当前位置:文档之家› 管理专业英语复习要点



(一)Filling Blanks(填空题)(必须用英文)

1.he management has four basic functions: _______

2.Researcher Robert L. Katz has found that managers must possess

three critical management skills. These are: _________

3.We can break the classical approach into two subcategories: ____

4._____________are some of the obvious forces in an

organization's external environment.

5.The planning involves four fundamental elements: __________.

6.___________ are the manager's means of implementing plans.

7.Four ingredients are common to MBO programs: ____________

8.Problems are usually of three types: ________________

9.Four Principles of Organizing: ________________.

10.Most organizations have four basic functions: _____________.

二、Basic Definition




4.Human resources





9.satisfying rule

三、Judgement(True or False)


1.Management, therefore, is concerned with minimizing resource

costs. Although efficiency is important, it is not enough simply to

be efficiency. Management is also concerned with effectiveness.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b93930762.html,anizing includes determining what tasks are to be done, who is

to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made

3.Leading includes motivating employees, directing the activities of

others, selecting the most effective communication channel, and

resolving conflicts among members.

4.The general administrative theorists, on the other hand, were

concerned with the overall organization and how to make it more


5.The interests of any one employee or group of employees should

not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a


6.In times of continual moderate growth,many organizations enjoy

a growing demand for output,and funds are more easily available

for plant expansion and other investments.

7.In summary, Taylor and other scientific management pioneers

believed employees could be motivated by economic rewards, provided those rewards were related to individual performance 8.An empirical school of thought was developed by those scholars

using the case approach. Their basic premise was that effective management could be learned by studying the successes and failures of other managers.

9.The learning organization is committed to openness, new ideas,

generating new knowledge, and spreading information and knowledge to others

10.Today's manager must learn how to deal with the forces of change

affecting management. Only by understanding the implications of change and the challenges it presents, will you be prepared to meet it head-on.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b93930762.html,petitors are an organization’s opponents,the companies

against which the organization competes for customers and needed resources such as employees,and raw materials in the external environment

12.Technological forces require that management keep abreast of the

latest developments and incorporate advancements to maintain the organization’s competitiveness

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b93930762.html,anizations must continually monitor changes in the chief

economic indicators to minimize threats and capitalize on opportunities.

14.In times of continual moderate growth,many organizations enjoy

a growing demand for output,and funds are more easily available

for plant expansion and other investments

15.The characteristics of socially responsive behavior include taking

stands on public issues, anticipating future needs of society and moving toward satisfying them.

16.The law guarantees shareholders the right to financial information

and establishes minimums of public disclosure.

17.After seeking out alternative courses and examining their strong

and weak points,the next step is to evaluate the alternatives by weighing them In light of premises and goals.

18.In this step, we move from looking outside the organization to

looking inside. That is, we are evaluating the organization’s internal resources.

19.No, matter how good a strategic planning is, it cannot succeed if it

is not implemented properly.

20.Although the rational model is an “ideal” not fully achievable in

the real world of uncertainty, complexity and rapid change, the model does help managers think about decisions more clearly and rationally.

21.Individual decisions making by managers can be described in two

ways. First is the rational approach, which suggests how managers

should try to make decisions.

22.For instance, it may lead to boredom, fatigue, stress, low

productivity, poor quality, increased absenteeism, and high


五、Brief Description

1.Describe the organizing process briefly

2.Briefly describe the four common activities of management.

3.Briefly describe the fundamental principles underlying the

scientific approach to management.

