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Part I. Multiple Choices (20%, 1 point each)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1 Our plan for a picnic was ruined by the unexpected rain; we _____ stay on campus.

[A] couldn’t help[B] couldn’t help but to

[C] would prefer [D] might as well

2 Had Paul received six more votes in the last elections, he _____ our chairman now.

[A] must have been [B] would have been

[C] were [D] would be

3 _____ the great inventions, he remained very modest and gave all the credit to his colleagues and played down his own part in it.

[A] To speak of [B] Speaking of

[C] Spoken of [D] Having spoken of

4 As long as we are alive, we are learning and, in fact, some of our most important learning takes place outside of school _____ in school.

[A] other than [B] more than

[C] rather than [D] better than

5 The manager of the opera house has directed that late arrivals _____ at the door until the intermission.

[A] be made to wait [B] were made waiting

[C] are made to wait [D] should be made waiting

6 Cultural values can be defined as assumptions _____ is right or wrong shared by the members of a society.

[A] about whichever [B] concerning whatever

[C] on which [D] as to what

7 What do we live for _____ life less difficult for each other?

[A] if not to make [B] unless making

[C] as long as to make [D] even if making

8 Once acquired, a habit becomes nearly automatic. _____ our capacity to acquire automatic responses, humans would be unable to compete successfully in the struggle for existence.

[A] Was it not with [B] Were it not for

[C] If it were for [D] If it were not with

9 Some scientists think that trial-and-error methods help to show how intelligent _____.

[A] is an animal [B] will an animal be

[C] an animal is [D] an animal will be

10 _____, women are better able to handle stress than men.

[A] Strange as it may seem [B] As strange it may seem

[C] It may seem as strange [D] May it seem as strange

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are required to select the one word or phrase that would best match the meaning of the underlined part in the original sentence.

11 Before the advent of synthetic fibers, people had to rely entirely on natural products for making fabrics.

[A] modern [B] flexible

[C] colored [D] artificial

12 High in the sky a number of birds was flying southward.

[A] pack [B] crowd

[C] flock [D] herd

13 Calipers are instruments that can be used to gauge the distance between two surfaces.

[A] create [B] measure

[C] fill [D] enclose

14 Most doctors were dubious about the effectiveness of the new medicine.

[A] anxious [B] pessimistic

[C] doubtful [D] ignorant

15 We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always sound.

[A] unmistakable [B] unreasonable

[C] unquestionable [D] healthy

16 Louis looked solemnly at the people around him.

[A] slowly [B] weakly

[C] happily [D] seriously

17 Despite dangers and difficulties, the soldiers were resolute.

[A] uncomplaining [B] untiring

[C] well-disciplined [D] determined

18 The professor tried to stimulate interest in archaeology by taking his students on expeditions.

[A] simulate [B] fake

[C] encourage [D] diminish

19 It provides an objective, unbiased, factual and accurate service.

[A] prompt [B] impeccable

[C] impartial [D] efficient

20 The Civil War in 1863 cut the United States into two nations – a southern Confederacy and a northern Union.

[A] severed [B] acknowledged

[C] integrated [D] alienated

Part II. Cloze (15%, 1 point each)

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] below the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gattingen to give some lectures at the invitation of the mathematical physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager—too eager, it would turn (21) ________to explain all the intricacies of relativity to him. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly. “I was able to (22) ________ Hilbert of the general theory of relativity.”(23) ________ all of Einstein’s personal turmoil at the time, a new scientific anxiety was about to (24) ________. He was struggling to find the right equations that would (25) ________ his new concept of gravity, ones that would define how objects move (26) ________ space and how space is curved by objects. By the end of the summer, he realized the mathematical approach he had been pursuing for almost three years was flawed. And now there was a (27) ________ pressure. Einstein discovered to his (28) ________ that Hilbert had taken what he had lectured and was racing to come up (29) ________ the correct equations first.

It was an enormously complex task. Although Einstein was the better physicist, Hilbert was the better mathematician. So in October 1915, Einstein (30) ________ himself into a month-long-frantic endeavor in (31) ________ he returned to an earlier mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations, proofs, corrections and updates that he rushed to give as lectures to Berlin’s Prussian Academy of Science s on four (32) ________ Thursdays.

His first lecture was delivered on Nov.4.1915, and it explained his new approach. To his (33) ________ he admitted he did not yet have the precise mathematical formulation of it. Einstein also

took time off from (34) ________ revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango with his competitor Hilbert. Worried about being scooped, he sent Hilbert a copy of his Nov.4 lecture. “I am (35) ________ to know whether you will take kindly to this new solution,” Einstein not ed with a touch of defensiveness.

21 [A] up [B] over [C] out [D] off

22 [A] convince [B] on counsel [C] persuade [D] preach

23 [A] Above [B] Around [C] Amid [D] Along

24 [A] emit [B] emerge [C] submit [D] submerge

25 [A] imitate [B] ignite [C] describe [D] ascribe

26 [A] into [B] beyond [C] among [D] through

27 [A] complex [B] compatible [C] comparative [D] competitive

28 [A] humor [B] horror [C] excitement [D] extinction

29 [A] to [B] for [C] with [D] against

30 [A] threw [B] thrust [C] huddled [D] hopped

31 [A] how [B] that [C] what [D] which

32 [A] successive [B] progressive [C] extensive [D]repetitive

33 [A] subordinates [B] coordinates [C] followers [D] clients

34 [A] casually [B] coarsely [C]violently [D]furiously

35 [A] curious [B] conscious [C] ambitious [D] ambiguous Part III. Reading Comprehension (30%)

Section A

Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice. (20%, 1 point each)

Passage One

FAO’s favorite myth used to be that the (fictitious虚构的) protein gap was being rapidly closed by the new fisheries. While fish production has indeed tripled since 1945, an appalling 45 percent of the current catch goes to the rich nations as oil or meal for industry or farm animals. Of the world fishery catch which is eaten, only a quarter goes to the developing nations.

Today the oceans are up for grabs and as more nations invest in distant-water fleets, the depressing history of stocks fished out of existence seems likely to be repeated many times. While a world catch of double the present level would probably be sustainable (mainly by exploiting squid and fish not eaten at present) the likelihood is that catches will in fact triple over the next decade, and fall disastrously after that. The world community’s failure t o regulate whaling, in spite of the 1972

Stockholm environment conference’s call for a ten-year moratorium, is a depressing omen.

