当前位置:文档之家› 2020高考英语 第三部分 写作层级训练 第二步第四讲 以“纲”悟“意”,洞察提纲类写作(讲解)

2020高考英语 第三部分 写作层级训练 第二步第四讲 以“纲”悟“意”,洞察提纲类写作(讲解)

2020高考英语 第三部分 写作层级训练 第二步第四讲 以“纲”悟“意”,洞察提纲类写作(讲解)
2020高考英语 第三部分 写作层级训练 第二步第四讲 以“纲”悟“意”,洞察提纲类写作(讲解)









【典例示范】 (江苏卷)生活中冲突时有发生。假设你班同学苏华和李江打篮球时发生争执,导致关系紧张,请你结合此事,并根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报” Happy Teens”专栏投稿。





Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.

To be honest, it was Su’s fault but Li was also to blame—they were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.

To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put o urselves in others’ place.

Don’t be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.


(2018·常州一中质检)假如你是新华中学的学生李华,偶然看到在你市求学的美国学生Tom 在网上发帖,要大家给他推荐一本学习汉语的书。你手头正好有一本合适的书可以借给他。请你给他发一封电子邮件,要点如下:







Dear Tom,

I’m Li Hua, a student of Xinhua Middle School.

Best wishes.


Li Hua



I’m__Li__Hua,__a__student__of__Xinhua__Middle__School. The other day, I learned quite by chance that you were in need of a book to help you improve your Chinese.

I happen to have one, which I think might help you.

The book is entitled New Practical Chinese and it is intended for beginners at your level.Not only does it include the basic conversations in our daily life, but it is also a window through which you can get to know Chinese culture and customs. Edited by three language experts, it has been popular with the readers ever since it came out two years ago.

If it is convenient to you, let’s meet at 3 pm, this Sunday at the entrance to the People’s Park, where I can give you the book face to face.

If not, try to find another time that is suitable for both of us.





(2018·苏北四市(淮安、宿迁、连云港、徐州)高三年级摸底考试)人们对待机遇有不同的态度,请以“Opportunities favour the prepared mind”为题,按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章,要点如下:




Opportunities favour the prepared mind

There are two kinds of people taking completely different attitudes to building a bright future.One is dreaming of opportunities for a promising future,but without any action,while the other devotes himself earnestly to his work to get fully


The message conveyed above is crystal clear: Opportunities favour the prepared mind.The difference between the two lies only in the way each treats opportunities.Successful people always make adequate preparations to seize opportunities.Unsuccessful people,on the other hand,work little and just wait,seeing them pass by.

To further highlight the importance of our attitude towards opportunities,let’s take the Chinese diver Wu Minxia for example.In order to win the gold medal in the Olympics,she trained hard day after day and eventually made it. Therefore,we should make efforts to make our dreams come true.It’s universally acknowledged that we would accomplish nothing without actions and efforts.


(2018·江苏启东中学高三检测)假如你是李华,请根据下图中围绕“拒为低头族”(stop phubbing)这个话题写一篇150词左右的英语短文。









Nowadays, many people are addicted to their phones.


Nowadays,__many__people__are__addicted__to__their__phones. They look at their phones everywhere all the time, ignoring the people around them. In recent years, many activities have been organized to appeal to people to stop phubbing.

There is a lot of phubbing around me. My cousin likes playing with mobile phones very much. He can’t stop sending text messages, surfing the Internet, playing mobile games and even taking photos with mobile phones.

However, phubbing disturbs not only our studies, but also our life. Phubbing, whether playing phone games or sending text message, particularly in class or at work, is a big waste of time. What’s more, it can lead to health problems. For instance, using a mobile phone too much can cause eyes or back and neck pain.

In my opinion, it is high time we threw away our phones and raised our heads. We should do more exercise and take part in real-life activities. Only when we use phones reasonably can we lead a happy life.