4.Briefly explain why we should do the organizing work


专业英语 Unit1 第一题1.设计/施工过程Design and construction process 2.房地产开发商Real estate developer 3.投机性住宅市场Speculative housing market 4.项目管理Project management 5.项目全寿命期Project life cycle 6.项目范围Scope of a project/project scope 7.专业化服务Professional services 8.重大基础项目建设Construction of major infrastructure projects 9.住宅类房屋建设Residential housing construction 10.办公和商业用房建设office and commercial building construction 11.专业化工业项目建设Specialized industrial projects construction 12.专业咨询师Professional consultants 13.总承包商Original contractor 14.价值工程value engineering 15.竞争性招标Competitive bidding 16.建筑和工程设计公司Architectural and engineering design company 17.运营与维护管理operation and maintenance 18.设计/施工公司design and construction company 19.分包商subcontractor 20.设施管理facility management 第一章 1、从项目管理的角度看,“业主”和“发起方”是同义的,因为两者的基本权力是制定所有重大决策。 2、项目范围界定后,详细的工程设计将提供建设蓝图,最终费用估计将作为控制成本的基准。 3、此外,业主可用内部能力处理整个过程中每一个阶段的工作,或者它可能会在各个阶段寻求专业意见及服务。 4、业主可以根据项目的规模和性质选择把整个过程或多或少的分解到各个阶段上,从而获得在实施中最有效的结果。 5、所有的组织方法各有利弊,这取决于在施工管理中的业主的知识以及项目的类型,规模和位置。 6、各类建筑的规划、采购的专业服务、建筑合同的制定、以及建筑设施融资的方法都可以完全不同。 7、. 专门的工业建筑,通常涉及技术复杂程度高,如炼油厂,钢铁厂,化学处理厂和燃煤或核电厂等的大型项目,如图1-4所示。 8、传统上,在初步设计开发阶段,业主作为技术顾问从事于建筑和工程(A / E)的公司或集团。 9、通过集成到一个单一的组织设计和施工管理,设计者和建筑者之间的许多冲突是可以避免的。 10、近年来,建设项目从成立到完成,新的施工管理人员(CM)的提供专业服务。 11、因此,业主必须明白自己的责任,也希望把过程中的风险分配给自己和其他参与者。 12、除非业主或专业的施工经理执行此功能,一个良好的总承包商会与他的团队合作,专业的承包商或分包商作过的项目数量在过去可以最有效的鼓励人的忠诚与合作。 13、例如,在纽约,专业承包商,如机械和电气承包商,不受建设项目总承包商的监督,公共项目初期必须签订独立合约。 14、主要原料供应商,包括钢结构制造和架设,金属板材,预拌混凝土输送,钢筋详图,屋面,玻璃等专业承包商。 第二章


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标 mission/ objective 内部环境 internal environment 外部环境 external environment 集体目标 group objective 计划 planning 组织 organizing 人事 staffing 领导 leading 控制 controlling 步骤 process 原理 principle 方法 technique 经理 manager 总经理 general manager 行政人员 administrator 主管人员 supervisor 企业 enterprise 商业 business 产业 industry 公司 company 效果 effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家 entrepreneur 权利 power 职权 authority 职责 responsibility 科学管理 scientific management 现代经营管理 modern operational management 行为科学 behavior science 生产率 productivity 激励 motivate 动机 motive 法律 law 法规 regulation 经济体系 economic system 管理职能 managerial function 产品 product 服务 service 利润 profit 满意 satisfaction 归属 affiliation 尊敬 esteem 自我实现 self-actualization 人力投入 human input 盈余 surplus 收入 income 成本 cost 资本货物 capital goods 机器 machinery 设备 equipment 建筑 building 存货 inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法 the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach


Unit 1 【Ex1、】根据课文内容,回答以下问题。 1.In human terms and in the broadest sense, information is anything that you are capable of perceiving、 2.It includes written communications, spoken communications, photographs, art, music, and nearly anything that is perceptible、 3.If we consider information in the sense of all stimuli as information, then we can’t really find organization in all cases、 4.No、 5.Traditionally, in libraries, information was contained in books, periodicals, newspapers, and other types of recorded media、People access it through a library’s catalog and with the assistance of indexes, in the case of periodical and newspaper articles、 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b93930762.html,puterized “information systems”、 7.The problem for most researchers is that they have yet to discover the organizing principles that are designed to help them find the information they need、 8.For library materials, the organizing principle is a detailed subject classification system available for searching in an online “catalog”、 9.The one thing common to all of these access systems is organization、 10.No, it isn’t、 【Ex2、】根据给出的汉语词义与规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。每词的首字母已给出。 n.取回,恢复,修补;检索retrieval n.机械装置,机构,机制mechanism adj.特有的,表示特性的,典型的characteristic n.分类,分级classification n.风格,方式,样式,习惯manner n.文件,公文document vt.解释,说明Interpret vt.使自动化,自动操作automate n.分类assortment n.法则,原则,原理principle n.排列,安排arrangement n.&vt.访问,存取access n.浏览器;浏览书本的人browser n.目录catalog n.索引index n.材料,原料,物资,素材material