36 In 1945, the world production of fish ____.

[A] was 45% of what it is today

[B] was half its present level

[C] went mostly as oil or meal for industry or farm animals

[D] was only one-third of the present level

37 The international fishery situation today is that ____.

[A] there is a keen struggle to exploit the riches of the oceans

[B] squid and some other species of fish have become extinct

[C] many fish not previously eaten are now being caught

[D] whaling is irregular

38 At the 1972 Stockholm conference ____.

[A] nations were called upon to stop catching whales for ten years, but this call was


[B] the decision to protect whales was put off for ten years

[C] a plan was put forward to help increase the catch of whales

[D] solutions were found for the depressing problems of the whaling industry

39 The author gives the impression that he is ____.

[A] indifferent

[B] optimistic

[C] subjective

[D] concerned

40 Which of the following titles best sums up the idea of the passage?

[A] The Fish Myth.

[B] The Fish Crisis.

[C] Wasting Protein on Animals.

[D] Fishing on the High Seas.

Passage Two

From the top of the famous Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta, you will see a dramatic view of this beautiful city—toward south, the South Expressway leading to Hartsfield—Atlanta International Airport, the second busiest airport in the country; in the foreground, Peachtree Street, a canyon of modern skyscrapers glass and steel. The tallest building in the skyline, the First National Bank Building is surrounded by other giants—the New Trust Company Building, the Equitable Life

Building, and the Peachtree Center, a complex that contains the largest merchandise mart in the South.

Just beyond the business district, you will see the shining dome of the State Capitol Building, made of twenty-four-karat gold. To the right of the Capitol are rows of whit marble office buildings; further south is the Atlanta Stadium; and not quite out of sight is the Farmer’s Market, the largest wholesale fresh fruit and vegetable center in the South.

41 The dome of the State Capitol is made of ____.

[A] glass

[B] steel

[C] gold

[D] marble

42 Which building is the tallest? ____.

[A] The Hyatt Regency Hotel

[B] The First National Bank Building

[C] The Peachtree Center

[D] The State Capitol

43 Where is the largest merchandise mart in the South? ____.

[A] At the International Airport

[B] At the Farmer’s Market

[C] At the Peachtree Center

[D] At the Hyatt Regency Hotel

Passage Three

The word horsepower was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt had made the wor ld’s first widely used steam engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring power.

Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called that unit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.

He discovered that a horse could lift a 3300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute.

Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepower engine.

44 The selection says that Watt made the first____.

[A] engine

[B] steam engine

[C] widely used steam engine

[D] useful engine

45 Watt wanted to find a way to ____.

[A] measure the work his engine could do

[B] tell people how powerful his engine was

[C] lift a 3300-pound weight

[D] Both A and B

46 He made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of ____.

[A] a man

[B] ten horses

[C] his engine

[D] a horse

47 The best title for this selection is ____.

[A] Watt’s Engine

[B] The Origin of the Term Horsepower

[C] Units of Measurement

[D] It happened 200 years ago

Passage Four

The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea. He was Prince Henry of Portugal, the younger son of the Portuguese king and an English princess.

Prince Henry lived in the 15th century. As a boy he became devoted to the sea, and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. In 1416, when he was 22, Henry founded a school for mariners, to which he invited everyone who could help him – Jewish astronomers, Italian and Spanish sailors, and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude compass of the day and could improve it.

Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to keep close to the shore. The caravel, which he helped design, carried more sails and was longer and slimmer than any ship them made, yet was tough enough to stand up against gales at sea. He also developed the carrack, which was a slower ship, but one that was capable of carrying more cargo.

The world owes credit to Prince Henry for the development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible. He lives in history as Henry the Navigator.

48 Prince Henry started his school for the purpose of ____.

[A] helping mariners

[B] improving ship design and sailing methods

[C] studying astronomy and mathematics

[D] improving his own skill as a sailor

49 The teachers in Prince Henry’s school seem to have been ____.

[A] members of the royal family

[B] astronomers, sailors and map makers

[C] shipbuilders

[D] All of the above

50 Prince Henry’s principal achievement was that of ____.

[A] making oceanic exploration possible

[B] improving the compass

[C] founding a school for mariners

[D] building ocean-going vessels

51 Compared with his caravel, Henry’s carrack was ____.

[A] longer and slimmer

[B] able to carry more sails

[C] able to carry more cargo

[D] shorter

Passage Five

A Career in Banking?

Salary $2,400 rising to $ 4,8000 after 7 years. In service training. Special 1 month course in New York after 1 year’s service. Low interest loans for house purchasers with no minimum service requirement. Satisfactory experience in all departments leads to automatic consideration for deputy manager’s post. Free medical insurance after 3 months’ service.

52 According to this advertisement, the average pay raised each year will be about ____.

[A] $310

[B] $320

[C] $330

[D] $340

53 If the applicant is accepted, he will have the opportunity to___.

[A] attend a full-time course in New York first

[B] study while working

[C] apply to the deputy manager for in-service training

[D] take a special one-month course after 3 months’ service

54 Which of the following statements is true? ____.

[A] From the first day one works for the bank, one is entitled to enjoy a free medical


[B] The medical treatment provided by the bank is generally satisfactory

[C] One would have to pay for one’s medical treatment until one has worked in the bank

for three months.

[D] The new employee will be granted for free medical insurance from the very beginning

of his employment

55 If a new employee of the bank wants to apply for low interest loans for their house

purchase, he or she ____.

[A] has to work for the bank at least for 3 months

[B] has to pass the in-service training

[C] has to get the post of deputy manager

[D] can have it without special requirement

Section B

Directions: Complete the summary of the following passage. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from this passage for each answer.(10%, 1 point each)

Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. Inuit(因纽特人)families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws(融雪) .There are also reports of igloos (冰屋)losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes, of lakes draining into the sea as permafrost (冻土)melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. Climate change may still be a rather abstract idea to most of us, but in the Arctic it is already having dramatic effects–if summertime ice continues to shrink at its present rate, the Arctic Ocean could soon become virtually ice-free in summer. The knock–on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies, and higher sea levels. Scientists are increasingly eager to find out what’s going on because they consider the Arctic the ‘canary in the mine’ for global warming—a warning of what’s in store for the rest of the world.