高考英语作文写作技巧 从每年的考试情况来看,很多同学能完整地按照要求把文章写出来,但得分却较低。实际上,高考英语书面表达是一个分值颇高且易得分的题型,只是很多同学没有掌握得分技巧。下面我们一起看看怎样才能让高考作文“拽”起来。 2.书面表达整篇背诵绝无必要,可以以看读为主,关键是从中汲取一些常用的词汇和表达,并能得体熟练地运用。考场上应变能力很重要! 3.英文写作模仿很重要。有时也很有效。但不能过于牵强,尤其是对一些长难句的刻意模仿使用。 5.“见微知著,一叶知秋”,几个亮点足矣:有道是:浓妆淡抹总相宜,作文写得简洁到位要比长篇大论更显功力。 6.心不为形役。不要身陷逐字逐句“英汉对号”式的字面翻译,要把表达的主动权始终握在自己手里。 历届高考,书面表达考得最多是提示作文,即提供一定的情景内容,要求考生完成100词左右的短文。 从命题方式看,有短文提示、要点提示、图画提示、情景提示以及图表提示等;体裁以应用文为主,记叙文为辅:题材为广大中学生所熟悉的日常生活。从提供要点的情景方面看,历届高考书面表达题均属供料小作文,采用文字供料或文字说明加图画(图表)的方式供料。 备考时,同学们要利用有限的时间把以前背的范文整理一下,从中选出不同体裁、不同题材的范文各一篇(范文以高考真题的高分作文为佳),把它们重新记忆,一定记牢。这样,高考时不管什么样的文章都可套用背诵好的格式。避免考场上因紧张而无章可循。 最后阶段,还要总结一下写作时常用且能出彩的固定句型、句式,比如强调句型、定语从句、名诃性从句等,牢记英语的五个基本句式,背诵平时老师总结的万能句。以不变应万变。 考场答题前,应仔细审题,研究所提供的文字和图画(图表)材料和作文要求。分析、提炼要点,理顺要点,确立基本的写作思路,不要忽略任何一个词。关键的词更不能遗漏,构思好写几个方面,缺一不可。

2020年高考英语作文高分素材训练:2.2 高考读后续写高分技巧

2. 高考读后续写高分技巧 (2018·浙江高考) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West. We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos. His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guest room of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm, ” he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool. In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride,


2020高考英语作文写作模板:100个英语写作常用句型 整理了《2020高考英语作文复习资料》,希望对同学们的高考作文备考有所帮助。 1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world. 在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。 同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth. 2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make. 你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。 (1)The+比较级..., the+比较级... (2)比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.) 3. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。 类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can…

4. The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday. 记忆新单词最好的方法是每天练习这些单词。 5. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic 我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。 6. The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful. 人们为什么选择生活在城市的原因是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。 7. I had a great first impression of American people. 我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。 8. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem. 我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。 9. With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work. 随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。 10. You should read as many books as you possibly can.


高考作文万能句型 第一部分:英汉常用句式 开头 1. 信件开头常用语 1. I am writing to you to ... 2. I read an advertisement in today ’s China Daily and I apply for the job... 3. Thank you for your letter of May 5. 4. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9. 5. How nice to hear from you again. 6. Your letter came to me this morning. 7. I have received your letter of July the 20th. 8. I ’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday. 9. I ’m writing to ask if you can come next week. 10. How time flies! It ’s three months since I saw you last. 11. In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year) ?; 12. Let me tell you that ? 2. 口头通知或介绍情况:

2. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make. 3. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you. 4. Mr. Green, Welcome to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you. 13. 演讲稿: 3. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health. 4. Goodmorning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warmwelcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest. 4. 表格信息 1. Let take a closer look at the pictures. The one on the left shows 。。。 2. As described/portrayed/illustrated/shown in the picture,+ 从句 3. As we can see from the chart (表格), + 从句 4. The purpose of the pictures is to warn us that + 从句 5. The pictures clearly show + 从句 6. 从画中可以看到As/It can be clearly seen from the picture, + 从句 7. 正如上面所示As is shown above, + 从句。一个描述了A,另一个暗示了 B One depicts (v. 描述)A, while the other implies (暗示)B 8. 这是一幅多么生动形象的画啊!它告诉我们 What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that + 从句 9. 根据图表/ 表格中的百分比/ 数字/ 统计数字,很显然??,但是为什么呢 According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages given in the table, it can be seen that ??. Obviously ,??,but why?


高考英语应对策略与基础写作指导 2009-09-06 第一讲:如何写人 一、写作指导 高考英语基础写作中的写人侧重人物的介绍,可以用第一人称(如写求职信),也可以用第三人称,时态常常用一般现在时和一般过去时,具体的人称和时态要依据写作的要求来确定。写作过程中要注意以下几个方面的问题: 1.人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名、年龄、外貌、学历、经历、专业、爱好、特长、事迹、性格等多个方面,但英语基础写作需要严格按照写作要求来写,包括所给的`全部信息点,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。 2.对题目所给的信息要进行适当重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息。重点信息通常是写作的目的所在,比如求职要重点突出学历、经历,新闻报道要重点突出事迹,介绍自己的老师、朋友要突出他们的特点,等等。 3.正确运用描写人物的词汇和句型。 4.注意运用正确的时态。描写人物的外貌、性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生、教育背景、经历、事迹常用一般过去时。 二、常用词语 外貌特征:beautiful, big nose, black eyes,fat, good-looking,handsome, healthy, near-sighted,ordinary-looking, pretty,short,strong, tall, thin, with a big nose, with a big smile, white-haired,1.80 metres tall, etc. 性格特点:absent-minded, attractive,bad-tempered,be ready to help others, bright,charming,confident, diligent,friendly, generous, have a good temper, humorous,independent, kind, kind-hearted,lazy,narrow-minded, naughty,patient,think of others, smart,talkative, warm-hearted,wise,etc. 出生年龄:a twenty-five-year-old young man, as a boy of 15, at the age of 20, be born on February 12th, 1987 , during his childhood, in one’s fifties, live a happy/ hard life, spend his childhood in the countryside, the son of a poor family, when he was a small boy, etc.