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


Lesson 2 The Managerial Approach to Public Administration 公共管理涉及一系列复杂的关系和函数。毫不奇怪,因此,作为一个学科或身体或理论,公共管理缺乏连贯性。公共管理包含三个比较明显的方法生长出不同的角度对其功能。有些人认为这是一个管理的努力,类似的做法在私人部门。其他人,强调“公共性”的公共管理,强调其政治方面。还有人指出,主权的重要性,宪法,并规定在公共管理,把它视为一个明显的法律问题。每个这些办法往往强调不同的价值,程序和结构安排的公共行政活动,每一个意见,市民在一个非常不同的方式,和各采用不同的角度对如何发展知识。进一步复杂的是,管理方法有2个亚群:传统(或传统)公共管理与当代改革故宫*。记住,这些做法是嵌入在我们的政治文化。它们反映了宪法权力分立和分配职能的不同分支。管理方法与行政机构的利益,忠实执行或执行法律。政治态度与立法决策问题。法律方法侧重于政府的审判职能,致力于维护宪法权利和法治。 一旦我们已经提出的依据这三个广泛的办法,广泛的管理,我们将完成我们的定义的讨论。我们可以把一个如何解释每个人提出的各种活动的当代公共管理。 公共行政的管理办法 那些定义公共行政管理方面,以高效率的方法它往往以尽量减少之间的公共和私人管理的区别。在他们看来,公共管理基本上是一样的大企业,应当是按照同样的管理原则和价值观。这一观点根深蒂固的某些部分的美国社会,是经常发现在选修的政治领袖,往往对政治的影响行使公务员*这是不寻常的总统选举的候选人不强调所谓的能力,“管理”的联邦官僚机构并使其更有效和经济。州长和市长候选人经常吹嘘他们的管理技能以及*。 今天,那些谁看公共行政管理分为2组。传统主义者所取代正在改革者呼吁“重塑政府“发展”。故宫是取代传统的方法在几个联邦机构,国家和地方政府。它也很强,在其他一些国家,包括英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,和斯堪的纳维亚国家。然而,今天的公共管理学生应该熟悉。每一个在一些组织和司法管辖区。 传统的管理办法,公共管理 根的传统管理方式回到19世纪公务员改革者谁首先促进方法为手段的公共服务组织。改革者的主诉,政治任命的公共服务在各级政府领导的腐败,效率低下,并出现一类政治家——“spoilsmen *,“因为他们经常被称为——谁是根本不适合领导这个国家。一个著名的历史学家1850坚持联邦服