For the Inuit the problem is urgent. They live in precarious balance with one of the toughest environments on earth. Climate change, whatever its causes, is a direct threat to their way of life. Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outsider experts tell them what’s happening. In Canada, where the Inuit people are trying hard to guard their hard-won autonomy in the country’s newest territory, Nunavut, they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best of modern science. This is challenge in itself.

The Canadian Arctic is a vast, treeless polar desert that’s covered with snow for most of the year. Venture into this area and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home. Farming is out of the question and nature offers few pickings. Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish. The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the colonists were successful, sometimes they failed and vanished. But around a thousand years ago, one group emerged that was uniquely well adapted to deal with the Arctic environment. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools. They are the ancestors of today’s Inuit people.

Life for the descendants of the Thule people is still harsh. Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometers of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole. It’s currently home to 2.500 people, all but a handful of them indigenous Inuit. Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic(游牧的) ways and settled in the territory’s 28 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing. Provisions available in local shops have to be flown into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world, or brought by supply ship during the few ice-free weeks of summer. It would cost a family around bang£7,000 a year to replace meat they obtained themselves through hunting with imported meat. Economic opportunities are scarce, and for many people state benefits are their only income.

The following is the summary that You need complete:

The threat posed by climate change in the Arctic is being reported as it has (56) _________ in the life of the Inuit. If you visit the Canadian Arctic, you immediately appreciate the problem faced by people for whom this is home, and know that it is rather (57) _________. It would clearly be impossible for the people to engage in (58) _________ as a means of supporting themselves. For thousands of years they have had to rely on catching (59) _________ and (60) _________ as a means of sustenance. The harsh surroundings saw many who tried to settle there pushed to their limits, although some were successful. The (61) ________ people were an example of the latter and for them the environment did not prove unmanageable. For the present inhabitants, life continues to be a struggle. The territory of Nunavut consists of little more than ice, rock and a few (62) ________. In recent years, many of them have been obliged to give up their (63) _________ lifestyle, but they continue to depend mainly on (64) _________ for their food and clothes. (65) ________ produce is particularly expensive.

Part V. Translation (35%)

Section A (15%)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.

It’s nicer when you actually earn it. Lottery winners, trust-fund babies and others who get their money without working for it do not get as much satisfaction from their cash as those who earn it, a study of the pleasure center in people’s brains suggests.

Emory University researchers measured brain activity in the striatum--- the part of the brain associated with reward processing and pleasure--- in two groups of volunteers. One group had to work to receive money by playing a simple computer game; the other group was rewarded without having to earn it.

The results showed the brains of those who had to work for their money were more stimulated. “When you have to do things for your reward, it’s clearly more important to the brain,” said Gregory Berns, associ ate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science. “The subjects were more aroused when they had to do something to get the money relative to when they passively received the money.”

Section B (20%)

Directions: Put the underlined parts in the following passage into English.











二外法语易错题乱集-多道题(一定请看完介绍后再下) 时态 介词和冠词 代词 连词或短语 不确定的题 时态 1. Dans un proche avenir, l'Internet dans beaucoup de familles chinoises. A. sera entréB. entrait C. est entré D. entra 答案:A 注意选项D entra 是简单过去时,并非简单将来时entrera 2. L'année dernière, ils se àsix heures tous les jours. A. sont levés B. sont levéC. lèveraient D. levaient 答案:D 3. àsa place, je m'aperois que j'ai oubliémes lunettes. A. s'étant assise B. m'étant assises C. m'étant assis D. s'étant assis 答案:C 4. Elle (ne pas réussir) si elle n'avait pas bien travaillé. n'aurait pas réussi 5. Hier, dès qu'on (sonner), le professeur est entré. a eu sonné 6. Je ne savait pas que vous étiez malade. Sinon je (venir) vous voir àl'hpital. serais venu 7. Après (mettre) deux timbres sur l'enveloppe, il a jetécette lettre àla bote. avoir mis 8. Hier matin quand les Martin (partir) pour l'aéroport, il (pleuvoir). sont partis, pleuvait 9. Hier matin, quand elle (arriver) au bureau, huit heures (sonner). est arrivée, avait sonné/ a sonné/ sonnait 10. Si j'avais appris l'espagnol avant, je traduirais cet article maintenant. 这两空有选项条件式现在时和条件式过去时,不能选它们 11. Elle leur disait qu'il (être) déjàhuit heures. B A. avait déjàétéB. était 12. Il m'a demandési nous (descendre) dans un bon htel. étions descendus或descendrions descendre àl'htel 投宿,下榻 13. Je suis sr qu'il (pleuvoir) demain. pleuvra Ex: Je ne suis pas sr qu'il fasse mauvais demain. 14. Le 14 juillet 1789, le peuple de Paris la Bastille. A. a occupéB. occupait C. prit D. ont vu 答案:C 此题的关键并不在区分occuper或prendre的意思,而在于时态 15. Au cas oùune complication , faites-moi venir. A. a lieu B. se produirait C. se passa D. apparat 答案 B (au cas où+ cond. 假定,万一) (se produire 现象,事件的发生,产生: Un événement imprévu se produit. 发生了一个意想不到的事件) 16.(Chercher)bien,on pourrait trouver. 答案用的是副动词,为什么不填现在分词? en cherchant 表示条件关系多用副动词 17. Il y a cinquante ans,la campagne autour de Venise (être) l'une des plus belles du monde. 填的是était,为什么不用复合过去时? 18. Quand la vie (devenir) plus facile et plus simple pour tous, comment hommes et femmes occuperont-ils leurs loisirs? 答案用的是devriendra 简单将来时,可不可以填先将来时? 表示先于将来时的动作并不是很明显.

