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The students were busy 75 for the picnic. Some of them were getting 76 from the lake, some were washing vegetables and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth on the grass. At about twelve o’clock the lunch was ready.

After lunch, they had a 77 time singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At three o’clock, they began to 78 the hill. The hill was quite 79 , but they all tried to climb to the 80 of it. On the top of the hill,they felt very excited and all cheered.


Mr. Smith worked in a company. He had 71 a wife nor a child. And he lived in an old house alone. He liked nothing 72 drinking. He almost spent all of his money 73 drinking wines.

One evening, Mr. Smith met a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have dinner in a 74 . He was happy and drank a lot. When they finished the meal, Mr. Smith could 75 walk. His friend had to stop a taxi and asked the driver to take him home.

Soon the taxi 76 at the door of his home. 77 the help of the driver, he got out.

“Thank you, sir,” said Mr. Smith. “And I can open the door by 78 .”

The taxi driver then went away. But Mr. Smith couldn’t put the key into the key hole. He tried many times, but 79 . At that time,a policeman passed there.

“Can I help you open the door, sirs” asked the policeman.

“Thank you, sir,”said Mr. Smith. “my house is circling now. If you can 80 it from moving, I can open the door by myself.”


Mr. White 71 out of his window. There was a boy on the other side of the 72 . The boy took some 73 out of his bag and began eating. There was a thin dog in the street, too. The boy said to it, “Come here, good dog! I’ll give you some bread.” The dog was hungry and went to the boy, but he did not give it any bread. He kicked the dog. It 74 away and the boy laughed.

Then Mr. White came out of his house and said to the boy. “Come here, good boy! I’ll give you one dollar.” The boy was 75 and went to Mr. White quickly. When the boy arrived, Mr. White didn’t give him one dollar. Instead, he 76 him with a stick. The boy 77 and said, “78 did you hit met I didn’t ask you for 79 .”“No,” Mr. White said, “the dog didn’t ask you for any bread, either!”


My name is Peter. I live __71______ to a forest. I used to love going there to play with my _____72______,but one day there was so much ____73______ there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to _____74_____ the forest. I made my first trip that afternoon. I

took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes later, my bag was ____75______ with rubbish. Since that trip three years ago,I've been

to the forest four times a year to ______76 _______ up litter. It is certainly everyone's duty to protect the ____77______

As known to all,nowadays,the low-carbon(低碳)lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. There are many ways to lead a low carbon life. As a student,we can spend more time一7兰一family and friends,plant more trees,use cloth bags ____ 79_______ of plastic bags and so on. Don't you think it's easy to do those things? If everyone _____ 80_____ more about “Mother Earth" and keeps it a habit in our daily life,the earth will become a safer planet for us to live on.


2020年中考英语短文填空 Passage 1 (为什么蝙蝠是这么多病毒的源头) Bats tend to live in dark and wet places. There are all 1.____ of viruses. Bats always live in gr oups 2 .____ the viruses can have larger “playgrounds” to evolve (进化) and become more pow erful variants (变体). Bats are mammals (哺乳动物), just like humans. Our similar genes (基因) make it easier for 3.____ to become infected with the same viruses. When bats fly, their body temperature can reach as 4.____ as 40 C. This high temp erature can kill weak viruses, but 5.____ ones will survive (存活) and continue to evolv e. Bats have special immune (免疫的) systems 6.____ allow them to live with viruses without getting sick. Since they can fly, bats can spread viruses farther and more easily than other animals. Although wild animals carry many diseases, it doesn’t mean that we should view th em7.____ evil. Each species has a role in the ecosystem (生态系统) and all of them are important for keeping a good ecological balance. The 8.____ we should learn from viru s outbreaks is to respect and 9.____ animals and to live in harmony with them, instead 10.____ hunting, killing, or eating them. 答案 1. kinds 2. so 3. us 4 high 5.stronger 6. that/which 7. as 8. lesson 9. protect 10.of


初中英语填空题专练 1 Yesterday morning, Li Hua got up early and____1____breakfast he went to school._____2_____his way to school he saw some____3____ coming from the ____4___ of a house. “There must be something on ____5_____,”he thought. Then he ___6____ as fast as he could to get some water, after a short time, he carried a bucket of ___7____. Quickly he poured the water into the fire. The smoke was put___8_____. To his surprise, he saw an old ____9____out of the window, with a smoke in his hand. He shouted at Li Hua___10______,“See what you are doing! You bad boy!” 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 2 More and more people are___1_____the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail ____2___ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone___3____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____4_____seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it_____5___time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____6____.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers____7_____computures? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____8___. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at on line libraries and _____9____lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more_____10_____indeed. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 3 It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to _____1____ into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones. Bad habits don’t come ___2_____. They come little by little(逐渐的)____3___people do not notice(注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little____4_____habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons, they copy(抄袭) from their ___5______. If they see bigger boys____6___, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so ___7_____that they can no longer get ride of___8___. From copying, they fall behind, then they learn to steal, and smoking is bad for their _______9___. At last, they become worse and worse. How necessary (必要) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the ___10_____. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 4 Here’s a part of an e-mail _____1______from Joe, giving some ___2______to his son in college.”when I was young, I often met ___3____”about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to ____4____about those things because I only did them once a year or once a lifetime. ____5_______, I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to ____6____. I need to talk____7_____ ,