信息管理专业英语 unit1-12 单词以及句子翻译

专业英语 一、专业术语 RFID射频识别IOT物联网Cloud Computing云计算ANN神经网络BI商业智能E-business /Web-business / e-commerce电子商务KM知识管理GIS地理信息系统PDA掌上电脑Bluetooth蓝牙技术CAD计算机辅助设计CMD计算机辅助制作branch manager部门经理binary format二进制格式USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线computer case计算机机箱 temporary storage of information临时存储信息floppy disk软盘CD-ROM只读光盘textual源代码video card视频卡,显卡sound card音频卡,声卡 DVD数字化视频光盘SISP战略信息系统计划Project Management项目管理Human Resources人力资源End-User Systems Development最终用户系统开发rolling business plans流动业务计划MIS(management information system)管理信息系统DB(database)数据库DBMS(database Management system)数据库管理系统DSS(decision support system)决策支持系统operational manager运营经理Senior manager 高级经理semi-structured decision半结构化决策 ANS(Advanced Network&Service)高级网络及服务公司 TPS(Transaction Processing systems)事务管理系统 KWS(Knowledge Work Systems)只是工作系统GRASP绘制机器人技术应用软件包OAS(Office Automation Systems)办公自动化系统 ESS(Executive Support Systems)经理支持系统 EIS(Executive Information Systems)经理信息系统 OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理 GIS(Group Information Systems)集群信息系统 GDSS(Group Decision Support Systems)集群决策支持系统 MIT(Management Information technology)管理信息技术 RAD(rapid application development)快速应用开发 Two-way communications 双工通讯client-server environment 客户服务环境Data warehouse 数据仓库logistics information systems 物流信息系统 ERP(Enterprise resource planning)企业资源规划 CRM(customer relationship Management)客户关系管理 OOD(Object-Oriented design)面向对象设计 OOP(Object0Oriented Programming)面向对象编程 HLLs(High Level Languages)高级语言ADTs(Abstract Data Types)抽象数据类型Software Ics软件的组成单元machine code机器码op-code输出码 EDI(Electronic Data interchange)电子数据交换 SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)中小企业 B2B企业对企业电子商务B2C企业对用户电子商务 CERT(Character Error Rate Tester)字符出错率测试器 CIAS(Communication Link Analyzer System)通信链路分析系统 IMS(Information Management System)管理信息系统 NDMS(Netware Data Management System)网络数据管理系统


《财会专业英语》期终试卷 I.Put the following into corresponding groups. (15 points) 1.Cash on hand 2.Notes receivable 3.Advances to suppliers 4. Other receivables 5.Short-term loans 6.Intangible assets 7.Cost of production 8.Current year profit 9. Capital reserve 10.Long-term loans 11.Other payables 12. Con-operating expenses 13.Financial expenses 14.Cost of sale 15. Accrued payroll II.Please find the best answers to the following questions. (25 Points) 1. Aftin Co. performs services on account when Aftin collects the account receivable A.assets increase B.assets do not change C.owner’s equity d ecreases D.liabilities decrease 2. A balance sheet report . A. the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a particular date B. the change in the owner’s capital during the period C. the cash receipt and cash payment during the period D. the difference between revenues and expenses during the period 3. The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20 x 1 and 20 x 2 is given below: 20 x 1 20 x 2 Assets $ 75,000 $ 90,000 Liabilities 36,000 45,000 how much the owner’sequity at the end of 20 x 2 ? A.$ 4,500 B.$ 6,000 C.$ 45,000 D.$ 43,000