高考英语写作中句式处理的策略和方法 在英语考试中,词汇量是取胜的基础,但是要想提高卷面成绩仅有词汇量是不行的,尤其在作文中。事实上,聪明的应试者会洞悉到:既然我有了丰富的词汇量,只要再懂些如何组织这些词汇的句法知识,那样就可以做到词法和句法的灵活多变,让作文的内容和句式变得更加充实、多样化、更具有可读性,这样作文就可以拿到较高的分数。 这里所讲的句法,其实就是我们平时所学的各种句型结构,通常指的是:1. 简单句; 2. 并列句(and, but, so, thus, therefore, etc.); 3. 名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句); 4. 定语从句(限制性和非限制性定语从句); 5. 状语从句; 6. 倒装句; 7. 强调句;8. 虚拟语气等。 下面我们通过典型例句来说明如何写好作文中的句子,尤其是用一句话来表述较为复杂的信息: 例1:女儿能说四种语言,他为此而骄傲。 我们可以利用所学到的句法知识,将上面的句子用尽可能多的句型结构演绎出来。 译法一:()(在括号内写明句式的类型,下同) 1.He is proud of his daughter’s abi lity to speak four languages. 2.He has a great pride in his daughter’s ability to speak four languages. 3.His pride is his daughter’s ability to speak four languages. 4.His daughter’s ability to speak four languages makes him feel proud. 译法二:() His daughter can speak four languages and he feels proud of her. 译法三:() 1.It makes him feel proud that his daughter can speak four languages. 2.What makes him feel proud is his daughter’s ability to speak four languages. 3.What makes him feel proud is that his daughter can speak four languages. 译法四:() 1.He is proud that his daughter can speak four languages. 2.Her father is proud of nothing but that his daughter is fluent in four languages. 译法五:() 1.What makes him feel proud is that his daughter can speak four languages. 2.His pride is that his daughter can speak four languages. 译法六:() He has a great pride that his daughter can speak four languages. 译法七:()He feels proud because his daughter can speak four languages. 译法八:() 1.His daughter can speak four languages, which makes him feel proud. 2.He is proud of his daughter who has the ability to speak four languages. 3.The father whose daughter can speak four languages feels proud. 4.The girl whom her father is proud of can speak four languages. 译法九:()(下列划线部分分别充当什么成分?) 1.He is proud of his daughter speaking four languages fluently. 2.His daughter speaking four languages, he feels proud of her. 3.Four languages spoken fluently by his daughter, he feels proud of her. 4.Speaking four languages fluently, she makes her father feel proud. ()So fluently does she speak four languages that his father feels proud.译法十: 译法十一:() 1.It’s because his daughter can speak four languages that he feels proud. 2.It’s his daughter’s ability to speak four languages that makes him feel proud.


英语作文写作模板 模板1:观点对比 The topic about …is becoming more and more popular in our school recently. There are two sides of opinion about it. Some students prefer to consider doing sth.(Some students say …is their favorite.) they think that… (理由一).What’s more, …(理由二).Moreover, … (理由三) However, others believe …is a better choice for three reasons. (然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由) to begin with, … (理由一). Next, .. In addition, …From my point of view, the former is surely a wise choice. The reason is that…(或者用:As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that…(依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点… that引导同位语从句) 模板2:好处与坏处的对比 1.In recent years, …has been popular. There are many advantages in…. First, … Second, …. Third, … However, there’re some disadvantages. …. (之一).Besides, ….(之二). Also, …. (之三) In my opinion, it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处) I think… One big advantage of …is that…. / One obvious advantage of … is …. / Finally, … While it is true that …. has many advantages, it is also important to realize that….(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到…也很重要。 模板3: 问题与建议 1.In recent days, we have to face a problem that… (近来,我们面临这样一个问题… that 引导同位语从句). 解决办法:With the help of modern technology, we now have many means to solve it. By doing …., we can…What’s the most important is that… 结论:in a word, it is clear / obvious that…Only when…can we …. 模板4: 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为… 2.另一些人认为… 3.我的看法… The topic of ①____________(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②____________(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③(理由二). Moreover, ④_____________(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,_________(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥______________(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦_____________(理由三). From my point of view, I think⑧__________(我的观点).The reason is that ⑨__________(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . 模板5:给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①____________(观点一). For example, they think ②___________(举例说明).And it will bring them ③_______________(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④__________(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing,⑤____________(反对的理由之二).