中考英语短文填空训练题库 1 1 When you go to a c 1 or a high school sporting event, you can see cheerleaders. Cheerleaders dress in the colours of their team. They jump and dance in front of the crowd and s 2 the name of their team. Their job is to excite the crowd. Everybody makes a lot of n 3 . They want their team to win the game. The f 4 cheerleader was a man. In 1898, Johnny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team. He shouted, “HoorayMinnesota! ”This was the first organized shout, or “yell ”Fo.r the n 5 thirty-two years cheerleaders were men only. Women were not cheerleaders u 6 1930. Today cheerleaders work in t 7 . They practise special shouts, dances, and athletic shows. Often the women work separately from the men, but cheerleaders are the most e 8 when men and women work together. The men throw the women high in the air and then catch them. The team members climb on each other ’s shoulders to make a human pyramid. They yell and dance, too. Cheerleadersnow have their o 9 contests. Every year there are local, state, and national contests for cheerleaders.The teams make newer, faster, and more exciting shows to be the best, and the crowd shouts. They want their cheerleaders to w 10 . 1.____________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.___________ 5. __________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.___________10. __________ 1. college 2.shout 3.noise 4.first 5.next 6. until 7.team 8.excited 9.own 10.win 2 Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? For many students, their biggest 1 is that they can not concentrate on their study or tests. It seriously affects (影响) both their study and the results of the test.


九年级上短文填空Module 1-12 (一) The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is one of the ancient 1.___________ in the world.Every year,it attracts millions of 2._________.The Great Wall has a 3.__________ of more than 2,000 years.It is about six 4.__________ kilometres long from east to 5.___________ and is about 7 metres in 6.___________.In many places,it is wide 7.___________ for 10 men to walk side by side on top of it.When you look at the Great Wall,you can’t help thinking how the Chinese people were able to build it 8.____________modern machines.In fact,it 9.___________millions of people more than 10 years to build it,and many people even lost their lives.Today,as a 10.____________ place of interest,the Great Wall is known to people all over the world. (二) The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.All Chinese families 1.____________ it.It is always in January or 2._________.It is often cold at this time of the year,but people are 3._________.Family members get 4._________ and then have a big 5._______________.After dinner,people like to 6.________ TV. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. Children have lots of 7._______ this https://www.doczj.com/doc/b4129822.html,ually our parents get presents 8.________ for us.We always get 9.___________ from our grandparents,parents,aunts and uncles.We like to let off fireworks at night.They are 10.____________ wonderful. (三) Peter came from a poor family.His father died when he was five.His mother had no money to send 1.____________ to best friend,Mrs Smith,felt that the school.His mother’s boy was clever and decided to give him some 2.______________ so he could go to school.When the boy finished high school,he found 3._____ job in the city. But soon Mrs Smith had a serious illness. As she was dying,she asked Peter to look 4.____________ her daughter.A few years later,Peter married the girl.He loved her so much that he tried to make her 5.____________every day. He cooked lots of delicious food and 6._______________ all kinds of beautiful clothes for her.So she became very fat and found it hard to walk.

2018年九年级英语全册 期末复习 重难题型专项突破 二 短文填空 (新版)人教新目标版

二、短文填空 A (2017镇江) 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。 One day,when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry,her mother complained,“It is six o’clock,and your school 1.closes at four—where have you been?” “Oh,mom,” said Ted,“when we play ball games,we 2.forget everything else.We don’t think of the time.Is supper ready?” The boy’s mother believed him.Ted’s 3.answer led her to think that he had been playing with his classmates.But he hadn’t been playing at all. He had been “kept in” by the school librarian,because he had made the 4.library in a complete mess.He didn’t like to tell his mother about that.He wished her to think that he had been playing. “What a 5.shame it is for you to try to deceive (欺骗) your mother!” said something in Ted’s heart,as he 6.quietly/quickly sat down to his supper. “I don’t care,” said the boy to 7.himself ,“I don’t care.I didn’t tell a lie—I didn’t say that I was playing.” “But,” said the voice,“you used words which 8.made your mother think that you had been playing,and that was 9.similar to what you had said so.” “I didn’t tell a lie.” said Ted. Did Ted tell a lie,or did he not?What do you think? If we use words which can deceive others,we tell a lie,and Ted’s lie was a bad one,for it sounded so like the 10.truth .A lie that sounds true is the worst kind of lie. B (2017齐齐哈尔) 根据首字母提示或括号中所给单词的正确形式完成短文。