外交学院外国语言学及应用语言学(法语)考研 招生人数 参考书 报录比 复试分数线 考研真题 招生简章

爱考机构 考研-保研-考博高端辅导第一品牌https://www.doczj.com/doc/c116688485.html, 请您牢记爱考机构网址:“爱考”两个字全拼

外语系外国语言学及应用语言学(法语)招生目录 系所代码及名称专业代码 及名称 招生 人数 研究方向 代码及名称 考试科目代码及名称 006外语系 050211外国语 言学及应用语言 学(法语) 15 21翻译 ①101政治②248二外英语 ③714法语语言基础④805法汉互译 22外交与国际政治 23中西文化交流 24法语国家研究 050211外国语 言学及应用语言 学(日语) 12 25日本政治和外交 ①101政治②248二外英语 ③715基础日语④803日本概况 26日本语言文学 27日本文化 外语系外国语言学及应用语言学(法语)专业介绍 外语系包括法语和日语两个专业。法语专业设法语教研室,共有教师16人,教研室秘书1人,承担外语系本科法语教学,全院二外法语教学以及法语专业硕士研究生教学。 日语专业设日语教研室,共有教师9人,承担外语系本科日语专业教学,全院二外日语教学以及专业硕士研究生教学任务。外语系还承担着全院二外德语和二外西班牙语教学任务,负责教学的德语教师和西班牙语教师分别隶属于法语教研室和日语教研室。系务工作包括党总支、行政、教学管理以及学生管理四方面,共有行政管理人员6人,其中系主任和教学副主任由教师兼任。法语专业和日语专业分别有本科四个班,即每一年级一个班,每班学生数20人左右,目前全系在校本科学生共150人(法语专业76人,日语专业74人),另外,法语专业在校硕士研究生三个年级,共28人,全日制成人教育法语专业学生34人。 1955年外交学院成立之初,即设法语教研室,负责培养青年学生的本科教学和外交干部法语培训,当时为外交学院三部,同时包括西班牙语教研室。自1955年建院至1969年学院停办,法语教研室先后培养5届本科学生,1972年,外交部在原外交学院英语教研室和法语教研室的基础上成立外交部干部外语培训学校,1980年外交学院复校,英语和法语两个教研室即转入学院,组成外语系。法语教研室除负责本科教学外,于1981年开始硕士研究生教学工作,至今已先后培养16届,共70名法语文学硕士。 外交学院建院初期曾设日语教研室,至1962年撤销,之后不再有日语专业。1980年复校后不久建立承担专科教学的培训部,设日语教研室,1994年经外交部和当时国家教委批准,日语专业升格为本科教学机构,并脱离培训部,与法语专业组成现在的外语系,2008年开始招收日语专业硕士研究生。 外国语言学及应用语言学(法语)专业参考书目 714法语语言基础: ①《最新法语语法练习与指导(高级)》, 张彤,上海译文出版社,2002.9 ②《法国语言与文化》, 童佩智等, 外研社,2005. 6


2015年外交学院翻译硕士汉语写作与百科知识考研真题 1.填空(50个) 时政两道,十八届四中全会和APEC会议。填的内容大概有:贯彻中国特色社会主义法治理论、法制实施体系、法制监督体系、依法执政(这段是四中全会的原话);APEC成立时间1989年、21个成员国、在北京雁栖湖举行、本次的主题是共建面向未来的亚太关系、以及加强互联互通。后边就涉及到中外历史、文化、文学、科技等方面。考了外国的希腊的神话体系、亚里士多德、孔子、董仲舒、朱熹、白居易的作品白氏长庆集、长恨歌、琵琶行、日本的源氏物语、清明上河图、宋代四大书法家、宋徽宗的字体、宋瓷窑的分类、外国文学考的是美国作者菲茨杰拉德,迷惘的一代、《人间天堂》、盖茨比的人称以及美国梦、生物方面考了个中华鲟,生长在长江流域、洄游特性、一级保护动物,科技考的是LED灯是发光二极管、今年诺贝尔物理学奖颁给了日本人,以奖励他们发明了高亮度蓝色发光二极 管。 2.公文写作 某省综合治理委员会表彰高三学生李兵见义勇为的决定。不少于450字。对格式要求很高,要有全标题,发送机关、公章。 3.作文 给一段古文,然后根据这段话写。至少1200字。给的古文是梁启超先生的《呵旁观者文》,内容如下: 旁观者,如立于东岸,观西岸之火灾,而望其红光以为乐。如立于此船观彼船之沉溺,而睹其凫浴以为欢。若是者,谓之阴险也不可,谓之狠毒也不可。此种人无以名之,名之曰无血性。嗟乎,血性者,人类之所以生,世界之所以立也。无血性则是无人类无世界也。故旁观者,人类之蟊贼,世界之仇敌也。 人生于天地之间,各的责任。知责任者,大丈夫之始也。行责任者,大丈夫之终也。自放弃其责任,则是自放弃所以为人之责也。是故人也者,对于一家而有一家之责任,对于一国而有一国之责任,对于世界而有世界之责任。一家之人各各自放弃其责任,则家必落。一国之人各各自放弃其责任,则国必亡。全世界人人各各自放弃其责任,则世界必毁。旁观云者,放弃责任之谓也。 4.2.2弥合词义差异的需要 资料来源:育明考研考博官网https://www.doczj.com/doc/c116688485.html,


I. Structure grammaticale et vocabulaire (20 points) Complétez les phrases suivantes en choisissant A, B, C ou D. écrivez votre choix sur la feuille de réponse. 1. Faites attention ________ la circulation quand vous traversez. A) avec B) àC) pour D) de 2. ________ retard de ma soeur, j’ai manqué l’avion. A) Malgré le B) Grace au C) Parce que D) à cause du 3. Je vais en Bretagne cet été. Je vais ________ une villa au bord de la mer. A) prend B) emprunter C) louer D) prêter 4. Tes ________ sont vraiment trop longs. Va chez le coiffeur ! A) chevaux B) cheveux C) cheveu D) cheval 5. Pardon monsieur, vous avez ________ s’il vous pla?t ? A) de la fumée B) le feu C) des feux D) du feu 6. Les le?ons 5 et 6, est-ce que vous les avez _________ ? A) apprendre B) apprises C) appris D) apprise 7. Hier soir, son mari était en train de lire quand Marie _________ à la maison. A) est entrée B) entre C) est entréD) entrait 8. Avez-vous des parents ou amis dans cette ville ? - Non, je _________ ai _________ parents _________ amis ici. A) n’…pas…ni B) n’…ni…ne C) n’…point…ni D) n’…ni…ni 9. _________ et le faux sont parfois difficiles à distinguer. A) Le bien B) Le bon C) Le vrai D) Le beau 10. S’il y a _________ neige, on pourra faire du ski. A) la B) de la C) le D) du 11. Eric a acheté une baguette et deux croissants _________ le boulanger. A) avec B) à (au) C) dans D) chez 12. Cet été, j’ai passé des vacances très agréables : il ___ frais à Vichy, même dans toute la France. A) a fait B) faisait C) fait D) fit 13. V ous connaissez la poésie de Mallarmé ? – Non, je ne la connais pas ______. A) de tout B) du tout C) non plus D) un sel 14. ________ jour, depuis six mois, cette malade fait des exercices physique. A) Par B) Chaque C) Tout D) Un 15. En juillet et en ao?t 2002, _________ en France A) je reste B) je suis restée C) je restais D) j’étais restée 16. Pierre m’a demandé si Marie était déjà partie __________. A) hier B) la veille C) le lendemain D) maintenant 17. As-tu encore __________ d’acheter un café pour moi ?