高考英语写作及书信体写作模板 应用文是历年高考考查频率最高的体裁之一,其中以书信、电子邮件最为常见。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括道歉信、感谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。写作时应注意:格式正确,语言简练地道,语气要因人、因事而异。 一、英文书信常识 英文书信一般包括以下五个部分: 1.信头(heading) 2.称呼(salutation) 3.正文(body) 4.结束语(complimentary close ) 5.签名(signature) 二、历届高考书面表达回顾 【2010 全国卷I】 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。 英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6 月15 日下午2:00~5:00 地点:501 教室 参赛选手:10 名学生 联系人:李华(电话44876655) 欢迎大家光临! Dear Ms. Smith, _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ With best wishes, Li Hua 【参考范文】 Dear Ms. Smith, I'm Li Hua,Chair of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university.I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15,at Room 501. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes, Li Hua


广东高考英语卷基础写作指导(系列1) 第一讲记叙文:如何写人 一、写作指导 高考英语基础写作中的写人侧重人物的介绍,可以用第一人称(如写求职信),也可以用第三人称,时态常常用一般现在时和一般过去时,具体的人称和时态要依据写作的要求来确定。写作过程中要注意以下几个方面的问题: 1.人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名、年龄、外貌、学历、经历、专业、爱好、特长、事迹、性格等多个方面,但英语基础写作需要严格按照写作要求来写,包括所给的全部信息点,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。 2.对题目所给的信息要进行适当重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息。重点信息通常是写作的目的所在,比如求职要重点突出学历、经历,新闻报道要重点突出事迹,介绍自己的老师、朋友要突出他们的特点,等等。 3.正确运用描写人物的词汇和句型。 4.注意运用正确的时态。描写人物的外貌、性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生、教育背景、经历、事迹常用一般过去时。 二、常用词语 外貌特征: beautiful, big nose, black eyes,fat, good-looking,handsome, healthy, near-sighted,ordinary-looking,pretty,short,strong, tall,thin, with a big nose, with a big smile, white-haired,1.80 metres tall, etc. 性格特点: absent-minded, attractive,bad-tempered,be ready to help others, bright,charming,confident, diligent,friendly, generous, have a good temper, humorous,independent, kind, kind-hearted,lazy,narrow-minded, naughty,patient,think of others, smart,talk ative,warm-hearted,wise,etc. 出生年龄: a twenty-five-year-old young man, as a boy of 15, at the age of 20, be born on February 12th, 1987 , d uring his childhood, in one’s fifties, live a happy/ hard life, spend his childhood in the countryside, the son of a poor family, when he was a small boy, etc. 兴趣爱好: be angry with sb for sth, be angry about, be delighted in doing, be good at singing, be interested in English, be fond of music, be crazy about, be pleased with, be sick for, be sorry for, be strict in one’s work, be worried about, do well in his research work, ,enjoy doing, expect to do, feel surprised at, have a strong desire to do, look forward to doing sth., long for (long to do), make rapid progress in, put one’s heart into, take a pleasure in doing; wish to do, work hard at his studies, etc. 教育背景: be admitted to Beijing University, be enrolled in, fail in the test,a master’s degree, get on well with one’s lessons, give sb. a passing grade, ,go abroad to further one’s study, graduate from Physics Department of Qinghua University, his father was very strict with him, lay a good foundation in English, major in history, receive a doctor’s degree, pass the examination, study hard at, take several courses at school, take an active part in classwhen at college, etc. 经历事迹: become a member of the team, concentrate oneself to doing sth., devote oneself to one’s business, do sth with great determination and perseverance, do research into this field, encourage sb to do sth, fight for our revolutionary course, give up one’s life for sth, have a go od way of doing sth, have a talent for language, make up one’s mind to do sth., overcome many difficulties, receive the Nobel Prize for physics, serve as nurse, set a new world record of 110 metre hurdling, try one’s best to do