17年短文填空I so know nervous Jimmy but happy with answer understand look much Nine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on "my family's ancestors(祖先)". The purpose was for kids to __66_ their family history. In search of some__67__for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course _68___nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions. When she was asked, "Granny, where did I come from?" his grandma was quite_69__. Why didn't he ask his parents? She had to be quite careful when talking _70__ a kid about such a subject. She wanted to buy some time, _71__ she replied. "Well, sweetie, the stork (鹳鸟)brought you." She said no_72__, hoping that the subject would be dropped until Jimmy's parents came back. "So, where did Mom come from?" "The stork brought her also." "Well, then where did you come from?" "The stork brought __73__too, sweetie." "All right, thanks, Granny." _74__ grandmother did not think anything more about his questions. Three days later, when she was tidying up and _75__at Jimmy's desk, she read the first sentence of his paper. " For three generations (辈)there have been no natural births in our family." 66. ______67. ______68. ______69. ______70. ______ 71. ______ 72. ______73. ______74. ______75. ______ 16短文填空always talk count I below friend or people send free


中考英语短文填空训练题库1 1 When you go to a c 1 or a high school sporting event, you can see cheerleaders. Cheerleaders dress in the colours of their team. They jump and dance in front of the crowd and s 2 the name of their team. Their job is to excite the crowd. Everybody makes a lot of n 3 . They want their team to win the game. The f 4 cheerleader was a man. In 1898, Johnny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team. He shouted, “Hooray Minnesota!” This was the first organized shout, or “yell”. For the n 5 thirty-two years cheerleaders were men only. Women were not cheerleaders u 6 1930. Today cheerleaders work in t 7 . They practise special shouts, dances, and athletic shows. Often the women work separately from the men, but cheerleaders are the most e 8 when men and women work together. The men throw the women high in the air and then catch them. The team members climb on each other’s shoulders to make a human pyram id. They yell and dance, too. Cheerleaders now have their o 9 contests. Every year there are local, state, and national contests for cheerleaders. The teams make newer, faster, and more exciting shows to be the best, and the crowd shouts. They want their cheerleaders to w 10 . __________ __________ 1. college 6. until | 2


1. De ar Da vid, Glad to receive your e-mail. Our school has made safety ________(rule) for us to follow. Let me tell you something about them . We are asked to be _________(care) with electricity when we are ________(use) it. It is dangerous to play ______ fire, for it may cause terrible accidents. We should make sure doors and windows are shut before we leave. Besides, we are not a_________ to swim alone, __________(especial) in deep rivers or lakes. If we really want to, we must go to the __________ (swim) pool with our parents or teachers .What’s more, ________(follow) traffic rules is also very important. Everyone should watch out when crossing the road. And our school warns us not _____________(play) on the road. I think these rules are __________(必要的) as safety _______(come) first. Have a good summer holiday! Yours, Wang Wei 2 Do you see a driverless car? Recently a police officer noticed a slow moving car in Mountain View, California, the US. When he made the car stop, to his s__________,he saw two passengers in it but no driver. The car was driving itself! The driverless car was ________(invent) by Google. Self -driving cars may seem like something out of a movie, b_____ experts say the cars could become a safer choice of carrying passengers within the next few years. Many experts say driverless cars can make roads even _______(safe). More than 90 percent of car _________(accident) are caused by mistakes made by drivers. Unlike people, driverless cars don't get angry, _______(sleep), tired or distracted(注意力分散的). Right now, driverless cars are ______(see) in only a few states in the US. Trained passengers must ride inside the cars to control them in case something goes wrong. Also, Google is still improving its cars. Many haven't been tested at a s______ of over 25 miles an hour. It's said that ____ first self driving car will go for sale as early as 2019. They will be very popular around the world in the future. One day children might even “drive” by _______(they) to school! 3 Since computers were invented in the USA _____ the 1950s, they have ______(come) very important in many areas of work and leisure. There is no doubt that computers are very _______(use) in the technology and business. In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship. W______ the help of computers, doctors can find diseases _______(easy) and solve other problems. For _________, tiny computers which are inside patients’bodies can keep hearts _________(beat) normally. In factories, robots are _________ (control) by computers that are like human brains. They can do work that is