2016年外交学院翻译硕士考研真题 今年的题总体比较简单 英语翻译基础 缩略语有30个,政治、经济、科技都有涉及,但是今年出的比较简单,感觉还是跟时政,热词联系较多,每个缩略语后还有提示,就像 QM(学科名词)这样的 QM BBA AIIB UNSC HSBC CCTV(不是中央电视台)EFTA(国际组织)影子银行三严三实hedge fund 英译汉有6小段,每段4-6行吧,内容是一个《卫报》的编辑写给《卫 报》成立100周年的文章,开头第一句话是A hundred years is a long time; It’s a long time even…….. 汉译英是时文翻译,内容跟外交关系有关:(育明教育押中原题)

翻译硕士英语 第一题是20个单选题,主要考词汇辨析,但是今年没有很长很偏的词,最后两个单选就是给出一句话,让选择选项中与所给句子中标黑的单词的同义词。 第二题是改错,有10个,考试形式跟专八改错一样,但是比专八稍简单 第三题是阅读,共6篇,总体比较简单,但是问题形式多样,有一般的选择,还有判断对错(Yes or No or Not Given),多选,填文章主旨句,总之就是题型很多 最后一题是作文,400词左右,写一下技术是怎样改变人们的交流方式和人际关系的。 汉语写作与百科知识 今年这门科目变化挺大,但总体不难, 第一题是30个选择,设计中国文化、文学、近代史(我觉得可能是因为今年是抗日战争胜利70周年,近代史的题有好几个),英美文学(主要是美国文学,但

是题很少),还有跟时政有关的题,还有与朝鲜有关的题,是这样考的:新千年之际,朝韩实现了世纪握手,当时的朝韩总统是谁。 第二题是10个填空题,每个题不止一个空,全部是时政题,考了今年的矛盾文学奖、屠呦呦、达沃斯论坛及其主题、9.3阅兵、《三体》、波茨坦公告和联合国宣言…… 第三题是名词解释,有5个,新亚欧大陆桥、亚投行、一带一路、唯美主义、话本 第四题是根据所给材料改写成通知,材料很短,就几行,改写的是关于开年度营销会的通知 第五题是根据材料改写成报告,这篇比较长,材料是关于一家银行开投标会的流程报告。 第五题大作文,要求不少于1000字,属于半命题吧,先是给诗句“少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁……”,然后给了题目《的滋味》,自己补充题目。 2017年政治基础班讲义 考点11:经济全球化及其表现 1.经济全球化:在生产不断发展、科技加速进步、社会分工和国际分工不断深化、生产的社会化和国际化程度不断提高的情况下,世界各国、各地区的经济活动越来越超出一国和地区的范围而相互联系、相互依赖的一体化过程。 2.经济全球化的表现是多样性的: ①生产的全球化。 ②贸易的全球化。 ③金融的全球化。首先,国际债券市场融资规模迅速扩大。其次,与国际股票市场的发展相联系,基金市场迅速成长。最后,金融市场高度一体化。 ④企业经营的全球化。企业经营全球化的重要标志是跨国公司成为世界经济的主体。 考点12:经济全球化的动因和后果 (一)导致经济全球化迅猛发展的因素主要有: 1.科学技术的进步和生产力的发展。


上海外国语大学考研二外法语真题回忆版分享2017年 【第一部分】 PARTIE 1 词汇与语法部分(45分) 第一题,la proposition,介词填空(10分),10个空,各种介词都有,方位介词、时间介词、所属关系介词都包括了。 第二题,le pronom realtif,关系代词填空(10分),10个空,主要是qui/que/ou/dont这几个。 第三题,时态与配合考察(10分),10个空,动词的时态以及在与名词配合作形容词用法的时候与名词的性数配合问题。 第四题,单项选择(15分),15道题,考查语法、词汇,例如是Les tiens还是les tiennes,或者“问路”的说法是demander什么,chamin还是route还是boulevard等等诸如此类的,比较基础,不是很难。 【第二部分】 PARTIE 2 阅读(20分) 两篇阅读共20分,每篇阅读5道选择题,每题2分。 第一篇阅读讲的是大学生李明的一日三餐,他怎么吃的,他吃的什么,他喜欢吃哪些食物。题目同样很基础,细心一点不会失分。 第二篇阅读是有关法国人薪水制度的文章,难度比第一篇大,但是做题的话文章里基本都能找到原句,或者是相同意思的话,但总体难度还是比第一篇要大一些。 【第三部分】 PARTIE 3 翻译 第一篇法译汉,15分,篇章 内容是关于法国人度假习惯的,法国人有多爱度假,一般喜欢去哪里,乘坐什么交通工具。词汇比较基础。 第二篇汉译法,20分,对话 内容回忆版: 马丁先生是一位高中校长。一天,他接到一通电话。 ——喂,您好!我是路易·马丁。 ——您好!您的学生尼古拉生病了,所以今天不能来上学了。 ——好的,我知道了。请问您是哪位? ——我是他爸爸,先生。 1