高考英语作文技巧 1.开头万能公式一:名人名言 有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编! 原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧? 经典句型: A proberb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言 It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言 更多经典句型: As everyone knows, No one can deny that… 2.开头万能公式二:数字统计 原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。 原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型: According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造: Honesty 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。 Youth 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。 Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work? 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。 更多句型: A recent statistics shows that … 写作绝招 结尾万能公式: 1.结尾万能公式一:如此结论 说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子: Obviously(此为过渡短语, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了! 更多过渡短语:


高考英语作文高分技巧 2012-10-04 高考英语怎么拿高分的技巧 高考英语作文如何才能得高分,这个问题是不少高考学生普遍关心的问题。高考英语写作应该要紧扣教学大纲对考生书面表达的要求,以有指导的英语写作为主,要求考生在短时间内构思成文。由于它是对高考学生语言综合运用能力的考查,因此在高考英语作文写作中令很多考生感到十分苦恼,也是一个失分率很高的题型. 高考英语作文高分技巧一、紧扣主题突出重点 动笔之前,针对提示的文字或图片必须先认真审题,组织内容,构思提纲,理顺思路,切忌偏题,离题,东拉西扯,不得要领,一定要避免累赘繁琐,条理不清,重点不突出的.失误。 高考英语作文高分技巧二、表达正确文字流畅 强调使用课本上学到过的单词、词组、佳句确保文章简洁通顺,切忌使用随便从文曲星或词典上找来的冷僻单词,特别强调的是必须避免使用不规范的中文式表达,受欢迎的作文是用词用句实实在在,朴实无华,清晰流畅的文章。 高考英语作文高分技巧三、谋篇布局 (1)作文动笔之前一般都要先打腹稿。在确立中心上、运用材料上、篇章结构上,充分酝酿。 (2)考虑好想写多少句子,该用哪些词汇和句型等。 (3)边写边思考内容的连贯性,语言和句子的准确性 高考英语作文高分技巧四、句式美? 高考英语作文中句式单一、缺乏生气的文章,哪怕无任何错误也不可能得高分。精彩句式的合理使用会使本来结构单一、语句乏味的文章极具可读性。合并简单句使文章的语言由松散变得凝练。简单句虽然短小精悍,但在语言表达上,不能单一地只注重简单句的正确运用,还应多运用一些并列句或复合句,使句式灵活多变。考生在写作时,可以巧变感叹句,增强语言的表达力;省略与替代交替使用,避免写作时不必要的重复与累赘,使句子更简练、精确;主动句与被动句交替使用,使句子更具多样性;分词及with复合结构结合使用,使得文章句子结构紧凑,描述形象生动,为文章增色。


高考英语作文写作模板 投诉信 【篇首句】介绍自己,说明写作目的:投诉。 1. I’m Li Hua. I feel bad to trouble you but I’m afraid that I have to make a complaint about your restaurant. 我是李华。很不想给你添麻烦。但是,恐怕我不得不对你们餐馆进行投诉。 2. I’m writing to you to complain about... 我写信是投诉...... 3. I want to express my dissatisfaction about the woolen scarf I bought from your company. 我想要表达我对从你们公司买的羊毛围巾的不满。 【篇中句】说明投诉问题、后果,并提出合理建议。 1. In the first place, the food is too salty and the water isnt served in time. In addition, the music you broadcast is too noisy. Under these circumstances, I find it hard to sit here having dinner quietly. 首先,食物太咸,水没有及时端上来。而且,你们播放的音乐太吵了。

在这样的环境下,我很难安静的坐在这里吃饭。 2. While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, I bought a green shirt for 300 HK dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it. When its washed, it fades in colour. Now I cant wear it. 大概一周前我在香港度假的时候,我在你们店里花300港元买了一件绿色衬衫,但是看上去似乎有一些状况。当被洗的时候,它会掉色。现在,我不能穿了。 3. It arrived on time the day before yesterday. But when I checked it, I found a hole in the middle. I was astonished because the hole was obvious and I didnt think you should neglect this deficiency(缺陷). 它是前天按时到的。但是当我检查时,我发现中间有个洞。我很震惊,因为这个洞和明显,我认为你们不应该忽略这个缺陷。 4. I have dialed your service number for several times but it was always busy. 我多次拨打你们的服务电话,但它总是占线。 5. Now this problem keeps worrying me. 现在这个问题一直在困扰我。


高考英语作文写作实用技巧 导读:本文高考英语作文写作实用技巧,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 (一)掌握技巧: (1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容. (2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: ①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 ②提炼出一句具有概括性的话 ③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加

First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing … for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment form now on, from then on, at the same time, meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during, 表示解释说明 now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover furthermore, in fact, actually 表示转折关系

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