U2-S1什么是项目管理? 建筑项目管理不仅需要对设计和实施过程有所理解,而且需要现代管理知识。建设项目有一组明确的目标和约束,比如竣工日期。尽管相关的技术、组织机构或流程会有所不同,但建设项目同其他一些如航天、医药和能源等准等领域的项目在管理上仍然有共同之处。 一般来说,项目管理和以项目任务为导向的企业宏观管理不同,待项目任务的完成后,项目组织通常也会随之终止。(美国)项目管理学会对项目管理学科有如下定义:项目管理是一门指导和协调人力物力资源的艺术,在项目整个生命周期,应用现代管理技术完成预定的规模、成本、时间、质量和参与满意度目标。 与此形成对照,一般的工商企业管理更广泛地着眼于业务的更加连贯性和连续性。然而,由于这两者之间有足够的相似和差异,使得现代管理技术开发宏观管理可以用于项目管理。 项目管理框架的基本要素可以用图2-1表示。其中,应用宏观管理知识和熟悉项目相关知识领域是不可或缺的。辅助性学科如计算机科学和决策科学也会发挥重要作用。实际上,现代管理实践与各专业知识领域已经吸收应用了各种不同的技术和工具,而这些技术和工具曾一度仅仅被视作属于辅助学科领域。例如,计算机信息系统和决策支持系统是目前常见的宏观管理工具。同样,许多像线性规划和网络分析这样的运算研究工具,现在广泛应用在许多知识和应用领域。因此,图2- 1反映了项目管理框架演变的唯一来源。 具体来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,该目标可能通过实施一系列服从资源约束的运作来实现。在规模、成本、时间和质量的既定目标与人力、物力和财力资源限制之间存在着潜在冲突。这些冲突应该在项目开始时通过必要的权衡和建立新备选方案来解决。另外,施工项目管理的功能通常包括以下: 1. 项目目标和计划说明书中包括规模、预算安排、进度安排、设置性能需求和项目参与者的界定。 2. 根据规定的进度和规划,通过对劳动力、材料和设备的采购使资源的有效利用最大化。 3. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施项目各项运作。 4. 设立有效的沟通机制来解决不同参与方之间的冲突。 项目管理学会聚焦九个不同独特领域,这些领域需要项目经理所具有的知识和关注度: 1. 项目宏观管理,确保项目要素有效协调。 2. 项目范围管理,确保所需的所有工作(并且只有所需的工作)。 3. 项目时间管理,提供有效的项目进度。 4. 项目成本管理,确定所需资源和维持预算控制。 5. 项目质量管理,确保满足功能需求。 6 . 项目人力资源管理,有效地开发和聘用项目人员。 7 . 项目沟通管理,确保有效的内部和外部通信。 8. 项目风险管理,分析和规避潜在风险。 9. 项目采购管理,从外部获得必要资源。


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标mission/ objective 内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective 计划planning 组织organizing 人事staffing 领导leading 控制controlling 步骤process 原理principle 方法technique 经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business 产业industry 公司company 效果effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power 职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management 现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science 生产率productivity 激励motivate 动机motive 法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service 利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation 尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input 盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital goods 机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory


各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理) 生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表 应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences 微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology 医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy 口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology 植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine 心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology 放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing 环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics 运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology 有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences 生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences 生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry 生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology 生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology 生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics 生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy 生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia 生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science 生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing 力学专业 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics 机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics 气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Flow 弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity


专业英语期末考试试卷A卷标准答案及评分标准(2009-2010第二学期) 一、Translate the following speciality vocabulary into Chinese (20×1=20) 标准答案:1.电气工程 2. 正电荷 3 .信道 4.家庭自动化 5.桌面应用软件 6.下降沿 7.波特率 8.红外线传感器9 数字信号10.激光技术 11光纤12.微处理器13振荡器14.半导体15.远程控制 16触发器17.阴极射线管18 代码错误19.波导管20.通信工程 评分标准:得分=做对的个数×1 二、Translate the following speciality vocabulary into English(10×1=10) 1.circuit 2.voltage 3.diode 4.triode 5.microwave oven 6.watchdog 7.sensor或transducer 8.current 9.transistor 10. magnifier或amplifier 评分标准:得分=做对的个数×1 四、Multiple choices. (2×10=20) 1-5 BCDBD 6-10 BAAAC 评分标准:得分=做对的个数×2 五、Translate the following sentences into Chinese (5×2=10) 1、电源有两种:电流源与电压源。 2、电子元器件分为有源元件与无源元件两类。 3、激光技术是用来测量物体的存在、传感器到物体之间的距离以及物体尺寸的一种技术。 4、计算机的“大脑”被称为微处理器。 5、串行口有四种工作模式。 六、Choose the right statements according to the following passage .(true(T) or false (F) (5×2=10)) P1: 1-5 T F T F T 评分标准:得分=做对的个数×2 七、Reading Comprehension(5×2=10)) 1-5 B C A D C 评分标准:得分=做对的个数×2