法语专业考研招生院校大全 招生单位名称所在地院校特性研究生院自划线院校博士点0001)北京大学(11)北京市985211√√√(10002)中国人民大学(11)北京市985211√√√(10028)首都师范大学(11)北京市√(10030)北京外国语大学(11)北京市211√(10031)北京第二外国语学院(11)北京市 (10032)北京语言大学(11)北京市√(10036)对外经济贸易大学(11)北京市211√(10040)外交学院(11)北京市√(10042)国际关系学院(11)北京市 (10053)中国政法大学(11)北京市211√(10068)天津外国语大学(12)天津市√(10172)大连外国语大学(21)辽宁省√(10964)吉林华桥外国语学院(22)吉林省 (10212)黑龙江大学(23)黑龙江省√(10246)复旦大学(31)上海市985211√√√(10269)华东师范大学(31)上海市985211√√(10271)上海外国语大学(31)上海市211√(10273)上海对外经贸大学(31)上海市

(10284)南京大学(32)江苏省985211√√√(10319)南京师范大学(32)江苏省211√(11117)扬州大学(32)江苏省√(10384)厦门大学(35)福建省985211√√√(10423)中国海洋大学(37)山东省985211√(10486)武汉大学(42)湖北省985211√√√(10511)华中师范大学(42)湖北省211√(10530)湘潭大学(43)湖南省√(11846)广东外语外贸大学(44)广东省√ (45)广西壮族自治 (10608)广西民族大学 √ 区 (10650)四川外国语大学(50)重庆市√(10613)西南交通大学(51)四川省211√√(10673)云南大学(53)云南省211√(10724)西安外国语大学(61)陕西省√注:本系统数据由各招生单位上报,如有疑问请咨询相关招生单位。


第1章全国名校外国语学院二外法语考研真题分析 “二外法语”是全国各院校英语、日语、德语、俄语等外国语专业研究生入学考试科目,考生第二外语为法语。一般来说,“二外法语”总分为100分,考试时间为3小时。 1.1 二外法语考研真题分析 “二外法语”为全国各大院校自主命题,而非全国统考,没有统一的考试大纲,考生在备考“二外法语”时往往目标不明确,定位不准确,所以对各大院校的二外法语历年真题分析则显得尤为重要。分析各大院校的二外法语试题能够为考生准确定位自己的法语水平提供很好的参照,也使考生对“二外法语”考试有一个全面的了解,更加清晰的了解出题者的思路,从而正确地制定出复习方法和学习步骤,使复习具有针对性,使复习的效果更上一层楼。 1.考核要求 对于“二外法语”,全国各大院校自主命题,而且各院校的考核要求水平也有差异,所以没有相应的考试大纲来说明其考核要求。通过分析各大院校的二外法语历年试题,可以看出二外法语大致相当于大学法语四级水平,根据学校不同考试难度在此上下波动。下面根据大学法语四级考试大纲并综合各院校“二外法语”考试大纲,对“二外法语”的考核要求归纳如下: 词汇方面,要求掌握3000-4000基本常用词汇,了解词形变化、语义区分、常用的搭配、固定用法、同义词、反义词等。 语法方面,掌握主谓一致关系、宾语从句、关系从句、原因从句,结果从句、时间从

句、让步从句、比较从句、条件从句等句型,直接引语和间接引语的用法、动词不定式和分词的用法、各种时态、主动语态、被动语态和虚拟语气、情态动词等。 阅读方面,要求考生既能理解个别句子的意义,也能理解上下文的逻辑关系;既理解字面的意思,也能理解隐含的意思;既理解事实和细节,也能理解所读材料的主旨和大意;能就文章的内容进行判断、推理和信息转换。选材的原则是:(1)题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化等方面,但是所涉及的背景知识一般与法国相关且能为学生所理解;(2)体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等;(3)文章语言难度适中,文中无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,用汉语注明词义。 翻译方面,掌握基本的日常、文化、经济社会等一般性题材的翻译技能,同时部分学校出题会与国情知识结合,需对相关词汇有一定了解。 写作方面,主要考察考生对法语写作基础知识的实际运用能力,文章基本通顺,无重大语法错误即可。写作主题一般贴近日常生活,不要求过长,但要求切题,能正确表达思想,内容连贯,思路清晰,语言通顺。 2.试题类型和出题形式 通过分析全国众多院校“二外法语”的历年真题,其题目类型大致包括词汇、语法、完形填空、阅读理解、翻译和写作等内容,各题目类型的出题形式灵活多样,而考核内容也不尽相同,具体归纳如下: (1)词汇题 词汇题的考核内容较为广泛,包括对名词、形容词、动词、冠词等多种词型的基本词形及数格或时态变化、各种短语及固定搭配结构的判断和理解,其中包括对同义词、近义词、反义词的辨认与区分等;根据上下文对词和词组意义的判断等。 出题形式主要有以下几种:

外交学院翻译硕士 就业情况

全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专 业课押题卷 外交学院翻译硕士英语口译考研资料-考研考博 一.外交学院外国语学院英语笔译考研内容分析专业招生人数 初试复试英语 口译年份统考 推免政治100分翻译硕士英语100分 英语翻译基础150 分 汉语写作与百科知 识150分 1.笔试时间为120分钟,满分为100分。各专业笔试内容为: 英语写作 2.英语口译(专业学位)专业 面试形式为交替传译(英译 汉、汉译英)满分100分。 2014151020152911201617+13 (调剂)11二.育明考研考博辅导中心武老师解析: 关于外交学院翻译硕士英语口译2016年的招生信息武老师解析:1,外交学院16年招生人数没有招满,调剂13人,统招17人,共计30人,推免11人。分数线350分,和国家线持平。 2,外交学院只有口译专业,专业势力非常强,研究生期间开设的课程比较多,学生会接触到很多实践机会,整体上英语系毕业生得到了社会各界的广泛认可和用人单位的普遍好评。毕业生当年的初次就业率一直保持较高水平,近年来毕业生当年初次就业率均接近100%。

3,外交学院真题来看,难度中等偏上,但是题量比较大,要多做模拟题,把握时间安排。外院的老师侧重翻译,会有压分现象。大家课下要好好练习翻译,掌握精髓。 4,外院不公布真题和参考书,很多考生觉得无从下手,但是没有参考书并不能阻碍什么。考研,非参加知识竞赛,背书即可。研究生入学考试,考的是语言能力,不是考记忆力。 育明教育考博分校针对外交学院翻译硕士专业考研开设的辅导课程有:专业课一对一·全程集训营·视频班·复试保过班·高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在85%以上。育明学校从2006 年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。 咨询扣扣:二三九八四零八零二三 三.翻译硕士考研资料:(全套) (一)汉语写作与百科知识---天津出版传媒集团 李国正,夏衍教授主编,这本书针对近三年各个翻译硕士院校的真题进行了分析和统计,并总结了历年各个院校翻译硕士考研规律。 翻译硕士英语真题解析---天津科技出版社出版 英语翻译基础真题解析----天津科技出版社出版 (二)真题集汇总: 2010年翻译硕士考研真题集 全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专 业课押题卷