2019年中考英语短文填空专项训练50篇 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(一) Mrs.Goodwilllivedaloneinabigoldhouse.Shewastoooldtodoalotofcleaning,sothe housewasalways1. .Shewantedtosellthehouse,butnoonewouldbuyit. Mrs.Goodwillnever2. (use)theupstairs(二楼),soshedecidedtorentitoutto makesome money.Sheadvertised(登广告)inthenewspaperandrentedtheroomstothe 3. (one) personwhocalled. HewasayoungmannamedMick.Mickwastallandfat, andhehadlittlehair.Oneday,Mrs.Goodwill‘s 4. Hillarycametovisit.Whenshe sawMick,shewas 5. [sk e?d].―Mom,helookslikea criminal.Youmustbe h esaid. 6. (care),‖s Hillarydidn‘tvisit7.[?'gen]untilthreemonthslater.Whenshearrived,she couldn‘t8. hereyes.Thehousewascleanandbeautiful.Mrs.Goodwillwascooking inthekitchenandMickwas plantingsome 9. ['fla??s]inthegarden. Hillarywenttohermomandsaid,―Mom,yourhouselookssodifferent now.‖ ―Yes.Mick helped 10.alot,‖Mrs.Goodwillsaid.―He‘squitedifferent fromwhatyouthink–He is reallya kindboy!‖ 【参考答案】 (一)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.dirty https://www.doczj.com/doc/b4129822.html,ed 3.first 4.daughter 5.scared 6.cared 7.again 8.believe 9.flowers 10.me 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(二) Mr.andMrs.BrownwerefarmersinSouthAustralia.Theylivedthereformanyyears.They hadakangarooin1. family.ThekangaroowascalledLulu.Severalyearsago,Mr. Brown‘ssongaveLulutohim2. agiftforhis60thbirthday.SoonMr.Brownand LulubecamegoodfriendsandLuluoften3. (follow)himaroundthefarm. One daywhenMr.Brownwas workingonhisfarm,a4. ['hev?]treebranch(树枝) fellontopofhimsuddenly.Mr.Brownfelltothegroundanddidn‘t5.what happenednext.Lulu stoodnexttoMr.Brown‘sbody.Shestartedbarking(叫)anddidn‘tleave Mr. Brown.―She6. (sound)likeadog.Shebarkedand barked.Andshe didn‘t stop,‖sa id Mrs.Brown.After7.Lulu‘sbarks,Mrs. Brownquicklywentto seewhathad happened. ShesawMr.Brownlyingonthegroundand8. (send)himtothehospital rightaway.9. ['l?k?l?], Mr.Brownwassaved. ―Luluisgreat!‖sa idMr.Brown.―Sh esavedme!Sheisafriendlyandvery10. [ 'klev?]kangaroo.‖Aft er Mr.Brownleftthehospital,hetookLulueverywherehewent. 【参考答案】 (二)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.their 2.as 3.follows 4.heavy 5.know 6.sounded 7.hearing 8.sent 9.Luckily 10.clever 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(三) MostAmericansenjoy1.(move)fromplacetoplace.Theyseemunabletostayin oneplace2. alongtime.Researchsaysthat Americansmoveeveryfiveyearson average(平均). Besides their habit of moving, Americans like to travel. Most companies provide a


2015年中考英语短文填词练习 阅读填词: 1 Do you know the word brunch? In the west, many people like to have brunch—late breakfast or early lunch. People u 1 have brunch between 10.a.m and 2.p.m on Sunday because they p 2 to get up late after a w 3 hard work or want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children or friends. That is a relaxing and interesting way of eating for most f 4 Today brunch has become most p 5 in big hotels. One can either ask for or c 6 it himself. To make it look like b 7 breakfast and lunch. People choose to have l 8 of dishes. You can often see the f 9 food on the table:meat, eggs, fruit, v 10 , orange juice, tea and bacon. 2 Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in china. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, One of hundreds that move up and down. For about six years he has not once been on l 2 , but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f 3 . he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v 4 him. Ming’s father is a fishman, but he never u 5 a line or a net , Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings have been put around the birds’n 6 so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been taught to b 7 the fish to people. And the people reward(奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f 8 . Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s 9 with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like his o 10 . 3 Do you have a pet? Are you i___1 in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors, They’re often c___2 “vets”. Many of them work in animal h___3. Others may work on farms or at a z___4. Some study animal diseases and try to find w___5 to keep the animals from getting i___6. They do studied in m___7 for animals, Vets listen to an animal h___8. They check its ear, eyes, mouth and blood, They o___9 on animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots(注射)and tell the pet’s o___10 what food is best. 4 British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats(公寓)with milk and won a National Bravery Award(国家勇敢奖). Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u___1 along Pine Street, he s___2 heard a loud strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in Comwall, Southern England, “That must be a fire, I t___3”, Leech said, “Then I quickly d___4 to do something, So I p___5 the door in and t hen I s___6 for the people inside. Then I started pouring milk e___7. He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire, when firefighters r___8 the shop, the fire was under control(控制). Leech helped save the l___9 of eight people in the flats

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