Why Public Management Reform? 为什么要进行公共管理改革? Public management reform is usually thought of as a means to an end, not an end in itself. 公共管理改革通常被认为是一种达到目的的手段,而并非目的本身。To be more precise we should perhaps say that it potentially a means to multiple ends. 更准确说,我们可以认为它是一种潜在地达到多种目的的手段。These include making saving (economies) in public expenditure, improving the quality of public services, making the operation of government more efficient, and increasing the chances that the policies which are chosen and implemented will be effective. 这些目的包括:节约公共开支(经济),提高公共服务的质量,使政府的运作更加有效,增加被选用的和实施的政策变得有效的机会。On the way to achieving these important objectives, public management reform may also serve a number of intermediate ends, including those of strengthening the control of politicians over the bureaucracy, freeing public officials1from bureaucratic constrains which inhibit their opportunities to manage and enhance the government’s accountability to the legislature and the citizenry for its policies and programs. 在实现这些重要目标的同时,公共管理改革还可能为一系列中间目标提供服务,包括强化政治家对官僚的控制和把公务员从官僚 1公务员、国家公职人员、政府官员


1、ABC Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算 2、ABM Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理 3、ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已完成工作实际成本 4、ADM Arrow Diagram Method 箭线图方法 5、ADP Automated Data Processing 自动化数据处理 6、ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution 替代争议解决方案 7、AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期 8、AFE Application for Expenditure 支出申请 9、AFE Authority for Expenditure 开支权 10、ALAP As-Late-As-Possible 尽可能晚 11、AMR Advanced Material Release 材料提前发布 12、AOA Activity on Arc 弧线表示活动双代号网络 13、AOA Activity on Arrow 箭线表示活动双代号网络 14、AON Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络 15、AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均出厂质量 16、AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均出厂质量限度 17、APMA Area of Project Management Application 项目管理的应用领域 18、APR Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审 19、AQL Acceptable Quality Level 可接受质量水平 20、AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期 21、ASAP As-Soon-As-Possible 尽快 22、ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试过程 23、AUW Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作 24、BAC Budget at Completion 完工预算 25、BAC Baseline at Completion 完成/完工基线 26、BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 协议外最佳方案 27、BCM Business Change Manager 商业变更经理 28、BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 已完工作预算成本 29、BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled 计划工作的预算成本 30、BEC Elapsed Cost 计划工作的预算成本 31、BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer 建造拥有经营转让 32、BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement 一揽子采购协议 33、BSA Balanced Scorecard Approach 平衡记分卡方法 34、C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria 成本控制系统标准? 35、C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告 36、CA Control Account 控制帐目 37、CAD Computer Aided Drafting/Design 计算机辅助制图/设计 38、CAM Cost Account Manager 成本帐目经理 39、CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造 40、CAM Control Account Manager 控制帐目经理 41、CAP Cost Account Plan 成本帐目计划 42、CAP Control Account Plan 控制帐目计划 43、CAR Capital Appropriation Request 资本划拨请求 44、CBD Component-Based Development 基于构件的开发


ACCOUNTING ENGLISH Middle-of-term Test Papers PartⅠ.Translating the following terms 1、Notes to financial statements 2、Accounting elements 3、Variable costs 4、Economic entity 5、Depreciation expense 6、Deferred income taxes 7、Nominal accounts 8、ROA 9、LIFO 10、Work in process 11、现金收支 12、原材料 13、制造费用 14、相关性 15、持续经营 16、复式记账 17、优先股 18、预付费用 19、购货退回与折让 20、永续盘存制

PartⅡ.True or False 1、 The accounting process generates financial reports for both “internal ”and “external”users. 2、The balance sheet reflects the basic accounting equation and the means of financing the organization's assets. 3、The existence of Accounts Receivable on the Balance Sheet indicates that the company has one or more creditors. 4、Liabilities are classified and presented in increasing order of liquidity. 5、Working capital equals current assets less current liabilities. 6、Declaration of dividends reduces the retained earnings portion of the owners' equity of the corporation and creates a liabilities called Dividends Payable. 7、A chart of accounts is a listing of the titles of all accounts. 8、The cash basis of accounting often violates the matching rule. 9、Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balance. 10、The work sheet is published with the balance sheet and income statement, as a supplementary statement. 11、A company's sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 12、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.

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