读书破万卷下笔如有神 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c116688485.html,plétez les phrases suivantes en choisissant A, B, C ou D. Chaque phrase a un seul choix. 1.V ous pouvez me donner _______ adresse ? A. ma B. mon C. ton D. votre 2.Ces Mexicains n'oublient pas _______ pays. A. son B. ses C.leur D. leurs 3.Pour parfumer ce gateau, il faut ajouter je ne sais ________ épices. A. quelles B. combien C. trop de D. lesquelles 4._______ année, l'association organise une fête pour tous les membres. A. L'autre B. Chacune C. Chaque D. Toute 5._______ est son adresse ? A. Comment B. Qui C. Quelle D. Qu' 6.Donnez-moi le ________ livre du troisième rayon de la bibliothèque. A. premier B. première C. premiers D. premières 7.Je te donnerai _______ meilleur cheval. A. mon B. ma C. ton D. ta 8.Je me demande _______ est sa réaction ? A. comment B. quel C. où D. quelle 9.Montrez-moi un _______ modèle. A. autre B. autres C. aucun D. aucune 10.J'ai déjàlu ________ les revues. A. toutes B. toute C. tout D. tous 11.Expliquez _______. A.–le –moi B. –me –le C. –moi –le D. –me cela 12.Le directeur ______ d'arriver. A.vient B. va C. est D. a 13.Il chante vraiment bien, je l'ai entendu _______ . A.chanter B. chante C. chantant D. avoir chanté 14.Il a passétoute la soirée _______ écrire des lettre. A.par B. pour C. à D. d' 15.Est-ce que les enfants _______ les mains avant de se mettre àtable ? A.sont lavés B. se sont lavés C. se sont lavé D. se sont lavées 16.J'ai beaucoup de disques ; mais vous en avez encore ______ que moi. A.autant B. mieux C. plus D. moins 17.Mes parants ont fêtéleurs soixante ans. _______ sont plus agé. A.Les siens B. Les siennes C. Les n?tres D. Le sien 18.–Cela mérite d'y aller, àcette exposition ? –Non, il n'y a rien _______ . A.intéressante B. d'intéressant C. intéressant D. d'intéressante 19.De nos tous, c'est elle qui danse ______ . A.le mieux B. mieux C. bien D. très bien 20.Elles étaient _______ heureuses àl'idée de partir. A.tout B. toute C. touts D. toutes


翻译硕士考研指导 2016外交学院英语翻硕考研-英汉翻译-如何选词有些词看起来很简单,翻译是一下子就会想到常用的对应词。但有时最常用的对应词却不能准确地表达原作的意思,这是因为一个词的具体含义往往要结合上下文才能确定,在翻译的时候也只有综合上下文来考虑怎样处理这个词,才能译得准确。那么在处理一个词的时候要注意哪些方面呢? 一、吃透原文 例1:各级干部要认真学习马列著作和毛主席著作,刻苦钻研业务,提高领导水平。(五届人大一次会议文件) Cadres at all levels should apply themselves to the study of works by Marx, Engels,Lenin and Stalin and by Chairman Mao,gain the professional proficiency required by their jobs,and improve their art of leadership. 我们一看到“水平”往往首先想到level.在大多数情况下,译作level是可以的。如“科学文化水平”,译作scientific and cultural level.但是在这里“领导水平”指的是领导能力、领导艺术,所以译作art of leadership. 例2:要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平…… We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army. 这里的“水平”指高度,故译作height,和动词搭配也比较顺。 例3:还要努力读一点历史和小说。 We should also find time to read some history books and novels. 这里“努力”一词理解为“挤出时间”是对的。如译作make an effort,则会让人误解为 我们的文化水平很低,读历史和小说很吃力。 二、免生歧义 例1:延安虽然还没有战争,但军队天天在前方打仗,后方也唤工作忙,文章太长了,有谁来看呢? Although there is as yet no fighting here in Yanan,our troops at the front


I.将括弧里的动词不定式改成适当的语式和时态,填入空格内(必要时,词序和拼写等应作相应变动): https://www.doczj.com/doc/c116688485.html, revue que je (emprunter) __j’ai empruntée____ lundi dernier est très intéressante. 2.Hier, le facteur m'a apportéun colis contenant des livres fran?ais que ma grand-mère me (envoyer) __ava?te envoyé___ 3.je (sortir) __sortira ____demain. 4.Ces machines (réparer)__sont étéréparées ____ par un jeune ouvrier il y a trois jours. 5.Samedi dernier, nous (faire) __avons fait ____ une excursion 6.Le mois prochain, les étudiants (aller) ___iront ____ travail- ler deux semaines à la campagne. 7.Avant la Libération, mon père ne (avoir) ____ava?t_____même pas de quoi manger. 8. hier je (aller) suis allévoir mon ami Jean à l’hopital. On me (dire) m’a dit que deux jours avant, il (avoir) avait eu un accident d’auto : avec sa voiture, il (accrocher) aviat accrochéun camion. Il a de nombreuses blessures. Quand je (entrer) suis entrédans sa chambre d’h?pital, je (ne pas le reccnna?tre) ne l’a reconnu pas d’abord, sous les p ansements, on (voir) juste un oeil et sa bouche. ------Eh bien ; mon ami, (dire) direz -moi, comment (aller) alles –tu ? ------pas trop mal, mais je (passer) suis passédeux mauvaises nuits et je (se sentir) me sens faible. ------On te (opérer) a opéré?d ------- Non, mais demain on me (couper) coupera peut-être trois doigts. A ce moment une infirmière (arriver) est arrivés , Elle m’a dite (dire) : ? ce(être) est assez pour aujourd’hui. Votre ami (être) est fatigué, vous (revenir) reviendra demain si vous voulez. ? II.用适当的介词填空:


2019外交学院英语系考研大纲及考试科目005英语系 英语系共有外国语言学及应用语言学(翻译理论与实践方向)、英语语言文学(美国研究方向)、翻译专业硕士(英语口译方向)三个专业,2019年同时招生。外国语言学及应用语言学、英语语言文学两个专业的考试科目和考试内容完全相同,均只测试考生的英语水平。外国语言学及应用语言学、英语语言文学两个专业的考试科目包括《基础英语》和《翻译》,满分均为150分。《基础英语》主要测试考生对基础英语的掌握程度。《翻译》含英译汉和汉译英两部分,英译汉内容主要涉及文学、政经及外交等;汉译英除有关上述内容外,另含古文片段。在有限的时间内,考生应将时间和精力放在提高英语水平上。定期收听英语新闻广播,阅读欣赏各种文体的英语文章,注意语言的细微之处、词语搭配、单复数、习惯用法等。英语水平的提高将直接关系到英译汉理解和汉译英表达的准确性。 关于第二外语考试,可以具体参见高等教育出版社出版的考研××(外语)教学大纲中规定的二外教学内容,含词汇、句型等方面的要求。翻译硕士专业学位的业务考试包括三门,分别是《翻译硕士英语》、《英语翻译基础》以及《汉语写作与百科知识》。《翻译硕士英语》重点考查考生的英语水平,总分100分,《英语翻译基础》重点考查考生的英汉互译专业技能和潜质,总分150分,《汉语写作和百科知识》重点考查考生的现代汉语写作水平和百科知识,总分150分。这三门专业考试的具体要求参见《全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试大纲》。获得复试资格的考生需要准备面试和笔试:外国语言学及应用语言学、英语语言文学两个专业的面试包括两部分。听力部分:考生听两遍一段5-6分钟的听力材料,准备回答主考的问题和自由会话。要求考生有很好的记忆能力,听两遍之后能够记住大概内容并回答问题。复试中口语表现很重要,语音纯正,语调标准、自然。交替传译部分:考生将进行英汉和汉英交传,材料只听一遍,可以做笔记。要求考试能够准确翻译所听材料。翻译硕士专业的面试形式为交替传译,分英译汉和汉译英两个部分。考生在翻译过程中可以做笔记。笔试为英语写作,考试时间为2小时,满分100分。需注意主题思想、政治内容、文章结构、逻辑、语言、文体等方面的问题。对于总分及单科分数均达到国家分数线要求的考生,我们将根据考生的总分择优确定复试名单。进入复试的考生经面试和笔试后,根据综合分数排名确定录取名单,复试科目有不及格者不予录取。我们将严格按照上级文件精神以及教育部和外交学院的具体规定,根据考生考试成绩公平录取。推免生问题:接受本校和外校的推免生,将本着优中择优的原则。推免生需参加笔试(基础英语和笔译)和面试(中英和英中交替传译),并参照推免生提供的经其所在大学教务部门核实的成绩单、证书等,综合确定是否录取。考生除笔试必须合格外,面试需表现出具备高级翻译的潜质和心理素质。 006外语系 一、法语语言文学专业 为适应新时期我国现代化建设对高层次应用性人才的需求,本专业目前实施两年制硕士研究生培养方案,按照教育部规定的文科应用类研究生培养方向,对法语文学学士(以及同等学力者)实施比大学本科高一层次的专业知识的培养和语言技能综合训练,为外交部、


2015年外交学院翻译硕士考研真题回 忆版 基础英语 1.20个单项选择。考词汇和语法,专八水平,比较基础,有一道很老的题,还有一道其他学校考过的,只是句子稍改了一下。 2.10个改错。给出一小篇文章,在10行画线句子中找错。比专八改错简单些。 3.6篇阅读。外院每年都是6篇阅读,前五篇是选择,题目难度不大,基本上都可以从原文中找到,但要细心。其中还有一篇是要在几个句子里,选出填到原文空缺处的考题。最后一篇有变化,去年是考的问答,今年是给文章的每一段选一个可以概括该段的句子,总共需要选出5个,但给出了10个选项,需要认真分析,仔细阅读。 4.作文。The function of a university(at least400words)前面给了几句不同人的看法,关于大学要不要提供和工作有关的课程。 翻译基础 1.QE、API、FTAAP、UNCCC、ISIS、escape velocity、零和关系、零碳和低碳技术、集体供暖体系、贸易代表团、非约束性原则、部长级会议……总共是30个,其余的想出来再补充吧。 2.英译汉从网上搜了一下,没有找到原文,大概讲的就是奥巴马支持民权运动,与其他政治领袖的不同、以及讲述了马丁路德金是怎么影响奥巴马

的。总共是9小段。 3.汉译英从网上找到了原文,543字。作者是美国加州圣玛利亚学院教授,首发刊载于9月4日发售的《中国新闻周刊》。 人们对不美好的、令人失望的事物可能抱三种态度:理想主义、现实主义和犬儒主义。有研究者发现,这三种人生态度会分别在青年、中年、老年时期特别有影响。 人在十几、二十来岁的年轻时期,往往倾向于理想主义,特别有正义感。一旦碰到不公不义、龌龊丑恶之事,便充满了愤怒,理想化地想要对它进行彻底的纠正。打倒孔家店,推翻封建礼教,消灭封、资、修,占领华尔街,都是年轻人在那里冲锋陷阵。 中年的务实理想主义者希望能尽自己的力量做一些有益的事情:公益活动、议论时事、参与民间团体的活动等等。他们很清楚自己所贡献的不过是绵薄之力,在有生之年也不可能期待实现多少实质性的变化。 中年的犬儒主义者则不同,他们会认为,这世界太丑恶,人心太坏,个人不可能改变这种状况,所以不值得为之付出努力。既然如此,还不如随波逐流,有机会的就大捞一把。 有这种机会的毕竟只是极少数当上官的,大多数的中年犬儒会愤世嫉俗、玩世不恭、得过且过、难得糊涂。碰到世道不平之事,他们只会冷漠地袖手旁观。为了平息自己的良心责备,他们甚至还会站在加害者的立场上去责怪受害者——倒霉一定有倒霉的理由,谁叫他们自己拎不清,不当心,自作自受,咎由自取。 老年是最容易落入犬儒主义的人生阶段,一个人年岁越长,人生阅历

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